The Lilypad - Issue #6

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TEACHERS’ DAY EDITION! The Winners of the 1BestariNet Teacher Awards 2015 are announced on Teachers’ Day! DISCOVER YOUR HEROES | pg 29

M AY 2 0 1 5

T H E L I LY PA D # 6

W W W. F R O G A S I A . C O M


A note from our Director


Feature Story Continued


Dear FrogAsia...


Extra Cool-riculum

We love hearing from you!


Feature Story Kunci Kejayaan Frog VLE di SK Taman Seroja


What’s happening at FrogAsia?



S p l ash ! Students’ Pullout Section


S p l ash ! Your Extra-Special Teachers Day!


S p l ash ! Fokus PT3: Skil Berfikir Secara Kritikal


Cikgu, Who Are You? Our special Teachers’ Day Archetypes


Esther Dharshini | Victor Lau | Joseph Wong Ashvina Naidu | Ramziah Razak

Cover Photo

Ashvina Naidu

Design And Art

Sharifah Nabilah Alhadad | Victor Lau Kelvin Ng | Nor Zamilia Zainal

A Parent’s Perspective Bridging the Gap: Parent, Teacher & Student

A Shout Out to Superstars Recognising changemakers in schools and beyond!

SK Taman Seroja


28 29

This Month’s Picks Teachers: Get Inspired Students: Gear Up for Success

Teh Tarik Time Get your Frog Questions Answered!

1BestariNet Teachers’ Awards 2015 Find out who receives each award this Teachers’ Day!

FEATURED Pn Hajah Noredzan Abu Bakar Pn Noraya Elya Mohamad Pn Suhaily Samsudin Pn Aznita Saiful Pn Rohani Mohamed

It was a thoughtful - yet busy April at FrogAsia as we sifted through the thousands of nominations for the 1BestariNet Teacher Awards 2015 coming to us from all around the country. We hope you are as excited as we are to find out who the winners are, as we will be revealing them just 2 days before Teachers’ Day. Don’t forget to visit our awards website HERE on the 14th of May! A huge thank you to everyone who shared your photos with us via the hashtag #tagyourhero (see them HERE) - and it is both inspiring and encouraging to see so many everyday heroes among us. We’ve received so much feedback from those of you who have been touched by the story in the video of how Dr. Nara and his old teacher, Mr. Rajendra beat the odds. You can view that HERE. Heroes truly are closer than you think. Speaking of heroes, we’ve found some this month in a little corner of Sepang, in a school named SK Taman Seroja. SK Taman’s Seroja’s heroes have helped to bring a simple yet profound change to the entire school: interactivity. Read on to discover how every student in this school has a chance to spend a lesson with the school’s two Chromelabs. All this is thanks to the hard work done by their tireless Frog Admin, Pn. Noraya Elya Mohamad, her fellow teachers, and to the woman whose vision has inspired and empowered this exceptional school, Headteacher Pn. Hajah Noredzan Abu Bakar. May is indeed an exciting month for us all. I hope you enjoy this sixth issue of The Lilypad and that you share our stories and ideas. And finally, Happy Teacher’s Day to all teachers in Malaysia! We want you to know that you are truly appreciated for who you are and all that you do.

God bless,

Lou Yeoh Executive Director


y a D ’ s r e Teach from


23 JULY 2015 frogasia presents

leaps of knowledge

“It is modern in its outlook and architecture and open to the world, informal and yet academically demanding.”

Guess who’s coming?

powered by

Dear FrogAsia... Hello there, reader!

We love getting e-mail and feedback from you! If you would like your suggestions and letters to be featured, write to us at, Tweet us at @FrogAsia, or drop us a message on!

In Our

Mailbox E NG L I S H T O O L B O X WORK S H O P S A most sought after workshop for teachers and pupils. The workshop helped teachers to use the tools better through lots of inputs delivered for teachers. Teachers are also more bold in their use of the program for the benefit of their pupils. Well done.

// Theanmolzi D/O S.Rajoo - Teacher

FA CE BO O K F R O G A S I A On behalf of myself and all the school teachers, we feel thankful. We enjoyed getting so much knowledge from Puan Elya about Frog VLE. She had explained to us how to easily entertain via this programme.

