pg 19
Oxford Summer School
Can hours of study be hours of fun?
was a blast!
So You Think You Like COMPUTER GAMES?
Solve mysteries or explore new worlds? There’s a game for you!
Find out how teachers are using game-based learning at SK Jalan Selangor (1) SEPTEMBER 2015
T H E L I LY PA D # 9
school’s k out the c e h c keover! , o Als room Ma s s la C g new Fro
W W W. F R O G A S I A . C O M
DEAR FROGASIA We love hearing from you!
CIKGU JOTHI KONGSI PENGALAMAN GUNA APLIKASI I AM LEARNING Apa kelebihan pembelajaran berasaskan permainan?
DO IT YOURSELF: GEOBOARD! Create a fun tool to learn about the shapes around us!
GAME-BASED LEARNING Tools or Toys: What can game-based learning do for you, Cikgu?
FROG CLASSROOM SK JALAN SELANGOR (1) Find out how a Frog Classroom Makeover breathed life into a local school!
SPLASH! Splash! Pullout for Students!
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
20 WHAT TYPE OF GAMER ARE YOU? Find out here!
EXTRA ‘COOL’RICULUM Your scoop on what’s happening in FrogAsia!
Tiffany Chua | Low Ee Lynn | Ashvina Naidu | Ramziah Razak | Joseph Wong | Lisa Toh COVER PHOTO
Nor Zamilia Zainal | Sharifah Nabilah Alhadad | Victor Lau
Welcome to our latest issue of
e hope you’ve had a happy Merdeka Day celebration!
We’re fresh from Oxford Summer School Kuala Lumpur and Leaps of Knowledge, with St Anne’s College, University of Oxford and we’re overwhelmed by the great things you’re telling the week, from how inspired you were wasus about a blast! by professors at the top of their profession to the amazing friends you’ve met.
these pages, learn more about how SK Jalan Selangor, a Malaysian school is doing with a game-based assessment programme created to engage students.
Things are also going to heat up towards the Oxford Summer School end of the year with the Leaps of Knowledge
But there’s certainly much more to come for the rest of the year! In this issue, we explore game-based learning. Is it a tool or a toy? Find out what the research says about how game-based learning affects students in the classroom. In fact, schools in Malaysia have already begun to use game-based learning to good effect. In
Conference 2015 featuring Cathy Davidson on the 31st of October! She’s a renowned speaker for her work in innovating new ideas for the workplace, school, and in everyday life and will share her insight on what it means to have a classroom makeover. We hope to see you there. We know that exams are right around the corner, and we’re sure that everyone’s doing their best to get ready. So take a break, and enjoy your new issue of The Lilypad #9.
Keep in touch
with what we’re doing
on Instagram!
from all of us at
Cathy Davidson is a leading innovator of new ideas and methods for learning and professional development in school, the workplace, and everyday life. Her work closely examines the necessity for change in learning spaces and as a result, she’s widely recognised as a highly influential voice in the development of the modern classroom. An author and editor of more than 20 books on education, her research focuses on technology, collaboration, cognition, learning, and the digital age. She is a also frequent speaker and consultant on institutional change at universities, corporations, was a blast! non-profits and other organizations, and writes for the Harvard Business Review, Wall Street Journal, Fast Company, The Chronicle of Higher Education, The Washington Post, and Times Higher Ed.
classrooms for workers and learners in the digital age, and has been touted as ‘critically important’ by Publishers Weekly. Featuring a chapter titled “Project Classroom Makeover”, it’s a recommended read for all changemakers in Malaysian education. Come learn more about her ideas on classroom transformation in our Leaps of Knowledge Conference: The Classroom Reimagined, coming this 31st October.
Oxford Summer School
She’s also renowned for being the educator who introduced free iPods to every new student in Duke University - to tremendous effect as seen in her latest book, ‘Now You See It’. Her book also reimagines workplaces and
Find out more about Cathy:
Click Here >
Click Here > to register Meet
Cathy Davidson! We’ve gone through
enormous Oxford Summer School change was a blast!
that has affected
from the way we do business to how we view intelligence and attention. We have to
rethink it all in a more
INTERACTIVE , Networked , and
Collaborative Way.
