FRV Travel 10.2

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fashion restaurants and villas | bali & southeast asian style

edition 10.2, august - september ‘13 Rp. 60.000




E&O Potato Head Garage

Rp. 60.000



EXOTIC Accents food





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CONTENTS August - September 2013

FEATURES 028 If Big is Your Thing

Trauts stays in the new Amanusa Villas in Nusa Dua and has a wild time amidst all that space.

044 & 067 Bali Fashion

With help from Michaela and Charlie, FRV searches out the finest moments in fashion on the island.

074 City of Heroes, Malls and Misunderstanings

Katie Truman explores the hidden realms of Surabaya, Indonesia’s history-rich second city.

084 Where Tradition Counts

Thomas Jones enjoys the hospitality of perhaps Tokyo’s most traditional modern hotel.

098 Snowshoe to Kosciusko

Ian Neubauer climbs Australia’s highest peak in snowshoes at the height of the winter’s grip.

102 The Travelling DJ vol 2

Tony Montana continues his musical journey to Eastern Europe and the party island of Ibiza.

Cover FRV Travel:

Photo: Lukas Vrtilek

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CONTENTS August - September 2013

036 038 068 072 080 090 092 094 096

La Finca

Salvador Bali’s Spanish passion.

Time to Unwind

Sahwah Sahaja Resort & Spa.

Jakarta E&O

Will Meyrick’s fine dining expansion.



Trauts speaks with KU DE TA Executive Chef Phil Davenport

Potato Head garage

Erza checks good food and mojitos

Of Trains, Planes and Yachts

Jim Read takes a fast French train.

Being a Pedestrian

Erza walks the streets of Shanghai.


Q&A with two Vietnamese designers.

Harbour Life

Holiday possibilities in Sydney

Tasmanian Whiskey Revival

78 Weekend Break

A weekend in Bandung can do wonders for the soul.

This island has great whiskey.

88 A New Spin on Dining The Sky revolving restaurant in Tokyo.


24 hours in New DeLhi

What to do with so little time in India’s capital.

1 4 Events 1 6 Bits & Pieces 3 4 Villa Sabana 4 0 Sayang d’Amour 4 2 H o t e l Tu g u 5 4 Fashion Bits 8 2 O’nite Bangkok 1 0 4 Wine 1 0 7 Cheese 1 0 8 Recipes 1 2 0 Listings 1 3 0 Last Word

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The liquid light of Antoine Merger

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P T K ubu Dua M edi a J l. Petitenget 12A, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia Te l. +62 361 746 3751/52 | Fa x. +62 361 847 5458 email: www.frvtra ve l.c om Di recto r Guna wa n I nd rob a skoro Graphics Coordinator Te guh Ana nta (artwork@frvtra ve l.c om) Graphi cs He lmi Nursya h, Ric ky Afd i P ho to g raphy Moc h. Sulthon, R a ma d ha n, Ad a m Ra syid Di stri buti o n Nyoman Rupma Ii n I nd ra p utra , I ma m, Ma d e i nfo@frvtra ve l.c om Fi nance Sri W ita ri, B a gus Oka Mark eti ng Gina , Oc hy ( A dmi ni strati o n Dya h, Poojie , Ta ri Co ntri buto rs T homa s Jone s, Da vid Tra uts, Erza ST, Nic hola s Wa lton, Katie Truman, Rachel Love, Herman Von Ber nhardi Aguayo, Ia n Ne ub a ue r, Jo Fre a rson, Da rre n Dyla n. S ubscri pti o n Yearly subscription available in Indonesia - Rupiah 315,000 Conta c t: sub sc rib e @frvtra ve l.c om Send e-mail to the above for details. Consulting Stua rt D W ilford (stua rt@frvtra ve l.c om) L eg al Asso ci ates Nyoma n Ge d e Anta guna SE, SH, MH ACS La w Offic e J l. Mertanadi 88A, Kuta, Bali. Te l: 082145689996 Fine Restaurants and Villas Travel magazine is an independent, b i -mo nthl y publ i cati o n. N ex t edi ti o n deadl i ne September 15, 2013

