Full Circle Fund // 2013 Annual Report

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2013: An Incredible Year of Growth and Impact

What a year at Full Circle Fund! What a year at Full Circle Fund!

We grew our membership, scaled our programs, and forged meaningful new partnerships; all with the goal of expanding our impact on our community. With our largest grant portfolio in organizational history, Circles focused on topics ranging from the intersection of global health and technology to advancing innovation in local schools. We honored and learned from successful social entrepreneurs Marc Benioff, Ben Rattray, Salvador Menjivar, and Kat Taylor. We welcomed a new CEO/Executive Director in Tim Smith, and thanked Kiki Mills Johnston for her wonderful leadership. Thank you to the dedicated Full Circle Fund Board of Directors, Members, and staff for diligently working towards advancing lasting change in the Bay Area. Thanks to you, our wonderful community of supporters, we have a lot to look forward to in 2014 & beyond!

Tim Smith CEO/Executive Director

Josh Becker Co-Founder & Board Chair

A special thank you to our Strategic Partners, with whom we are so proud to work on advancing social change: Cooley LLP, Elefint Designs, Hanson Bridgett LLP, The San Francisco Foundation and The Trium Group.


Primary Logo Selections

Alternate Selections

HOW WE WORK Full Circle Fund is an active network of professionals who leverage their time, talent and connections to help nonprofit organizations launch new initiatives, make a greater impact and accelerate positive change in our community. Full Circle Fund is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.


We’re made up of passionate, motivated and talented people who want to play a more active role in making the world a better place. Our Members come together to work hand-in-hand to affect change where it matters most and apply the entrepreneurial spirit of Silicon Valley to solving the world’s most pressing problems within our Economic Opportunity, Education, and Environment/Energy Circles. Over the last 14 years, Full Circle Fund has raised over $10M to advance change in the community. Our Members have contributed over 80,000 volunteer hours to the 80+ organizations we support. Thousands of executives, entrepreneurs, public sector and nonprofit leaders have contributed to driving social change through our engaged philanthropy model. fullcirclefund.org

Full Circle Fund is an active network of professionals who leverage their time, talent and connections to help nonprofit organizations launch new initiatives, make a greater impact and accelerate positive change in our community.











Who will make a profound impact? How can we leverage our resources to help?








What are the most pressing problems?




















raised to drive social change supported since 2000

of service by our members to the community of executives, entrepreneurs, public and non-profit leaders driving social change



2013 GRANT PORTFOLIO In 2013, we invested in nine promising social innovations in our Education, Environment/Energy, and Economic Opportunity Circles. Black girls code Circle: Economic Opportunity Black Girls CODE introduces computer coding lessons to young girls from underrepresented communities in programming languages, and empowers them to become innovators in STEM fields. Full Circle Fund researched and recommended replication strategies and systems to support the organization’s chapter expansion and scale; developed board recruitment materials; and supported the visionary leader through an inflection point.


iZONE Circle: education iZone, a multi-year initiative, cultivates efforts to extend that innovation into education in concert with schools, businesses and the local community, to prepare California students to thrive in a globally connected, information-rich world. Members began the development of a Center for Learning Analytics for the San Mateo County of Education, secured a $400,000 grant from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, and supported a plan to upgrade and fund countywide digital infrastructure.


BUILDON Circle: education buildOn operates after school youth service programs that mobilize urban teens to lift up their communities and change the world through intensive local community service. Members refined buildOn’s messaging and communications, outreach strategy, impact measurement, and service partnerships expansion to help scale their Youth Engagement Zone. www.buildon.org

caliber schools Circle: education Caliber Schools aims to create a network of lab schools that develop new approaches to delivering a rigorous, personalized education experience in a sustainable and scalable way. Our Members helped Caliber create systems to scale, develop a marketing positioning statement, and strategize a computer coding curriculum to prepare them for their Fall 2014 opening. www.caliberschools.org


san francisco green film festival Circle: environment/energy The San Francisco Green Film Festival aims to educate and connect communities through forwardthinking programs of environmental films and discussions. Members developed a successful pilot program to scale the organization’s engagement over time; implemented social media strategies; and leveraged marketing analytics to measure web traffic. www.sfgreenfilmfest.org


we care solar Circle: economic opportunity WE CARE Solar designs portable, cost-effective solar suitcases that power critical lighting, mobile communication devices and medical devices in low resource areas without reliable electricity. Members developed WE CARE Solar’s targeted messaging, marketing strategy and collateral, refreshed their website strategy, spearheaded a development campaign, and optimized social media to harness support for a CNN Heroes campaign.

