From the Nest - Summer 2013

Page 1


Vol.1 / Issue 2

From Local Moms Become

F re e m aga Zi n e


Crusaders Kelly evans and Lisa Schlientz

*Father’s Day gift ideas



the great

Diaper Debate


WhiLe stocKing Your PAntrY


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Contents a d v e rt i s i n g

Advertising Director Trysta Herzog editorial

Editorial Director Kandice McKee c r e at i v e

Art Director Stephanie Lindberg From The Nest Publications P.O. Box 9641 Springfield, Missouri 65801

Our Mission: As journalists and designers juggling motherhood, we hope to be an invaluable resource for fellow parents in Southwest Missouri through offering tips and information on child rearing, finance management, health and fitness, and socializing opportunities available in our area. We aspire to bring a unique perspective to parents from Springfield to Branson by publishing inspiring columns by local parents, promoting community family events, and a host of other educational and entertaining articles in our quarterly, FREE magazine. Submissions: All unsolicited manuscripts must be accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope. Written changes may be sent to the advertising, editorial and creative office at P.O. Box 9641, Springfield, Missouri 65801. From The Nest is published quarterly by From The Nest Publications, LLC. It is distributed FREE of charge. If you are interested in receiving complimentary copies of From The Nest to redistribute at your place of business, please contact us at (573) 434-6754.

Summertime and the Livin’ is Easy 18 Summer Camps


Budget-friendly camps for kids

21 The Dish on Summer Cool recipes for warm weather

22 Flying the Nest Enjoying fun in the sun

Summer Camps

24 Summer Safety Tips Sun, water, bugs— oh my!

On The Cover




Kelly Evans and Lisa Schlientz

05 Forever Family

10 12

Father’s Day


The Great Diaper Debate

Welcoming home a new forever family

09 Fitness Fix

Gift ideas for any Dad

Workout on the playground

Thrifty Tip

27 Healthy Smiles

Eating healthy on a budget

Expert advice for your little one’s chompers

28 Ms. Mahan’s Art Time Teaching symmetry in art

Disposable vs. Reusable

In Every Issue 02 Sweepstakes Enter for a chance to win

04 Featured Photographer


F At h e r ’ s D ay

Cover photographer Brandon Alms

04 From Us About the publishers

30 Mommy Club MOMS Club of Ozark Photo Credits:


No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without the express written consent of From The Nest Publications. Copyright ©2013. All rights reserved.

From The Nest | Summer 2013 | 3

F rom u s Photo Credit: Brandon Alms

Feat u r e D photog r ap he r


While pregnant with my 9-month-old, I found few resources connecting busy moms across the region. Using my background in magazine journalism, I was inspired to create the publication I desired to read as a new mother. So, I enlisted the help of two very talented people who bring their own unique parenting perspectives to the mix, thus jumpstarting this adventure we eventually named From the Nest.



children of Momtrepreneurs Kelly evans and Lisa schlientz are featured on the cover and inside this issue.

photographer Brandon alms Brandon Alms is a professional photographer whose work has been published throughout the world. His photography has been featured in juried art galleries and has successfully placed in multiple photography contests. Brandon is a graduate from Missouri State University with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in graphic design. His experience working as a graphic designer and award-winning art director led him to his love for photography. Passionate about nature and wildlife, Brandon challenges himself to capture the world in a unique and creative way.

Willing to give up the demanding schedule of a newspaper copy editor for motherhood, I am excited to work with two amazing women and share my passion for journalism, the Ozarks and children in putting together From The Nest. Now a mother to two, I balance mommyhood with graduate school and From The Nest.


When Trysta introduced the idea of working together to create a valuable resource for parents in the community, I was extremely excited. I am truly thankful to be a part of this team, and I hope that my experience as a working mom to a 3-year-old will help and inspire others.

Would you like to represent your region by producing our next cover? Submit samples of your work to or mail them to From The Nest, Attn to: Art Director, P.O. Box 9641, Springfield, Missouri 65801. 4 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST

W H ome

By Bobi Spilker

C O L U M N | F O R E V E R F A M I LY Photo Provided by: Bobi Spilker

elcoming a new forever family

the journey to motherhood is celebrated with meaningful rituals, traditions and shared moments. showers are opportunities for the experienced mommas to share with the excited new ones. the welcome-home showers for my daughters are special moments that i will never forget and took place soon after my girls came home. For expecting adoptive mommies, there are often additional experiences that are part of the motherhood journey and can be seasons of loss, grief and finally renewed hope once again. Infertility, fertility treatments, miscarriages, failed adoption referrals and governments closing adoptions in some countries are some of the unexpected bumps on the path to motherhood. For me, these heart-wrenching losses tore wide-open my heart and softened it in depths that defy my ability to express. It changed me in ways that are perfect for raising my children. I’m grateful for how it helped mold who I am, and especially that I’m on the other side of those experiences now. Becoming a mother brought me sobbing to my knees at critical moments. It also allowed me to soar high among the heavens, living my dreams at long last. Emotional as it was at times for me, the adoption process is also emotional during the ups and downs for those who extend their hearts and arms to those of us adopting. For our loved ones, the adoption journey can create a loving, yet hesitant, anticipation. I was able to breathe in and out with my friends and share my “quasi-Lamaze” highs and lows. The daily healing and evolution of my motherhood journey was with my higher power and often unseen by those around me. I understand why family and friends may have been worried to ask about my adoptions while I was stuck in “the waiting” phases of my Paper Pregnancies. It must have taken a deep breath and leap of faith to bring it up and ask how I was doing. I remember at times I replied with “still no news”, tears, a funny insight and sometimes venting my frustrations and fears. The experienced, adoptive mommas that reached out to me made up my equivalent prenatal appointments. They shared their experiences, strength and hope, having once been where I was. I am grateful when I get to pay it forward and share the wisdoms that were imparted to me, now that my three blessings are home.

Always with hope, Bobi bObi is blessed with three precious daughters, ages 3 years to 6 years old and is currently a stay-at-home mom. Among other things, she is a malaria prevention, social justice and anti-racism activist who is on the Board of Directors of Adoptive Families of SW Missouri. Enjoyments include blogging, creating community service educational programs, and fundraising to purchase, ship and distribute mosquito bed nets to fight malaria and save lives in Ethiopia, where two of her daughters were born. Her favorite things to do are to travel, learn and grow as a person.

DO YOU HAVE QUESTIONS RELATED TO ADOPTION? If so, please submit your questions to

If you care for someone adopting, here are some things I’d like to share from my experience: Please do ask if there is any new information during the long waiting process. There may not be any news, but most expectant mommas want to share their excitement and sometimes their fears. Baby and welcome-home showers are an important part of becoming a parent. The physical aspects and often some precious moments are missed when forming a family through adoption. Most adoptive parents want the celebration of their children, as well; some prefer welcome home showers after coming home, while others enjoy showers just prior to the big travel or arrival date. The homecoming at the airport for adopting internationally or out of state is a joyous time to be greeted by friends and family. It is the equivalent of going to the hospital to see the new baby. These moments are often video taped and become a cherished part of the family story. For the first several months to a year, the child and the family are adjusting and working for solid, healthy attachment; please understand if the family initially wants to meet all the child’s needs to help the attachment process. It takes time and effort for everyone to grow deep roots together. Just like parents with a new, biological child, adoptive parents really need extra support after their new arrival is home. Offers to deliver dinners or other help is very much appreciated, especially if the child is older or has special needs.

