Rs1025 nohrd 2014

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Wooden Fitness Innovations

ny“ „Made in Germa



The Grinder is a technical piece of equipment used on high performance sailing boats. With the grinder you control the sails. The “Grinders” are sailors that operate the Grinder and are responsible for the quick bringing up and down of the sails. Professional Grinders sail on regattas like the America’s Cup and the physical performance of the Grinders often determine the difference between winning and losing. With the “WaterGrinder” we introduce an effective and beautiful designed upper body workout machine that simulated the exercise

of Sail Grinders. With the WaterGrinder you train your complete upper body and your cardio vascular system in a most effective and joyful way. The monitor controls your handle rotation, your heart rate, time and watt. - available in solid ash, cherry and walnut - 6 different seat positions - compact design, efficient training - height 120 cm, length 110 cm, width 80 cm - trains the upper body and cardiovascular system


Due to its basic position the WaterGrinding can be performed from two sides (forward and backward), in three different seat-positions and while standing. The independant position of the crank allows symmetrical and reciprocally cranking resp. training with one or two arms. Furthermore user can stand aside the WaterGrinder so that training on one crank with both arms is possible. In combination there are many possibilities of training which complete each other and at the same time offer many varieties of training for perfect performance that keeps users spirit in mood.




3 2 1

1. The crank can be adjusted in 8 different positions. This increases / decreases the base resistance.

4 5 6

2. The seat of the WaterGrinder can be hung in on both sides in three different positions. The rotation of the handle can be forward and backwards aswell as single sided.

THE MISSING PART Bicycle ergometer, crosswalker and treadmills are to be found nearly in every fitness institution and also in many households. These cardio machines are very effective, however they train the cardiovascular system mainly by the lower extremity. As every cardio training shows also a muscular and a body shaping component there is a significant deficit in training of the upper body. WaterGrinder can compensate this difference in an unprecedented way. With WaterGrinder the whole upper body is trained. This means the muscles of the arms, the shoulders, the abdomen as well as the muscles of the whole back. Of course, also the joints of the upper body and not least the spinal column gets exact those movement - and stress-impulse which are essential for mobility and physically load. THE IMPULSE The WaterGrinder is, same as WaterRower, inspired by a certain kind of sport and therefore is perfect for this sport-specific training. Beyond this WaterGrinder perfectly serves the purpose to avoid and to act against deseases of civilization. Therefore WaterGrinder is the drug of choice to compensate the deficite in movement, that occures mainly for professional reasons. WaterGrinder offers maximum impulse of movement per training unit and can therefore effectively protect against or even remove back pain. Exercise with WaterGrinder trains your whole upper body and thus the spinal column and its stabilizing muscles are supported.

BODY SHAPE AND ENDURANCE Our legs are used to stand continous loads: therefore it takes quite long to achieve an effective stimulation. On the other hand our arms are made for short actions and mainly can rest. Because of this the endurance training initiiated by moving the arms is extremly short so that the muscular fatigue is quickly achieved what means that training units are very short and efficient. The corresponding interval training enables a range of workout where simultaneous stimulus for the cardiovascular system are achieved. And beyond this there will never arise a monotony in training because of the various and short interval-training.

STRENGTH AND ENDURANCE While jogging you mainly train cardiovascular what means endurance. While exercising in a fitness studio on machines and dumbbells you mainly train your muscles and your strength. While doing workout with WaterGrinder you train strength and endurance at the same time. Both parts – endurance and strength - are balanced in training, so that its difficult to say what kind of training WaterGrinding is in first way. You can call WaterGrinder-training a strengthtraining with intensive aspect for endurance or you can call it endurance-training with intensive strength-components – you will always be right.

TRAIN COMPLEX Muscles like teamwork and the corresponding communication with each other. WaterGrinder trains muscle chains in composition and therefore improves communication between nervous system and muscles. At the same time you train your connective tissue, that mainly serves the purpose to transfer informations from muscle to muscle.

With WaterGrinder you develop – according to your type – a slim or an athletic musculature that results at same time in endurance capacity, that can stand all daily requirements and loads.

Dynamic trained muscles Static trained muscles


The glas surfaced monitor of the WaterGrinder offers a comprehensive range of training approaches, these are very versatile, but at the same time designed to be as clear, intuitive operation that is possible at any time. The monitor can be moved to the training side. A G-force chip controls the display reading position.