impact carbon Circle: Economic Opportunity & environment/energy


ed100.org Circle: education Ed100.org is a free, self-paced online course for parent leaders and other advocates who want to improve California’s education system. Members supported the build-out of a next-generation implementation of Ed100.org in partnership with Stuart Foundation and Stanford University.

Impact Carbon aims to increase global access to clean energy solutions that improve health, protect the environment and fight against poverty. Members refined Impact Carbon’s marketing, branding, and outreach strategy; provided strategic guidance on leadership development; and created a robust approach to fundraising through prospect research and profiling. 2

mouse squad of california (MSCA) Circle: education MSCA empowers underserved youth to learn, lead and create with technology, and prepares them with skills essential to succeed as leaders in the digital age. Members conducted a strategy deep-dive and structured stakeholder analysis for refining MSCA’s communications and marketing strategy, financial model, curriculum development, and leadership.



ECONOMIC OPPORTUNITY: leslie keil, ASHLEY RODWICK & Krista Van Tassel Education: jEFF CAMP, kIM jACOBSON & lINDSAY nORCOTT environment/energy: Braden Penhoet & Sienna Rogers

PROGRAMS Throughout our Grant Cycle, Full Circle Fund designs programming that leverages local expertise to inform our Members and network about the challenges facing our communities, and the solutions driven to address them. Our programming prioritizes Member education and encourages involvement in social issues and innovations. By enabling participation, learning, and active collaboration between Members, the community, and our Grant Partners, our dynamic programming inspires a ripple effect of collective impact.

demo day Each year, over 250 Members, corporate and strategic partners, foundations, and Grant Partners join us to formally unveil our Grant Portfolio and celebrate our partnerships at Demo Day, our trademark community event. Each of our nine 2013 Grant Partners presented to our broader community, highlighting their mission and model, the problem the organization strives to address, and the project Full Circle Fund and the Grant Partner will be collaborating on. Through our Demo Dollars, additional individual contributions, and surprise matching grants from our partners, our audience raised over $70,000 for local impact. We were thrilled to announce a $50,000 grant to Ed100 by the Stuart Foundation and a generous $10,000 matching grant to buildOn by Pacific Gas & Electric Company. Demo Day encapsulates the power of Full Circle Fund’s model and philosophy in just one night: by empowering members of our community to work together, we leverage time, resources, passion, and talent to help local nonprofits reach their goals and create lasting change.

INAUGURAL iDEA JAMATHON The Full Circle Fund Rising Leaders are a special cohort within the membership made up of passionate and motivated early-career professionals, who are proving to be at the forefront of iterating Full Circle Fund’s work and addressing the challenges nonprofits are facing. In 2013, the Rising Leaders set out to grow their impact beyond our portfolio by applying the hackathon model to amazing organizations. Their vision gave birth to the Idea Jamathon, where the Rising Leaders selected high impact organizations with pressing needs to participate in a day of solutions-oriented brainstorming with Full Circle Fund. At the event, the organizations pitched their challenges, joined working teams, and brainstormed solutions over the course of a few hours. The group then reconvened to hear demo-style presentations on the outcomes, and the Rising Leaders awarded a financial grant to fund the most innovative solution. As a result of the Idea Jamathon’s resounding success, the Rising Leaders hosted a second Jamathon #GivingTuesday Jamathon in December. In total, the Rising Leaders, other Full Circle Fund Members, and community stakeholders helped 15 organizations outside of our portfolio, contributed over 360 combined hours of pro bono consulting, and donated $7,500. 3

pARTNERSHIPS THE SAN FRANCISCO FOUNDATION The San Francisco Foundation (TSFF) and Full Circle Fund launched our Strategic Partnership in 2013 to leverage the Foundation’s deep roots and knowledge of San Francisco’s communities. As organizations that are committed to engaging donors and Members in social impact, TSFF and Full Circle Fund find tremendous value through sharing knowledge, experience and leadership in the fields of grantmaking and innovative philanthropy, enhancing education, programs, and resources for our respective Member and donor communities. Through this exciting partnership, TSFF has spoken at key Full Circle Fund events to share perspectives and learn from Full Circle Fund’s Members and work. The Foundation will additionally have exposure to Full Circle Fund’s range of initiatives, including marquee programs such as Demo Day, Idea Lab and Idea Jamathon. The Foundation will be the lead Foundation Sponsor of Full Circle Fund’s 2014 Demo Day.