//Cathy Davidson
. . . a i s A g o Dear Fr
e u would lik m you. If yo, o fr ck a b d fee llo@froga e-mail and to us at he etting g te e ri v w lo , e d W re atu ers! k! Hello, read ers to be fe essage on faceboo ns and lett m io a s st u e g p g your su sia, or dro t @FrogA Tweet us a
In Our
Mailbox Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Thank you for bringing Oxford to us. I had such an amazing 4 days & 3 nights over here with such amazing lecturers and dedicated Frog Interns. You people taught me that nothing is impossible. Thank you Oxford University. Thank you FROGASIA. You people taught me that
nothing is impossible. //Muhammad Amirul bin Mohd Asri Great lecturers! Lovely lessons! Wonderful campus! <3
I have really enjoyed all the courses and classes over the past four days; everyone’s been extremely open and friendly. I particularly enjoyed getting to speak and listen to all the professors as they are extremely passionate about their subjects, and it is inspiring to learn and listen to them. Getting a taster of lecturers and subjects has made me even more excited for university and has helped me narrow down options on what I would like to do in the future. For that I’m extremely grateful.
//Raphaelle Tseng
I have met some of the best people from this event. Hope to see more like this!
//Haziq Danial Instagram username: @HAZIQ_DANIAL99
I have met some of the
best people from this event.
“Getting a taster for university lecturers and subjects has made me even more excited for it...”
What happened at the
leaps of knowledge
Curious about #leapsoxford or wanting to re-live the moment?
Join us on our blog at
Hop On! #leapsoxford on Instagram!
Another splendid Leaps of Knowledge conference by @frogasia for 2015. Charming and engaging tutors who have made the conference so fruitful for me, especially in explaining subjects and courses available in university and the career path that follows through. Thank you! #leapsoxford
Oxford Summer School Frog VLE was a blast!
With Professor Martin Speight Thank you for the opportunity, @frogasia! Left the conference feeling super inspired. All the subject talks (by the professors of Oxford themselves), interview coaching, & precise elaboration for international applicants totally educated me & changed my perspective towards studying abroad & tertiary education Still a long way to go, let’s hope for the best inshaAllah! #leapsoxford
Introductory Training with FrogAsia
Alhamdulillah. Semuanya berjalan lancar. Program ini bagus betul. Saya rasa berbesar hati sungguh pada hari ini kerana terlibat dalam program yang ternyata sangat berguna dan padat dengan input yang membolehkan pemahaman yang lebih luas.
//Hasbullah bin Md Din, SK Setapak Such a refreshing interview between YAM Tunku Ali and Datin Kathleen. Love the honest answers and stories! @frogasia @ytlfoundation #leapsoxford
I gained more confidence about using the Frog VLE and realised there are so many benefits that my students can get from it too.
//Norhajratuliqma Binti Mohd Mansor
I hope that local trainers can be trained to be as efficient as our trainers over the last two days. Thank you En Aizam and En Sukri for the very enriching experience, invaluable skills, and knowledge imparted to us. The workshop was among the best workshops I've ever attended.
//Boey Mei Li
Everyone had loads of fun taking photos at #leapsoxford and loading them up on Instagram! Join in the fun by visiting our Instagram page here.
and join us on Instagram! 7
Missed out on #leapsoxford? Not to worry! Check out these snapshots from the ďŹ ve straight days of fun, learning and new friends at Oxford Summer School and the Leaps of Knowledge conference with St Anneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s College, University of Oxford!
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Students busy watching their experiment bubble! At the Biochemistry class, students had the opportunity to tinker around with water baths, centrifuges, gel boxes, and incubators as they extracted their own DNA. 8
All ready for four days of fun and learning at Oxford Summer School Kuala Lumpur!
Who doesn’t like free shirts? Team Wolf used their creativity to put together some pretty nifty shirts made out of paper to promote their Leaps of Knowledge Conference ideas!
Oxford Summer School
Students at the Extreme Environments was a blast! class analysing deep sea life on a giant map!
Amirul giving it his all for his team’s pitch in their bid to win Summer Showdown! He’s one smooth talker.
All teams were hard at work building some amazing booths to sell their very own Leaps of Knowledge Conferences! Here’s Team Cow pulling in the crowd with their ideas for their own Leaps of Knowledge conference! 9
Happy faces all around at the end of Summer Showdown! Having spent three evenings together brainstorming and working together to plan their own Leaps of Knowledge conference, it was inspirational to see all the ideas that were put forward.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
After four days of exciting classes and hands-on experiments, Oxford Summer School has come to an end! Friendships were made and knowledge was gained.
Meet our enthusiastic teachers who took the opportunity to learn more about the Frog VLE during Oxford Summer School! It was really encouraging to see teachers who are curious about how technology can help their teaching and learning in classes.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
We’ve been reading all your reflection cards from Summer School! We’re glad to receive feedback, and your voices have been heard.
Friendships knowledge were made
& was gained!
All bright and early for the Leaps of Knowledge conference with St Anne’s College, University of Oxford!
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
It was a truly incredible week, working with some of the top minds of the world to bring Oxford Summer School and the Leaps of Knowledge conference with St Anne’s College, University of Oxford to Kuala Lumpur.
