December 2013

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Events Coming in December Dec. 7… Angel Breakfast Dec. 7… Winston-Salem Good Sam Camping Club Dinner Dec. 9… Girl Scouts-Tanglewood Dec. 10… Candle Trim Dec. 11… Red Hat Luncheon Dec. 13… Christian Fellowship Class Christmas Party Dec. 15… Cantata Dec. 15… Children’s Christmas Pageant Dec. 21… Contemporary Life Class Christmas Party Dec. 22… Youth Christmas Caroling Dec. 25… Christmas Lovefeast Dec. 31… Watch Night Service

Events Coming in January Jan. 1… New Year Day Meal Jan. 11… Joint Board Retreat Jan. 12… Youth Fellowship Winter/Spring Kick-off Jan. 17-20… Destination Unknown Jan. 24-26… Confirmation at Friedland Church Thank You… Dear David and Friedland Congregation, Thank you for your gracious hospitality in hosting the World Mission Lovefeast. It was such a meaningful and worshipful service. The dieners, ushers, band, choir, and organist all did such a fine job as they always do! Also, thanks for setting up tables outside for the mission displays. That turned out very nice. It was a great service and wonderful day. It is always a pleasure to come back “home” to Friedland. Yours in Christ ~ Matthew Allen

Thank You... I would Like to thank everyone who sent me such beautiful get well cards during my recovery from surgery. Your thoughtfulness was greatly appreciated. ~ Linda Settle

Address Change: Michael Sawtelle 2000 University Woods Apt. 302 Raleigh, NC 27607 (336) 529-3923

The Greatest Story Ever Told - - Shared at the Angel Breakfast!!! Today it seems important to remember that we are gladly proclaiming the greatest story ever told. The words of the Gospels begin with Jesus' birth and end with the death and resurrection of Jesus. The Angel Breakfast allows us to celebrate the whole reason for salvation. God sends us His son to show us in fleshly terms the depth of God's love and compassion for us all, even little people. Little people often feel left out in our world. They are exposed to so much violence and pain. They live in a temporary society. What we are proclaiming is the immortal message of God's love. With this message, we are living with the idea that even little people are special in Jesus' world. The silver, the cups and plates, the splendor of the event cannot equal heaven's glory but, it is a glimpse into the eternal nature of God's way of living. Our children are special. God made them that way. When we spend time with our children, then the promise of the covenant made to Abraham and Sarah, to Joseph and Mary is revealed; "even unto babes, for of such is the Kingdom of God." I think we are just doing God's work and because this event is bathed in prayer and thanksgiving, the blessing will be the children’s and ours. God bless all who Love His Children!!! Peace, David

The Senior High Youth New Year’s Day Meal The Senior High Youth will be having a Traditional New Year's Day Meal complete with pork, greens, black-eyed peas, bread, and dessert. Come out and enjoy this wonderful meal and support your Senior High Youth. Proceeds will be used to help fund their Destination Unknown Trip in January. Adults $9.00, Children (5-12) $5.00 and under 5 free. Children can choose Pork meal or Hotdog meal. Time 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Joint Board Retreat Our annual Joint Board Planning Retreat will be held on Saturday, January 11. The Boards elect their officers and make many of the appointments needed for the coming year. We also make many of the decisions needed for Friedland’s worship and ministry calendar for 2014. Please notify the church office of any special programs, or events you are planning during 2014 for consideration and approval by the board. After the Joint Board Retreat you will be notified of any conflicts that may need to be rescheduled.

Daily Text for 2014 The 2014 Daily Texts are available in the church office while they last. Cost: Large print $12.00 Regular print $10.00 Please pay by correct change or check, made payable to: Friedland Moravian Church (Memo: Daily Texts).

Christmas Adult Choir Cantata Sunday, December 15 The Adult Choir will present the annual Christmas Cantata on Sunday, December 15th during the 11:00 worship hour. Please make an effort to join us for this gift of music and scripture.

Candle Lighters Dec. 01 Dec. 08 Dec. 15 Dec. 22 Dec. 25

Emily Brooks Thomas Sawtelle Robyn Weavil Hannah Brooks Annah Smitherman

Handbell Concert & Advent Family Night December 8th This year we will begin with the Handbell Concert at 4:00 PM Followed by a Potluck Supper and Advent Family Night at 5:00 PM Advent is right around the corner and so is our Advent Family Night. Please come and join us for dinner, craft making and singing Christmas Carols.

December 2013 Calendar Sun., Dec 1

Mon., Dec. 2

Tues., Dec. 3

Wed., Dec. 4

Fri., Dec. 6 Sat., Dec. 7

Sun., Dec. 8

Mon., Dec. 9

Tues., Dec. 10

9:45 11:00 4:00 4:00 7:30

Sunday School Worship Faithful Ringers (Music Room) Women’s Exec. Board Meeting (Parlor) Hosanna Ringers (Music Room)

6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30

Boy Scouts (Pastor Carol’s Room, Cabin) Brownies & Daisies (Youth Room) Cub Scout Pack Meeting Girl Scouts (Primary, Kindergarten)

11:00 Women’s Fellowship Circle 1 (Kit, FH, ABC, Parlor) Covered Dish Luncheon 4-6:00 Daycare - Pictures (Seekers) 7:00 Women’s Fellowship Circle 2 Hostesses: Dana Rushing, Linda Jarvis, Jennifer Smitherman (FH, Parlor, Kit) 8:30 Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) 6:00 Happy Love Ringers (Music Room) 7:00 Choir Practice (Music Room) All day Set-up for Angel Breakfast (Whole Church) 8-10:30 Angel Breakfast (Whole Church) 10:30-1:00 Clean-up from Angel Breakfast (Whole Church) 5-7:30 W-S Good Sam Camping Club Dinner (FH) 9:45 11:00 4:00 5:00 7:00 7:00

