Rp. 48.000
IDR 48.000 - SGD $10.50 - HKD $55.00 - MYR RM26.00 - AUD $10.00 - TWD $230 - THB 190
fine restaurants and villas bali & southeast asian style edition 6.5, feb mar ‘10 Rp. 48.000
B A L I - J A K A R T A - S I N G A P O R E - T H A I L A N D - H O N G
Dining? katsusei jemme café taman wantilan singapore’s 53 tokyo’s peter marmalade
K O N G - A U S T R A L I A
Bunga Raya
new eco resort in sabah
Six Degree Architects
crafting the look of melbourne
Travel! experience southeast asia’s best resorts and restaurants
Newest Villas take a look at the latest offerings Weddings in Paradise
two luxurious venues to say I do Fine Restaurants & Villas l 1
design food architecture fashion ar t wine restaurants
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CONTENTS On The Cover:
The fantasy island beach setting of Bunga Raya Eco Resort on Malaysia’s Sabah.
FRV gives you seven of the best villas in Bali, nay, the world!
28 New Villas in Paradise
There’s no denying it. Bali has some of the the best free-standing rental villas in the region. Here are a selection of new ones to prove it.
56 Blissful Weddings
FRV focuses in on two wedding venues on Bali. Tirtha Bridal on the south coast and Seminyak’s Phalosa.
68 Three Men and Coffee
A quirky coffee shop near Tugu Malang with some of the best coffee in the land catches the attention of Erza ST.
98 Tokyo Sojourn
Thomas Jones visits the Japanese capital and checks out design, art and food at the luscious Four Seasons, the crystal Shangri-la and the dramatic and stylish Peter restaurant.
140 A Backstage View
With a bit of vision and passion, a derilect Auckland warehouse space gets transformed into one of New Zealand’s top restaurants. Clooneys restaurant gives Thomas Jones inspiration.
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CONTENTS 44 The Bar You Can Live In
Ve Handojo goes to Jakarta’s Le Bar @ Emilie after work and goes home in a taxi.
48 I Didn’t Want to Talk about Gems
Trauts dines in at the recently refurbished Cafe Jemme in Bali and finds something precious.
52 The Fried Stuff of Katsusei
Bunga Raya Eco Resort
Glass designer Muz Macleod.
Melanie Lee dines at Asia’s answer to molecular gastronomy and finds food that makes you think.
Grand Hyatt Bali’s Saiful Saifuddin shows FRV what his learnt from his sometime demanding guests.
92 Amalia Wirjono & KOI
Erza goes to the recently renovated KOI, same great taste but this time without the art gallery.
Ve finds a kitchen he can call home.
112 A New Organic Look at Cork&Screw
Melanie Lee tries a cultural smorgasbord of comfort food from over ten different countries.
82 Avant Garde Dining
86 Food is an Art
The Marmalade Pantry
Charly T’s
Ve visits Katsusei and comes away championing an often forgotten style of Japanese cuisine.
Erza returns to the original restaurant and finds the world turned upside down and gone green.
Le Bar @ Emilie.
Bits & Pieces 15 Recheque 26 Overnight Akmani Hotel 42 Overnight G Hotel Penang 66 Health 72 Wine 122 FRV Zodiac 144 FRV Listings 148 Last Word 162
116 The Art of Glass
Rachel Love talks to designer Muz Macleod about his passion for stained glass and pixels.
126 Interview With an Architect
Emma Westwood talks to one of the six architects at the centre of central Melbourne’s changing fortunes.
130 Welcome to Fantasy Island
Emma Westwood talks to one of the six architects at the centre of central Melbourne’s changing fortunes.
134 Taking Life Seriously
Thomas Jones enjoys the hospitality and talents of the staff at Ritz-Carlton Kuala Lumpur.
138 Li Yen. Chinese haute cuisine
Authentic, aristocratic and so very tasty, Li Yen serves some of the best Cantonese cuisine in Kuala Lumpur.
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Publisher PT Kub u Dua Me d ia J l. Petitenget 12A, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia Te l. +62 361 746 3751/52. Fa x. +62 361 847 5458 email: info@finerestaurantsandvillas.com www.fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om Dire c tor Guna wa n I nd rob a skoro Graphics Coordinator Sya ffri Soe wa rd i (artwork@fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om) Gra phic s Te guh Ana nta , Anike P (I llustra tions) Photogra phy Moc h. Sulthon, R a ma d ha n, Da rre n Soh Distribution Nyoman Rupma Ii n I nd ra p utra , I c ul, Ma d e i nfo@fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om F ina nc e Sri W ita ri, B a gus Oka
more tales of buildings and food
Ma rk e ting E nstina , Agne s (sales@finerestaurantsandvillas.com) Administra tion De wi, Ya ti, Yuni Contributors Ve Ha nd ojo, Da vid Tra uts, Erza ST, Me la nie Le e , R a c he l Love , Thoma s Jone s, He rma n Von Be r nha rd i Agua yo, Re na ld i. Subsc ription Yearly subscription available in Indonesia - Rupiah 250,000 Conta c t: sub sc rib e @fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om Send e-mail to the above for details. Consulting by Stua rt D W ilford (stua rt@fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om) Le ga l Assoc ia te s Agus Sa mija ya & Pa rtne rs Gra ha Asa , Jl. Ka p te n Cok Agung Tre sna 49 Re non, De np a sa r. Te l: 0361- 242447, 247302, 08123924509. FRV ma ga z ine is a n inde pe nde nt, bi-monthly public a tion Ne xt e dition de a dline Ma rc h 10, 2010
Fi n e R e s t a u r a n t s a n d V i l l a s m a g a z i n e i s p r i n t e d u n d e r l i c e n s e d t r a d e m a r k . N o p a r t o f th is m a ga zin e sh ou ld be re produ c e d with ou t th e wr itte n pe r m ission of th e pu blish e r. A l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d . A r t i c l e s re f l e c t t h e o p i n i o n s o f t h e a u t h o r s , a n d n o t n e c e s s a r i l y th ose of th e pu blish e r s. F in e Re sta u r a n ts a n d V illa s m a ga zin e is pr in te d by P T M e g a In da h (T: 021-6190529) a n d distr ibu te d by; P T K u bu Du a M e dia (I n don e sia ), P e r iplus Ja va Book s (I n don e sia ), P T I n doprom (I n don e sia ), F ore ign P re ss (H on g K on g), P a n s i n g D i s t r i b u t i o n ( S i n g a p o re a n d M a l a y s i a ) a n d N a t i o n B o o k s I n t e r n a t i o n a l ( T h a i l a n d ) . Con ta c t th e e -m a il a ddre sse s a bove f or f u r th e r in f or m a tion .
F RV M agazi n e
10 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
E di ti on 6 . 5
F ebru ary - M arch ‘1 0
Fine Restaurants & Villas l 11
12 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Editor’s Thought it’s the journey, not the destination Bali continues being the shining light in free-standing rental villas
one that doesn’t rely on advertorial or press releases but goes
in the region and in the past year, even with the world-wide
out to hunt it, and we have decided to reflect that in the moniker
economic calamity, the island’s luxury villa construction steamed
and masthead of the publication. Our articles and coverage have
on unaffected. In this edition we focus on a selection of brand new
expanded all over the Southeast Asian region, still focusing on the
villas to enter the rental market on Bali. We also take a look at two
basics of the FRV concept, namely luxury food and buildings, but
different wedding venues on the island; one that has been setting
entering the mix over this time have been many trips to many exotic
the standard over the past decade, and another that just opened
and lavish destinations. We thought it was time to take the bull by
last month. The wedding industry in Bali is a booming business and
the horns and call a spade a spade, and thus, FRV TRAVEL was
one reason for that is the quality of services available.
You may have noticed a change in the magazine’s name on the
We trust you will enjoy this edition of FRV TRAVEL and the new
cover of this edition. Without noticing or even planning it, FRV has
direction we find ourselves departing in.
evolved into a style of travel magazine over the past couple of years,
David Trauts
Ve Handojo
Melanie Lee
Correspondent, English. Trauts sometimes wakes up in the morning and wants to change everything. Thankfully, sometimes it works, but not always. This edition he was in the thick of the action searching for new villas around Bali and tasting a few of the morsels the island has to offer in Cafe Jemme and re-cheques back at Four Seasons’ Taman Wantilan.
The Twitter-addict is trying to balance his semi-digital life with basic delicacy for the tummy: warm spinach salad in The Marmalade Pantry, hummus in Le Meridien’s Al Nafoura, and fried stuff in Katsusei. He is an anti-social person, but if you treat him a martini in Le Bar, he’ll gladly see you there. Otherwise, just follow @VeHandojo.
Singapore Correspondent, Singapore. Melanie has written freelance for an array of publications including Singapore Women’s Weekly, Teens and TODAY (a daily newspaper). She is currently teaching writing and communications at a polytechnic in Singapore. In her free time, Melanie loves eating, traveling and meeting interesting people - which is why she absolutely loves writing for FRV!