“The partnership between Full Circle Fund and The San Francisco Foundation is an exciting opportunity for our organizations to work

Francesca Vietor Program Director, Environment, Public Policy & Civic Engagement

Circle’s network of smart

together to share knowledge and engage donors

members to come up with

to create positive social change and impactful philanthropy in the Bay Area. We are delighted to

solutions on a variety of topics that we at TSFF

bring our six decades of local experience in seeking

care about deeply. We are learning a great deal

out innovative local leaders and organizations to the

from Full Circle Fund and the terrific grantees that

passionate new philanthropists of Full Circle Fund and look forward to expanding the partnership in the Ruben Orduña Vice President, Development and Donor Services

year ahead.”

they discover and we love being able to share the work of the many grantees we support. Together we are investing in organizations

grant partner idea lab In 2013, we continued pioneering the Idea Jamathon model by designing the collaborative event to benefit our Grant Partners. The 2013 Grant Partner Idea Lab, hosted by The San Francisco Foundation, brought together Members and other community leaders to help our nine grantees with a specific pain point outside of the scope of their Full Circle Fund projects. All of our Grant Partner organization leaders received fresh insight and perspectives on approaching their issue areas, and Members had the opportunity to plug in to a project they wanted to learn more about. The Idea Lab shines as a powerful tool to leverage our network that will enhance our work with nonprofits in the years to come. 4

“I am thrilled to partner with Full

and leaders that will create a healthier and more sustainable Bay Area.”

IMPACT SNAPSHOT Our 2013 Lasting Impact Honorees, Jeff Camp and Kim Jacobson, have been involved with Full Circle Fund for over a decade as leaders in the Education Circle. Through spearheading new projects, they have successfully incubated two initiatives through Full Circle Fund that have transformed both their education niches and professional trajectory.


jeff camp Jeff Camp has been an active Member of Full Circle Fund for more than ten years, and is the creator of Ed100. Prior to his work for education change, Jeff worked at Microsoft in Redmond and Tokyo. He is an astrocytoma survivor and has been known to write songs for Full Circle’s informal band, the 360’s.

Parents are an underappreciated resource in schools. Jeff Camp Ed100 When parents are informed and “Education change organized, they can is complex work. When I have an enormous left the tech sector and began exinfluence. But ploring ways to help make education work they are busy, better I wished for a jargon-free resource to and education help me understand the full range of comissues can be peting ideas and perspectives. It didn’t complicated. exist. Eventually, with help from Wouldn’t it be many people, I decided to write great if there were it as Ed100.org.” a way to help motivated parent leaders come up to speed faster, so that they can have a bigger impact?


kim jacobson Kim Jacobson has been a Member since 2004 and a very active leader in the Education Circle. Kim launched iZone, a multi-year initiative, to prepare California students to thrive in our evolving, global, information-rich world and was invited to the Stanford Institute of Design (aka the d.school) to develop and prototype this idea.

Members partnered with the San Mateo County Office of Education and local school boards to create an Innovation Zone that accelerates the transformation of teaching and learning in the digital age through personalized education. Part sandbox, part R&D center, the iZone cultivates bold innovation by creating a network of innovators among local schools and the Silicon Valley community. iZone’s focus is upgrading digital classroom infrastructure, building a culture of innovation and using data to personalize learning. The team raised $400,000 from the Silicon Valley Community Foundation to develop a Center for Learning Analytics, partnering with nine districts to help schools measure effectiveness of technology and spread the use of data to close the 38% achievement gap.

