Timeline of Tragedy September 11,2001
8:46 a.m.


AmericanAirlinesFlight11 intothe WorldTradeCenter NorthTower,killing all76 passengersand11crew members,andkillingand trappinghundredsmore insidethe building.
Five highjackerscrash

UnitedAirlinesFlight175 intothe WorldTradeCenter South Tower,killingall 51 passengersandnine crew members,andkilling and trappinghundredsmore insidethe building.
Five highjackerscrash

TheWorld TradeCenter SouthTowercollapses, killingmorethan800people in thebuildingand surrounding area.
Fourhighjackers crash UnitedAirlinesFlight93ina fieldinPennsylvaniaafter crewandpassengersstorm the cockpit,killing all33 passengersandsevencrew members.

AmericanAirlinesFlight77 intothePentagon,killingall 53passengersandsixcrew members,andkilling125 morepeopleontheground

The World TradeCenter NorthTowercollapses, killingmorethan1600 peopleinthebuildingand surrounding area.

Although 23 years have passed, we remember the events of September 11, 2001 as if they happened yesterday On this day of mourning and remembrance, we pause to pay tribute to the police, firefighters and first responders ho made the ultimate sacrifice to save others and to all of the September 11th victims whose lives ere cut short Their memories live on in our hearts and our history, and we wish their loved ones comfort and peace at this difficult time and always