We exist to bring glory to God through our relationship with Him, His Church, and the world.
February 25, 2015 Upcoming EventsSee details inside: TODAY LADIES DAY MEETING 5:00 PM IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL
February 4, 2015 Board of Directors Lee Hodges, President Cecily Kinkade, Secretary Todd Moore, Treasurer Barbara Hodges Dr. George Goldman
Hello His Kidz! My name is Lee Hodges and I work with Hope Springs. Mr. Phil wrote me About all of the hard work you have been doing, and all of the money you collected for our Health Center in Chad Africa. When he told me how much you collected I could not believe it. You guys are totally awesome! If I was there I would give everybody a big high five.
Dr. Matthew Tincher
Don’t forget to sign up for our Wednesday night Meal February 25, 2014 Kick-off for 20’s/30’s New Class Phil & Kim Barnes Home February 26, 2015 Mount Dora Chicken Dinner February 26, 2015 Mobile Food Pantry Saturday February 28, 2015 20’s/30’s Class Begins Sunday March 1, 2015 Bridal Shower Honoring Rachel Snider March 22, 2015 Save the Date Harris & Snider Wedding June 5,2015
Orange you glad you came today? We are!! Church Office 1511 E. Orange Avenue Eustis, FL 32726 Phone: 352.357.6616 Fax: 352.357.5335 Email: orangeoffice@reagan.com
Tom Kincade Clay Blair Tara Blair Dr. Van Gilbert Tricia Gilbert
Director of Operations, Africa
So let me tell you what we are going to do with the money. In Africa mosquitoes carry a disease called Malaria. When boys and girls your age Get Malaria from a mosquito bite they get very sick. One way to protect boys and girls from being bitten is to give them a big mosquito net. They hang the big net from the ceiling and the sides fall down around their beds at night so the mosquitoes can’t bite them while they are sleeping. The nets are big enough to protect 3 or 4 kids in one family. Sometimes a whole family will sleep under one big net so everyone is protected.
Rambi I. Ayala
Project Coordinator Dono-Mangs, Chad Pierre Rimorbe
Hope Springs International 118 Wessington Place Hendersonville, TN 37075 Phone: 615.390.2134 E-mail: hopespringsintl@gmail.com Website: www.hopespringsint.com
I am so excited because the money you collected will buy more than 100 Mosquito nets. That means that over 100 families will be protected because of your hard work. I also want to thank all the moms, dads, grandparents, and aunts and Uncles that encouraged and helped you. I am also sure that your hard work made God very happy because you are helping people that He loves very much. Thank you again; we deeply appreciate your efforts. In Christ and for His Glory,
Lee Hodges
Hope Springs International is a 501c3 Non-Profit Corporation and your gifts may be tax deductible.
Good Morning, Guests we are very happy that you have chosen to worship with us today. You encourage us by your presence, and we hope that our worship together will be a spiritual boost for you. Attendance cards are available in the pockets on the back of each pew, and also in front of some of the pew bibles. Please fill out the side labeled Welcome Guests, completely and place it in the collection tray. Thanks for leaving us this record of your visit. If you are visiting for the first time, we would like for you to meet Phil and Kim Barnes in the foyer under the sign: Guest Relations. Phil & Kim would like to meet you, and they have a gift for you. We pray you’ll visit with us again soon. MEMBERS please fill out the Members side of the card and leave us a record of your attendance as well. Thank you. Out of respect for our worship service to God our Father this morning, please turn off all cell phones. Thank you!
Updates and Prayer Requests Orange Avenue Members Needing Continuous Prayer: Margie Alderman, Libby Archer, Kim Barnes, Laurie Bell, Diane Boyd, Mildred Boyd, Evelyn Brewer, Billy Brown, Dan Collins, Lois (Clahane) Hutsenpillar, Johnnie Coley, Cheryl & Ralph Cronk, Wes Dennis, Sandy Dotson, Alberta Graham, Frances Hamby, Ted & Peggy Harvey, Jackie Hatcher, Nell Howell, David Jones, Jordan Loser, Paul McClung, Bob Moore, James & Shirley Moore, Wayne Ostrand, Chris & Karen Stutzman, Cletus & Carolyn Stutzman, Theresa Sullivan, Rick Vincent. Cancer: Roberta Farley Homebound: Dale Carpenter, Carmon Hamby, Joyce Hodge, Peggy Owens, Tim Sullivan & Bill Whitmire.
Jack Cole is home from the hospital after having heart testing done. Jack is doing great. Please keep Jack & Cheryl in your daily prayers. 21209 Wolf Branch Road, Mount Dora, 32757.
Eli Lewandowski jumped off the headboard of his bed and broke his foot. “Eli-Knievel” is sporting a red cast because he was allowed to choose the color! Please pray for complete healing of Eli’s foot, and keep all the Lewandowski family in your prayers. 23029 Oak Prairie Circle, Sorrento, 32776.