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 5


By Trysta Herzog

Photo Credits: Brandon Alms




Local moms help others make the diaper switch

More ABoUT


When Kelly Evans and Lisa Schlientz began cloth diapering their own kids, they likely didn’t envision they would eventually start a revolution across Southwest Missouri. However, in an endeavor to help others make the switch, that is what they are accomplishing.

Cover Your Bum Cloth Diaper Bank on the web at: by email at: Diapers are distributed out of Crosslines in Springfield

6 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST

ar from the days of cheap rubber pants and safety pins, cloth diapering in today’s world takes time, a little know-how and (at the beginning) money. The savings raved about by others can’t be seen right away in your pocket book. As International Board Certified Lactation Consultants for the SpringfieldGreene County Women’s Infants and Children (WIC) agency, Kelly and Lisa saw that many lower-income families had the desire to cloth diaper, but had a difficult time getting started and maybe needed a little guidance from experienced moms. Thus, the non-profit Cover Your Bum Cloth Diaper Bank was born. Along with their day jobs—Kelly also a senior breastfeeding peer counselor with WIC and Lisa a WIC nutritionist while pursuing a master’s degree in public health—the close friends meet and train parents on the basics of cloth diapering, host local classes on the topic and provide support to their followers. All while parenting a combined six children.

What are your kids’ names and ages? Kelly: Tanner, 18; Kylee, 15; Jacob, 9; Justin, 8; and Gavin, 18 months Lisa: Michael, 2 ½ years

What is Cover Your Bum, and who benefits from your services?

CYB is a cloth diaper bank that loans cloth diapers to low- and middle-income families for one to three month(s) at a time. Clients need to qualify income-wise for WIC, Medicaid, or SNAP (food stamps), or be below 185 percent of the poverty level.

For parents interested in using the bank, how does it work?

The requirements for the Cover Your Bum program are as follows: • Desire to cloth diaper; • Accessibility to a personal washer and dryer, not in a commercial Laundromat; • Attend training on the care of cloth diapers; • Complete an application for the program; and • Meet income requirements for WIC, Food Stamps, or Crosslines Food Pantry (185 percent of poverty level).

How did you each begin cloth diapering?

be doing that for long,” and declared that Target diapers were the best at avoiding blowouts. Eighteen months later, I remind Kelly: I got into cloth diapering because her we still don’t have blowouts and we are Lisa loaned me diapers for my baby while going strong! She is actually proud to tell on maternity leave. It only took one day, her friends that I still cloth diaper and refer and I was hooked. I did not cloth diaper people to me often. my four older children but wanted to reduce my impact on the earth. My husWhat is the leading piece of advice band wasn’t as convinced until he learned you have for parents just starting that disposable diapers can take up to 500 years to biodegrade. And I told him that their cloth diapering journey? I had gotten rid of all the disposable dia- Our best suggestion is to try many differpers in the house. He now is a supporter ent brands, because what works for one baby might not work for others. Get them of cloth diapers. used so you can test them, and then you Lisa: I always knew I would cloth diaper can invest in more diapers after finding the my kid, from the time I was a teenager. I perfect one for your baby. helped to cloth diaper my nephews and nieces, so disposables seem a little weird to me. Cloth diapers have changed a lot from 20 years ago (when my first nephews and nieces were born), but they have only gotten better and easier to use. I also like the fact that cloth diapering is easier on my baby’s bottom and that I never have to worry about running out of diapers.

Do either of you have a funny story or anecdote that illustrates your experience with cloth diapering?

What is the most challenging part of balancing family and the business? The most rewarding?

Kelly: Mostly we balance work and family pretty well. I have five children from 18 years to 18 months, so I rely on my husband and kids to help out. Most of the time things go well, but if there is a hiccup, I try to take it all in stride.

Lisa: The most rewarding is when families tell us how much we have been able to help Lisa: Not really! People often expect cloth them. We have currently been able to help diapering to be hard, but it’s not hard; it’s 11 families, with two already returning our just normal. I can tell you a great story diapers. They are so happy to be able to borabout the time we went out of town for row our diapers, they got their stash built up a week and used disposables. Every day, and they are now diaper independent. we had to wash our son’s clothes out in the bathtub, because he would get poop How do you find time for yourself? everywhere! One day, he pooped on my Lisa: Time with my family is time for myself. husband as they were leaving to meet me Occasionally, I sneak away for a pedicure, for lunch. My husband was so grossed out but that is pretty rare. that he handed me the baby and the diaper bag and turned around to go back to the Kelly: I try to find some time for myself in hotel to get cleaned up. There I was, in the the evenings after all have gone to bed. I middle of downtown Jefferson City, on a like to try to read or just watch useless TV— warm April day, trying to clean a baby up something easy to unwind from the day. on a park bench. Yuck! We were so glad to What advice do you have for get back home to real diapers!

moms starting a non-profit or business? Kelly: My sister-in-law teased me when we went to visit the family two weeks after my son was born. She said, “Oh you won’t


Network, network, network. Partners make all the difference in success!



STILL ON THE FENCE ABOUT MAKING THE SWITCH? Turn to page 14 for a comparison of reusable vs. cloth diapers.

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 7

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By Glynis Nelson


t’s summertime and you are prob-

ably spending time at the park with

your kids. What if you could get a workout at the park, using the playground to burn calories and have fun at the same time. As always, make sure you have your doctor’s permission to exercise before performing any fitness routine.

Warm Up

It is important to warm up before exercising. The key to warming up is to get the blood flowing to your muscles. Spend five minutes doing a light jog around the playground; add in some jumping jacks, alternating front kicks with toe touches, squats with an overhead reach, and arm circles with heel taps.

Alternating Step-Ups

Using a step on the playground, step up with your right foot, then left, step down. Repeat, alternating the lead foot. Do this for one minute. If you are ready to take it up a level, use a bench instead of a step.




your right knee. Try to get your right thigh almost parallel to the ground; make sure your knee is not coming forward past your toe. Return to standing position. Do 15 repetitions on that leg, and then switch to the other side.

You can customize this exercise to whatever level suits you best. For level one, stand behind a bench and place your hands on the back of it. Keep your abs tight and elbows at your side while doing push-ups. Do 10 repetitions, rest, repeat two times. If you want to take it up to level two, use the seat of the bench instead of the back. To take it to a level three—high intensity— Swinging Plank you would put your feet on the bench seat Place feet in the seat of a swing and hands and hands on the ground while doing the on the ground. Stretch out into a plank push-up. position — nice and straight with hands directly under your shoulders. Slowly Lunge on Slide draw your knees toward your chest and Stand facing away from the end of a slide return to plank. Do 10 repetitions, rest, and place your left foot on the slide. Bend and repeat.