Pulse or speed training: Select the pulse program, specify your maximum heart rate and train at different long and intense pulse profiles. If you chose a speed program, an external value determines your training intensity and allows you an objective performance comparison.

You can choose between the following programs:

Drill program: Here you will find many different and unpredictable training stimulus, comparable with a physic coach by your side.

Time or Distance Training: Determine a time or a distance that you want to manage and focus during training exclusively on achieving this goal. 6

Competition Training: In competitive mode, you play against virtual or real opponents. You have to hoist as quickly as possible a selected amount of sails. Game Training: You sail with your (powered by solar sails) Space-Ship through the universe, and have all kinds of space debris, as well as other obstacles. Depending on the program, you receive the following parameters: speed, heart rate, time, distance, wattage and calories per hour.




The WaterGrinder is available in solid ash, cherry and walnut.

Technical Details: Height: 120 cm Length: 110 cm Width: 80 cm Weight: 50 kg (without water) Training monitor inclusive



Ash Order No. 14.100 Club-Sport Order No. 14.101 Cherry Order No. 14.102 Walnut Order No. 14.103

ny“ „Made in Germa 7



Training Functional strength training is probably the most effective way to improve physical qualities like vascularization, coordination, strength, balance and mobility to the musculoskeletal system. The combination of cardio endurance training with the WaterRower and the functional strength training with a SlimBeam is an ideal way to keep and improve your physical well being. Enjoy exercising with two of the most beautiful and effective machines around! The SlimBeam with it’s high end pulley cable motion system allows an unrestricted, user defined training with countless excercise options. This professional piece of equipment will improve your quality of life and contribute to your high end interior.

Speed Pulley The SlimBeam pulley system is more versatile than regular pulleys and allows speed excerise without weights flying uncontrollably up and down. The ratio for calculating the outcoming resistance is 1 : 3. This ratio can be changed to 1 : 2 if higher weights are desired.

pull bar and attachment rings, real wood veneer, rubber coated weights. All this leads to a very fine, smooth-running and quite-in-use, machine with a high fun factor involved during excersise.

Design & Material The SlimBeam fits into every home and gym. The required wall space is only 40 cm. Due to the sophisticated design and materials, the SlimBeam is a true eyecatcher. Every single machine is handcrafted in Germany with outstanding finish and impressive oval wood design. The Materials used are of best quality: Ball bearings, longlasting 64 bevel cable, stainless steel pulley covers, 9

The SlimBeam is an all-round training tower with endless training possibilities. To be able to find the right training variability our sport scientists developed a training booklet with a wide range of exercises from easy to difficult. For each exercise you find a scale that shows you the level of difficulty. Start with one particular muscle group and find the exercise that helps you training that muscle the most effective. Additionally you can vary the selected weight stack to change the level of intensity.


The booklet lists exercises for: Corps, Back, Arms, Shoulder, Legs & Stomach. Coordination exercises (K & C in the booklet) are more difficult and require good health and certain grade of fitness. Please scan the QR-Code to view an example of one of the exercises in the booklet. You can find more on our webpage

Functional Training is trendy and effective. With this basic way of training your body, you improve your daily productive efficiency and you just feel better. With functional Training you don’t limit your exercise to one particular muscle but you force your body to use whole muscle chains. You train with momentum and you improve your flexibility. Choose to train with high weights and low repeat for muscle build up or for low weight and high repeat to improve endurance. The SlimBeam is an All-Rounder that fits in your home or professional environment. Why Muscle training? Training with weights is more than just an option! It is the only reliable possibility to maintain and regain muscle mass and strength. It is not only about what you see, but it is about gaining a healthy mix between muscle mass and body fat. For your metabolism it is essential to build up strong and healthy muscles which help burning off body fat. Don’t let your body scale mislead you. You might not have gained weight over the last years, but your ratio between body fat and muscle mass has changed. Gain your strength back with the SlimBeam.

Training Flexibility The amount of weight stacks you select for your training is responsible for the effectiveness of your exercise. If you choose a lot of weights the exercise if difficult if you choose a few weights the exercise is easy. Besides this selection possibility each exercise has an inner complexity factor. Our training booklet helps you to select your choice of complexity for your training. We strongly recommend starting off your training with simple exercises and gradually increase the level of weights and grade of complexity.