We hope to meet ALL OF YOU again!
Do you remember our Exhibition Hall? It was buzzing with activity! Which was your favourite booth?
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
ermainan ermainan atau
embelajaran embelajar p Apa kata kedua-duanya sekali?
Cikgu Jothi kongsi pengalaman guna aplikasi pembelajaran berasaskan permainan, I Am Learning.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
ikgu, terima kasih kerana percayakan saya dan membimbing saya hingga lulus dalam peperiksaan. Terima kasih kerana tidak putus asa dengan saya.â&#x20AC;? Nota ringkas dari salah seorang muridnya membuatkan Sivajothi a/p Arnasalam atau Cikgu Jothi menitiskan air mata. Setahun yang lepas, guru dari SK Jalan Selangor (1) ini hampir buntu memikirkan cara terbaik untuk membantu pelajar tersebut mendapat markah yang lebih baik bagi subjek Bahasa Inggeris.
Definisi Baru Pembelajaran
Sehinggalah dia diperkenalkan dengan aplikasi Oxford Summer School
was a blast!
ermainan Jika permainan u memberikan ini mampu memberikan
emangat mereka semangat
cuba, bukankah untuk mencuba, bukankah tu yang bagus itu sesuatu yang bagus
dan positif?
pembelajaran berasaskan permainan, I Am Learning. Semuanya bermula apabila SK Jalan Selangor (1) dipilih sebagai sebagai projek rintis aplikasi tersebut pada tahun lepas. Aplikasi yang berasal dari UK ini mengandungi isi kandungan Bahasa Inggeris dan Matematik yang boleh diubah mengikut sukatan pelajaran di Malaysia. Fungsi utamanya ialah memberi kemudahan kepada guru untuk menugaskan kuiz yang disertakan dengan permainan kepada pelajar. Permainan? Tetapi bukankah itu yang paling ditakuti guru; melihat pelajar bermain dan mengabaikan tugasan. Itu persepsi yang Jothi selalu dengar dari guru-guru lain. Dia juga beranggapan begitu pada mulanya, tetapi dia tidak mahu berada dalam zon selesa selamanya. Jothi mengambil keputusan untuk mencuba sesuatu yang baru dan tidak hanya mengharapkan buku teks sahaja. Tambah Jothi, satu lagi kelebihan aplikasi tersebut ialah penyediaan laporan prestasi pelajar yang lengkap. Baginya, fungsi ini sangat praktikal dan sesuatu yang diperlukan oleh guru sejak dulu lagi. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Bayangkan guru tidak perlu lagi menanda buku latihan satu persatu. Kami boleh mendapat analisis lengkap prestasi pelajar dan mengenalpasti pelajar yang perlukan bantuan. Proses menanda buku dan mendapatkan analisis yang mengambil masa dua hari kini hanya memerlukan beberapa minit saja!â&#x20AC;? kata Jothi.
Selepas beberapa bulan, Jothi mulai melihat perubahan positif dalam kelasnya. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Ada tiga pelajar yang boleh saya kategorikan sebagai lemah. Mereka sering gagal dalam subjek Bahasa Inggeris dan Matematik. Selalunya mereka ini langsung tidak berminat untuk membuat latihan dalam buku, jadi saya terkejut apabila mereka sendiri meminta untuk membuat latihan dalam I Am Learning. Paling menggembirakan saya apabila mereka lulus peperiksaan selepas tiga bulan menggunakan aplikasi ini.â&#x20AC;? Bagi Jothi, permainan yang diselitkan dalam kuiz bukanlah suatu masalah sebaliknya menjadi perangsang kepada murid untuk terus mencuba mendapatkan markah yang baik. Jika kita sebagai orang dewasa pun memerlukan motivasi yang kuat untuk bangun pagi dan keluar bekerja, inikan pula murid-murid ini yang perlu menumpukan perhatian selama enam jam di sekolah. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Jika permainan ini memberikan mereka semangat untuk mencuba, bukankah itu sesuatu yang bagus dan positif?â&#x20AC;?, ujar Jothi.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Kisah Cikgu Jothi beri anda inspirasi untuk mencuba aplikasi seperti I Am Learning? Pasukan Lilypad sedia membantu anda menerokai aplikasi pembelajaran berasaskan permainan! Hanya berikan butiran lanjut anda (nama, nama sekolah, emel & nombor telefon) di dan nantikan maklumat lanjut dari kami. 16
Saya terkejut apabila mereka sendiri Saya ter meminta untuk apabila mere membuat latihan dalammeminta membuat lati
I Am Learning. I Am Lea Paling menggembirakan
Paling mengge saya apabila mereka saya apabila lulus buat pertama kali selepas hampirlulus buat pe tiga bulan menggunakanselepas h aplikasi ini tiga bulan men aplikasi
