Atthe Aug.5 jointmeeting forthe RussellvilleCitySchools BoardofEducationand the RussellvilleCity Council,membersof both groups approved acontract agreement toextend RCS’s managementofthecity Parksand Recreation Department. Theagreement allows RCStocontinue managementofthe department forthe next fiveyears.Perthe original agreement, thecitywillcontinue to maintainownership oftheproperties, paying forinsurance ontheproperties,the utilities andwillbe responsible formajor maintenance.RCSwill be responsible fordayto-daymaintenance, managementof fieldsandparksand employment.
RCSfirsttook over managementofthe Russellville Parksand RecreationDepartment fiveyears ago, which wasaway forthe citytoutilizeschool employeesandcoaches tohelpbreathelifeback
intothedepartment soitcould be aviable resource forthecity.
Atthe time, RCS administrators and RussellvilleMayor DavidGrissomagreed it wasa win-win situation forboth groups.
“Thecityand schools workedtogether as ateamto revitalize our Parksand Rec Department andhave accomplishedso manypositive things over thelast several years,”Grissomsaid. “It workedout well for allinvolvedandhas been averysuccessful initiative.”
Grissomsaidthe department’sstaffhas madeallthe difference inthesuccess of the partnershipandthe city’swillingnessto extendthecontract agreement.
“I wanttocommend Parksand RecDirector Donnie Flanaganforhis leadershipandthemany hoursheandhisteam have investedin making thisdepartmenttruly top notch,”Grissom said.“Hisdedication to excellence inboth maintenance and
managementhashelped bringinadditional revenuethroughthe tournaments we have hostednowthatwe have suchwonderfully maintained facilities.
Ihaveheardsomany positive thingsfrom community members andout-of-town guests aboutthe enjoyable experiencecomingto eventsin Russellville, andI’mthankful forhis hardworkandthehard work ofhisemployees.”
Whiletheemployees have played asignificant role,RCSstudents have alsocontributed greatlytothe improved conditionsof thefields and facilities.
“Whenthis agreement wasfirst made,anew class at RussellvilleHigh School wascreated in the RCS Careerand Technical EducationDepartment forTurf,GrassandField Management,”current RCSSuperintendent Dr.TimGuinnsaid.
“This classhas been verybeneficialtoour studentslooking to have acareer inthis fieldor whojust want tolearnmoreabout
grassmaintenance andmanagement.In turn,thesestudents areabletopracticethe skillstheylearnatthe parkand recfacilities andprovide necessary services.Ithas worked outwell foreveryone, andit’ssomething we’re gladto seecontinue.Any chance to educate our studentsinahands-on wayandhelp them gain necessaryexperience andknowledgeis something we want to bepartof.”
Grissom said seeingtheParks and Recreation Department flourishing over the lastfiveyearshashim excited forwhat’s to come.
“I’m glad we can work togetherwith theRCSboardand administra tion tomaintain this partnershipthathas worked very well for bothgroups,”Grissom said.“I look forward to several moreyears ofensuringour young people have access to thebest facilitiesand programs possible at the Park and Reclevel hereinRussellville.”
$1,000Alfa FoundationScholarship
ByStaff Reports
Franklin County Watermelon Festival returns soon
By MaríaCamp
TheFranklinCounty Watermelon Festival boasts non-stopmusical entertainment,watermelon contestsandmore, including thepresentation of the Watermelon Queen, artsandcrafts vendors,an antique carand truckshow, 5K andfun run, freewedges of juicy watermelon,youth performances,themed festival T-shirts for sale andmoreindowntown Russellville.
Russellville Fire Department celebrates 100 years with openhouse Saturday
By MaríaCamp
TheRussellville Fire Departmentis holding anopenhouse Aug. 10 2p.m. at Russellville Fire Station#1, locatedin downtown Russellville at 1100 SouthJackson Ave. Theevent includes refreshments,station and apparatustours,displays, children’sactivitiesand apresentation by Chief Mansell.Pointofcontact is DeputyChief Seal, 256324-0456.
Ivey awards morethan$3 million for weatherization assistance
Kaitlin Speck,of Russellville, Ala., wasrecentlyselectedas oneof100 recipientsofthe 2024-20255Alfa Foundation Scholarship Program.Speck,a freshmanatNorthwest Shoals Community College majoringin elementaryeducation, received $1,000tousetowardtuition, fees,booksorsupplies. Since 2014, theAlfa Foundationhas awarded $1,050,000tostudentsthrough itsscholarshipprogram, which isadministered by Kaleidoscope. This year’s recipientshailfrom 44countiesandwill attend29 institutions. “Weare proud to support this outstanding groupofstudents as they further theireducation withinthestate ofAlabama,” said AlfaInsurance® President JimmyParnell.“It’simportant to usasanorganizationtoinvest inour young people,and we arehappy todoso through the AlfaFoundation Scholarship Program.” Scholarships were awarded basedongradepointaverage, participationinschool and communityactivities, honors, work experienceandfuture goals.Toqualify, studentsmust beenrolled –orplanningto enroll –inafull-time accredited program at atwo-yearor fouryearcollege,university or vocational-technicalschool locatedinAlabama.
ByStaff Reports Gov.Kay Iveyhas awarded just over $3 million in grantstolower energycosts forlowincomeresidents, with aparticularfocuson helping the elderly,people withdisabilitiesand families with children. Thegrantssupport the Weatherization Assistance Program, which helpsresidents lowertheirbillsby making theirhomesmore energyefficient. The fundshavebeenawarded to13localagencies
HappyAnniversary!-TonyLandersandDorothyLanderscelebratedtheir40th wedding anniversaryAug. 1andwithfamilyandfriendson August 3attheCanteenwith asurpriseparty.Wehopeyouareblessedwithmanymoreyearstogether!