The accessories that can be ordered separately extends the range of training and perfectly meets the optic of the SlimBeam. The ball bearing handles can simply be fixed to the pull rope by a carabiner. Further there is the possibility to use the chin up bar as support for coordinating exercises. The chin up bar is put into the accessory-adapter. This can be fixed everywhere from the top to the bottom to the front rod.


With the LED backlight you achieve a special atmosphere, so that your SlimBeam visually stands out from the wall. The warm tinted light is a special eye catcher for your home. Order No. 15.200

Accessory adapter

Training bench + accessory adapter

Pull-Up bar + accessory adapter

Order No. 15.201

Order No. 15.209

Order No. 15.202

Lat bar + accessory adapter

Foot cuff


Order No. 15.203

Order No. 15.207

Order No. 15.208

The set of connection bracket allows to combine two SlimBeam what enables the two devices to stand free in a room. The distance between both devices is 20 cm.

Cleaning kit

Lubricating oil

Order No. 15.210

Order No. 15.211

Cable for 1:1 gearing

Cable for 2:1 gearing

Cable for 3:1 gearing

Order No. 15.206

Order No. 15.205

Order No. 15.204

Order No. 15.213



3:1 ratio in kg

2:1 ratio in kg

1:1 ratio in kg

Single pull

0,83 12,50

1,25 18,75

2,50 37,50

Double pull

1,65 25,00

2,50 37,50

5,00 75,00

You can change the ratio manually by using more or fewer pulleys.

The SlimBeam captivates with his simple, slim design. Only 40 cm wall space is required to install and operate the SlimBeam. Minimum ceiling height should be 215 cm. The wall attachment brackets can be adjusted in length, but typically the SlimBeam is mounted approximately 10 cm from the wall. With all that the SlimBeam requires no more space than a kitchen stool. The oval shape and the high end materials used for this sophisticated fitness equipment make the SlimBeam an eye catcher in every environment.


You can choose from 3 different pull cables. The standard cable gears the SlimBeam to a 3:1 gearing. This means that the selected weight is divided by three at the pull grommets. With this gearing both cables can be pulled out 4 meters in length which leaves a complete free motion space. Alternatively the SlimBeam can be fitted out with a 2:1 or even a 1:1 gearing cable which increases the actual weight. With the easy access back panel, the cable change can be easily done, without disassembling the SlimBeam or disconnecting from the wall. The Chin-Up pull bar can be adjusted in height and can also be used as holding handle.

With the standard gearing the cables can be pulled out up to 4 meters in length for a motion free training.



The SlimBeam is available in ash, cherry, walnut and stainless steel. Other designs upon request.



Technical Details: Base plate: ø 44 cm Height: 215 cm Width: 40 cm Depth: 20 cm Total weight: approx. 120 kg


Stainless Steel

Ash Order No. 15.100 Club-Sport Order No. 15.101 Cherry Order No. 15.103 Walnut Order No. 15.104 Stainless Steel Order No. 15.105

ny“ „Made in Germa 15



WaterWorkx has received fourfold acclaim: "WaterWorkx is absolutely top quality, durable, functional and innovative."

WaterWorkx - Training with water We have developed WaterWorkx to increase your strength and quality of life. With WaterWorkx you will train gently and smoothly because you'll be working with natural water resistance. Although training with water prevents muscle soreness, it fatigues your muscles effectively, so you can reach your fitness goals in a fun way. WaterWorkx also provides maximum safety in terms of its technology. There are no metal edges or weights that could fall down uncontrollably, because the system is made of natural materials and all training resistance is achieved through water. WaterWorkx is the world's first training system that works with natural, smooth and self-regulating water resistance. It can be continuously regulated so that anyone – both young and old, as well as novices and pros – can train with the system. Compared to other exercise machines, WaterWorkx offers several decisive advantages. To name just a few, the elegant look, the pleasant sounds while training and the high-quality materials are sure to impress you. In addition, training with water resistance poses virtually no risks to your joints, muscles and bones.