After your workout, make sure you stretch out well. Hold each of your stretches about 20–30 seconds, and do not bounce the movement. While doing your workout, do keep in mind that the playground is for children. Triceps Dips Just be respectful of others playing and adFace away from a bench, place hands on just the equipment you are using to where the seat about shoulder width apart, ex- the throng of children are not playing at tend your legs in front of you, keeping a the moment! slight bend in your knees. Lower your bottom towards the ground while bending your elbows and slowly push back up. Do GLYNIS NELSON is the owner of 10 repetitions, rest, and repeat. Fit4Mom Springfield, which provides fitness classes for moms, such as Stroller Strides and Body Back. She holds prenatal and postnatal exercise certifications and is certified in group fitness by American Council on Exercise. Glynis resides in Springfield with her husband and four children.

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 9

Photo Credit: Chance Agrella /

equipment? You can follow this workout

F e at u r e

By Kandice McKee

Father’s Day June 16, 2013

If Dad works outside the home, it can be easy to get hung up on how much he misses out (and escapes) the fun-filled chaos of your children. Likewise, if he stays home, it can be easy to envy his time with the kids. Whatever his role, every Dad has a soft spot for his children. So take a little — or a lot— of time this Sunday, June 16 to let Dad know just how much you appreciate all that he does.



Shave kit – While you and/or he may prefer the mountain man look, every beard needs a good trimming—or shaving off — every now and then.

Coffee – Office work often requires caffeine. If he is coffee drinker, get him anything coffee; a new coffee machine for his desk, new coffee mug (maybe fashioning Workout equipment – If your man likes his children’s handprints and names since to workout, get him something to help it is a Father’s Day gift, after all) or a bag of his routine. This may be a gym member- gourmet coffee. ship, a couple personal training sessions, a Tie – Albeit cliché and predictable, there’s new at-home system, or just a simple set a reason it’s a timeless gift. of weights. Cuff links – Similar to the tie, new cuff links Poker table set – Let him have a guy’s night out while staying in. While he won’t have to pay as much for drinks or food as he would if he were going out, it may be just as costly depending on his gambling luck.

10 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST

will give him variety to his office attire.

Computer case/briefcase – If his case is worn out and it’s time for an upgrade, take care of it for him. Who knows when, and if, he will ever do it for himself.

FOR THE OUTDOORS MAN Tickets to a game – If he isn’t into the Springfield Cardinals, plan a trip to Kansas City for a Royals game or St. Louis for a Cardinals game. If he isn’t into baseball period, make mock IOU tickets to a game that he can redeem for real tickets when his team is in-season. Until then, buy him something with his favorite team’s emblem or player’s name. Gear for his favorite outdoor activity – Help Dad get a little R&R by giving him a new club, glove, canoe, paddles, pole, tent, sleeping bag or what-have-you. Encourage bonding time with your children by pairing his adult gear with a child’s version of the same equipment.



Seasonings – Buy some of his favorites. While it’s really a gift to the family, stockpiling on some of his favorite seasonings to cook with will make meal prep quicker and tastier when the seasonings are already on hand. If you want to get a little fancy with it, buy gourmet seasonings.

F O R T H E D I Y-E RS Tools – “If I just had (insert random tool name here), I could (insert any number of chores here).” Help your hubby accomplish some things on his—and your—to-do list by adding to his collection of tools. If he has all the tools he needs, consider a new toolbox or materials he needs for some of his favorite projects.

Tickets to a concert – Find out if his favorite musician or band is on tour. While Springfield doesn’t make the cut for a lot of tour stops, Kansas City, St. Louis and/ or Oklahoma City usually do. If the show is several months away and the tickets haven’t gone on sale yet, make mock tickets. Just be sure to follow-up and purchase Cook a homemade rendition of his favorthe tickets when they become available. ite meal – If you’re a true Betty Crocker, this may seem like a no-brainer. For those New instrument or accessory – If he culinary-challenged (like myself), this may needs a new instrument, let him pick it be a little more difficult. Enlist help from out. If that’s just not in the budget this year, your children, which can offer an excuse as consider an accessory, like strings, cases, to why things taste just a little too salty or pedals, or picks. A Pick Punch will let him overdone. To avoid the whole scenario of create his own guitar picks from old (or figuring out why something tastes weird, shouldn’t-be-used) credit cards, accidentconsider the next idea. ly-taken hotel room keys and other similar plastic materials. Bake him his favorite dessert – I may not be a Betty Crocker, but you could mistake me for Little Debbie. If your hubby has a sweet tooth, let him indulge with some homemade deliciousness that has just as much love as sugar.

Brew-your-own kits – Homemade beers and wines are back by popular demand. Several retailers carry these types of kits, but if you want to keep your dollars local with area expertise, consider making a trip A new kitchen appliance he wants – Be it a juicer, coffee pot, Dutch oven or grill, this to The Home Brewery in Ozark. will be another gift for the family disguised as a gift just for him. If he has everything he needs, consider an accessory, such as F OR A NY DAD skewers for preparing kabobs on the grill. Watch – If hubby is an appointment-maker and/or has difficulty making it anywhere on time, a watch may help. Or at least give no excuse for tardiness. Wallet – Sporting a wallet with his favorite comic book character? Leather stitches ripping? Just plain worn out? There are countless scenarios that could lend itself to a wallet being the perfect Father’s Day gift.

Photo Credits:

Clothes – Unless Dad is one of the few men that needs a closet bigger than Mom does, chances are he could use a new pair of jeans, shirt, and/or shoes. It’s something he will appreciate and he wouldn’t likely do for himself—and if his closet selection of date-night worthy outfits is small, it gives you both something to enjoy.

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 11



By Cris Swaters




FOR LESS 12 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST




Let’s be honest for a moment. eating healthy foods and feeding a family are two things that are extremely hard to do on a tight budget. We all have (or know) those kids (and husbands, too) who will eat you out of house and home, so it feels impossible to give them something healthy without spending a fortune. A little background here: I grew up with a mom trying to feed three ravenous teenage girls and a husband on a tight budget. Whether you are feeding a family of two or a family of 50, I promise you that these techniques for shopping healthy on a budget do work. You just need a few things to get you started. First, you need a realistic budget that specifically fits your family’s income. You want this number to be only edible food items, putting your household necessities and personal hygiene items in a different budget category as they are purchased more sporadically. Second, you need the weekly ad from your favorite grocery store(s). Make sure you check for special ads and digital- or online-only ads, too. Third, you need a notebook and a pen. Fourth, you need to look at your schedule and decide when your set shopping day will be. Finally, if you have a stash of coupons, you will need those, too.

Photo Credit: Robert Mette Finderup /


Now that you have all the tools a money-conscious shopper needs, you’re ready to get started!

STEP 1: When was the last time you really looked through all your cabinets? Do you know exactly what you have on hand in the back of that pantry or in the dark recesses of your deep freeze? Take an inventory of everything you already have because if you already have it, you don’t have to buy more. STEP 2: Make a meal plan for the week, outlining each day and exactly what your family will eat that day. Be sure to be specific by listing what recipes you will use, or if you will be having leftovers or just making sandwiches, for example.

