edition 7.1, june july ‘10 Rp. 48.000
IDR 48.000 - SGD $10.50 - HKD $55.00 - MYR RM26.00 - AUD $10.00 - TWD $230 - THB 190
fine restaurants and villas | bali & southeast asian style & travel
Margaret River
Head down south for wine and more
Turkey Gayana Oberoi Bali
Eco Resort
Villa Mana
Rp. 48.000
where do you want to go? Win three nights of luxury at Sentosa Villas Bali. Details inside.
d e s i g n f o o d a r c h i t e c t u r e f a s h i o n a r t w i n e r e sFinet Restaurants a u r& aVillasnl 1 t s
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With one of the finest dining rooms in Jakarta and a new chef, Buddha Bar’s back in the limelight.
June July 2010
FEATURES On The Cover:
98 Spa Culture in the Alps
Villa Mana in Canggu, Bali shows some style amidst the ricefields. Photo: Sulthon
FRV Travel goes to Switzerland to take the centuries old healing waters of the country’s best spas.
84 Down South. Margaret River Style Trauts hits the fine wine trail in Western Australia, quaffs a lot of the good stuff and finds the service more laid back than he is accustomed.
92 The Tamarind
Thomas Jones heads to Thailand to experience a luxury villa where no expense has been spared.
106 Back to Basics: Tabanan and Back
As Canggu sinks under the weight of its own popularity Tabanan is still a place of ricefields and wonder.
138 In the Air Up There.
Hot air ballooning never looked so good. Emma Westwood sails high over Cappadocia in Turkey. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 7
CONTENTS 38 Heaven in the Desert
Erza flies to the Abu Dhabi to experience two of the 1001 Arabian Nights in style.
50 Have a Break, Visit an Orangutan
Thomas Jones visits the great apes in the luxury of the Shangri-la Rasa Ria Resort in Sabah.
62 The Best of Both Worlds
Hong Kong hotels are given the once over by FRV Travel.
Rachel Love talks to an artist wise beyond his years.
Kenny Santana finds the peace, solitude and beauty of Phuket never goes out of style.
66 Delicious Whims
Melanie impresses the in-laws with some good old southern Italian cooking in Singapore.
78 Imagining Paris in Bistro Baron
Ve Handojo goes French in Jakarta so he can keep up with his friends’ tales of gay Paris.
100 The C’s Story Continues...
Oberoi Bali’s degustation menu is dangerously seductive.
Erza ST revisits C’s at Grand Hyatt Jakarta for some tasty Chinese delights both on and off the menu.
116 To Reach The Sky
The tallest structure in Samarinda, the Aston hotel has a visit from Ve Handojo.
124 Red Wines from Bordeaux
134 Making Champagne
Bordeaux. The realm of red wine nobility. FRV Travel explains the lineage.
Melanie Lee gets up close and personal with a glass or three of liquid gold.
128 Garden of Eden
Bits & Pieces 15 Overnight Singapore 42 Overnight Manila 48 Health 76 FRV Zodiac 146 FRV Listings 148 Last Word 162
8 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
A simple labour of love in northwest Victoria Planetrees is a rustic delight. Emma Weswwood visits and stops to smell the roses.
132 A Footnote
A nearly-mended broken foot sends Thomas Jones in search of some much needed therapy.
142 Cheddar: A Household Name
What has made Cheddar the world’s number one name in cheese? Thomas Jones journeys deep under Somerset for a taste.
Fine Restaurants & Villas l 9
PT K ubu Dua Me dia J l. Petitenget 12A, Kerobokan, Bali, Indonesia Te l. +62 361 746 3751/52. Fa x. +62 361 847 5458 email: info@finerestaurantsandvillas.com www.fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om Dire c tor Guna wa n I nd rob a skoro Graphics Coordinator Sya ffri Soe wa rd i (artwork@fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om) Gra phic s Te guh Ana nta , Anike P (I llustra tions) Photogra phy Moc h. Sulthon, R a ma d ha n, Da rre n Soh Distribution Nyoman Rupma Ii n I nd ra p utra , I c ul, Ma d e i nfo@fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om F ina nc e Sri W ita ri, B a gus Oka
more tales of buildings and food
Ma rk e ting E nstina (sales@finerestaurantsandvillas.com) Administra tion Eli, Ya ti, Yuni Contributors Ve Ha nd ojo, Da vid Tra uts, Erza ST, Nic hola s Wa lton, Me la nie Le e , R a c he l Love , Thoma s Jone s, He rma n Von Be r nha rd i Agua yo, Rina ld i, Ke nny Sa nta na . Subsc ription Yearly subscription available in Indonesia - Rupiah 250,000 Conta c t: sub sc rib e @fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om Send e-mail to the above for details. Consulting Stua rt D W ilford (stua rt@fine re sta ura ntsa nd villa s.c om) Le ga l Assoc ia te s Agus Sa mija ya & Pa rtne rs Gra ha Asa , Jl. Ka p te n Cok Agung Tre sna 49 Re non, De np a sa r. Te l: +62 361 242447, 247302, 08123924509. FRV ma ga z ine is a n inde pe nde nt, bi-monthly public a tion Ne xt e dition de a dline July 15, 2010
Fi n e R e s t a u r a n t s a n d V i l l a s m a g a z i n e i s p r i n t e d u n d e r l i c e n s e d t r a d e m a r k . N o p a r t o f th is m a ga zin e sh ou ld be re produ c e d with ou t th e wr itte n pe r m ission of th e pu blish e r. A l l r i g h t s re s e r v e d . A r t i c l e s re f l e c t t h e o p i n i o n s o f t h e a u t h o r s , a n d n o t n e c e s s a r i l y th ose of th e pu blish e r s. F in e Re sta u r a n ts a n d V illa s m a ga zin e is pr in te d by P T M e g a In da h (T: 021-6190529) a n d distr ibu te d by; P T K u bu Du a M e dia (I n don e sia ), P e r iplus Ja va Book s (I n don e sia ), P T I n doprom (I n don e sia ), F ore ign P re ss (H on g K on g), P a n s i n g Distribution (Malaysia) and Nation Books International (Thailand). Con ta c t th e e -m a il a ddre sse s a bove f or f u r th e r in f or m a tion .
F RV M agazi n e
10 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
E di ti on 7 . 1
J u n e - J u l y ‘1 0
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12 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Editor’s Thought FRV Travel – It takes you places ‘It takes You Places’ was suggested to me as a tag line for FRV Travel magazine recently by Bill Quinlin. Bill, for those of you unfamiliar with him and his work, has been in the tourism promotion game in Bali long enough for me to sit back and take note when he says something about Fine Restaurants and Villas magazine. He’s also a big fan of FRV and has read and commented on it many times since the beginning. He tells me that his favorite writer is Ve Handojo and he likes the simple, clean layout and the photography, etc. Personally, I think he really understands what FRV Travel magazine is about and that’s quite simple for him, travel. What do you think FRV Travel magazine is about? This edition we are bringing back the FRV Competition. It’s a two way street where we offer you the chance of winning a luxurious prize; this edition a three-night stay in Bali’s Sentosa Villas and Spa, and in turn, you tell us what you really think of FRV Travel magazine. This way we can glean from you what you want to see more and less of in the magazine. Please take the time to send us your answers and comments so we can make you a better FRV Travel magazine. And of course, I hope you win the prize.
David Trauts Correspondent, English. This edition Trauts heads back to his old stomping grounds in Western Australia and finds the service experience refreshing. He later dines healthily at the Kempinski’s Casa D’Oro and fits in a model fashion shoot in Bali’s Villa Mana. This is all while organising the party of the decade on Kuta beach for the beat magazine’s 10th anniversary. It has been quite a month.
Erza S.T. It seems this opera producer and scribe has been getting the best out of life. His journey this time took him to watch the sun rising from the the back of majestic Grand Mosque in Abu Dhabi to experiencing the best spa treatments in The Alps. Rejuvenated? Totally! He is also back drinking with Buddha to see the new improvements there. This year his traveling agenda is booked solid. Next: Oslo and Hong Kong..
This edition FRV travels to Margaret River, Western Australia, which is a beautiful and rugged part of the world and very near to us in Indonesia. We also travel to Turkey to fly balloons, Switzerland to be pampered in über-luxurious spas, visit the latest hotels in Hong Kong, Malaysian eco resorts, cheese towns in England, country Victoria Australia, Thailand, Singapore and of course, restaurants and accommodations in Jakarta. I hope you don’t mind us only having a handful of stories from Bali, but let us assure you, we do still call Bali home. Enjoy reading this edition of FRV Travel magazine, we believe it to be one of the best yet, and we hope to meet all our Jakarta readers when we have our evening soiree in that town in July. More details will be in the mail. Comments and thoughts please send to editor@finerestaurantsandvillas.com
Ve Handojo As one of the finest Indonesian English writers and one of Bill Quinlin’s favorites, Ve keeps on moving up and up in the literary scales of Jakarta. A mysterious trip to Samaindah and a lovely Parisienne waltz through Plaza Indonesia are in stall for readers this edition. Ve can be followed live via www.twitter. com/VeHandojo.
Rachel Love Told by a fortuneteller that her life would take a dramatic change in a move to the East, she arrived in Bali with a few hundred pounds and a vision to fulfill a lifelong dream of being a writer on a tropical island. FRV’s resident arts writer, Rachel is one of Bali’s most prolific authors, writing extensively on all things lifestyle and travel related.
Melanie Lee Singapore Correspondent, Singapore. Melanie has written freelance for an array of publications including Singapore Women’s Weekly, Teens and TODAY (a daily newspaper). She is currently teaching writing and communications at a polytechnic in Singapore. In her free time, Melanie loves eating, traveling and meeting interesting people - which is why she absolutely loves writing for FRV!
