Bringfriedpieentries tothe gazebointhepark by 11a.m. Judgingbegins at 11:30a.m. ColoringContest
Coloringcontest forms areavailabletoprint. The contestisopentokindergardenthrough first gradeandsecondthrough thirdgrade childrenin FranklinCounty.Besure tolistthe child’sname, address,teacher’sname andschoolname.Dropoff entries at RedBay City HallSept.25. Car,truck,tractor andmotorcycleshow
ThisSaturday, Sept.28, hasbeendesignated by theGeneral Federationof Women’sClubsastheofficialDayofService.The initiative extendsthrough Oct.6. Thisis atime when alloftheGFWCclubs cometogetherinservice toraise awareness about foodinsecurityandto See GFWC,Page A2
Russellville High School holds Homecoming parade
GFWCBookLovers StudyClubispartneringwith Russellville FirstBaptistChurch, RussellvilleMethodist Church andNorth HighlandsChurch of Christtohighlightthe issueof foodinsecurity inourcommunity by collectingcanned food for church pantries.Abox willbeplacedinfrontof
BookLoversStudy Clubisanaffiliateof theGFWC Alabama Federationandthe International Federation. Currently, there are988 clubsthathaveregistered toparticipate in thisDay ofService, andmorethan 1,000areanticipatedby
Continued frompageA1
thedayofthe event.
TheGeneral Federation of Women’s Clubsisa 133-year-oldinternational organizationdedicatedto community improvement by enhancingthe livesof othersthrough volunteer service.GFWCisone of the world’slargest and oldestnonpartisan,nondenominational women’s volunteerserviceorganizations.
JoeM.Turner,magician,mentalistand motivationalspeaker,willbe makinghisdebut at the HistoricRoxy Theatrefor aSundaymatinee.This showwillfeaturesome ofhisfavoritemagical experiences.Whileit’s designedforteens,adults andseniors,it willbe appropriateforallfamiliesto attendtogether. Ticketsare$20, andchildrenunder 6get in for $15.
Spiritof Hodges Festival
Therewillbeactivities andfunforall agesatthe SpiritofHodgesFestival, setfor Oct.11-12inHodges TownPark. Livemusic, artsandfood vendorsand more will makeitafun familyday.Admissionis free,andotherproceeds supporttheHodgesFire andRescueDepartment. Formoreinformation callTownHallat205-9353445.
Alexander Sept. 18,2024
Sandra Kay (Horton) Alexander,71, of Phil Campbell,passedaway Sept.18.Visitationwas heldSept.22from12-2p.m. atPinkardFuneral Home in Russellville. Aservice immediatelyfollowed. Burialwas in Ferguson Cemetery.
Robert NeilWilliams, Jr. Sept. 18,2024
Robert NeilWilliams, Jr.,76, ofPhilCampbell, passedawaySept.18. VisitationwasheldSept. 18from11a.mto 2p.m. at PinkardFuneral Home in Russellville. Aservice tookplaceimmediately following.Burial wasin Liberty HillCemetery.
Hilda OliviaRobinson Batchelor,99, of Russellville, Ala.,passed away Sept.16 ather residence.
owningandmanaging severalbusinessesalongsideherhusband,Cecil. Sheplayed avitalrolein thesuccess of theirbusinesses.Sheserved on the Board of CBSBanc-Corp assecretaryforcloseto twentyyears.Olivia wasthefirstwoman in Alabama toserve on the Grand Jury.
Olivia was amotherof theheart and arolemodel formany. Many people benefitedfromheryears ofwisdom, kindheart and generosity.Shesawand experiencedmanythings inher almost100years of life, andher favoriteplace tovisit wasJackson Hole, Wyoming. Shehada true servant’sheart, lovingto helppeople.Shecreated many works ofartthrough herneedlework,mostof whichshe gaveaway. She was awonderfulcookand lovedtoshare.Shewas especiallyknownforher bananabread, poundcake andcandies.
Shehad agreenthumb andalwayshad beautiful flowersyear-round.She alwayshad asoft spotfor animals.She was aclassy Southern ladywho loved her familyandfriends dearlyand leaves behind manywonderfulmemories.
JohnGregoryMitchell Batchelor,John Bradley Batchelor Reeves,Rhett Bradley Reeves, Tom Belcher,MarkStoneand JonRobinson. The honorarypallbearers wereJeff Robinson,MikeStone, DavidScruggs,Dennis Upchurch,Lanny Norris and theRussellville First Methodist ChurchErnest Workers Sunday School Class.
Thefamilywishes to express theirsincere gratitudefortheoutpouringofloveand support they have received during thistime.Aspecialthank youtohercaregivers,Deb Carr,Janice Saintand DenisePoundersforyour excellent loveandcareof our mother. Also,wewant to thankDr.Stanley Keith Morrow,aswellasGreta Boutwellandthestaffof North AlabamaHospice foryourexcellentcare.
Hastingsand AleneBragg Hastings. Hefollowedin his father’sanduncle’s footstepsandbecamea brickmason.Donmade alasting impactonRed Bay,Belmontand thesurroundingcommunities with his manycontributionsbothprofessionally andpersonally.
Hewas averycommitted and talentedbrick masonformorethan fifty years,and he was proudofthe markheleft withall his work including much of theRedBay School buildings,other local schools, libraries, churches,homes,etc.He alsoserved on theRedBay CityCouncilfrom 1992 to1996 andthe Franklin CountyCommissionfor twoterms, 2008to2016. Donnotonly poured loveandsupport intohis ownfivechildrenand ninegrandchildren, but wasalso investedin the livesofhis large extended familyandsomanyothers overthe years. Healso influenced manythrough his yearsofcoaching youthfootballandbaseballteams,aswellas men’ssoftballandbasketballleagues.