Entertainment Theopeningceremony willbeAug.16at6:30 p.m.Fridayperformances willincludeTremayneat 7p.m.andLOVER:An ErasTourExperienceat
WashingtonAve. Friday –8a.m.until Sundaymorning. -North JacksonAve. -From LawrenceSt.toCotaco St. andNorthWashington Ave. fromWestFranklin St.toWestLauderdaleSt. Saturday –6a.m.until afterthecarshow –South JacksonAve. -from LawrenceSt. to Marion St. The Russellville Police Department has issued aremindernottodrive
Continued frompageA1
around anybarriers/ conesthataremarking closed roadways.
Parking Thelotbehind State FarmatNorth WashingtonAve./West Franklin only opentoWatermelon Festival vendors.For questionsorassistance, theRussellvillePolice Departmentcanbe contactedontheirnonemergencyline, 256-3322230. throughoutthestatethat willacceptapplications forassistancefrompeople intheirregions.
andCommunityAffairs is administeringthe grantsfromfundsmade availablebytheU.S. Department of Healthand HumanServices.
“ADECA joinsGov. Iveyinsupportof this assistanceforAlabama’s mostvulnerable populations,”ADECA DirectorKennethBoswell said. “The partnerships wehave with communitybasedagenciesmakesit possibletodeliver this helptothosewhoneedit most.”
Announcedfunding allocations maynot be
Continued frompageA1
immediately availablefor applicationat thelocal level.Theapplication periodsareestablished locallybyeach community agency.
Ourlocalagency receivingfundingis: CommunityAction Agency of Northwest AlabamaInc.(Colbert, Franklin,Lauderdale) —$110,551.256-3833832.
Maggie Willingham
Ally Oliver
Aug. 24
Patricia Farr
Aug. 27
Spencer Peters
John James
Haley Watkins
Marty Taylor
JoRudi Trapp
Aug. 30
Tosha Swearingen
Ruby Harbin
Demaris Jones
Todd D. Martin
Todd D. Copeland
Jane Forman
Jeff Forsythe
TyHamilton TydeBoyd
Jeremy Wright
Haley KellerGilley
Maggie Pinkard
Hal Wood
Susie HovaterMalone
John T. Watkins
Sam Warf
Brian Cummings
AubreyE. Terry
F.J. Weatherford
FelstonRondellMoody “Dale” Aug.4,2024
Felston Rondell
Moody “Dale,”86, ofPhil Campbell,passedaway Aug. 4.Visitationwillbe heldAug. 8from10 12p.m. at SpryMemorial Chapel,with aservice directlyfollowing.
LarryWaideAycock July31,2024
July 17
•BoisPorterto Tyler RayJones,warranty
•JulianMartinez Joaquin to Alexis MartinezSanchez,power of attorney
•HeatherB.Clark to Daniel NathanDavidson, survivorship
WhyKnotShow‘Em Off willhave acar show Aug.10 from 2-6 Sloss Lake inRussellville.Cars,trucks, bikesand ratrods are all welcome. Registration is$25.Therewillbecash prizes,doorprizes anda 50/50drawing.Call256-6682585for more information.
Saturday beginswith the car showand 5K/fun run at 7a.m. followedby festivitiesallday. Main stage musicampsupat6 p.m. with Rewind,followed byAustinBohannonat7 p.m.and ColinStough at 8:30p.m.Formore informationvisithttps:// franklincountychamber. org/f estivals-2/ watermelon-festival.
Why KnotBring Your Rodsand Reels Aug.24
in FranklinMemory Gardens.Akins Funeral Homeof Russellville assisted.
DorothyAnnWells July27,2024
DorothyAnnWells, 90, ofDecatur (formerly of Russellville), passed awayJuly 27.Visitation was heldAug. 1from11 a.m. to12p.m. at Spry MemorialChapelwitha servicedirectlyfollowing. Burialwas in Williams Cemetery.
Lopez, warranty
•CalebAndrew Jones to Thomas RayBrewer, survivorship
NickVandiver, corrective
WilliamEmile Feuillard, survivorship
•Eleanor Rebecca Haley to Kevin Richardson, warranty
•JoelClydeScott to BrendaJoyceScott, executor’s
•JorgeLuisSaucedo Solizto Varitza BaltazarTomas
•Eloina Tellez Jimenez to Felipedela Sanc Torres
Sharman to Nikkie Nichole Melson
•MarshallLeeHester to Angela AnnFranks
•Jonathan Rodriguez to Lidia VeronicaLop Tomas
•Miguel Francisco-
•RebeccaLeigh Smith to Mitchell RaySmith
Al-Anonmeetsevery Thursdayat 6p.m. at the First Baptist Church in downtown Russellville acrossfrom the Roxy Theatre.
RussellvilleFire Departmentwillcelebrate 100years of servicewith an openhouseeventAug. 10 from 10 firestation1. There willbe refreshments,stationand apparatustours,displays, children’s activities anda presentationforChiefJoe Mansell.
SprucePineTrade Days Aug. 10&24
SprucePine Trade Day events will be heldtwice amonth,hostedbySiSu Homesteadat 526McNatt Road, SprucePine. Events willbeheld Aug. 10,Aug. 24,Sept.14,Sept.28,Oct.12, Oct.26 andNov. 9,from11 4p.m., withvendor set-up at 10:30 a.m. Vendors mustregisterfor$15bythe
Watermelon Festival Aug.16-17
TheFranklinCounty WatermelonFestival boasts non-stopmusical entertainment, watermelon contestsandmore,like thepresentation of the WatermelonQueen, arts and craftsvendors,an antiquecar and truckshow, 5K andfunrun, freewedges ofjuicywatermelon,youth performances,themed festivalT-shirtsforsale andmorein downtown Russellville.Opening ceremonywillbe Aug. 16 at 6:30p.m.Friday performances will include Tremayneat 7p.m.and LOVER: An ErasTour Experienceat8:30p.m.