STEP 5: Before heading to the store, check out your huge stash of coupons that I know you have. See if you have any coupons for any of the items you are shopping for and put them in an envelope with your grocery list. STEP 6:

Stick to your grocery list. This is the most integral part to keeping that budget. If you stick to your list, you won’t make those impulsive purchases that drive up grocery bills.

STEP 7: When you’re at the grocery store, keep a running tally of how much each item is and add as you go. This is a Hint: Produce is generally cheaper than most great opportunity to teach simple math meats. Save money by cutting back on the num- to children or to draft an older child (or ber of meat dishes you make each week and spouse) to be the official calculator opreplace them with a vegetarian main course. erator. This will help you stay within your allotted budget. STEP 3: Save money by making your meal plan based around items in the sale STEP 8: If you get to the end of your ads. Pick out items that are on sale and shopping list and you are over budget, this look good to you. Now, look at that inven- is where you should assess your items and tory list of what you have already in your ask yourself some questions. Am I buying pantry. Do you have something already something that I really don’t need? Can I that you can pair with a sale item to make cut out a snack purchase that may not be a meal? Is there something in the ad that very healthy and find a cheaper, healthier looks interesting but you have no clue what option? Can I substitute something in one to do with it? Google it and find a recipe. of my recipes for something cheaper? Is it okay for me to spend a little bit more this STEP 4: Now that you know exactly week and try to spend a little less next week? what you are going to be eating for the week, it’s time to make a grocery list based STEP 9: If you are finding that you on your meal plan. In your notebook, list are consistently going over budget, despite out each ingredient you need to make each cutting things down, you may need to rerecipe that is on your meal plan. Don’t consider how much you’ve allotted for forget to add your snacks items and side groceries. dishes for your meals, too. Double check your pantry to make sure that you don’t STEP 10: Come home and marbuy something you already have. vel in your newly acquired super-human abilities to feed your family healthy food Hint: To save time when grocery shopping, orga- on a budget! nize your grocery list by department so you know you’re getting everything from the section you’re in while you’re there.

CRIS SWATERS is the communications coordinator at White river Valley electric Co-op and a lover of extreme couponing, frugal living, social media and healthy home cooking. Get more tips and healthy eating recipes from Cris at


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417. 880.8964 FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 13

F e at u r e Photo Credit: Brandee Jurgens


rends in parenting, as with other aspects of our lives, are typically driven by the income-to-time ratio currently experienced by consumers. Twenty years ago, in the dot-com era, families had more disposable income and less time on their hands, leading them away from breastfeeding and cloth diapering. In recent years, however, the tides have turned again and parents are, for various reasons, reverting back to those previously coveted methods of feeding and diapering their brood, with a few changes in the latter practice since your grandmother covered the bottoms of your parents. For some, the thought of doing the dirty and hassle-filled business of cleaning and laundering diapers daily is too much to handle, but others say using chemical-laden disposables is far less appealing. Other consumer considerations are saving money and caring for the environment. We have outlined some of the comparisons of cost, time, health and tolls to the environment on the right to help you determine what is best for your family.

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t e a t a e b e r D G per By

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14 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST







You’re looking to change about 16 or more diapers per day during the first month alone, using around 1,500 total diapers during the first four months. Calculating an average of $0.32 per diaper, you could spend upwards of $480 or more in that time and a whopping $2,500 (or more!) before potty training is complete.

Initially, cloth diapers carries a hefty investment to the tune of anywhere between $150 to $450, depending on the system you choose — of which there are many —and the quantity you start out with. Along with that, you should consider the additional costs of laundry detergent and water used in daily load (or two) of laundry per day — less if you go with certain types of pocket diapers. As the baby grows and you buy larger diapers to accommodate, you should expect to pay about $1,500 over the span of that child’s diapering years. Another perk is that you can use your stash for future children, as well, or sell them for a reasonable price online.

That doesn’t cover the diapers the little rugrat grows out of before the pack is finished. And if you have a diaper receptacle, you should also consider the price of it and the bags and/or inserts for it. Resource Check out the website, Diaper Decisions, for a credible cost comparison between many of the different type of cloth diapering systems and disposables.

TIME How quick can you change a diaper and throw the used one in the receptacle?

H E A LT H While breathable, these diapers are typically treated with multiple chemicals, especially the super-absorbent ones, which have allegedly caused burns to some baby bums. The numbers are uncertain as major brands like Huggies and Pampers continue to settle those cases out of court. As long as you change diapers frequently for either selection, your baby should see no difference in their health.

ENVIRONMENT Used by approximately 95 percent of American parents, there is an estimated 18 billion disposable diapers thrown in U.S. landfills each year, each of which will take hundreds of years to break down. The damage and toll this choice is taking on the earth is certainly more evident and tangible. Additionally, disposables come with their own fuel and air pollution with their delivery and distribution. They also use petroleum-based products, having its own effect on the environment. For a more green option here, check out the (more expensive) biodegradable disposables.

A popular option is to have a disposable, bio-degradable lining that can be used with some pocket diapers, which would have its own mounting expenditures associated with it. Also, the Diaper Genie equivalent in cloth diapering is the wet bag. Depending on how many you might need, this is another cost to your kit, albeit much less at around $10. If you don’t have the time to launder your diapers or simply can’t take the mess, you can also opt for diaper laundry services, which will set you back a little more.

TIME Clearly the more time-consuming option, cloth diapering takes almost daily dedication, or up to three days if you have enough diapers to last. Some diapers may also take up to two to five washes to completely clean. The Real Diaper Industry Association has some cleaning tips on their site at

H E A LT H Especially for babies with allergies or sensitive skin, this option offers natural fibers that could reduce break-outs. However, if improperly washed and cared for, ammonia could begin to build up on the diapers causing chemical burns on the baby.

ENVIRONMENT While these diapers are not filling landfills, the wastewater and energy associated with constant laundering —plus fuel and air pollution used by commercial diaper services — has some experts on the fence. The Environmental Protection Agency has yet to confirm this as the more environmentally friendly choice. Another green option to consider is the biodegradable liners, with the urine-saturated ones fit for your compost pile.

WANT MORE INFORMATION ON MAkING THE SWITCH TO CLOTH DIAPERS? check out our featured article on the moms of cover Your Bum cloth Diaper Bank and ads on pages 17 and 26 for cloth diaper carriers signature style and Belly Buttons and Bubbles Baby Boutique, respectively.

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 15

Signature Style in Ozark We now carry Bum Genius! For all your cloth diapering needs from diapers and inserts to detergent and accessories.

Now offering monthly classes on cloth diapering and a seconds bin coming soon! Signature Style in Ozark

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Summertime and the livin’ is easy

Kids’ spirits rise with the sun during summer. Use the ideas and tips in our Summer section to keep your family entertained, safe, and bellies full.

Quick guide to camps

The Dish

A taste of summer

Flying the Nest

Soak up the sun in the Ozarks

Summer Safety Keep the fun going with these tips

Photo Credit: Benjamin Earwicker /

18 21 22 24

Summer Camps

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 17

Su mme rti me

Quick Guide to

Summer By Trysta Herzog


summer upon us, it’s time W forithparents to solve the age-old problem of what to do with the kids over the break. If you haven’t quite figured that out yet, here are a few places you might consider, listed according to activity and buget.