Thefamily hasasked foranyonewishingto make amemorialin Mrs. Olivia’smemory todo so to Russellville FirstMethodist Church, 311 N.Jackson Avenue, Russellville, Ala.35653. SpryMemorialChapel assistedthe family. To leave condolences, call the funeralhomeorvisit their
RobertDwayne Watkins,Jr. Sept. 15,2024
She was bornDec.06, 1924,toWilliamThomas JeffersonRobinson andMaryElizabeth WilliamsRobinsonin Lawrenceburg, Tenn. She graduated fromHaleyville HighSchoolandcontinued hereducationat abusinessschoolin Nashville, Tenn. Herhusband,Cecil, servedinWorldWarII. Afterthe warwasover, Cecilreturnedhometo marrythe loveofhislife, Miss OliviaRobinson. CecilandOlivia moved toRussellville wherethey raisedtheirtwochildren, Rebeccaand Greg,and wherethey’velivedever since.
Oliviawas adevotedandfaithfulmemberofRussellvilleFirst MethodistChurchwhere she andherhusband, Cecil,served as youth directorsinthe1940s and spentmany yearsinservicetothechurch.She was anentrepreneur,
Sheleavestocherishher memories,herdaughter, RebeccaBatchelor Reeves andherhusband, Brad; her son, Greg Batchelor andhiswife,Donna; her grandson, John Bradley Batchelor Reeves andhis wife, Alana;hergrandson, JohnGregoryMitchell Batchelor andKelsee; hergreat-grandson,Rhett BradleyReeves;herbrother,AuveenRobinson;severalniecesandnephews and ahostoffriends. Visitation washeld Sept.23from11a.m.to12 p.m.atRussellvilleFirst MethodistChurch.The funeralfolloweddirectly after,inthechurch,with Bro.BoLloyd officiatingtheservice.Shewas entombed intheFranklin MemoryGardens Mausoleum.
Robert Dwayne Watkins, Jr.,36, of Phil Campbell,passedaway Sept.15. Visitationwas held Sept.20 at Pinkard Funeral Home in Russellville on Sept.20 from5-7p.m. Amemorial serviceimmediately followed. Bro.Darryl Whiteheadofficiated.
Don Hastings Sept. 11,2024
Don Hastings,84, of RedBay,passedaway Sept. 11 at Marion Regional Nursing Home in Hamilton,Ala.He wasborn inTishomingo County, Miss., toClifton
Services took place Sept.14 at 2p.m. at Deaton Funeral HomeChapelin RedBay.Jerry Hastings andJackie Hastingsofficiatedand Tyler Hastings spoke.Visitationwas Sept. 13,4-7p.m. andSept.14 from12-2p.m. Burialwas inRedBayCity Cemetery. He issurvived by his fivechildren,Donnie Hastings, Jr.,Mark Hastings(Cindy), Joe Hastings (Amanda), JoannaAllred(Scotty) andSamantha Wadsworth (Eric);nine grandchildren, Kevin Hastings,Hannah GraceOakley (Matt), Alexia Shaw(Hamp), Tyler Hastings, Hall Hastings(Bryn),Danielle Knoblock (Chase), Ethan Allred, Nolanand Dane Wadsworth;five greatgrandchildren;onesister, Nancy HastingsKennedy; nineteennieces andnephews; twenty-ninegreatniecesandnephews; thirty-ninegreat-greatnieces andnephews; five great-great-great-nieces andnephewsand avery specialfamilyfriend and support, NormaHarris. Hewaspreceded in deathby his wifeoffifty-one years,Nancy HallmarkHastings;his parents;threebrothers, Charles, Bob andDavid Hastings; onesister, Joyce Moore andonegreatgrandson,RoyHastings Shaw.
Pallbearerswere Kevin Hastings,TylerHastings, HallHastings,Chase Knoblock,EthanAllred, Hamp Shaw, Nolan Wadsworth andDane Wadsworth. Honorary pallbearerswere Bobby Nelson, PhillipOrrick, Tommy Chandler,Bill Nabers andSteve Bostick.
Preparenow forElection Day
Withpoliticaldebates andstumpspeeches fillingupthenews,not to mention thead campaigns everywhereyou look,itprobably goes without sayingthatit’s almosttimefor thenext presidentialelection.
Barelymorethana month remainsbetween nowand ElectionDay, Nov. 5.So,ifyou haven’t yettaken thetimeto familiarizeyourselfwith thecandidates –well, as thesaying goes,there’s no timelikethe present.
TheVinaTownCouncilmeetsatVinaTownHall, 7111Hwy19inVina,onthefirstMondayofthe monthat7p.m.Formoreinformation, be sent to TheTownofVina,P.O.Box6,Vina,AL.35593.
Evenontheopinion page,wemakeita point tostayneutralwhen it comes toelections. You might see adsfrom candidatesinourpapers; thosearepaidpolitical ads,whichany candidate maypurchaseatthesame rate.You might seefeatures on localcandidates; we doourbesttogive everycandidatethesame opportunitytoshare the platformandtheir message withinthesemessages. But when it comesto
telling youwhoto vote for–wedon’t. We do, however,encourage you toeducate yourself, make aninformed decisionand cast your ballotwhenthe timecomes,for whoever youdeterminedeserves your vote.