Charlotte McNeely, is having a lot of health issues. Please pray for her and Ray. 2530 Southland Rd., Mount Dora, 32757.
James Norman, brother-in-law of Peggy Norman, and Uncle of Deb Taylor, is home from rehab after having a stroke. He will go to rehab 3 days a week. Thank you for all of your prayers. I’m sure he would appreciate cards of encouragement. 8603 Leawood Blvd., Houston, Texas 77099.
Peggy Saylor has been sick for several days. I’m sure sending a card would be a great encouragement to her. 2506 E. Moonlight Lane, Eustis 32726.
Deb Taylor will have some heart testing done at Florida South Hospital, on Tuesday, February 24th It will not be overnight.
Friends of the Family Needing Prayers: Deanna Anderson (T. Baker) Melissa Arnett (Grubbs), Amanda Bass (Tharp), Bill Broderik (McDonald), Landon Busby (Taylor), Judy Cain, Mario Chivleatto (Chivleatto), Brian Deem (Deem), Pat Durtche (Davidson), Norma Fike (Kingery), Jimmy & Marsha French, Ava Grant (Hodges), Muriel Holtin (Holtin), James Jacobs (infant) (McClung), Heather & Lauren Neace (Neace), Barbara & Roy Jones (McKay), Jimmy McCaffey (Deem), James & Billie Norman (Norman, Taylor) Lori Perser (Sullivan), Holland Ritchie (Ritchie), Scott Robinson (Blackman), Able & Terry Shelburne (McWhirt), David Smith (Lewandowski), Joe Stephens (Alderman), Mysti Stewart (Harvey), Sydney (Boyd), Paul Sumney (Miller), Cheryl Tate (Beech), Gloria Wambles, Mary Webb (Wacaster).
Cancer: James Alston (Howell), Sister of (Scott Brown), Sherry Blanton (Hutsenpillar), Franklin Cobb (Tharp), Judy Cockrell (Yates), Jerry Daniels (Archer), Wanda Donnell (Yates), Charles Doyle (Davidson), Debbie Elicker (Woodard), Bob Gill (Backhaus), Paula Guyton (Guyton), George Hoskins (Hoskins), Rhonda Jones, Richard Loveridge (Barker), Nikki McIntyre (Marcussen), Lisa Osbourne (Rine), Randy Sexton (Sexton) Nettie Shelburne (McWhirt) Robert Spain (Simpson).
SERVING IN THE MILITARY: Jeremiah Barnes-Air Force-Arizona Ryan Brackett-Navy-Japan Brandon Britt– Army- New York Rachel Durkovic Cade-Navy-South Carolina Justin Dillon-Army-Oklahoma Kayley Dillon-Army-Oklahoma Jerred Durkovic-Navy-Japan Evan Lewandowski-Army 82nd Airborne-Iraq Joseph Lewandowski– Army-Germany Steven McCay-Air Force– Missouri Aaron Monkman-Army-Afghanistan Cody Singletary-Air Force-Afghanistan
Weekly Record
February Anniversaries:
Sunday A.M. Worship
23rd– Neil & Ann Fraser 23 – Jack & Beth McDonald
Sunday P.M. Worship
Wed. Bible Study
Weekly Budget
Sunday Bible Study
February Birthdays: 23rd– Cape Monn 24th– Tom Rudgers 24th– Joy Shepherd
26th– Leonard DiSilvestro 25th– Kylee Colas 27th– David Jones
Announcements & Events LADIES DAY MEETING TODAY, SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2015: We will have a very important meeting for ALL ladies involved in Ladies Day TODAY, February 22, 2015 at 5:00 o’clock in the Fellowship hall. Please see Cheryl Cole with any questions.
Please continue to bring in individually wrapped snacks for our snack basket for the ICU at Waterman Hospital.
We have to double the bags during Deliver the difference, please bring us all the bags you can.
Our next Wednesday night dinner, will be Wednesday, February 25, 2014. please sign up at OCentral.
Please RSVP to the office if you were invited to Baby Day. 352-357-6616
Great news! There is a new class forming for those who are in their 20/30’s. Sean and Rhonda Lewandowski are going to lead this class starting on March 1st. There is a kickoff at Phil and Kim Barnes’ home on February 26th. Childcare will be provided. This announcement is so you can put it on your calendar, we will have more information next week. If you can come please let Rhonda know so we can plan the food. Many of you have been asking for the class and we are so grateful that God has opened up the door for us to have it. God is Good!!
The His Kidz Program is looking for teachers for 2015. Please email Julie Chivleatto at: jchivleatto@gmail.com if you are interested in taking a month for this wonderful program. We need teachers for June, July, August, September, October, November & December.
