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en ha fu en ha vu en ha no e congeo 非

uengu uecuvcu ocmu’u oha

In the deep mountains,

it is dark.

Stars shine upon us,

incredibly near.




山裡、山外的人張望著。90 年代初,







污名的野蠻面前! Hosa 的搖滾,戳破







外來的人 ...... 依然,堅持做自己的歌,



轉身屹立群峰之間,遙看一望無際, 美麗的 Hosa。

Hosa 是 鄒 語 的 大 社、 部 落 之 意。 從 最 初 的 五 個 年 輕 人: 暉 明 ('Avai)、


小 菁 ('Avai)、 光 雲 (Kuali)、 大 胖

兒童福利聯盟」line 群組,分擔接送兒

(Yapasuyongu ) 和 明 雄 (Minga),





明、 小 菁、Basuya ( 吳 新 發 )、 康 偉

作。夜裡,在 Basuya 創辦的音樂教室,

(Basuya)、 國 佑(Mo'o), 團 員 們





我們的歌! 部落的生活,在 Hosa 的歌裏如一幅幅 畫布展開。我們在只有星星照亮的黑




一幕幕長輩訴說的往事。愛戀的心如 風,似霧,來過了又離去。而我,如 鷹一般自由。

,可別以為我 ?


1 . Yu ’ pu 老 鷹 E agle

創作緣起 Inspiration 住在達邦部落的孩子,國小畢業後就要到遙遠的平地就學,從小 在山林裡長大的野孩子,經過文明的荼毒之後,再回到山林裡, 覺得自己已經跟山林有所隔閡,這首歌要傳達的是想要再與山林 融為一體的意念。 All of the children of Daban tribe grow up in the wild and are always surrounded by the nature. However, after graduating elementary school, they all have to leave the mountains to go to high school in the cities far away from home. After a period of time, they will be tamed by the rules and conventions of the modern civilization and will feel like strangers when they come back to their tribe again. With this song, the writer wants to express their longings to be part of the nature again.



Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

en ha fuengu 非常深的山

sucocaefi ho apapayo’u 之後就消失了

In the deep mountains,

and eventually disappearing.

en ha vuecuvcu 非常的暗

mio mici mais’a ta yu’pu 我願像隻老鷹

it is dark.

I’d love to be an eagle,

en ha nocmu’u 星星離我們

toesoso tamo pepe 盤旋在天空

Stars shine upon us,

hovering in the sky,

e congeoha 非常的近

i’eima omo moloungu 尋找我

incredibly near.

looking for my

man’i os’o talua 想起許多往事

ci piepia ‘ u 迷失的靈魂

Memories of the past flood back,

wandering soul.

mais’a ta poepe 像一陣風 like winds,

sucocaefi ho sucocaefi 飄過來又飄過去 coming and going,

(Hosa means “ a primary tribe ” in the Tsou language.)


yac’u ta tu’nu 站立在峭壁上

mio mici mais’a ta yu’pu 我願像隻老鷹

Standing on the top of the cliff,

I’d love to be an eagle,

p’ocvi si c’oeha 俯瞰深淵溪谷

toesoso tamo pepe 飛在高空

I look down on the deep river valley.

hovering in the sky,

usa to meipeipi 濃霧飄過來

i’eima ‘omo moloungu ci piepia ‘ u 尋找迷失方向的靈魂

Thick fogs close in,

looking for my wandering soul

miovei e hiye 太陽回家了

mio mici mais’a ta yu’pu ( 重複三次 ) 我願像隻老鷹

and the sun has sank behind it.

I’d love to be an eagle (repeat tree times)

yasai si suyoi 瀑布呼嘯的聲音 The roaring sound of the waterfall

yuh’uh’utu ta ‘e’evi 穿越濃密的森林 penetrate the deep forest.

moi’hocu e ngu ‘ca 雷聲大作 Thunders echo around me,

mio so a’umtu so’okosia 我實在太渺小了 reminding me how trivial I am in the world.


2. Eohu 狩獵 ( 出發 ) Hu nti ng Tri p

創作緣起 Inspiration 狩獵是鄒族世代相傳的傳統文化,在鄒族傳統文化中,狩獵有相 當多的禁忌與規範。歌詞中提到許多地名,每個獵人都必須非常 清楚自家及各家家族的獵場,誤入其他氏族獵場狩獵是非常嚴重 的事情。歌詞中還提到鄒族的占卜鳥:繡眼畫眉,在打獵之前, 獵人必須聽繡眼畫眉的叫聲,若聽到不祥的徵兆,當日便取消狩 獵的行動。歌詞的最後一段,是獵人行獵時,經過以前古部落的 舊址,獵人遙想古時候部落的面貌與生活情景,彷彿聽見祖先們 在呼喚著他。 Hunting is one of the most important traditions that have been passed down from fathers to sons for generations in Tsou tribes. There are many traditional taboos and rules to be followed by Tsou hunters. The place names in the lyrics of this song are hunting fields respectively belonging to different clans that every hunter has to know clearly since hunting in another clan’s hunting field is a great trespass. The grey-cheeked fulvettas mentioned in the lyrics are viewed by Tsou hunters as divinatory birds. They will listen carefully to the birds’ singing before any hunting trip and will cancel the trip if they hear any bad omen in it. The last part of the lyrics describes the hunters imagine the ancient tribal lives and seem to hear their ancestors calling upon them while passing by a long-deserted tribal site.



Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

si kuh’cu si keupu siomahtuica o monoieisu 披上皮衣 背起獵袋 繫緊獵刀

mam’eti ta Oyonapomeo 到 Oyonapomeo(地名)巡視陷阱

Putting on the leather capes, fastening the


check the traps set in Oyonapomeo (place

hunting bags and knives,

tetocu’so tetocu e’ohu 我們即將 即將 出發

yayosku ta Yamasiana

到 Yamasiana(楠梓仙溪)捕魚

and fish in the river we call Yamasiana,

we are about to set on the journey.

yuhaengi ho cocapo ta mahcuhcuyu 流著汗水 攀越群峰

fihto ceonu 循著 路徑 Walking on the ancient trails,

We climb up the mountains, sweating all the way.

siho’so vuicu isi usa ta meipeipi 我們已在雲霧之中

mam’eti ta Oyonapomeo 到 Oyonapomeo(地名)巡視陷阱

we check the traps set in Oyonapomeo (place name),

Now we are finally surrounded by clouds.

tumalu ta uaimu ta ‘e’evi 在樹林間聽見 uaimu(繡眼畫眉)的叫聲

yayos’ku ta Yamasiana 到 Yamasiana(楠梓仙溪)捕魚

and fish in the river we call Yamasiana.

The sound of the grey-cheeked fulvettas comes through the woods.

zotayo ta tu’nu mici mayo ta moatu’nu 在峭壁守候想獵山羊 We search for the track of wild goats on steep cliffs,

fihto ceonu ceonu ne noana’o 追隨祖先走過的足跡 We follow the footsteps left by our ancestors.


si kuh’cu si keupu siomahtuica o monoieisu 披上皮衣 背起獵袋 繫緊獵刀

na’no tu’nu si mufkueciou mufkueciou(地名)是這麼的陡峭 The hills of mufkueciou are so steep.

Putting on the leather capes, fastening the hunting bags and knives,

tetocu’so tetocu e’ohu 我們即將 即將 出發

fuicu’ia si Patunkuonu Patunkuonu(玉山)被白雪覆蓋著

The highest mountain we call Patunkuonu is covered by snow.

We are about to set on the journey.

m’ecihi ta ceoa ta Sosu’ta 腳已踏上 Sosu’ta(地名)的土地

miovei o hie 太陽下山了 The sun is setting.

Our feet step on the land we call Sosu’ta,

hoseoyu ta ceonu ta tpotpoi 在 tpotpoi(地名 : 玉山箭竹叢聚之地)追擊 獵物 and hunt in the hills where Taiwanese bamboos grow in the highest mountain in Taiwan.

na’no tu’nu si mufkueciou mufkueciou(地名)是這麼的陡峭 The hills of mufkueciou are so steep.

fuicu’ia si Patunkuonu Patunkuonu(玉山)被白雪覆蓋著

The highest mountain we call Patunkuonu

sacngiha si Yabukiana ho Noaftu’u 已經看見 Yabukiana(地名)和 Noaftu﹂u(地名)

is covered by snow,

We have come to our hunting fields called

miovei o hie akai o nguca 太陽下山了天空一片泛紅

Yabukiana and Noaftu’u

The sky is red with the sun setting.

yufeoyu ta Vtivtiveu ho uhne co’ eha 再穿過 Tivtiveo(地名 : 高山芒叢聚之地) 就到了大河 and finally reached the big river after passing through Tivtiveo where Chinese silvergrass grows.


tasoh’poi ne yofna o kangi 整晚 kangi(褐林鴞)的鳴叫聲 , 讓我心 神不寧 The screeching of brown wood owls called

(副歌)重複兩次 (chorus, repeat twice)

aiti isi yoho’a 聽啊他在呼喚 Listen, he is calling.

kangi made me anxious all night.

yuc’une micu yangaevi si mazozomu 群鳥鳴叫我才起床

aiti isi toteana su yonhu ci 看啊 他在等待美麗的 Look, he is waiting for the beautiful.

And I woke when all kinds of birds are singing.

yuh’uh’utu ta huehungu e hie no taseona 淸晨的陽光從葉隙灑下 The rays of the morning sun splash on the ground through the leaves.

aiti isi yoho’a 聽啊 他在呼喚 Listen, he is calling.

aiti isi toteana su yonhu ci 看啊 他在等待美麗的 Look, he is waiting for the beautiful,

na’no sofu e kukuzo ho kavai o laksu 雜草沾滿露水,美麗的紅毛杜鵑綻放 著 Dews dot the grass and red-hairy rhododendrons bloom.

yonhu ci niahosa 美麗的古老部落 the beautiful ancient tribe.



