Home & Family News
May/June 2010
C li en t of th e M on th dan & Diane Williamson all the fun parts of a new bathroom –custom tile surround in the shower with a coordinating luxury vinyl floor and a “Granite Series” cultured marble top!
Frey Construction and
Home Improvement, LLC
In This Issue: Summer Safety Speed Clean Your Kitchen Eco-Friendly Summer Activities 15 Year Anniversary Celebration : June 11th!
After we replaced their roofing and siding in 2007, Dan & Diane Williamson knew just who to call when it came time for some interior remodeling projects on their house! They were so delighted with the work we had done that there was no question we could do a TERRIFIC job with their kitchen and bathroom as well! Scott & Jenn met with the Williamson’s to discuss ideas for these projects and it didn’t take long to narrow down plans for each of these spaces. Overall, the layout in the bathroom would remain the same, but the existing tub/shower combo would be replaced with a walk-in shower, complete with body sprays and a hand held shower. They also wanted their vanity switched from two sinks to just one. But let’s not forget
For the kitchen, Dan and Diane were open to changing the overall layout, which always makes it more exciting for us! We decided to close off a small opening at one end of their kitchen to allow for a full u-shaped layout and then widen the opening into the living room at the other end. We also added a breakfast bar and a built-in entertainment center to the new layout. Perhaps the most amazing change to the space is the addi-
tion of a new full lite door, along with two side lites, which was put in place of a window – it’s lets in a ton of natural light
and provides a great view of the beautiful back yard! For flooring, we extended the laminate through their dining room, but put luxury vinyl down in the kitchen area – for super easy clean up! Dan & Diane are very pleased with the latest remodeling projects we completed for them – they must be, since they asked us back to replace all of their windows, which is currently underway!
2010 1995
Thank you for
quick painless
! e t a r b e l e c s ’ t e L Friday, June 11th
4:00 pm - Dusk Sauk Prairie VFW Park
Open to the Public
food, games, and fireworks fun for the whole family YOUR HELP IS NEEDED!
Because we can't really shout from the roof tops - we're too busy installing them! We want to paint the town "Frey" and we need your help! We are asking to "borrow" a little piece of your front lawn for 30 days or so, to put up a small step-in sign announcing our "15 Quick and Painless Years" serving our valued clients! Would you be willing to allow us to put a small sign in your yard for 30 days? We will deliver the signs and place them in your yard, if you could just leave it in your yard for 30 days, our gratitude will be forever yours. After the 30 days are up, you can disposed of the sign, reuse it (they make great garage sale signs), or if you want, you could frame it and hang it in your house! (In other words, you can do with it as you please!) All we need you to do is call our office (608) 643.7914 and let us know that we have your permission, or email our Marketing Director, aimee@freyconstruction.com
We would like to extend a special thank you out to McFarlanes’ of Sauk City for being our corporate sponsor for our 15 Year Anniversary Celebration
The Frey Team is GROWING....meet Matt Petersen, our new Sales Consultant We would like to welcome our new sales consultant, Matt Petersen to our team. Matt comes to Frey with over 10 years of experience in the construction field and is excited to join the Frey team and use his construction knowledge to help our clients in their home improvement projects. Matt lives in Deerfield with his wife Crystal. In his spare time, Matt likes to spend time with his family and friends, grilling out and playing horseshoes. We are excited to have Matt on our team and he looks forward to working with our amazing clients!