Voting remainssuch asingularprivilege we have availabletous, and we would do welltotake advantage of it.
Thestatehas recently releasedasampleballot forallAlabamacounties,sotakesome time to familiarizeyourself withitso you’reprepared
come Nov. 5. Anotherpreparatory measurewouldbe to makesureyou know to whichpollinglocation youare assigned. Particularly ifthiswill be your first timeto vote,orthe first timein afew election cycles,or if you’verecently moved intothe countyormoved houseswithinthe county, you’ll want tobe sure you knowwheretocastyour vote. It’s alsonot toolateto registertovote.Ifyou’re newtothe state,new to the county, ornewlyeli-
gibleinanyother way, now’sthetimetobe getting your registrationin. Thelastday to registeris Oct.21.
Youcan findoutmore about theseandother Election Daytopicsat ht tps:/ /w Take thetime forthis. It’s like the Secretaryof State’sofficesays:“For your voicetobeheard, everyAlabamian should vote.Votingisfundamentalto ourconstitutional republic,and yourcivic participationis critical to our successasa state.”
CulturaGardenClub meets at DismalsCanyon
Sept.10 markedthe first meeting of the year for theCulturaGarden Club fortheprogram called “The Secret Worldofthe Beautiful Sunken Forest calledDismals.Kevin Cheek,theDismalsdirector,spoke. Ashepresented the history andhighlights oftheDismals,theirstaff preparedand served delicioussandwiches,homemadebananapudding and chocolate brownies withicecream.
Cheeksaid theDismals Canyonreceiveddesignationasa “National NaturalLandmark”from theNationalNatural LandmarksProgramin 1975, aprogramadministered by the National Park Service and the U.S.Departmentof the Interior.
He said theDismals Canyonhas arichdiversity of native plantlife whichincludesoldgrowthvirgintimbercomposedchieflyofHemlock, Tulip Poplar,Sweetgum, Bigleaf Magnolia, Beech and morethan300ferns. Aftertwilight, thecanyonlightsup withtinybioluminescentcreaturescalled Dismalites. These “glowworms” requirea selecthabitattosurvive and areuniqueto only afew placesonEarth. They are“closecousins” oftherareglowworms found in Australiaand NewZealand. Thereare twopeakseasons -the springpeak, late Aprilthrough May, isthebest. The fallpeak
istheendofSeptemberfirst of October.Night tours,limitedto20peoplepertour,last about 45 minutes.Reservations arerecommended.Itis suggestedthatchildren shouldbe at leasttwelve. In addition tothecanyon, thereisacountry store, soda fountain,spa andmassage,videosand reviews. Garden clubpresidentCheriMcCain’s institute was“It’s Sea Turtle Hatching Timein Alabama.” Thisseasonis fromMay1untilOctober 31.Six of thesevenspeciesof seaturtlesare foundinthe U.S. andare listedontheendangered or threatenedspecieslist. Formoreinformation, seethe Facebook page called“SharetheBeach-Alabama’sSeaTurtle ConservationProgram.”
Five membersof Cultura GardenClub receivedcertificates of LifetimeMembership to TheGardenClubof Alabama,Inc.Kathy Suddith,president of The GardenClubofAlabama, Inc.,signedthecertifications.DebbieNale,
received lifetime certificates. TheOctober8th meetingwillbe aMembership Drive. Theguestspeaker willpresent“TheLegend of Aunt JennyBrooks Johnston.”Anyone inter-
ested in attendingplease contact amemberof the Cultura Garden Club for moreinformation. Theclosingofthemeeting wasthe readingof theGardenClubCollect.
SusieMalone,Brenda Oliver, Martha Sibleyand Barbara Sage
“So faith comes from hearing, that is, hearing comesfromhearing,thatis,hearing the Good News about Christ.” theGoodNewsaboutChrist.” Romans 10:17 (NLT) Romans10:17(NLT)
or livingtrust, so everyoneinyourfamilyshould know whoisexpected to getwhichassets.Onesignificantbenefitofhaving properbeneficiarydesignationsin placeis that theymayenablebeneficiariestoavoidthetimeconsuming —andpossiblyexpensive —probate process.
Thebeneficiaryissue can becomecomplex becausenot everyone reactsthesamewayto eventssuch asdivorce— some peoplewanttheir ex-spousestostillreceive assetswhile othersdon’t. Furthermore,notall the stateshavethesamerules abouthowbeneficiary designations aretreated after adivorce.Andsome financialassetsaretreateddifferently thanothers.
spousetogettheseassets, youwillneedtoname them as anon-spousebeneficiaryafterthe divorce. Butif you’ve named your spouse asbeneficiaryfora 401(k) planorpension,the designationwillremain intactuntilandunless you changeit,regardless ofwhereyoulive.
However,in community propertystates,couples are generally required tosplitequallyallassets they acquiredduringtheir marriage.Whencouples divorce,the community propertylawsrequire theysplittheir assets 50/50,but onlythose assetsthey obtainedwhile theylivedinthatstate. If youweretostayinthe samecommunitypropertystatethroughout your marriageand divorce,the ownershipissueis generally straightforward, but if youweretomove to or
Russellville HighSchoolholdsHomecomingbon
fromoneof these states, itmightchange the joint ownership picture. Thus far,we’veonly talked about beneficiary designation issuessurroundingdivorce. Butif anex-spouse —orany beneficiary —passes away,theassetswill generally passto acontingent beneficiary —whichis whyit’s important that you nameoneat the same time youdesignatethe primary beneficiary.Also, it maybeappropriate toname aspecial needs trustasbeneficiary fora familymemberwhohas specialneeds orbecomes disabled. If thisindividual were to be thedirect beneficiary,anyassetspassing directly intotheirhands couldaffect theireligibility forcertainprograms. You mayneed towork with alegal professional tosortout beneficiary
designationissues and the rules thatapplyinyour state.But youmayalso want todo abeneficiary review withyourfinancialadvisor whenever you experience amajor life event,suchas amarriage, divorceor theadditionofa newchild.Your investments, retirement accountsandlife insurance proceedsare valuableassets —and you wantthemtogowhere you intended.