WeightWorkx - Training with weights There are moments when it makes sense to choose something familiar, especially when it's also especially good. For example, we are used to exercising our bodies under the influence of gravity; we feel the weight of our bodies and measure it in kilograms, pounds or stones. We are also accustomed to using muscle strength to initiate both muscle flexion and extension when we exercise. Just think of knee bends and chin-ups. It’s not just pushing or pulling up that is difficult; so is lowering down, because you don't just allow your body weight to drop, but slow down the motion in a controlled manner. The muscles take over this task, because their fibres are extending under tension! These so-called eccentric contractions are also the cause of muscle soreness, another everyday phenomenon. With WeightWorkx you will train exactly in this proven manner to achieve your results with the security that a proven method provides. Classic weight training has a name: WeightWorkx!




7 Maximum height: 228 cm


Base area W x D: 89.5 cm x 93 cm

Bench seat dimensions: L x W: 55 x 34 mm

Dimensions when completely opened: W x H x D: 89.5 cm x 216 cm x 172 cm




Maximum weight allowed on bench: 200 kg

Depicted with water tank. The dimensions for WaterWorkx and WeightWorkx are identical.



1 - Bars / Wall bars: An aesthetic highlight: The wall bars provide support during exercises and are used when stretching.

4 - Adjustable feet: The four adjustable feet can be set to different heights, thus ensuring that the machine will always be level, even on uneven ground. Rubber on the bottom of the adjustable feet protects the floor.

7 - Long bench: The long bench can be easily removed from the frame in a single step and hooked into four different positions. The bench legs can be adjusted and secured at the push of a button.

2 - Adjust the resistance: The dial is necessary for continuously adjusting the water resistance. A scale below the disk displays the current level of resistance. With WeightWorkx you can adjust the resistance / the weight with the weight pin.

5 - Guiding arms – overhead bar fixture: You have to open the guiding arms for the overhead bar fixture as soon as you want to train with the tension cables. The upper bar also allows for lateral exercises thanks to its slanted angle.

8 - Lower tension cable: The lower tension cable is controlled with a swivelling bar, thus making it possible to do lateral exercises.

3 - Water tank / Weights: The patented water tank is the main feature of WaterWorkx. The "base resistance" and "self-regulating resistance" components regulate the water resistance. The WeightWorkx weights are rubberised and thus quieter than conventional weights. The system comes with a total of 70 kg.

6 - Bench seat: The bench seat can be hooked into the wall bars in two different positions by pushing the iron bar through the corresponding holes in the frame.

You can train all major muscle groups individually and in combination with each other. Shape your legs, arms, chest, abs and glutes the way you've always imagined, while ensuring that your back and joints remain strong and resilient. The exercise manual contains a number of different exercises for every zone of the body. The manual can be hooked onto the wall bars so that you can browse through it while working out.

The body zones are highlighted, the individual exercises are numbered: From 100 - Arms From 200 – Abs / Lower back From 300 – Legs / Glutes From 400 - Shoulders From 500 - Back From 600 - Chest Stretching exercises

A sample page from the exercise manual: Body zone: Shoulders Exercise No.: 420 Exercise Name: Front Raise

The exercise manual is included with every WaterWorkx and WeightWorkx machine.


Bench and seat can be ordered separately. They are identical to the ones used for WaterWorkx. Available in:


WaterWorkx and WeightWorkx models are made of ash and walnut. These wood varieties possess precisely those qualities that make wood such a valuable and desirable material: the combination of elasticity, stability, splinter-resistance and durability create functionality that can't be beaten.


and type of leather. All models are available with genuine or synthetic leather. In addition to the look, you can also choose the type of resistance system: water or weights.




DoubleWorkx features the possibility to train both sides of the body at the same time (bilateral training).

All models are oiled and sealed so that the wood retains its natural look and repels moisture. For fans of darker woods, we offer models made from high-quality walnut.

There is also the option for two people to train using "one" machine. The technology is the same as the WaterWorkx or WeightWorkx machines and you can choose water or classic weights to create resistance. The wider wall bars provide even more room for training and stretching. Suitable for mounting to walls.

The Club Sport model is made of ash, which features a rosy stain. You can also pick the colour

Dimensions (open): W x H x D: 216 cm x 200 cm x 50 cm


Ash „Natural“

Ash „Brown“

Ash „Red“

Ash „Black“

Club-Sport „Black“

Walnut „Brown“

Available in ash and walnut with different leather colors.