FR V Tr a v e l m a g a z i n e i s p r i n t e d u n d e r l i c e n s e d t r a d e m a r k . N o p a r t o f t h i s m a g a z i n e shou ld be re produ c e d with ou t th e wr itte n pe r m ission of th e pu blish e r. A l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d . A r t i c l e s re f l e c t t h e o p i n i o n s o f t h e a u t h o r s , a n d n o t n e c e s s a r i l y t h o s e of t h e p u b l i s h e r s . F R V Tr a v e l m a g a z i n e i s p r i n t e d b y P T M e g a I n d a h ( T: 0 2 1 - 6 1 9 0 5 2 9 w w w. m e g a i n d a h o ff s e t . c o m ) a n d d i s t r i b u t e d b y ; P T K u b u D u a M e d i a ( I n d o n e s i a ) , P e r i p l u s - J a v a B o o k s ( I n d o n e s i a ) , P T I n d o p ro m ( I n d o n e s i a ) , N a t i o n B o o k s ( T h a i l a n d ) . Con ta c t th e e -m a il a ddre sse s a bove f or f u r th e r in f or m a tion .

F R V Trav el Mag az ine

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E dit io n 1 0 . 2

A ug ust - S ept ember ‘1 3

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Editor’s Note FRV Travel – It takes you places The high season is here again and what a power packed time to be on Bali. In early August we have the national holidays of Idul Fitri and Lebaran, a national break of a week or more for many Indonesians as Ramadan finishes, and then straight into Hari Merdeka, or Independence Day, on August 17. We imagine that the whole period will be one continual holiday for a lot of Indonesians, not to mention the plane loads of foreign tourists that will be landing in Bali during August, so don’t be surprised if the traffic will be shocking. But maybe not this year. The new toll road across Benoa Bay that will connect Bali’s Ngurah Rai airport to Nusa Dua and Benoa is slated to be officially opened on August 14, which also coincides with the province of Bali’s anniversary. Besides being a very auspicious day for the island, it will also be the day that recent traffic woes will become a thing of the past, in some parts and for some

time anyway. Meanwhile, Jakarta will be coming back to life after Ramadan and the holidays finish. During Idul Fitri the city is almost emptied of people as workers from all over Indonesia head back to their home provinces to celebrate the religious festivities with their families. It’s actually a great time to visit the capital if you have ever wondered what it’s like without the traffic jams. But here in Bali it is business as usual and there are many events and gatherings all over the island to keep visitors busy right through August and September. In this edition of FRV Travel we are once again focussing on all things fashionable and new in the worlds of fine food, accommodation and fashion, in Bali and further from Jakarta to Bangkok, to China, Japan and Australia and even as far as the clubbing scene of Ibiza. We all hope you enjoy this edition of FRV Travel. FRV CONTRIBUTORS

David Trauts Correspondent, English. It’s the time of visitors on the island when it seems there is very little time for anything except entertaining. This is all well and good unless deadlines are cracking the whip. This time of year is definitely all about fun times so why not try Mejekawi, Mamasan, Gado-Gado, Metis, Hu’u or La Sal for an excellent night’s dining - that’s what Trauts will be doing.

Erza S.T. Caught in between his upcoming opera gala preparations and endless writing, this opera loving producer and writer decided to just stay in Jakarta during the summer, while reminiscing cold winter days. He shares with us his mementos from his last Shanghai trip and a review on Jakarta’s latest dining option; Potato Head Garage.

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Thomas Jones After a bit of James Bond style snooping and schmoozing in Tokyo at the New Otani Hotel, and enjoying a great martini or two at THE Sky revolving restaurant, Mr Jones finds the time to check out a few tropical luxury villas in Bali for some well earned rest and relaxation.

Rachel Love Told by a fortune teller that her life would take a dramatic change in a move to the East, she arrived in Bali with a few hundred pounds and a vision to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a writer on a tropical island. FRV’s resident arts writer, Rachel writes extensively on all things lifestyle and travel related.

Nick Walton Nick has been writing on travel for over 10 years, including most recently as the travel editor for the South China Morning Post. From his home in Hong Kong he regularly travels throughout Asia and beyond, looking for new experiences, trends and destinations, both for his travel pieces in over 60 magazines globally, as well as his weekly radio show.