This article waswrittenby Edward Jones for usebyyour localEdward JonesFinancial Advisor. Edward Jones, Member SIPC.EdwardJones, its employeesand financial advisorscannot provide tax or legal advice. You shouldconsult yourattorney orqualifiedtaxadvisorregardingyoursituation.
RHS(4-1,3-0)got anotherstandoutperformancefromoneofthe topplayersinthestate. Juniorrunningback CamPhinizeerushedfor 325yardson27carries andscoredtwotouchdowns.Phinizeenowhas 1,385 rushingyardsfor the season.Russellville outgainedArdmore 408-208 intotalyards, andtheGoldenTigers’ defenseheldtheiropponentto85 yardsrushing for thegame. Ardmore tookthe openingkickoffFriday andheld theballfor 14plays until theRHS defensemade abig stoponfourthdown. Russellville thentook overandputtogethera scoringdrivethatfinishedwithan11-yard touchdownpassfrom WhitGoodwintoJavan Poss.The firstof five
successfulextra-point kicksduringthecontestbyMannyMartinez madethescore7-0 with 1:49remaininginthe opening quarter.
TheGoldenTigers led14-0whenGoodwin scored on aquarterback keeperfora10-yard touchdownwith just over five minutes leftin thefirst half.
Thesecondhalfbegan with aRussellville drive that produced a36-yard field goal byMartinezto
grow theadvantage to 17-0.Ardmore followed with alongpassonfirst downonthenextpossessiontosetuptheir only score of thenight, whichcameona fouryardtouchdownpass on fourth down.
RHSquickly answered withfourrunning plays by Phinizee,andthe last rushingplayofthe drive resultedin aneightyardtouchdownrunby theback tomake the score24-7. Abackward
passthatwas recovered by Russellville’sDaniel Aycock stoppedthenext Ardmore scoringthreat.
TheGoldenTigers lateraddedfourthquarter scoreson a21-yard touchdown passfrom GoodwintoPosswith 7:23to go in the contest anda16-yardtouchdown runbyPhinizeewith5:57 left on the gameclock.
“We know thatwe can play alotbetter,” Russellville headcoach DustinGoodwin said
after thewinthat included alargenumberof penaltyflags.“Way too manypenaltiesanddefinitely stuffto cleanup going intonext week. Younever takewinning forgranted,andwe’re verygratefulthatwe wereabletopull it out andfixsome thingsin the secondhalf.”
RHS willuse the upcomingoff weekon the schedule toprepare forthenextgame, abig oneversusthe Fairview Aggiesathomeon Oct. 4.Fairviewis4-0 on the seasonafter a28-25win atLawrenceCounty,and the Aggiesaretied atop the regionstandings with Russellville. “You just don’t want tolose momentum,”Goodwin said about the upcoming weekwithout agame. “We’regoing to come in andget somedaysof goodworkandaddress the issues thatwe’ve got, and that’swhatwe’lldo going intonextweek.” Fairview alsohasa weekoffafterwinsover Springville,Ardmore, WestPointandLawrence County this season.
Haleyville 2-0byscores of25-15and25-21. Alexia Grocehad 11assists, five digsandtwoaces.Bri McCullochaddedseven digs,Blevyn Sappington hadeightdigs,six kills and fouraces.Alsofor RHS,LailaHillhadsix kills,threedigsand ablockwhile Fatima Ramirezadded five digs,
five assistsandoneace. Russellvillethen bested PCHS 2-0with scores of 25-4and25-13. McCullochhadsixaces andthreedigs whileHill addedthreekillsandone block.HayleeRikardhad twokills,Sappington added three digsand threekillsandGrocehad sevenassists,two kills and oneace. TheGoldenTigershad away matches versus LauderdaleCountyand Wilson Sept.19. RHSfell to LCHS 2-0 by scoresof 25-23 and 25-14.Groce had five assists andtwo digs,Sappingtonadded sixdigsandthree kills, Hill had four kills and McCullochaddedsix digs. TheWilson Warriors defeated Russellville2-0 by scoresof 25-13 and 25-17. Fatima Ramirez hadeightdigsandfive assists,McCullochhad four digs,Sappington addedeight kills,Hill hadfourkillsandGroce added five assistsand threedigs.
Phil Campbell,Tharptown volleyball beat Shheffield
Monday at Phil Campbell. PhilCampbellbeat Sheffield3-0inabest-of-
five areamatch25-6,25-10 and 25-7. TheBobcats recorded aschool record, 28
ByBartMoss FortheFCT It wasatough week for county footballteamson the gridiron. TheWinfieldPirates beatPhilCampbell43-28. TheBobcats were trailing 30-0 at thehalf butcame outandscoredonthe openingdrive ofthesecondhalf.PhilCampbell
went on to outscore Winfield28-13 in thesecondhalfofplay. HaystonScottscored thefirsttouchdownofthe secondhalfon athreeyard run. Laterinthethirdquarter,Scottconnectedwith HagenRaper fora44-yard touchdownpass. Scott completeda 14-yardtouchdownpass
toChandlerBenfordearly inthe fourthquarter. Hayden Wingocapped offthe Bobcatsscoring with athree-yardrunwith 4:24to go inthe game. CherokeedashedVina’s hopesof acontinued unbeatenseasonbeating the RedDevils48-8. Vina hadopenedtheseason3-0 beforefallingonthe road at Cherokee.