3. E h o Hamo 老 人 說 故事 Th e O l d Man Te l l i ng S tor ie s

創作緣起 Inspiration 每年的十一月份至隔年二月是深山愛玉子採收的季節 , 每年這個 時候 , 村子裡的青壯年會到深山裡採集愛玉子 , 常常三個月後愛 玉子期結束才能回到溫暖的家。創作這首歌時 , 正是我在深山中 的工寮 , 一邊削著愛玉子 , 一邊遙望黑夜裡山谷中家鄉的燈火 , 月圓之時 , 隱約可見玉山雪白的山峰 , 透著若隱若現的銀白光輝 , 彷彿在敘說著鄒族自古至今的傳說。 From November through next February, the young men in the village will go into the remotest parts of the mountains to gather the fruits of the wild awkeotsang which is a Taiwanese variety of fig. They won’t be able to return home until the end of the harvest time which usually lasts as long as three months. I was in a hunting hut in the deep woods, peeling the fruits and looking for the warm lights of our village hidden in the dark night, when the words of this song came to me. The silver moonlight reflected on the snow covered tops of Yushan Mountain in the full moon nights seem to be telling the legends passed down since ancient time in the Tsou tribes.



Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

(A) micu fengna micu soyumu 天色暗了 冷了

yac‘u ta hcuyu ho tmalu ta hamo 我站在山丘上傾聽著老人說著故事

The day is getting dark, and cold.

Standing on the ridge of the mountain, I listen to the stories told by the old man.

na’no covhi ta emoo ’e os’o yoni ci fuengu 我在離家遙遠的深山 I am in the deep woods far away from home.

isi yainca isi pas’osi taisi feu’sa ta yuho ci Patunkuonu 說著 指著 那被雪覆蓋的玉山 He is talking, pointing at the snow covered tops

con ci tiova 有一座獵寮

of Yushan Mountain.

There is a hunting hut.

con ci pupuzu 有一堆烈火 There is a burning fire.

eho hamo e mameoi, eho hamo e mameoi, eho hamo e mameoi, eho hamo e mameoi…… 老人說故事…說著…說著…… He is telling a story, and another, and another.

cihi ci mo ngicu ci mameoi 還有一位烤火的老人 And there is an old man getting warm by the fire.

micu fengna micu ahoi poepe 天色暗了 起風了 The day is getting dark, and the wind is blowing.

(回到 (A),重複一次)(repeat from A)


(副歌 chorus)

yanca mohonala kuici noana’o mohonala tupu 很久很久以前 洪水淹沒大地以前

eho hamo e mameoi 老人說著故事

Long long time ago, before the floods swamped


The old man is telling a story, and another, and

the lands,

yainca mohonala hihicu ‘e’oyonato taonona’vu ‘e buntunfu 大地充斥著精靈鬼怪之時 , 傳說中的 山豬神 (buntunfu) 真是不可思議 deities and spirits wandered everywhere, but buntunfu (the Wild Boar God) was the most amazing one.

yainca ohonala p’eyac’a ‘e kuba ac’uhu ta maitan’e 說到 Kuba 與部落建立之初至今 Ever since the tribes and the gathering

pavillions of “kubas” were established long ago,

uk’a cisi smoyoa ta maotano ta mafufuengu 勇士穿梭於叢林之間,無所阻礙,無 所畏懼 the braves ran through the woods, stopping for nothing and fearing nothing.

eho hamo e mameoi, eho hamo e mameoi, eho hamo e mameoi, eho hamo e mameoi…… 老人說著故事…說著…說著…… The old man is telling a story, and another, and another.


4. F uzu 山豬 Wi l d Boar

創作緣起 Inspiration 這是在深山裡採愛玉時遇到山豬的狀況, 現場實況全在歌詞裡,跟著緊張的節奏, 彷彿身歷其境。 This song recalls the writer’s real life experience of running into a wild boar while gathering fruits of the wild awkeotsang in the mountains. The strong beats of the melody make the exciting scene leap before your eyes.




Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

(A) yu’usnu tan’e haah’o e fuzu . Kuso ! Kuso ! Kuso 年輕人,圍過來,這裏有山豬! 趕快 去追 ( 對獵犬說的 ) ! ( 口白 )

naho cu mozu su’ta evi te’ocu poplukvi 不然就趕快跳到樹上。 我要開槍 了!!

Come on, young men, surround it, there is a

Otherwise you should climb up the tree before I

wild boar right there.

fire the shotgun.

Go get it ! (to their hounds)

Aupcio utan’e ‘e meoino fuzu . Kuso ! Kuso ! Kuso! Kuso! 趕快圍過來,這是一頭大山豬! 趕快 去追 ( 對獵犬說的 ) ! ( 口白 )

’ o meoino fuengu. yachi yontamo nan ‘oteso mici bitano ho yameomu 自己潛行在這片廣大的森林,不可以 有驕傲自大的心態

Come on, surround it. It is a huge wild boar

Walking alone in the vast forest, you shall not


be cocky or arrogant.