Lebih Fleksibiliti Untuk Guru dan Pelajar
Apabila ditanya apakah perbezaan sebelum dan ditanya apakah perbezaan sebelum dan selepas menggunakan I Am Apabila Learning, Jothi dengan selepas menggunakan I Am Learning, Jothi dengan pantas menjawab, “Banyak! Selain tidak perlu pantas menjawab, “Banyak! Selain tidak perlu menanda buku, saya juga kurang menggunakan buku, kertas. Go green!” Kata Jothimenanda lagi, aplikasi itusaya juga kurang menggunakan green!” Kata Jothi lagi, aplikasi itu mengagihkan pelajar ke zonkertas. merah,Go kuning dan mengagihkan pelajar hijau mengikut markah kuiz yang diperoleh. Jothike zon merah, kuning dan hijau mengikut akan menumpukan lebih perhatian kepada markah pelajar kuiz yang diperoleh. Jothi menumpukan lebih perhatian kepada pelajar di zon merah kerana merekaakan masih belum menguasai topik tersebut. di zon merah kerana mereka masih belum menguasai topik tersebut. “Apabila berada di zon kuning atau merah, mereka “Apabila berada zon kuning atau merah, mereka akan lebih bersemangat untuk mencuba lagididan untuk mencuba lagi dan masuk ke zon hijau. Sebagaiakan guru,lebih sayabersemangat berasa masuk ke zon hijau. Sebagai guru, saya berasa puas apabila melihat pelajar saya bersaing secara puas apabila melihat pelajar saya bersaing secara sihat.” Sambil berjenaka, Jothi turut berkongsi sihat.” Sambil berjenaka, Jothi turut berkongsi yang aplikasi ini mengurangkan sakit matanya yang aplikasi ini mengurangkan sakit matanya kerana tidak perlu lagi membaca tulisan buruk kerana tidak perlu lagi membaca tulisan buruk sesetengah pelajarnya! sesetengahI Am pelajarnya! Paling penting, apabila menggunakan Paling30 penting, Learning, dia hanya memerlukan minit apabila menggunakan I Am Learning, dia hanya memerlukan 30 minit saja untuk menyediakan bahan pengajaran. saja untuk Dapatlah dia meluangkan masa untuk menyediakan berehat dan bahan pengajaran. Dapatlah dia masa untuk berehat dan bersama keluarga dan rakan-rakan. “Gurumeluangkan juga keluarga dan rakan-rakan. “Guru juga perlukan masa untuk keluarbersama tengok wayang dan masa untuk keluar tengok wayang dan bersantai!”, kata Jothi yang perlukan turut gemar mendengar muzik klasik. bersantai!”, kata Jothi yang turut gemar mendengar muzik klasik.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Setelah lebih setahun menggunakan I Am Setelah lebih terbaik setahun menggunakan I Am Learning, Jothi merasakan inilah aplikasi Learning, Jothi merasakan inilah aplikasi terbaik yang pernah dia gunakan di dalam kelas. “Saya yang pernah dia tidak mempunyai “superpower” dan sekolahgunakan kami di dalam kelas. “Saya tidak mempunyai “superpower” dan sekolah kami bukanlah sekolah elit dan berprestasi tinggi. Malah bukanlah kebanyakan pelajar kami berasal dari sekolah keluargaelit dan berprestasi tinggi. Malah pelajar kami berasal dari keluarga berpendapatan rendah. Tapikebanyakan saya yakin kami berpendapatan rendah. Tapi saya yakin kami mampu menjadi setanding sekolah lain kerana mampu menjadi setanding sekolah lain kerana teknologi merapatkan jurang. Dengan teknologi, teknologi kita semua berada di aras yang sama.”merapatkan ujar Jothi jurang. Dengan teknologi, kita semua berada di aras yang sama.” ujar Jothi mengakhiri temu bual. mengakhiri temu bual.
Baca juga kisah Frog Classroom Makeover di SK Jalan Selangor (1) di halaman 28 - 31.
#HeroesCreateHeroes Click to Play
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
RATNA’S STORY Presenting the second short video installment from Part 1 - A Boy from Teluk Intan
The things teachers do each day inspires hope in classrooms. Their work starts early in the morning and carries on, sometimes into the night. It’s difficult work that isn’t seen by many, but teachers do it to empower their students to seek a bigger, brighter future. In this story by YTL Foundation, discover the story of Ratnadewi Lim, an exceptional student who couldn’t get a place in a local university. But because of the intervention of someone who believed in her, she went on to complete her studies at private university. This simple act changed her life. Today, Cikgu Ratna is a teacher in a high-need school who uses that same belief to bring hope to her students.