Thomas Jones This issue sees Thomas going green in Borneo as he visits both an eco resort and an orangutan rehabilitation centre in Sabah. It’s then a quick weekend jaunt to view the tremendous Tamarind villa near Pattaya before moving on to Cheddar Gorge in England for a taste of that most famous of cheeses. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 13
14 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Villa SUBAK SARI Rice field serenity and only minutes from town. Villa Subak Sari is a brand new villa set amidst the rice fields of Canggu and just minutes from the beach. Villa Subak Sari has a simple, modern design consisting of a single building offering intimacy and a warm ambience surrounding a large garden and private pool. The four bedrooms and open-plan living areas are designed to take in the breathtaking view and lush tropical landscape while the subdued tones meld wonderfully with the wooden materials and interior dĂŠcor. Fully-staffed with a chef, housekeepers, a gardener, and 24-hour security, Villa Subak Sari is a great location for the perfect family holiday. Quiet and serene it is within walking distance of the beach and the Canggu Club with its worldclass sporting facilities, and when the evening comes around it is just a short drive to Seminyak. www.balivillaworldwide.com Fine Restaurants & Villas l 15
Win Three Nights of Luxury at sentosa private villas and spa The FRV Travel competition is back. Be in the running!
ere’s your chance to win three nights in luxurious surroundings with FRV Travel and Bali’s Sentosa Private Villas and Spa Resort. Just tell us your name and address, answer the following three simple questions, and be in the running to win three nights accommodation at Sentosa Private Villas, right in the heart of Seminyak, Bali. It’s that simple. Send your answers into FRV Travel magazine as soon as possible and be in the running to win. 1. 2. 3.
Where is Sentosa Private Villas and Spa? Name one winery in the Margaret River region? Tell us in fifty words what you like and dislike about FRV Travel magazine.
Your answers may be published in the next edition of FRV Travel magazine and the winner will be notified by email. Send your answers to comp@finerestaurantsandvillas.com and good luck.
The Trilogy Menu at Nutmegs Hu’u steps up to the plate for another glorious summertime. As well as the “trilogy” specials a new á la carte menu has just been launched at the beginning of June. Give your taste buds a triple burst of delight with Nutmeg’s tasting specials during this summer.
Hu’u Nutmegs restaurant in Petitenget, Bali have come up with a new dining concept for this summer season, “good things come in threes”. And why not, as they move into their 9th year (which is the sum of 3 squared) present some special additions to the menu? As we all know, good things come in three. So, why not get 3 times the satisfaction. The new menu will have “trilogy” specials for each section ie. appetizer, main, dessert as well as a special tasting menu. Here’s an example of one of the new “trilogy” menus below: 3 course set wine tasting menu with or without wine are priced at Rp. 433k ++ per person including wine tasting pour Rp. 333k ++ per person not including wine 16 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
There have also been changes recently in the bar/club area of Hu’u. “The new bar design was a collaborative ‘in house’ effort designed after drinking many lychee martinis!” according to Kate, marketing at Hu’u. “The bar takes on an understated elegance with a Southeast Asian spirit; the fact that our interpretation of Indonesia is very ethnic...but not when you put it all together.” Long beautifully-detailed handles which were found in Java as well as the ring-shaped handles on the bar add a distinctive Asian feel. “While the bar looks like a chest of drawers in a Chinese tea house, the only tea you’ll get here is of the long island variety!” says Kate. The new bar area has created a better utilized space, a VIP area has been added to one side, and a risen back alley behind the DJ booth sofas is on the way. “The copper-worked bar top was also made in Java and although it’s metal it adds a beautiful but soft touch to the bar top. Like everything Hu’u the inspiration is taken from our surroundings. With a little help from our own bar of course!”
summer at ku de ta ‘I’m An Angel’ kicks off this year’s tenth anniversary celebration. Now in its eighth year, the I’m an Angel (IAA) Gala Charity Event is much anticipated on the Bali social calendar and has been successful in raising more than US$500,000 for the disadvantaged communities of Bali, focusing on helping women, children and the environment over the duration of its existence. To be held on Saturday 31st July 2010 at KU DE TA as part of the 10 year celebrations, this year’s theme is ‘Black & White’ and promises to be the most exciting yet. The evening will commence with KU DE TA Black and White ‘Tuxedo Cocktails’ created especially for the occassion, followed by a sumptuous dinner prepared by awardwinning KU DE TA Group Executive Chef Phillip Davenport, and International Guest Chef Manu Feidel, from L’Etoile Restaurant and Bar in Sydney, and co host of the Australian TV series ‘My Kitchen Rules’. “Manu and I have designed a five-course menu with a European feel, rich in texture and flavour and with plenty to choose from as there will be three options for each course. We are honoured to contribute our professional time for this
very worthy Balinese cause and help the community help themselves”. With an aim to break last year’s fundraising efforts of over US$75,000, auctioneers Arthur Chondros (owner and founder of KU DE TA and IAA) and Ian MaCaulay (of Elite Havens), will whip the crowd into a bidding frenzy as they compete for the prestigious auction items up for grabs. The evening’s entertainment will commence with a moving performance by the Bali Peace Choir. Dinner guests will then enjoy the dulcet sounds of globetrotting live performer Ash Chandler, direct from Bombay who will perform a mix of chilled evening sounds. Following which the party will get started courtesy of Dutch DJ Joreonski, who will entertain till late with his eclectic dance mix. Arthur Chondros is delighted to be able to continue supporting the IAA Charity Foundation: “Our involvement with I’m An Angel is an absolute honour and we are grateful to have the opportunity to strengthen the lives of people who have faced enormous environmental and economic challenges in the past few decades. It’s our way of giving something back to the very special – but economically fragile – Balinese villages.” he says. The funds raised by KU DE TA support a vast range of activities from healthcare through to hygiene, infrastructure building, education and environmental awareness. Instead of simply providing aid, the charity is structured to empower communities so they are better able to face the challenges of the future. www.kudeta.net
Chocolate Cities Around the world with a chocolate map. Edgy cocoa haven Chocolate Research Facility in Singapore has released its Spring/Summer 2010 Cities Series of ten new chocolate flavours to not just soothe the sweet tooth, but probably satiate a bout of wanderlust as well. Packaged attractively in kitsch pastel boxes emblazoned with city street maps, you get your pick of some pretty unique bars from this collection such as Bangkok (Tom Yam in Milk Chocolate), Tokyo (Sakura in White Chocolate), Mumbai (Cumin Seeds in Dark Chocolate) and
Shanghai (Osmanthus in Milk Chocolate). What would even be more fun? Nibbling on these delightful chocolate bars in their actual respective cities. Chocolate Research Facility 501 Orchard Road, #02-10, Wheelock Place, 9 Raffles Boulevard, #01-30 Millenia Walk, Singapore Web: www.chocolateresearchfacility.com
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Latest Sensation in Singapore: The Fullerton Heritage New hotels and restaurants galore. with watching over one of the world’s busiest harbours, as Singapore’s shipping and trade boomed from the 1960s onwards. Now, both of these historical landmarks are refurbished and have changed their function to be the city’s hippest place to seen and to be seen.
The Fullerton Hotel and One Fullerton Bay in Singapore has rightly gained A reputation as one of the most prestigious establishments in the city state. The Far East Organization, who created the first Fullerton Hotel, have come up with a new concept called The Fullerton Heritage – a premium lifestyle experience that will be the new focal point for fine dining, upscale shopping and entertainment, and to complement this they will soon be opening their new establishment, The Fullerton Bay Hotel, along with some interesting new restaurant venues. Located strategically at the Marina Bay, The Fullerton Bay Hotel is a contemporary boutique hotel that has only 100 rooms, all featuring full sea views. The Fullerton Heritage also acquired some historical properties in that area such as Clifford Pier and Customs House which they plan to integrate into the experience. Clifford Pier, or Ang Teng Ma Toi, was the key landing point for immigrants and visitors arriving by ship, and is a historic landmark today. As for Customs House, it was the former home of the Singapore Customs Police, tasked
Clifford Pier is home to “One on The Bund” – a glamorous chinoiserie, á la old Shanghai, restaurant that won an award last year for “Best Ambience (Asian)” by Wine & Dine Singapore. As for the beautiful double-storey Customs House, with direct waterfront access, it will soon be the home of high-end restaurants such as Procacci Italian Restaurant and Oyster Bar. Both Clifford Pier and Customs House are predicted to follow the huge success of their predecessor, One Fullerton and Fullerton Waterboat House. Together all these new establishments will combine to form The Fullerton Heritage. With the newly-opened Marina Bay Sands with its three new skyscrapers consisting of luxurious hotels, the casino and of course more restaurants and bars, competition in this prestigious area is going to be very tight, but the quality and service of The Fullerton Heritage will stand proud. Opening is set for June / July 2010 and FRV Travel will surely be back to let you know the word. The Fullerton Heritage Singapore 1 Fullerton Road #02-05 Singapore www.thefullertonheritage.com
Singapore is now ‘Your Singapore’ Making Singapore up front and personal. Yes, this is true! The city state realized that each person has different needs and destinations to go in Singapore so they have re-branded into what is known now simply as “Your Singapore”. This change from the old slogan from “Uniquely Singapore” was made to give an emotional and ultimately satisfying experience for visitors according to each person’s needs, preference and interest. “The way people plan their trips these days has fundamentally changed,” says Ken Low from Singapore Tourism Board. “It is more active today, especially thanks to the domination of digital and social media. Output such as video on demand, online news, blogs or website, has changed the traveler’s way on getting sources. ‘Your Singapore’ is our answer to these changes.” With this new logo, Singapore is aiming to assure everyone that they can accommodate their trip with a variety of inspiring destinations to suit their own personal lifestyles. For more on your own personal Singapore experience visit www.yoursingapore.com 18 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
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Never too Young to be Pampered Anantara Bali pampers the young. The modern world is a stressful place full of decisions to be made, fashions to be worn, Apple products to be bought, what not to eat and drink… and that’s just the adults! We all know that peer pressure is hard to be ignored so spare a thought for the kids who have the same pressures but with the added problem of being disenfranchised and having to do what they are told all the time by us grown ups? What, with all that play time, no jobs, and no bills to pay, come on parents, give the kids a break! Anantara Spa Seminyak, Bali is offering stressed out kids everywhere a chance to unwind and connect with their inner selves through their latest spa menu that caters to their hard done by little souls with a menu of massages and treatments designed for little angels under twelve years old.
