FRV Travel 9.6

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fashion restaurants and villas | bali & southeast asian style

edition 9.6, april - may ‘13 Rp. 60.000


Eve Shangri-La



E&O La Luce

Hangzhou Shanghai


Knee Deep Melbourne Coffee


Bayuh Sabbha

Deep Sea Fishing


Morocco Norway Lebanon Ang Thong

The Griya Rp. 60.000


at Bambu Indah & The Stones design








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CONTENTS April - May 2013

FEATURES 38 Hooking Up in Bali

Thomas Jones gets a exciting day’s deep-sea fishing with one of Bali’s many charter boats.

44 & 90 Bali Fashion

The Stones Bali and Bambu Indah play hosts for FRV style, fashion and evocative photography.

72 golden bowls and emerald lakes

Ian Neubauer gets to grips with Thailands stunning limestone geology in the Andaman Sea.

76 Station to Station

Thomas Jones visits Singapore’s Mikuni restaurant and gets more than he expected, including an education.

98 Five Favourites of Lebanon

Ve Handojo gives his thoughts on the best tourist options in the Levant.

102 MArrakesh - The Red City

Erza S.T. visits Morocco to explore the souks and squares and sees things he’s only dreamed of.

Cover FRV Travel: Photo: Bianca

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warisan W retreat furniture

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CONTENTS April - May 2013


The Griya


Between the sheets

Bali Amed luxe.


La Luce

The bamboo revolution.

Jakarta’s fine dining.




Shangri La





Romance’s dining room.

Thai riverside style.

A new tourism frontier.

The beautiful West Lake.



Knee Deep



Why there’s no better place in China.

110 Coffee Pilgrimage Melbourne’s best fixes.

Jo Frearson in WA.

Exploring Aboriginal art.

1 4 Events 3 4 Bayuh Sabbha 6 2 Jakarta Chef 1 2 2 Wine 1 2 6 Recipes 1 3 8 Listings

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1 6 Bits & Pieces 4 2 Villa Satria 6 4 Overnight 1 2 5 Cheese 1 3 2 Bali Art 1 5 4 Last Word

134 The art of copying Bali’s talented forgers.


Cruising Norway’s fjords.

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P T K ubu Dua M edi a J l. Petitenget 12A, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia Te l. +62 361 746 3751/52 | Fa x. +62 361 847 5458 email: www.frvtra ve l.c om Di recto r Guna wa n I nd rob a skoro Graphics Coordinator Te guh Ana nta (artwork@frvtra ve l.c om) Graphi cs He lmi Nursya h, Ric ky Afd i P ho to g raphy Moc h. Sulthon, R a ma d ha n, Ad a m Ra syid Di stri buti o n Nyoman Rupma Ii n I nd ra p utra , I ma m, Ma d e i nfo@frvtra ve l.c om Fi nance Sri W ita ri, B a gus Oka Mark eti ng Gina , Oc hy ( A dmi ni strati o n Dya h, Poojie , Ta ri Co ntri buto rs T homa s Jone s, Da vid Tra uts, Erza ST, Nic hola s Wa lton, Katie Truman, Rachel Love, Herman Von Ber nhardi Aguayo, Ia n Ne ub a ue r, Jo Fre a rson, Da rre n Dyla n. S ubscri pti o n Yearly subscription available in Indonesia - Rupiah 315,000 Conta c t: sub sc rib e @frvtra ve l.c om Send e-mail to the above for details. Consulting Stua rt D W ilford (stua rt@frvtra ve l.c om) L eg al Asso ci ates Nyoma n Ge d e Anta guna SE, SH, MH ACS La w Offic e J l. Mertanadi 88A, Kuta, Bali. Te l: 082145689996 Fine Restaurants and Villas Travel magazine is an independent, b i -mo nthl y publ i cati o n. N ex t edi ti o n deadl i ne M ay 15, 2013

