Frey Construction and
Home Improvement, LLC
In This Issue: Transitioning Back to School Natural Cleaning Solution: LEMONS Magnetic Organization Eco-Friendly Back to School Tips
2010 1995
Thank you for
quick painless
Another fabulous new kitchen just completed for Susan Mosel and Brenda Onken in Oregon!!
Check out the demo crew! Susan and Brenda, if you're ever looking for a job...we might have room for you on our remodeling crew!
Incredible exterior updates...check out the work that was done for Fred and Barb Lemm in Prairie du Sac! "Everyone who comes by stops and looks at our house. They ask who did it and we tell them, "Frey Construction!" People say, it looked so patriotic on the 4th of July! We call it "Drab to Fab!" We had some friends visit and they thought we had moved because our house looked so different!" ~Fred and Barb Lemm, Prairie du Sac
Back to School - SMART START
As the lazy days of summer slip away, it will soon be time to put away the beach chairs and corner lemonade stands and prepare for going back to school. Here are some tips to make the transition easier. Adjust to the new routine. Ease into the school-year schedule. Getting back into the school routine can be a challenge for everyone in the family. To make the adjustment easier, start early. - A few weeks before school starts, move bedtime back to an earlier time. - Put a positive spin on going back to school. Talk about the fun things your child will learn, the old friends he'll see and the new friends he'll make. - If your child is anxious about starting the next grade, reassure her that other children have these feelings too. - Don't make plans for big trips right before the start of school. - Establish school-day schedules for homework, TV, baths and bedtime. - Arrange play dates with friends from school to re-establish connections that may have been dropped for the summer, or to create new ones. - Establish a "get ready the night before" policy. Pick clothes for the next day and pack the backpack every evening before bedtime, and you'll save precious time in the morning.
the eco- friendly way! We have to disagree with Kermit the Frog when he said, "It's not easy being green." Guess what? It is totally easy (sorry, Kermit!). Going back to school is an exciting time because everything's new — teachers, fellow students, supplies. However, it's not very green to buy a whole new package of markers when last year's set works just fine. In addition to reusing old supplies, we've got a great list of ways to be as green as can be in the new school year. • Ride your bike or walk to school. • Use last year's school supplies. • Buy a canvas and cardboard binders instead of plastic. • Buy recycled paper. • Use reusable water bottles instead of plastic. • Use a lunch box, not paper bags. • Donate last year's clothes instead of throwing them away. • Buy online to avoid driving. • Buy organic food. • Turn your computer off when you're not using it. • Decorate your lunchbox. • Make your own bookmarks. • Organize a clothes swap with your friends. • Carpool to sports. • Use refillable pens and pencils. • Reuse your backpack. Decorate it with cool patches. • Implement a recycling program at your school!
ing All Natural Clean Solutions:
The acid in lemon juice removes dirt and rust stains. It’s especially effective when mixed with salt, which makes an excellent scouring paste. Use Them to Clean Your… Countertops: Dip the cut side of a lemon half in baking soda to tackle countertops; wipe with a wet sponge and dry. Don’t use on delicate stone, like marble, or stainless steel (it may discolor). Cutting boards: To remove tough food stains from light wood and plastic cutting boards, slice a lemon in half, squeeze onto the soiled surface, rub, and let sit for 20 minutes before rinsing. Dishes: To increase the grease-cutting power of your dishwashing detergent, add a teaspoon of lemon juice. Faucets: Combat lime scale by rubbing lemon juice onto the taps and letting it sit overnight. Wipe with a damp cloth. Garbage disposal: Cut a lemon in half, then run both pieces through the disposal. Grout: Spilled morning coffee on your tile countertop or backsplash? Here’s how to tackle grout stains: Add lemon juice to 1 or 2 teaspoons cream of tartar (an acidic salt that acts as a natural bleaching agent) to make a paste. Apply with a toothbrush, then rinse. Hands: When you touch raw fish, the smell can linger on your fingers. Rub your hands with lemon juice, which will neutralize the odor. Laundry: To brighten whites, add 1/2 cup lemon juice to the rinse cycle for a normal-size load. Plastic food-storage containers: To bleach stains from tomato soup and other acidic foods on dishwasher-safe items, rub lemon juice on the spots, let dry in a sunny place, then wash as usual.
