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For the consumer case study, I wanted to focus on the ‘Gen Z Y2K girl’ as that is what I picture when I think of the type of consumer that buys into my brand. The era of fashion that so many Gen Z members are obsessed with. From what I know of the typical consumer of this type of fashion, they love a good bargain in the charity shops, picking up individual Y2K pieces to either resell or keep for themselves, it can be seen as a hobby for some of this generation, charity shopping is like an investment in my opinion. Observing one consumer in particular of whom is an influencer and regularly buys unique pieces off Depop, known as @susiegarvie on Instagram. From watching her youtube videos she talks about the fact that she refuses to buy into fast fashion and only buys off of resale sites or from small, independent and sustainable brands. This tells me that this type of consumer is aware of the harmful impact that fast fashion has on this industry and wants to take responsibility for their buying habits, not only that, but for this consumer, fast fashion can be associated with blending in with the crowd and looking the same and this is something that the consumer of Y2K tends to stay away from.