Erza S.T. The Indonesia Opera Society’s founder and executive producer, Erza S.T., is also a food and restaurant consultant in Jakarta. He has written for several publications, is an avid music lover, and musical producer. In his leisure time, he is an active writer, contributing his articles on lifestyle and travel to prestigious publications in Indonesia including Fine Restaurants & Villas Magazine.
Rachel Love Told by a fortuneteller that her life would take a dramatic change in a move to the East, she arrived in Bali with a few hundred pounds and a vision to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a writer on a tropical island. FRV’s resident arts writer, Rachel is one of Bali’s most prolific authors, writing extensively on all things lifestyle and travel related.
Thomas Jones Thomas criss crosses the Pacific this time around to report on fine food and finer hotels in Auckland, Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur and brings back a few extra kilos as a souvenir. Luckily, a trip to an beachside island resort in the Borneo rainforest helps him sweat it off.
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Now Serving Sunday Brunch How many times have you hankered for a decent brunch? Here it is. New to St Regis Resort in Nusa Dua, Bali is their scrumptious and coloUrful Sunday Brunch. From 11 am, starting with a complimentary Bloody Mary in the King Cole Bar, guests are introduced to a fantastic spread of gourmet delights after the short stroll to the neighbouring Boneka Restaurant. A delicious selection of ĂĄ la carte breakfast dishes like Lobster Egg Omelet, Egg Nouvelle, Egg Benedict, Oysters and Foie Gras, to name but a few, are available and ordered from the hovering waiters. The more substantial lunch items are found on the expansive and beautifully laid out buffet tables. These include the roast beef carving station, sashimi, smoked fish, salads, a selection of appetizers, meats and fish cooked myriad ways and a delightful array of desserts. With the comfortable surroundings -especially sitting out on the terrace (if you can take a little heat)- live jazz music inside with the air conditioners, and service, as they say, that only a century of experience can bring, this Sunday Brunch should be taken not erred. Price: Rp 420k nett, includes soft drinks and juices and with free flow wine Rp 840,000 nett. The St. Regis Bali Resort. T: +62 361 8478 111. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 15
KEMPI DELI AND CAFE, NOW OPEN! A New Outlet of the Finest Delicatessen Produce The new Kempi Deli and Café at Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta opened last month. Accessed through Rama Lobby (the location of CHANEL) at the side entrance next to Kempinski Private Residences, Kempi Deli is a delicatessen and boulangerie with a fine selection of European breads and pastries plus home-made sausages to simply “take away” or eat there. Open daily from 7.00am to 10.00pm. guests can sit in the cozy small café for a quick snack, leisurely lunch or dinner break. With more than 50 types of freshly-baked European bread and pastry items and an array of baked French savouries, fresh salads, chocolates, sandwiches, Italian home-made pasta, fine cheeses, freshly-brewed coffee and a wide selection of tea infusions, Kempi Deli offers tempting delights throughout the day. For a quick snack, there are rich options such as ‘ciabatta with smoked salmon and creamy horseradish’, baguette with tomato and buffalo mozzarella with pesto’, ‘red herring salad’, ‘German potato salad’, or simply a ‘schnitzel bread roll’. Makes me hungry just thinking about it. Kempinski’s Kempi Deli and Café. Jl. MH Thamrin No. 1, Jakarta. Tel: +62 21 2358 3800 www.kempinski-jakarta.com
The New Look of Fountain Lounge Out With the Old; A Facelift for the Old Dame Finally, after operating for over 20 years and serving 1,134,640 iced cappuccinos, 2,673,200 glasses of wine, 504,900 High Teas and 394,248 plates of banana fritters, well, according to the staff, anyway, the Fountain Lounge, the famed lobby area bar at Grand Hyatt Jakarta, is getting a facelift. This legendary lounge was closed for six weeks of renovations and is scheduled to re-open soon.
merely given the lounge a facelift, adding a more homelike feel by placing table-side lamps beside the oversized, comfortable sofas and through the extensive use of warm colour tones,” says Fabio Marigliano, director of food and beverage at Grand Hyatt Jakarta.
Leading international architect/ interior design firm, Grain and Green was tasked with giving Fountain Lounge its new look so, with the firm’s reputation for creating timeless and unique forms and designs that reflect eastern warmth, the Fountain Lounge transformation should be stunning.
He also acknowledged that there would be lots of improvements in their menu, tea section and newly-invented cocktails will be freshly presented. Loyal customers need not worry as they will still keep all the distinctive points of the Fountain Lounge intact, including piano performances in the afternoon and the ensemble of talented vocalists from home and abroad that sing during the evenings.
“The original concept of the Fountain Lounge, which highlights its elegant charm, has remained and we have
Fountain Lounge is due to be unveiled on February 11th, 2010.
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A CHINESE VALENTINE’S Day to remember Unhitching the Ox and Unleashing the Tiger of Love We’re not sure if there’s a particular relevance attached to Chinese New Year being on the same day as Valentine’s this year, but one does get the feeling it could be a time for fateful and romantic tie ups. Some of our faithful and very romantic restaurants in Bali are turning on the charm and the set menus to make it a more than special evening for you and your partner.
Indulge at ENVY with a decadent four course dinner menu with special titles on each course; Love at First Sight, The First Kiss, Be Mine and I Love You for dessert. This will be served in the open air, contemporary setting on the beach with their solo violinist adding a touch of passion to the evening. Rp450K. KU DE TA will be presenting a carnival of all things China from February 14 to 18 with red, of course, being the prevailing colour. From firecrackers to fortune cookies to flying dragons and tigers (brought to you by some of Bali’s most accomplished practitioners of the martial art Wushu), there’ll be no shortage of entertainment over the festive period. The KU DE TA Masterchefs have prepared an inspired specials menu daily with more than a nod to that most celebrated of Chinese culinary traditions, Dim Sum. Think smoked pork and lobster dumplings, crispy skin duck - orange glaze & spring onion buns, Sang choy bow of chicken and abalone, as well as salmon & oyster betel leaf with galangal dressing. From Feb 14 - 18. HU’U NUTMEGS restaurant will be offering a romantic set menu for Valentines Day. Each couple will receive a half bottle of Billecart-Salmon Rose Champagne with Tastes from the Chef featuring a cold starter, soup, sorbet and a choice of mains; Angus beef tenderloin topped with foie gras on crushed potatoes with asparagus & a black truffle essence. Or Confit of duck leg on champagne braised fennel with herbed baby potatoes & a warm passion fruit sauce. It finishes off with dessert and petit fours. 1 million Rp per couple. FOUR SEASONS RESORT BALI at Jimbaran Bay and at Sayan are offering dinner for two and spa package for in-house guests and local public. The extravagance begins with ‘Vanilla Passion’, which includes a stimulating scalp therapy, followed by a vanilla body exfoliant, a floral milk bath, and a vanilla body butter massage, utilising 100 percent natural and pure ‘Sodashi’ products. This will be harmonised with a unique love healing session, followed by a romantic candlelit dinner. At Jimbaran Bay this will be an elegant four course set menu served in one of the foreshore Balinese ‘bale bengong’ relaxation pavilions or within the privacy of your villa if staying there and outside guests have the choice of lunch or dinner. Alternatively, at Sayan you can enjoy the special Valentine’s four course menu. Price In-house: USD 350++, Outside guests: Rp2 million nett.
CONRAD BALI is reaching out with set menu Valentine’s Day dinners at RIN and EIGHT DEGREES SOUTH, while celebrating the Chinese New Year is covered at SUKU. A four course set menu featuring seafood, foie gras and a choice of lobster and wagyu beef for mains is available at RIN 675k++. A special four course dinner menu for a special someone is available at EIGHT DEGREES 650k++ or your own beachside bale 1050k++ with Batak Duo entertainment. SUKU has a delectable buffet of all things Chinese for the New Year’s Dinner 488k++ featuring Cold Appetizers & Salads, Dim Sum buffet, Soups, Hot Specialties, Chinese BBQ station and desserts. Ma Joly has a four course set menu 420k++ with entertainment with wine pairing at 875k++ per person. Enjoy the romantic beachside setting and vibes with their Live Jazz music. Other restaurants are having special menus and evenings on Feb 14 but the info wasn’t available as we went to press. All prices are in Rupiah unless otherwise stated.
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ROAD TO CHILE Indonesian Team Heads off as Asia’s Representative On their journey to Chile, they will be accompanied by team leader/ trainer Andrew Skinner, executive chef of Bvlgari Resorts Bali, vice president of Bali Culinary Professionals (BCP) Darren Lauder, executive chef of Nusa Dua Beach Hotel and Spa, and Dias Raditya Wijaya, a member of Young Chefs, as the junior delegate. Since winning the regional competition, the team have been going through grueling daily training, clocking over 200 kitchen hours practicing to polishing their culinary expertise.