FR V Tr a v e l m a g a z i n e i s p r i n t e d u n d e r l i c e n s e d t r a d e m a r k . N o p a r t o f t h i s m a g a z i n e shou ld be re produ c e d with ou t th e wr itte n pe r m ission of th e pu blish e r. A l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d . A r t i c l e s re f l e c t t h e o p i n i o n s o f t h e a u t h o r s , a n d n o t n e c e s s a r i l y t h o s e of t h e p u b l i s h e r s . F R V Tr a v e l m a g a z i n e i s p r i n t e d b y P T M e g a I n d a h ( T: 0 2 1 - 6 1 9 0 5 2 9 w w w. m e g a i n d a h o ff s e t . c o m ) a n d d i s t r i b u t e d b y ; P T K u b u D u a M e d i a ( I n d o n e s i a ) , P e r iplu s-J a va Book s (I n don e sia ), P T I n doprom (I n don e sia ). Con ta c t th e e -m a il a ddre sse s a bove f or f u r th e r in f or m a tion .

F R V Trav el Mag az ine

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E dit io n 9 .6

A pril - May ‘ 1 3

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Editor’s Note FRV Travel – It takes you places Beautiful blue skies have returned to Bali and Indonesia, with the trade winds now blowing full force from the east heralding a new season upon us. This is a special time of year when the foliage is still lush and green from the wet season and with less tourists on the ground, it makes it easier to get around the island and make the most of it. Don’t believe all the negative stories you may have heard about Bali recently – it’s still a great place to live and visit. The Simpang Siur underpass is slated to open in April and by the looks of it in the last days of putting this edition together, they are getting close. At least when they inaugurate that there will be one less intersection with a massive traffic jam on it. Now all they have to do is sort out a few more and everybody will be happy. Bali never stops to amaze us all with the rate of expansion, progress and development, but in the twenty years or so I’ve been here, it has never been any different. It’s always been in flux - it’s just that there are more of us here now and we have to find space for everyone.

In this edition of FRV Travel we are on the road again around the whole region and distant parts of the world. Sometimes I’m asked by people, especially prospective advertising clients, what I think FRV Travel magazine is all about and who is it for, and I answer, “It’s for educated people all over Indonesia who wine, dine and have the bucks to travel. They are real people, doing real things and putting their real lives together.” If that fits your bill, keep reading, if not, keep moving, maybe you’ll find something more appropriate further down the rack. We are visiting the usual fine dining outlets and incredible accommodations around the region and the world, including Norway, Morocco, Lebanon, Myanmar, China, and a selection of articles from Australia and Thailand. And let’s not forget a whole bunch of stories from around Bali and Indonesia giving you options the next time you are thinking of what to do with your time or what you’re going to do with your evening. Please read on - all the team here hope you enjoy this April/May edition of FRV Travel.


David Trauts Correspondent, English. This edition Trauts tasted the flavours of La Luce and E&O in Jakarta. Both very presentable food outlets. Besides that it’s been airplanes back and forth from the capital to Bali in search of some intangible dream. A dream that will find its fruition very soon.

Erza S.T. The traveling has been nonstop for this opera loving guy. After the big trip to the orient, Erza left again for Morocco and just recently to Natuna Islands at the north end of Indonesia. Watch out for his story on Hangzhou and Marrakech in this edition.

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Thomas Jones Thomas is doing the rounds of Asia once again this issue and after dinging on Japanese food in Singapore and French faire in Bangkok, Thomas Jones gets his hands dirty during a deepsea fishing expedition off the coast of Bali.

Rachel Love Told by a fortune teller that her life would take a dramatic change in a move to the East, she arrived in Bali with a few hundred pounds and a vision to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a writer on a tropical island. FRV’s resident arts writer, Rachel writes extensively on all things lifestyle and travel related.

Nick Walton Nick has been writing on travel for over 10 years, including most recently as the travel editor for the South China Morning Post. From his home in Hong Kong he regularly travels throughout Asia and beyond, looking for new experiences, trends and destinations, both for his travel pieces in over 60 magazines globally, as well as his weekly radio show.