Go get it ! (to their hounds)

aitisi fuzu micu yu’usnu tan’e 伱看這山豬已經衝過來了! See, it’s running toward us!

fihoto nia mameoito ‘atetos’a ahta pela toc’uhi ‘ohia ‘uteuhe 跟隨著先人的腳步,我們永遠無法超 越他們的勇氣與智慧。 We shall follow the footsteps of our ancestors

aitisi hisisi mo na﹂no poh﹂cu 看牠的獠牙是那麼鋒利危險! See, how dangerously sharp are its teeth.

mikono ﹁uteuhe tekono seecu﹂ha su﹂si 伱的膽識夠嗎? 伱敢與牠肉搏嗎? Have you got the guts? Will you fight it with your bare hands?

since their courage and wisdom can never be surpassed.


(B) epai ta haengu e feango’u 我的身軀被五節芒割傷了 .

My body is cut by Chinese silvergrass.

hoseoyu ta fuengu supihi ta c’oeha yac’u ta yaskioe 在森林裏潛行,渡過大河,站在崖邊,只為追蹤獵物。 We walk in the vast woods, cross big rivers and climb up steep cliffs, all for chasing the prey.

yuhaengi yu’capo ta tu’nu smayovcu ta suisu 流著汗水,翻越這座山峰,在碎石坡下切 Climbing over the mountains and down the hills of gravel, we sweat all over.

mosonu ta yun’u cuma nais’o i’eima 疾行在這片蠻荒之地,我到底在追尋什麼? Rushing forward on this savage land, what am I looking for?

(回到 (A),重複一次)(repeat from A)


5. 逃 Ru nni ng away

創作緣起 Inspiration 文明的腳步來得太急太快,只想回到山裡 找回那最原始的單純 As the modern civilization rushes into our lives, all we want is to find the original pureness inside our heart in the embrace of the mountains.



'Avai Noacachiana 莊蒼菁 / Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍



My head is numb and clotted, unable to imagine the blue sky in my mind.



The terrorized and imprisoned soul is lost in the room that’s grey and dark.



I am tired of the vain and noisy city. I will run away from this crowded world.



I want to release the beautiful dreams hidden inside me. I will look for a new land that belongs to me.

喔~嘿~ 我的天空那麼黑 Oh. Hey. The sky above me is so dark.

喔~嘿~ 讓我放棄一切去瘋 Oh. Hey. Let me be crazy without any worry.



I am confused and upset in this world where everyone is rushed and hurried for nothing.




I can’t break through the humid and dark fog. I am lost, I am lost.




I am full of rage. I don’t know who I am in this huge crowd since everyone looks the same.




With my soul sealed in a bottle, I can’t breathe, I can’t breathe.

願上帝能把我消失不見 I wish God makes me disappear.


沒有過去 沒有未來 像風

I’d love to run away from the cold of this strange world, without past, without future, like a wind passing by.

喔~嘿~ 我的天空那麼黑耶 Oh. Hey. The sky above me is so dark.

喔~嘿~ 讓我放棄一切去瘋 Oh. Hey. Let me be crazy without any worry.

6. Po ep e 風 Wi nd

創作緣起 Inspiration 這是一首失戀時所寫的歌……. This is a song written in the heartbreaking moments after a breakup.




Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

Poepe 風

ikon’aso talua 妳還記得嗎?


Do you remember?

micu-ahoi poepe 起風了

otola mu’a ci sanpiengi 我們以前一起種過的蘭花

The wind is blowing.

The orchid we planted together.

supeopeohu e hungu 樹葉紛紛飄落

ikon’aso cohivi 妳知道嗎?

Tree leaves are falling,

Do you know?

feu‘sa e nia-ceonu 覆蓋了以前走過的路

ikon’aso talua 妳還記得嗎?

covering the path that we used to walk on

Do you remember?


micu-ahoi soyumu 天氣漸漸冷了

micu hana ‘e sanpiengi 那蘭花已經開花了 The orchid is blooming now.

The weather is getting cold.

talua ‘omo yonto ngesansi ci su 想起在都市的妳 I am thinking of you working in the big city.

o’uculaumnua c’o teongasi o cei ‘u ho kuzo su 當我深深愛著妳的時候就放棄了其他 的夢想 I gave up all the other dreams when I fell in love

teko sola yachi bumemealu 妳要好好照顧自己 You’ve got to take care of yourself.

ikon’aso cohivi 妳知道嗎? Do you know?

with you so deeply.

maitan’e kuici fengna o’temaka ticuna o nac’o ‘u 在苦悶的夜裏放不下思念的愁緒 I miss you too much to fall asleep in every bitter night.


mon’a man’i omo tosvo ta piepiya ‘u 許許多多想說的話都藏在心裏 All the things I want to say are hidden inside.

yachi coeconu tamo soyumu ci ceonu 獨自走在寂冷的小徑 I walk alone on the cold and deserted path.