Art, Acting & Dance Less than $150 Noah’s Art

Offering summer classes and summer camps, this art program has a variety of activities for kids ages 2 to 11 from June to August. Tuition: From $60 to $135 Website: Other Info: 2742 S. Campbell Ave., Springfield; (417) 889-2779;

$150 to $300 Springfield Little Theatre

The summer will kick off with May Madness camps, staring May 28, teaching circus arts including clowning, juggling, magic, ventriloquism and face painting. The remainder of the summer will feature conservatory sessions, stage sessions, technical theatre, dance and more, for ages 4 to 18. Tuition: From $80 to $245 Website: Other Info: The Landers Theatre, 311 E. Walnut St., Springfield; Lorianne Dunn, education director, (417) 869-3869, ext 21.

Ann’s Performing Arts Centre

By Kandice McKee

This popular dance studio offers various programs in June and July for ages 3 to 12, from practice in poise and manners to technical training in ballet, tap and jazz. Tuition: From $150 to $200 Website: Other Info: 1440 E. Lark, Ste A, Springfield; (417) 881-1211

18 | Summer 2013 | From The Nest

Education Less than $150 Rutledge-Wilson Farm Park

Discovery Center Workshops

Tuition: From $40 to $80

Tuition: From $75 to $185

Packing an educational punch, these workWith half-day camps for ages 4 to 5 and full- shops—for ages 4 and up—will cover fossils, day camps for ages 6 to 12, this program has insects, planets and other science topics. a variety of age-appropriate learning activities Camps start June 3 and go until the first week of August. from gardening to animal caretaking for kids.

Assorted Activities Less than $150 Springfield-Greene County Parks and Recreation

Partnering with Springfield Public Schools, SPARC offers several activities for campers, such as swimming, hiking, field trips and more, ranging in age from 5 to 14 with some camps starting May 20 and ending in July.



Other Info: 3825 W. Farm Road 146, Springfield; Jenny Cole, (417) 837-5945,

Other Info: 438 E. St. Louis St., Springfield; (417) 862-9910, Ext. 706

$150 to $300 Dickerson Park Zoo, ZEBRA program

B-Sew Inn’s Totally Stitchin’ Summer Sew Camp

This program offers single- and multiple-day sessions with activities for 2-to 3-year-olds— with parental supervision — as well as kids through 7th grade, learning about animals, art and more. Tuition: From $10 to $275, varies by age and schedule

Do you have an aspiring fashion designer in the family aged 9 and up? Check out this sewing camp where students are given a Baby Lock Sewing Machine upon completion. Dates range from June 17–21, June 24–28, July 8 –12, or July 15–19. Tuition: $199 for five-day camp



Other Info: 1401 W. Norton Road, Springfield; (417) 833-1570

Other Info: 1602 E. Republic Road (in the French Quarter Plaza), Springfield; (417) 882-7171

Tuition: From $35 to $90 Website:


Other Info: (417) 837-5737

Ozark Parks and Recreation

Photo Credits: / Brandon Alms / Zsuzsanna Killian / Joe Thomas

With four day camps to choose from, ranging in grades K to 8, campers will have the opportunity to partake in games, crafts, field trips and more. Each camp runs from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, unless otherwise specified.

Tuition: From $53 to $105 Website: Other Info: Ozark Community Center and Finley River Park, 1530 W. Jackson St., Ozark; (417) 581-7002;

Republic Parks and Recreation

Running from June 3 to August 9, this camp offers field trips, crafts, games, clubs and activities at the Republic Aquatic Center for campers aged 6 to 12. Camp hours are from 6:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Lunch and a light snack are required each day of camp. No camp on July 4.

Less than $150 Springfield Gymnastics and Aquatics Center

This program has camps for ages 3 and up, with activities ranging in gymnastics, swimming, horseback riding and more. Camps start in early June and end in mid August. Tuition: From $65 to $110 Website: Other Info: 529 S. Cavalier Ave., Springfield; (417) 864-6869

$200 – $400/week YMCA Camp Wakonda

With outdoor activities such as rock climbing, hiking and swimming, kids in grades 2 to 9 will have an active summer at this overnight camp, starting Sunday and running through Friday. With a tiered tuition plan, the YMCA invites parents to pay on whichever tier fits their budget, no proof of finances or membership required.

Tuition: $80 per child, per week ($10 discount for additional children in the family)

Tuition (Weekly): $220, Rate C; $320, Rate B; $395, Rate A; Dates include June 16–21, June 23–28, July 7–12, July 14–19, July 21–26, and July 28–August 2.



Other Info: (417) 732-3500

Other info: Lawrence County Road 2080; (417) 862-7456

From The Nest | Summer 2013 | 19

your own NO Studio Fee plus Yummy Food Mother’s Day—May 12 GREAT FAMILY ATMOSPHERE!

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Mention this ad for a FREE official autograph book for each child on any Disney package! 20 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST


By Kandice McKee

Cool recipes for warm weather

take a trip to your local farmer’s market to find several of the ingredients in these recipes. Whether you’re looking for a light pick-me-up for your summer camper, a quick picnic meal, or a little something to take to the independence Day family cookout, try one or all of these simple and delicious recipes suited for summer.

Photo Credits: Stephanie Lindberg

Lemon Ginger Apple Chips INGREDIENTS:


1 Pound apples (pink lady) 2 Lemons, juice only 1 Tablespoon ginger juice Parchment paper

• Preheat oven to 200 degrees. • Turn the apple on its side and slice the apple into 1/8 inch thick rounds. (The core will create a star; the seeds will fall out as the slice dries.) • Repeat for all your apples. • Put all the slices into a bowl and pour the lemon and ginger juices over the slices. Stir to ensure each slice is evenly coated. • Line a baking sheet with parchment paper and lay your apple slices out in a single layer. Place into oven and let apple slices dry for 2 –3 hours or until the slices are crisp.

*If you want to add the chips to granola or trail mix, chop the rounds into smaller pieces.

Strawberry Salad with Chicken DIRECTIONS:

INGREDIENTS: 2 4 4 1 1 4 5

Large boneless, skinless chicken breasts – cubed Tablespoons olive oil – divided 2 and 2 Tablespoons balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing – divided 2 and 2 Bunch fresh spinach – rinsed, dried Pint strawberries – sliced Ounces crumbled goat or feta cheese Ounces candied pecans (optional)

• • • • •

Cook chicken breast in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinegar. Once cooked through, remove from heat and let cool. Place spinach in salad bowl. Add strawberries, goat cheese and candied pecans. Drizzle 2 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of balsamic vinaigrette dressing. Top with chicken. Served slightly warm or chilled.

Independence Day Dessert Pizza DIRECTIONS:

INGREDIENTS: 1 8 ½ ½ ½ ½ 12

18-ounce package refrigerated sugar cookie dough (or your favorite cookie dough recipe) Ounces whipped topping Cup strawberries Cup blueberries Cup blackberries Cup bananas Inch pizza pan

• •

Preheat over to 350 degrees. Press cookie dough into 12-inch pizza pan. Bake for 15 to 20 minutes, until golden brown. Cool in pan on wire rack. • Spread whipped topping over cooled crust. Arrange fruit. Refrigerate until ready to serve. *Change fruit to your tastes. Those in this recipe will give a red, white and blue effect in honor of July 4.

