Volume 27, Issue 5
Tuesday April 22, 2014
Puzzles and Problem Solving —Spotlight on Monica Geist Written by Rachel Padro When asked how she ended up teaching Math at Front Range Community College, FRCC Math Faculty Monica Geist says, “I earned my bachelor’s degree in Applied Math from CSU in Fort Collins. During my time there, I had an internship at Ball Aerospace. My internship was in software development and led to a full-time job there. I worked on a team of mathematicians who helped the engineers solve some of the math equations they developed. I was fascinated by how we can model so many things using mathematical models (equations).” “I worked at Ball for five years and then quit to stay at home with my young children. During that time I started teaching math part-time at FRCC in the evenings. Within the first five minutes of my first class here, I knew that this was the job I wanted. I needed to earn a master’s degree, though, in order to be eligible for a full-time job. So, I earned my master’s in Applied Math from CU-Denver. Shortly after graduating, I applied for and received a full-time job teaching math here at FRCC.” For those who hope to major in mathematics, or those curious as to why they should learn math, Geist says, “Learning math is learning how to think. Math is logical—even though many students don’t think it is! Being able to do math tells future employers that you know how to think and how to learn. When I was interviewing for my internship at Ball, I did not know the software they wanted me to use. The person interviewing me said, ‘You’re a math major. You can learn it.’ Financially, knowing math can help with thinking through making purchases, borrowing money, and saving money. A person does not have to be a math genius in order to benefit from knowing math. Many of my family members are business owners. I can’t tell you
how many times they caught mistakes made by the bank, which ended up saving them a lot of money. Some people think banks don’t make mistakes anymore because everything is so automated. That is not true. Humans still have to calculate values and see if those values make sense. Having math skills and the courage to ask if an answer makes sense can help anyone in any job involving money.” As for a little bit about herself, Geist grew up in Boulder, and her hobbies Photo by Rachel Padro include jigsaw puzzles and going to the movies with her husband. Once she finishes puzzles, she likes to tear them apart to do them again later. “I always have a jigsaw puzzle on the table!” Her favorite superhero is Thor, “Hands down.” When asked if she could give one piece of advice to FRCC students, Geist shares, “That’s hard! There are lots of things I think FRCC students could benefit from, such as: ask questions, seek help, stay organized, don’t miss class, don’t get behind, try taking a class with the pure motive of learning (and not to check a class off the list), get in a study group, learn to use study skills, start studying for your final exams on day one of the semester, and so on. However, I think the biggest thing would be to realize the great opportunity you have to get a college education. Don’t wish it away.
Continued on Page 2
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