January2014 Newsletter

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Senior Pastor The Rev. David H. Merritt Main Office: (336) 788-2652 Office: (336) 788-8320 X1 Home: (336) 784-2184 Cell: (336) 971-1065 Email: PastorDavidM1@triad.rr.com

Friedland Features January 2014 Our Purpose is to make the Lord Jesus Christ a reality in the lives of people.

Associate Pastor The Rev. Carol A. Foltz Office: (336) 788-8320 X2 Cell Phone: (336) 926-0381; Email: carolfoltz@triad.rr.com Administrative Assistant Linda Lyons Office hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Office: (336) 788-2652 X3 Email: lindalyons2@triad.rr.com For Regular Church Service information (336) 788-8320 X5 For Special Events for the week call (336)788-8320 X6 Music Department: Band: Robert Alphin, Choir: Nancy Sawtelle, Handbells: Dorothy Perdue, Organist: Montine Wilkinson

Friedland Moravian Church The Rev. David H. Merritt, Senior Pastor The Rev. Carol A. Foltz, Associate Pastor 2750 Friedland Church Road Winston-Salem, NC 27107

(336) 788-2652 www.friedlandmoravian.org


Events Coming in January

Bryan Grayson Brady born on Wednesday, December 18, 2013. Bryan is the son of Joshua and Heather Brady, grandson of Leann and Michael Brady, Donald and Joyce Wine. Great Grandson of Cheryl and Larry Brady.

Jan. 1 New Year Day Meal Jan. 11 Joint Board Retreat Mission Club--Chili Cook-off Jan. 12 Youth Fellowship Winter/Spring Kick-off Jan. 17-20 Destination Unknown Jan. 24-26 Confirmation at Friedland

A Chili Cook-off will be held on Saturday, January 11 from 5:30 7:30 to support the Youth Mission Club. If you have a recipe to share, spice it up and bring it in the best will win! Questions? Please call Betsy Messick: 408-8366.

Events Coming in February

Feb. 2 Band/Boy Scout Sunday Boy Scout Soup & Salad, cake Beeswax Candles--Recycle auction fund raiser Friedland members of the Mary Feb. 7-8 Ann Fogle Service League are colM3 Mission Event lecting used beeswax candles. Feb. 20 We will clean the candles in prepaMen’s Fellowship ration for melting and pouring the Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser wax into the molds. If you would Feb. 22 like to donate your used Pinewood Derby candles, there will be a box on the table at the members mailboxes. Daily Text for 2014 We will collect candles during the Cost: month of January.

Large print $12.00 (1 left) Regular print $10.00

Correct change or check, made payable to: Friedland Moravian (memo; Daily Texts)

KEEP OUR ACTIVE MILITARY IN YOUR PRAYERS Joseph Benfield, Army Eric Dickerson, Air Force John Gearhart, Navy Capt. David Little, US Army Reserve Active Sgt. Christopher Lloyd, Army Msgt. Bradley L. Parnell, Air Force Active Reserves 1st. Lt. Charles Reed, Army Brittany Stewart, Army National Guard Michael Thacker, Army Revik C. Walker, Air Force Brandon Yokley, Army William Cameron Yokley, Marine Reserves


YOUNG ADULT FINANCIAL CLASS BEGINS IN JANUARY If you’re a young adult interested in getting rid of debt, managing, spending, and saving your money more wisely, then Financial Peace University is for you! This nine-week class features financial expert and best-selling author Dave Ramsey. Classes begin on Thursday, January 9, 7:00pm to 8:30pm at the Board of Cooperative Ministries office, 500 S. Church Street in Winston-Salem. The $95 cost per family includes all materials. Attend the first class for free before committing to the program. Register for Financial Peace University by calling the Board of Cooperative Ministries at (336) 722-8126 or registering online at http://www.planetReg.com/YoungAdultFinancialClass. If you have any questions or need more information, contact Doug Rights, Director of Youth, College and Young Adult Ministries at drights@mcsp.org. Community Buffet Breakfast: Bethania Moravian Church fellowship hall on January 11 from 7-10 AM. Adults $8:00, Children 7-11 $4.00, children 6 and under free.