LexingtonbeatRedBay 35-24. TheTigers remain winless on the year. Tannerdowned Belgreen47-13 forthe Rattlers’ first winof the season. On Thursday, Tharptownwas shutout by Decatur Heritage 68-0. TheWildcatsarestill lookingfor their firstwin of theseason.
aces on serves.Tharptown beatSheffield 2-0inthe next match. Phil Campbell cappedoff theeveningwith a2-0 win over Tharptown, 25-17 and25-15.
TheTimes Daily has immediateopenings for full time andparttime Non-CDLtruckdriving. Driverswill deliverpallets andpostalbinsof subscriptionnewspaperstonumerous USPS locations in Jefferson, Lawrence, Morganand Shelby Countiesin Alabama,as well as Davidson County,TN. Theideal candidate must haveanexcellent MotorVehicleReport andproofofpersonal autoinsurance. Candidatemustpassa DOT physical, be capableof driving up to 8hoursat atime,as well as the flexibilitytoworkdays, weekends,andholidays asneeded. Pleaseemailresumesto: morgan.whitehead@ orpick up an application at219 W. Tennessee St., Florence,AL35630
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Please bringhelptoload, we can’t liftanymore. AllSalesAreFinal. Notresponsible foraccidents.
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Go to to view pictures Garage &YardSales American Legion ofFlorence BenefitFundraiser forOur Veterans 318 S. CourtStreet Oct. 18and19,2024 7amto1 pm Clothes,shoes,toys, decor, small furniture, kitchen items and more!
*Donations acceptedbefore saledate
2220 N. WoodAve., Oct. 4th& 5th, 9am-5pm andOct.6th,10am-2pm Hand Tools: welder,sand blaster,drill press, table saw, cement mixer, sandblaster, welder,large compressor, etc. OriginalArt,Decor,Holiday, Furniture, Books,Kitchen items, Glassware, Electronics, Luggage, clothingand more! ArtSupplies, Photography, Dark Room items, Graphics& Sign Making, Many vintage andunique items.
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Sealedproposalswill be receivedby theFranklin County Commissionat the ElizabethLucas Courthouse Annex,405 N. JacksonAve Russellville 35653until 2:00 PM CSTonThursday October3,2024, forthe Franklin CountyAnimal ControlFacility at whichtime they will bepublicly openedand read. Acashier’s checkorbid bond payabletoThe Franklin County Commission in an amountnot less than five(5) percentof theamountof the bid,butno more than$10,000, must accompany thebidder’s proposal.Performanceand Payment Bondsandevidence of insurancerequiredinthebid documentswill be requiredatthe signingof the Contract. Electronicbid documentsmay beexaminedorobtained from ff f
theofficeof RobertW.WhittenArchitect, LLC.118 E. Mobile St.Ste.209, Florence,Alabama 35630and variousplan rooms. Amandatorypre-bid conference will beheldatthe Elizabeth Lucas Courthouse Annex,405 N. JacksonAve Russellville,Alabama35653on Wednesday September25,2024,at 2PM CST. Bids will notbeaccepted fromnon-attending general contractors. Bids must be submittedonproposal formsfurnished in thebid documents.All biddersmustbelicensedunder theprovisionsofTITLE34, Chapter8, Codeof Alabama,1975and mustshow evidenceoflicensebydisplayingtheircurrent licensenumberon theoutside of theproposal’s sealedenvelope. Bids will not beopened without thelicense number visible. Theowner reservesthe right to rejectanyorallproposalsand waivetechnical errors if,intheowner’s judgment,thebestinterests of the owner will be promoted. Nonresident biddersmustaccompanyany writtenbid documentswithawritten opinionofanattorneyat lawlicensed to practice lawin such nonresident bidder’s stateofdomicile, as the preferences,ifanyornone, grantedby thelaw of that statetoits ownbusiness entities whoseprincipal places ofbusinessare in that stateinthe lettingofany orallpublic contracts. Barry Moore, Chairman Franklin CountyCommission 09/25/24,10/02/24 ADID 615347
WHEREAS, theAlabamaUniform ElectronicTransactionAct (“UETA”),codifiedatAla. Code 1975§8-1A-1 et seq,authorizes theCityCouncil to determine whether,and theextent to which City departmentsandofficeswill createand retain electronic recordsand convertwritten recordstoelectronic records; and
WHEREAS, UETAgrantsauthoritytothe City Council to determine whetherand to what extent City departmentsandofficesmayuseelectronicsignaturesinthe conductofofficial business; and
WHEREAS, UETAspecifically empowersthe City Council to adopt rules andpolicies forthe creation, protection, maintenance,preservationand storage ofelectronicrecords;and
WHEREAS, aproposed ElectronicRecords Management and Imaging Policyhasbeen preparedandpresented tothe City Council forapproval.