In 2014, in collaboration with the California State PTA, Full Circle Fund launched Ed100.org, a free, self-paced online course for parent leaders and others who want to help education work better in California. Plainly-worded lessons, available in both English and Spanish, explain the issues. As they learn, the site tracks participants’ progress, building a personalized completion certificate. Discussion features help participants learn from one another. And, in a feat of good timing, the site has been designed to help parents collaborate in the development of their school’s Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), a new California requirement. Beginning in the fall of 2014, Ed100 will also be used as the online “textbook” for Changing Education, an online course from Stanford.

Kim’s leadership helped set a course to upgrade and fund countywide digital infrastructure. The team worked with Education Superhighway to conduct speed-tests and network snapshots in all 23 school districts, finding that two-thirds of the 93,000 students lack adequate connectivity for digital learning. The iZone is mobilizing the “The iZone team generated community tremendous momentum for the to provide initiative, and is now focusing on building bandwidth, capacity to support its goals. Educators and support and the community are working together in new training to ways, unleashing our collective power to cotransition to 21st design the future of teaching and learning.” Century learning environments.

This resource originated in 2005 as a memo for Full Circle Members interested in education. This ambitious re-imagining of Ed100 has been made possible with support from the Stuart Foundation and the Kabcenell Foundation, as well as involvement from Full Circle Fund Members. Partly due to this work, Jeff Camp was appointed to the Governor’s Committee on Education Excellence.

Given Silicon Kim Jacobson Valley’s leadership iZone in the global ecosystem, this local investment has potential for vast global impact.


IMPACT SNAPSHOT In 2013, Full Circle Fund worked with organizations Black Girls CODE and WE CARE Solar at truly special moments in time. Both steered by powerful and inspirational women, these organizations are on the brink of creating large-scale change. Full Circle Fund worked with their dynamic leaders at real inflection points as they positioned themselves to catalyze amazing opportunities both locally and globally.

WE CARE Solar WE CARE Solar designs portable, cost-effective solar suitcases that power critical lighting, mobile communication devices and medical devices in low resource areas without reliable electricity. Co-Founder: Dr. Laura Stachel Team Leads: Annemiek Hamelinck, Kristen Pedersen & Elizabeth Ramirez Circle: Economic Opportunity APPROACH WE CARE Solar (WCS) approached Full Circle Fund seeking to better communicate its work and build a more diverse fundraising strategy to bring its life-saving solar suitcase to clinics across developing countries. project Members collaborated with WCS to refine its messaging, strengthen its technological capacities and expand its social media presence. Together, Members scoped out a development and outreach strategy that focused on cultivating individual philanthropists, building relationships with supporters on social media, and refining calls to action—all informed by over 30 detailed interviews with WCS staff, board members and funders. impact During the partnership, WCS co-founder, Dr. Laura Stachel, was named one of CNN’s Top Ten Heroes of 2013. As a result of this outstanding recognition, WCS worked with Full Circle Fund to leverage this momentum as an opportunity to build awareness and support for the organization. Members created targeted messaging to highlight their tangible impact, increased individual donor engagement, and developed a social media campaign to cultivate new supporters and deepen existing relationships, resulting in over $86,000 in donations from the CNN site alone. “Full Circle Fund helped us change how we view and use donor cultivation and community engagement. By showing us the power of community engagement through leveraging social media, donor communications, and marketing, Full Circle Fund enabled us to enhance our strategy on fundraising and craft a strong call to action. These tools were invaluable to our team this year.” - dr. laura stachel, founder of we care solar “Our partnership with WCS exemplified what Full Circle Fund is all about -- an engaged, dedicated group of professionals using their expertise to help extraordinary nonprofits making a difference in communities. The CNN Heroes opportunity was serendipitous, and we were able to call on a range of skills -- tech, marketing, fundraising -- to help the organization make the most out of this fantastic platform.” - Elizabeth ramirez, team co-lead 6