WhyKnot Bring Your Rods and Reelscarshow and fishingevent will be held Aug.24from2-6 p.m. onthe eastside of Sloss Lake inRussellville. Car show registrationis $25. Cars, trucks,bikesand rat rods arewelcome. Viewing the show is free. Thosewho wanttofishshouldbring their rodand reelaswell asfishinglicenses.Door prizesand trophieswillbe awarded.
Book Signing Aug.31
Russellville Public Librarywillhost abook signingwith MarkWhite, author of“Rylee’sBig Challenge.” Thesigning willbeAug.31from10a.m. to 1p.m.
AmericanLegion AmericanLegion Post64 regularlymeetsthe second Thursdayofeverymonth at theNorth Highlands ChurchofChrist fellowship hall,withthemealat6:30 p.m.andthemeetingat7 p.m.
Alzheimer’s Support TheAlzheimer’s Support meeting isheld at 10 a.m.on thethird Tuesdayofevery monthatGenerationsofRed Bay. For moreinformation call 256-356-4982.
Foodand Clothing Outreach
Every Monday from 10 a.m. to noon, Good Shepherd Catholic Outreachhasanoutreach programtohelp thosein needoffood,clothingand partialbill assistance. Visit Good Shepherd Catholic Church, 1700 N.Jackson Ave., Russellville,at that timeto seek anyassistance needed.
“Toooftenwe underestimatethe poweroftouch, asmile,a kindword,alisteningear,an honest compliment,orthe smallestactofcaring,all of whichhavethepotential to turnlifearound.”
—MartinLuther King, Jr. Americanreligious leaderandcivilrights activist, King, fundamentaltoachieving anendtolegal segregationintheSouthandotherpartsofthe country,ledthecivilrightsmovementinthe United Statesfromthemid1950s untilhe wasassassinated in1968.
If you interact witha youngperson, whether they areamemberof your church,thecashierata local business ormaybe yourneighboracrossthe street, be suretoshare apositiveword or some encouragement as they dustofftheirbackpacks, sharpentheir pencilsand choose thosefirst-day outfits. Thisnext week
or so –and,really,all yearlong–askthemhow school is going,and take thetimeto listen.
Ourhard-working teachers, administrators andother school staffalsodeserve aword of encouragementthis timeof year.Principals, teachers,specialists, lunchroom workers, busdrivers,custodians, counselors,coachesand moreare workingto get toknowhundredsofnew facesanddevelop asafe andwelcomingenvironment forthestudents intheircare.Whenthe opportunity arises,we hopeyouwilljoinus in thankingthem forwhat they doandinencourag-
ingthem along the way. Local schoolactivities constitute asignificant portion ofourcoverage here at theFranklin CountyTimes. From academic achievers to star athletes, from club projectsto innovative classroom assignments, we’ll be keeping acloseeye on everything going on in ourschoolsacross the county,andwe’lldoour best tokeep you in the know.We’reexcited to highlight alltheamazing studentsand teachersin ourtwolocal systems. Evenif you’renota school employee, astudent or aparent of astudent, thereturn to school can stillbeanimportant
timeforyou!Bemarking yourcalendarfor Friday night footballandmaking planstosupportstudentsinfine arts shows, science displays,characterexhibits andmore.Be sure tokeep an eyeout for school buseswhen you’re on theroadand observealllaws regardingsharing theroadway withthem.Think about waysyou canvolunteer, donateor in anyother way support thework ourschoolsaredoing.
Everyfouryears,the SummerOlympicsbring theworld to our television sets.Itcomesatus in three prongs -landmarks, cultureandcompetition.Add afourthprong-politics, whichcanintertwine with all three.
Thisyear’sSummer Olympics arebeingheld inParis, whoseculturehas alwaysbeen alittle more permissiveand risquéthan ours. However,evenfor Paris, theircreativedirector seemedtocrossthe line with what seemed likea mockeryofItalianpainter Leonardoda Vinci’s depictionof“TheLastSupperof Christ.”It was asceneone wouldhaveeasilymissed if watchingthe four-hour longOpeningCeremonies inrealtime. However, when socialmediacaptured the image,itspread like wildfireacross the virtualglobe.
Thenpoliticsspilled overintothecompetition -women’sboxing, in particular.Twoboxers who weredeemedmaleby theInternationalBoxing Commissionwereallowed tocompete inwomen’s boxingcompetitions,dominatingthe femaleboxers and depriving them offaircompetitionformedals.
Inthemidstofallof the controversy, thousandsof thebestathletesfromall
over the world(exceptfor Russia and Belarus, who werebannedover thewar in Ukraine -morepolitics) met inParis tocompetein dozensofsports,ranging from the familiar,includingbasketball,volleyball, trackandfield, swimming andgymnasticstothe morenicheandobscure like handball,waterpolo, archery,skateboarding, tabletennisand synchronizeddiving.
Ifonecouldget past the politicsoftheglobal spectacle,onewould seesomeof thegreatestcompetitors in theworldcompetefor their countries.Whocouldn’t pullforTeam USA?Who couldn’t loveseeing Simone Biles and Sunisa Leeovercomemajormedical setbacks in competitive gymnastics to landon the same medal stand. OrKatie Ledeckybecoming themost decoratedwomen’s swimmer in Olympichistory. OrNoahLyles razor thin goldmedal sprintinthe 100-meterdash.Or Scottie Scheffler, the greatestgolferintheworld,breaking downintearsasthe United StatesNationalAnthem playsinrecognitionofhis goldmedalingolf.