The Kids Spa Menu has a range of massage and beauty services including a baby massage for the under-two-yearolds, designed to stimulate body metabolism and strengthen those growing muscles. The twenty minute massage uses olive oil to smooth the skin and relax the body and helps babies sleep more soundly. For children aged between 2-12 a chocolate massage is offered starting with a footbath ritual followed by a thirty minute massage using chocolate massage oil. This fun and revitalizing massage helps to release tiredness and tension for little active children who have been by the resort pool all day, as long as they don’t eat it all first. There is also mani- and pedi- treatments available just to make them even more precious. For more information +62 361 737773 www.anantara.com
Jazz Night
Get in the mood on Thursday nights. METIS is bringing live music to their Petiteneget restaurant on Thursday nights. From 10pm listen to cool jazz sounds in the bar lounge area or at your table. It’s a sparkling Jazz soirée and the place to delight your senses while sipping your favorite cocktail. Every Thursday night, 10 pm. Reservations P + 62 361 737888 Jl.Petitenget No.6 , Kerobokan, Bali www.metisbali.com
Conrad Hotels & Resorts Introduces New iPhone Application Press a button and away you go. Conrad Hotels & Resorts is getting with the program of world-wide technological advancement and convenience by introducing a new iPhone and iPod Touch application, building on their commitment to fulfilling guests’ needs via digital media. From managing reservations to e-check-in, the new application’s user-friendly interface provides travellers with a fast and easy, on-the-go experience. The application enables guests to find and book hotel rooms through its GPS feature, modify 20 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
existing reservations, browse Conrad Hotels holiday specials and have easy click-and-call access. Members of the Hilton Honors program can use the application to redeem points and check balances. Gold and Diamond members have exclusive use of an e-check-in feature allowing them to check in up to 36 hours prior to arrival. The application is free for download, free of charge at www.conradhotels.com/mobile
come for the
for the experience
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Pilates and Yoga Retreat in Bali June 19th - 26th 2010. When was the last time you took a whole week just for yourself? Join this group in the paradise island of Bali for a week of active bliss. Renew your energy and find your inner core through ancient ayurvedic knowledge and daily practice of Yoga and Pilates. Master Yogi Kishan Shah and Hong Kong resident Pilates instructor Mareile Paley will guide you through this full-immersion experience. Whether you are an © Matthieu Paley/www.paleyphoto.com experienced yogi or a seasoned Pilates practitioner, a curious newcomer to Pilates or yoga, or both, you will love this retreat. In partnership with California-based Yoga Master Instructor Kishan Shah,
Mareile Paley has created a truly holistic exercise experience. The programme will include 2 - 4 hrs of Pilates and yoga per day, accommodation in a jungle paradise, a one-onone assessment session, ayurvedic lifestyle and diet lecture, yoga and Pilates philosophy, anatomy class, massages, spatreatments, dance performances and lots more. The seven-day retreat includes: - 7 nights accommodation with daily breakfast - 2-4 hrs of Pilates and Vinyasa flow yoga daily, - One-on-one assessment session - Pilates history and practical anatomy workshop - Ayurvedic lifestyle & diet lecture - Massages, excursions, Balinese cooking class - Balinese purification ceremony - Welcome dinner and goodbye lunch They are also offering a special discounted price for Bali residents or holiday makers who already have their own accommodation so there are no excuses not to do it. From US$1,410 www.pilatesretreatasia.com
Living Room 10 The Petitenget restaurant and bar celebrates.
The drinks and the good times were flowing freely last month as Living Room celebrated 10 years in their Petitenget locale. Sarah Daye’s vocals sang out through the night accompanied by Mumza on the decks and Rio Sidik’s silky trumpet sounds as the crowd helped celebrate the magic milestone into the wee small hours.
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AMANDARI SCREENS HERITAGE FILMS OF CLASSIC BALI Three night showcase of Balinese dance. the 1930s, became a huge success and put Bali on the international map.
For three nights, from July 1 thru 3, Amandari will host a viewing of heritage films of Bali in conjunction with the French Cinémathèque of Dance and the Swedish Dance Museum. The films focus on the theme of dance, with rarely-seen screenings of Swede Rolf de Maré, who compiled outstanding footage of dance from Indonesia in the 1930s. Films will be screened in Kedewatan’s village wantilan, (open-air meeting hall), adjacent to Amandari. Each evening’s showcase will feature two films with an intermission in between. The first film to be screened on July 1 is “Goona Goona,” (also known as “The Kris”), from 1932, which runs for 65 minutes and was directed by Armand Denis and Andre Roosevelt. This film, when it was shown in New York in
On July 2, Amandari will screen a film of Rolf de Maré’s 1938 expedition to Nias, Sulawesi, Sunda, Java and Bali preceded by a short montage of photographs of de Maré presented by Erik Naslund. The film will be shown in two parts with musical accompaniment by two or four musicians. Sequences are silent and show dances from what was then the East Indies. The trip was “curated” by Claire Holt who delegated the choice of dancers in Bali to Walter Spies. This unique document seldom travels and will probably never be shown again in Indonesia for technical reasons; the films are now too fragile. The final day of the programme sees the screening of “Island of Bali - La Isla de Bali,” from 1930, which runs 60 minutes and was directed by Miguel Covarrubias. This film is an edited compilation of footage taken by his wife, Rose Covarrubias, in 1930 and 1937. It covers every aspect of Balinese life following the chapters of the famous book “Island of Bali” which was a best-seller in the United States before WWII. Please call or email Amandari for a full programme. Tel +62 361 975 333 amandari@amanresorts.com
Eight° South The location for all your accommodation necessities.
This is where to come if you’re seeking a place to supply you with all your interior design needs. From bedding and linens, to furniture and kitchenware Eight° South will take care of all your needs. The name hints at the geographical location of Bali and the number eight is also considered a very lucky number in Asia. The Eight° South showroom is strategically located on Jl. Mertanadi no.77, a prime location for many Villas in Bali, and to date has supplied many upscale places such as Warisan, Chandra, Panorama Outrigger, and also abroad. www.8-degrees-south.com 24 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
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Trip Confuser Jules Kay looks at the pros and cons of public internet reviewing Personal online recommendations and reviews have undoubtedly shaped the travel industry in recent years. TripAdvisor™branded sites alone now make up the largest and most popular travel community in the world, drawing over 40 million monthly visitors who have written around 30 million reviews of more than 500 000 hotels and attractions across the company’s 15 different travel portals. But with these and many smaller travel blogs and websites moving beyond simple appraisal to offer direct hotel bookings, as well as advertising specific airlines and accommodation choices, how reliable are they as an honest recommendation? Most customer driven travel sites are open source, which means anyone, including a hotel owner, manager or member of the marketing team can write their own shining review. Conversely, competitors can add negative comments to influence potential guests or use the web as a place to launch a vendetta. Of course, the guests themselves can also simply get carried away. A tendency to overuse adjectives like ‘exquisite’, ‘exceptional’ and ‘superb’ may set off alarm bells amongst some of the more discerning readers, while seemingly implausible extremes of good and bad can often leave you feeling a little bewildered. Reading people’s opinions certainly offers a useful insight into specific details, but to base your travel choices on a stranger’s recommendation, however effusive, remains a little risky. Savvy web users may not face the same hurdles when it comes to finding honest, practical reviews. Most people who take their research seriously use online forums, which offer Q&A type information on specific topics, with people asking a question and others responding with advice and opinions. Normally it’s necessary to register with a site in order to join these forums, which means the contributors are more likely to be long-term members with a committed interest the particular theme they are discussing. It’s also possible to check when each member registered and see how often they contribute. As a rule of thumb, it’s worth remembering that one-off reviews may be less informative (or genuine) that those offered by seasoned travellers. On the other side
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of the coin, according to many industry professionals, online reviews are increasingly being used as leverage by shrewd guests looking for added extras and discounts. People ask for upgrades or complimentary services by threatening a bad review online if they don’t get their way. In some cases, they will even try to hold a hotel to ransom, demanding free nights in exchange for critical leniency. Travel sites also seem to attract more than their fair share of professional complainers. Before online appraisal, anyone who felt they had a legitimate complaint would have to take the time to write a strongly worded letter, then send it to the person in charge and wait for an (often disappointing) response. The power to address future guests and customers directly cuts out the middle man, but it is also a power that, perhaps naturally, goes to some people’s heads. Of course, it could be argued that a constant threat of criticism would make hospitality providers strive for excellence. But when one person’s paradise appears to be another’s hell, it can be difficult to identify exactly which improvements need to be made, particularly if they seem beyond anyone’s control. Extreme examples include one review that complained the sea was too loud at a beach resort, while another said that a guest house owner didn’t smile enough in the mornings (perhaps she hadn’t had a cup of coffee yet?). Strangely, few hotels seem to answer such criticisms or even explain the scenarios that may have inspired a bad review, which is a shame because the ensuing discussions could become very entertaining. But then, what’s the point in closing the stable door once the horse has bolted? Better perhaps to just clean it out and hope the next one notices the positives. http://www.theboutiquevillas.com/news_904.html For more information please contact us. Samui Villas & Homes Co., Ltd. 11/7 Moo 1, Tambon Bophut, Amphur Koh Samui, Suratthani 84320 Thailand Tel: +66 (0) 77 427 648 Fax: +66 (0) 77 427 649 Email: m.currie@samuivillasandhomes.com
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COVER villa mana
Do you go? Villa Mana and 108 Fashion Forward take us on a spin through Canggu lifestyle and luxury living. Photos: Sulthon 28 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
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COVER villa mana
illa Mana is a luxurious and modern, six-bedroom villa hidden away in the traditional village of Babakan, just ten minutes’ drive from the beach at Canggu on Bali’s southwest coast. Echo beach, with its beautiful sunsets and casual dining, is nearby and Seminyak is just minutes away from the villa, presenting the famous and exciting Bali nightlife, together with a plethora of trendy boutiques, luxurious spas, and internationallyacclaimed restaurants. The villa comprises three air-conditioned master bedrooms, two large king-sized bedrooms, both with en-suite bathrooms, and a kids’ room that sleeps three. There is also an office with a queen-size bed positioned within a mezzanine level loft, suitable for a nanny or
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a child. There is a spacious communal area for living, lounging and dining, an 18 x 6 metre infinity-edge pool, a children’s playroom/ entertainment room, an upstairs TV room/ study, a poolside ‘bale’ cabana, and a massive open-air rooftop deck. This impressive property is aimed at discerning guests who appreciate architectural taste, luxurious surroundings and natural beauty. It is ideal for weddings, parties and functions, and presents a team of efficient friendly staff who epitomise the legendary Balinese hospitality with a top level of service. Furthermore, Villa Mana caters to children of all ages. For babies, a sleeping cot is available, as well as two highchairs and pool toys. A WiFi connection to the internet is available on-site.