Watch the video to learn about her story.
Use the hashtag #heroescreateheroes to share a story about someone who believed in you on social media.
Do It Yourself:
! rd a o b eo G Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Whatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a Geoboard? Itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a fun tool to learn about shapes! rn to Tu
pg. 22
What type of
Turn to
pg. 20
Gamer are you? Do you think that all gamers are alike? We think not!
We want your ideas for Splash! Share them with us at
WHAT IS Y gamer
personality? Do you enjoy a game with a great story? Or do you prefer to explore far-off worlds that are undiscovered by humans? You could even be the scientists who creates epic inventions! Your answer to these questions will lead you closer to finding out your gamer personality! Check out the chart below!
Oxford Summer School Download a poster of this page! was a blast! STORY-DRIVEN • Are your favourite subjects in school languages or literature? • Do you enjoy playing games with storylines?
SCIENTIST • Best in class for physics, chemistry or biology? Do you have a passion for the sciences? • Do you love discovering new things and experimenting with any game you’re playing?
Story Telling
GAMES TO CHECK OUT FTL: Faster Than Light, Mirror’s Edge, Broken Age, The Banner Saga
GAMES TO CHECK OUT Kerbal Space Program, Portal, Singularity, Spore, The Sims 4
SOCIALITE • Do your teachers rearrange your seat to separate you from your friends because you talk too much? • What about staying connected and challenging your friends and family with games on Facebook? LEVEL UP!
Social skills, Communication GAMES TO CHECK OUT Dota 2, League of Legends, Hearthstone,
ADVENTURER Apabila apakah“wanderlust” perbezaan sebelum the phrases or dan • Doditanya selepas menggunakan I Am Learning, Jothi “adventure is out there!” apply dengan pantas “Banyak! Selain tidak perlu tomenjawab, you? menanda buku, saya juga kurang menggunakan kertas. Go green!” Kata Jothi lagi, aplikasi itu • Do you quickly finish “story mode” mengagihkan pelajar ke zon merah, kuning dan just to start exploring the virtual hijau mengikut markah kuiz yang diperoleh. Jothi world in that game? akan menumpukan lebih perhatian kepada pelajar di zon merah kerana mereka masih belum menguasai topik tersebut.
Critical Thinking
“Apabila berada di zon kuning atau merah, mereka akan lebih bersemangat untuk mencuba lagi dan masuk ke zon hijau. Sebagai guru, saya berasa puas apabila melihat pelajar saya bersaing secara sihat.” Sambil berjenaka, Jothi turutOUT berkongsi GAMES TO CHECK yang aplikasi ini mengurangkan sakit matanya kerana tidak perlu lagi membaca tulisan buruk Minecraft, Terraria, sesetengah pelajarnya! Final Fantasy series, Paling penting, apabila menggunakan I Am Learning, dia hanya memerlukan 30 minit saja untuk menyediakan bahan pengajaran. Dapatlah dia meluangkan masa untuk berehat dan bersama keluarga dan rakan-rakan. “Guru juga perlukan masa untuk keluar tengok wayang dan bersantai!”, kata Jothi yang turut gemar SPORTSPERSON mendengar muzik klasik.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
ARTIST • Do you draw your favourite characters in your free time? • Do you sometimes pause your game because you like how colourful everything is?
Art and Graphic Design GAMES TO CHECK OUT Horizon: Zero Dawn, Fez, Journey, Monument Valley, Child of Light
yousetahun on your school sports • Arelebih Setelah menggunakan I Am team? Are you on foraplikasi a particular Learning, Jothi merasakanfire inilah terbaik sport? dia gunakan di dalam kelas. “Saya yang pernah tidak mempunyai “superpower” dan sekolah kami you know the game inside • Think bukanlah sekolah elit dan berprestasi tinggi.out Malah and could be a better football club kebanyakan pelajar kami berasal dari keluarga manager rendah. than SirTapi Alex Ferguson? berpendapatan saya yakin kami mampu menjadi setanding sekolah lain kerana teknologi merapatkan jurang. Dengan teknologi, UP! kita semuaLEVEL berada di aras yang sama.” ujar Jothi mengakhiri temu bual.
Sports Strategies
Have you Haveever youplayed ever played with aw It’s a board where you can create shapes with bits of string and pins! Here’s what you’ll need:
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
2 3 4
Instructions 1
Trim graph paper into a square.
Graph paper/ grid paper Bulletin board/ thick cardboard Pushpins Rubber band or yarn Duct tape/ cellophane tape Creativity!