Ian Neubauer Ian is a Sydney-based freelance journalist specializing in adventure travel. He has reported extensively across East Asia and the South Pacific for many publications. He is also the author of two travel novels, Getafix (2004) and Maquis (2006), and an advocate for Topu Honis, an orphanage and women’s shelter in East Timor.

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APRIL - MAY 2013

Cherry Blossoms in the Air (Japan) It’s party time in Japan in April for the annual hanami cherry blossom festival. Timing is everything and anytime from late March to mid-April the country comes alive in a sea of pink snow as the people turn out to celebrate the coming of spring. First two weeks of April.

Buleleng Folk Festival (Bali) The annual Buleleng Folk Festival is one of the most anticipated events in northern Bali and will be held in the

Sailing Away (Singapore)

port city of Singaraja with all kinds of arts and cultural performances from both the worlds of traditional Balinese

The Singapore Yacht Show is a world-class

and the contemporary scene. April 1-2

yachting event showcasing some of the finest super yachts and luxury boats in the region. It’s an exclusive opportunity for the world’s leading yachts and yachting brands to meet high net worth individuals from around Asia. Apr 18-21

Legu Gam Festival (Indonesia) The Legu Gam is a festival celebrated by the people of Ternate, the legendary Spice Islands in North Maluku to commemorate the Sultan of Ternate’s birthday. People from all over the island and beyond will gather at the Sultan’s palace for lots of ritual dancing, singing and a whole lot of eating for a fortnight. 2-16 April

Hose Me Down (Thailand)

Spring Flowers (Kashmir)

Autumn Shades (NZ)

Spring is when Kashmir is at its most

As the trees and hillsides of this historic

religious and cultural activities, including giving alms to the

picturesque, and the Tulip Festival in Srinagar,

gold mining town turn vibrant red and

country’s monks, but probably best known as a time off to

home to Asia’s largest tulip garden with over

gold, the Arrowtown Autumn Festival

stand in the streets to throw water and powder on passersby

two million blooms, is the place to see them

celebrates with events that include a street

and generally have a raucous good time. April 13-17

alongside daily cultural programs, folk songs,

parade, street market, a ball, art exhibition,

local handicrafts, and traditional Kashmiri

vintage car rally, jazz, gold panning, lots of

cuisine. April 1-14

live music, workshops, a variety concert

It’s Songkran Festival time again in Thailand, with various

and much more. April 12-21

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A Jumbo Celebration (India) The Thrissur Pooram festival in Kerala features a procession of around 30 colourfully




elephants. drum



ornamental parasol displays, and fireworks.

Tokyo Basho (Japan) More than just two fat guys in jockstraps in a ring trying to slap each other out of the ring, Sumo is an ancient sport of skill, strength and wit where these

The festival is a huge cultural event that runs through the night with exuberant celebrations. May 14 - 23

highly trained athletes vie for the highest prize in

Night Lights (Sydney)

Japanese sport, that of yokozuna. May 12 - 26







spectacular canvas of light, music and ideas when Vivid Sydney takes over the city after dark with creativity and inspiration, featuring




lighting of the iconic Sydney Opera House sails, and so much more. 24 May – 10 June

Laughter in Buckets (Australia) The Perth International Comedy Festival is on again with a diverse range of comedy

Rev Your Engines (Perth) The V8 Supercars Trading Post Perth

Get Enlightened (Sri Lanka)

Challenge returns to Western Australia in a

Vesak celebrates Lord Buddha’s birth, his

weekend not to be missed for motor sport

attaining of Enlightenment and his passing

enthusiasts. Featuring five national support

away into Nirvana with colourful bamboo

categories, it is one of the strongest event

lanterns and luminous displays decorating

programs on the V8 Supercars season

the homes the streets of Sri Lanka along

calendar and the most events ever featured

with street performances and roadside

at the Perth round. May 4 - 6

stalls with loads of food and fun. May 24

interests and art forms, presenting a smorgasboard of comedic talent including a bevvy of international and local funny people features a special treat in the form of Tracy Morgan from TV’s hugely popular 30 Rock. May 1 - 19