IMPACT SNAPSHOT BLACK GIRLS CODE Black Girls CODE aims to increase the number of women of color in the digital space by empowering girls of color ages 7 to 17 to become innovators in STEM fields, leaders in their communities and builders of their own futures through exposure to computer science and technology Executive Director: Kimberly Bryant Team Leads: Christa Brown, Michelle Carreon & Lauren Weston Circle: Economic Opportunity APPROACH Black Girls CODE (BGC) was steadily developing traction and generating buzz nationwide when it approached Full Circle Fund. At the beginning of 2013, the organization needed to find a way to scale efficiently to meet the demands of the over 60 cities in the U.S. that requested their curriculum. PROJECT Full Circle Fund partnered with BGC to create replication strategies and systems for the organization’s expansion, and built out a board development toolkit as BGC transitioned from a fiscally-sponsored project to a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Members spearheaded BGC’s fundraising strategy and produced BGC’s framework for scaling through conducting over 30 thorough interviews of chapter-model nonprofits to inform BGC’s growth plan. Members also created chapter management guidelines, goals and reporting and evaluation tools to enable BGC to build selfsustaining and efficient chapters globally and scale with success. impact In the summer of 2013, BGC launched the ‘Summer of CODE’ crowdfunding campaign to bring their mobile lab to ten new cities and to 2,000 more girls, born out of brainstorming session with Full Circle Fund Members. BGC exceeded their campaign’s $100,000 fundraising goal by almost $15,000 thanks to our Members’ guidance and crowdfunding expertise. Additionally, Full Circle Fund worked with Kimberly Bryant on organizational development given BGC’s recent growth and provided executive coaching to position her for continued strong leadership through the organization’s future expansion. The San Francisco Foundation recognized Kimberly Bryant as ‘A Woman Changing The World,’ and awarded BGC with a $20,000 grant, attributed to the organization’s partnership with Full Circle Fund. Bryant was also named a ‘Champion of Change’ by the White House in July 2013, and has been recognized as one of ‘10 Visionary Women’ by CNN in 2014. “The opportunity to work with the Full Circle Fund partners during our grant period last year was a turning point for our nonprofit organization. The collective expertise and knowledge of the FCF partners is incredible and their commitment to the success of Black Girls CODE was both phenomenal and heartwarming. Their institutional knowledge and guidance helped to shape our strategic vision for the next five years and provided us with critical tools to transition into our next phase of growth.”

- kimberly bryant, founder of black girls code

“It was exciting to be part of such a formative time for BGC, and to see both their impact and their presence in the community grow. I know Kimberly will continue to pioneer in a field that is incredibly important to the Bay Area, and I’m glad to have been part of it.” - christa brown, team co-lead 7

IMPACT SNAPSHOt caliber schools Caliber Schools aims to redesign public schools to prepare all students, regardless of family income, for four-year colleges and successful careers. They are creating a network of schools with an innovative approach to delivering rigorous, personalized education. Caliber plans to serve 5,000 students in Bay Area communities and is opening its first K-8 school in August 2014 in Richmond, California. Co-Founders: Jennifer Moses & Ron Beller Team Lead: Vivian Wu Circle: Education

We partnered with Caliber at ground zero - before their first charter was even approved - but it was a great opportunity to work closely with a small founding team whose vision for a new school model really inspired us. Now they’re about to launch their first school! It was an incredibly rewarding experience for me and the rest of our team.”


APPROACH Caliber Schools presented Full Circle Fund with the opportunity to affect real change during its critical early growth stage. Caliber approached Full Circle Fund even as they were seeking approval for their first charter. Together, they identified three high priority needs: refining their core vision and developing market positioning and messaging, building a network positioned to scale, and developing a groundbreaking K-8 computer coding curriculum. Members dove right into this ambitious collaboration by interviewing 18 school networks, funders and education experts to learn about best practices and challenges of successful Charter Management Organizations as they scaled. The group held three intensive marketing workshops to clarify Caliber’s strategy and unique differentiators, attended Caliber’s summer pilot, and gave input as Caliber developed its programming curriculum. project As a result of this partnership, the founding Caliber Schools team established a common language and vision around their goals and values that serves as a critical foundation as they launch, hire and scale. Full Circle also created a marketing positioning statement, developed a narrative path to focus on core beliefs, and crafted messaging to engage families, teachers, funders and the community in Caliber’s work. They also delivered a set of planning recommendations to help Caliber as they hire and make decisions that will affect their ability to scale successfully and impact education outcomes for more children. Influenced by compelling Member research on pace of growth, Caliber also decided to temper its urgency in applying for a second charter to focus first on ensuring success at their pilot school. impact Since their engagement with Full Circle Fund, Caliber Schools has leveraged its strong marketing foundation to apply for grants. Recently, Caliber was awarded a prestigious Gates Foundation Next Generation Learning Challenge grant, with additional funding from Charter School Growth Fund. They are on track to launch Beta Academy fully enrolled with nearly 300 students in year one, and have nearly completed hiring of the academic staff, including a computer science teacher. Caliber has been cited by education reform innovators as ‘a school to watch’ for 2014.