Stick your graph paper onto the bulletin board with duct tape.
If you are using a piece of thick cardboard, you could use super glue to seal the graph paper onto the cardboard.
Hey students!
oard? Geoboard?
We want to hear your ideas about The Lilypad’s Splash! Tell us what you think, and give us suggestions about the articles you’d like to us write!
It’s easy! Just stretch your rubber bands or string along the pushpins to form different shapes! Now, test yourself by making an octagon (8 sides), followed by a rhombus (4 equal sides)! Got it? Well done! Archimedes of Syracuse lived around the year 250 BC and played a large role in the history of geometry, including a method for determining the volume of objects with irregular shapes.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Push your pushpins into the grid paper, making sure they are pushed in firmly.
You could dip each pushpin in super glue to prevent them from popping out.
Digital Games.
Classroom Learning. These two phrases don’t usually appear in the same sentence, do they? If you walked into a PIBG meeting and mentioned the words, “computer” and “games”, what responses do you think you would receive? A teacher might wonder how that could relate to their lessons. “How am I going to just get all my students to pay attention to the lesson if they’re on a computer”. A parent might feel resistant. “Why would I let my child play on a device in class? I already have to fight to get them off my iPad…” they might say. The concept that a child can be inspired to learn while he or she is playing games may be a new conversation-starter for us. What is fascinating is that in-depth scrutiny by researchers both locally, and across the globe has shown just how well students can respond to games! And in fact, how it can fit seamlessly within learning, revision and assessment processes.
A BETTER WAY TO TEST UNDERSTANDING? Funnily enough, it is through being a virtual, or artificial world, that digital games Oxford Summer School help students understand a subject. They provide a relatable context for the learning was a process. blast!Studies show us that our guesses are not far from the truth:
students preferred more hands-on and gameplay-like classroom activities, We can look to research performed in Denmark where students were learning English. They tended to choose the most game- and play-like classroom activities over the regular ones. This is because games can provide a liberal context for the learning process, which means that students feel free to explore. Students do not feel pressure to understand immediately, or to face a negative human reaction if they make mistakes.
REFLECTIVE LEARNING Now, students have the space for ‘reflective’ learning. Like a mirror, the student can watch how his or her learning takes place. In stepping back from their own learning experience, students are able to be objective about their own learning. When they do this, students can ask questions about how and why they understand the subject. They develop these critical thinking skills and begin to explore how to make their learning better over time. Closer to home, our efforts to develop the ability to think critically has been seen through the outreach by Ministry of Education to integrate High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) or Kemahiran Berfikir Aras Tinggi (KBAT) into the national syllabus. As we become more and more comfortable with technology in our everyday lives, we might explore how gameplay fits into our classrooms. This may be of even greater importance to teachers and parents, as it has been found that the critical thinking and reflection that is encouraged by the process of gameplay is different to what may occur through conventional teaching.
24 24
GAMES AND LEARNING A teacher’s work depends how a student understands lessons, so imagine if students could play a game about a subject even before a lessons starts to get excited and ready. At the Complutense University of Madrid, a simple yet comprehensive blood test game enables medical students to familiarise themselves with their lab equipment before an actual laboratory session! The game tests student understanding, tracks errors and gives instant feedback for major mistakes. The system is a part of the university’s Learning Management System (LMS), which allows teachers to track student activities to manage learning experiences. In fact, it’s similar to the Frog VLE’s
Quiz Widget that immediately tracks student answers so that teachers can immediately understand where a student might need help in a subject. With a the university’s relatively high number of students, compounded by a scarcity of time and blood samples, the university had to manage their resources very carefully. The university’s LMS did exactly that through its game, which allowed the university’s many students to familiarise themselves with the equipment quickly and effectively.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
The Facts
We have seen a steady increase in the production of digital games - they appear everywhere, from simple (signing into online banking, verification systems) to complex (literacy games for children played on a tablet). What’s more, organisations are turning to game-based training programmes for their staff. With more and more inspired ways of using technology and play to spur growth and learning, parents and educators around the world will have some of the very best tools at their fingertips. What better way to fulfill our roles than to kickstart and nurture a joyful, enriched learning experience.
18 25 25
The greatest things often start with small beginnings and we know a few schools who are definitely on the right track. Here are our shout outs to some amazing people who are making a difference for schools in Malaysia!