Red Culture (China) The Kunming International Cultural Tourism Festival will start on May Day and run for three days, during which there will be colourful and exciting performances of ethnic singing and dancing performances. Where tourists will be invited to join in the “sea of happiness.” May 1-3

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A luxury villa with views over Bali’s volcanoes. The glistening waters and white sand of Jimbaran Bay provide the backdrop for this stunningly designed and stylishly decorated villa on Bali’s west coast. Perched high atop a hillside, with sweeping views over the Indian Ocean, this four-bedroom villa provides guests with the ultimate in luxury and entertainment.

Everyone from young kids to the grown ups will revel in the abundance of delights spread throughout the three spacious levels of this villa; from the spa room, wellequipped private gym, yoga space, pool table, kids toy room and PlayStation to the limestone swimming pool with poolside balé. The villa manager, Milani and her team will make you feel welcome from the moment you cross the threshold and your private chef, Komang will delight and tantalize your taste buds at every meal. Boasting a state of the art Bose sound system, music can be played wherever you are in the villa, from poolside to rooftop any hour of the day. So don’t forget to load the iPod with your favourite tunes and create the perfect soundtrack to your perfect holiday at Villa Jumalu.

bits&PIECES More For




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Archipelago International opens new hotel in Bali. Archipelago International’s newest up-market hotel brand, Alana Vasanti has opened in Petitenget in the midst of all the hottest bars and restaurants on the island. Designed by Alex Bayusaputro from Genius Loco Architects it features a mix of accommodations including four presidential suites complete with jacuzzi. Foodies will appreciate the relaxed and chic Devali restaurant with its mix of private and communal tables, regular chef tables and a menu infused with modern interpretations of Balinese cuisine.

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BITS&PIECES swell is up it really is spectacular,” says Tony. “In fact there’s nowhere else in the world with such a high-performance, consistent wave lit up so close to the beach.”

Waves Of

Komune has teamed up with the local board rider clubs to get them surfing every second night with a special team challenge every three months. They’ll also fight it out for the annual Komune Night Surfing title which will become a permanent fixture on the Bali surf calendar. The public will also be able to surf each alternate night to the board riders. Komune will be taking reservations for these night slots which will be restricted to eight surfers per session.


A new craze is about to hit Bali, night surfing! Under custombuilt lights at the all new Komune Resort and Beach Club at Keramas Beach, surfers will take to the waves each night to put on a night surfing spectacular. “We can’t wait to turn on the lights and crank up our night surfing programme,” says Tony Cannon, co-owner of the resort.

Komune lights up for night surfing spectacular.

Night surfing will add a whole new dimension to surfing in Bali, not only for surfers, but also for surf lovers who will be able to wine and dine in the Beach Club while watching the action. “When the lights are on and the

Back To

TheLuna2 Design Hotels adds Luna2 in Bali to the fold.

Following the opening of a new Seminyak ‘studiotel’, Luna2 Studios, Design Hotels collection in Bali has expanded. The hotel, which joins sister property Luna2 Private Hotel in the Design Hotels portfolio, features just 14 studiostyle rooms, equipped with separate living areas, kitchenettes and the latest technology. It also has a 30-seat restaurant and a 160-seat private cinema.

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BeA Want To


The DJ Dispensary launches luxury retreats for aspiring DJs.

Live the life of a global superstar DJ with a luxury retreat that teaches you how to DJ while enjoying the holiday experience of a lifetime. This year’s DJ Retreat collection debuts at NIYAMA Resort in the Maldives from 11th to 19th April 2013. Other weekend retreats for the year include year-round weekend retreats in Bali, while a summer residency in glamorous Ibiza is in the works. The DJ Dispensary Retreats have been crafted specifically for those with all levels of experience to develop their skills and reap the benefits of personal tuition with an expert. The DJ Dispensary Retreat packages include luxury accommodation, a DJ Survival goodie bag, daily one-on-one tuition with a personal DJ tutor, a DJ spot at the end-of-week party complete with live recording and photographs, and sunset spin sessions and film night on the beach.