Ian Neubauer Ian is a Sydney-based freelance journalist specializing in adventure travel. He has reported extensively across East Asia and the South Pacific for many publications. He is also the author of two travel novels, Getafix (2004) and Maquis (2006), and an advocate for Topu Honis, an orphanage and women’s shelter in East Timor.

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AUGUST - SEPTEMBER 2013 Baliem Valley Festival Indonesia Explore the last frontier of Indonesia’s remote Papua Province at the one occasion when all the diverse tribes from the highlands of Wamena and the Baliem Valley congregate to celebrate their annual festival, with the highlight being the mock tribal battles held to maintain the agility and preparedness of the tribes to defend their villages.12 – 15 Aug

Obon - Japan Each August Japan comes alive during the Obon festival when their ancestors’ spirits return to visit their relatives. Lanterns are hung to guide the ancestors home, drums are beaten and bon odori dances are performed at large outdoor

Smooth As Silk - Thailand

summer gatherings in parks with much revelry.

The Wichit Phrae Wa Silk Festival will be held at Rim

And when it’s all over, floating lanterns are put

Pao Hotel in Kalasin in Thailand’s northeast to honour

into rivers, lakes and seas in order to guide the

Her Majesty Queen Sirikit who has kindly supported the

spirits back into their world. 10 – 19 Aug

PhraeWa silk under her royal patronage and promoted it to wider public awareness for many years. This year’s

Gone Fishing - Malaysia

event features a Phrae Wa silk contest, a fashion show

This annual Royal Pahang Billfish International

of silk dresses, a cultural parade, demonstrations of silk

Challenge puts the small Malaysian town of

weaving, and of course sales of the legendary Phrae Wa

Rompin in the international limelight when anglers

silk. It is also the Queen’s birthday. Aug 12

from as far as the United Kingdom, United States, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and Singapore come together for four days of high action angling on the high seas in search of the largest billfish in the sea and, of course, the prize money! 23 – 25 Aug

Film Nights - AUSTRALIA The





showcases the best in current cinema from around the world as well as retrospectives, tributes and discussion programs. Since its inception, MIFF has also been committed to local film and is Australia’s largest showcase of new Australian cinema and is the country’s most vocal champion of emerging and established local filmmaking talent. 25 July –11 Aug

Sail Komodo 2013

Winter Film Festival – New Zealand

For the 13th year, the annual international sailing event

The Winter Games Adventure Film Festival in Queenstown

organised by Sail Indonesia and the Indonesian government

and Wanaka features a week of spectacular adventure

in the Taman Fatahillah old city and is an icon

will be held from 27 July to 9 September 2013. The sailboat

films, carefully selected to inspire and entertain and timed

of Jakarta’s history and cultural tourism with

rally will head to Kupang then on two routes heading to

to coincide with the second week of New Zealand’s most

many cultural arts, creative industry exhibitions,

Labuan Bajo on Flores. Participants will also take part in

prestigious sporting event, The Winter Games NZ. Expect

“Tempoe Doeloe” fashion shows, along with

a series of events and cultural festivals including Timor,

a huge fortnight of downtown entertainment throughout

many traditional games and attractions, culinary

Banda, Ternate, Morotai, Lembata, Wakatobi, Flores,

Queenstown and Wanaka. 19 – 25 Aug

treats and bazaars. All of August

Sulawesi, Bali, Java, Borneo, Belitung, until it ends up on the island of Bintan. August/September 14 l FRV Travel

Old City Festival – Jakarta The Old Town Festival is an annual event held

Onam Festival – India Onam is one of the greatest festivals of Kerala where locals celebrate together without care for caste, creed or religion. Colourful aquatic festivals

The need for speed - SINGAPORE

are organized along the sacred river Pamba to

Rev your engines ladies and gentleman and get into pole position

celebrate the homecoming of legendary King

for the 5th annual night Singapore Grand Prix around the slick

Mahabali and feature intricately decorated

city streets of the Garden City. Be warped by the speed of these


machines and dazzled by the glitz and glamour that goes along

Kaikottikali dances.16 Sept






with it. Rhianna and The Killers will be performing. 20 – 21 Sept

An Axe to Grind In NZ, where men are men and the sheep are wooly, there’s no greater show for the axemen to show off their skills to the adoring crowds than the Kawerau Woodfest & National Woodskills