‘oceonu to honci supeohu mais’a kua’onga ci nguca 如果我倆的路斷了那天空將一片黑暗

mais’a isi coc’vi ta feohu 月亮彷彿在嘲笑我

The sky will be all dark if the journey we have

The moon seems to be mocking me.

together has come to the end.

poepe 風

ikon’aso cohivi 妳知道嗎? Do you know?


miko mais’a poepe 妳就像一陣風

ikon’aso talua 妳還記得嗎? Do you remember?

You are just like a wind,

mongoi a’o 遠遠地離開了我

ne moton’ala nanhiya 我們彼此相愛的那段時光 Do you remember the time we loved each

passing me by and leaving me behind.


hafa ‘o piepia ‘u 也帶走了我的靈魂

i’mi ne noana’o ac’uhu ta maitan’e 從以前到現在

You took away my soul with you.

From then till now,

mi’ocu ahoi soyumu 使我漸漸感到寒冷

i’o asnguca umnua su 我一直都愛著妳

I am feeling colder day by day after you were

my love for you has never changed


Our cultural heritage is our root. We shall not desert it even if we convert to other religions.


創作緣起 Ins pira tion

Te ach ing s

7. Pa ’ su suv ti 訓 勉




Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

pa’sola pa mamahtuicu ‘e to’tohunguto 讓我們的意志堅定 It strengthens our will.

pa’sola pa umnu’e isi mia ci ceonu 讓我們的前途順暢 It widens our road.

talua ‘o hiahe uteu ta mamameoi to. 記得先人的勇猛和堅強的毅力 It reminds us of the courage and perseverance of our ancestors.

talui hola eusvusvutu ‘e mamamioi 遵循長輩的敎訓勉勵 Following the teachings of the elderly,

pa’solapa umnu’e nsou ta macicihi 讓每個人的靈魂祥和平靜 everyone earns their peace of heart,

pa’solapa asngucu yafeu ‘e pupuzu to 讓我們的生命之火延續旺盛 Their teachings keep the fire of our lives burning strong,

yokeoasu 平安健康 and keep us safe and sound.


aiti si kuba yono fiteu 看 kuba, 神樹和神花

Look at the kuba (tribal gathering pavillion), the sacred tree and the sacred flower.

teav’asola teav’asola yameoma 不要 不要忽略輕視 Don’t ever despise or ignore them.

aiti si hosa hupa mameoi to 看 我們的部落 獵場 祖先們 Guard our tribe ,hunting fields, and our ancestors carefully.

teav’asola teav’asola tea’payo’a 不要 不要忘記 Don’t ever forget.

aiti si moo hicu peisia to 看我們的家屋 , 鬼神 , 禁忌

Guard our homes, our deities and our taboos.

teav’asola teav’asola teaongasi 不要 不要放棄不顧 Don’t ever desert them.

8 . 山 葵 Wasavi

創作緣起 Inspiration 山上的人要擺脫貧窮,就要努力工作,肯勤奮努力,別人就不會 瞧不起你。 To get rid of poverty that is the destiny of some Tsou people who live in the mountains and have limited resources, we have to follow the elders’ words and to work hard. No one will despise you any more as long as you work hard enough.





Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

isi yainca to micu mamameoi butaso hola yahioa 長輩對我們說 要努力工作 The elders tell us to work hard.

lenoteunu huhucuma si e’ohu butabutabutaso hola yahioa 雖然每天工作 努力努力……工作 Working hard everyday is the right way.

‘otesola namaci tonsoyu 不要急著馬上有收穫

Don’t expect to see the fruit of your hard work soon.

aapanto tatola “wasavi”

petohuya toc’uha ci hupina no cumas’a~

總有一天一定會等到 我們辛勤耕作的代價 這個作物的名稱叫做什麼?是 ﹄山葵﹄ Someday we will definitely see the abundant harvest that we worked so hard for that we call “wasavi.”

talua ne moton’ala ‘o’oko 想起我們小時候 Looking back at the time when we were little,

motola ‘atutumio ine mio 生活很苦 life was so hard.

avavei ia maica ci ‘ a’ausn’atetola butaso hola yahioa 想到這種情景 我們更要努力工作 Remembering the past, we shall work harder.


mitoeno ahtu anana’o sot’e mio yonta yatatiskova 我們並非天生不如人 We are not born to be inferior.

mitoeno ahtu mioci toho cocva 我們也不想一直被別人嘲笑 We don’t want to be looked down upon.

macicihi yachi bumemielu sianate smecu’ho cocvo( 重複二次 ) 如果肯勤奮努力 哪有人還敢嘲笑伱

As long as we work hard, no one dares to look down on you anymore. (repeat twice)


sianate smecu’ho cocvo(重複三次)


No one dares to look down on you anymore. (repeat tree times)


嗚 嘰嗚 咕 ’u ki ’ u nds) u u k o s 9. t abou g n (a so

創作緣起 Inspiration 寧靜的清晨被公雞響亮的啼聲給吵醒,一個人走 在山林裡,伴隨我的不是孤單,而是大自然裡繽 紛喧鬧的天籟。 Every morning, we wake up in the loud crowing of roosters. Every time we walk alone in the mountains, we are never lonely since the various sounds of the nature always keep us company.




Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

micu ahoi tiskova ‘epuhpungu 大地漸漸亮起來了 The land is gradually revealed by the morning

yuhaengi ho mitamo nan’o tufkuya ci hcuyu 流著汗水走在空曠的山丘


I walk on the wide open hill, sweating all over.

muni ‘e tio’ua 公雞鳴叫

muni ‘e ta’cu ( ka ~ka~) 山羌叫著

Cocks are crowing,

Formosan reeve's muntjac are barking.

Kuki’u’u kuki’u’u 咕嘰嗚嗚 咕嘰嗚嗚

te’o cuso ocia i’eima ocia ho poplukvi 正想搜尋牠,準備射殺時

kukiu’u kukiu’u.

Just when I am looking for it, getting ready to

mi’ocuso aupcio yuc’uyuc’u 我趕緊起來……… I get up in a hurry,

ho micisifu 想要尿尿 needing to take a piss.

sifu to ceo’u 在石砌堆上小便 I piss on a pile of rocks.

tmalu to zomu“ tiapo’eici ”…… 聽見鳥叫聲﹃抓小鳥﹄ I hear birds singing “tiapoeci,” meaning “let’s catch a bird.”

fire my first shot,

‘ula pee’usni muni si moatu’nu (kisi~ kisi ~) 聽見山羊的叫聲 I hear the sound of goats.


micu ahoi miyovei ak’e hie 太陽公公下山了

mi’unu ho cocvo ‘e ba’e feohu 月亮婆婆對我微笑

The sun is setting.

The moon is smiling at me.

muni ‘e huhu (meuku~ 聽見深山竹雞的叫聲


muni ‘e puku (puku~ puku~) 貓頭鷹叫著

I hear the sound of Taiwan hill partridges.

Owls are calling “puku puku.”

mio cuso aupcio cunvi cunvi cunvi no maine’e 我趕緊準備回家

mi’o cuso aupcio cunvi cunvi cunvi ho poa voyu 我就趕緊去打飛鼠

I hurry home.

I can’t wait to hunt for flying squirrels.

suc’uhu ta hahaengu 走到茅草原時

‘ulue’ohu tmalu ta kangi 正要出發 , 聽見褐林鴞的叫聲

When I come to the hill of silvergrass,

Just when I am about to rush out, I hear the screeching of brown wood owls.

tomalu ta su’eo (tikohe~ tikohe~) 聽見 竹雞 su﹂eo 的叫聲 I hear the sound of partridges.

Uongu ~ Basuya ~ 'Avai ~ Voyu ~ Tipusungu ~ ( 以上皆為鄒族男子名字 ) (All the above names are traditional male names in the Tsou language.)



10. 吿 訴 我 Te ll me

創作緣起 Inspiration 漢人的歷史故事是這樣寫的:吳鳳為了改 變鄒族獵人頭的習俗,犧牲自己的性命, 感化了鄒族人。這個捏造的歷史讓鄒族一 直以來背負著野蠻的罪名,我們不需要去 承擔錯誤的歷史,我們選擇不再沈默……. According to the history written by the Han people whose ancestors immigrated to Taiwan about three hundreds ago and established their colonial government here, a Han magistrate named WuFong sacrificed his own life to change the human sacrifice tradition of the Tsou people. In fact this is a made-up story and it has affixed the social stigma of murdering savages to the Tsou people for a long time. Now we choose to stand up and speak up for ourselves in order to reveal the lie and to redeem our honor.


'Avai Noacachiana 莊蒼菁

Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

天高遙遠 隔海皇土 滄海孤島 福爾摩沙 With the royal ruler on the other side of the sea, the lonely island among the great oceans was called Formosa.

怒弓張滿 寂靜叢林 射出長箭 穿越時空 Indignant archers released the sharp arrows through the silent woods and into ancient time and space.

吿訴我 伱們有誰能夠吿訴我 吿訴我 Tell me. Who can tell me? Just tell me.

是什麼樣的一種心情 他們總叫我 ﹃靑番仔﹄ With what kind of mood, they always call me “barbarian”?

吿訴我 伱們有誰能夠吿訴我 吿訴我 Tell me. Who can tell me? Just tell me.

是什麼樣的一種歷史包袱壓得我抬不起頭 Why am I burdened with the historic stigma of “murdering barbarians”?

天高遙遠 隔海皇土 滄海孤島 福爾摩沙 With the royal ruler on the other side of the sea, the lonely island among the great oceans was called Formosa.