// En.Suhaimi

VLE IN T R ODU C T ORY T R A IN IN G I have never really implemented much technology aside from slide presentations and videos in my classroom, but this makes creating Sites so easy! I am excited to use the polls, quizzes, and other student teacher interaction platforms.

// Meg


Wow!!!!!! It’s me // Hafizz_ft

Click to read about Puan Elya

Click here for FrogAsia’s Instagram



Secara luaran, SK Taman Seroja kelihatan Secara luaran, SK Taman Seroja sepertikelihatan sekolah kebangsaan biasa

seperti sekolah kebangsaan biasa. Tidak banyak perbezaannya cuma sekolah ini

Tidak banyak perbezaannya cuma sekolah nampak lebih ceriaini daripada sekolah lain

nampak lebih ceria daripada sekolah laindengan tanaman bunga kerana dihias cantik

kerana dihias cantik dan dengan tanaman bunga lukisan graffiti. Namun apa agaknya rahsia

dan lukisan mural. Namun apa agaknya di sebalik kejayaanrahsia sekolah ini melaksanakan di sebalik kejayaan sekolah ini VLE melaksanakan Frog dengan jayanya? Saya cuba

Frog VLE dengan menyingkap jayanya? Sayaapakah cuba kunci kejayaan mereka

menyingkap apakah kunci kejayaan merekaPengetua, Puan Hajah dengan menemubual

dengan menemubual Pengetua, Hajah Frog Admin Noraya NoredzanPuan Abu Bakar, Noredzan Abu Bakar, Frog Admin Elya serta Puantiga guru lain yang aktif

Noraya Elya serta tiga guru lain yang aktif menggunakan Frog. menggunakan Frog.

1 1

PENGETUA BERPANDANGAN PENGETUA BER PA JAU N DANG H Visi Noredzan Naikkan Visi Noredzan Semangat Naikkan Guru Lain Semangat

Kata Benjamin Franklin, “Jika Kata kitaBenjamin gagal merancang, Franklin, “Jika kita gagal mera

kita merancang untuk gagal.” kita Setuju merancang denganuntuk falsafah gagal.” tersebut, SetujuNoredzan dengan falsafah ter

yakin dengan adanya perancangan yakin dengan teliti teknologi adanya perancangan mampu menyumbang teliti teknologi mamp

kepada kecemerlangan kurikulum kepadadan kecemerlangan kokurikulum kurikulum di sekolahnya. dan kokurikulum Tambah di sek

Noredzan, untuk tahun 2015, Noredzan, dia mahuuntuk menerapkan tahun 2015, penggunaan dia mahuFrog menerapkan VLE peng

dalam kokurikulum dengan dalam menghubungi kokurikulum pengakap dengan dari menghubungi negara lain pengakap d

melalui Google Hangouts. Dia melalui juga berhasrat Google Hangouts. agar semua Diaguru juga dapat berhasrat agar sem

menyemak pelan pengajaran menyemak secara online pelan dan pengajaran berharap secara online dan b

ia dapat dilaksanakan secepat ia dapat mungkin. dilaksanakan secepat mungkin.


2 2

KETUA PANITIA KETUA PANITIA Perancang Strategik Perancang Pelan Pengajaran Strategik Pelan Pengajaran

Ketua-ketua Panitia di SKK Taman etua-ketua Seroja Panitia di SK Taman Seroja

berperanan penting dalam mengadakan berperanan penting mesyuarat dalam mengadakan mesyuarat dan menetapkan pelan pengajaran dan menetapkan menggunakan pelan pengajaran menggunakan

Frog VLE. Guru-guru pula digalakkan Frog VLE.berkongsi Guru-guruSite pula digalakkan berkongsi Site mengikut subjek yang mereka mengikut ajar. Penilaian subjek yang akan mereka ajar. Penilaian akan dibuat pada awal dan pertengahan dibuat pada tahunawal dandan pertengahan tahun dan mana-mana program yang kurang mana-mana berkesan program akan yang kurang berkesan akan diganti dengan program baru. diganti dengan program baru.