A Load of Bull – Bali

Competition in the North Island. Attracting

Each year between August and October the

around 12,000 people over the three-day event

farmers of Bali bring out their prize bulls in all

expect lots of wood-themed action and rural

their pomp and majesty for the Negara Bull

delights. Maybe even a battered sausage on a

Races – a ritual racing carnival where garlanded

stick or two. 13 – 15 Sept

bulls are fixed to chariots and raced over a grueling course to the delights of spectators with the winner becoming a stud for life. Sundays in Aug and Sept

Row Your Boat - Thailand

Alice Desert Festival – Australia This is Central Australia’s premier arts and cultural festival and it celebrates the desert and the diversity of people that live there by sharing

Ko-lae boats are traditional fishing vessels

the stories, songs and the unique lifestyle of

commonly found in the Malay communities of

this arid region. It offers a dynamic exchange


Southern Thailand and their annual boat races

between cultures through art, dance and music

double-acts, a couple hell-bent on confusing

are a sight to behold. First hosted in 1976 in

from the best the burnt nation has to offer. Sept

and outwitting each other right up to its

honour of Their Majesties the King and Queen,

controversial conclusion, The Taming of the

when the Royal Family travelled to Narathiwat

Shrew, Shakespeare’s comedy of deception and

on a state visit, the boat races have evolved into

mistaken identities, is delivered with a fresh twist

a majestic event filled with colour, energy, plenty

at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts’

of good food and above all excitement and fun.

Lyric Theatre with an all-female cast. 25-29 Sept

Sept 21 - 25

Shaking Things Up – Hong Kong Starring





Fun on the Beach - Bali The annual Legian Beach Festival is back to bring this most popular beach even more colour than usual with lots of Balinese cultural performances, music, art, exhibitions and food in three days of festivities. Don’t forget the sunscreen and come enjoy the beach – It’s the essence of Bali after all. 5 – 8 Sept FRV Travel l 15

BITS&PIECES Villa Aiko is a stunningly-designed, contemporary villa with sweeping views over Jimbaran Bay from its prime hilltop location. East meets West as traditional Balinese features fuse deliciously with marble, granite and local woods. A profusion of glass floods the villa with sunlight and yields seamless views over manicured lawns, calming waterfeatures and an alluring infinity-edge lap pool. The villa’s four bedrooms are spacious and private, two of them offering amazing views right from their king-size beds. Ensuite bathrooms boast chic Grohe fixtures, floors are of polished wood and entertainment facilities are top notch. In addition to all this lustre, a team of professional staff including villa manager, in-house chef, housekeepers and security staff are at your service.

New to the MVL stable of quality luxury villas is the Aiko with uninterrupted views from Jimbaran to Kuta and the mountains beyond .

Gourmet Dining and Rafting After three years in the making, the Ubud Adventure Centre in Kedewatan, Ubud was opened by Nigel and Yanie Mason of Bali Adventure Tours in July and will serve as the starting and ending point for their rafting trips as well as offering a few special extras. Inside, the fabled Yanies’ Restaurant that closed its doors in Kuta in 1999 has been reborn and offers a sushi bar, an open BBQ kitchen and three different areas, ranging from a luxurious indoor section connected to the lounge and Blu Bar area. Stunning views of the rooftop

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Ubud Adventure Centre is taking adventure to the next level.


gardens and surrounding scenery are on offer here while sitting under the stars adjacent to an outdoor dance floor. The complex is also home to an authentic Japanese spa, which presents lavish treatment rooms tastefully outfitted in Japanese decors accented by Zen gardens and koi ponds. An art gallery is also on the premises. And for those wanting to stay the night there are two luxurious private suites connected to a private pool and dining room with seating for 14 diners rounding off this one stop shop for Bali adventure.

Mama sees it all. And it is beautiful.