“We loved working with FCF -- you brought talented people to the table who were great thought partners but also helped us put those thoughts into action. The FCF team helped us hone our mission statement and communications materials, and provided insights into expansion that has really been part of our long range planning. Individual Members have continued to work with us on specific areas, like developing our computer coding curriculum. Thank you for your time, talent and treasure.”


IMPACT SNAPSHOT national geographic photo camp In partnership with local newspapers and community organizations, National Geographic Photo Camp inspires students to explore their communities through the camera’s lens, and to share their vision through public presentations and exhibitions across the United States and throughout the world. Key Organizations Involved: Restore the Delta, America’s Cup & National Geographic Team Leads: Michael Frost & Susan Reeve Circle: Environment/Energy

APPROACH Full Circle Fund collaborated with National Geographic Photo Camp, Restore the Delta, and America’s Cup Healthy Ocean Project in 2012 & 2013 to engage youth in environmental issues and increase community awareness of the California Delta. Full Circle Fund Members raised funds to support the camp, spearheaded a four-day workshop for 20 students to document their connection to the Bay and Delta. The project was featured at the America’s Cup Pavilion in 2013 for thousands of visitors to see. Together, the students captured images that told complicated stories in powerful ways, increasing environmental awareness and the potential for positive change for today’s water crisis.

project The project tells the Delta’s story and establishes the value of the region, ecosystem, Delta agriculture, tourism, and fishing industries, and people that live there. The project’s impact can be measured by the media coverage, students’ learning and development, and the increased visibility for Restore the Delta. IMPACT Thanks to the support of Full Circle Fund Strategic Partner and official law firm of America’s Cup, Hanson Bridgett LLP, the partnership was able to showcase the students’ work through photo and video at an America’s Cup reception and celebration in August 2013. Restore the Delta also created a powerful video weaving together the students’ stories and experiences, and have used it to tie the region to the San Francisco Bay, Pacific Ocean, and the world. The impact of the project continues to create a ripple effect as the students and media continue to tell the Delta’s stories and raise awareness to protect California’s most sacred ecosystem. “The students really changed over that week and learned so much our human connection to the Bay / Delta ecosystem! Biological diversity, economic value, and the need for positive change were all learned through experience. The collaborative nature of this project shows the true power of leverage at Full Circle Fund.”

- MICHAEL FROST, TEAM CO-LEAD “One thing that I’m going to take home from this journey is how to use photography to send a simple message to people, and especially use that in telling people how much the Delta really means.”

- student participant


A YEAR OF GENEROSITY 2013 igNITE BENEFIT On November 14, 2013, we hosted our third Annual igNITE Benefit at iconic Bimbo’s 365 Club in San Francisco. The room was full of over 300 of our greatest supporters, sponsors, and Members. The dynamic event was chaired by Mark & Alison Pincus, and we spent the evening celebrating innovative philanthropy and honoring four local changemakers: Ben Rattray of Change.org, Salvador Menjivar of One PacificCoast Foundation, Kat Taylor of One PacificCoast Bank, and Marc Benioff of salesforce.com. “Let it start here, let it start right now, and let it start with each one of us. Nothing is going to make you feel better. Philanthropy is absolutely the best drug I ever took. And I want it for all of you, and I want it for our whole industry.” – marc benioff 2013 igNITE Honoree; chairman and CEO of salesforce.com