3 3

FROG ADMINFROG M ANTAP ADMIN MANTAP Cikgu Elya GalasCikgu TugasElya Dengan GalasCemerlang Tugas Dengan Cemerlang

Seorang yang lemah lembutStetapi eorangtegas, yang Noraya lemah lembut Elya Mohamad tetapi tegas, Noraya Elya Mohamad

atau Cikgu Elya boleh dianggap atausebagai Cikgu Elya watak boleh utama dianggap pelaksanaan sebagaiFrog watak VLE utama pelaksanaan Frog VLE di sekolahnya. Selaku Frog Admin, di sekolahnya. dia aktifSelaku melakukan Frog Admin, pelbagaidia inisiatif aktif melakukan demi pelbagai inisiatif demi memastikan Frog VLE dapatmemastikan dimanfaatkan Frog sepenuhnya VLE dapatdi dimanfaatkan SK Taman Seroja. sepenuhnya di SK Taman Seroja. Antaranya, dia mewujudkanAntaranya, jadual mingguan dia mewujudkan Chromelab, jadual mingguan Chromelab, menyediakan kad nama pelajar menyediakan serta menjalankan kad namabengkel pelajar latihan serta menjalankan bengkel latihan untuk guru dan ibu bapa. Bukan untukituguru sahaja, dan Cikgu ibu bapa. ElyaBukan juga itu sahaja, Cikgu Elya juga bertanggungjawab membaiki bertanggungjawab mana-mana komputer membaiki yangmana-mana rosak komputer yang rosak serta menetapkan rangkaianserta internet menetapkan di Chromelab. rangkaian internet di Chromelab.


4 5 6 7

di ms 8!


Baca kisah selanjutnya di ms 8!


SISTE M JADUAL MINGGUAN Penjadualan Tersusun Beri Manfaat Kepada Semua

Untuk melakukan apa sahaja, kita memerlukan jadual tersusun, bukan? Langkah bijak Cikgu Elya

mewujudkan Jadual Chromelab ternyata memainkan peranan penting dalam memastikan setiap pelajar dan guru berpeluang menggunakan Frog dan teknologi. Setiap hari, pelajar dari empat kelas memasuki Chromelab untuk belajar subjek berbeza. Terdapat dua kelas sebelum rehat dan dua kelas selepas rehat. Oleh itu dalam seminggu, pelajar dari


20 kelas berbeza dapat menggunakan Frog VLE.


K A D NAMA UNTUK MURID Langkah Berkesan Maksimumkan Masa Di Chromelab

Buat para guru yang perlu meluangkan banyak masa untuk mencari ID dan kata laluan pelajar,

mungkin anda boleh mencuba inisiatif kad nama yang dilakukan Cikgu Elya. Pada kad itu tertera ID pelajar, kata laluan dan juga alamat laman web Frog. Untuk menggalakkan pelajar menggunakan Frog di rumah, dia turut menyediakan satu kad untuk pelajar simpan di rumah.


BENGKEL LATIHAN INTENSIF Sesi Tiga Jam Untuk Guru & Ibu Bapa

Bermula tahun 2013, Cikgu Elya aktif membuat

bengkel latihan untuk guru dan ibu bapa. Bengkel untuk guru diadakan selepas waktu sekolah, pada hujung minggu dan ketika musim cuti manakala bengkel untuk ibu bapa diadakan setiap hari Sabtu. Berlangsung selama tiga jam, bengkel itu menerangkan tentang penggunaan Frog VLE, cara mendaftar ID dan banyak lagi. Ini secara tidak langsung meningkatkan penglibatan ibu bapa. Selain itu, Cikgu Elya turut


dijemput melatih guru di daerah lain.

CHROMEBOOK GANTI SISTEM FAIL Teknologi Dimanfaatkan Secara Meluas & Versatil

Bagi membolehkan teknologi digunakan secara

7 9

meluas dan lebih versatil, Noredzan menggalakkan guru-guru menggunakan teknologi dalam urusan pentadbiran. Para guru disaran menggunakan Google+ untuk berkongsi minit mesyuarat dan kertas kerja. Selain itu, setiap guru diminta memasukkan Yes ID sebagai akaun tambahan di telefon pintar mereka supaya senang menerima emel dan maklumat terkini.

Baca kisah selanjutnya di ms 15 & 16!