THE DISH: INDIAN THALI A feasting plate of turmeric-laced dhal makani and spicy vegetable curry with pickled lemon, FRRO \RJKXUW UDLWD SRUN VDWD\ ELWHV DQG D ÀXII\ kachoori. The real India, served up with the unique Meyrick twist. Escape the heat and enjoy a cool, calm and collected lunch at Mama San. Open from 12 noon.

jl. raya kerobokan no.135. br taman, bali +62 361 730 436 www.twitter/mamasanbali

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Indonesia independence delights at grand cafe


August is the month when Indonesia celebrates its freedom with Independence Day falling on the 17th of August. To help with the celebrations Grand Hyatt Jakarta is inviting culinary experts from Grand Hyatt Bali, Bali Hyatt, Hyatt Regency Yogyakarta and Hyatt Regency Bandung, and their own hotel kitchens to showcase their regional delicacies at Grand Café from 12 to 31 August 2013. Mr. Dale Parkington, Director of Food and Beverage states, “We are excited to have the chefs from Hyatt Hotels & Resorts Indonesia to celebrate the Indonesia Independence Month at Grand Café. We always strive for our guests to experience something different with us and this is the chance to savour authentic Indonesian food and drink, particularly from Jakarta, Bali, Yogyakarta and Bandung, right from our Grand Cafe live stations.”

ASTON AVARA is a new LOUNGE Avara one stop shop for Recently opened in Epiwalk Kuningan, Jakarta, Avara Lounge & Function Hall is a one-stop coffee corner, lounge and function hall offering a contemporary, versatile approach to entertaining with a café, bar and function hall. Avara offers a new concept in leisure and business needs, where you can enjoy a quality cup of Illy coffee, meet clients in privacy or hold an event in a function room with a capacity of 250 people with free wi-fi and state-ofthe-art audio-visual equipment. Dine at Avara from 9am to 10pm and enjoy a wide range of Western and Asian dishes or sip signature cocktails, choose from a wide array of wines and cigars or take in the panoramic views of Rasuna Epicentrum complex.

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all your leisure and business needs.

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The location of the exquisite, new Ritz-Carlton, Bali is uniquely situated with a combination of white beach front and elevated cliff top settings, blended into the landscape to gently enliven the senses. It will feature 288 rooms including 90 exceptional suites and 14 villas and will debut 10 cliff top villas that offer sweeping views across the ocean. The resort will also include six restaurants and bars, which include a cliff-side restaurant integrated into a natural cave that doubles as a private dining room. Other restaurants include a beach grill, an Indonesian restaurant, a Japanese restaurant, a pool bar and all-day dining. Within the resort grounds, there will be a Ritz-Carlton Spa; a water sports pavilion and other recreational facilities.

The The Ritz-Carlton is coming back to Bali in 2014.

The first Ubud Village Jazz Festival will be jamming out on August 9th and 10 with the promise of as many as 100 Indonesian and international musicians coming to the grounds of the Arma Museum in the hillside town with Dutch pianist Peter Beets, the Ito Kurdi Quartet and American saxophonist Joe Rosenberg the early stand outs. “The musicians we have invited support our mission to promote high-quality jazz from around the world to a discerning audience,” says festival director Anom Darsana, who has been responsible for holding a number of successful Jazz Rendezvous events as a lead-up to this festival. A series of fringe food and drink events are in the works for the weekend, as are a no-plastic-bag policy and other initiatives that residents and visitors alike will no doubt embrace.

n T he O g n R ti



P ut


Beach House Collection in the Maldives and Sri Lanka. Beach houses don’t get closer to the beach than these ones in the Maldives. Owned by dynamic Maldivian entrepreneur Ahmed Siyam Mohamed, the Collection is defined by the philosophy of ‘Crafting the Extraordinary,’ placing guests at the heart of every experience. The first Beach House property, named Iruveli, is located on the northernmost atoll of the Maldives, while a second property called Beach House Pasikudah is set to open in late October 2013 on the east coast of Sri Lanka. Future Beach Houses are planned in Bali and across the Indian Ocean. A key hallmark of all Beach House Collection resorts is a deep attachment to the neighbouring cultures, enabling guests to be fully immersed in each destination’s distinct customs and traditions. Beach House Iruveli crafts extraordinary experiences from its location on a remote island in the midst of Haa Alif. Guests can immerse themselves in its protected surroundings 20 l FRV Travel

