Diabetes Management :Ways to Manage Diabetes in Winter Season
About “Diabetes & Winter Diet” •
A diabetes diet is a nutritious, low-fat, low-calorie eating plan that is naturally rich in nutrients.
Appropriate diet can help you control your blood sugar, lose weight, and feel better.
This allows you to make better use of the insulin that your body produces or that you receive from a medicine.
During winter, the body works harder and uses more energy to keep you warm, so your desire to eat more comes from your body’s natural increase in energy use.
However, this cannot be an excuse to overeat! Healthy snacking during winter is important and it becomes even more important if you are a diabetic.
How does winter affect diabetes? • When the weather starts to get out of hand, your blood sugar starts to rise. • Cold and hot weather extremes might have a severe impact on your body's ability to create and utilise insulin. • Our goal, however, should be to prevent the environment from having the upper hand. • You can surely control the situation if you follow a few simple procedures. Read More
Ways To manage Diabetes In winter 1. Make a meal Plan • The key to controlling diabetes is to plan your meals ahead of time and stick to them. • This will help you consume in controlled portions and keep your blood sugar levels in check.
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2 . Stay away from the stress
• Winter festivals can sometimes make you feel more stressed. • According to FFD, depression is usually associated with the winter season, and when depression and diabetes are combined, the risk of negative effects is increased.
3 . Meals should not be skipped • Skipping meals, particularly breakfast, is common among young adults, increasing their risk of obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes. • Skipping any meal might induce an imbalance in glucose levels in diabetics, which can exacerbate their symptoms. • Some diabetics try to skip meals during the winter to avoid eating more and increasing their sugar levels, which often results in a sugar rise rather than its management.
4. Avoid alcohol Consumption • Alcohol intake may increase throughout the winter months. • While some studies correlate light to moderate alcohol use to good heart health and, as a result, a lower risk of diabetes • Others warn that excessive alcohol consumption can have negative consequences and raise the risk of diabetes.
• It is very common to feel hungrier especially for diabetics at this time of the year as cold weather speeds up our metabolism. •
The colder weather causes a drop in our body temperature, which means our appetites get stimulated as a result.
• Freedom from Diabetes has found out various options of healthy snacking in winter after a deep study.
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