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 21

F ly i n g th e n e s t


By Trysta Herzog and Kandice McKee


up the

in the Ozarks


Jordan Valley Park

Rutledge-Wilson Farm

This 207-acre farm/park is run by Springfield-Greene County Parks and Recreation, complete with live animals, a milk barn, various crops and terrain, a farm-themed playground and fishing pond. You can also rent a plot in their urban garden for all the delicious vegetables and fruit you can grow in a season.

Fassnight Park

Child Enrichment at Farmer’s Market of the Ozarks Little local-vores can be entertained and educated on benefits of eating healthy (and locally) the second Saturday of each month at the FMO. That’s not the only day children enjoy a day at the market, though. Market Manager Lane McConnell says children also enjoy the live music played and cooking demos each Saturday.

The third largest city in Missouri, the Queen City and its immediate surrounding area have quite a few appealing places to spend a sunny day with the family.

More Information Website: Address: 3825 W. Farm Road 146 Phone: (417) 837–5949 Hours: May–September, Monday–Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; starting Sept. 3, Tuesday– Sunday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission: Free

Turn those televisions and computers off, slap on some sunscreen, and get outside to enjoy fun in the sun and water sports. This list of activities should help you get started on your summer adventures.

Jordan Valley Park Looking to cool off when those temperatures start to soar? Try this locale. If you choose the outdoor route, the kids will enjoy splashing around the free, 21,000-gallon water fountain with its computer-controlled jets spraying them— including 18 microshooter jets, 36 analog jets and 8 jellyfish jets. If it’s an indoor kind of day, check out the Mediacom Ice Park, boasting two NHL-regulation-size ice sheets for your kids to skate —and bang up their knees— on. Check the Springfield-Greene County Parks and Recreation website for their open-play hours. More Information Website: Address: 635 E. Trafficway Phone: (417) 866-7444 Hours: Fountain is open from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m.; Ice park varies, check schedule. Admission: Free (plus cost of ice skate rental, if applicable)

22 | Summer 2013 | From The Nest

More Information Address: 4139 S. Nature Center Way (between Houlihans and The Hilton Garden Inn) Website: Hours: 8 a.m. to 1p.m. Admission: Free, however if you want to shop while at the market, cash, debit, credit and SNAP are accepted.

Kids Bowl Free at Battlefield Lanes Need a break from the house but its scorching hot outside? Stay in the cool AC, get a change of scenery and stay on budget at the bowling alley. Register your kids to be part of the Kids Bowl Free program and receive two free games at Battlefield Lanes daily from May 1 to September 16. Kids must be under 15 years old, and shoe rental fees still apply. More Information Website: Address: 1127 E. Battlefield Road Phone: (417) 883-1234 Admission: Free for two games, plus costs of shoe rental

Fassnight Park This 28-acre, pet-friendly playground and park has swimming and wading pools, a waterslide, softball field, basketball court, handball courts and more. More Information Address: Campbell Avenue and Meadowmere Street Phone: (417) 864-1049 Admission: Free

Ozark What better place to enjoy fresh air and the unique geography of our region than in and around the heart of the Ozarks. Art Walk at the Market

Nixa A short drive from Springfield, Nixa offers a family-friendly atmosphere with activities all can enjoy.

Silver Dollar City

160 Grand Prix Feel the warm summer air rush across your face while cruising the go-kart track here. Single and double go-karts are available; a driver of a single go-kart must be at least 52 inches while the driver of a double go-kart must be at least 60 inches. If you don’t have a need for speed, play a round at one of the two 18-hole mini-golf courses at the center. More Information Website: Address: 521 West Guin Road Phone: (417) 724-8300 Hours: Monday –Thursday: 1 to 8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday: 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; Sunday: 12 to 8 p.m. Admission: Single go-kart ride: $5; double go-kart ride: $6. Quantity prices available. Mini-golf game: Ages 1 to 5, free with paid adult; 6 to 9 years, $3; 10 years and older, $5.

Photo Credits: Brandon Alms / /

Outlaw Run

Branson This family-friendly town certainly does not lack in events and venues to check out, but here are a few ideas that locals might enjoy. Outlaw Run at Silver Dollar City The theme park has many rollercoaster rides and activities to enjoy, but this year the park has rolled out its $10 million, one-of-a-kind wooden rollercoaster. Marking many of the world’s firsts in coastering—first wooden coaster to: have a double barrel roll; to have such a steep drop; and to twist upside down— this daring ride is sure to thrill. More Information Website: Address: 399 Silver Dollar City Parkway Phone: (417) 336-7100 Hours: Varies, depending on the day; check the park schedule Admission: One-day general (taxes not included) – Adults: $58; Children: $48; Seniors: $56. See site for season pass rates.

Main Street Lake Cruises


Grand prix

Choose between dinner cruises, sightseeing tours or special event sailing with this cruise line, departing from the Branson Landing on Lake Taneycomo. The Lake Queen is a modern-day replica of a riverboat, whereas the Landing Princess is a 100-foot luxury yacht. More Information Website: Address: 7 North Boardwalk Phone: (417) 239-3980 Hours: See schedule online Admission: See ticket information online

In efforts to continue revitalizing Ozark’s historic downtown square, the farmer’s market here will feature art walks alongside its local food vendors a few times this summer. More Information Address: Ozark Downtown Square Hours: 5 to 8p.m. Thursday evenings, May 9– Oct. 4; Art Walks are planned for May 9, Aug. 9, Oct. 4 Admission: Free

Busiek State Forest Located South of Ozark, this 2,500 acres offers camping, bird watching, bicycling, hiking and more. For the sport shooting enthusiast, there is an unstaffed gun range on the property and hunting is allowed. Also, don’t miss out on the wildflowers growing in the glade. More Information Website: Address: Off Hwy 65 in Highlandville Phone: (417) 895-6880 Hours: Open; Get camping permit at the MDC Springfield regional office Admission: Free

Hooten Town Access Take a lazy float down the James River or throw a line in for bass or sunfish at this hidden gem. The Hootentown Canoe Rental & Campground offers reasonable rates for canoes, kayaks, rafts and camping, with a general store and restaurant nearby. More Information Website: Address: Crane—go west on Hwy 14, then 7 miles southeast on M, then 1.4 miles south on Route U to Hooten Town Road, and finally south a half a mile to Loop Road. Phone: (417) 369-2266 Hours: Access is open, but renting is available Monday–Sunday, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.; call in advance for reservations. Admission: Free to access river, but rentals will come with a fee.

From The Nest | Summer 2013 | 23

Safety Tips


su mme rti me


Chances are, your house is child-proofed to varying degrees based on your kids’ ages. But come summer, your efforts to protect your children must move outdoors. Though you can’t child-proof Mother Nature and some outdoor activities, there are precautions you can take to keep you and your kiddo(s) safe while taking advantage of the fresh air and warm weather.