whilst enjoying breathtaking views of the Indian Ocean from its Water and Beach Villas. Whilst staying at Beach House Iruveli, one can not only enjoy the island, but also the history of the surrounding islands and experience centuries-old customs and traditions including local cooking and handicraft workshops. There is also a range of recreational activities on offer such as the kids’ club, tennis courts, yoga, scuba-diving, snorkelling and the De’ Spa. The Beach House Collection will open Beach House Pasikudah in October 2013. Situated in the pristine Sri Lankan east coast, the Beach House Pasikudah will comprise of 32 luxurious suites and two expansive beach pavilions, with personal plunge and swimming pools. Similar to the local experiences on offer at Iruveli, guests will be encouraged to venture outside of the resort and explore the rich surrounding culture.

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BITS&PIECES plot this year, a theme primed to bring out the party animal a sensual, barely-there fashion spectacle matched by the wild thundering club rhythms of star DJs like Pablo Ceballos, Federico Scavo, Marco Lys and Jim Breese.

It’s summer at KU DE TA – Here are the highlights! In what has become something of a modern tradition since KU DE TA first opened in December 2000, the Balinese High Season is celebrated in lavish style at this most beautiful of beach clubs. Each August an astounding array of hot and happening international DJ/producer talent is unleashed and it’s the islands ’Party of the Century! Two annual mega-events bookend this magical moment in time. First, the Bikini Day Party makes its spectacular splash between 2pm and 11pm on Saturday August 10th, with a further long week of extra sunset musical activities culminating in the breathtaking White Party of Saturday August 17th. ‘Bikini’ has a tribal sub-


KU DE TA Volume 4 has just been released and is filled with elegant, edgy, modern disco sounds that are both current yet timeless. It is a timely collection of music put together by KU resident DJ Billy the Kid and regular visiting DJ Jim Breeze; perfect accompaniment to the summer and particularly this Bali summer. The collection bounces with melodic disco infused tracks ready to lift your next villa party or perfect for going for a drive in your Jimmny around the island. And as Drivetime host on 98.5fm The Beat Radio Plus, DJ SD commented, it’s the best thing they’ve done yet. And he should know, it’s on continual rotation in his car. Pick it up at KU DE TA’s boutique or get it on iTunes wherever you may be. 22 l FRV Travel

Meanwhile, as the Holy Grail of dance harmony and happiness, the hotly anticipated White Party serves up a medieval feast in its 12th incarnation. Dubbed the WHITE KNIGHT, the event launches in chivalrous style, with a four-course banquet for diners from 7pm evolving in more energised tone, with the hedonistic hordes letting their hair down as the dance goes on ‘til late. The musical accompaniment here includes Funkagenda’s much in-demand, festival sized progressive sound, Kaiserdisco’s unique brand of tropical tech, plus the epic, blistering house of Darren Emerson - he of Underworld and ‘Born Slippy’ fame. Beyond this the daily SUNSET AFFAIRS continue apace throughout July and September at 4pm and 11pm, with remarkable weekly guest talents.


The MesaStila Challenge Charity Run for Children with Autism. MesaStila in Magelang Central Java (formerly known as Losari Resort), will hold its third annual running-race on Sunday, October 6, 2013 in collaboration with “Berlari Untuk Berbagi” (BuB - a running for charity program) with this year’s funds being donated to help children with autism. The Challenge will offer two trails; a 13km and a 21km half-marathon, that follow the train and heritage railway line from Ambarawa to Bedono, and will incorporate routes including an old unused railway line, jungle trails, rice-field tracks and quiet village roads, before finishing at the old railway station of Majong at MesaStila. A special, healthy, athlete-friendly BBQ brunch and prizegiving will take place at MesaStila after the race. The race will start from 7.00 a.m. with a registration fee of only IDR 250,000 per person (Indonesian Citizen and KITAS holder) and US$ 35 for non-residents and includes a T-shirt. IDR 50,000 of donation for children with autism and buffet. Registration is available at www.