The Stairs villa hotel coming to Petitenget. The renowned designer’s first fully envisioned concept in Indonesia showcases a private village with signature glass skin facades by artist JonOne. Taking direction from the vision of vibrant streets across the world coming together in a monolithic 65-foot-wide stairway, The Stairs is the first Starck, fully-designed villa hotel in Indonesia. The project features a private village of 12 limited-edition villas with public areas with a cafe patisserie, restaurant, bar lounge, boutique, mezzanine bibliotheque, signature spa, and workout facilities. “The Stairs, without a doubt, shall become the boiling bucket of energy, activity and intelligence of Bali, and perhaps more,” says Philippe Starck of his brainchild.

More than just flowery hampers and cute M&M chocolates in jars, Four Seasons Singapore’s Couples’ Floor offers more practical comfort. Housekeeping will not bother to knock any door on that eleventh floor until past 12 noon, meaning guests can enjoy very late breakfasts in bed. Since the floor is adultsonly, the sounds of screaming kids will be a distant memory. And if L’Occitane bath amenities and bath salts are not enough to pamper you, call the Bath Butler to assist you in creating an enjoyable and sensual splish-splash. Running out of ideas? “Love Box” with poetry and romantic ideas to play with your partner will come very handy, indeed.

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Four Seasons


Good business on the Couples’ Floor.

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The Good Fight

Four Seasons Resorts hosting art exhibition. In collaboration with the Senang Hati Foundation and five Bali-based women artists, Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay will be hosting an art exhibition at Ganesha Gallery to raise money for the physically challenged in Bali. Following the theme of ‘The Power of Creative Women’, the opening ceremony of the exhibition, which will take place on 23 April 2013, very naturally coincides with the birthday of Ibu Kartini, a pioneer in the area of women’s rights for Indonesians. The evening will feature an auction of art pieces created by artists Ida Ayu Wiadnyani Manuaba, Putu Suriati, Kartika Sudibia, Nina Packer and Cheryl Lee and all proceeds from the auction will be donated to Senang Hati Foundation. ‘The Power of Creative Women’ exhibition will continue for 2 months until 18 June 2013 in which monies will continue to be raised by the sale of the art pieces exhibited.

Mejekawi by

KU DE TA Bali A new tasting kitchen and laboratory concept. Mejekawi is a tasting kitchen and laboratory concept occupying a new wing on the second floor of the iconiclifestyle destination, which will offer 3- and 11-course tasting menus that highlight the most exquisite local produce from Bali. “Mejekawi is in many ways our ode to the island that has been KU DE TA’s home for more than a decade. It is loosely translated to mean ‘sacred table’ - the word ‘kawi’ is derived from ancient Sanskrit and is widely used by the Balinese to represent the sacred and spiritual, while ‘meje’ means table in Balinese,” explains Steve Collinson, KU DE TA’s General Manager.

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Catering to the discerning gourmet traveler, Mejekawi’s tasting menu showcases progressive, high-technique cuisine with strong influences from local specialties. Mejekawi’s sleek, modern space will have both counter and communal seats. The central open kitchen minimizes the distance between the creator and the consumer, and allows diners to watch how their food is being prepared and be in the thick of the drama, action and fine cuisine. The playful and interactive dining experience will let patrons interact with the chefs and may even offer a hands-on opportunity behind the kitchen or the bar. For a view no less dramatic, the glass walls surrounding the space give way to the best bird’s eye views of Seminyak beach and the enormous ocean vistas beyond.

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Four Seasons Sundara An iconic dining experience.