Recognising changemakers in schools and beyond

The greatest things often start with small beginnings. We know a few schools who are definitely on the right track. Here are our shout outs to some amazing people who are making a difference in Malaysian schools!

Clatford Primary School + SK Sultan Hisamuddin For taking the initiative to find out about a new culture through technology! The students of the two schools gathered to learn from each other using Frog Connected Classrooms via Google Hangouts! Each class then spent time getting to know about each other’s beliefs by asking smart and respectful questions.

SJK(C) Choong Wen Ms. Tan Shin Yee For creatively introducing Frog to parents! For creatively introducing Frog to parents! On a Saturday afternoon, Ms. Tan invited Bento food artist Ms. Shirni from to teach parents and their children how to make Bento Food Art. The students and parents were able to learn both by listening to the Ms. Shirni and following instructions on a Frog Site. Ms. Tan shared that the idea behind it was to introduce parents to how their students learn online using Frog! Both the parents and students enjoyed the workshop and many took photos of their Bento Food Art creations. 10

Well done, teachers and students of Clatford Primary and SK Sultan Hisamuddin for finding great new ways to learn about others’ culture and beliefs from beyond the classroom.


Watch the Google Hangout HERE >

Thanks Ms. Tan, for showing us new and creative ways to introduce parents and students to Frog!


SK Leftenan Adnan Cikgu Ruzaimie Head Teacher En. Sabaruddin For being so supportive and innovative while training teachers to use Frog! SK Leftenan Adnan’s Frog Administrator, Cikgu Ruzaimie, actively trains teachers to effectively use the Frog VLE platform. However, he noticed that teachers needed a quick and simple way to start using Frog in their classrooms. To help them, he introduced ‘Minimum Sites’, which is a simple Site template that teachers can quickly adapt and use for teaching and learning. Cikgu Ruzaimie also has the complete support of Head Teacher En. Subaruddin who welcomes teachers from other schools to learn more about the Frog VLE.

We love teachers who go the extra mile to teach others!

If you know a school or teacher who has done amazing things to help improve teaching and learning using technology, do write to us at or use the hashtag #tagyourhero. Talk to us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. We just might feature them in our next issue of The Lilypad! 11

As we express our


we must NEVER FORGET that the highest Appreciation is not to UTTER WORDS, but to LIVE BY THEM - John F. Kennedy



Your Teachers’ Day Can Be Special This Year Quick tricks for that special cikgu, and cool Teachers’ Day stories from around Malaysia and the world!

Turn to

pg 14

Skil Berfikir Secara Kritikal Penat menghafal untuk PT3? Cabar minda anda dengan kaedah “Hujah, Sebab, Kesimpulan” Baca di

ms 16

We want your ideas for Splash! S h a r e a c t i v i t i e s , a d v e n t u r e s a n d i d e a s with us at h e l l o @ f r o g a s i a . c o m 13

Your Your teac t

Made Made Ext

No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.

Celebrating Teachers’ Day isn’t always about doing something big.

Just by saying “thank you” you would have already made their day. But here are some neat ideas and stories to inspire YOU!

ACROSS MALAYSIA! In Sandakan, Sabah, we look at SM Sung Siew. Last year, Form 5 students celebrated their teachers by making short videos recreating funny and inspiring scenes that had happened in class.

Got something to film in your school? Here in KL, students from SMK Convent Bukit Nanas used to give their class teacher a pineapple to show their appreciation. Today, they give their class teacher canned pineapples!

If you know a school or teacher who has done amazing things to help improve teaching and learning using technology, do write to us at hello@ or use the hashtag #frogsuperstars to talk to us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. We just might feature them in next issue of The Lilypad! 14

Does your school name have a gift hidden inside it?

chers’ rs’ DayDay

Special tra Special

[ By Esther Dharshini ]

IDEAS FOR YOU! With some colourful markers, you can make a simple homemade card for your teacher in just 10 minutes. You can even pick some flowers on your way home from school, or look for some in your garden. Wrap them up and bring those beauties to your teachers the next morning!

No matter what they are, teachers always love personal gifts. Sometimes, the best way to a teacher’s heart is through food! You and your friends can invite your teacher for lunch or dinner. If you have a knack for culinary arts cooking, you can find out what your teacher loves, and cook it for him or her!

Hint: Chocolate bars do not need cooking!