Wednesday, March 5 - Home Moravian Church The Rev. Dr. Gail R. O’Day, Speaker Dean of the Wake Forest School of Divinity 10:00 AM Coffee Hour, 10:45 AM Music 11:00 Worship (Nursery Provided) Sunday, March 9 - Christ Moravian Church Bishop Sam Gray, Speaker 4:00 PM Lovefeast Wednesday, March 12 - Trinity Moravian Church Attorney David Daggett, Speaker 11:00 AM Worship 12:00 Noon Complimentary Luncheon (Nursery Provided) Wednesday, March 19 - Ardmore Moravian Church The Rev. Cheryl Cottingham, Speaker 9:45 AM Coffee Hour, 10:45 AM Meditation/Music 11:00 Worship Wednesday, March 26 - Calvary Moravian Church The Rev. Ramona Prestwood, Speaker 10:45 AM Meditation/Music, 11:00 AM Worship/Lovefeast (Nursery Provided) Wednesday, April 2 - Fairview Moravian Church The Rev. Scott Venable, Speaker 10:45 AM Music 11:00 AM Worship with Communion Wednesday, April 9 - Konnoak Hills Moravian Church Karl Sjolund, Speaker; Head of Salem Academy 11:00 AM Lovefeast Sunday, April 13 - Palm Sunday Friday, April 18 - Good Friday Sunday, April 20 - Easter Sunday Published by the Provincial Women's Board, Southern Province

FROM THE DESK OF PASTOR DAVID... I am often asked, what is the newest trend in church life in my opinion? Much to the amazement of those who ask, I really don’t have a clear answer. As one writer of the Hebrew Scriptures reminds us, “there is nothing new under the sun.” However, there are some “remarkable” trends in the 21st century to give us hope and encouragement. First, church life is becoming more organic and people centered. Our first goal in life is to honor and glorify God. With that said, we want to choose rightly for the needs of people in the pew. Organic church life places a high priority on doing the right thing for the right reasons. Just because we have done something before, doesn’t always mean that it is the best practice for a healthy, thriving church. Committee structures, Boards and Leaders do well to listen to each person in the pew and build programs that speak to the heart. Secondly, churches that thrive need to find a niche or a “reason for being” that is specific to their environment. Yes, we are the body of Christ and honor our Savior best when we love God with heart, soul, mind and body. Niche ministry cannot be trendy or faddish. Niche ministry looks at the place, the people and the community surrounding the church and asks one basic question: “What difference would it make if our church was not here in this setting?” Last, we see emerging in church life a new breed of leaders and pastors. Leaders can serve more than just one church or organization in the church’s ministry. Pastors and leaders may be a second or third career individual. They are often called to be bi-vocational or “tent makers.” Leaders and pastors will be trained in denominational and internet driven schools with on line classes, through podcasts, in networking groups and small cross-cultural social

MISSION MOMENTS The Mission Committee this month is focusing on Missions at home. The Mission Committee voted to provide a scholarship to one of our youth serving with the M3 Group serving on a construction project in Staten Island. Also, we are praying and working hard to contribute to the Prison Ministry through the Moravian Chaplain Rev. Wolfe. We never know when we may need his services in our families or with our friends. This is always a needed ministry and we must continue to serve where God needs us even if it seems a distant reality from us. God loves us all. Lastly, we want to help with the Homeless Overflow Ministry of Anthony’s Plot. The Overflow Shelters will be open from December until March. Circle One helped them with school supplies. The New Life Class has helped with several Saturday Lunches for the Homeless. NOW we need a PERSON to serve as FRIEDLAND’S liaison to this mission. Can you step -up TO BE THIS ONE????? Is GOD calling you to this MISSION? Please contact Kelly Smith or the Mission Committee if you can volunteer for this RELATIONAL LEADER FOR OUR CONGREGATION. Don’t say NO. Pray about it! Pray everyday that we will continue to mission to the lost. That is the Christian Mission. That is the mission of our church.

networks. Leadership might be less degree centered and more results centered. Finally, churches will need to find ways to encourage job training for all leadership as a requirement for service in the church. Now that we are entering a new year, let’s be about serving our Savior with every fiber of our being and finding the message behind “what our fathers/mothers told” as we seek to be the church of our heritage! Pastor David

Joint Board Retreat Our annual Joint Board Planning Retreat will be held on Saturday, January 11. The Boards elect their officers and make many of the appointments needed for the coming year. We also make many of the decisions needed for Friedland’s worship and ministry calendar for 2014. Please notify the church office of any special programs, or events you are planning during 2014 for consideration and approval by the board.