Water Safety

Poison ivy and poison oak are common in Missouri; poison sumac is more popular in states to the east and south of Missouri, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Most often, people will have an allergic reaction on the skin when the leaves of the plant are touched. However, if the plant is burned, the oil that causes the allergic reaction could be inhaled, thus causing lung irritation, which could be more serious. While over-thecounter topical creams can often alleviate the itchy rash associated with touching these plants, it’s best to just avoid the poisonous culprits.

SUPERVISION: Always supervise children in or near any body of water, be it a pool, creek, lake or pond. The American Red Cross also recommends keeping children within an arm’s reach at all times when close to or in water and keeping gates/barriers up around pools to ensure children don’t accidently fall in.

Water 24 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST

EDUCATION: Consider swimming lessons for all family members, especially younger ones. Many community and recreational centers offer classes at variable costs, often for children as young as six months. GEAR: Life jackets are crucial, especially for activities in larger bodies of water, such as boating on the lake. While many parents also turn to arm floaties and similar devices, none are approved to keep children from drowning.

Photo Credits: Trysta Herzog / Brandee Jurgens / Stephanie Lindberg / /

By Kandice McKee


SUNGLASSES: In addition to obvious stylish reasons to sport a pair of shades, sunglasses serve a purpose. The lighter pigmented irises are more sensitive to bright lights. If you or your child has blue eyes, sunglasses are crucial. If you or your child has brown eyes, sunglasses are still important under the bright sun’s rays but not as critical. Be sure to find a pair of glasses that block 100 percent of UV (both A and B) rays—these rays may contribute to cataracts in later life. Amber- or coppertoned lenses also help block HEV rays.

SUNBLOCK: Apply sunblock 15–30 minutes before going outside, and reapply every two hours—or sooner if your child has been in the water. Be sure to use at least 30 SPF that blocks both UVA and UVB rays (unfortunately, this means Vitamin D from the sun is also being blocked). If your child’s bathing suit or clothing doesn’t specify that it blocks the sun’s rays, be sure to apply sunblock even on covered areas. Avoid colored or scented sunblock for children with sensitive skin and/or eczema. Of all the chemicals in sunblock, zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are some of the least irritating and most effective. Sunblock sticks, rather than lotion, are easier to apply on the face, though the lotion is easier for larger sections of the body. SUNBURN: If, despite your best efforts, a sunburn does occur, slather on plenty of aloe lotion or gel and drink extra fluids. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen can also be given for the pain, but check with your doctor on the dosage.


The American Red Cross, also known as the American National Red Cross, is a humanitarian organization that provides emergency assistance, disaster relief and education to families and communities in the United States.


The American Academy of Pediatrics is an American professional association of pediatricians concerned with the health of infants, toddlers, children, teens, and young adults.



Mosquitoes, ticks, fleas and stingers (bees, wasps, hornets, etc.) thrive during summer. Mosquitoes are especially common near bodies of water; ticks are found in wooden, leaf-littered or high-grassed areas; and fleas and stingers are just about anywhere. Since it is impossible to avoid all these pesky creatures while playing outside, be sure to use an effective bug repellent. The CDC recommends using a repellent with 20 percent DEET to repel ticks and products that contain either DEET, picaridin, IR3535, or oil of lemon eucalyptus to ward off mosquitoes. There are all-natural bug repellent sprays and recipes that use essential oils available online, though neither the CDC nor FDA has advocated for or tested such homemade products.

BIKING, ROLLER BLADING, SKATEBOARDING, ETC.: Always wear protective gear, such as helmets and knee/elbow pads when partaking in any such activity. Visit or for more information on choosing the right helmet and protective gear for your kids. Also note that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends babies be at least 12 months old before using a bike trailer. DEHYDRATION: Children tend to be more prone to dehydration than adults. When playing outside, especially on hot and humid days, be sure to drink extra water or sports drinks—avoid over-sugary drinks like soda and juice. Once you or your child feels thirsty, dehydration has already begun. If dehydration goes untreated, it can lead to serious illnesses, such as heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. SANDBOXES: Cover sandboxes to avoid cats turning your child’s play area into a giant litter box. If the kiddy sandbox turns into a kitty potty area, the CDC recommends removing any waste to avoid possible exposure to toxocariasis and toxoplasmosis.


SUNHAT: Some kids love hats; others detest them. If your child is less than excited about wearing a hat, take her or him with you to pick it out. Offer to buy something with a favorite character or sports team.


The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a United States federal agency that has a mission to protect health through education, promotion and preparedness.

* * *

Sun Safety

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 25

Belly Buttons and Bubbles

Baby Boutique

Cloth Diapers? Why Not? Cloth Diapering:

Saves money! Benefits the environment! Is better for your baby!

We offer a variety of cloth diapers and accessories. As well as:

Cloth training pants and swim diapers Natural baby care items Nursing pads and covers Amber necklaces, teethers, wool dryer balls, bug banisher and more!

Shop online at, or contact Jessica Allen today to schedule your one-on-one consultation or diaper party.





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26 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST



Justin Hawkins


By Little Grins Dental


Foods FOR ORAL HEALTH We all know that brushing, flossing and staying away from sugary foods helps to keep our teeth healthy, but did you know that there are certain foods that can

Photo Credit:

help make your mouth healthier?

Brushing and flossing will always be your best defense against tooth decay and gum disease, but incorporating these foods into your diet will also contribute to a beautiful, healthy smile. An added bonus: All these foods are great for the rest of your body, too!

There’s a reason why we say, “Cheese!” when we show off our smile for a photo. Cheese contains calcium, phosphorus and casein, all of which can help keep our tooth enamel strong. Cheese is also low in sugar and acid (which can cause cavities), balances the pH in your mouth, helps produce more saliva, and fights the bacteria that cause cavities and gum disease. Dairy foods in general are great mainstays for a healthy diet, but you’ll want to avoid chocolate or flavored milk and yogurts because they often have large amounts of added sugar.

2 | CRUNCHY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Chewing is good for our teeth! Raw fruits and vegetables such as apples, pears, celery and broccoli are also high in water content, which dilutes the sugars they contain, and makes your mouth produce more saliva. Saliva production is important because it acts as a buffer, preventing the acid contained in some foods from causing tooth decay. Raw fruits and veggies also keep plaque from building up on teeth and they massage your gums. Veggies like carrots, sweet potato and broccoli also have vitamin A, which helps keep tooth enamel healthy.

3 | CITRUS FRUITS Don’t forget about keeping those gums in good shape, too! Citrus and other foods rich in Vitamin C help keep gums healthy and prevent gum disease. Don’t overdo it though, as citrus is generally high in acid, which is hard on your teeth. Eat your vitamin C powerhouses, like kiwi, oranges and tomatoes with other foods to minimize the effects of the acid.

4 | SUGARLESS GUM OK, so gum isn’t really food, but chewing sugarless gum helps dislodge food from between your teeth and also increases saliva production. Some gums contain Xylitol, a sugar replacement that actually prevents the harmful bacteria in plaque from turning sugar into the acids that cause cavities. Make sure your gum is indeed sugarless though, as gum with sugar will encourage cavities to form!