Sunday School Worship Handbell Concert Potluck Luncheon - Family Advent Night Elders Meeting (Parlor) Trustees Meeting (Seekers)

6:30 Boy Scouts (Pastor Carol’s Room, Cabin) 6:30 Brownies & Daisies (Youth Room) 6:30 Cub Scout Pack Meeting (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) 6:30 Girl Scouts (Tanglewood) All day Preparations for Coin Club 5:00 Dinner Coin Club Dinner (Youth Room) 7:00 Candle Trim

December 2013 Calendar Wed., Dec. 11

Thurs., Dec. 12 Fri., Dec. 13

8:30 8:30-10 10-2:00 4:00 7:00

Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) 2nd. Wednesday (Carol at Baptist) Red Hat Luncheon (Kitchen, Parlor) Parish Nurses (Seekers) Choir practice (Music Room)

6:00 CEC (Youth Room) All day Set-up for Choir Cantata

Sat., Dec. 14

8-2:00 Choir Cantata 4-9:00 Christian Fellowship Class

Sun., Dec. 15

9:45 11:00 2:30 4:00

Mon., Dec. 16

6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30

Tues., Dec. 17 Wed., Dec. 18

Sunday School Choir Cantata Rehearsal for Children’s Christmas Pageant Children’s Christmas Pageant Boy Scouts Brownies & Daisies Cub Scout Pack Meeting Girl Scouts

Noon Senior Friends 8:30 Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) 7:00 Choir Practice (Music Room)

Fri., Dec. 20

1-3:00 Set-up for Contemporary Life Class

Sat., Dec. 21

9-3:00 Contemporary Life Class Poinsettias delivered to sanctuary

Sun., Dec. 22

9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship 3:45 Youth Christmas Caroling

Tues., Dec. 24

Office closed 2:00 Set-up for Christmas Day Lovefeast

Wed., Dec. 25

Office closed 11:00 Christmas Day Lovefeast (Kit, FH)

Sun., Dec. 29

9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship

Wed., Dec. 31

New Years Eve 11:00 Watch Night Service (Sanctuary)

Keep our Active Military in Your Prayers Joseph Benfield, Army Eric Dickerson, Air Force John Gearhart, Navy Capt. David Little, US Army Reserve Active Sgt. Christopher Lloyd, Army Msgt. Bradley L. Parnell, Air Force Active Reserves 1st. Lt. Charles Reed, Army Brittany Stewart, Army National Guard Michael Thacker, Army Revik C. Walker, Air Force Brandon Yokley, Army William Cameron Yokley, Marine Reserves

Contact Us Senior Pastor The Rev. David H. Merritt Main Office: (336) 788-2652 Office: (336) 788-8320 X1 Home: (336) 784-2184 Cell: (336) 971-1065 Email: Associate Pastor The Rev. Carol A. Foltz Office: (336) 788-8320 X2 Cell Phone: (336) 926-0381; Email: Administrative Assistant: Linda Lyons Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Office: (336) 788-2652 X3; Email: For Regular Church Service information (336) 788-8320 X5 For Special Events for the week call (336)788-8320 X6 Music Department: Band: Robert Alphin, Choir: Nancy Sawtelle, Handbells: Dorothy Perdue, Organist: Montine Wilkinson

Putz The Putz will be available after December 7th to view through the Christmas season. The Putz is located in Pastor Carol’s Classroom near the sanctuary.

“What Does God Want for Christmas?” The annual Christmas Pageant is a wonderful tradition at Friedland! This year, our pageant will be held on Sunday, Dec. 15 4:00 PM in the fellowship Hall!

MISSION MOMENTS - DECEMBER 2013 Below are addresses for the missionaries that our Mission Committee supports and prays for during the year. Perhaps you might want to provide prayer, a card, or other support to them as they work to bring others to Christ. Let Christmas be a time for you to remember them in their efforts to put Christ in lives that otherwise might be dark. Addresses for Missionaries (Local and Foreign): Ray of Hope Orphanage (Michael, Ceci and Blessing Tesh) 1372 Mombasa, Kenya 80100 (Will be coming home in April) CRU - Campus Crusade for Christ ( P. O. Box 628222 ( Orlando, Florida 32862-8222 ( OMF International (Michael, Caroline, Samuel, Ian, Zach, and Isaac Woo) 10 W Dry Creek Circle Littleton, Colorado 80120 Phil and Ashley Sineath Campus Outreach 207 W. Elm Street Wingate, NC 28174 Sonna Schambach Compassionate Hearts International P. O. Box 309 126 Arbor Hill Avenue Clemmons, NC 27012 Mocksville NC 27028 Sally Dudley-Harper, Executive Director Kevin Sawyer, Financial Director Molly Bolton, Church Coordinator Prodigals Community P. O. Box 12451 1024 Waughtown Street Winston Salem 27117-2451 Winston Salem 27107 Chaplain Robert Wolfe Forsyth Jail and Prison Ministries P. O. Box 11802 Winston Salem 27116 Steve, Ann and Ryan Marx Mission Aviation Fellowship P. O. box 47 Nampa, Idaho 83653

Russ May Anthony’s Plot Community P. O. Box 12778 Winston Salem NC 27127

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