Floodscapes is a project designed for tropical cities, which recurrently suffer from floodwaters. With this in mind, this work seeks the detection of the so called high risk floodzones and the design and implementation of urban parks which will serve as drainage zones.
Combining new areas of public recreation and environmental services, those projects creates a large green infrastructure that defines the connections between currently unconnected green areas and takes back part of its potential to drain and slow down the water flows of some of the most criticals hydrographics basins of the city.
- KEYWORDS: Green Infrastructure, Climate Change Adaptation And Mitigation Strategies, Landscape Urbanism, Arquitetura e Urbanismo, Paisagismo, Mudanças Climáticas, Infraestrutura Verde, NBS's, SBN's,Nature Based Solutions, Soluções Baseadas na Natureza.
- Prefix Editorial: 902357
- ISBN: 978-65-902357-1-8