The Indonesian Team is in their final stage of preparation before departing as Asia’s representative for the International Culinary Competition, WACS Global Chefs Challenge Finals in Santiago, Chile to be held from 24-28 January 2010. Bali Culinary Professionals (BCP) recently held a special gathering at The Laguna Resort and Spa for the team presentation. The team, consisting of Balinese chef Mr. I Wayan Wicaya and apprentice Mr. Alexander Tanuhardja, both of Bvlgari Resorts Bali, took the honours at the World Association of Chefs Society (WACS) Global Chef Asia competition held in Hong Kong early in 2009, defeating long-standing champions from Hong Kong and Singapore.
“Each step bringing us closer to Chile has been a major challenge, in terms of effort, time and financing,” said Made Putra, president of BCP during the gathering at The Laguna Resort and Spa. “Our achievement today would not have been possible without the helping hand of all the BCP Committee, members and partners. We extend our gratitude to all our loyal sponsors who have supported us morally and financially.” The WACS Global Chef Challenge competition is held every two years and coincides with the WACS Congress, being held this year in Chile. This competition brings seven finalists selected from the various continental areas (Asia, Pacific Rim, Africa, The Americas and northern, southern, and central Europe) to prepare and present a well-balanced four-course menu. The winner will be crowned the WACS Global Chef Champion and be rewarded with a trophy and monetary award.
ASTON SUMATRA Aston International Appoints Ricky Theodores to Lead Sumatra’s Newest Luxury Hotel Aston International has appointed Mr. Ricky Theodores as General Manager for the soon to open five star Grand Aston City Hall Hotel & Residence in Medan, North Sumatra. A twenty-year veteran of the hospitality industry, Mr. Theodores looks back to a career with reputable hotel groups such as GHM where he was the Financial Comptroller for the Chedi properties in Bandung and Bali. Prior to joining Aston International Mr. Theodores was the General Manager of the Aryaduta Suites Hotel Semanggi in Jakarta.
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The Grand Aston City Hall Medan will open in January 2010 and is set to become one of Medan’s leading international five star hotels. Located just across popular Merdeka Walk the hotel will feature s Sumatra’s only acoustically engineered ball room, a top-end private executive club, the first and only auditorium in Medan, a separate serviced apartment tower guaranteeing exclusivity at an unparalleled level, and no less than five restaurants, Sumatra’s first tapas bar, a night club, a shopping arcade, and a full service destination spa.
huu nutmegs
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IFFINA 2010 Furniture Fair Brings Indonesian Talent to the World Asmindo, in association with Dyandra Promosindo, will once again be presenting the International Furniture Fair and Craft Indonesia (IFFINA) Exhibition at JIExpo Kemayoran Jakarta, running from the 11th -14th of March 2010. IFFINA is one of the largest furniture exhibitions in Indonesia and showcases a wide range of Indonesian furniture products and crafts of the highest quality. IFFINA 2010 will include a wide selection of furniture, handicraft products, household products, accessories and different furniture materials. Last year’s show was successful enough to bring in around 260 furniture manufacturers and retailers, and registration for exhibitors is currently open for those who wish to take part this year. The chairman of Asmindo, Ambar Tjahjono, anticipates a total of more than 3000 potential buyers that will attend this year’s IFFINA compared to last years 1500 buyers. Ambar predicts that by regularly holding a show of this calibre will
further help to promote and popularize Indonesia’s promising furniture and handicraft industries to the world. The chairman agrees that in 2010 IFFINA must transform its branding image into an exhibition presentable to the international stage with the appearances of foreign exhibitors. Ambar also states that IFFINA must also become the first and only internationally-acclaimed furniture exhibition in Indonesia. As they say, third time lucky, and IFFINA 2010 is expected to be bigger, better and even more attractive than last year’s show. As this exhibition is seen as the answer to today’s challenging market in the furniture industry, it can also be seen as a one stop buying centre offering buyers the best in quality, uniqueness and design. So, if you’re a furniture dealer looking for buyers, or a buyer in search of that one unique piece of furniture, come to IFFINA in march and see all the amazing crafts and furniture that Indonesia has to offer.
Krish The Restaurant The Past Restored and Wowing the Crowds Another new Restaurant has joined the chic-colonial dining enclave of Rochester Park in Singapore and introduces a refreshing approach to European cuisine with South Asian influences with dishes like Spiced Carrot Ravioli and Papadum Crusted Snapper. Its beautifully-restored settings exude an elegant yet casual vibe and serves as another big draw for people looking to spend an evening admiring its vintage French villa interiors, with gorgeous chandeliers constructed out of old glass battles, or simply sipping cocktails at the alfresco bar amidst its lush greenery. 9 Rochester Park, Singapore. www.krish.com.sg
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Not quite The Orient Express, But it’s Close Enough A New Luxury Train Service in Java is Derailing the Competition The two other carriage types are named Bali and Toraja and both use the cultures of these two regions as the inspiration for their interior design and decor.
For most of us, traveling by train in Indonesia can be quite a hassle. One immediately imagines a lack of maintenance and carriages overbooked well past their capacity. Well guess what? The rail company PT Kereta Api (Persero) has decided to fix these issues and has lifted the experience to a new level by creating a luxury train that they have called The Tour Train, or Kereta Wisata. The company has created three different styles of carriage kinds using traditional Indonesian nuance. The first one known as Nusantara can accomodate up to 19 people and comes complete with a bedroom, toilet, flat screen TV and a VIP balcony that allows you to enjoy the views outside. The Nusantara carriage’s décor is inspired by all the art and beauty from the many islands across Indonesia.
Not only do these two carriages have the same great facilities as the Nusantara they are also bigger in size and can accommodate up to 22 people and have the extra advantage of being equipped with showers. All three carriages are fully air-conditioned and travel to many destinations in Java including Bandung, Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Malang and Surabaya. The Tour Train is far from becoming as well known as the fabulous and famous Orient Express but it comes close enough if you want to try a bit of luxury train travel In Indonesia. You can always throw a birthday party on the rails or even have a mini-wedding thanks to the new and improved Tour Train service. (EST)
For further information: www.kereta-api.co.id (In Bahasa Indonesia only) Tel : +62 21 691 6060
Treasury of the World Jewelled Arts of India in the Age of the Mughals Enter the lavish realm of the Indian Mughal empire (1526-1858), one of the most powerful dynasties the world has ever seen, with an exquisite collection of over 400 jewelled arts heralding from the time of its reign. Besides learning more about the leisure pursuits, food and weaponry of the Mughal royal household, you will also gain fascinating insights into the diverse techniques used by artisans and craftsmen to make jewelled arts during this period. This dazzling exhibition from the al-Sabah collection in Kuwait has already received much acclaim at the Louvre in Paris and the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York and is now making its Asian debut in Singapore. For more information on admission enquiries and opening hours log onto www.acm.org.sg. 12 February – 27 June 2010 Asian Civilisations Museum 1 Empress Place, Singapore
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get snapping More power, more pixels, the latest premium SLR Digital cameras are putting professional photography within everyone’s grasp. Pentax K-x The Pentax K-x sits in the slot previously occupied by the company’s K200D - one of the best-specified entry-level DSLRs on the market in its time, but now that position has now been replaced by the arrival of a new breed of simplified models. Pentax’s latest line-up is designed to entice compact camera users into DSLR ownership with its easy-to-use interface and diminutive scale, making this 12.4MP camera for newbie’s to SLR photography. Approx US$ 650.00
Canon Eos 1D Mark IV Offering a comprehensive combination of speed, accuracy and image quality, the EOS-1D Mark IV is the perfect choice for professional photographers and subjects on the move. An APS-H sized 16.1 Megapixel CMOS Sensor, with an advanced noise reduction system helps ensure sharp, low-noise images even in low-light situations. The EOS-1D Mark IV is the choice of professionals looking for the ultimate in SLR performance. Retails at UD$ 4,999.00
Samsung NX10 Korean electronics giant jumps onto the SLR camera bandwagon with its newest Hybrid camera removing the R in SLR. By taking out the reflex mirror found in standard SLR cameras and replacing it with a Micro Four Third system, Samsung’s 15.1 MP camera is designed slimmer than usual SLR camera, giving the portability and convenience of a compact point-andshoot, while still giving the performance and image quality of a DSLR. Coming soon.