Everyyoungcompetitive athlete shouldwatch the Olympicsfrombeginning to end.Itistheculmination ofyearsofhardwork, dedicationand sacrifice. Thedifficultyofmaking Team USAishard to put intowords, nottomention makingitontothemedal standattheOlympics.
Takeswimmingfor instance. Around1,000 of thebestswimmersinthe UnitedStatescompetedat
theOlympicqualifyingtrials inIndianapolis afew weeks beforetheOlympics. Only46made Team USA. That is 4.3percent. That is justTeam USA! Thatis somethingto celebrate, despitethe politics and insaneviews ofaninfinitesimalfew.
In just afewmore days, Paris willliterallypassthe torchtoLosAngelesviaa pre-filmed, stunt-filledproductionof Tom Cruise (at least,that is therumor). Youngboys andgirls sitting athomewatching these Olympics willdream of competingin 2028 in L.A. Afew willmake it.Most willnot.Whatisimportant, though, is thedream. The dreamtoaspiretobegreat at something.The dream torepresent your country. The dreamto standon the highest pointofthatmedal standand hear the National Anthem playbecauseof youraccomplishment. How doesoneachieve thatdream? Hardwork, single-mindedfocus,dedication,sacrifice, talent, and,yes, alittleluck. Here’s to the Olympics!See you againinfouryears!
We asked some Franklin Countianswhattheir favorite Summer Olympic sportwas andwhy. Here aresome of the responses: Belgreen football coachJonathan Raper: “My favoritesummer Olympicsportis baseball. However, thisyearthey have dropped it,soIguess Iwon’tget to enjoyitagain until 2028when itreturns.” Phil Campbellfootball coachJacobHamilton: “I lovethetrackandfield
events. Especiallythe short distance sprints.Watching thefastest people in the world competeagainsteach otheris amazing towatch. When you understand the average times of these events,itismind-blowing how fastthesepeopleare!” Vinafootball coach CodyRenfrow: “My favorite summer Olympic sport would have tobethe swimmingevents.They are alwaysprettyentertaining.”
FranklinCounty Superintendentof EducationGreg Hamilton: “I likebasketball. My favoriteteam wastheoriginal Dream Team thatfeatured Larry Bird,Magic Johnson and MichaelJordan.There are also sportseverynight for twoweeks!”
Russellville City SchoolsSuperintendent Dr.TimGuinn: “I like the swimmingevents.It isso difficult, requiring extreme endurance. One ofmyfavorite Olympians wasswimmerMark Spitz.”(Spitzwas aninetimeOlympianwhowon seven goldmedalsatthe 1972 Olympics inMunich, Germany,each in worldrecord time.) Belgreen girlsbasketball coachChadGreen: “Iprefereither swimming or the100-meter race. Michael Phelpsismy favoriteOlympian.Hemaybe themostdominant swimmerofall time. Ilove seeing the competitionagainst nations fromaround the world. Itgivesunknown athletes achance to showcase theirtalentGod has given them.”
Mayor BrianScott
Councilman TimGintz TownClerk
Councilman TimAtkinson
Councilwoman MandyBryant
“Search for the LORD and for His strength; “SearchfortheLORDand forHis continually seek Him.” seekHim.”
Thisyear, theyouth group gottospendsome timeonthe lake as well. BecauseEarle Trentis onthewater,thecamp hasaccessto aboatramp. Eddy Garner,theinterim pastorofTharptown Baptist,broughthis boatforthestudentsto enjoy.ThankstoGarner, laketimewasoneof the highlightsof this year’strip.Inadditionto swimming, the students gotto go tubing aswell.
TravisFlannagin has beentheTharptown Baptistyouthpastorfor fiveyears.Flannagin expressedhow much the camphasgrownto meantohim andhiswife SamanthaFlannagin. Sheteacheshistory at TharptownHighSchool. The two havebeen married sinceFebruary of2023 andshare alove forchildrenandministry.
“Ihave alwayshada specialcallingforkids,” TravisFlannagin said. “Thiscamp is atime forourkidstohave the
TheFlannagins announcedtotheir studentsthattheyare expectingto grow their youth group with achild oftheir own.“Thatbaby willbesoloved by allof us,”Kielsaid. “I know thisbaby, Travisand Samanthahavebeen prayed over forsolong, and thisis the biggest blessing!”
Formoreinformation aboutscheduling an eventat EarleTrent Assembly,contactDavid Quimbyat256-762-4147 or atearletrent.assembly@ Assemblyislocatedat 1245SpringCoveRoadin Florence,Ala.
TheRussellville High Schoolvolleyballprogram hostedtheannualPlayers vs.CoacheseventAug.5. CurrentGolden
Tigerstook thecourt for ascrimmagetostart the eveningoffun and fundraisinginfrontofa crowdofsupporters.Next wasthehighlyanticipated Players vs.Coaches matches.Russellville
coachesrepresenting various sports on campus, teachers,parentsand formerplayerstookpart inthe volleyballaction facingoffagainstthe Golden Tigers. “Playersvs.Coaches
makesourathletesworka littleharderbecausethey getcompetitivewithin it,”Russellville head coach Madison Lamon said.“This alsogave us anopportunitytogetthe communitytocomeout
andgetinvolved. Itgives theman ideaof what it will looklikewhen the season comes.”
The2024 regular season isfast approaching with thefirst RHSvarsity matches scheduled for
Aug. 22 at Hamilton against the Aggiesand CurryHighSchool. The home-opener forvarsity willbeAug.26when ColbertHeightsand Deshlerwillvisit the GoldenTigers.
B2• Franklin CountyTimes • August7,2024
TheRussellville High Schoolfootballbooster clubhosteda golf tournamentfundraiserat TwinPinesCountryClub August2.