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New faces at Canggu Club

Bali’s premier private sporting facility moving forward. It was announced last month that Simone and Tony Smith had become major shareholders of Canggu Club with their business partner Ketut Subina. The Smiths have been regular visitors at the Club since they first holidayed in Bali and then after becoming residents here. They built and managed ‘Semara Resort & Spa’ in Seminyak and opened and continue to manage ‘Semara Luxury Villas’ in Uluwatu. Tony is also an avid sportsman and played for the Sydney Swans in the AFL. They are bringing a lot of business and sports knowledge with them to Canggu Club and have big plans to make the club into a world class facility. FRV Travel spoke with Canggu Club PR, Marketing and Events Director Mary Justice Thomasson-Croll about the new owner’s involvement at the club and what the future might hold with the new directors holding the reins.

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Tony Smith has been involved in developments and resorts so far in Bali, what piqued his fancy taking over the Canggu Club? MJ: He and his family are from Australia and have been enjoying the club daily for almost the past four years so when he found out there was an opportunity to get involved he jumped at it. It’s been well quoted that he wants to make changes at the Club. What are those changes going to be? Tony’s vision is to have even more and better sports and recreational facilities, plus an accommodation component aimed at attracting tourists who would like to be able to utilize the amazing facilities once they are completed. Do you think Bali is well suited for this kind of private club? What kind of clientele will you be looking for? We aim to attract the same clientele but with the changes we expect more international

and local members to want to be a part of the club. I have noticed that it’s now more secure when entering the club premises. Passage ways have been blocked and now every person has to swipe their member’s card. What is happening there? In order to use the facilities guests need to show their membership card or if attending a “non-member” activities we hold from time to time. Daily memberships are now available so the club is open to everyone who is interested to join. Daily membership passes have just been introduced at the club allowing visitors from around the world and locally to enjoy the club’s facilities. This allows guests a chance to experience first hand the club’s amazing facilities and thus gauge their interest in becoming a member. As always, membership cards must be produced upon entry to the club.

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THE BALI BALL 2013 ‘THE BEST IN BALI’ For the third year W Retreat and Jemme are holding a charity event to remember.

On Friday 16th August 2013, W Retreat & Spa Bali – Seminyak will play host to the Bali Ball; ‘The Best in Bali’ organized by Luke Stockey from Jemme Jewellery and Craig Seaward from W Retreat & Spa Bali – Seminyak. This year’s event will support three leading Bali charities; Bali Kids, Yayasan Bumi Sehat and Yayasan Samaritan. The Bali Ball 2013 will be bringing together the best businesses, brands and talent on the island in a celebration to raise funds for three extraordinary charities. This unique event that combines ‘The Best in Bali’ alongside international talent will feature an auction led by special guest; actress and producer Luna Maya. Each supporter and business participant will be donating one very special item for a live auction, giving guests the chance to win spectacular items throughout the course of the evening. Prizes will include and highlight luxury accommodation packages, a selection of bespoke culinary gifts and indulgent spa treatments. Guests can expect welcome cocktails, a fine dining experience and your own personalized mixologist assigned to each table who will deliver an evening of unforgettable and delectable cocktails from notably the best bars on the island; WOOBAR, Rock Bar, Potato Head, to name a few! The organizing committee has pledged to donate 100% of ticket sale proceeds from the event straight to the charities. Robin Lim, founder of Yayasan Bumi Sehat will be sharing the charities mission statement to promote appreciation and gratitude during the evening. Tickets are priced at IDR 2,500,000 per ticket or IDR 25,000,000 for a table of 10, and includes welcome cocktail reception, a five-course meal, performances by international cabaret and jazz singer, Kitty La Roar, and a jazz band.

For more information, visit:

Stopping Over Bali Style Bali airport transit hotel under construction. 26 l FRV Travel

Now that Bali’s international airport refurbishments are drawing to a close plans have been approved to build a transit hotel within the confines of the airport grounds to accommodate shortterm passengers of those who are on the receiving end of a long flight delay. The hotel, which will be owned by the airport’s managers PT AngkasaPura I, is planned to be of a four-star standard, have three floors and be accessible from the main terminals. The hotel is already under construction, and according to reports the hotel will be operated by Novotel and scheduled to be completed by the end of 2013.

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