Olympus E-30 For many, the pursuit of artistic expression is the essence of creative photography. This stunning new model joins the ranks of the Four Thirds Systembased E-System line-up, incorporating a newly developed 12.3 Megapixel Live MOS sensor and TruePic III+ processor which produce perfect color reproductions with low noise. Featuring an array of Easyto-apply Art Filters for enhanced creativity and supports the photographer’s vision. Retails at US$ 999.99
Canon EOS 7D With a host of brandnew features designed to enhance every facet of the photographic process, the new EOS 7D represents a whole new class of camera. Made to be the camera of choice for serious photographers and semi-pros, the EOS 7D features an all-new 18.0 Megapixel APS-C size CMOS sensor and Dual DIGIC 4 Image Processors, capturing tremendous images. It also captures Full HD video and features a magnesium alloy body that is dust and weather-resistant. Retails at US$ 1,699.00
Nikon D300S Designed for professionals and other serious photographers who require an extra measure of agility, the D300S delivers phenomenal speed from its smart, responsive body. Consisting of a Magnesium alloy body with anti-dust and moisture sealing and the ability for Dual card slots for CF/SD memory cards, this 12.3 MP SLR with EXPEED image processing is appropriate for performance in rugged outdoor environments. Price US$ 1,699.95
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five star buffets a new italian at taman wantilan Text: Trauts. Photos: Sulthon
little over a year ago Four Seasons Resort Jimbaran changed the Taman Wantilan restaurant from Indonesian to Italian cuisine. This was due in part to the arrival of Senior Chef de Partie, Loris Pistillo, an Italian national from Milan, who quickly sunk his teeth into the challenge of creating an authentic Italian menu. Nothing else was altered in the existing restaurant—same design, same stone statues, same languid lighting. One thing that has come from the new chef ’s tenure, however, is the establishment of the weekly Wednesday night Italian Buffet. This may sound like a departure from the traditional fine-dining concepts of this major player in five-star dining, but the emphasis remains on quality. “What we are trying to do with the dining outlets in Jimbaran,” says John O’Sullivan, GM of both the Jimbaran and the Sayan Four Seasons Resorts, “is create something more
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interactive and lively with cooking stations and keeping the best quality possible.” Italian, and especially northern Italian, cuisine is ideal for a quality buffet. Antipasti, slow cooked meat dishes, lasagnas and the like are generally pre-prepared in any case. To bring life into the show, the buffet has one sous chef making fresh spinach and cheese tortellini; wrapping, folding and cooking on order and as fresh as can be. Another chef is carving meats at the opposite end. The buffet consists of a delectable range of produce from freshly made pates, carpaccios, salads and even teriyaki zucchini flowers on the entrees section, to the mains consisting of an array of pasta options all cooked a la minute, meats and fish slow cooked in an abundance of sauces and overwhelmingly delicious. The desserts on offer are all classic Italian fare—tiramisu, puddings and mousses.
We tried the new Italian Wantilan on two occasions. Once, a sit down table for two and the next, the Wednesday night buffet. The a la carte evening was a lavish, fine dining experience and a very tasty selection of dishes from all parts of Italy were on offer and were enjoyed, but the atmosphere is a little sleepy, demure, even stiff. In contrast, the Italian buffet is bright, breezy and full of life, just the way a busy restaurant should be. There will always be a place for formal dining on special occasions, but this new buffet offers something a little different from the Four Seasons think tank and possibly a new, fun direction for their dining outlets in the future. FRV
Taman Wantilan Four Seasons Resort at Jimbaran Bali, Indonesia T: +62 361 701 010
AD majoly ?
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NEW VILLAS in paradise Bali continues raising the bar in quality free standing rental villas. here is a selection of some of the latest to enter the island’s ever developing rental market
Villa Dewi Sri - The peaceful Villa Dewi Sri is a luxury four-bedroom Bali villa, complete with swimming pool, resting beside the rice fields just a kilometre from the rugged surf beach of Berawa near Canggu. Yet it is only 20 minutes’ drive from the shops and the internationally-acclaimed restaurants of trendy Seminyak, on Bali’s southwest coast.
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villa dewi sri
Location: Berawa, Canggu Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 Land Size: 1500 m2 Building Size: 1000 m2 Swimming Pool: 18 x 5 m Architect: Habitat V www.deavillas.com
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NEW VILLAS in paradise
Moonlight Villa overlooks the Indian Ocean from its cliff top position in Uluwatu on the southwest tip of the Bukit Peninsula. Perched above a steep-sided river gorge, this four-bedroom villa features an abundance of glass walls and windows to maximize the spectacular 360 degree view of the ocean and the plunging clifftop terrain surrounding it. Accommodation and facilities include four air-conditioned bedrooms with ensuite bathrooms, an open living and dining area with a fully-equipped kitchen, and an upstairs sitting room. There is also a rooftop and entertainment terrace, as well as a very spacious poolside lounge and bar. This holiday villa is complemented by terraced gardens full of flowers, ponds, water features, and a 15-metre swimming pool.
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villa moonlight
Location: Uluwatu Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 4 Land Size: 2000 m2 Building Size: 500 m2 Swimming Pool: 3 x 15 m Architect: owner www.villamoonlight.com
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NEW VILLAS in paradise
Villa Mana is an exceptional, tropical, modern-style villa located in the Canggu area with fabulous rice field views. Revolutionary architecture and interior design dominate this offering, and the average ceiling height within the villa is just under 4 metres. Floor-to-ceiling doors, carefully counterbalanced, humble all that pass through its interiors and its lofty space and six bedrooms exude style and grace. The villa features floors of continuous-poured black concrete, juxtaposed with walls crafted in a combination of glass, stone and wood, and novel amenities and features are hidden behind every turn.
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villa MANA
Location: Canggu Bedrooms: 6 Bathrooms: 7 Land Size: 3500 m2 Building Size: Upper floor 1690 m2 Lower floor 893 m2 Swimming Pool: 6.5 x 17 m Architect: owner Agent: www.villamana.com
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NEW VILLAS in paradise
Villa Sarasvati comprises two distinct areas that can be rented independently if required, with both separate and shared entrances heralded by carved stone murals introducing Sarasvati, the Hindu goddess of knowledge, wisdom and the arts, after which the villa takes its name. On one side is the main villa, comprising a stand-alone multipurpose studio room, a long entrance hall, four bedrooms, a living & dining pavilion with a feature kitchen, an air-conditioned TV lounge, a pergola garden room, flat lawn and 18x5-metre lap pool. On the other a private, one-bedroom, traditional wooden Indonesian Joglo complete with its own garden and pool.
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villa sarasvati
Location: Canggu Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 5 Land Size: 3500 m2 Building Size: 1750 m2 Swimming PoolS: 18x5 m and 6x6 m Architect: Habitat V www.deavillas.com
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NEW VILLAS in paradise
In the Hindu belief, balance and harmony are the central elements of life and it is this creed that is at the very essence of the Purist Villas and Spa experience. Located in Ubud, the cultural and spiritual centre of Bali, this exceptional spa-villa facility is devoted to health, beauty and wellness. Designed for optimal comfort and aesthetic appeal, each villa features an open living and dining environment. Wooden sundecks lie beside the pool which is surrounded by tropical gardens, offering an intimate and relaxed setting. The master bedroom boasts a king-size canopied bed, an indulging spa-like open air bathroom and is equipped with a plasma television and satellite channels.
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the purist villa & spa
Location: UBUD Bedrooms: 8 Bathrooms: 7 Land Size: 2500 m2 Swimming Pool: 14 x 5 m Architect: Joost Van Grieken www.thepuristvillas.com
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NEW VILLAS in paradise
Ketapang Villa stretches along the beach for almost 300 metres, and features antique Joglo and Balinese style buildings and a multitude of facilities situated on two and a half hectares of land. Seven suites encompass the main building, which upstairs accommodates two dining areas, a living room, and two terraces facing the outdoor surroundings. A professional kitchen can be found downstairs with a cool dining room, and a private theatre. Besides the landscaped natural gardens, Ketapang also features a complete gym, two pools, a tennis court, two Jacuzzis, an organic kitchen garden, a soothing fish pond, helipad and has direct access to the beach. Ketapang is truely a remarkable villa.
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villa ketapang
Location: TEGAL MENGKEB – 15 km from Tanah Lot Bedrooms: 7 Bathrooms: 9 Land Size: 2.5 ha Building Size: 3000 m2 Swimming PoolS: 50 x 10 M and 70 m2 Architect: Bali Three Line www.ketapangvilla.com
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NEW VILLAS in paradise
Villa Kalyani, meaning ‘beautiful’ in Sanskrit, is a spectacular property resting on 2400 square meters of land, just 800 meters from the beach near Canggu on Bali’s southwest coast. No expense has been spared in the creation of this luxurious, customdesigned, hi-tech villa, complete with five-bedrooms, seven bathrooms, two swimming pools, a dining room, a playroom, an open-sided living room, a sunken ‘bale’ lounge, an air-conditioned home theatre as well as an outdoor cinema with a 250-inch screen, a rooftop entertainment terrace with 360 degree views, two bars, a DJ booth, and a professional kitchen.