5 | WATER AND GREEN TEA These two drinks can be helpful to your mouth, too. Fluoridated water is best, as the topical absorption of fluoride by your teeth as you drink the water will keep teeth strong. Many public water systems have fluoride added to them, but not all. If you want to see if your water has fluoride, visit Index.asp. Green tea has antioxidants that prevent plaque build up, thus preventing cavities and bad breath. Some green teas also contain fluoride. ‘Dr. CraIG’ reCHKeMMer earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degrees from the University of Missouri, Kansas City in May 2002. He spent six years on the Tooth Truck providing dental care to at-risk children in the Springfield area. In 2008, Dr. Craig joined the Arkansas Children’s Hospital in Little Rock where he created a state-wide Dental Outreach program and provided care to children. After four years with the Children’s Hospital, he has returned to Springfield to create Little Grins Dental, where he will continue to provide care to children.

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 27


By Jessica Mahan

Symmetrical Alien Bugs

ArTisT: Hailey Dyer AGE: 6 years old GrADE: First MOM: Lisa Dyer

children love creepy, crawly insects. Aliens are even better. combine the two and you will have the attention of every child. this project also focuses on a math concept: symmetry. Art is a great tool for absorbing math skills. integrating art with math improves visualization, problem solving and critical thinking. even the children struggling in math respond well to this project and are thrilled when they open up their creation. art and Math Adapted for: Ages 6 –10 Objective: Symmetry and fine motor skills


ArTisT: Ryan Bourbina AGE: 7 years old GrADE: First MOM: Stacey Bourbina

28 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST

1. Do a quick lesson on symmetry (see the next page). 2. Brainstorm on the types of insects you like. Why do you like those insects? Could you combine a bumble bee and scorpion together and give it spiky legs? Could you give it six alien eyes? What types of insects would you find on another planet? 3. Take a sheet of construction paper and fold it in half lengthwise (hotdog style). 4. You will draw half a body while the paper is folded. Draw a line from the top of the paper to the bottom of the paper. When drawing the line, emphasize a line that shows half a head and half a body. The line will need to be drawn along the fold, not the open side of the paper. This will need to be emphasized several times for younger children. 5. Add on half of the legs, antennas, etc., to the side of the bug’s body. When drawing small body parts, draw them as a thick shape versus just one line so the bug is easily cut out. 6. Cut out the entire bug while the paper is folded, making sure not to cut off the legs or antennas. Open to find a full alien bug! 7. Glue the bug down to another piece of paper. You can use black or a contrasting color of paper as the background. 8. Decorate the bug using crayons, glitter, scrap paper and anything else you would like to add. Remind the child that whatever is added to one side of the bug will need to be added to the other to keep it symmetrical.


What you need:

Quick Lesson on Symmetry



Symmetry is when one half is the reflection of the other half.



The “Line of Symmetry” (shown here in red) is the imaginary line where you could fold the image and have both halves match exactly.




Colored construction paper


Constuction paper crayons, regular crayons, or oil pastels

Optional: Pictures of insects, googly eyes, sequins, glitter, yarn, etc.

Jessica Mahan, an art teacher for the Republic School District, is also an area artist. Her artwork can be viewed at

FroM The NeST | Summer 2013 | 29

By Kandice McKee


MOMS Club O F F E R S S U P P O R T, F R I E N D S H I P S


erving moms and their children from ozark, nixa, republic and south springfield, MoMs club of ozark seeks to give moms a support system and adult interaction mixed with fun activities and friendships to entertain their children. Don’t worry about toting a diaper bag to any of the club’s meetings or events as children are welcome to all events — minus Moms night out and couples night out events (we all need a break sometimes). Member and former membership vice president Angel Freeman answered our questions about the club. IF YoU Are INTereSTeD IN STArTING A MoMS CLUB IN YoUr AreA, FILL oUT The reGISTrATIoN ForM AT: WWW.MOMSCLUB.ORG/JOIN.HTML

30 | Summer 2013 | FroM The NeST

Kids learn social skills while mommies exercise theirs

Photo Credit: Kandice McKee

mommy CluB

What is the purpose of your organization? Who is your target audience? We are a support group for area stay-athome moms, or even part-time working moms. We provide a support system for all moms and provide activities that enrich their lives as well as the lives of their children.

How often do you meet? We meet as often as our members are willing to host. This may be four times a week to sometimes only once a week. We always have a minimum of one activity a week and one business meeting a month.

Where do you meet? We meet at public locations like Discovery Center, Chic-fil-A and Silver Dollar City. We also meet at our members’ homes for play dates. Our monthly business meeting is located at a church in Ozark.

What are the membership fees/requirements?

The membership fees are $25.00 and are paid upon joining and then annually. This covers things like office supplies. Other than that, there are no requirements. You may host and come to as little or as many events as you want.

What can a mom expect when attending one of your meetings? At our monthly meeting, we discuss any business that needs to be handled. This may include discussing our service projects or any changes that need to be made. At a play date (whether public or at a member’s home) you can expect anywhere between 2 and 10 mothers and their children. It may be an unstructured play date or one that is a little more planned, like a story time. You can expect lots of laughs and good times for you and your children.

How can a mom benefit from the meeting? How can children benefit?

The benefit of coming to the meeting would be to keep up to date on anything the club has decided and what will be happening with the service projects. The benefits of coming to our play dates or events are endless. We offer the opportunity to make friends for yourself and your children. These friendships can turn into lifelong friendships. You child can benefit through learning opportunities and socialization provided by activities and interaction with the other children. For mommies, we offer a chance to get out of the house and get that much needed adult interaction sometimes lacking in a stay-at-home mother’s daily life.

Do the children have to be of a specific age group to attend?

There are occasionally play dates centered around a certain age, most often babies or toddlers (under 2). These types of play dates are not very common, though, and older siblings are always welcome. All other activities/events are open to all ages.

Are there any other MOMS Club groups in the area? Currently we are the only operating club in our area. Our group covers Nixa, Ozark, Sparta, Republic and South Springfield (south of Sunshine). If you are interested in starting your own, you can find a registration form at:

How can someone find out more information about the club?

You can contact us through email at momsclubofozark@yahoo. com or by phone. You can call either our president, Dana, at (417) 234–2031 or membership vice president, Emily, at (417) 299–7134. We will send you a list of a few of the next play dates/events. After attending one meeting and one play date/event, you may decide whether you would like to join. Upon joining, you will be given a welcome packet that will include the group roster and our most up-to-date calendar. You will also be added to our private Facebook page, where most of our interactions occur and where you will be invited to all events. Areas Served: Nixa, Ozark, Sparta, Republic and South Springfield (south of Sunshine Street) Email: Website: Phone: Dana, President (417) 234–2031 Emily, Vice-President (417) 299–7134 Facebook:

Kim Renova

Independent Educational Consultant


(417) 718–9790


kimberly.renova @


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From The Nest | Summer 2013 | 31

Cover Your Bum is a program created to distribute cloth diapers to families in need of a little extra support. A $25 tax deductible donation will help cover a bum in need each quarter. If you’re needing help to cover your little ones bum contact us for an application. We help families for 1-3 months at a time to help them become diaper independent. Donations can be made through Our Parent Company and Partner: 615 N Glenstone Springfield MO 65802 Find us on Facebook coveryourbumclothdiaperbank

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