747 OFFROAD PRO TIP with Hunter Neuwirth THREADING THE NEEDLE: Getting through tight trees at speed can be tricky. Here we break down a technique that will make your single track days easier and faster!
step 1: Set up! Make sure you have your eyes up and are looking through the upcoming trees.
step 2: Get in your standing attack position with your hips back, knees bent and heels dropped. This will keep the front end of your bike light and allow you to begin turning your bars without going off track.
step 3: Keep your knees tight and let your front wheel come off the ground. Turn your bars in the direction of the closest tree. As you pass the first tree apply pressure on the opposite side of your handlebar to make your front end turn the other way.
step 4: Once you have gone through the gap let your front end come down and get ready for your next turn! AUGUST 2020