AROUND THE WORLD! India Senior students take up the responsibility to tutor younger students to appreciate their teachers.

Not so far away, in Iran Students offer their teachers flowers to honour the sacred profession.

United States Many schools celebrate this day with a variety of organised activities to honour their teachers, and everyone is full of gratitude! These celebrations can take a week, but can also continue throughout the entire month of May.


FOKUS PT3 [ Oleh Ramziah Razak ]

Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) yang digantikan dengan Pentaksiran Tingkatan 3 (PT3) menimbulkan reaksi berbeza dari pelajar. Tetapi jika dilihat dari sudut positif, ia melatih kita berďŹ kir secara kritikal. Kita sudah terbiasa dengan amalan menghafal dan sudah tiba masanya kita melatih minda kita untuk berďŹ kir di luar kotak. Salah satu proses berďŹ kir secara kritikal adalah mewujudkan hujah untuk memberikan kesimpulan. Kita boleh memberi hujah dan kesimpulan untuk apa sahaja topik atau soalan tetapi untuk mendapat kesimpulan yang tepat, kita perlu mempunyai sebab yang kukuh.

Oleh itu: HUJAH



Images from :

Beberapa ratus tahun dahulu, semua orang mempercayai bumi ini berbentuk rata. Namun, terdapat pemerhatian yang mengelirukan manusia. Satu pemerhatian mendapati, kapal yang berlayar menjauhi daratan kelihatan semakin jatuh ke bawah ke dalam air, seolah-olah ia akan tenggelam.


Kapal kelihatan jatuh ke bawah apabila ia berlayar. Maka, permukaan bumi tidak rata.

Hujah tersebut adalah sebab kepada kesimpulan. Secara mudah, hujah tersebut boleh ditulis begini :

SEBAB Kapal kelihatan jatuh ke bawah ketika berlayar maka KESIMPULAN Permukaan bumi tidak rata Okey, berdasarkan contoh di atas, mari kita lakukan aktiviti menggunakan konsep hujah - sebab - kesimpulan. Baca soalan berikut dan cuba ďŹ kirkan satu hujah dan satu kesimpulan.


[ Illustrated by Victor Lau ]


Don’t mess with Cikgu Disiplin. This teacher has absolutely everything neat and tidy - and keeps everyone informed. This teacher can be intimidating at first, but if you talk to them, you’ll find that Cikgu Disiplin just wants to help everyone learn as much as possible. Cikgu Disiplin does not hesitate to take action when students lack focus and disiplin, but is the first one to champion worthy students for opportunities to learn more and excel in their schools!


This kind of teacher makes it look easy. With years of experience, SuperCikgu is really organised, and guides the classroom like a pro. You can’t slip anything past SuperCikgu they can see everything (even those notes you passed under your desk!). This senior teacher knows what to expect, but is still excited about being a great educator! 18


This teacher is universally loved! This energetic, vibrant educator brings excitement and laughter to the classroom. Cikgu Rockstar has lots of charisma. A loyal supporter, Cikgu Rockstar is always the first to celebrate student successes, but Cikgu Rockstar has a thoughtful side, too. We see it when they try to understand every student to help them learn better.


This teacher has been teaching for years! If a student has a large family, it’s likely this teacher has taught the every sibling - and sometimes even their parents, back in the day. Solid and dependable, this teacher doesn’t change their lessons much, but everyone goes to them for advice because they rely on their good judgement.

Teachers, teachers. There are as many different kinds of teachers as there are colours in a rainbow. So, for Teachers’ Day, we thought it would be fun to show you a few of our favourites! If you look hard, you can find similar sorts of teachers in every school, but in the end, each teacher is a unique individual. Maybe you’ll find that you’re a combination of many different kinds of teachers. Let’s have a look!


The school just wouldn’t be the same without your resident ICT expert! This teacher has made the computer lab their home, and everyone goes to them to solve their tech issues. Even if this teacher doesn’t have the answer immediately, they always find a way even if it is a tutorial on YouTube! Their lessons feature cool online resources and you can email this teacher if you have any questions: anywhere, anytime!