Summer is here—warm weather, no school,family vacations, swimming at the pool, enjoying the outdoors. Keep your family safe and healthy this summer with these tips:
Avoiding heat stress - When heat and humidity are high, limit the intensity of outdoor activities. - Stay in the shade whenever possible. Limit sun exposure during peak hours (between 10 am and 4 pm). - Wear a hat, sunglasses, and light-colored cotton clothing with a tight weave. - During activity, take frequent hydration breaks. Keep extra water handy. - Know the signs of heat cramps, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. If you experience symptoms of heat cramps or heat exhaustion, which include cramps, sweating, dizziness, faintness, or weakness, cease activity, drink cold water, and rest with your feet elevated. Symptoms of heatstroke include inability to sweat, delirium, flushed skin and fever, or unconsciousness. - If you suspect heatstroke, call 911 immediately. Keeping safe in the water - Keep rescue equipment and a portable telephone near the pool. - Never leave children unsupervised in or near water. At the beach, never swim alone, and swim near a lifeguard. Swim only during daylight hours. - Swim sober. - Enroll your children (ages 4 and up) in swimming lessons. Near water, keep toddlers and infants within an arm's length at all times. Avoiding problem plants - Learn to recognize poison ivy, oak, and sumac, and be sure to avoid them. “Leaflets of three; beware of me." - If you’ll be working near poison plants, wear long pants, long sleeves, boots, and gloves. Wash tools that may have come into contact with poison ivy. (Rashes from poison ivy are caused by urushiol oil, a substance produced by the plant. The rash cannot spread from person to person but can be picked up from any oil that gets onto clothing, tools, shoes, or pets.) - If you come in contact with poison ivy, wash skin thoroughly with soap and water as soon as possible. Remove and launder clothing immediately. If you get a rash, oatmeal baths and calamine lotion can relieve itching. In severe cases, prescription-strength treatment may be needed.
Frey Construction is a Lead Safe Company Do you live in a home built prior to 1978? If so, please read on. After nearly 20 years and multiple attempts, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has succeeded in enacting a law regarding lead based paint as it pertains to remodeling or general repair work done by us, your contractor. Effective April 22, 2010, the rule becomes effective and all firms performing projects that disturb lead-based paint in homes, apartments, child care facilities and schools built before 1978 must be certified, and individual renovators must be trained by an EPA-accredited training provider. Firms and renovators must follow specific work practices to prevent lead contamination. What does this really mean to you, an owner of a home built pre-1978? It means that with any repair or remodel work, we, as your contractor, likely will have to go through many additional steps such as air sealing all work areas, utilizing HEPA filtration and double layered containment, wet wiping all surfaces, working in Tyvek hazmat suits, following special removal and disposal requirements, etc. So now what if I am an owner and want to remodel? Rest assured we have it covered. Frey Construction has taken every step to see that our crew and our company is certified and compliant. We have undergone extensive training and have put all legally required measurements in place to be able to provide you with the same exceptional service and solution for your remodeling/ building needs. If you know of anyone renovating a pre-1978 home, please have them contact us. We will be glad to help. Frey Construction and Home Improvement, LLC is proud to announce that we are certified under ch. HFS 163, Wis. Adm. Code as a Lead Safe Company
Speed Clean Your Kitchen
A sparkling sink becomes your kitchen's benchmark for hygiene and tidiness, inspiring you to load the dishwasher immediately and keep counters, refrigerator doors, and the stove top spick-and-span, too. Every Day Every Season Wipe down the sink after doEmpty and scrub down the inside of the refrigerator ing the dishes or loading the (30 minutes). dishwasher (30 seconds). Empty and clean the insides of the utensil drawers Wipe down the stove top (one (15 minutes). minute). Scrub down the cupboard exteriors (30 minutes). Wipe down the counters (one Clean the stove-hood filter (10 minutes) minute). Perform Shiny Sink 101 Sweep, Swiffer, or vacuum the floor (two minutes). Shiny Sink 101 1. Fill sink to the rim with very hot water; add one cup regular bleach. Soak for one hour. Every Week 2. Drain and rinse thoroughly. Mop the floor (five minutes). 3. Scrub with Ajax, Bon Ami, or baking soda. Wipe the cabinets, backsplashes, and appliances 4. Be sure to rinse thoroughly. (10 minutes). 5. Shine with Windex or another glass-cleaning spray. Wash the dish rack (four minutes). Dry thoroughly. Wipe the switch plates and phone (one minute). Wipe the inside of the garbage can (one minute).