Walnut „Black“

Walnut „Natural“

Double-Workx „Ash“




Ash, synthetic leather Order No. 11.101 Ash, genuine leather Order No. 11.100 Club-Sport, synthetic leather Order No. 11.103 Club-Sport, genuine leather Order No. 11.102 Walnut, synthetic leather Order No. 11.105 Walnut, genuine leather Order No. 11.104

Ash, synthetic leather Order No. 11.107 Ash, genuine leather Order No. 11.106 Club-Sport, synthetic leather Order No. 11.109 Club-Sport, genuine leather Order No. 11.108 Walnut, synthetic leather Order No. 11.111 Walnut, genuine leather Order No. 11.110

Ash, Weights Order No. 11.113 Ash, Water Order No. 11.112 Club-Sport, Weights Order No. 11.115 Club-Sport, Water Order No. 11.114 Walnut, Weights Order No. 11.117 Walnut, Water Order No. 11.116

ny“ „Made in Germa 21



Swinging movements are part of everyday life. They are especially effective and thus a natural component of our repertoire of movement. We especially become aware of this when our strength diminishes and pain keeps us from being able to use our momentum. So that it doesn't come to this, it is important to train using swinging movements to keep your muscles, joints and connective tissues flexible and strong.

movements and needs them in order to stay in shape. Train with the Swing bells and regain the vitality of your youth. The imbalance created in your hand due to the special shape and fill (see figure) of the Swing bells and movement generates constantly changing training stimuli for the joints, muscles and connective tissue. This results in increased physical performance and resilience, and guarantees training fun and ease.

Shifting the centre of gravity of the Swing bell beyond the extremity makes it easier to do swinging, elastic movements. Your connective tissue is specially designed for these flexible 23

The human body consists of about 650 muscles, 250 bones and 1 fascia. The fascia is a structur giving organ, that shapes our body and keeps it upright by tension. The fascia is a connective tissue, fibrous, collagen network, that connects everything in our body. According to place and function this fascinating structur is solid or liquid. For example the hamstring or the plural liquid. Fascia, resp. connective tissue, is to be found all over in our body, on the surface as well as in the depth. Virtually our bones are simply spacers. The shape of our human body is given by the fascia system, without that our skeletal system would collapse. 24

Fascia influence - the musclature - the movement - the posture - the pain sensation - the immune system - the body awareness - the lymph system - the strength transmission and energy storage and is connected to the autonomic nervous system. By specific stretching and elastic springiness that you perfom with the swing bell you are able to purposefully model and stimulate your fascial system.

„Training connective tissue requires both an innovative concept as well as corresponding training equipment. Current knowledge and ongoing research indicate that the Swing bells developed by NOHrD meet these requirements and signify major progress in training myofascial structures.“ Robert SCHLEIP, PhD in Human Biology and MA in Psychology, Licensed Rolfing and Feldenkrais Instructor, Naturopath, Munich

The Swing Tower is made of solid wood and provides space for eight Swing bells. Thanks to the use of rubber rings, they won't slip while hanging on stainless steel bars. Eight double-sided training cards are located inside the tower. A turning mechanism opens and closes the wooden cover. Tower dimensions: Height: 87 cm, Width: 15 cm, Depth: 15 cm, Weight: 10 kg (without bells and exercise cards), Floor board: Width: 34 cm, Depth: 34 cm

The exercise cards can be conveniently placed on the cover so that you always have them in front of you while training. The Swing exercise cards methodically display both simple isolation exercises as well as complex exercises, which are naturally more demanding. The integrated exercise guidance system ensures a secure start and results in the necessary training motivation you need to reach your personal goals. Eight double-sided training cards are located inside the tower and can be placed on the cover.


The granules are encased in hand-sewn genuine leather (available in black and natural). A metal bar integrated into the leather, opposite the wooden handle, gives the bells the necessary stability. The bell handle is made of solid wood and is available in ash, cherry or walnut. It is handcrafted in our own manufacturing facility, where it is also sanded, oiled and assembled. The bells are available in 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 kg weights. They are available as a complete set (including the Swing Tower or Swing Board) or as 2-piece sets.


Die Hanteln kÜnnen am Swing Tower aufgehängt werden

Oder am Swing Board...