This teacher is about the adventure! Always telling exciting stories in the classroom, this teacher loves taking students on voyages of discovery. This teacher makes time after class to support students and never gives up until everyone understands the lesson.


y a D ’ s r Teache


Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Get all the latest updates on What’s Happening and Where here, at Frog Asia. 19

...sambungan dari

ms 9

Sambungan dari SK Taman Seroja...


Apa Kata Cikgu...?

Terokai sumber dan laman yang mengandungi permainan, widget,video, komik,kuiz, dan banyak lagi!

Segalanya menjadi mudah kerana terdapat banyak bahan media di Frog VLE. Cikgu Suhaily

[ Oleh Ramziah Razak ]


Ketika diperkenalkan dengan Frog VLE, dia membayangkan dirinya mengusung piano ke dalam Chromelab untuk mengajar salah satu topik subjek Muzik, “Solfa.” Menurut Suhaily Samsudin atau Cikgu Suhaily, topik “Solfa” memerlukan penggunaan piano agar pelajar boleh mengenali “pitch” muzik yang betul. Namun, dia gembira tidak kepalang apabila mengetahui dia boleh memuat naik video rakaman piano dari YouTube. “Segalanya menjadi mudah kerana terdapat banyak bahan media di Frog VLE,” ujarnya.

1 Log masuk ke Frog VLE 2 Klik ikon sumber berikut 3 “ADD” Site di My Library 20

Sumber Muzik! Music and Movement

Body Percussion in Music Ensemble

The Solfege Song #1


Mengajar subjek Bahasa Inggeris, Cikgu Aznita Saiful banyak melakukan kajian di Internet untuk mencari bahan mengajar di dalam kelas. Dia memasukkan pautan ke dalam Site agar pelajar boleh melihat sendiri bahan pengajaran. Cikgu Aznita juga memberikan kuiz kepada pelajarnya dan sistem penanda markah automatik membolehkannya memantau prestasi pelajar. Dia juga memuat naik video untuk mengajar topik seperti Grammar,

Pelajar tidak bosan kerana pembelajaran tidak hanya berdasarkan buku teks sahaja. Cikgu Aznita

Comprehension dan banyak lagi. “Pelajar tidak bosan kerana pembelajaran tidak hanya berdasarkan buku teks sahaja,” katanya lagi.

Sumber Bahasa Inggeris!

UPSR English

Collective nouns




Guru subjek Matematik, Rohani Mohamed atau Cikgu Rohani membuat Site untuk topik tertentu dan berkongsi dengan pelajarnya. Pelajar perlu membuat tugasan secara online dan menghantarnya melalui emel kepada Cikgu Rohani. Untuk menarik minat pelajar, dia memuatkan widget permainan dan kerap menjalankan kuiz. Selain itu, Cikgu Rohani turut menggunakan Frog VLE untuk membuat pelan pengajaran. “Sejak dan mereka sangat teruja apabila mempelajari

Sejak menggunakan Frog, pelajar rajin bertanya soalan dan mereka sangat teruja apabila mempelajari subjek Matematik. Cikgu Rohani

menggunakan Frog, pelajar rajin bertanya soalan subjek Matematik,” ujarnya ceria.

Sumber Matematik!

Klik! UPSR Matematik

Mathematics Year 6

Whole Numbers

Lebih banyak sumber dan pendapat pelajar di mukasurat seterusnya! 21

Lebih banyak sumber di Widget

Bahasa Malaysia


Embed Website

Simpulan Bahasa

Siratan Makanan


UPSR Bahasa Malaysia

UPSR Sains

Bahasa Cina

Bahasa Cina Tahun 3

KLIK ikon-ikon ini!

Chit Chat bersama pelajar FROG VLE PILIHAN KAMI!


Saya paling suka menggunakan Frog VLE untuk subjek Matematik kerana ada permainan! Ia bukan saja menyeronokkan malah saya lebih memahami topik yang diajar guru.


Tangan saya tidak lenguh sejak menggunakan Frog VLE! Kini, saya boleh menggunakan Chromebook untuk menaip esei bagi subjek kegemaran saya, Bahasa Inggeris.




Get all the latest updates on WHAT’S happening and WHERE here, at FrogAsia

All-New Frog VLE (Revamps?) coming soon! ‘COOL’RICULUM Get excited for the latest . round of updates coming to the Frog VLE in May!