Golfersinteamsof fourplayerseachhad
thechancetoshowtheir skillsonthecoursewhile supportingthe football program.“Golfis afun waytogeteverybody involved,”Russellville headfootballcoach DustinGoodwinsaid.“We hadcoachesplaying,we hadplayersplayingand then wehadmembers of thecommunityplaying.I always thinkit’s agreat event.” Goodwinsharedthat inthefuture,thefootball boosters willmostlikely have theeventduring thespringtimeinstead of summertime.“Wehada good turnout, andwe’ll looktocontinuetogrow
itas wedoitannually.” Takingfirstplace in thetournamentwasthe teamof RandyCooper, Doug Clement,PatSeal andGerry Hanan.Second place finisherswereWill Lane,IkeAlexander, Blake LoganandTyler Childers.Thirdplacewent totheteam consistingof KellyBragwell,Trenton Mathews, JaredWardand GeneMatthews.Harlan Hutcheson won the closesttothe pincontest. “For thistobe our firstyear,wefeel thatit went reallywell,” said Russellville football booster club president JonathanWillis. “There was agoodturnout,andwe appreciateall the support we had. Ithink it helped build someexcitement for theprogramalsoaswe getclose tothe season.” Willissaid aspring tournament is being considered,adding they believe it willdraw alot of interest aswell.
LEFT: Firstplaceteam-RandyCooper(pictured), DougClement,PatSeal,GerryHanan. RIGHT: Closestto the pin winner-HarlanHutcheson
completetheirsummer trainingas fallpractice issettobegin inpreparation forthe first game of theseason Aug. 23 at home versusDeshler High School. “It’s justgood forteam morale,” Russellvillehead
coachDustinGoodwin said.“It’sgood todivide guys up andeverybody’s competing againstone another andeverybody’s rootingfor somebody. It’s highenergy, we fed them againandyoulook at itas team buildingand bond-
ing. You’restill working, butitgetsyou away from football alittlebit.Itwent reallywell, and Ithink the kids enjoyedit, and Iknowthecoaches did. They were competingand arguingasmuchasthe kids,ifnot worse.”
Goodwin said the event is something that also tookplace years ago whenhe wasatRHSas anassistant,andithas always been apartofthe summerscheduleateach of theplacesin whichhe hasbeentheheadcoach.
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Real Estate
Estate Sales
EstateSale 442 LongshoreDr. Florence,AL35630
Fri.,Aug. 9th, 9am-3pm Sat.,Aug. 10th,,9am-2pm Numbersgiven out at8:30am Friday &Saturday Sun.,Aug. 11th,1am-3pm AntiqueTapestry, Flicks Reed Co.mid-centurybamboo furniture,Drexelmahoganydining set, Sterling Flatware,Morgan and PeaceSilver Dollars, Coin collection, Martin Cast Iron Skillet,Wrought Iron Patio Furniture, Pac-ManArcade Game,Jewelry, Oriental Wool Rug, Gustav BeckerClock, FrenchStyle Wardrobe,Antique Sideboard&Tables,Lawyer Bookcase and RollTopDesk, OilPaintings,MUCH MORE!! GarageFull Cypress CreekAntiques &EstateSales 256-275-0273 Go to to view pictures Garage &YardSales
FLORENCE MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALE,209 Birch Run, Oak Hills Sub.,Fri.& Sat, 7am-until? Lotofniceteen clothes,justin time forschool.Toomuchtolist! KILLENINSIDE ESTATESALE
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Franklin CountyWater Service Authority, locatedinRussellville, Alabamaisrequesting responses fromqualifiedbiddersfor theacquisitionof anew 7600-gallonfiberglassCalcite filter throughAugust16,2024, at4:00pm.Ifinterestedinplacing abid,pleasecontactSteve Swinneyat: 256-460-2721.
ADID 608249
ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS Sealedproposalswill be receivedby theFranklin County Schoolsintheboardroomof theBoardofEducationOffices, 500 CoffeeAvenue NE,Russellville,Alabama,until 2:00p.m. localprevailingtime,Tuesday, August27,2024 forBaseball FieldRenovations forVinaHigh School,Vina,AlabamainaccordancewithDrawingsand Specificationsdated July 15,2024, preparedbyLambertEzell DurhamArchitecture,LLC,Florence,Alabama,and thenat said office publicly openedand readaloud.
AMandatoryPre-Bid Conferencewill beheldatVinaHigh School,8250 Highway23, Vina, Alabama,at10:00a.m. local prevailingtime,Thursday,Au-
gust22,2024 to receiveques-
tions from interestedparties. Attendanceismandatoryforall bidding General Contractors. Anyrequiredanswers or responses will be issuedbyAddendum.
Acertified checkorbid bond payabletoFranklin County Schoolsinanamountnot less than five(5)percentof the amountof theBid, but in no event more than$10,000, must accompany thebidder’s proposal.Performanceand Payment Bondsandevidenceof insurancerequiredinthebid documentswill be requiredat thesigning of theContract. Electronicimagesof thedocumentsmaybe viewedonline andprintedby General Contractors, Subcontractors, and Suppliers byobtainingdocuments through theArchitect’swebsite, www.ledarchitecture.comby to obtainlog-in information andpassword. Provide companyname,address, telephone number,email addressand GC licensenumber in theemail request. Printed Drawings and Specifications are available from theArchitectfor $2.50perprint and$.15per pageof Specifications.
Bids must be submittedonproposal formsfurnishedby theArchitectorcopies thereof.All biddersbiddingin amountsexceeding thatestablishedby the StateLicensingBoardfor General Contractorsmustbelicensedunder theprovisionsof Title34, Chapter8, CodeofAlabama,1975,and mustshowevidenceoflicensebeforebidding orbidwill notbe receivedor consideredby theArchitect;the bidder shallshow such evidencebyclearly displaying his orher current licensenumber on theoutsideof thesealedenvelopein whichtheproposal is delivered.TheOwner reserves theright to rejectanyorallproposalsand to waivetechnical errors if,inthe Owner’s judgment,thebestinterests of the Owner will therebybepromoted.