Eco-Friendly Summer Activities Summer adventures and eco-friendly outings offer a great opportunity to involve children in caring about the environment. Here are eight green summer activities you can enjoy with your children — from beach and museum going to seeing your own backyard in a whole new light, kids will relish making these summer memories while learning more about Mother Nature. 1. Local Farms: Visiting a local farm is a great way to show your children how food is grown and harvested. They can see which fruits and veggies grow in your area and they may also interact with and learn more about farm animals. Some farms offer classes that allow kids to milk a cow, collect eggs from hens, feed the goats and sheep and ride a horse. You could also visit a fruit farm such as a strawberry patch, and spend the day picking your own berries. 2. Nature and Science Museums: Many local nature and science museums feature exhibits that allow children to see, touch and interact with fascinating subjects. You can also check out an IMAX movie with a nature theme to give kids a grandiose view and insight into the environment. 3. Zoo: Your zoo may offer a junior zookeeper program where your child can learn about caring for the animals while learning about their natural habitats and any threats that they face. 4. Library: Your local library is stocked with information about the environment that your children will love. Check out issues of Ranger Rick and National Geographic Kids. 5. Botanical Gardens: Visit your local Botanical Gardens and learn about native plants, trees and flowers. Many offer classes and have ample space for an outdoor picnic. While you are there, look closely for bugs and birds. 6. Hike and Swim: Explore a natural trail in your area. Let the kids look in nooks and crannies and climb on the rocks. Pack a lunch and enjoy it next to a watering hole where the kids can take a swim. 7. Hit the Beach: Slather some sunblock on your kids and top them off with a great summer hat, then enjoy the waves, build sand castles or bury each other in the sand. The beach is certainly one of nature’s best forms of entertainment. 8. Your Own Backyard: Take a walk around your neighborhood or local park. Prepare a nature scavenger hunt for the kids. Write down several items on a piece of paper, give them each a bucket to collect the items found on the list, such as a leaf, rock, flower, feather, etc. This is tons of fun and gets them looking for items they may have otherwise overlooked.
Frey Construction strives to do its part in helping the environment...that's why we've decided to offer our newsletter via e-mail!
We Would LIke to Welcome the Newest Additions to
Our Remodeling Family
**Diane Schulz, Madison Shawn & Kim Higgins, Reedsburg Sara Pivovar & Carl Nelson, Madison Ralph Malec, Fitchburg
Brock Binkowski & Brooke Milde, Sauk City
Scott & Nicole Bruer, Reedsburg **Arletta Bare, Prairie du Sac Jim and Lori Straka, Plain Jeremy & Elizabeth Jaskunas, Madison Susan Salvo, Deerfield Tresha Bowers, Waunakee **Daniel & Diane Williamson, Columbus Betty and Brian Spicer, Pardeeville Cindy & Rob Fawver, Fitchburg Gary & Georgia Hammersley, Waunakee **Lowell and Barbara Mays, Madison **Jay Yahn, Madison Barbara & Robert Johnson, Madison Kathryn and Dustin Eilert, Mazomanie Brenda & John Hagman, Cross Plains Greg VanHaren, Sun Prairie Cyrena and Tye Cook, Madison June & Joel Beebe, Prairie du Sac **Blaine Meyer, Mauston Sara Pivovar & Carl Nelson, Madison Earl and Rachel Wirth, Pardeeville Maryjean Copeland, Madison Dee and Bob Van Rens, Prairie du Sac Afan & Ritu Ottenheimer, Madison Carol and Chad Grob, Cross Plains Sharon Maffei, Baraboo Joyce Steensrud, Prairie du Sac Sara Sommer, Madison Brenda Stolzenburg, Madison Mark Jonas, Portage Tom Smith, Fitchburg