Teachers and Students Coming from Afar
Oxford Summer School
SM Sains Dungun, Terengganu, SM Sains Tun Syed was a blast! Sheh Shahabudin, Penang, SM Teknik Kuantan, Pahang, and Tunku Kurshiah College, Negeri Sembilan The long distance did not keep these teachers and students from being inspired about higher education! Busloads of these participants travelled from out-of-state to get to Leaps of Knowledge with St Anne’s College, University of Oxford in Kuala Lumpur. Special shout out goes to students and teachers from SM Sains Dungun, Terengganu, SM Sains Tun Syed Sheh Shahabudin, Penang, SM Teknik Kuantan, Pahang and Tunku Kurshiah College, Negeri Sembilan. We appreciate your effort and determination, cikgus and students.
If you know a school or teacher who has done amazing things to help improve teaching and learning using technology, do write to us at or use the hashtag #tagyourhero to talk to us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. We just might feature them in our next issue of The Lilypad! 26
All the way from TERENGGANU!
# #3
# #3
1 Nurhiz
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i Ab Ha
The Mighty Mice Summer Showdown A huge shout out to the student teams who took part in the Summer Showdown that was held in conjunction with #leapsoxford. During Summer Showdown, teams made up of students from all over Malaysia had to plan their own Leaps of Knowledge event. Their excitement created a loud, energised atmosphere! It was a close call for who could sell the most tickets and merchandise! In the end, Team Mice took the prize! Congratulations, Team Mice for winning the Summer Showdown challenge but most of all, we congratulate each of you for proving that teamwork and good communication are the keys to success!
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Check out the Instagram account their team made for their own event here!
Group Names: - Ariana Ng - Muhammad SyaďŹ q - Shecheminy - Nur Faqihah - Nur Hadziyah - Amelina Ahmad Muslim - Pravena Dewi
Winners of the FrogSnap Pilot Competition SMK Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya
binti runnadiah haruddin
#1 #1
A shout out to the these schools for taking part in the Snap and Win competition held last month. To enter the competition, teachers were required to download an app and capture a creative photo of their students or their school using the app. They then had to include a caption and use the various editing features to beautify the photos. We received many awesome photos but these participants were our top three favourites!
inti nnadiah b Raja Nuru ruddin Raja Baha
#2 #1
Norain Moh
d. Mazlan
We congratulate these amazing teachers for winning the competition! And to the rest of the participants, we appreciate your continuous support in our pilot programmes whenever we are launching a new app!
enurut Pathmalosini a/p Arnasalam atau Cikgu Pathma, orang yang bertanggungjawab menerapkan teknologi dan Frog VLE ke sekolah ini ialah bekas Penolong Kanan Kurikulum, Puan Khoo Poh Eng. Sebuah sekolah perempuan, Puan Khoo sebolehbolehnya tidak mahu pelajar perempuan di situ ketinggalan dalam menggunakan teknologi maklumat. Setelah beberapa bulan, SK Jalan Selangor (1) menerima beberapa Chromebook dan mereka tidak mensia-siakan peluang yang diberi.
i g o l o n k e e dan T dan T kn ma guru dan Temubual bersa dan Frog Classroom pelajar tentang nologi penggunaan tek
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
Setiap guru menyahut cabaran Pengetua dan Puan Khoo untuk meningkatkan penggunaan teknologi di sekolah dan saling bekerjasama.“Kami mengadakan latihan Frog VLE untuk guru-guru tahun enam secara konsisten. Apabila mereka telah mahir menggunakan Frog VLE, mereka pula melatih guru lain.” Hasilnya, sekolah mereka berjaya mencatat penggunaan Frog VLE yang tinggi. Satu lagi strategi sekolah ini ialah membenarkan pelajar sekolah membawa pulang Chromebook ke rumah. Tapi dengan satu syarat, ibu bapa harus datang ke sekolah dan menandatangani surat akujanji demi menjamin keselamatan Chromebook tersebut. “Kami tak sangka kesemua ibu bapa pelajar sanggup datang ke sekolah dan bersetuju
dengan strategi kami. Inisiatif ini menggalakkan pelajar melakukan kerja rumah di sekolah dengan pantauan ibu bapa,” kata Pathma. SK Jalan Selangor (1) menerima Frog Classroom Makeover di atas penggunaan Frog VLE yang tinggi dan konsisten. Kata Pathma, semasa mula-mula menerima khabar gembira ini dari YTL Foundation, dia tidak tahu bagaimana rupa sebuah Frog Classroom. Setelah melihat gambar di laman Facebook YTL Foundation, barulah dia tahu serba sedikit “perubahan” yang bakal berlaku di kelas lama itu.
Ini kelas kami!
Theyvaharthani a/p Oxford Saravanam was a blast!