Today is our first love offering for the year. It will be split between our mission programs.
You are invited to a bridal shower honoring Rachel Snider, the bride elect of Benjamin Harris, on Sunday, March 22nd. It will be a come and go shower from 2 - 4 at the home of Cheryl Cole 21209 Wolf Branch Road, Mount Dora Rachel and Benjamin are registered at Bed, Bath and Beyond, and Target.
Parents: Please pick up a Children’s Worship Bulletin at the welcome center printed just for them. Thank you!
Next Mount Dora Chicken Dinner, Friday, February 27, 2015. 4:00PM-7:00PM
Our church pantry needs: Spaghetti sauce, Peanut Butter & Jelly, Beef Soup or Vegetable Soup. Thank you!!
Congratulations to Parker Brown, son of Rick and Cindy Brown, for being selected for a prestigious summer internship. He was recommended for an interview for the job by one of his law school professors. Following the interview, Parker was selected as the clerk for a Tennessee Supreme Court Justice. Congratulations, Parker! God is so good.
Our annual pot luck/ Easter Egg Hunt is coming soon! March 29th to be exact. We have a lot going on that day and need everyone to help. We will have a dessert auction to help with the expenses of the two mission trips this summer.
Bring enough food for your family & visitors.
Bring Candy/Prize filled Easter Eggs prior to March 29th. (Drop off at OCentral)
Prepare your yummiest dessert for the auction.
Bring your friends.
There will be fun and fellowship for everyone! Contact Mike & Karen Cockrell or Myron & Kym Yates to volunteer.
Shepherds’ Corner
Sunday Worship Guide Welcome/Call to Pete Adams Worship/Love Feast Song Leader
Kevin Barker
Opening Prayer
Ross Walters
Lord’s Supper
Drew Shepherd
Lord’s Table Servers
Wes Dennis, Dan Gilmer, Pat Hanegan, Doug Horton, Ullyseus Jones, Eric Rapp, Simeon Rolle, DC Taylor. (Alternates: David Jones, Kevin Moore & Myron Yates.)
Shepherd’s Prayer
Rubyn Howell
Scripture Reading
Jeremiah Pierre
Phil Barnes
Drew Shepherd
Pete Adams
Closing Prayer
Kenny Adams
Communion to Shut-Ins
Ullysues Jones
Ushers Sunday A.M.
Mike Hill, Jack McDonald & Brad Moser
Greeter N. Entrance
D & E Backhaus
Greeter S. Entrance
R & B Clemons
Nursery A.M. & P.M.
D Bay/K Payne
His Kidz-Ages 4-8
Thurman & Simone
Audio/video Booth
Shepherds Receiving Responses
Vernon Means & Rick Brown
Building Lock-Up
Marvin Jones
Sunday P.M. Call to Worship
Rubyn Howell
Song Leader
Jeff Bay
Opening Prayer
Steve Grubbs
Phil Barnes
Lord’s Supper
Bill Baker
Closing Prayer
Mike Chivleatto
Audio/Video Booth Wednesday (25th)
Drew Shepherd
Prayer Ministry For anyone in need of special prayers, Jeff Bay & Rick Brown will be available Wednesday, February 25th beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Elders’ Room. Weekly Visitation Chuck Shepherd & Mike Mabry Daily Bible Reading
Today’s reading begins on page 252-267 Purification Ministry
Phil Barnes
Student Minister Scott Simpson Elders
Jeff Bay
Mike Mabry
Rick Brown
Vernon Means
Jack Cole
Chuck Shepherd*
Rubyn Howell *Chairman for the Month Office Staff Deb Taylor– Secretary orangeoffice@reagan.com 407.920.7755 (Cell) Orange Avenue Church of Christ 1511 E. Orange Avenue Eustis, FL 32726 Office Hours: Monday—Thursday 9:00-4:00, Friday 8:30-12:30
Schedule of Assemblies Sunday Bible Study 9:00a.m. Sunday Morning Worship 10:00a.m. Sunday Women’s Prayer Warriors 5:30p.m. Sunday Evening Worship 6:00p.m. Tuesday Ladies Bible Class 10:30a.m. (September-May) Wednesday Bible Class 7:00p.m. Thursday Men’s Luncheon 12:00p.m. Barnwood Bar-b-Q
A designated section (SIGNING) is provided with interpreters for the Deaf and the Hearing Impaired. Hard of Hearing devices are available at the sound booth in the back of the auditorium.
Phone: 352-357-6616 Fax: 352-357-5335 Email: orangeoffice@reagan.com To submit announcements to the bulletin please email Deb at: orangeoffice@reagan.com Deadline for Sunday’s bulletin is Wednesday, deadline for Wednesday Announcements is Sunday. Please make note of the new email address for the office and for Deb.