Above: The exterior living area segues perfectly with the swimming pool and living room.
Being a short drive to the nightlife hub of Seminyak, Villa Mana is the perfect foil and shelter.
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Relax and take your time, there’s plenty of space for you and your guests to hide away. 32 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
COVER villa mana
Left: An upstairs sofa overlooking the rice fields of Canggu. Above: Large bedrooms and comfortable beds are a feature of Villa Mana. Fabric panelled walls soften the edges. Right: Model Anissa poses in front of a ground level bedroom entrance.
uests enter Villa Mana via a small bridge, which leads directly into the reception area, open-air living and dining areas and the pool deck. From here, all eyes will be drawn to the highlight of this remarkable property; the amazing view of Bali’s famous rice terraces and, in the early evenings, her magical sunsets. This beautiful vista is framed by the architecture of the building and reflected in the swimming pool. There are four bedrooms located on the ground floor, including one of the master bedrooms, with two more master bedrooms positioned on the rooftop level. There is a choice of semiformal and casual open-air living and dining areas on each level, as well as a ground floor entertainment room and a rooftop TV room / study.
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he location of Villa Mana offers easy access to the mountains and rice fields of the western slopes of the island, and is just 15 minute’s drive from the Sunset Road, gateway to the eastern side of the island. The international airport is about 30 minutes’ drive , depending on the traffic. The location is also convenient for all of the shopping malls and main tourist attractions. Easily accessible sporting amenities include the nearby ‘Nirwana Bali Golf Course’. Designed by Greg Norman, this was voted the number 1 golf course in Asia; it is situated beside the dramatic, wavelashed sea temple of Tanah Lot. For horse lovers, the ‘Kuda P’ riding stables are close by and the ‘Umalas Equestrian Centre’ is just a few kilometres away. FRV
Laze on a sunbed overlooking the enormous pool and rice fields.
Facilities * One private swimming pool (6.5 x 17 m) * Six air-conditioned bedrooms with en-suite * Fully-staffed * I-Pod dock * Safety deposit box in each bedroom * WiFi Broadband internet connection * Entertainment room * Rooftop TV room * Satellite TV * DVD, CD and book collection * BBQ * Lawn for functions
The large entertainment room.
Rates range from US$ 775 - US$ 1175 per night depending on season.
Villa Mana : www.villamana.com Model: Anissa Putri (I AM Model Management) Clothes: 108 Fashion Forward Store www.108fashionforward.com Photos: Sulthon Hair & Make-up: Hairudin Didin Styling: Donnie Sulthon Trauts
The main living and dining area.
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re-cheque BUDDHA BAR
Having Drinks With Buddha At His Bar in 2010 Text by Erza S.T. Photos by Ramadhan After operating for almost two years, Buddha Bar has had its ups and downs so FRV Travel decided to give this Menteng resident the once over once again.
RV visited and reviewed Buddha Bar just after opening and to be frank, at that time we were not very excited with their so-called Pan-Asian and Pacific Rim cuisine. Back then we considered the pricing and the service quality needed some attention, and now in 2010 things are changing … and all for the good. Hallelujah! Buddha Bar, á la 2010, brings in some new faces in the management team as well as in the kitchen. New manager, Bogdan Vlase, has successfully elevated the sleepy service into a speedy and adept front line and he hasn’t stop there. The latest addition in his restaurant is the new chef, Alex Ensor who joined recently from
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his previous posting at Kemang’s Shy restaurant. He is a chef known for his creative imagination and with the buzz around town already strong, FRV revisited Buddha Bar to see if the new chef had made a difference. And we were not disappointed! Already aware of the venue’s majestic ambience, we decided to go directly to the second floor to meet the Buddha face to face and check out the latest menu. Alex had just joined the kitchen when we visited and they’ve still kept some basics from the previous menu. However, there is a new additional page under the title of “Chef ’s Special” and a whole new selection on the dessert section too. Getting curious with the
Left: A huge fabulous Buddha sitting majestically above the dining area.
Above: The bar with dragon mural centrepiece between chinoiserie paintings. Below: Heliconia, yellow and wood accents fill the dining area.
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food, we decided to order dishes from both the previous and new selections. The wagyu beef tartar as a starter from the Chef ’s Special selection was sensational. Alex managed to give an oriental infusion to the meat by adding sesame oil and ginger essence which gave this dish an exquisite taste. Combine it with the crispy, sphere-shaped seaweed Parmesan and you have a great way to start dinner. We were intrigued to see how far the improvements had gone with the existing selection, and ordered their Pad Thai. Back then it was a bit average and just OK, however we really enjoyed it this time around. There has been a lot more imagination put into the creation of the dish and the spices were dominated by the fragrance of lemon grass. By this time, our expectations were getting higher as great changes had already been noted with the first two dishes. On our first visit, we were pleased with their crispy tiger shrimp with coconut basil, dragon 38 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
roll and volcano roll. We were also impressed with Buddha Bar roast black cod with miso sauce. Of course, we are talking about a different era, before Chef Alex Ensor conquered Buddha Bar’s kitchen and this time around the new chef successfully made his mark by reworking our favourite black cod dish into a different style altogether. His black cod version is steamed and accompanied with Japanese eggplant puree and salmon roe surrounded by lemon miso sauce. It is a main course dish that really caught us by surprise with its explosive taste.
Our expectations were getting higher as great changes had already been noted with the first two dishes.
If fish is not your thing, then perhaps Buddha Bar’s grilled Black Angus, 220 day, grainfed sirloin steak with roasted baby potatoes, green asparagus, cherry tomatoes, and shallots dressed in red wine sauce could be an option. When we asked for medium, it arrived perfectly cooked. Nevertheless the highlight of
Facing page: A new dessert from Chef Alex - cashew nut semifreddo with caramel sauce. Our new guilty pleasure, the irresistible steamed crispy skinned duck glazed with mandarin jus.” Above: The overall look of the dining area and the latest sensation in Buddha Bar - Chef Alex Ensor.
our dining there was simply the steamed crispy skinned duck. Glazed with mandarin jus, this duck could be one of the best things I have ever tasted in my long run as a food reviewer. It was juicy inside, yet crispy on the outside and combined with a silky smooth puree that melts perfectly inside your mouth. This duck was to die for and we were awed to find this fantastic dish in Buddha Bar. Wash that away with a glass of Argentinian Merlot – Malbec Estancia Mendoza 2007 and you have enjoyed a wonderful dinner. In the one month of Chef Alex Ensor’s reign, we have already visited Buddha Bar a number of times and heve been impressed with the increase in consistency of the food as well as the service. Alex’s fundamental appreciation of local produce and focusing on them to be served in Buddha Bar is also interesting. In good hands like Alex’s, these local products taste as good as the imported products.
In the end, Buddha Bar managed to not only survive but also to step up their game. The current service there is informative, fast and efficient. We also found that the prices have been nicely adjusted for both food and cocktails. It is no doubt that Buddha Bar is still the place to have a night out and rub shoulders with the Jakartan who’s who, and it is still the epitome of high-class parties. Beautiful people in their latest designer clothes with perfect shoes and jewelry are still flocking to this place for fine dining or partying. It seems that the charms of Buddha not only worked on us but it is getting stronger. This time I blame it on the steamed crispy skinned duck. FRV
Buddha Bar Jl. Teuku Umar No. 1 Menteng Tel: +62 21 3900 899 Website: www.buddha-bar.co.id Fine Restaurants & Villas l 39
heaven in the desert
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Heaven in The Desert
By Erza S.T
Facing page: The Abra waterway where you can explore the hotel by gondola. Qaryat Al Beri hotel lobby is warm and welcoming. The hotel’s fantastic exterior at twilight. This page: Room with a view. Abu Dhabi’s most famous landmark the Grand Mosque.
was after midnight when my flight touched down in Abu Dhabi and I was pretty much not in the mood for anything. I was just hoping to arrive at my designated hotel as soon as possible. It seemed that even an eight-hour flight could give you fatigue, despite being pampered in business class. Luckily, the hotel where I was going, Shangri-La Qaryat Al Beri, was just 10 minutes away from the airport.
Viewing the glowing pastel dove colours enshrouding the white marble of the Grand Mosque under a clear blue sky is truly a great way to start your day in Abu Dhabi.
Entering this hotel feels like going into a 1001 nights Arabian palace. High ceilings combined with strong traditional Arabic elements are implemented into the hotel décor which offers guests total authenticity with a modern approach. A small cup of Arab tea and sweet dates were offered to me by the pleasant hotel staff who greeted me at the lobby. This is a wonderful gesture, especially after a long flight. Checking
in was also fast and hassle-free, even though it was already well after midnight. It is always a great and efficient service that understands the condition of the guest. The room, like the hotel’s ambience, also incorporates traditional Arabic design into its décor. Though the room itself was not too large, it had a spacious bathroom with separate shower and bathtub. Equipped with “five star” standards such as LCD flat screen TV and DVD player this room also offers complimentary broadband internet access which is useful for business travelers. However, the best feature of this room is actually the views of the sea and the great Grand Mosque from the balcony that is just so breathtaking. I was quite flabbergasted to wake up the next morning and see the beauty of this glorious vista. Viewing the glowing pastel dove colours enshrouding the white marble of the Grand Mosque under a clear blue sky is truly a great way to start your day in Abu Dhabi. Shangri-La Qaryat Al Beri, opened in 2007, is set on the beachfront and is nestled in the large Qaryat Al Beri complex. It is strategically located between the two bridges of Al Maqta and Mussafah which lead into Abu Dhabi. It is five minutes away from the newly refurbished Fine Restaurants & Villas l 41
Abu Dhabi International Convention Centre (ADNEC) and 20 minutes from the Corniche and the city centre – convenient for both leisure or business visitors. This hotel is also large, compromising 214 luxurious rooms and suites all with balconies and stunning sea views, plus six spectacular villas of four bedrooms each. Not only that, in the Qaryat Al Beri complex you can also find the Shangri-la Residence that offers 161 spacious serviced apartments as well as Shangri-la’s sister hotel, Traders. The hotel also offers a wide selection when it comes to dining. Five dining institutions from the all-day dining Sofra Bld to the opulent, yet modern, French Bord Eau, to even the exotic Vietnamese Hoi An are there for you to choose from and enjoy. Highly recognized and
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already winners of several prestigious awards, these restaurants are surely not to be missed. During my visit, I was taken aback by the perfection of the degustation menu that was served at one of the hotel’s rstaurants: Pearls & Caviar. There is plenty to look forward to while staying at this hotel. From sun bathing on the beach to exploring the unique city or going for a pamper at the famous CHI spa, there are lots of good options. The verdict: I would love to return and experience it all again. There are so many things to enjoy in Shangri-la Qaryat Al Beri, yet a short weekend is just not enough for that. However, it does make for a great stopover on the way to Europe. FRV
Enjoying magnificent sunset views over the Grand Mosque at one of the hotel’s gazeboes.