Organizing with magnets
Take magnets beyond the refrigerator door by using them in clever ways to organize all sorts of items. With a few easy and creative placements around the home, you’ll wonder why you weren’t stuck on magnets from the start! Magnetic Storage Solutions: •Keys: Whether you enter through the laundry room, garage or front door, consider hanging a magnetic strip by your main entryway as a storage station for keys. You can also try hanging multiple magnets of different sizes and shapes so each family member has a different magnet for keys. •Cutlery: Keep cutlery where only adults can reach by hanging a strong magnetic strip in your kitchen. Simply place cutlery against the magnet and it will attract to stay in place. Tip: Bold, blocky magnetic strips have a great modern look of their own, but for a touch of color, try wrapping them in pretty paper or a thin fabric. •Pins and paperclips: Use smaller magnets (2-4” in length will do) to keep pins or paperclips in place. If you happen to drop a pin, use your magnet to search it out and attract the pin so no one gets hurt. Making More Magnet-Friendly Surfaces: •Metal lining: Create all new storage areas by lining surfaces with metal sheeting. Just be sure to take measurements before you go shopping at your local home improvement store so you can have an associate cut the sheeting for you. •Idea: Try lining the inside of your medicine cabinet with metal sheeting. There are lots of great magnetic containers for storing items like hair ties and Bobby pins. Just stick them to the newly made metal surface for a storage solution that won’t take up any shelf space. Tip: Declutter the exterior of your refrigerator by hanging metal boards (similar to bulletin boards) in the kitchen or office area. Use these boards as a surface for posting all the items you would have stuck on the refrigerator like schoolwork and reminders. •Magnetic paint: Create magnetic surfaces just about anywhere with magnetic paint. Magnetic paint can be found online if it’s not available at your local hardware or craft store. •Idea: Paint magnetic walls in kids rooms, play rooms or craft rooms. The newly magnetic surface will give children a place of their own to hang recent crafts and artwork. Organizing with magnets is a smart and affordable way to keep items in order. Here’s to an organizational solution that’s sure to stick.
Interesting Tips and Tricks
~ To remove brown grease marks from pots, chrome burner rings, etc. soak in ammonia overnight. ~ Rust can be removed from a knife blade by plunging it into an onion and leaving it there for an hour or so. Work blade back and forth a few times and wash in soap and water. ~ For congestion due to a cold, simmer water, grated ginger, honey and lemon juice together. Sip, enjoy and breathe again! ~ Peanut butter will remove ink from the face of dolls. ~ Preserving a newspaper clipping - large bottle of club soda and 1/2 cup of milk of magnesia, soak for 20 min and let dry, will last for many years! ~ To keep goggles and glasses from fogging, coat with Colgate toothpaste ~ To remove wax - Take a paper towel and iron it over the wax stain, it will absorb into the towel. ~ Dirty grout - Listerine
~ Stains on clothes - Colgate ~ Grass stains - Karo Syrup ~ Sweat Stains - Efferdent, or vinegar ~ To get rid of itch from mosquito bites, try applying soap on the area and you will experience instant relief. ~ To remove permanent marker on carpet, dab a washcloth soaked in rubbing alcohol onto the marker stain. Do not rub it - just blot it - rotating the cloth to a clean spot every time. ~ To keep cat litter fresh smelling, mix baby powder in with the litter. ~ To prevent grease and grime from sticking to your stove top, making it easy to clean, rub it down with car wax on occasion. ~ Soak the sponge in lemon juice and rinse it out. This will remove the odor for good but keep in mind that it is important to either dispose of, bleach, or run your sponge through your dishwasher regularly to keep bacteria from growing.