Franklin CountySchools GregoryGene Hamilton, Superintendent
08/07/24,08/14/24,08/21/24 ADID 608255
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CARDONA-AGUILARSILVIA, Plaintiff v. CASENO. DR-2024-900081.00
Victor Manuel Bolanos,whose whereaboutsare unknown, must answerSilvia CardonaAguilar Complaintfor Divorce andother relief by September 5th,2024,or thereaftera judgmentbydefaultmaybe renderedagainsther in Case No. 33-DR-2024-900081.00, Circuit CourtofFranklin County,Alabama. Shemay mail her written Answer to John Martine,AttorneyatLaw,178 Colony Street, Winfield,Alabama35594,or, telephone 205-487-7022.
Victor Manuel Bolanos,cuyo paraderosedesconoce,debe responder alaDemandade Divorcio yotras medidasde Silvia Cardona-Aguilar antesdel 5de septiembrede2024, oapartir deentonces se puededictar una sentencia en rebeldíaensu contra enel Caso No.33-DR2024-900081.00,Tribunal de Circuito del Condadode Franklin,Alabama. Puedeenviar surespuesta porescritoa Get resultsfast with the TNValleyStuff Classifieds.
John Martine,AttorneyatLaw, 178 Colony Street,Winfield,Alabama35594, oenviar un correoelectrónico, teléfono205-487-7022.
08/07/24,08/14/24,08/21/24, 08/28/24
ADID 608551
Alotorparcelofland in theCity of Russellville,Alabama, more particularly describedas follows: Forpointofbeginning commenceontheeastboundaryofthe right-of-wayofSouthernRailway Company,ata point wherethe southline of Cotaco Streetextended crossesthe same and runsoutherly along said right-of-way72feetand from this as abeginningpoint runeasterly, parallel to said CotacoStreetextended200 feet more or less, tothepropertyformerlyownedby J.H. Walston and knownashis homeplace andnowownedbyT.A. Vandiverand OraVandiver, thence runinasoutherly direction alonghisproperty line to Limestone Street,orLimestone Streetextended; thencewesterly along thenorth sideof Limestone Street totheright-ofwayofthe SouthernRailroad Company,thencenortherly along thesaidrailroad right-ofwaytothebeginningpoint, being what is knownanddesignatedasLotnumbered23, in theDesprezAddition No.2,east of theRailroad totheCityof Russellville,Alabama, lessand except thenorth 72 feet to said Lotbeing thesameproperty conveyedbyLeigh W. Gaines, etalstoBryce H. Wilsonby deeddatedAugust20,1928, andappearing of record in Deed Book No.52,at Page455 in the office of theJudgeof Probateof said County, together withthe appurtenancesandhereditaments, on whichparcelofland is situated thedwelling house knownasthe Walter S. Wilson homeplace, situated, lying and being in theCountyofFranklin and StateofAlabama.ANDALL OTHERPERSONSCLAIMING ANYPRESENT, FUTURE, CONTINGENT,REMAINDER, REVERSION,OROTHER INTERESTIN SAIDLANDS.
NOTICE OFACTION FRANKLIN COUNTYCITIZENS BANDCLUB, INC.,Alot or parcelofland in theCityofRussellville,Alabama, more particularly describedasfollows: For pointofbeginning commence on theeastboundaryofthe right-of-wayofSouthernRailwayCompany,ata point where thesouthline of Cotaco Street extended crossesthe same and runsoutherly along said right-ofway72feetand from this asa beginningpoint runeasterly, parallel to said CotacoStreet extended200 feet more or less, tothepropertyformerly owned by J.H. Walstonand knownas hishomeplaceandnowowned byT.A. Vandiverand OraVandiver, thencerun in asoutherly direction alonghisproperty line to Limestone Street,orLimestone Streetextended; thence westerly along thenorth sideof Limestone Street totheright-ofwayofthe SouthernRailroad Company,thencenortherly along thesaidrailroad right-ofwaytothebeginningpoint, being what is knownanddesignatedasLotnumbered23, in theDesprezAddition No.2,east of theRailroad totheCityof Russellville,Alabama, lessand except thenorth 72 feet to said Lotbeing thesameproperty conveyedbyLeigh W. Gaines, etalstoBryce H. Wilsonby deeddatedAugust20,1928, andappearing of record
07/31/24,08/07/24,08/14/24, 08/21/24
ADID 607448
In accordancewithChapter1, Title39, CodeofAlabama, 1975,noticeisherebygiven that WilliamsElectric &Line Construction Inchas completed thecontractfor construction for Football FieldLighting Projectat Belgreen High School, Franklin Co,Alabama. Ownershave made requestfor final settlement of said contract.All personhaving any claim forlabor, materials,orotherwise in connection withthis projectshould immediatelynotifyMcKee&Associates,631 S. Hull St Montgomery,AL36104. WilliamsElectric &Line Construction Inc, locatedat706 Hwy 43s,Tuscumbia,AL35674.