Shangri-la Hotel Qaryat Al Beri, Abu Dhabi Between The Bridges Abu Dhabi United Arab Emirates www.shangri-la.com
grand hyatt jkt?
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Concorde Hotel:
A Splendid Four Star Accommodation By Erza S.T. For most Indonesians, Singapore offers everything from leisure to business and for normal economical reasons we tend to choose hotels that offer great services with a five-star feel, but with a four-star rate. Concorde Hotel, nestling nicely at the end of the famous Orchard Road can be considered one of these. Over two decades of experience, the hotel that was formerly known as the Le Meridien has transformed its outlook and has given the rooms a new breath of fresh air. Though it is strategically located on Orchard Road, the entrance to this hotel is somewhat hidden at the back of the building. Concorde building is shared with a shopping mall that occupies the first and second floors, putting the lobby on the third floor. For first-timers, this could be quite a hassle but it can be solved easily if you are using a taxi, as the driver will now where to find the entrance easily.
n Singapore, great accommodation is not hard to find as this island is full to the brim with a large numbers of hotels catering for both the budget conscious right up to the ultra-luxury seeking high spenders. However, it is not too often one comes across a good four-star business hotel in Singapore. On a recent visit there, the name ‘Concorde Hotel’ came into the picture and it was a surprisingly interesting experience. 44 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
Impressive high ceilings with pearly white marble greet you once you enter the hotel’s lobby. Comfortable and inviting black sofas and chairs with orange accents coming from the carpet and cushions add warmth to the lobby. Checking in was fast and when they found out my booking was made for a premier suite room, they immediately escorted me to the premier lounge where all the guests of premier rooms and suites can check in. Unlike others, in the Concorde Hotel the premier lounge is located on the lobby level. Nevertheless it has a soothing ambience and has a work station with internet access, a spacious sitting room, a private meeting room (for up to 12 guests) and a glorious choice of refreshments where you can find both Asian and Western delights. The hotel refurbishment has given the hotel a sleek new look. Spanning around the 42 square metre suite I had a bird’s eye view down to Orchard Road. This room was modern with a touch of Straits Chinese brica-brac and completed with a 32-inch LCD TV and internet. Another good feature is
their spacious bathroom with bathtub and shower plus a big wardrobe cabinet. They perfected the bathroom with Eau d’Orange Verte cologne by Hermes as part as their toilet amenities. Not bad for $548 rate that the hotel offers per Premier night. Inside this hotel you can also find two dining outlets that are favoured by the locals. Spices Café (formerly known as Café Georges) serves mostly local flavours with touch of Peranakan food. It is also the hotel coffee shop. It is great value for money and is a fantastic choice to entertain your business clients here. With just $42++ you can enjoys one serving of half a lobster (200g) and select from the six varieties of crab dishes that are done á la minute as part as their Harvest of The Sea dinner buffet. For a more serious seal-the-deal kind of dinner meeting then perhaps the old time favorite Nogawa Japanese Restaurant could be a great option. Touted as one of the best Japanese restaurants in Singapore, Nogawa panders to your taste buds with freshly-made sushi and hand rolls that are made directly in front of you. All and all, Concorde Hotel was showing more quality than a four-star hotel normally would. Though we think that the psychedelic carpet from the passage into the room could be disturbing, it is made even by the great and friendly service that the hotel offers. The verdict: it would be nice to come back for a second and third time to see what else this hotel can present to its guests. The psychedelic carpet might have disappeared by that time. FRV
Concorde Hotel Singapore 100 Orchard Road Singapore Tel: +65 6733 8855 www.singapore.concordehotelsresorts.com
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contemporary cuisine
Words by Sarah D Photos by Sulthon
Contemporary Cuisine T
here are cooks, there are chefs and there are great chefs. When Enrico Wahl invites you to come and try something new from his kitchen at Kura Kura Restaurant at Bali’s Oberoi Resort, you know you are in for a treat. The latest thing on his menu should have surprised me. Black garlic. However after three and half years as Executive Chef with the prestigious property, local foodies have come to know one thing – it may be left field but it will be good. Enrico’s cooking style is unique and it is a journey that involves all the senses. He clearly spends a lot of time researching and experimenting with all that is going on in the world of cooking and then bending the recipes to make them his own. Other chefs will tell you, he’s crazy AND he’s a genius. This pretty much sums it up. Kura Kura’s degustation menus are the stuff of which memories are made. Each plate a work of art, each element vital to the total dish. It is like a woman who takes something off before she leaves the house, knowing that less
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is more. Enrico’s food is pared down so that each flavour stands true in its own right, but the combination is sensational. Take the simple salad he prepared for our photo shoot. In one corner sits a warm gratin of chavignol - a fancy goats cheese, topped with a walnut crust. In another corner a sambal chili tomato marmalade, adjacent sits a beautiful bunch of wild organic arugula, packed in a rice paper bag. To finish, a miniature jug of wild Sumbawa honey. Each element is the best of its type. Deconstruct this salad, combine the elements and the results are ambrosial. Not afraid to play with ingredients, a recent dinner of nine courses failed to entice me only once; a pearl barley and escargot risotto made with a lovage froth, brilliantly green, served in a small glass. I tried. The risotto was a tiny picture of perfection but...the bits of snail? No. On another occasion I perused the menu in advance and stated emphatically that I would not eat the salad with the chicken gizzards, no way Jose! “Try,” said Enrico. I ate it all. Who knew? The gizzards appeared as mere slivers in
When Enrico Wahl invites you to come and try something new from his kitchen you know you are in for a treat.
The elegant charm of Kura Kura restaurant and The Oberoi, Bali, where the modern concept of Bali Style all began. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 47
contemporary cuisine
Enrico doesn’t follow anyone’s rules, he is a culinary crusader, happy to experiment, and a stern critic. a flavourful salad. They were cooked in a confit for days and then pan-fried. Who goes to all this trouble for what appears to be little more than a garnish? Enrico does. Foie gras comes in all sorts of intricate ways from brulees to smouldering chocolate balls fragrant with goose liver; seared slivers with caramelised brioche, apple puree and a lick of hibiscus reduction; marbled terrines with bitter chocolate; or mere crumbles sprinkled delicately on a smoked and truffled bone-marrow amber. I know, I can’t quite believe some of the things I have eaten, and enjoyed! Enrico doesn’t follow anyone’s rules, he is a culinary crusader of sorts, happy to experiment, eager to praise and a stern critic. His native German accent makes conversation sometimes tricky but what translates to the plate is an international language easily understood. This is not experimentation for the sake of it but rather a tasteful journey that absolutely works on the night. The black garlic is almost overlooked in the nine courses, appearing mid-way as a few floating cloves. Not mere decoration though. The cloves that take 30 days to ferment in a low oven are sticky, nutty and sublimely sweet, and very black. They’re sensational. For the full culinary experience, it is suggested to try the chef ’s menu. A three-course menu is priced at Rp. 480,000++ while the full nine courses is priced at Rp. 850,000. Diners can choose from 3, 4, 5 or 9 courses. An á la carte menu is also available nightly and includes the chef ’s signature dishes, as well as Indian and Indonesian dishes. With decent imported wines starting around Rp. 650,000 this menu is not only worth experiencing, it is one you can afford. FRV
Kura Kura at The Oberoi, Bali Seminyak Beach | Jalan Kayu Aya Telephone : +62 361 730 361
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Enrico’s dishes resemble works of art. This piece is called, Carrot cured and coffee wood smoked swordfish toro, spherical chive sour crème, crispy crème cheese, slow poached egg yolk, palm heart, caper caviar.
Reflect, ReJUVeNAte, ReMÈDe An exceptional experience with an inspired menu of an exclusive selection of massage and holistic treatments. Our menu features a convergence of exotic therapies of Balinese philosophies and modern day beauty treatments. enjoy the calm butterfly themed surroundings and invigorate in the spirit of Remède.
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tODAy: A sp eN AtlA N tA BAli B eiJiNg BORA BO RA DeeR cRest hAwAii hOUs tON lO N DO N MA llORcA MexicO city MONA Rch BeAch N ew yORk pUNtA MitA ROMe sA N fRA Nci scO shA N ghA i s iNg ApORe wA shi NgtON, D.c.
© 2009 starwood hotels & Resorts worldwide, Inc. Fine Restaurants & Villas l 49
Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila
Oh-So-Charming Getaway Kenny Santana Manila may not be an obvious choice for a holiday destination, but when travelers do hop in, Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila will make them want to extend their stay in the Phillipine capital.
The Musts The hotel’s most prominent feature is the lagoon-shaped swimming pool set in a lush tropical garden. With a big water slide, the pool will surely prove popular with little ones.
Location Sofitel Manila has the advantage of being only 20-minutes away from both the airport and the Makati business district. Visitors will appreciate its close proximity to Mall of Asia for impromptu shopping sprees or Imelda Marcos’ Coconut Palace for a cultural visit. Plus, its Manila Bay-side location also makes it an excellent refuge from the hustle and bustle of the big city.
Right after a morning sunbath coupled with a good read by the pool, guests usually take time to linger over brunch in the hotel’s flagship restaurant Spiral. Named after its grand staircase, the restaurant features one of the best buffet spreads in town and is spacious enough to seat 500. The open kitchen concept lets the guests savour the look and smell of diverse international cuisines (including local delicacies, of course) before finally tasting it for themselves.