We Would LIke to Welcome the Newest Additions to
Our Remodeling Family
**Andy and Gerry Breunig, Prairie du Sac **Jack and Julie Schulenberg, Black Earth **Jim and Ann Reisdorfer, Oregon James & Jenni Ford, Sun Prairie Ray Bolton, Prairie du Sac **Barbara & Robert Johnson, Madison Jackie Saad, Madison **Randall & Terry Kirch, Prairie du Sac **Tom & Kitty Midthun, Merrimac **Kris Anderson, Madison **Dave Kreitzmann, Prairie du Sac Ramaker and Associates, Sauk City Chris Hunjas, Lodi Mike and Shelley Schwartz, Sun Prairie Steve and Jane Kruchten, Dane Tony Stearnn, Baraboo **Julie Olson, Reedsburg Amy & Matthew Schlinkert, Portage **Rob & Dawn Lefeber, De Forest Tammy and Jeff Kalsow, Mazomanie **Eric & Heidi Breunig, Sauk City **Christine Hallisy & Julie Woerpel, Monona **WKOW-Channel 27, Madison **Wolfgang and Diane Reich, Sauk City Ken & Alice Rusch, Madison Mary and Don Erickson, Madison Bob Grob, Cross Plains **Charles and Mary Baum, Mazomanie **Jerry & Marynel Corton, Baraboo Kathie Benson, Madison Olive Kidd and Lynette Zunker, Madison John & Sharon Esser, Black Earth Danielle and Kai Lahti, Baraboo Denise Jaehnke, Columbus **Nancy Lindsay & Mike Seldomridge, Middleton Helen Keller, Marshall Doug Richmond, Lodi Adnan Said & Nasia Safdar, Madison **Darcy Wirebaugh, Mazomanie Rick Bollis & Lisa Fredrickson, Mc Farland Joe Schwarz, Lodi Dan Fuller, Madison Jeff Paulson, Baraboo **Dave Canterbury, Barneveld Kay & Eugine Schultz, Spring Green Joe and Krista Stark, Pardeeville **Hunter and Laura Lang, Prairie du Sac Eric Bernier, Madison Jason France, Madison Howard & Carla Brining, Baraboo Tom O'Donnel, Lodi **Eric & Kaye Fortin, Prairie du Sac Julie Westemeier, Mount Horeb **Indicates Past Client
Introducing: Ashley Hellenbrand,
our new Director of Client Management
We are excited to have Ashley join the Frey Construction team. Ashley grew up in Lodi and moved to Colorado with her fiance Barry. She recently made the move back to Wisconsin and currently lives in Dane. She and Barry have plans to get married next July. In her free time, she enjoys flying her fiance is a pilot, boating on Lake Wisconsin and playing with her dog, Maverick. Welcome Ashley!
Taco Salad
from the kitchen of Jodi Kleist
1 lb. ground hamburger ½ onion chopped 1 sm head of lettuce, cup up 1 can kidney beans rinsed and drained 1 (8 oz) jar taco sauce 1 (6 or 8 oz) bottle Italian salad dressing 1 bag taco-flavored Doritos, crushed
Directions: Brown hamburger with onion. Let cool and combine with lettuce and beans. Right before serving, toss in Doritos, taco sauce and Italian dressing. If desired, add peppers, cheese and tomatoes. If you have a favorite recipe that you would like featured in our newsletter, e-mail it to: or mail it to: 530 Park Avenue, Prairie du Sac,WI 53578
Famous Birthdays
Barack Obama, 44th U.S. President - 8.4.61 Hulk Hogan, Pro Wrestler - 8.11.53 Julia Child, French Chef - 8.15.12 Robert Redford, Actor/Director - 8.18.36 Billy Ray Cyrus, Country Singer - 8.25.61
Employee Birthdays
Jason Granger, Gutter Installer, on the 5th JJ Prine, Siding Division Manager, on the 23rd Brian Williams, Roofing Foreman, on the 30th
Employee Anniversaries
Don Kleist, Remodeling Division Manager, 13 yrs on the 4th Nick Farmer, Roofing Foreman, 5 yrs on the 9th Steve Udelhofen, Remodeling Carpenter, 6 yrs on the 10th Maggie Loose, Office Coordinator, 1 yr on the 10th
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