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villa kalyani
Location: Berawa, Canggu Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 7 Land Size: 2400 m2 Building Size: 1100 m2 Swimming Pool: 22 x 5 m Architect: www.prestigebalivillas.com
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It’s Akmani and NOT Armani By Erza S.T. In the third quarter of 2009, a new hospitality establishment was opened amidst the hustle and bustle of Jalan K.H. Wahid Hasyim. With its dominanting vertical black and grey lines on the façade of the building, we could hardly wait to find out what this building was all about. It didn’t take long to learn that it was a new hotel known as The Akmani. We didn’t know much about it at the beginning but word of mouth was soon going all over Jakarta about a new hotel that looks like and has a name similar to Armani, the Giorgi of Italian fashion design fame. With all these mixed up pieces of information and anticipation about the hotel itself, FRV decided to give it a try and report it to you in this overnight article. The Akmani Hotel is a four star business hotel that lies on very strategic ground within the heart of Jakarta. It is a step away from the famous culinary tourism of Sabang Street and just one more step away from the sought after Jalan Jaksa – an area dedicated to night time tourism that is popular among international backpackers. The Akmani Hotel is designed in a minimalist way dominated by black and grey tones combined with wood ornaments and high-ceilinged glass windows. It is no surprise that many people feel that this hotel is so Armani like. 42 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
The fact is, the hotel’s name came from the owner directly; Mr. Akman. He lived in Italy for quite some time before deciding to come back to Jakarta and build his hotel. From concept to implementation the details are fine examples of his work in making this hotel according to his vision. We can safely say that his hard work has paid off quite well. Based on his experience in Italy, Mr. Akman understands how to work with small spaces. With only 10 floors and not too big a space, he managed to give “spacious” impressions to each room, even the deluxe rooms. Each room is filled with dark wooden parquet flooring, corner lighting, LCD TVs, a wide bathroom with a see through glass wall between the shower and the bed, and free internet connection. If you are ready for an upgrade then we really recommend you try their suites. With a rate of around US$ 150, you will find a spacious dwelling with separate living room and a table for two alongside the bedroom and bathroom. It is really impressive, especially combined with such a great price. Like in any other hotel, The Akmani Hotel also focusing on meeting rooms and with seven of them plus one ballroom that can hold up to 750 people, this hotel is ready to join the competition in Jakarta’s hotel industry. It is slightly unfortunate that they didn’t really put much effort into providing space for the
pool and fitness facilities. As a result, you will only find a very tiny pool that would more appropriately be called a tub, and a similarly small home-size fitness room. Squeezed in with the fitness area are two spa rooms offering the usual treatments such as aromatherapy massage amongst others. This hotel has two restaurants and one lobby lounge that are branded with fancy Italian names. The Scarlatti lounge, where you can have meetings and afternoon coffee or tea, Bel Piatto Resto, their coffee shop serving breakfast, lunch and dinner, and Terraza Bianco on the third floor, with an al-fresco area. Look out for our review on their coffee shop Bel Piatto Resto in this edition. Without a doubt The Akmani Hotel will become an instant favorite among the locals due to its potencies. We enjoyed the service during our visit, however, it is still too early to give a deeper judgment on this matter remembering they only opened not so long ago. Let’s see how they are doing a year from now. That will be an interesting story for a future edition of FRV. FRV
The Akmani Hotel Jl. K.H. Wahid Hasyim No. 91 Jakarta Tel: +62 21 3190 5335 www.akmanihotel.com
More than a wedding... it’s the doorway to your marriage and a lifelong partnership in love
Celebrating Marriage www.tirthabridal.com FRV_10jan.indd 1
20/01/2010 3:15 PM
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The Bar You Can Live In
One shouldn’t drink and drive, but it’s hard not to escape the traffic to this chamber of cocktails. VE HANDOJO had to go home in a cab from Le Bar. Every working day, from 5 to 7 pm, traffic is bumper-to-bumper in Jalan Senopati. Going to the gym to wait until the rush hour is over can be so gay. Joining the mall crowds may give you more of a headache – not to mention the effort to find a parking space. You might remember that little French ‘girl’ called Emilie. Yes, we would love to chew some foie gras and escargots there in this sweet, homely-looking fine dining restaurant. But, this time, this particular rush hour pre-dining o’clock, we have another option upstairs.
dinner, yet it also welcomes cocktail aficionados who are looking for a nice break. The pastis is surely a star in this French bar. Each volume of pastis will be diluted with five volumes of water, and that’s how this Parisian drink will drench and warm your throat.
Le Bar may have been originally set up as a waiting lounge for those who come early for
The must-try cocktail will be Ginger Rose, comprising a mix of three and seven-year-old
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The respected and award-winning wine selection of Emilie is certainly available in Le Bar as well. The house wine that comes by the glass is carefully appointed. There is nothing mediocre in the wine list.
Corner yourself in the total comfort of Le Bar. Yes, you can finish reading your novel here in style.
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In the dynamic and heavily commercialized bar scene in Jakarta, Le Bar chooses to stay discreet and low-key with high quality. Havana Club rum with ginger. It’s spicy, fiery, fierce, and it gives your your tongue a real hard kick. The elegance is so tangible in every sip. Comfortable discretion is the creed here. What can go wrong with a design and furniture customised by Jaya Ibrahim? Le Bar feels more like a communal home for loners. It’s intimate, yet preserved; it’s private, and rather anti-social. Excellent French tapas with a Mediterranean influence will accompany you while sitting on one of the only three bar stools or those plush sofas. The mahogany panelling, and the pantry endorse a warm friendly ambience. A huge plasma screen on the wall will make sure there is something to watch if you’re not the reading type. In the dynamic and heavily commercialized bar scene in Jakarta, Le Bar choses to stay discreet and low-key with high quality. You will feel more sophisticated already just by sitting there. Keep the cocktails flowing, and you will find yourself feeling so much at home you may want to put on your pyjamas. FRV
46 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Le Bar @ Emilie Jalan Senopati 39, Kebayoran Baru Jakarta Selatan 12190 Tel: +62 21 521 3626 www.emilierestaurant.com
A well-appointed couch and fatal champagne will make you forget how to stand and walk in a straight line.
Assorted meat and glowing fresh salad to help balance your alcohol intake. (Hey, it’s worth trying!)
The small-scale Le Bar, dressed in upscale interior products, is taking exclusivity up to a new level.
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i didn’t want to
talk about gems
CafĂŠ Jemme reincarnates into something precious
Text Trauts Photos Sulthon
48 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
afé Jemme, which received its name from its adjacent high-end jewelry store, is a gem of a café in its own right, not just from the quirky nature of its glam interior, but also from its new Australian cuisine. A Brisbane-based chef has been consulting on the menus and food direction in the new look café since almost a year ago, when the idea for the new outlet was first born, and has brought with him fresh flavours of the southern land at an undeniably economical price. The proprietor of the café and jewelry store wasn’t left out of the fray either, bringing his distinctive taste to the table of this, what could be called, modern French, Louis XV influenced styling. It’s quirky, it’s quaint – it’s down-right fabulous, but it isn’t very large.
Left: Cafe Jemme with frangipani and touches of colonial styling overlooks the neighbouring rice field.
Above: The flamboyant and elegant table settings are explosions of colour and refinement.
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Left: There’s a small bar area next to the kitchen and plush sofas and chairs for groups of 4-6 people.
Right: Air-conditioned throughout, Jemme Cafe is a comfortable space with an abundance of taste.
The café fits approximately 75 people in a selection of cubicle bench, sofa and freestanding tables and chairs; all plush and comfy with tones of lilac, purple and creamy white making this small restaurant a cheerful and fun destination. Great with a bunch of friends or a table for two, and in the evening the views over the neighbouring rice fields are ever so delightful. A couple of gems on the menu are; ‘5 Spice Calamari’ (35K), ‘Bintang Fillet of Beef ’ (75K) or ‘Pan Seared Lamb Medallions’ (95K) and there are loads more interesting dishes to choose from on the card from salads, soups, mains and desserts. As the kitchen consultant informed FRV, “We are very proud to be offering all local produce on our menu, which we have scoured the local region to find the best suppliers of, and with the excellently trained staff and attention to the preparation we have food here as good as anywhere.” And there’s
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no doubt, the local produce angle helps in the market-price stakes. However, we will make a revisit when Mr Consultant isn’t in the house just to make sure the staff are that well trained.
“We are very proud to be offering all local produce for which we have scoured the local region in search of the best suppliers.”
Café Jemme was recently voted the best value new restaurant in Bali by one food critic, and this humble foodie would have to agree, “Café Jemme has a look and taste to savour and at a price that isn’t going to break the bank.” FRV
Café Jemme Open for lunch and dinner Jl Petitenget No28 Kerobokan, Bali T: +62 361 732 392
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Hassle-free and friendly, Katsusei served VE HANDOJO with all the right fried stuff, dressed in Japanese breadcrumbs.
ushi. Sashimi. Teppanyaki. Among many, Katsu is usually forgotten within the Japanese dining scene, especially since it is quickly related to Hoka Hoka Bento. Easily looked down upon and considered not as healthy as other styles of Japanese cuisine, Katsu is misunderstood as mere junk food. Katsusei, however, will help to clear things up. Comfortably set apart from a popular sushi joint, Katsusei – in Plaza Indonesia – provides comfort and privacy for lovers of the right fried stuff. The interior may seem too simple, even leaning towards the dull side. Yet, it has carte blanche for colourful delights ready to sate your palate and, once the panko-showered katsus arrived, you’ll forget about everything else. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 53
The scallops come from Hokkaido, while the oysters are from Yokohama. Chilled Australian wagyu is used for the beef Katsu.