In the Bedroom Sofitel has more than 600 rooms with private balconies; most of them overlooking the bay. When not admiring the pristine sunset before them, guests will be drawn to the Sofitel’s MyBed. With four pillows, a light quilt and a generous feather-filled top mattress, they certainly make for satisfying slumber. Come bath time, the complimentary L’Occitane amenities are also an added luxurious delight.
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Service Service in Sofitel mostly hits rather than misses. At first we were bummed out that our airport transfer didn’t show up for a pick-up, but upon arrival the front desk staff sincerely apologized for the mishap and refunded the taxi fee. Furthermore, we arrived a day after a recent Manila flood and hurricane and the staff members never looked weary, and were eager to assist us at every point.
Facilities The hotel boasts exciting facilities to pamper your body and soul. Gym freaks will go gaga over its 24-hour SoFit fitness centre that allows them to have kinesis training, yoga, cardio boxing, step aerobics and more. For those who prefer outdoor activities, a 10-stall aqua golf range, a jogging trail, and tennis courts will keep them busy on sunny days. Go have a relaxing afternoon at the hotel’s signature LeSpa that provides hair care with L’Oreal Kérastase products on top of its body treatments. We recommend booking a spa suite with its own sundeck for true private bliss. FRV
Sofitel Philippine Plaza Manila CCP Complex, Roxas Blvd | Pasay City, Manila, Luzon, Philippines +63 2551 5555 www.sofitel.com
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have a break orangutan
For those wanting to see orangutans in the wild it can be a journey fraught with discomfort and danger. Long-haul flights, dangerous bus rides and long boat trips through crocodile-infested waters and malarial jungles with only rudimentary accommodation awaiting your arrival. Thomas Jones heads to Borneo and discovers an easier way.
co tourism is an admirable and responsible style of holidaying, but due to the usual inherantly remote destinations involved, not everyone is up for the task. Shangri-La’s Rasa Ria Resort in Sabah, Malaysia bridges this gap and allows guests of all ages and mobility to enjoy a smattering of luxury with both an awareness and appreciation for the orangutans plight and the diminishing returns of the world’s rainforests. The Rasa Ria Resort sits on 160 hectares of pristine beachfront land in a glorious long white sandy bay fringing the South China Sea and provides guests with great restaurants, swimming pools, luxury accommodation and countless other activities one expects from a five star resort. What really makes it stand above the crowd, however, is that it borders a 25-hectare nature reserve designed to foster education and conservation of Borneo’s unique natural environment. It serves as both
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rehabilitation centre for orphaned baby orangutans and as home to countless small mammals, birds and butterflies and a huge amount of indigenous flora. The need for such reserves is no secret; habitat destruction caused by deforestation. Alongside the logging industry, the main cause is the clear felling of trees for the planting of the palm oil Elaeis guineensis, a fast-growing cash crop and one of the cheapest sources of edible oils available today. Check the packet on the biscuits you had for morning tea or the noodles you will have for lunch and you may see the words Palm stearate listed as an ingredient. It is widely used in products like chocolate, biscuits, cleansers and instant noodles, and Indonesia and Malaysia, which share the island of Borneo, together provide nearly 90 percent of the global supply.
Have a Break Visit an Orangutan By Thomas Jones
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Top left: What it’s all for. A juvenile orangutan survivor. Bottom left: A room in the Ocean Wing overlooking the bay. Left: Enjoying the show where baby orangutans play in the trees and learn the ways of the forest.
The centre provides people with the opportunity to experience Borneo’s rich biodiversity in its many guises. There are only about 50,000 orangutans left in the wild but unfortunately they dwell in the lowland regions best suited for oil production. Developing palm oil plantations destroys both virgin rainforest and at the same time, the habitat of the apes. Resident animals are left homeless and workers hired to clear the land often kill the mother apes and sell the babies on the black market as pets. Sabah’s Wildlife Department works together with the Rasa Ria Resort in the rehabilitation of some of these young orangutans, teaching them the skills necessary to return to the wild. Situated within the reserve is the Nature Interpretation Centre, a place to touch, feel and see the diverse flora and fauna of the forests. The centre includes a dedicated forest garden, orangutan viewing and feeding platforms which can be seen twice a day, an observation tower, a veterinary clinic, nursery and animal food preparation kitchen, meeting hall for daily briefings and audio-visual presentations and a reference library, along with a suspended 54 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
forest walkway. It’s not only apes that are under threat and the centre provides people with the opportunity to experience Borneo’s rich biodiversity in its many guises. It provides a home for other species such as deer, monkeys, pheasants, porcupines, the hugeeyed slow loris, pythons and many species of birds, squirrels and bats, as well as rare Borneo orchids and pitcher plants. Twice-daily guided walks take visitors along the trails of the Reserve, and dedicated bird watchers can venture out in the cool early morning with a ranger to look for some of the 63 species found in the nature reserve and surrounding areas of the resort. Anyone who fancies the idea of being a ranger for the day can learn about the temperament, habits and food preferences of the different animals, as they help the rangers with their daily activities. Children can get in on the act, too, helping prepare the food for those animals which need supplementary feeding.
There is hope for the orangutans, however, which is shown by an international ground swell of protest against the palm oil industry and its continued destruction of rainforest animal habitat. A recent show of hands targeting Nestle showing a mock Kit Kat advertisement showing with orangutan fingers instead of chocolate touched a raw nerve with the multinational forcing them to announce a move to using only ethically-sourced ingredients, while in New Zealand when Cadburys started replacing full cream milk with palm oil, the country chocolate lovers simply refused to eat it. As with everything, all change starts at home. FRV
Shangri-la Rasa Ria Resort Pantai Dalit Beach 89208 Tuaran, Sabah Malaysia www.shangri-la.com
Desire realized is sweet to the soul... and a joy to share with friends and family
Celebrating Marriage www.tirthabridal.com FRV_07May.indd 1
5/11/10 3:39 PM
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Text: Nicholas Walton Hong Kong is a brilliant city, a vibrant metropolis that offers everything from world-class restaurants and rooftop bars, right through to outlying islands and hidden beaches. And of course hotels; here you’ll find everything from the traditional to the modern, the classic to the boutique, and where you stay can change the way you experience the Fragrant Harbour. 56 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
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InterContinental Hong Kong
Regarded as having the best view in the business, the InterContinetal is located on the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront, offering breathtaking vistas of Hong Kong Island’s cityscape. Regarded as one of the best hotels in Asia, its 495 guest rooms, including 92 harbour view suites, all boast the latest technology, including high-speed internet, LCD televisions and Bose sound systems, while the Presidential Suite has an open-air terrace and jacuzzi for the ultimate Hong Kong harbour experience. Downstairs the hotel boasts not just one, but two key signature restaurants; Nobu is the Hong Kong incarnation of famed Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa, while Spoon was created by French culinary star Alain Ducasse, and recently benefited from a new spring menu. InterContinental Hong Kong, 18 Salisbury Road, Kowloon, Tel: +852 2721 1211, www.interconti.com
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Grand Hyatt Hong Kong
Another grand dame of the Hong Kong hotel scene lies almost directly across the harbour on the Hong Kong Island side. Conveniently located next to the Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition Centre, each of the hotel’s 553 rooms and suites capitalise on exquisite views with floor-to-ceiling windows. Marble bathrooms and plenty of work space also make the Grand Hyatt popular with conference-goers. Epitomising the Asian hotel experience, there are several restaurants within the hotel, popular with both in-house and local guests. Try authentic Cantonese cuisine at One Harbour Road or one of the city’s top Italian joints with Grissini. Grand Hyatt Hong Kong, 1 Harbour Road, Wan Chai, Tel: +852 2588 1234, www.hyatt.com
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Mira Hotel
The Mira is one of the city’s newest openings and offers a decidedly more modern approach to a good night’s rest. Located just off Nathan Road in Tsim Sha Tsui, the hotel has already proven popular with advertising companies, designers and artists. All 492 rooms have been uniquely designed by lifestyle guru Colin Cowie, using four colour schemes. An additional 56 designsavvy suites and two penthouses also offer views across the hotel’s elegant rooftop garden bar, popular with the city’s style set. Dining has also struck a different chord at the Mira, with Whisk offering modern European fare and Cuisine Cuisine featuring a menu of Cantonese classics, including snake soup, perfectly washed down with molecular cocktails from the Room One bar. Mira, 118 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Tel: +852 2368 1111, www.themirahotel.com
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Le Meridien Cyberport
One of Hong Kong’s less known hotels is located in Cyberport, a development on Hong Kong Island’s western coast. Overlooking Lamma Island and Lantau, the Le Meridien Cyberport offers a whole new perspective on the city and although it’s a little further away from the action, the views are to die for. Housed in an architecturally-dynamic building and servicing Hong Kong’s ‘silicone valley’, the hotel looks over the tranquil waters of Telegraph Bay, with each guest room featuring floor-to-ceiling glass as well as state-of-the-art technology. Try out one of their ‘Naughty Rooms’ which features a marble bathroom with rain shower and plenty of glass so that nature comes to you, and before stepping out for the night, try one of the innovative cocktails in Bar Umami or at Podium. Le Meridien Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Road, Cyberport, Tel: +852 2980 7788, www.starwoodhotels.com Fine Restaurants & Villas l 61
Langham Place Mongkok
Mongkok is often considered to be the heart of Hong Kong – or at least a sense of its true self- so what better placed to stay than at the Langham Place, a modern, art-driven hotel in the heart of Kowloon. Rooms are spacious and modern, with stunning views out across the Kowloon Peninsula and out towards the Outlying Islands, but for the ultimate pamper, be sure to stay in one of the Chuan Infinity suites. These feature infinity baths and private steam rooms, as well as Cisco IP telephones, iPod docking stations and wireless internet. As the evenings warm up, be sure to have a glass of champagne in the recently-opened Backyard cocktail garden, before a bite to eat in Tokoro, one of the best Japanese restaurants in the city, or the Michelin-starred Ming Court. Langham Place Mongkok, 555 Shanghai Street, Mongkok, Tel: +852 3552 3388, http://hongkong. langhamplacehotels.com
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Hullett House
One of Hong Kong’s newest hotels is housed in the former Marine Police barracks in Tsim Sha Tsui. The creation of David Yeo, owner of the Aqua Group of restaurants, Hullett House boasts just 10 individuallydesigned suites, many of which offer stunning views across the harbour. The hotel sits atop the brand new 1881 luxury shopping complex, but still features some of the original elements of the police station, including the noon day ball, which once helped mariners set ships’ clocks, the noon day canon and the stables, which are now a steak-savvy grill. The hotel is also wreathed in the station’s famed gardens, made up of donations from passing mariners, given in exchange for rum rations in the Mariner’s Rest, one of the city’s oldest watering holes and where guests can now drink in the former holding cells. Hullett House, 2 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Tel: +852 3988 0000, www.aqua.com.hk FRV
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the best of BANYAN TREE
The Best of Both Worlds
On a recent trip to Phuket, Kenny Santana had a romantic weekend getaway in the island’s Banyan Tree not realizing the resort also had everything a modern family could ever wish for. Here’s his take on how honeymooners and families can co-exist in the resort.