“So faith by itself, if it has no works, is dead.” James 2: 17

After the Joint Board Retreat you will be notified of any conflicts that may need to be rescheduled.

JANUARY 2014 CALENDAR Wed., Jan. 1 Sun., Jan. 5

Mon., Jan. 6

Tues., Jan. 7

New Year’s Day --Office Closed 9:45 Sunday School 11:00 Worship - Communion Installation of 2014 Board 6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30

Boy Scouts Quarterly Meeting (Fellowship Hall) Brownies & Daisies (Youth Room) Cub Scout (NLC, Jr. High class, Traveler’s, Outreach) Girl Scouts (Youth Room)

FH, Parlor, Kit)

Sat., Jan. 11

Sun., Jan. 12

Fri., Jan. 17-Jan. 20 Sat., Jan. 18 Sun., Jan. 19

10:00 Women’s Fellowship Circle 1 Hostesses: Alana Matthews, Connie Buck, Jennifer Smitherman 7:00 Women’s Fellowship Circle 2 Hostesses: LeaAnn Haynes, Vanessa Gossett

Wed., Jan. 8


8:30 8:30-10 6:00 7:00

Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) 2nd. Wednesday (Carol at Baptist) Bible Study (Parlor) Choir practice (Music Room)

8:30-2:00 Joint Board Retreat (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) 3:00 Set-up Chili Cook-off (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) 5:30-7:80 Chili Cook-off (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) 9:45 11:00 4:00 5:30 7:00 7:00

Sunday School Worship Faithful Ringers (Music Room) Youth Fellowship-Winter/Spring Kick-off Elders Meeting (Parlor) Trustees Meeting (Seekers)

Mon., Jan. 13

6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30

Boy Scouts (Pastor Carol’s Room, Cabin) Brownies & Daisies (Youth Room) Cub Scout Pack Meeting (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) Girl Scouts (Primary, Kindergarten)

Wed., Jan. 15

8:30 6:00 6:00 7:00

Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) Happy Love Ringers (Music Room) Bible Study (Parlor) Choir practice (Music Room)

Destination Unknown

10-4:00 Scrapbooking Ministry (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) 5:00 Set-up Men’s Breakfast (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) 8:00 9:45 11:00 4:00 4:00 5:30 7:30

Mon., Jan. 20 Tues., Jan. 21 Wed., Jan. 22

Fri., Jan. 24

Men’s Fellowship[ Breakfast (Kit, FH) Sunday School Worship Faithful Ringers (Music Room) Mission Committee Meeting (Seekers) Youth Fellowship Hosanna Ringers (Music Room) Martin Luther King Day --Office Closed

12:00 Senior Friends (Kit, FH) 8:30 6:00 6:00 7:00

Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) Happy Love Ringers (Music Room) Bible Study (Parlor) Choir practice (Music Room)

5-9:00 Cub Scout Movie Night (Youth Room)

Fri., Jan. 24-Sat., Jan. 25

Confirmation-Friedland (Yth Room, Kit, FH, Jr. Room)

Sun., Jan. 26

9:45 11:00 4:00 5:30 7:30

Sunday School Worship Faithful Ringers (Music Room) Youth Fellowship Hosanna Ringers (Music Room)

Mon., Jan. 27

6:30 6:30 6:30 6:30

Boy Scouts (Pastor Carol’s Room, Cabin) Brownies & Daisies (Youth Room) Cub Scout Pack Meeting (Kitchen, Fellowship Hall) Girl Scouts (Primary, Kindergarten)

Wed., Jan. 29

8:30 6:00 6:00 7:00

Childcare Chapel (Sanctuary) Happy Love Ringers (Music Room) Bible Study (Parlor) Choir practice (Music Room)

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