Scrapbook Spoken Word

Missed the World Book Month Webinars? You can watch the playlist of recorded online workshops! CLICK HERE > Check out these workshops led by published authors to build your students’ confidence in English.

Site Webinar Webinars WATCH NOW WATCH rs inaNOW


to find out more

spoken Scrapbook word webinar Site Webinar WATCH NOW NOW WATCH

scrapbook Scrapbook site Site webinar Webinar WATCH NOW NOW WATCH


Scrapbook storywriting workshop Site Webinar WATCH NOW NOW WATCH

Music Lab: Audiotool Image from

Learn music online with Audiotool, a simple an

MUSIC LAB Audiotool Where?


Learn music online with Audiotool. A simple and fun music production software!

CLiC, Mini UTC, Sentul Thursdays | 3PM-4:30PM 7 May to 9 July


Walk-in register at the CLiC counter. Only 20 FREE openings available!

Click here > to find out who's won

Nominations are now closed! to know if a teacher you know has won a 1BestariNet Stay Want tuned to know who’s Teacher Award? Well, nominations are now closed!. Stay tuned till receiving awards 14th May! the 16th of May toon know who’s been awarded!


ar W W

a parent’s perspective... BRIDGING THE GAP: Creative STUDENT PARENT, Scrapbook Storywriting & TEACHER Site Webinar Workshop [ By Sarah T. ]

WATCH NOW NOW WATCH The parent-teacher-student relationship is incredibly powerful. Get it right and we give our children the best opportunity to succeed. Get it wrong and sadly, the one who will actually suffer the most is not the teacher nor the parent, it's the student.

c at

When my son started at a new school last year, he

In a different situation, I also remember an

had a troubling time with a teacher. This had the

encounter I had in my first semester as a

potential to make settling in difficult for him. On his

newly-qualified teacher. I was teaching a group

third day in school, his class teacher thought she had

of 15 year olds and we were going through some

heard from another student that he had said

reading material. One girl was not paying much

something unacceptable, but she had misunderstood

attention, so I asked her to pay closer attention

the situation. She decided to make him stand by her

many times - but she just wasn’t interested.


side during break-time to teach him a lesson. When I picked him up from school, the tears started to roll

down his face as he left the classroom. be announced at the riNet Teacher Awards What could I do? ebsite. You might be one of them! 24

I warned her that she would get a detention but she simply told me that her father was on the school committee, and that he ‘would not approve’. At the end of that week this student brought in a letter from her father addressed to the Head of Department. Her father wrote that

he did not approve of the book we were studying. He wanted his daughter to be transferred into the Head of Department’s class. She sat in my class that Friday afternoon without even looking at the book; to her, she had won. At my children’s school, we had a Head Teacher who would share this vision to parents at the beginning of every year: “If, as parents, you feel your child's teacher has failed your child (perhaps not paid insufficient attention, wrongly punished or mistreated), however big or small, please bring it to the school before discussing it further with the child. She wanted us to see this - the teacher completely loses the child’s respect the moment their mother or father criticises the teacher at home. The child will not want to do their best for a teacher they have heard their parents privately criticise. So, what happened to the girl who didn't want to be in my class? Well, I'm glad to say my

And my own son? Well, I listened to him without passing comment and then I asked him to wait outside his classroom while I had a quick chat with the teacher. I didn't want him to see if I was angry or upset, I just spoke calmly. When his teacher realised the misunderstanding, she was so upset. We brought my son into the classroom, and she told him how sorry she was. I made sure he said 'that's ok' and forgave the teacher, so that the next day they could start afresh without feeling uncomfortable. Then, I thanked the teacher for sorting this out. Not only was this was the right thing to do, but I also knew my son would be in this teachers’ classroom for the rest of the year, and I wanted him to feel comfortable and grow there. Yes, it was important for my son to have a good relationship with his teacher; but it was just as important for me to respect and support his teacher too.

department head told me he would support whatever I thought was the best outcome. I suggested that the girl move classes, for her own good, and also so that I could continue my good work with the class. I don’t know if that was the right decision - but since the student’s father approached the situation that way, I think we could not do much except change our paths.

“The child will not want to do their best for a teacher they have heard their parents privately criticise.”


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