Judy Hughes & Steve Thiele, Madison Andrea & Dan Langan, Portage Rob Bisenius, Madison Anna Fishlove, Madison Ray and Rosalia Boerke, Madison Tom Alfini, Spring Green Marti Wilson, Madison Dan and Faye Patzner, Prairie du Sac **Ken Myer, Cedarberry Inn, Sauk City **John and Nancy Appleyard, Sauk City Jim Schernecker, Reedsburg Wally and Pat Miller, Waunakee **Florence Sprecher, Prairie du Sac **Kevin and Sandy Meise, Plain Bob Paulson, Stoughton **Shirley and Jerry Thompson, Lodi **Jason & Joy Frazier, Spring Green **Linda and Danny Dupree, Sauk City **Indicates Past Client
Famous Birthdays
If you'd like to receive our newsletter via e-mail rather than receiving it through the mail, please let us know by either: calling our office at (608) 643.7914 or you can e-mail us at: info@freyconstruction.com
Master Gardening Tips from Master Gardener, Jerry Baker
Tomato Blight Buster: Mix 3 cups compost, 1/2 cup powdered nonfat milk, 1/2 cup Epsom sale and 1 tbsp. of baking soda. Sprinkle a handful of the misture into each planting hole. For additional disease defense, sprinkle a little more powdered milk on top of the soil after planting, and repeat every few weeks throughout the growing season. Flowering Shrubs Not Flowering? Pour a mixture of 1 cup apple juice, 2 tbsp. of Epsom sale per 1 gallon of warm water into the cuts in the soil around each bush. Liven Up Potted Perennials! Add one shot of bourbon, scotch, vodka or gin and 1 tbsp. of dishwashing liquid per gallon of water. Use this formula in place of ordinary water. Liquid Refreshments for your Plants! Whenever you change the water in your fish tank, or toss a floral arrangement onto the compost pile, don't send the used water down the drain; you'll be wasting lots of health-giving nutrients. Ditto for the water you've used to cook eggs, vegetables, or pasta, or to rinse out glasses, bottles or cans that held: beer, whiskey, coffee, soda, juice, tea, milk or wine.
Chicken Divine Lasagna
8 lasagna noodles 4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts seasoned salt, to taste ground black pepper, to taste 8 oz. shredded Swiss cheese 2 (10.5 oz.) cream of chicken soup 10 oz. chicken broth 2 tsp crushed dried rosemary (8 oz.) frozen broccoli, thawed and drained 1 (10.75 oz.) cream of mushroom soup
Cook lasagna noodles. Season chicken breasts with seasoned salt and pepper, and cook through. Cut chicken into bite-size cubes. Preheat oven to 350. Spray a 9x13-inch baking dish with cooking spray. In a bowl, mix the remaining ingredients until well combined. To assemble, spread 1/3 of the soup mixture over the bottom of the prepared baking dish, and lay 4 lasagna noodles over the soup, overlapping the noodles slightly. Top the noodles with half the chicken-broccoli mixture. Spoon 1/3 of the soup mixture over the chicken and broccoli, then top with the remaining lasagna noodles. Finish with a layer of the remaining chicken-broccoli mixture and the remaining 1/3 of the soup mixture. Cover the dish with foil. Bake 50 - 60 min. Let stand for 10 min. before serving.
Morgan Freeman, Actor - 6.1.1937 George Bush, 41st U.S. President - 6.12.1924 Paula Abdul, Singer/Dancer - 6.19.1962 Meryl Streep, Actress - 6.22.1949 Pat Morita, Mr. Miyagi - Karate Kid - 6.28.1932 Michael Phelps, Olympic Swimmer - 6.30.1985
If you have a favorite recipe that you would like featured in our newsletter, e-mail it to: aimee@freyconstruction.com or mail it to: 530 Park Avenue, Prairie du Sac,WI 53578
Employee Birthdays
Casey Schmitz, Roofing Foreman Happy Birthday on June 6th!
Employee Anniversaries
Jenn Breunig, Remodeling Consultant - 5 yrs on the 8th John Onsager, Roofing Installer - 3 yrs on the 12th Carl Wagner, Seasonal Installer - 4 yrs on the 12th
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