Swing bells 1 kg, Ash, black Order No. 13.100 2 kg, Ash, black Order No. 13.104 4 kg, Ash, black Order No. 13.108 6 kg, Ash, black Order No. 13.112 8 kg, Ash, black Order No. 13.116

Swing Board Sets

Swing Tower Sets 1 kg, Cherry, black Order No. 13.102 2 kg, Cherry, black Order No. 13.106 4 kg, Cherry, black Order No. 13.110 6 kg, Cherry, black Order No. 13.114 8 kg, Cherry, black Order No. 13.118

1 kg, Walnut, natural Order No. 13.103 2 kg, Walnut, natural Order No. 13.107 4 kg, Walnut, natural Order No. 13.111 6 kg, Walnut, natural Order No. 13.115 8 kg, Walnut, natural Order No. 13.119

Complete Set Ash, black With 8 bells and 8 training cards. - Bells: 1, 2, 4, 6 kg Order No. 13.200 - Bells: 2, 4, 6, 8 kg Order No. 13.201

Complete Set Walnut, natural With 8 bells and 8 training cards. - Bells: 1, 2, 4, 6 kg Order No. 13.209 - Bells: 2, 4, 6, 8 kg Order No. 13.210

Complete Set Cherry, black With 8 bells and 8 training cards. - Bells: 1, 2, 4, 6 kg Order No. 13.206 - Bells: 2, 4, 6, 8 kg Order No. 13.207

Swing Board Set Ash, black With 8 bells. - Bells: 1, 2, 4, 6 kg Order No. 13.300 - Bells: 2, 4, 6, 8 kg Order No. 13.301

Swing Board Set Walnut, natural With 8 bells. - Bells: 1, 2, 4, 6 kg Order No. 13.309 - Bells: 2, 4, 6, 8 kg Order No. 13.310

Swing Board Set Cherry, black With 8 bells. - Bells: 1, 2, 4, 6 kg Order No. 13.306 - Bells: 2, 4, 6, 8 kg Order No. 13.307

ny“ „Made in Germa 27




Made of hand-sewn genuine leather. Filled with granules. Available in 0,3 kg, 1,25 kg and 2,10 kg. For swinging, playing, pushing, throwing.

Technical Details: Weight: 300 g / 1250 g / 2100 g

Natural, 300 g Order No. 17.100 Natural, 1250 g Order No. 17.101 Natural, 2100 g Order No. 17.102

ny“ „Made in Germa 29



The elegant wooden design and sweeping silhouette make the Wallbars look like a high-quality piece of furniture that harmoniously fits into your home or in your gym. Available in ash, cherry and walnut, the Wallbars is an eye-catcher and indicator of an active and conscientious lifestyle. Two models (10 or 14 bars, oiled to repel sweat) offer various grip positions at different angles for stretching and bodyweight exercises.

When used in combination with tension bands, the Wallbars can even become a multifunctional training station for your entire body. The Wallbars is the perfect piece of training equipment for your home and the entire family. Maximum load weight for pull out handle: 125 kg.


WALLBARS EXTENSION 21,5 cm extension for the Wallbars with one extra bar. Simply fit under the existing Wallbars. Available in ash, cherry and walnut and Club-Sport.

MULTI-ADAPTER Two functions in one: Simply turn it around and hook in. 1. Horizontal bar 2. Triceps support

SLANTED BENCH Can be hooked in at different heights. Dimensions: 136 x 33 cm. Available colors: Black, brown, nature, red Please fill in the color on the order form.


Extension Ash Order No. 12.212 Extension Club-Sport Order No. 12.214 Extension Cherry Order No. 12.215 Extension Walnut Order No. 12.216


Multi-Adapter Ash Order No. 12.200 Multi-Adapter Club-Sport Order No. 12.201 Multi-Adapter Cherry Order No. 12.202 Multi-Adapter Walnut Order No. 12.203




Slanted bench Ash, synthetic leather Order No. 12.204 Slanted bench Ash, genuine leather Order No. 12.205 Slanted bench Club-Sport, synthetic leather Order No. 12.210 Slanted bench Club-Sport, genuine leather Order No. 12.211 Slanted bench Cherry, synthetic leather Order No. 12.206 Slanted bench Cherry, genuine leather Order No. 12.207 Slanted bench Walnut, synthetic leather Order No. 12.208 Slanted bench Walnut, genuine leather Order No. 12.209



The Wallbars are available in ash, cherry and walnut. Available with 10 or 14 bars.