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Above: Casual table settings merge with friendly, garden-like interior design in Katsusei. Opposite page, clockwise from top left: Bamboo lamps and green ceramic bowls give a natural and homely atmosphere. A full set of meals in Katsusei is presented in a traditional way. In the corner of glitzy Plaza Indonesia, Katsusei leads with a toned-down entrance.
Panko is breadcrumbs that not only make your dip-fried thingies look more textured, but most importantly, soften every bite. Your Katsu will come with the goma, or gold-colored sesame. Have fun crushing it yourself, and bathe it with the special Katsu sauce. Every portion that you order will also come with salad, miso soup, and high quality Japanese steamed rice. Everything, from the bitterfresh ponzu salad-dressing sauce, the goma, the soya, the panko, to the chopsticks, is all imported from Japan. The scallops come from Hokkaido, while the oysters are from Yokohama. Chilled Australian wagyu is used for the beef katsu. The big thing in Katsusei is the pork katsu, be it tenderloin or sirloin. The white meat is clear, juicy, and tender, covered with crispy skin. Another must-try is the Chicken Cheese Roll Katsu – the name itself is appetizing already. Yes, everything is katsu-able here, including halibut and shrimp.
A compact selection of non-katsus is also available if you feel non-adventurous enough. The sweet egg Atuyaki Tamago is so tender, moist, and throat cleansing, it almost feels like a dessert. The real dessert, though, will be Earl Grey Tea Cake. It’s the most sophisticated and healthy sounding cake I’ve ever had, and it tasted just like that as well. Katsusei offers another Japanese experience that you can’t get anywhere else in this town, and it’s all worth the trip, if you are coming from far away. The service follows the ultra-friendly tradition of Japanese hospitality and life is just another crunchy bite in Katsusei. FRV
Katsusei Plaza Indonesia, 1st Floor, E19-19A Jl. MH Thamrin Kav. 28-30 Jakarta 10350 Tel: +62 21 2992 3560
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MARRIAGES MADE AT TIRTHA In a majestic glass wedding pavilion, upon a breezy cliff top with spectacular
views of the Indian Ocean, a young couple are saying “I do.� Smiling and radiant, the bride and groom pose for photographs in front of the reflective ponds; the guests raise a Champagne toast and, as the sun sets over the sea, recessed lighting within the pyramidal glass edifice creates an ever-changing pattern of luminosity and shadow. This is Tirtha Bridal where beautiful marriages are made.
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The Wedding Chapel at Tirtha Uluwatu is perched on the cliff top and surrounded by reflective ponds Fine Restaurants & Villas l 57
Above left: The luxurious Master Bedroom at the Villa at Tirtha Luhur Uluwatu.
Above right: The Wedding Pavilion at Tirtha Luhur Uluwatu was designed by Balibased architect, Glen Parker.
omantic overseas wedding packages in exotic locations were first marketed in the 1980s, in Hawaii and the Caribbean. Other tropical islands such as Mauritius, the Seychelles and the Maldives soon followed suit. Then, as facilities became available in Bali, a rapidly-increasing number of couples eagerly embraced the opportunity to make this little sunsoaked island the venue for the most important day of their lives. ‘Tirtha Bridal’ is a concept that was established in 1992 by Koji and Yuka Koreyasu from Japan. In 2003, these specialist wedding planners and event coordinators became the pioneers of a new trend in Bali, with their creation of a purpose-built wedding complex, complete with a dazzling glass wedding chapel, known as ‘Tirtha Uluwatu’. This 58 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Left: The Wedding Chapel at Tirtha Uluwatu presents an extraordinary setting for saying “I do”.
was followed in 2005 by the launch of ‘Tirtha Luhur Uluwatu’ featuring another ultra avantgarde wedding pavilion and a three-bedroom villa. Supported by both Indonesian and Japanese staff, the property presents a guest lounge, an indoor dining room for up to 50 guests, an outdoor terrace and dining courtyard that can accommodate up to 300 guests, a twotiered 20-metre infinity edge swimming pool and a large relaxation gazebo.
An impressive limitededition collection of designer wedding gowns and men’s attire is available for hire.
While the visionary design of its architecture has been lauded internationally, Tirtha Bridal actually offers a lot more in its role as the only one-stop wedding company on the island. It provides not only the venue and the catering, but also manages the legalities for the wedding ceremony, as well as the services of the best professional photographers, videographers, florists, and musicians – including, performer and Entertainment Director, Ms. Chika
Comfortable and stylish facilities are combined with all of the important things that the couple and their guests need to make them feel relaxed and at ease. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 59
“Tirtha Bridal is all about giving couples the experience of a lifetime on their big day” Asamoto, who is one of Tokyo’s premiere female jazz saxophonists. Ms Asamoto has over 20 years of international experience, performing regularly on radio and television; she has recorded seven solo albums and produces many Asian artists under her own label. In fact, Tirtha Bridal will take care of every wedding need from the invitations, stationary, decorations and table linens to the hair and make-up, which is styled by a professional artist from Japan. The company also runs its own on-site Bridal Boutique, showcasing an impressive limited-edition collection of designer wedding gowns and men’s 60 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
The Wedding Pavilion at Tirtha Luhur Uluwatu is characterised by pyramidal lines and laminated glass walls that can be fully opened.
attire by Andrea Couture, Lucrezia and Valentina among many others, handpicked by the fashion-loving Yuka from the catwalks of Italy.
Tirtha Bridal has appointed a Food & Beverage Manager from Conrad Tokyo to personally oversee the wine, table set ups and impeccable banquet service.
World-class cuisine is also at the core of Tirtha Bridal’s promise. Acclaimed Executive Chef, Hikaru Take, is onhand to create wedding reception menus that suit all palates. His culinary journey has already taken him from Japan’s prestigious ‘Tsuji Cooking School’ to ‘Le Rendez-vous’, one of the best-known French restaurants in Osaka, followed by the Michelin 3-starred ‘L’Oasis’ in southern France, and ‘Debistoro Modern’, an edgy restaurant in New York. Additionally,
“Tirtha Bridal is all about giving couples the experience of a lifetime on their big day,” explains Yuka, her passion shining through as she strives for excellence in her mission to create something truly unique and beautiful. Although the company organises an astonishing 500 – 600 weddings per year, it is far more than just a business for Yuka, it’s a celebration of marriage. FRV
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A wedding is an event to be forever cherished. Phalosa is a new venue for a more than memorable event.
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Text Rinaldi Photos Djuna Ivereigh
eachfront weddings are something quite common, especially in Bali with its many beaches and upscale hotels or villas offering wedding packages for starry-eyed couples ready to tie the knot. To me, attending another wedding looking out over the ocean just seemed like another thing to get off the schedule rather than a ceremonious event. Adorned in white (the common dress code for beach weddings), I headed off to Batubelig, a place known for it’s many exclusive beachfront villas.
At first glance Phalosa didn’t look much different to any other villa that looked out to the ocean, but once I went inside, the uniqueness of its design could truly be admired. Apart from the wedding decorations all around, the view of the beach from the main entrance itself was enough to take your breath away. A stunning backdrop of a nearing sunset upon the ocean accompanied by the wedding decorations atop the mini chapel and beautifully kept lawns and garden, it’s no wonder why the couple chose this venue to enunciate their vows.
Previous page: Phalosa is a blank canvas to create your dream event. Left: The mini-chapel on top of the infinity pool overlooking the natural garden. Right: The dining table is set for a romantic dinner.
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As the party rolled on, my curiosity arose to see what other features Phalosa had to offer apart from a romantic and beautiful wedding venue.
Left: The mini chapel that looks out over the ocean is a spectacular place to say ‘I do’.
As the sun slowly set, the ceremony began for the couple to pledge their commitment at the mini-chapel that looks out towards the crashing waves. The chapel itself is on top of an infinity pool, which, with the dimming sunlight, made it appear to be floating on the ocean. The romantic atmosphere made itself ever more present as the last remnants of sunlight flickered away and the lights went on for the wedding reception held at the same venue. As the party rolled on, my curiosity arose to see what other features Phalosa had to offer apart from a romantic and beautiful wedding venue. The main building is split in the middle by the triangular, glass-roofed lobby, which can also be transformed for indoor functions, but on this occasion it was decorated with candles and dim lighting, again to add to the romantic atmosphere. On both sides of the lobby are identical villas, with identical foyers, water features and also, identical his and her bathrooms. The one on the left (from the main entrance) is used as a dining area, and on the right is a two-story, two-room 64 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Top right: The upstairs bathroom can be used as a make-up area. Below right: Whatever your event may need, Phalosa will prepare it for you.