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Sundara is the new signature beach-side restaurant of Four Seasons Resort Bali at Jimbaran Bay. The menu is eclectic and international with light lunches, casual and chilled sunsets, and in the evening, Sundara transforms into one of Bali’s most sophisticated dining experiences celebrating steak and seafood. Late at night, the beachside mood changes to candlelit and sexy with innovative wine and cocktail selections. Service, elegance and the tastes of Four Seasons guaranteed.

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Raiha was a born and bred cook and has recently started cooking professionally as a freelance villa chef in some of Bali’s best villas. FRV caught up for a chat about her new way of life in luxury villas.

Raiha How and when did you first get involved in cooking? I started cooking at the young age of 10 as my family had a catering company back then and I was thrown into the middle of it all. Did you have formal training? I studied at hotel school, which was the same level as a high school but more vocationally focussed. Why are you self-employed and not working in a restaurant or have your own restaurant? I am self-employed because I travel a lot and I can’t manage a full time job at the moment. I don’t think any company would hire someone who takes as many days off. I also make more cash from being freelance than if I was full time. Why I don’t open my own restaurant is because opening a restaurant is not an easy task. I have to be sure 100% financially and mentally otherwise I would probably end up closing down after three months but I’m still looking for opportunities in that direction

What are the advantages of being a villa chef? I don’t have a work schedule like a full time chef. Also I get a lot more experience because I don’t have to cook the same type of food since my customers can choose what they want to eat. Sometimes they give me their own recipes so it is a huge challenge to make it exactly as they expect. What was the craziest dining occasion you cooked for? It was back at school when my teacher ask me to come with her to cook for the governor of Sumbawa. His daughter was getting married and they invited 700 people. The concept was Indonesian Archipelago with over 20 types of food from across the country. My teacher and I were in charge of cooking the Sumbawanese specialities. It was a great experience for me because from that moment I could feel that cooking was my passion. What’s on the menu this year for Raiha? I will concentrate on healthy and fresh foods and combine them with the Indonesian spices and fruits that I can find around Bali. One of my dishes that is getting noticed these days (I know because my clients always ask for it) is spicy grilled chicken with fresh pineapple salad. I like to use fresh fruit because the sweetness will give the right balance to the spiciness of the chicken. Right now I am still working on looking for more tropical fruits that will go with all kinds of seafood. You can contact Raiha on


Will Meyrick’s new Jakarta enterprise successful from day one. E&O (Eastern & Oriental) restaurant opened recently in Mega Kuningan, Jakarta, and is a collaboration between two of Indonesia’s most successful restaurant groups; Bali’s Sarong and Mama San and Jakarta’s Lowey and Union. Acclaimed chef Will Meyrick, who spearheaded the success of his two Bali restaurants is also behind the menu and kitchen at E&O, bringing fine Indonesian and Vietnamese flavours to the city. From the moment you enter it’s obvious the design is from the Lowey camp as the similarities to the restaurant literally across the road are unmistakable. And making a union between these two groups appears to be paying dividends since from the first night the doors opened E&O has been the toast of

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the town with a packed house on most nights since. It’s even to the point now guests need to book days in advance. Hats off to you Mr Meyrick: that’s a great

accomplishment in the country’s capital after only a few weeks in business.

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Merah Putih

Indonesian fine-dining comes to Petitenget.

Merah Putih is a new restaurant on Jalan Petitenget serving high-end, fine-dining, Indonesian cuisine using ingredients of the highest quality to create dishes that experiment with traditional spices and flavours from across the archipelago. The menu is split four ways between First, Traditional and Modern choices, then starters and mains. Dishes are meant to be shared and flavours abound. The Traditional part of the menu is just that, with typical style Indonesian regional dishes being presented as you would find them, while the Modern section marries Indonesian flavours in a more health-conscious fashion with lighter sauces and cooking methods. Chefs Ipik Saepuloh and Kieran Morland have excelled in creating an exciting and flavoursome menu for both Indonesian and foreign diners. The design is ambitious to say the least with a breathtaking cathedral-like roof soaring high above diners made from a special space-age cloth and framing which is both surprising in its grandeur and inspiring in its concept. There hasn’t been enough rain as yet to do it, but the framed cloth roof and columns will fill with rain water once it does start raining and glow with the aid of internal lighting. The designers have outdone themselves with this concept while possibly some more tweeking is needed in the overall lighting plan. The dining area seats 140 people comfortably across the main floor and another 24 in three teak pods on a mezzanine above and next to the kitchen. Merah Putih must have been a challenging project to build but they sure have created a space and a dining experience worth talking about.