DAINED by theMayorand the City Council of theCityofRussellville,Alabama(the“City”) as follows:
Section1.Authority. To the fullestextentpermittedbyUETA and subjecttothe limitations of therulesandpolicies adopted in Section4below,the City Councilherebyauthorizes theRussellville PoliceDepartment to create and retain electronic recordsand to convertwritten recordstoelectronic records and to sendandacceptelectronicrecords andelectronic signatures to and fromother personsandotherwisecreate, generate, communicate,store, process, useand rely upon electronicrecords andelectronicsignatures.
Section2.Scope. To the fullestextentpermittedbyUETA and subjecttothe limitations of therulesandpolicies adopted in Section 4below,thisOrdinance isintended to authorizetheuse ofelectronic recordsandelectronicsignatures in theconduct ofofficialbusinessofthe City by theRussellville PoliceDepartmentandbyanyperson. Such useshallbeinaccordancewith and subjecttotheprovisions of UETAand therulesandpolicies adopted in Section 4below. This Ordinancedoesnot require arecordorsignaturetobecreated,generated, sent,communicated, received, storedor otherwise processedorusedby electronicmeansor in electronic form.
Section3. Limitations. Notwithstandinganything to the contrarycontained in this Ordinanceorthe UETA:
(a)Innoevent shallany legal orbinding recognitionoreffect begiventoarecordpurported to beexecutedby aCitysignatory using anelectronicsignature,iftheexecutionis notduly authorized in accordancewith applicablelaw;and
(b)Intheevent thatanyelectronicsignatureisfoundbya City department,officeor agencytohavebeenusedor applied to aCityrecordinviolationof this Ordinance, the UETA,oranyother law,the electronicsignatureshallbenull and void and theCityrecord signedelectronically using the unlawful, fraudulent,unauthorizedorotherwise improper electronicsignatureshallalso benulland void, discontinued andunenforceableagainstthe City.
Section4. Adoption ofelectronicrecordmanagementand imagingpolicy. TheElectronic RecordsManagementand Imaging Policy, attachedheretoas Exhibit “A” and incorporated hereinbyreference, is hereby adoptedandapproved.
Section5. Conflictand Severability. Intheeventanyprovisionof this Ordinanceconflicts with anyotherordinanceofthe City of Russellville on thesubjectmatterofthisOrdinance, themorestrictprovision shall f
applyand supersede. If anyprovisionof this Ordinanceisheld to be invalid,unconstitutionalor unenforceable forany reasonby acourtofcompetent jurisdiction, such invalidityshallnotaffect thevalidityofthe remaining portionof this Ordinance, which shallbedeemed separate,distinctand independent provisions enforceable tothefullestextent possible.
Section6. Effectivedate. This Ordinanceshallbecomeeffective upon itsadoption, approval andpublication as requiredby law.
Section7. Publication. This Ordinanceshallbepublished in anewspaperofgeneral circulation in theCityofRussellville, Alabama.
ADOPTEDANDAPPROVED this 16thdayof September, 2024.
PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to SHANNONKIRKMEDLEYAND WENDYMITCHELL,as Co-personal Representativesof the LastWill &Testament,of,BERNICE B. MEDLEY,deceased, on the10thdayof September 2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof ProbateCourt of Franklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatall personshaving claimsagainst said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin time allowed by law or thesamewill be barred.
09/18/24,09/25/24,10/02/24 ADID 614011
GABLE, DECEASED Case# 24-0097
PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to BOBBYRAYGABLEasExecutoroftheLastWill &Testament, of ,GLENDAGAILGABLE, deceased,on the10thdayof September2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof Probate CourtofFranklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred.
ADID 614149
PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA Letters ofAdministration of said deceasedhaving beengranted to DANNYLYNNCLEVELAND, asAdministrator,ofthe Estate of J.B. CLEVELAND, deceased, on the11thdayof September, 2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof ProbateCourt of Franklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatall personshaving claimsagainst said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin time allowedby law or thesamewill bebarred.
09/18/24,09/25/24,10/02/24 ADID 614153
ESTATEOFMARYJ.HELLUMS,DECEASED Case#24-0073 PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to ASHLEYC.WEBER,asExecutrixoftheLastWill &Testament,of,MaryJ.Hellums, deceased,on the4th dayof September2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof Probate CourtofFranklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatallpersonshaving claims againstsaidestate arehereby required to present thesame within time allowedby law or the same will bebarred. 09/11/24,09/18/24,09/25/24 ADID 613596
PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA Letters ofAdministration of said deceasedhaving beengranted to SUMMERGEORGE, asAdministratrix, of theEstateof MARYM. BARKER,deceased, on the10thdayof September, 2024,by Honorable Barry Moore, Judgeof ProbateCourt of Franklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiven thatall personshaving claimsagainst said estate arehereby required to present thesamewithin time allowedby law or thesamewill bebarred.
09/18/24,09/25/24,10/02/24 ADID 614150
PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhaving beengranted to SHERENESMITH WADE,as ExecutoroftheLastWill &Tesf
QUALIFICATIONS: Thecompletionof High School DiplomaorGED.Two yearsof work experience maintainingorconstructingroads. Twoyearsof work experience as anEquipment OperatorI. Thepossessionof acurrent and valid classB CDL.Work experienceintheoperationofknuckleboomtruck.