villa. Each room has its own lounge area equipped with large plasma screen televisions and a cozy queen-sized bed. Further snooping revealed that the downstairs room had an open-air bathroom with all the amenities you would expect from an upscale villa. The upstairs room is where the bride can be outfitted for the wedding. The bathroom here used a darker colour scheme, to aid in lighting purposes for the make-up artist I’d hazard to guess. Both exterior designs are symmetrical in every way, with large glass windows which look towards the beachfront, making it a nice place to rest after a full day of wedding bliss. However, these are not villa bedrooms. In fact, these are not villas at all. People can’t stay overnight at Phalosa, it is an events venue, not a villa that holds events. Looking around, it was strange to see the plentiful food appearing and how the empty plates never seemed to pile up. Following one of the catering staff through an almost unseen door, next to the dining area, the entrance opened up to a very large kitchen and catering area. A separate access for the catering crew made the food service for the
reception a completely seamless and unseen affair, making it more comfortable for everyone to enjoy the ceremony. Phalosa seemed to provide all that was needed to make this wedding as memorable and hasslefree as possible. This complete and magnificent, 3000m2 beachfront venue offers everything you need for a special event of just about any kind, and then some. Accommodation is easily found in its surrounds, being close to the action of Seminyak, and it offers the choice of using their event organizers or bringing your; all great advantages. In the end, when the party was over and the guests filed out into the night, Phalosa shone like the Greek word the name comes from, having creating a memorable event where dreams are made. FRV
www.phalosa.com Fine Restaurants & Villas l 65
G Hotel Penang
A Gorgeous Haven By Kenny Santana In between culinary adventures and heritage tours in Penang, G Hotel is a top rate hideaway for visitors. Proudly proclaiming itself as “Penang’s most stylish address”, G Hotel certainly lives up to this with its youthful design, vigorous staff and sweeping vistas. Location Nestled in the city’s most famous promenade, G Hotel has the best of both worlds. It has a calming effect from its waterfront setting while still being right in the centre of activities. A cluster of hawker’s stalls is within walking distance from the hotel and right next door is Gurney Plaza, the primary shopping destination in the city. A 10-minute taxi drive will also take guests to the heart of Georgetown’s bustling Old Quarter. Rooms The hotel boasts over 300 rooms to choose from, catering to every budget range. Though the well-priced superior bedroom we stayed in had furnishings that were not as striking as the hotel lobby, its spaciousness afforded a separate study corner (free WiFi is provided) and a partial ocean view. On executive floors, guests can enjoy the 24-hour executive lounge to dine in and have in-room complimentary local calls, among other benefits. 66 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Guests staying longer usually opt for the accommodation’s serviced residence or indulge in a duplex suite for a slick and spacious atmosphere. Honeymooners will also appreciate the hotel’s suite specially dedicated to them with its oversized tub perched in the corner facing the sea. Freebies Upon checking in, we were greeted with a complimentary low fat gelato which we went gaga over. Their mango and blueberry swirls were so addictive; we spared a few more ringgit to try out other flavours, sold on the hotel back porch. In-house guests can take advantage of a complimentary bicycle rental service from the hotel to break a sweat while sightseeing around the beautiful island. Furthermore, everything in the in-room mini bar is free, which is a refreshing delight on a warm summer’s day. And it’s restocked daily, too! Gym & Spa For a soothing time after a long day’s walk, couples (or singles for that matter) should head to the hotel’s 3rd floor for Danai Spa’s Favourite Treats. For two hours, guests are pampered with a massage package of their
choice, topped with luscious milk and honey scrub, plus a 15-minute bath. The signature massage adds pressure to get rid of tight muscles and improve circulation while aromatherapy treatment is recommended for a relaxing rub down. Then, the therapist will transform your skin into a baby-soft like state with a scrub using only naturally-blended products. On the same storey, a yoga studio and a wellequipped gym with floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking the sea are sure to entice the healthconscious. Follow with a few laps in the hotel’s infinity pool and end the day gracefully over a relaxing dip in the open-air Jacuzzi. FRV
G Hotel 168A Persiaran Gurney 10250 Penang Malaysia www.ghotel.com.my
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Three Men and Coffee
A Little Coffee SHOP Called Java Dancer Coffee
Indonesia is well known FOR producING great coffee and this was proven on my recent visit to Malang for a new year’s getaway. Who would’ve thought that in a small city in East Java there would be such a great little coffee shop that serveD the finest cup of coffee ever? A little gem called Java Dancer Coffee. 68 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
By Erza S.T. Photos: Rudy Iksanto
Java Dancer Coffee has a semi al-fresco concept with thick Javanese accented ambiance. The Vespa motorbike parked outside is a custommade design that is part of the decor, though Andri still uses it every now and then.
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FRV’s Ve Handojo once stated that kopi luwak is considered to be the “Bordeaux red” of coffee having a fine and silky taste. I said ‘Amen to that’ when I tried it. Left: Their coffee display area where you can buy all types of coffee that they have on the menu as beans or ground.
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Top right: The coffee making process using their coffee machine results in one of the best ristrettos ever made.
Below right: Another angle of this petite coffee shop with a rickshaw branded under Java Dancer Coffee. Apparently rickshaws are still operating in Malang.
hree coffee addict/ connoisseurs are the masterminds behind the success story of Java Dancer Coffee. David is their roast master, followed by Hendri who takes care of barista section and last, but not least, Andri, who is in charge of the taste and product knowledge. These three musketeers from the coffee order really know how to make a petite coffee shop with a great concept, originality and quality. Java Dancer serves coffee made from first-class quality coffee beans that are specially roasted by their roast master, David. They serve coffee from Indonesia with one addition from Timor Leste. Expect to get Indonesia’s best original coffee from Sumatra (with selections from Aceh Gayo, Mandheling, Lintong and Sidikalang), Bali (Kintamani) to even the rarely known like Arabica wamena from Papua. On my visit, the wamena’s bitter honey taste that produces a great aroma was making me an instant fan to this type of coffee. Andri served me this coffee using a syphon, or vacuum pot, which resulted in the best cup of coffee that I have ever tried. However, the syphon is not their only way of serving it. Other ways include tubruk (coffee mixed with hot water directly in the cup) and French press, or plunger. Also in their collection you can find aged single origin coffees (with less acidity) and a peaberry single origin coffee that has a higher caffeine level.
Java Dancer Coffee, which was opened just a year ago, also serves the famous kopi luwak. FRV’s Ve Handojo once stated that kopi luwak is considered to be the “Bordeaux red” of coffee having a fine and silky taste. I said ‘Amen to that’ when I tried it. No wonder a person like the founder of the Specialty Coffee Association of Europe, Mr. John Sherwood, claimed Java Dancer’s kopi luwak to be the best that he ever tried in his life. Due to their increased success, these three coffee aficionados have expanded their business into export and retail. Now you can find Java Dancer Coffee’s gourmet collection in Alun – Alun at Grand Indonesia, Jakarta, along with the famous kopi luwak. With their small seating capacity, the coffee shop has quickly gained a reputation as one of the best spots in Malang city to enjoy great coffee with free WiFi and fantastic snacks. If you ever go to Malang make sure you stop by at Java Dancer, sited opposite the famed Tugu Hotel, for a quick tete a tete, you must also try their pizza. What started as a hunger reliever turned out to be a pizza experience I will long remember. I will definitely be coming back for more coffee and the pizza at Java Dancer. FRV
Java Dancer Coffee Jl. Kahuripan 12 Malang Tel: +62 341 819 9899 Website: www.javadancer.com
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Smoking is so glamorous, yet so dangerous. But if weight gain is what weighs heaviest on your mind about kicking the habit, this can cause a massive psychological hurdle to you quitting. There are ways, however, that these kilos can be avoided altogether!
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GOING SMOKE FREE WITHOUT PACKING ON THE KGS ! HAVE YOU DECIDED TO UP AND QUIT! Or are you still just thinking about it? I don’t need to remind you of the health risks associated with smoking. Instead, I’ll tell you about the numerous benefits you may enjoy from the experience; dramatically boosted energy levels, enhanced physique, increased mental agility, stimulated sex drive, revitalised skin and hair, and improved overall quality of life. If weight gain is what weighs heaviest on your mind, this can cause a massive psychological hurdle to you if you are thinking of quitting. But, these kilos can be avoided altogether and kicking the habit doesn’t mean you have to kiss your waistline goodbye. All it takes is some faith in yourself, a little self-discipline, and a pinch of common sense. Swapping the smoking habit for some puffing of the healthy kind in the gym is a huge achievement. If you have managed to quit, well done; the worst is over, and all you have to do now is to avoid unnecessary weight gain. Why do the kgs creep up when you stop puffing away? Some people find they gain weight after they quit smoking. The reason for this is that nicotine acts as a stimulant. It can directly affect chemicals in the brain that turn your appetite on and off. Smoking, for some, is a means of unwinding or relaxing. Or it may be something you do when you are bored. So when you quit, food is substituted to provide the same comfort as smoking used to. Snacking becomes your new habit.
Another reason why people tend to gain weight after putting out their last cigarette for good, is that suddenly their tastebuds come to life - food tastes better, increasing your enjoyment of food, which in turn may lead to overeating. There is no need for any strict diet once you stop smoking. You simply need to be aware of how much you are consuming and keep an eye on your calorie intake. It’s quite simple: if you replace your cigarettes with food, you will gain weight. There are two ways around the calories in versus calories out equation: eat fewer calories or exercise more - a combination of both is even better! Dr. Frankie Phillips, registered dietitian and the British Dietetic Association (BDA) spokesperson, says: “One of the reasons given for not stopping smoking is the risk of weight gain. Although studies have shown that smokers tend to be thinner than nonsmokers, the average weight gain when people quit smoking is only 2 to 3kg and the effect is usually temporary. Despite the obvious health risks of being significantly overweight or obese, it is much healthier to be a few pounds overweight than to be a smoker.” Choose your food wisely Buy a juicer! Fresh vegetable juices will do wonders for your liver.Eat fresh whole foods Do not eat sugar. Do not eat processed food.