Sharks Aircraft to trial shark skin exteriors.

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Lufthansa has revealed that it will take part in trials to test the aerodynamic qualities of shark skin on aircraft. The airline will use two of its Airbus A340-300 jets in the tests, which will see small patches of shark skin varnish placed on the aircraft’s fuselage and wings. Shark skin is covered in tiny riblets that are believed to reduce drag and trials are expected to last two years.

warisan resto

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Experiencing AMED from new heights

The Griya offers incredible ocean views. 30 l FRV Travel

Text by: Jo Frearson


it’s not already, Amed should be on your list of top places to visit in Bali. A group of breathtaking bays with crystal blue waters that is the quintessential island getaway to chill, relax and peer at colourful marine life from behind your goggles, whether it’s snorkelling or diving. Up until recently, visitors to this side of the island have really only had the choice of rustic bungalows or basic hotels to retire to at night. Realising the demand for high-end accommodation in the area, The Griya Villas and Spa have cranked things up a few notches, providing a five-star establishment for those seeking a bit more indulgence. As soon as you arrive at The Griya it’s apparent this place is a cut above the rest. A huge mother of pearl chandelier hangs in the lobby and chimes in the sea breeze as if to signal the start of your journey into

From top left – Mood lighting creates a lovely ambience; The striking A-frame dining pavilion; Laze the day away on your poolside daybed.

luxury. An electric golf cart, complete with smiling chauffeur, whisks you up to your one-, two-, or three-bedroom villa, that comes with ocean views, private swimming pool, fully-equipped kitchen, and a dining and lounge area. You even get your very own butler, on call, to prepare you cocktails by the pool, deliver you room service and turn your bed down at night. The villas are beautifully decorated, each slightly unique in its design. Featuring high-vaulted, thatched alang-alang roofs, polished wooden floors FRV Travel l 31

Left: Relax with a cocktail on the upper terrace. Below: The views from the villa.

Come dinner time the choice is yours between the casual café style of Safka, or the fine dining at Maku. and semi open-air bathrooms, traditional Balinese elements combine with modern furnishings to create sophisticated and fresh living spaces with state-of-the-art appliances, which includes a coffee machine for those needing their daily morning fix. If you can manage to prize yourself away from the daybed by the pool, you are in for a stunning treat from the resort’s cocktail terrace’s amazing views over the bay lined with the brightly coloured local ‘jukung’ fishing boats. Here you’ll catch yourself looking back and admiring the building’s A-frame design and commenting on the unique wooden features. In fact everywhere you look in The Griya wood is the theme - whether it’s the recycled ulin boat timber wall features, the gnarled tree root coffee tables or the many pieces of driftwood.

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Left: The deluxe bedrooms are traditional in style with a modern twist.

Below: Each villa has its own pool with separate dining and kitchen area.

Come dinner time the choice is yours between the casual cafÊ style of Safka, or the fine dining at Maku. You can even ask the chef to whip up a feast in the privacy of your villa. When the high season begins, guests will be able to kick on into the wee hours in the downstairs night lounge. And for those that love their pampering, a stay wouldn’t be complete without a treatment in the deluxe spa to lull you into tropical submission. All in all the Griya really is a work of art. With its striking architecture, Scandanavian influences, wooden sculptures, carved hillside setting and exquisite food, you really must try it for yourself. FRV

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