怒弓張滿 寂靜叢林 射出長箭 穿越時空 Indignant archers released the sharp arrows through the silent woods and into ancient time and space.

吿訴我 伱們有誰能夠吿訴我 吿訴我 Tell me. Who can tell me? Just tell me.


為什麼祖先的箭會插在我的胸膛 Why is the arrow shot by our ancestors now in my chest?

吿訴我 伱們有誰能夠吿訴我 吿訴我 Tell me. Who can tell me? Just tell me.

快吿訴我 快吿訴我 伱們吿訴我 Tell me. Please tell me, just tell me.

他們說 騎著白馬 披著紅袍 是他們的民族英雄 是我們的民族英雄 They say that the white horse rider shrouded with red mantle that our ancestors killed as sacrifice to our deities was their historic hero, and our savior as well.

香煙繚繞 虔誠膜拜的人們哪~ Worshipers burning incense for your deities in your temples,

吿訴我 伱們有誰能夠吿訴我 吿訴我 which one of you can tell me? Tell me.

像一個無知的孩子尋找早已被扭曲的真理 Like an innocent child, I am searching for the truth long distorted by you.

吿訴我 伱們有誰能夠吿訴我 吿訴我 Tell me, which one of you can tell me? Tell me.

快吿訴我 快吿訴我 伱們吿訴我 吿訴我~ 吿訴我~ Tell me, just tell me. Anyone of you, tell me, tell me.

fengna mai mio molou fuengu i’eima omo tiskovaci co 今

itan’e ungu ta asnguca o at’va’esi ongeoha

In this evening,

I am lost among the trees,

searching for the brightest star in the sky.

asking himself again and again why he is still here.

become the properties of the government. He is lost and can’t help

guard with his live, the courageous hunter wonders why they have all

Looking down upon his homeland and hunting fields that he used to



創作緣起 Ins pi rati on

為什 麼我在 這 裏 Why a m I he re?

1 1 . M anc i Mi o Yonta n ’ e



Basuya Uyongana 吳新發


吳新發 / 高治軍

yac’u ta hcuyu 站在山嶺上 Standing on the ridge,

aiti’e mafufuengu 俯視群山 overlooking the mountains,

a naisi talua ‘e onko ta fuengu 已經遺忘群山的名稱 I’ve forgotten their names.

yusungu ta fatu 坐在石頭上 Sitting on the rock,

tmalu ta mameoi mo ehohamo 聽老人說故事 we listen to the stories told by the elders.

pas’osi si poneone’e 指著遠方平原 They point at the plains in the distance,

niala acuhu hupa to 曾經都是我們的獵場 where we used to hunt freely.


manci mio yontan’e 為什麼我在這裏

( 重複 )

Why am I here? (repeat)

talua ne noana’o 想起從前 Looking back at the past,

maotano ‘o onko’u 我的名字叫﹃勇士﹄ I was a warrior,

uk’a ci os’o smoyoa smoyoa ta puhpungu 在這片廣闊的大地上無所畏懼 fearing nothing in the vast wilderness.

fengna maitan’e 今天晚上 In this evening,

mio moloungu ta fuengu 迷失在森林裏 I am lost among the trees,

asnguca i’eima omo at’va’esi tiskova ci congeoha 一直在追尋天空中最亮的星星 searching for the brightest star in the sky.

manci mio yontan’e 為什麼我在這裏 Why am I here? (repeat)

( 重複 )


1 2 . Mo ngo i 離 別 L e av ing 詞/曲

Hosa 樂團


Hosa 樂團 / 高治軍

maitan’e aiti si hie te’cuso meovei 今天,看著太陽要下山了 Today, while the sun is setting,

te’o cuso mongoi tan’e 我就要離開這裏了 I am leaving here.

te’o cuso mongoi tan’e 我就要離開這裏了 I am leaving here.

man’i ‘os’o talua ci nuana’o 想起許多往事 Memories of the past come back.

ta’upa’omo yonhu ci hosa 還有故鄉美麗的部落 I am leaving the beautiful tribe where I grew up.

ta’ucu’so mongoi tamo yonghu ci hosa 我就要離開這美麗的部落 I am leaving the beautiful tribe where I grew up.