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Given vast choices, we recommend couples to pick the Banyan Tree’s Deluxe Villa or Pool Villa. The Deluxe Villa has a spacious bedroom with a large dressing areas. Though devoid of a private pool, budget-conscious honeymooners will take pleasure in the outdoor sunken tub surrounded by tropical blooms, or in its open-air jet pool anext to the timber sundeck.
Left: Banyan Tree lets its guests step out from the bedroom and directly into their private pool.
Top left: The bedroom design is adorned with a touch of Thai silk, wood, ornaments. Top right: The romantics can book the Sanya Rak Dinner Cruise, it sails everyday before sunset.
Aside from the bigger Pool Villa, with one bedroom option for the lovebirds, Banyan Tree has just launched a whopping 370 sqm Deluxe Two Bedroom, tailor-made for the family. The indoor design is modern with attention to Thai details. Think marble bathroom, wat-style roofs, and silk-draped walls. We were quickly drawn to its roomy living room furnished with a snug couch for the kids to watch their favorite shows on a wall-mounted flat screen TV. A separate compact study room lets the parents browse the internet on the in-house complimentary broadband connection. And though Banyan Tree Phuket doesn’t have its own beach, aquatic features are found in every corner of the villa. For instance, the master bedroom is cleverly designed with sliding doors to let guests directly step out to the gorgeous pool. At any time of day, the whole family can take a dip in the private pool, then go sunbathing on the deck, or move to the adjacent warm jacuzzi. There’s also
a sala in one corner of the deck to relax or have a poolside meal. And even when we didn’t feel like doing anything, we lost time just lounging around amongst the plush pillows. The bathtub with a small garden view had us soaking longer than usual and we were also impressed by its al fresco shower. We’re sure children will fancy this close to-nature experience too. However, do take care with the toiletries. The ceramic bottles are a bit slippery when wet and can easily be dropped. Pick up some in-house bath amenities in plastic bottles from the hotel’s gallery whenever you bring the little ones. The good thing about it, you can take the rest of the deliciously-scented toiletries back home like we did.
When we took the complimentary ferryboat to cruise around the resort’s private lagoon, we passed by a couple having dinner in a long-tail boat. It turns out they were having a Sanya Rak Dinner Cruise, specially catered for romantics. The boat sails at 5.30 pm from the property just in time for the resorts surrounding the lagoon to light up. Enjoy a choice of Western, Thai or Vegetarian five-course set menus that count smoked salmon tartare on crisp potato rosti, Phuket lobster, and beef tenderloin with foie gras among their
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the best of BANYAN TREE
highlightshighlights. Have a heart-to-heart talk over dinner before the cruise finishes at 8 pm, leaving ample time to explore the Phuket nightlife. Casual couples who aren’t up for a lavish dinner cruise will find the menu in Tamarind Restaurant refreshing. During lunch with the PR manager, we sampled the vegetarian strawberry & Thai basil risotto, pan-seared chicken cakes and roasted white cod, which were made from fresh local ingredients, have perfectly sized portions, and are immensely appetizing. For families who like different surroundings than another in-villa dine-in, they usually go to Watercourt for lagoonfacing breakfasts and dinner. Standout dishes include penne mint, wagyu lamb loin, and coconut panna cotta.
Banyan Tree Phuket knows how to spoil its guests with plenty of activities around the premises. Voted the best spa in the world by several publications, we underlined it as a
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must-go in our itinerary long before we had arrived. Crossing over the spa area’s frangipani tree walkway and lotus ponds, the therapist escorted me to the treatment villa, where she let me pick the body oil scent then gently bathed my feet before beginning the treatment. The Master Therapist Experience combined signature Banyan Tree Spa massage and strokes that are individually tailored for each guest. Before the body massage began, the therapist made sure I was as comfortable as I could be. And then for the next 90 minutes I experienced one of the best massages I’ve ever had. The various strokes of the therapist are aided with the use of natural blended oils to banish all tensions in my muscles. Topped with a serving of fresh fruit cuts and a herbal drink after the treatment, my body felt lighter, more energized and ready to embrace more of Phuket’s sun, sand and sea. As couples or parents are indulging in their spa treatments or swinging their clubs on the resort’s 18-hole golf course, kids aged five to
Left: Some rooms have ceiling-to-floor glass windows with views to the garden.
Right: Tamarind restaurant serves cuisine made from fresh local ingredients with perfectly sized portions.
ten can join the Banyan Tree Rangers. It’s a daily program which revolves around the stimulation of the five senses by bringing children into the natural environment to let them explore and appreciate it more. Whether it’s getting to know different animals while being blindfolded or tasting herbs, spices and natural products to realize the wonder of plants, kids will have a jolly good time.
Banyan Tree Phuket will always be famous as a romantic destination, but with its spacious multi-bedroom villas, natural setting and plenty of activities for adults and kids alike, families will probably never want to go back to their real homes again. FRV
Banyan Tree Phuket Phuket, Thailand Tel: +66 76 324 374 www.banyantree.com
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delicious CAPRICCI
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When a restaurant gets its basics right – top quality ingredients, meticulous service and the utmost attention to ensuring the dishes you get are exactly how you want them – you have yourself a winner. Capricci, a southern Italian restaurant located at Singapore’s Central Business District is one such fine dining establishment, and has gained a loyal following for its authentic spread of Italian cuisine at surprisingly reasonable prices.
Delicious Whims
By: Melanie Lee Images Courtesy of Capricci Restaurant
a rule of thumb, every time after I do a restaurant review, I make it a point to go back there again with my family to see what they have to say. The idea is that genuinely delicious food is universal and if my relatives, who generally have opposite tastes from me, enjoy their meal as much as I had, then the restaurant must be doing its job well. Capricci is the only restaurant that my fatherin-law has ever remarked as a “good choice of restaurant”, which is a notable achievement given that he has a reputation of being a fussy eater and usually pooh-poohs the restaurants that we bring him to. While Capricci may not be as luxurious, avant-garde or scenic as the other restaurants featured in FRV Travel, it is a cosy and elegant outfit that serves its function
well – making sure that customers thoroughly enjoy their food. Capricci’s Director Massimo Aquaro is just as good at entertaining guests as he is in the kitchen whipping up his favourite dishes from his grandmother’s recipes. During my first meal there, I was surprised when he came out of the kitchen hurriedly while I was tucking into my first course of polipo alla griglia (grilled octopus with capers in olive oil, lemon and herbs, S$18) to apologise that the octopus “could have been a little softer”. In my books, I’d actually been pretty mesmerized by the zesty, smoky taste of this seafood dish, so the fact that he admitted there was room for improvement indicated a real commitment to presenting only the best of his dishes.
Left: Capricci dining room and some of their great southern Italian cuisine.
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delicious CAPRICCI
Besides its emphasis on quality (they declare proudly that they do not use MSG), Capricci’s menu stands out because it does not serve the typical Italian fare, and yet, the ingredients used in the dishes are familiar, making the food here both refreshing and accessible at the same time. For example the melanzane alla parmigiana profumate al basilico (tower of eggplant with mozzarella, basil and tomato, S$16) is like a lighter, sweeter version of lasagne, while the tagliolini saporiti alla cernia con zucchini e zaggerano (tagliolini with grouper, zucchini and saffron sauce, S$22) is like a more exotic, floral version of seafood marinara. Even the meat dishes stood out with items such as the costolette di agnello in crosta di pistacchi e crema di limoncello (pistachio-crusted lamb cutlets with limoncello cream, served with green salad, S$40) and the paccheri con salsiccia, porcini e stracchino (sleeves of pasta with homemade sausage, porcini mushroom and stracchino cheese, S$22). The former was tender and its nutty, citrusy coating gave it an interesting, crunchy edge. The latter’s homemade sausages were delightfully addictive and even when we were already stuffed, we couldn’t help but nibble on this meaty delight in amazement. Desserts are a little more classic but in no way less impressive. Their tiramisu classico al caffe (lady finger biscuits dipped in espresso coffee and liquor, layered with whipped mixture of eggs and mascarpone cheese) and profiteroles con chantilly (profiteroles in chocolate sauce) are
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What’s so lovely about Capricci is that it’s the kind of place that could become the family’s favourite restaurant.
the house favourites, but if you’re eager to try bits of everything from their dessert menu, Massimo would be more than happy to arrange a tasting platter of sorts just as he did with my mother-in-law (which impressed her to no end).
What’s so lovely about Capricci is that it’s the kind of place that could become the family’s favourite restaurant, or the place that the office goes to whenever there’s a special occasion. As the waiter pointed out to me how the majority of the diners were actually loyal customers who come at least several times a month, a warm fuzzy feeling came over me – so this is what it means to be a good restaurant. FRV
Capricci 27 Tanjong Pagar Road Singapore 088540 Tel: +65 6221 6761 Web: www.capricci.com.sg
Below: The private dining room surrounded by the house’s best wines.