Allqualifiedapplicants willreceive consideration without regardtorace,religion, color, nationalorigin,sex,politicalaffiliation,disability,orany othernon-merit factor. Applications maybepickedupatRussellville CityHall inthe Office ofthe Mayor,304 N. Jackson Ave., Russellville, Alabama. Applicationsmustbereturnednolater than October 11,2024 by U.S. Mailto:
The RussellvilleCivil ServiceBoard P. O. Box308 Russellville, AL 35653
The averagepayfor thispositionis $40,060.80 –61,734.00
B8• Franklin County Times •
tament,of,PHILLIPRANDAL WADE,deceased, on the4th dayof September2024, by HonorableBarry Moore, Judge of ProbateCourtofFranklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiventhatallpersons having claims againstsaidestate arehereby requiredtopresent thesamewithintime allowedby laworthe same will bebarred. 09/11/24,09/18/24,09/25/24 ADID 613593
PROBATECOURT OF FRANKLIN COUNTY,ALABAMA LettersTestamentaryofsaiddeceasedhavingbeen granted to ROBERTORR, as Executorof theLastWill &Testament,of, WOODYORR, deceased, on the5th dayof September 2024, by HonorableBarry Moore, f C f
Judgeof ProbateCourtof Franklin County,Alabama. Notice is herebygiventhatallpersonshavingclaimsagainstsaid estate arehereby requiredto present thesamewithintimeallowedbylawor thesamewill be barred. 09/11/24,09/18/24,09/25/24 ADID 613595
WHEREAS,TheElectric Board of theCityofRussellville,Alabama,ownsthe followingdescribedproperty,saidproperty is neither specifically dedicated forpublic usenor subjectto commonlawdedication forpublicuse;and
WHEREAS such itemofproperty is surplusandno longer needed formunicipalpurposes; and, O O
Section 1,That itis herebyestablishedanddeclared that the above-describedpersonalproperty hasnotbeendedicated to public useand is no longer needed forpublic or municipal purposes.
Section 2, Pursuant totheResolution adoptedat themeeting of theElectric Boardofthe City of Russellville,Alabamaheldon the30thdayAugust2024 the following describedproperty wasdeclared as surplus. The Electric Boardofthe City of Russellville,Alabama, will accept sealedbids forthepurchaseoffollowing described property until 5:00p.m. central time,the30thdayof September 2024andbids will beopenedat ameeting of theRussellville Electric Boardtobeheldno f O
AllPERSONS desiring to purchasetheautomobile described hereinmustsubmit asealed bid. Said sealedbidmustbeeitherhanddeliveredand/ordelivered in such amanner that said bidisdelivered totheofficeof Rogers,Bowling and McReynolds,P.C.onorbefore 5:00p.m. centraltime, the30th dayof September2024,at the following address: TheElectric Boardofthe City of Russellville,Alabama C/OROGERS,BOWLING& O S C
McREYNOLDS,P.C. 303 NorthJacksonAvenue Post OfficeBox669 Russellville,Alabama35653
AllPERSONS desiring to purchasetheautomobiledescribed herein mayconductaninspectionof said automobile. Said vehicle will be locatedandavailablefor inspectionat theRussellville Electric Warehouse, locatedat1012 JacksonAvenue South, Russellville,Alabama35653. Saidinspection will beallowedduring normal workinghours, byappointment only. Anypersondesiring to arrangeanappointment should contactCraig Grissomat256668-7350.
Degree in Engineering, Business,Accounting or Financeorsome other college degree with equivalent yearsofexperienceand/or certificationis required. EXPERIENCE:FivetoTen yearsofincreasingly responsibleexperienceinmanagement, preferably in apublicutility, is preferred. GENERALDESCRIPTIONOF
TheGeneral Manager is the chief officerofRussellville Electric,workingunder afive-member Boardappointedby the Mayorand City Council. He/she is responsible forcarryingout thedirectivesandpolicies of the Board,advising theBoardabout thelaws,contractsand regulations whichmustbeobserved and keeping theBoardapprised of thehealthofthe Russellville Electric Systembothphysically and financially. He/she will work withthestaff andallemployees to provide utilityservicestotheutility’s customersinacourteousand professional manner,keeping thewelfareand safety ofboth theemployeesand thepublic in mind.
TheGeneral Manager will be initially hired fora Ninety(90) Dayprobationaryperiod. Asa condition ofhiring/retaining the position of General Manger,the individual hired, must within 60 days, if notprior to,theexpirationof theNinety(90) Dayprobation period, reside within the city limitstothe City of Russellville,Alabama.
Thepay range/compensation will bedeterminedby avoteof theBoardmembersofthe Russellville Electric Board. Thebeginningpay forthe General Manager shallbeno lessthan OneHundred Seventy-Six Thousand Five Hundred ($176,500.00) Dollars, annually. TheGeneral Manager shall have100 %ofhis/her family medicalanddental insurance provided aspartofhis/heremployment.The General Manager shallbeeligible for participationin theRetirement Systemsofthe StateofAlabama.
Thefull contentof thejobdescription forthisposition and applications areonfile with and arebeing maintainedby the Russellville Electric Boardand areavailable at therequestof applicant.Any requesttoreceiveajobdescription should be made toAmanda Hitt at Rogers,Bedford& Bowling, P.C. -256-332-2880or Anyandallapplicantsaresubjecttoapre-employmentdrug screen.TheRussellville Electric Boardshallperform acredit checkoftheapplicant’s credit history as well as ageneral Background check, includinga Criminal History. TheRussellville Electric Board is anequalopportunityemployerand will notdiscriminate in hiring baseduponage, race, creed, religion, sex, national originordisability. Allapplications must be submittedinamanner to be received by theRussellville Electric Boardbynolater than the30th dayof September2024.
