Tue. 01.31.12 Volume 23, Issue 1 frontpage@frontrange.edu Join us on Facebook >> facebook.com/frontpage Serving Front Range Community College Since 1989
Chinese New Year! R
hythmic drumming and colorful traditional Chinese garb beckoned students to Front Range Community College’s Rotunda room during Student Life’s Chinese New Year Celebration held Wednesday Jan. 25, 2012. The Chinese year 4709 was brought in with a historically performed lion dance, a martial arts performance, Chinese food, and traditional calligraphy.
The festivities were kicked off with a New Year’s Lion Dance. The dance, performed by the National Martial Arts Academy, is performed as a ritual meant to cleanse the building or area, warding off evil spirits in the year to come. About a half-dozen people formed two colorful dragons. The choreography was precise and detailed, making the dragons appear to move in one fluid, synchronized motion. The elaborate dance combined with
the vivid colors made the show festive and engaging. Following the New Year performance, members of the National Martial Arts Academy put on a martial arts demonstration. This school of martial arts travels the world to demonstrate their art. The exhibition was impressive as members of the academy were athletic and able to perform remarkable lightfooted acrobatics. The performance included ten different styles of martial arts.
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The Broncos are out, Giants and Patriots are in. Who are you rooting for to win Superbowl XLVI? >>pg. 3
New Year.
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“Styles included: long fist, drunken sword, and praying mantis,” informed Noah Goldman, student at the National Martial Arts Academy. These traditional fighting styles are featured in many different Hollywood movies such as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.
ed for 2012. >>pg. 3