07/31/24,08/07/24,08/14/24, 08/21/24 ADID 607238
Defaulthaving been made in theterms of that certain mortgageexecutedon the4th dayof April, 2007,by William Rodney Calhoun, Jr.infavorof Valley StateBank,whichsaid mortgage is recorded in theOfficeof theJudgeof ProbateofFranklin County,Alabama, in Mortgage Book 681, Page18,anddefault continuing, andby virtueof the powerof sale contained in said mortgage, Valley StateBank will sell atpublicoutcry tothehighestbidder forcashinfrontof the frontdoorsofthe Franklin CountyCourthouse, Russellville,Alabamaduring thelegal hoursofsaleon the4th dayof September,2024, thefollowing described realestate situated in Franklin County,Alabama, towit:
Tract I:Atract of land lying andbeing in theSouthwest¼ of theNortheast ¼ofSection 6Township6 South, Range 12 West,Franklin County,Alabama,andbeingmorefully describedasfollows:Beginning at a2inchboltfound, thelocally acceptedNorthwest corner of theSouthwest ¼ofthe Northeast ¼ofsaid section6;thencerun alonga fenceEast for1237.35 feet to a1 ½inchpry barfound: thencecontinue along afence South35degrees58 minutes 34 seconds East for323.47 feet to arailroadspikeset in thecenterofCountyRoad49; thencerunalong saidroad South47degrees54 minutes 54 seconds West for347.21 feet to arailroadspikeset: thence leaving saidroadrun North42degrees05 minutes 06 seconds West for288.04 feet to an ironpinset;thence runNorth 89 degrees47 minutes35seconds West for 463.95 feet to an ironpinset; thencerunSouth00degrees 12 minutes25seconds West for388.11 feet to an ironpin set;thencerun along afence North39degrees47 minutes 35 seconds West for512.33 feet to arockpile found; thencerunNorth 00 degrees 05 minutes21seconds East for665.29 feet tothepointof beginning. Subject tothe rightof wayofCountyRoad 49 along theEastside thereof.
Tract2:Atract of land lying andbeing in theSouthwest¼ of theNortheast ¼ofSection 6, Township6 South, Range 12 West,Franklin County,Alabama,andbeingmorefully describedasfollows:Comf
¼ofthe Northeast ¼ofsaid Section6;thencerun alonga fenceSouth00degrees05 minutes21seconds West for 665.29 feet to arockpile found; thencerunalonga fenceSouth89degrees47 minutes35seconds East for 512.33 feet to an ironpinset, thepointofbeginningof hereindescribedtract;thence runNorth 00 degrees12 minutes25seconds East for 388.11 feet to an ironpinset; thencerunSouth89degrees 47 minutes35seconds East for463.95 feet to an ironpin set;thencerun South42degrees05 minutes06seconds East for288.04 feet to railroad spikeset in thecenterof CountyRoad49; thencerun along saidroadSouth47degrees54 minutes54seconds West for260.13 feet to arailroadspikeset;thencerun North89degrees47 minutes 35seconds Westalonga fencefor 465.35 feet tothe pointofbeginning. Subject to therightof wayofCounty Road49along theEastside thereof.
Alabamalawgives some persons whohaveaninterestin propertytheright to
property under
stances.Programsmayalso existthathelppersonsavoidor delay theForeclosureprocess. An attorney shouldbe consulted to help youunderstand these rightsandprogramsasa partof theForeclosureprocess. Theaforementioned property will be sold subjecttoanyexisting Federaland Statetax liens andprior mortgages,ifany,and anyandallexistingad valorem taxes.Said saleis made forthe purposeofpaying themortgage debtand costsofforeclosure and will be conductedby ROGERS,BOWLING& MCREYNOLDS, P.C.,Attorneys, P. O. Box669, Russellville,Alabama. ROGERS,BOWLING& MCREYNOLDS, P.C. ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Attorneys forValleyState Bank
THIS NOTICE ISTO RUN3 WEEKS –August7,2024;August14,2024andAugust21, 2024 ADID 608560 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE
Defaulthaving been made in thepaymentof theindebtednesssecuredby that certain mortgageexecutedby Minnie Jean Bean,anunmarried widow,onMay26,2009, to Citifinancial Corporation, LLC, whichmortgage is recorded in Book665 Page142, in theOffice of theJudgeof Probateof Franklin County,Alabama,and said mortgage wasassigned to Kirkland Financial, LLC,withthe assignmentof said mortgage being recorded in Book845 Page32 in theOfficeofthe Judgeof ProbateofFranklin County,Alabama, theundersigned,as MortgageeorTransferee,underandby virtueof the powerof sale contained in the said mortgage will sell atpublic outcry tothehighestbidder for cash in frontof themainentranceofthe Franklin County CourthouseinRussellville,Alabama,on August23,2024, during thelegalhoursofsale thefollowing realestate situated C
PropertyAddress: 520 Filmore, Russellville,AL35653 Together withthehereditaments andappurtenances thereunto belonging. Said property will be sold onan “ASIS, WHEREIS” basis subjecttothe rightof way easementsand restrictionsof recordinthe ProbateOfficeof Franklin County,Alabama,and will be subjecttoexistingspecialassessments, if any,which mightadversely affect thetitle to thesubjectproperty.Thissaleis made forthepurposeofpaying theindebtednesssecuredby said mortgage,as well as the expensesof foreclosure. Alabamalawgivessomepersons whohaveaninterestin propertytheright to redeem the property under certain circumstances.Programsmayalso existthathelppersonsavoidor delay theforeclosureprocess. An attorney shouldbeconsulted to helpyouunderstand these rightsandprogramsasa partof f
theforeclosureprocess. This Mortgage Foreclosuresale will beheldonAugust23,2024 at theFranklin CountyCourthouseinRussellville,Alabama. Kirkland Financial, LLC MortgageeorTransferee
This Instrument Prepared By: Burt W. Newsome P.O. Box382753 Birmingham,AL35238
Attorney forMortgageeor Transferee
Runad:7/31,8/7& 8/14/24 ADID 606836
LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to LARRYWAYNE SANDERS,as ExecutoroftheLastWill &Testament,of,DEWEYGARY SANDERS,deceased,on the f
29thdayof July 2024,by Hon-
orableBarry Moore, Judgeof ProbateCourtofFranklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiventhatallpersons having claims againstsaidestate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithintime allowedby laworthe same will bebarred. 07/31/24,08/07/24,08/14/24 ADID 607451
ESTATEOFDONALDL.KING, DECEASED Case#24-0047 PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to MARGARETKING,asExecutrix of theLastWill &Testament,of, DONALDL. KING,deceased, on the17thdayof May2024,by HonorableBarry Moore, Judge of ProbateCourtofFranklin C
County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatallpersons havingclaimsagainstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesamewithin time allowed by law or thesamewill be barred. 07/24/24,07/31/24,08/07/24 ADID 606398
PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA Letters ofAdministration of said deceasedhaving beengranted to REQUINAGEORGE, asAdministratrix,ofthe Estateof HENDERSON (DAVID)WIGGINTON,deceased,on the18th dayof July,2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof Probate C f C
CourtofFranklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
07/24/24,07/31/24,08/07/24 ADID 606394
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PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to DONTARWATER, as Executor of theLastWill &Testament,of, THOMASARTHUR WILLIAMS, deceased,on the30thdayof July 2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof ProbateCourt of Franklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatall personshaving claimsagainst said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin time allowedby law or thesamewill bebarred.