創作緣起 Inspiration 這首歌寫的是離鄉背井到外求學的心情。 This song expresses young people’ depressive emotions when they have to return to school that is far away from home.

maitan’e aitinasu miko atva’esi yonhu 今天,看伱特別的美麗 Today, you are even more beautiful than usual.

te’o cuso mongoi tan’e 我就要離開這裏了 I am leaving here.

te’o cuso mongoi tan’e 我就要離開這裏了 I am leaving here.

takosola asngucu tengami 希望伱常寫信給我 I hope you write me a lot,

fito tonusu a’o 給我精神上的鼓勵 encouraging me to move forward.

ta’ucuso mongoi tamo yonghu ci hosa 我就要離開這美麗的部落 I am leaving this beautiful tribe.


m a t o s o s e to o ‘ m o ’i eima ‘ u a i p e i p ci m i c i m o i m ’ u p u y 飛

e p e mo p u g n u o l o m u a ’ t a mais


th e sk y, ho ve ri ng in

ng m y w an de ri lo ok in g fo r

so ul

an ea gl e I’d lo ve to be


'Ava i Yo i fo an a

'Avai Noaca c hian a

莊 暉明 / 團 長兼 吉他手

莊蒼 菁 / 主唱

Bas uya U 吳新發

m i c i m o i m ’ u p u ta y p e p o m a t 像


U yonga n a

Ba s uya F o'fou

/ 鼓手

莊 康 偉 / 吉他手

Mo'o F o'fou

莊國 佑 / 貝斯手

’ a s i a m o s o s toe pe

e an ea g le , I’ d lo ve to b

th e sk y, h ov er in g in

64 'Ava i No ac ac h i an a

'Ava i Yo i fo an a


莊 蒼菁 / 主 唱

莊暉 明 / 團 長兼 吉他手







農會出納、高空作業員(採愛玉)、 過,擔任過高山嚮導、部落解說員、 竹工藝達人,目前經營民宿。回想

二 十 年 前, 就 是 幾 個 喝 了 點 烈 火 靑春(酒)的年輕人,發願創作鄒 語流行歌曲,於是開始了這條漫長 的音樂路。從木吉他到電吉他,從

小場面的三位聽眾和一隻狗,到大 場面的萬人跨年演唱會,這一路走

來,像是從 Hosa(大社)出發,現

在又回到了 Hosa。感謝這一路陪伴 我們的朋友們。

求學,接觸外界知識與流行音樂, 俗的曲風,像大自然般柔和優美。


有志氣的好友 : 小菁、光雲、吳老 大、康偉、小豐、火鳳凰(國佑) 等,用母語創作屬於自己的歌曲,


代流行音樂和現代樂器詮釋,創作 出來的作品很難達到想望的境界, 但我們認為已盡力了。感謝知音者 二十幾年來的支持,並幫助我們錄

製 CD,保存我們追尋的夢想,留 下在鄒族音樂領域的腳印。

莊國 佑 /









F o'fou

/ 貝 斯手

65 Bas u ya U yo nga n a

Basuya F o'fou

吳新發 / 鼓手

莊康偉 / 吉他手

是 hosa 的 bass 手,


退伍回部落時我 26 歲,老爸輾轉


無人能敵 ,一堅持就是數十寒暑。












掏腰包,後起年輕人組 Band 玩音 樂需要練習場地,他無私的借大家


指導。滴酒不沾,寡言,自律,他 的前衛與特立獨行,鼓舞著鄒音樂 人。目前為森林救火員。



一 份 非 常 難 得 的 工 作, 我 一 口 回 絕。我要留在山上,整理自己的土 地,自己找工作,差點就鬧家庭革



西。「風」是我第一首聽到的歌, 一聽就被優美的旋律和動人的歌詞

所 吸 引。 當 時 Hosa 正 缺 吉 他 手, 於是我加入了。Hosa 的歌全都是鄒 語,歌詞需要不斷求證,無形中也

學習到不少寶貴知識,希望藉由歌 曲讓我們的後代邊聽邊學。

{ 製 作團隊 } 發行 Published 發行人 Publisher 製作 Production

亞蔚創意科技有限公司 Asiaway Innovative Technology Co., Ltd 安明富 Voyu Yasiyungu

Hosa 部落樂團 Hosa band

Hosa 部落樂團 Hosa band

監製 Managing Director

錄音工程 Recording Engineer 混音工程 Mixing Engineer

高治軍 Jacson Kow

劉宏壽 Steve Liu

母帶後期處理 Mastering Engineer 錄音室 Recording Studio 美術設計 Art Design 插 畫 Illustration 印 刷 print

劉宏壽 Steve Liu

亞蔚錄音室 Asiaway Recording Studio

佛列茲.李 Fritz Lee (www.facebook.com/fl003)

莊暉明 'Avai Yoifoana

十邑藝術印刷有限公司 (02)2223-3268 監製:曾佳新 李韶芬、饒翠霞、莊國佑 Shao-Fen Lee Ruby Rau Mo’o Fo’ofou

文案 / 攝影 copywriter/photography

英語翻譯 English Translation

李淑珺 Sara Li

安孝明 Mo’o Yasiyungu

鄒語校對 Tsou Language proofreader 企劃總監 Creative & Promotion Director

饒翠霞 Ruby Rau

本專輯由原住民族委員會補助製作發行 The production of this album is sponsored and supervised by the Council of Indigenous Peoples

Hosa 部落樂團粉絲專頁 特別感謝


鄒音樂創作工作室 無償提供練團室與 器供 Hosa 樂團練歌

Special Thanks to the Studio of Tsou Music for offering their studio and musical instruments for Hosa to practice for free.

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