Veruschka Angel
Summer School
Pelajar tahun enam ini suka belajar menggunakan I Am Learning kerana permainan yang disediakan mengurangkan tekanan semasa belajar. Tetapi Theyva akan memastikan dia menghabiskan tugasan yang diberi guru. Theyva juga berkongsi yang susunan meja dalam Frog Classroom sangat menarik dan membolehkan dia dan kawan-kawannya melakukan perbincangan. “Saya juga sukakan lukisan di atas meja ini!” katanya teruja.
“Ada sebuah bintang bernama VY Canis Majoris. Sebuah kapal terbang berkelajuan 900 km/j memerlukan 1500 tahun untuk mengelilinginya.” Bercita-cita untuk menjadi angkasawan, Angel sangat teruja apabila bercerita mengenai topik kegemarannya, Astronomi. Pada waktu lapang, dia akan mencari maklumat di Chromebook tentang topik kegemarannya itu. Angel kurang menggemari subjek Matematik kerana merasakan ia agak sukar, tetapi sejak menggunakan I Am Learning, dia dapat memahami Matematik dengan lebih mudah.
Nurin Afrina binti Juraimi Subjek kegemarannya ialah Bahasa Inggeris dan sejak menggunakan I Am Learning, markah peperiksaannya meningkat daripada 60% kepada 78%! Tidak suka belajar bersendirian, Nurin lebih suka berkongsi idea dan membuat tugasan bersama-sama rakan kelasnya. Kata Nurin, “Frog Classroom sangat ceria dan ia memberikan kami semangat untuk belajar.”
Mengakui yang anak muridnya sangat bertuah, Pathma sentiasa mengingatkan mereka untuk tidak menjadi terlalu selesa dan jadikan
Frog Classroom ini sebagai penguat semangat untuk belajar dengan lebih tekun
Kami tak sangka kesemua ibu bapa pelajar sanggup datang ke sekolah dan bersetuju dengan strategi kami.
ini menggalakkan pelajar melakukan kerja rumah di sekolah dengan
pantauan ibu bapa
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
“Makeover tersebut dilakukan pada cuti sekolah agar pelajar mendapat “kejutan” istimewa apabila sekolah dibuka. Tetapi saya berada di sekolah untuk kelas tambahan jadi saya dapat melihat sedikit proses pengubahsuaian. Perasaan berdebar-debar pun ada sebab makeover tersebut dilakukan secara rahsia!” katanya sambil tertawa. Hari yang ditunggu akhirnya tiba. Pertama kali melihat Frog Classroom itu, Pathma sangat teruja dan hampir tidak berkata-kata. Perkara pertama yang menarik perhatiannya adalah penggunaan warna-warna ceria. “Frog Classroom kami mempunyai sentuhan feminin kerana ini sekolah perempuan. Antaranya, beg tinju yang digantikan dengan kerusi buaian dan warna cat yang digunakan juga lebih lembut,” kata Pathma. Mengakui yang anak muridnya sangat bertuah, Pathma sentiasa mengingatkan mereka untuk tidak menjadi terlalu selesa dan jadikan Frog Classroom ini sebagai penguat semangat untuk belajar dengan lebih tekun. Perubahan ketara yang dilihat pada pelajarnya ialah mereka lebih santai dan tidak tertekan apabila berada di dalam kelas ini. “Sudah tentu, mereka tidak sabar untuk masuk ke kelas ini, dan semangat untuk bersaing sesama sendiri semakin ketara,” katanya sambil tersenyum.
Oxford Summer School was a blast!
‘COOL’RICULUM Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Get all the latest updates on What’s Happening and Where.
leaps of Oxford Summer School knowledge was a blast!
Conference 2015
What did
Are you coming? Meet top speakers like Cathy Davidson, an award-winning author, speaker and educator in the field of learning and professional development. You’ll also experience the exciting exhibitions, engaging workshops and much more. Come and be a part of this conference and learn how a education can prepare students for an ever changing future.
explore in her work? More here!
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20% off net ticket price
Calling all English teachers! Are you busy preparing your students for the English Language SPM examinations? Maybe all they need is some extra help, and a grAoup of like-minded friends to help them prepare for the subject. Sign them up at CLiC for the English Revision Workshop to get them the tune up they need!
End Date:
22nd October 2015 Oxford Summer School was a blast!
ul At Mini UTC, Sentul
The Flipped Classroom
It’s a teacher’s dream to facilitate an environment where students actively engage in their lessons, even beyond a classroom. Using flipped classroom techniques, students are trained to do just that, while solving mathematics equations. Don’t miss out on this great opportunity, driven in partnership with EduNation!
End Date:
28th November 2015 Get to know
Specially crafted for Form 1 Students.
Click here >
Technology & Platforms
are not bad or good they are
The of them depends on the Oxford Summer School people who drive it. was a blast! // Billy Downie Headteacher of the Year, 2013 Streetly Academy, UK