08/07/24,08/14/24,08/21/24 ADID 607911 PUBLIC NOTICE
ESTATEOFVERNIECUMMINGS, DECEASED Case#24-0063 PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to PATRICIAANN SMITHAND CHARLOTTE VARNELL SMALLWOOD,asCo- Personal Representativesof theLastWill &Testament,ofVERNIECUMMINGS, deceased,on the16th dayof July 2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof Probate CourtofFranklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
07/24/24,07/31/24,08/07/24 ADID 605818 •••RECYCLE ••• PUBLIC NOTICE
ESTATEOFWILLIAM GRADY PHARR,DECEASED Case#24-0054 PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to MELISSAPOPE, as Executrix of theLastWill &Testament,of, WILLIAM GRADYPHARR, deceased,on the22nddayof July 2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof ProbateCourt of Franklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatall personshaving claimsagainst said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin time allowedby law or thesamewill bebarred.
07/24/24,07/31/24,08/07/24 ADID 606657 Request to VacateUnnamed Right-Of-Way
Eddie Hicks has come before theFranklin CountyCommission requesting thevacation of theright of waydescribedas follows: Beginata pointnear theaddressat21441AL-HWY24W Russellville,AL35653 in Section 32, Township6 South, Range 12 West (Latitude: 34.4920° Longitude:87.8150°);thence north and easterlyalong thecenterline of saidROW traversing through Sections 33and29 forapproximately7,375 feet tothepointof ending, at Section 28, Township6 South, Range 12 West (Latitude: 34.5048° Longitude:87.8094°).
Apublichearing will beheldat theCommission Office located at theElizabethLucasAnnex 405 JacksonAvenue North, Russellville,AL35653onAugust19at8:00AMfor thepurposeofreceiving public commenton thevacation of the abovedescribed rightof way. Franklin CountyTimes:July24, 31andAugust7 and14th ADID 605816
CoachSherrieKirby saidthatinlife,it’s importantto“always have aPlanA,PlanB and,sometimes, aPlanC. Kirbysaidinthecaseof theBelgreenHighSchool varsitycheerleaders, Plan Cturnedouttobe thebestplantoprepare themtobeSpiritLeaders astheycheerforthefirst timeontheirnewfootballfield.
to customizetheircamp fortheirspecific needs whilealsolearningnew material.
“Thecheerleaders were disappointed at firstatnotbeingableto attend aUCACheercamp somewherebecausethey thought they wouldmiss outon the“fun”stuff, likeSpiritNight,bondingwithother teamsand thecompetitions,”Kirby continued.“However,I promisedthem Iwould makethishomecampas special aspossible.We hadourown Spirit Night, webonded togetherasa
teamandwecompeted againsteachother.”
The BHSVarsity Cheerleaderscame awaywiththefollowingawards: TeamAward: Superior Trophy
AllAmerican: KirbySchucker, Victoria Sykes,Lidseidy Donagustin,Madison Spears, Madison McKee, Halli Groce,Hannah McCalpin.
DancingDiva: Victoria Sykes
Bestfacials: Halli
Social butterfly: Hannah McCalpin
Hardest worker: Addison Waid
MissSunshine: Lidseidy Donagustin
Fearless: Kailee Moore
BestMotions: Madison McKee
BaseBomb: Madison Spears
JumpOff Winner: Kirby Schucker
Kirby said at theend of the camp,allof theBHS VarsityCheerleaders agreed the camp was “special” and“fun,” add-
ing they all said thecamp was “just whatwe needed.”
“Thesuccess that theBHS Varsity Cheerleadersachieved at thisBYOUCAcheer camp is atestament to thepositiveimpact cheerleadinghas on young people,”Kirby added. “It fosters asense of community. TheBHS VarsityCheerleaders areveryexcited to be Spirit Leaders tolead the Belgreen Communityin supporting allof the20242025 sportsatBelgreen High School.”
Although that game willnotbe rescheduled, staff atthepark expressed their gratitudeinbeing ableto host fourofthe fivedates. Plansare alreadybeingmadefor thefuture ofadult softball inRussellville.
AaronPage toldplayers Tuesdaynight thatheand otherstaff overthe fields were lookingatheading up something in thefall since summer playwas such ahit.This playwould potentiallytakeplace in September or October
andalsotakeplaceat the JohnBlackwell Sports Complex.Pageexpressed gratitudetoward players that attendedanynight andall spectators that showeduptosupport the players andthecommunity event.