MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 1 Diabetes goes only with death … one can never become free!
Truth 1 Diabetics do become free of insulin and medicines permanently too! We have over 9000+ free from insulin and 5000+ off tablets!!!
Truth 1 71 Intensive Program batches done. 81 Residential Program batches done. 169 Online Webinars done. 926 physical first sessions done. Over 92469 participants have attended these programs!
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 2 Diabetes is hereditary!
Truth 2 This is a partial truth. Type 2 diabetes has a strong genetic link but the genes are dormant (not dominant). They activate only when one’s diet, lifestyle and stress switch them on. These genes can be switched off once you change your diet, lifestyle and stress levels!
Dr Neal Barnard & Dr Gabriel Cousens
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 3 Diabetics produce less insulin!
Truth 3 This is TOTALLY WRONG FOR TYPE 2 DIABETICS! 95%+ Type 2 diabetes have higher fasting insulin. (more than 4). The problem is not insulin production but INSULIN RESISTANCE (action of insulin)!
Insulin Resistance
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 4 Most important test for diabetes is Hba1c
Truth 4 This is a partial truth. Hba1c is the 3 month average of sugars so it is important. Ideally it should be below 5.7. For diabetics below 7 is good control. Even more important tests than Hba1c are: 1.Fasting Insulin (should be between 2.6-4) 2.HsCRP (should be below 1). This conveys inflammation Both the above help us understand INSULIN RESISTANCE which is more important than just tracking sugar levels through Hba1c
When we eat food! There is increase in INSULIN Which… STORE SUGARS in liver PRODUCE FAT in liver
Role of Insulin! • Insulin inhibits burning of fat (lipolysis) • Higher the insulin lesser the fat burning • Lower the insulin higher the fat burning
High Insulin causes… Heart disease Stroke High Cholesterol High blood pressure Abdominal obesity Fatty Liver PCOD Gout Atherosclerosis Gastroesophageal reflux disease Sleep apnea Cancer Alzhiemer’s FASTING IS THE BEST WAY
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 5 Diabetics should eat after every 2 hours. And they should not fast!
Truth 5 This is partially true! Eating in less quantity every two hours will keep sugars under control. But the problem is rise in insulin repeatedly. Insulin will only reduce when the number of meals reduce. Fasting in a scientific manner is recommended by us and has given immense results to many doctors/ therapists!
New way of looking at Insulin Resistance A cell overfilled with glucose, spills it out of the cell, leading to increased glucose levels If you give more drugs or insulin to stimulate insulin secretion, temporarily more glucose will be shoved into cell Once natural limit is reached, even extra insulin will not be able to move more glucose in
Obvious Solution – Fasting/ Juice Feasting/ Intermittent Fasting! To reduce toxic glucose overload – First, stop putting excess glucose in your body. Low carbohydrate diet Second, body needs to burn off excess glucose So, Fasting is the obvious solution!!!
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 6 If sugars are controlled by medicines / insulin there is no need to control your diet
Truth 6 This is TOTALLY WRONG! 1. All medicines have side-effects 2. With medicines/ insulin you are only stuffing more sugar and fat into cells which are already overloaded so the problem is only increasing 3. Long term complications also happen to people despite good sugar control
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 7 Diabetics should not eat mangoes and bananas!
Truth 7 This is a partial truth. Bananas and Mangoes have medium Glycemic Index. They can be had once sugars are under control. All our diabetics eat them regularly! More dangerous fruits are Watermelon and Pine apple
Glycemic Index
Glycemic Index High-GI Foods (>70): Watermelon (76)
Low-GI Foods (<55): Banana (50-55)
Pineapple (59)
Mango (50)
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 8 Sugar free sweets are fine for diabetics. These can be gifted to your diabetic family members, friends and teachers!
Truth 8 This is TOTALLY WRONG if the sweet contains MILK! Firstly, Milk and all milk products contain IGF (Insulin like Growth Factor) which blocks insulin receptors for 48-72 hours. Insulin cannot open the locks and this causes a rise in sugars Secondly, sugar free chemicals like sucralose, aspartame can severely damage your intestinal bacteria. These bacteria help in producing vital enzymes and vitamins useful in energy production. Also many of these are harmful chemicals and cause autoimmune diseases and cancer
Insulin Resistance
IGF from Milk and all Milk products Gets stuck for 48-72 hours
Deeper Solutions!
Biggest Enemy
A cup of tea without sugar Can increase next day fasting by
20 – 100 points
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 9 Morning tea without sugar with 2 marie biscuits is necessary for diabetics At night also diabetics should drink one glass of milk
Truth 9 This is TOTALLY WRONG! As both tea and biscuits contain milk! Secondly, tea, milk, biscuits are acidic in nature. They increase inflammation. This inflammation (which can be measured by hsCRP) blocks insulin action
Insulin Resistance
Acid and inflammation creates a swelling around cells. This interferes with insulin action
MYTHS ABOUT DIABETES डडायबबिटटीज ककी गलतफबमियडायां MYTH 10 Poha / Upma in breakfast are permitted for diabetics
Truth 10 This is TOTALLY WRONG! Both Poha and Upma are refined food items. Refined means without skin (chilkha). Poha is white rice which is puffed Upma is refined wheat Both increase sugars very fast. This gets converted into fat. Whatever increases sugars fast increases acid and inflammation too!
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