Technical Details: Height: 230 cm (fully upright) Width: 80 cm Depth: 13 cm Weight: 19-21 kg (10 bars-14 bars) Distance between bars: 9,9 cm - 17,7 cm


Ash, 10 bars Order No. 12.103 Ash, 14 bars Order No. 12.102 Club-Sport, 10 bars Order No. 12.105 Club-Sport, 14 bars Order No. 12.104

Cherry, 10 bars Order No. 12.107 Cherry, 14 bars Order No. 12.106 Walnut, 10 bars Order No. 12.109 Walnut, 14 bars Order No. 12.108

ny“ „Made in Germa 33



The Hedgehock is a unique seat. At first glance, its clear cubic form seems to contradict with the function of sitting, but as soon as you get acquainted with it, you'll experience pure ergonomics. The blocks are actually cushioned and all move independently of each other, providing a surprisingly very comfortable seat that gently adapts to the shape of your body.

"Sitting. Everyone sits for hours every day. But what is sitting anyway? We get excited about ergonomic seat cushions, designed plastic creations and relaxing furniture. But seating furniture that is natural and clear best pays homage to the archaic activity of sitting. Structured with a clear, geometric exterior and an organic, moving interior, the Hedgehock establishes harmony between the dynamic and the static. While sitting, ergonomics are achieved through motion, allowing the body to form its own foundation. Not with cushions, but with natural wood – after all, wood can also be soft." Sebastian Brand, Inventor of the Hedgehock

Sebastian Brand


Available in ash, cherry and walnut. Made of solid wood. Dimensions: Table board: 90 x 90 x 4 cm Height: 73 cm Width: 45 cm Depth: 45 cm


Ash Order No. 16.108 Club-Sport Order No. 16.109 Cherry Order No. 16.110 Walnut Order No. 16.111


The Hedgehock models are available in ash, cherry and walnut. You can additionally choose whether to integrate a drawer into your Hedgehock. Dimensions: 45 x 45 x 45 cm.

Technical Details: Height: 45 cm Width: 45 cm Depth: 45 cm Weight: 20 kg

Ash Order No. 16.100 Ash with drawer Order No. 16.101 Club-Sport Order No. 16.102 Club-Sport with drawer Order No. 16.103

Cherry Order No. 16.104 Cherry with drawer Order No. 16.105 Walnut Order No. 16.106 Walnut with drawer Order No. 16.107

ny“ „Made in Germa 37

You'll sense the attention to detail in each of our products! The fact that our products are handcrafted in our own manufacturing facility additionally allows us to address your individual wishes quickly and easily. Our products are:

ny“ „Made in Germa


... e r a c e w e s u a Bec

The solid woods that are used for our products are all from renewable recources from USA and Germany. We only work with full blocks of young and smooth wood. All wooden elements are protectingly oiled. This avoids dirt and stains. Wood is a natural resource so that minimal deviations in color and condition may occure. Each unit is unique. Note on the tank: The color of the WaterGrinder tank may vary from the pictures. The tank is from polycarbonate and has a light coloring of brownish respectively grayish optic. The tank is not fully transparent.

Note on the leather: The used high-quality genuine leather is processed by hand. Its origin country is Germany. - the tanning is „made in Germany“ - accords to ISO 9001 (standardized quality-system) - only vegetal tanning - real smell of leather because of vegetal tanning - very good skin compatibility - easy disposal (not as chrome leather)

and acrylates with which an unnatural synthetic optic is achieved. Our leather that is vegetal tanned mostly remains natural. After some time it will darken a bit. Further note: Color deviations on the materials because of image- and print-processing can not be fully excluded.

Even high quality genuine leather can show because of its natural origin some nature-features that are perhaps unliked. There is no skin that is absolutely perfect. Because of this others very often do a surface treatment with polyurethane 39

Your Dealer:

Please visit our production and showrooms. WaterRower GmbH Otto-Hahn-Straße 75 48529 Nordhorn Germany

Office South Germany: Am Kirchenhölzl 14 82166 Gräfelfing Germany

Tel. +49 (0) 59 21 - 17 98 400 Fax +49 (0) 59 21 - 17 98 411

Tel. +49 (0) 89 - 84 93 64 58 Fax +49 (0) 89 - 89 40 46 41

Nordhorn Germany


ny“ „Made in Germa

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