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food you should eat
Food so Good You Should Eat it! FRV visits Casa D’Oro and leaves a touch healthier than when it arrived. By Trauts
akarta’s Casa D’Oro restaurant recently joined forces with White Lotus, a health-balanced catering company, to introduce an innovative dining concept at the stylish Italian restaurant in Hotel Indonesia Kempinski. The new menu that features a permanent calorie count to accompany each dish is a part of Kempinski’s corporate program and commitment to offer premium services to their rising number of health-conscious guests. While Italian cuisine is already very healthy, being typically prepared and cooked with the freshest and healthiest ingredients available, Italian chef at Casa D’Oro, Francesco Greco, has put special effort into creating a number of choices on the ‘Live Well. Eat Well. Balanced Menu’ from appetizers, mains and desserts. Right from day one the menu has been a great success,” Chef Francesco told FRV. “People have been very enthusiastic to experience healthy and balanced food, which does not come as a surprise.” It surely doesn’t as the well-healed, well-informed and particularly, the aging well amongst us think more about health and wellbeing every day and if money is no object, it’s surely a matter of ‘the healthier the better’. Gone already are the thick creamy sauces, excess salt and butter etc, from most menus in the land, so this one enhances and promotes the healthy concept and is getting health consciousness flowing in a very positive direction. 72 l Fine Restaurants & Villas
While Chef Francesco handles the recipes Casa D’Oro’s special food expert and partner in this project is White Lotus, a health-orientated catering company who were first started in Surabaya and have recently established in Jakarta. Their team of nutritionists and food technologists have carefully calculated the healthiness, balance and calories involved in each dish and the overall combination of dishes to help people dieting or looking for a healthier alternative in dining. Some examples of the menu which I tasted were a yellow fin tuna carpaccio with orange jus, olives and carrot foam which was absolutely divine, light and flavoursome, the orange jus giving it an extra zing [150K, 232cal]. And for the main, a succulent piece of sea bream with potato and lemon mousseline and arugula pesto [280K, 261cal] proving that healthy doesn’t mean bland. Washing it down with a glass of ‘Exotic Vera’, a mix of aloe vera gelee, aloe vera and pineapple juice and you will be feeling like the six trillion rupiah man. The “Eat Well, Live Well” menu is definitely a welcome concept to fine dining. Not only for Casa D’Oro but for any other restaurant too. I’m sure it will take off in many restaurants in the future but meanwhile, and for now, you have one clear choice for healthier dining in Jakarta and that’s at Casa D’Oro Kempinski. FRV
Casa D’Oro Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jl. Thamrin No 1, Jakarta Tel: +62 21 2358 3896
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eco resort malaysia
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Over the Water Today’s holiday makers are a savvy bunch with a high level of awareness about what an ‘eco resort’ should deliver. The resort must in turn rise to the challenge to meet these expectations in as many ways as possible. Thomas Jones visits the Gayana Eco Resort in Sabah and experiences a sea change in action.
By Thomas Jones
he term ‘eco’ is not just an abstract theory any more; it is a part of our working vocabulary and pops out everyday in everything from advertising to TV shows and even our own children’s mouths. As a consequence, businesses have had to raise their game to address the very serious issues facing our shared future. That said, people still want to enjoy the finer things in life, so how do you strike a balance? Gayana Eco Resort is on the right track with a synergy that delivers responsible tourism with five star luxury.
Above: The resort from on high. Access is only by boat. Below: Board walks, bougainvillea and blue skies.
Just a short 20-minute boat ride from Kota Kinabalu lies this beautifully-designed, over-water oasis of thatched-roof pavilions housing a mix of restaurants, a spa, a marine education centre and 44 luxurious villas, all interconnected by wooden boardwalks, and surrounded by lush tropical rainforests and the deep blue sea. It is perfectly located only 2.5 hours from Singapore, Kuala Lumpur and
Jakarta, and three hours from Hong Kong making it perfect for any length of holiday. The villas are grouped into four categories that each takes advantage of the many different aspects of the resort’s design. The Rimba Villas take in the jungle, while the Pantai Villas look over the lagoon. The Bakau Villas show off the beautiful mangroves and the grand Bayu Villas have the best seat in the house with ocean views, sun decks and steps leading directly into the ocean. They are all outfitted with the latest mod cons, air conditioning, super-comfortable queen-size beds, flat screen TVs and great bathrooms. Eight more ocean view villas on stilts are slated for completion in mid-2010 which will take the luxury offered to a whole new level of excellence. Dining here is superb and also reflects the message of sustainability. Alu Alu is a stunning Chinese restaurant built on stilts over the
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Above left: Poolside overlooking the bay towards Alu Alu Chinese seafood restaurant. Above right: Boats, diving and kayaking. Water sports galore. Left: Breakfast can be delivered to your Ocean View Villa direct.
water serving authentic Chinese seafood dishes with produce that is sourced from local fish farms and aquaculture facilities, and not a shark’s fin in sight! This is the centrepiece of the resort and lights up on the water at night like a space ship. Macac is the more casual eatery serving western fusion and wood-fired pizzas and also the home of the Infinity Lounge, a meeting place for guests to mingle around the pool with complimentary sunset drinks at 5pm each night. There are stacks of things to do including a dive centre, kayaking through the mangroves, jungle
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trekking, peddle boats, fishing trips and jet skis. For the more sedate there is a spa or the option to simply kick back by the infinity pool and stare out to sea and Mt. Kinabalu in the distance. Not to be missed are the fish feeding sessions that take place every morning at nine o’clock for the giant grouper and king fish that are housed in sea pens out in the bay, and of the thousands of well-fed trevally who choose to live around the resort. The big draw card, however is the onsite Marine Education and Research Centre (MERC), a facility dedicated to preserving and remediating the local
eco resort malaysia
Left: The resort at night casts a spectacular light on the waters. Below: The spa and aquaria in the Marine Centre.
Gayana Eco Resort has achieved something remarkable – serious ecological responsibility and five star luxury.
marine environment through both science and education. They employ full-time biologists and technicians who are dedicated to the replanting of corals and the propagation of both fish and giant clams. It is their plan to spawn thousands of these rare bivalves in an attempt to bring them back from the edge of extinction. They have also installed several Bio Rock cage systems around the main reception area which are pulsed with tiny amounts of electricity to stimulate growth and provide the coral with a structure to adhere to. They have aquaria where children and adults can learn about the marine environment and they can even sponsor a piece of coral which is glued into a substrate, tagged and affixed to the cages to grow. It is an innovative tourist attraction and was recently awarded a Malaysian Tourism Award for its efforts. The owner of Gayana is passionate about the environment and while the resort does not purport to be a totally ‘green’ yet they have taken more steps than most on the road to achieving it. They compost all their food waste and have a worm farm onsite to create high quality manure for their herb gardens. They remove all recyclable materials to the mainland and they have their own solid waste aerobic microbe processing plant on island so no raw sewage finds its way into the ocean. All water is sourced from springs on the island and all the waste water is recycled through the gardens and toilets. Through, education, dedication and a strong commitment to the environment Gayana Eco Resort has achieved something remarkable – serious ecological responsibility and five star luxury. This is not an oxymoron but a viable business model that should serve as an example to all. FRV
Gayana Eco Resort Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia Tel: +60 88 271 098 www.gayana-eco-resort.com
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Superfoods putting a zing in your lunchbox
magine a superfood - not a drug - powerful enough to help you lower you cholesterol, reduce your risk of heart disease and cancer, and for an added bonus, put you in a better mood. Did I mention that there are no side effects? You’d surely stock up on a lifetime supply. Guess what? These life-altering superfoods are available right now in your local supermarket. The effect that diet can have on how you feel today and in the future is astounding. Even people who are healthy can make a few tweaks and the impact will be amazing. I’d say that 50% to 70% of suffering could be eliminated by what people eat and how they move: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, hypertension can all be impacted. You don’t need specific foods for specific ailments. A healthy diet incorporating a variety of the following superfoods will help you maintain your weight, fight disease, and live longer. One thing they all have in common: Every superfood is going to be a ‘real’ (unprocessed) food. You don’t find fortified potato chips in the superfood category. Top Superfoods Offering Super Health Protection Beans, blueberries, broccoli, oats, oranges, pumpkin, salmon, soy, spinach, tea (green or black), tomatoes, turkey, walnuts, and yogurt.
vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also an anti-inflammatory.
longer, it’s a great tool in weight management. Whole grains, beans, fruit, and vegetables are all good sources. Try throwing some beans in your salad, fresh, frozen, or dried are the best.
Inflammation is a key driver of all chronic diseases, so blueberries have a host of benefits. When selecting berries, note that the darker they are, the more anti-oxidants they have. I tell everyone to have a serving (about 1/2 cup) every day. Frozen are just as good as fresh. Be sure to include lots of other fruits and vegetables in your diet as well. Remember too that, in general, the more colour they have, the more antioxidants.
Tea -- Superfood for Lowering Cholesterol and Inhibiting Cancer
Omega 3-Rich Fish -- Superfoods for the Heart, Joints, and Memory The omega 3s you get in fish lower heart disease risk, help arthritis, and may possibly help ruduce memory loss and Alzheimer’s. There is some evidence to show that it reduces depression as well. Omega-3s are most prevalent in fatty, cold-water fish: look for wild (not farmed) salmon, herring, sardines, and mackerel. Aim for two-to-three servings a week. Other forms of omega 3s are available in fortified eggs, flax seed, and walnuts. These superfoods have the added benefit of being high in monounsaturated fats, which can lower cholesterol. Fibre -- Superfood Aids Weight Loss and Checks Cholesterol
Blueberries -- Antioxidant Superfood Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and
A diet high in fibre will help you maintain healthy cholesterol and blood sugar levels. As a bonus, because fibre helps you feel full
The overall antioxidant power of black tea is the same as green tea but green tea does have ECGC, a powerful antioxidant that we really do think is quite special. A recent Japanese study on green tea found that men who drank green tea regularly had lower cholesterol than those who didn’t. Replace sugary sodas with tea. Calcium OK, you know the drill, calcium helps build strong bones and prevents osteoporosis. Look for it in dairy products or supplements. Added bonus: Some studies show that calcium helps with weight loss. And Finally, the Yummiest Superfood Yet ... Dark Chocolate New research has shown that dark chocolate is packed with antioxidants and can lower blood pressure. Look for chocolate with 60% or higher cocoa content; the darker, the better. In addition, the darker it is, the lower the fat and sugar content. Now that’s our kind of health food! FRV Lian Monley - Holistic Lifestyle Coach www.lianmonleywellbeing.com
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