If it is white don’t eat it! Drink plenty of water. Eat lots of raw food. Snack on nuts and fruit and vegetables. Don’t eat fried foods. Be exercise wise Deep breathe in and out. It’s time to start a whole new kind of puffing. The healthy kind! Being active plays a big role in weight loss and maintenance. It may also help reduce nicotine cravings, and balance out the negative effects of smoking, by helping to prevent your metabolism slowing down and helping your lungs recover. You’ll see that regular exercise will become easier! As an adult, you should aim to do at least 30 minutes of moderate to high intensity activity five days a week. You don’t need to do 30 minutes in one go, you can actually break it up into three 10-minute sessions. Excellent exercise choices that can easily be incorporated into your daily life, whether it be outdoors or in the gym, include brisk walking, cycling and swimming. If you need an extra kick-start, why not book a session, or 10 or 20 with a qualified personal trainer? They will tailor-make an individual, carefully-supervised exercise program for you, and give you advice to meet your specific needs and goals. YOU CAN DO IT! FRV Lian Monley - Holistic Lifestyle Coach www.lianmonleywellbeing.com
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A Kitchen to Call Home
VE HANDOJO found a kitchen serving healthy delicacies set in the intimate corner of what seemed to be a second home for Jakarta’s urbanites. 74 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Previous page: Spacious, neat, and clean - the first impression of our favorite kitchen, The Marmalade Pantry. Above left: Tables are dressed modestly, and made of fine, pale coloured wood. Above right: Contemporary design and lighting will inspire you to transform your own apartment into something like The Marmalade Pantry.
As a self-proclaimed, cool, singleton living socalled independently in the heavily-polluted capital, who was once raised in the suburb and fed with red bean soup á la Mommy, my daily culinary quest has been quite simple. They should match my fast-paced lifestyle, clean and healthy enough to balance the pollutants in my lungs, served in a home-like ambience (but not at home), and taste like – well – á la Mommy. Just like the usual Indonesian kitchens located in the back of a house, The Marmalade Pantry is tucked away in a dead-end corner of my second home, Plaza Indonesia. Long solid tables are set under the escalators, pretending to be al fresco. The ‘indoor’ seatings are homely, pumping an air of intimacy even for firsttimers. In the back area is a semi-private space for small, casual get-togethers. Soft-coloured
wood is the main element, with stainless steel giving subtle modern details, and Alvar Aalto’s chairs to push it there even further. As for the appetizers, the warm spinach salad seems to have been harvested and sent directly from a countryside garden. The tomato soup comes hot, fresh, and the flavour is thick, but it’s watery enough to slide into your throat. The accompanying homemade baguette is among the best in town. If that’s not enough, amuse your palate even more with a portion of homemade dips that come with pita wedges. The tartare sauce, however, could use a little bit more vinegar, while the tomato, cardamon, and onion dip is nicely made. Chicken pot pie is a winner for entrée in terms of both taste, originality, and presentation. In fact, mains in The Marmalade Pantry can
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Please do not confuse this warm spinach salad with plastic plants. This one is guaranteed to taste better and fresher.
The towering delight of chicken pot pie is a portion to fill you up and make you happy.
hardly go wrong, except for the seafood pasta that leans more towards the seafood than the pasta side. We tried the linguini with crab meat, tomato chilli and pine nuts, and seafood spaghetti with Asian-spiced marinara; both servings came with the same verdict - very “fishy”, not quite sharp. The Marmalade Pantry, as the name may have suggested, excels in the desserts department. Mango and lemonade crumble is sweet and mouth-watering. It is a dessert so delightful it won’t need any mains. However, the crown of glory should be awarded to the ever so alluring Banofee Pie. The truth is, this pie was the highlight of my dining experience there, and this review itself. The health-conscious menu surely covers fresh juice and herbal drinks as well. I cannot forget how Pert – a threesome of orange, apple, and ginger – made me feel like drinking my own dream backyard. The sharp ginger flavour bites the orange and apple, and that’s all for the best result. Your evening would feel as energizing as a good morning after this drink. 76 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
The Marmalade Pantry actually comes from Singapore. Chef Robin Ho initiated a menu concept that is based on the freshness of its natural ingredients. In Plaza Indonesia, the Pantry is slightly hidden away from the crowded mall traffic. Those Those who come here who come here, are culinary enthusiasts at least for now, are not simple who appreciate excellent mall rats or homemade meals. passers-by, but culinary enthusiasts who appreciate excellent homemade meals. It’s the more reason to adopt The Marmalade Pantry as your own kitchen where everything feels and tastes á la Mother Nature. FRV
The Marmalade Pantry Plaza Indonesia, 1st Floor, E18-19T Jl. MH Thamrin Kav. 28-30 Jakarta 10350 Tel: +62 21 315 4374 www.marmaladepantry.co.id
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It feels like a culinary travel sketchbook when one dines at Charly T’s, a new chic casual restaurant located at Singapore’s downtown.
Around the World with Charly’s Food
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Previous page: Charly T’s Casablanca Chicken Wrap with a spicy addition of chopped cilantro and jalapeno hummus.
By: Melanie Lee Images courtesy of Food Journeys (Singapore) Pte Ltd
Below: Gunpowder tea leaves - an exotic ingredient from Charly’s stint in Morocco used in menu items like the Gunpowder Tea & Pistachio Muffin and Casablanca Gunpowder Tea with Mint.
What a lucky fellow Charly T is. Apparently, this well-travelled enigma got so inspired with the food he encountered amidst his extensive travels that he decided to set up a restaurant as a tribute to all his wonderful food journeys. The result? An enticing cultural smorgasbord of comfort food from over ten different countries and a strong, hearty bite from the travel bug.
pepper) and Chermoula (with cilantro, garlic and cayenne pepper) and all go yummily well with the poultry. The juicy, flavourful chicken also comes in the form of salads, sticks, skewers and wraps, my favourite being the Casablanca Chicken Wrap with chopped cilantro, onion, jalapeno hummus and iceberg lettuce, a dish whipped up from his time of working in a restaurant in Morocco.
At the root of it all lies the rotisserie chicken – Charly T’s favourite dish that he learnt how to prepare while growing up in Hamburg. Of course, now, it has been adapted with “secret spices” over the years as he encountered new ingredients and flavours around the globe. There are seven different sauces to choose from – original (with three degrees of spiciness), Kansas City BBQ, Kampong Amber with Roasted Peanuts, Ginger & Lemon Japanese Soy, Creamy Roasted Sesame, Chimichurri (parsley, red wine vinegar and red
However, the multicultural touch goes beyond the chicken and you can have an open faced Spanish omelette for breakfast with chorizos, salsa and potatoes – a fond memory from a Spanish inn he stayed at while travelling around Europe. For tea, getting the fluffily scrumptious Gunpowder Tea & Pistachio muffin is a must – after all, it’s a special recipe he had honed for his jazz-loving friends in Morocco, which they devoured after allnight jamming sessions. From Germany, there’s Rote Grutze (summer berry pudding), which
With its travel-inspired interiors featuring elements from the cultures of the many places Charly T has visited, it’s as if he has invited you for a cozy hearty meal at his place and is sharing his exciting travel adventures through his food. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 79
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Previous page: Charly T’s famous rotisserie chicken - you can choose from a wide array of sauces and side dishes.
Below: The casual, travel-inspired interiors of the restaurant.
At the root of it all lies the rotisserie chicken – Charly T’s favourite dish that he learnt how to prepare while growing up in Hamburg.
he discovered while exploring cafes in the Alster Lake district and Bircher Muesli from a Zurich chef friend. And hailing from the US, you get Charly T’s savoury waffles with hickory smoked bacon and jack cheese, a dish he fell in love with when he was lured by American jazz to Kansas City. Drinks are just as cosmopolitan and you can expect interesting concoctions like Charly T’s Spicy Bloody Mary, as well as Gunpowder Tea Mojito. At this point, don’t you just feel like singing “It’s a small world after all”? Above all, dining here is a refreshingly personal affair. With its travel-inspired interiors featuring elements from the cultures of the many places Charly T has visited, it’s as if he has invited you for a cozy, hearty meal at his place and is sharing his exciting travel adventures through his food. This intimate sharing of his life can even be seen through the way he sells his special sauces and unique gift items brought back from his travels for customers. Who knows, you just might meet Charly T when you dine there and be regaled with more interesting stories! FRV
Charly T’s 20 Handy Road Level 1 NOMU Singapore 229326 Tel: +65 6336 7789 Web: www.charlyts.com
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