Applications canbesubmitted totheRussellville Electric Board viaE-Mailat: or viaUnited States firstclass mail to: Russellville Electric Board C/ORogers,Bowling& McReynolds,P.C. 303 NorthJacksonAvenue Post OfficeBox669 Russellville,Alabama35653 09/11/24,09/18/24,09/25/24 ADID 613590
Russellville Hospital’s NewCEO restoressleep lab to improve community’s quality of life
By ValleanJackson
Areyou losingsleep becausesomeone’s snoringis keepingyou up?Ifyes,thenitmight be time to schedule avisit forasleep studybecausethere couldbea bigger problemathand.
“There is ahugepopulationthathas sleepapnea andthey don’tevenknowtheyhaveit, andthatisone of themajor reasonstherewasadesiretore-open thelab.The need in thecommunity toimproveoverall health andhelpthose who’ve been losingsleep becauseof theirpartner’s loud snoringhas keptthemupatnight,noticed them stopped breathingwhile sleeping,and othersigns they maybe experiencing andare unsure what’s causingthe problem,” Ware said.
RussellvilleHospitalCEO ChrisWarehas been in his position forseven months andiscommitted to making adifferenceinthe county andsurrounding areas. As theformerCEO of ahospitalinMississippi,heshared that he hasseenhow having asleep labinacommunity canchangelives forthe better andwants thesamefor Russellville. To have this labmakes it convenient for patients whoneeda studydoneorwantsomeanswers withouthavingtogofar to receivethem. It islocaland offers arelaxingenvironment that feelslike home andless like an examinationroom.
Ware hasmadesurethatthe labisnow fullyaccredited with theAmericanAcademy of SleepMedicine(AASM)that assurespatientswho havesleepdisorders will receivethe highestquality of care andservices.
“Sleepapneahas been around foryears andsomany people do notknowtheyhaveit, andtheydonot realize that if left untreateditcould lead to heartdisease, stroke,depression, high bloodpressure, dementia, and so much more.The long term goal of this labistocreate awarenessinFranklinCountyof sleepapnea andthe valueofpropersleep health.How ifnotcaughtearly the toll it cantakeonyourbody. It is much better to know than to not,”Waresaid.
Sleepapnea is amedical conditionthatdisrupts someone’sbreathing whiletheysleep.Warementioned that it is amisconception that sleepapnea is tied to just obesity. Size canplayafactorinthe condition, butitis notthe determiningfactorofthe condition, he added. Nevertheless,the conditiondoesnot just red flag loud snoringastheculpritfor sleepapnea,but thereare things as well that couldbetiedtothe medicalcondition such as notbeing able to stayasleep, troublestaying awake, or stopping breathingwhile sleep, he continued.
“Ifyou aresingleand livealone,todetermine if yousnore or notcan be hard to detect,but it doesn’thurttobe proactiveand getastudy done just to be on thesafeside. Especiallywithnot beingabletoknowifyou stop breathing in your sleeporyou’resotospeak suckinginthecurtains almostwithyoursnoring,” Ware said.
When askedabout insomnia compared to sleepapnea, Ware shared that thetwo havesimilaritiesand cango hand andhand, butthe twoare notthe same.However, both canhaveanegativeeffectonone’s overall health andquality of sleep.
“Mostofthe referrals come from husbandsand wives that snoreseeking togetsomerelief, butit’snota joking matter honestly in howthingscan advanceifthis conditionisnot treated. With this sleeplab fullyrestored andaccreditednow,we’re gettinga lotofreferrals from doctorsfor patients andevenresidents inquiringfor more information.Since reopeninglastyearwehave already seen howthingshavestarted to progress andare workingtocontinueseeingits growth.Inthe firstmonth of opening, we hadabout tworeferrals,but by July we were up to 14.Ibelieve thenumbers will continuetogrow themoreweget thewordout andhelpthe community understand theseverityofsleep health andsleep apnea,” Ware said.
AccordingtoWare, thereare some commercial insurance companiesthatrequire ahomestudy to firstbeconducted before data in thelab canbedone. It alsohas to be per doctor’s orders as well andapatient hasacertain criteria to meet to qualify.Itwas disclosed that anight stay would beginaround7pm andend as earlyas6am thenextday.
“The home studyisfairlysimple. Thepatient takeshomea device no bigger than thesize of arokuremote, followthe giveninstructions, andthenbring it back in forthe data to be analyzed.Ifitisdeterminedthata sleepstudy is furtherneeded, thepatient will then come in around about theevening time to stayovernight wherefurther testing will be conductedtosee if thepatient indeed hassleep apneaornot.The processisnothing extreme. There’sa bedand shower here,where honestly,the patientcould leave from here andgodirectlytoworkthe next morning,” Ware said.
If thedatashows that apatient indeed does havesleep apnea, recommendedtreatment optionswillbeprovided, shared Ware.The sleeplab currentlyhas four beds to conductsleep studiesand areopentwo to threenightsa week.Warehas hope to eventuallybeopenseven daysa week andbeabletotakeinmorepatients.
“One of themostrewarding partsofmyjob thus faris hearingthe wife or people ingeneralsay that they were glad they went aheadand came into getchecked out. To seepatientsbetterand their partnerhas gained some reliefthathas ledtothemsleepingbetter. It lets me know that we arealready making adifference, andare on the righttrack to ahealthier communityand improvement of thequality of life,” Ware Said.
Ware advisesreaders to notwaittoo latetogetanswers, giveRussellvilleHospitala call andlet them schedule you an appointmentbecausea good night’ssleep indeed does thebodygood.