Our generous Event Chairs inspired a night of generosity with a $50,000 commitment to Full Circle Fund, leveraged as a matching pledge. In total, the event raised over $260,000 to advance our programs and initiatives. “IgNITE is a celebration of all the forces for good that make Full Circle Fund so fantastic: passionate members, committed supporters, serious work with high-performing organizations, real impact, and a great party.” – sarah wigglesworth Full Circle Fund Board Member

sponsors & investors Corporate sponsors

IN-KIND sponsors


Abbot Downing



john & ann doerr

BetterWorld Telecom

Tech CU


judy koch

Heffernan Insurance

TomKat Ranch & Educational Foundation

M. Woodward Catering

lenny & christine mendonca

ICONIQ Capital Junyo Lex Machina Marcato Capital Management Microsoft One PacificCoast Bank Pacific Gas and Electric Company Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman


Waggener Edstrom Worldwide Wells Fargo Zynga.org

foundation sponsors The Koret Foundation The Laney Thornton Foundation The Stuart Foundation


mark & alison pincus the thomas & jamel perkins foundation

financial highlights INCOME



37 %




15% 103, 481







$350,9 72









Programs & Grants

Management & Administration


74 % $568,999




9% $773,298


$68,805 TO TAL:

81 %

9% 10% $788,887

$636 ,070


$8 0,411

STRATEGIC PARTNERS We would like to thank our wonderful Strategic Partners, who continue to help us advance our work and mission.


Primary Logo Selections

Alternate Selections


2013 members *INDICATES CIRCLE LEADERSHIP ** INDICATES BOARD MEMBER Karen Alden Lisa Allen Jennifer Anastasoff Mike Anders ** Hillary Baker Erin Baudo Felter Matt Bauer Josh Becker ** Terry Bergeson Murrayl Berner Radha Blackman Mikhal Bouganim Anne Boyd Rabkin Gemma Bradshaw Annette Brinton BC Broussard Christa Brown Jeff Camp * Eva Camp ** Michelle Carreon Margret Caruso Andrea Clatterbuck Katie Colendich Jean Collier Hurley Paul Collins Joneil Custodio Danielle Daly Margae Diamond Harrison Dillon ** Stephen Dodson ** Jackie Downing Nick Driver Leah Edwards Emily Elder Sid Espinosa

Collin Ferry Matt Finick ** Jonathan Fong Michael Frost Josh Galland Carlos Garcia Brian Garshelis Lindsay Gore Elizabeth Goumas Adam Gross Cassie Gruenstein Raina Gustafson Bent Hagemark Annemiek Hamelinck Pamela Hawley Bill Hilliard Heather Hilliard Zoe Hunton Catherine Hutton Markwell ** Shannon Jackson Kim Jacobson * Mark Jacobstein ** Lucy Johns Jennifer Johnson Katy Johnson Robin Joy ** Rob Joyce Gail Kaufman Leslie Keil * Teresa Keller Nakeyshia Kendall Salem Kimble Gabrielle Kivitz Joe Kleinschmidt ** Janikke Klem

Andrew Koller Kunal Kothari Piyush Kumar Stephanie Kuo Sarah Kwon Karen Laughlin Steven Lurie Elaine MacDonald Trina Martynowicz Aaron McDaniel Kyle Miller Wendy Millet Katie Mitchell Ray Mueller Denise Mulle P.H. Mullen Camilla Nelson Zanoon Nissar Lindsay Norcott * Melanie Nutter David Patch Kristen Pedersen Braden Penhoet * Kevin Perkins Scott Pofcher Jeff Pollock Elissa Pollock Susanna Poon Gopika Prabhu Linda Provenza Elizabeth Ramirez Maxine Raphael Susan Reeve Annie Riley Ashley Rodwick *

2013 member awardees

2013 SUPPORTING ALUMNI Jonathan Axelrad Michelle Branch Annette Brinton Andrew Byrnes Corrina Chow Joanna Drake Earl David Ehrenberg 12

James Lee Doug Mandell Tanya Marston Sam Perry Margi Power Marc Smolowitz

Leigh Rodwick Sienna Rogers * Andrea Ronzani Joe Ross Julie Sammons Pamela Schaffer Matthew Scharpnick Steve Schoettler ** Catarina Schwab Jessica Segal ** Chris Selden Minnie Setty Roxana Shirkhoda Meredith Shuey Etherington Bartlomiej Skorupa Thea Smith Nilsson Julian Sproul Lauren Stoller Douglas Tilden Rob Trice ** Ron Turiello Amie Vaccaro Krista Van Tassel * Merrill Vargo Francesca Vietor Alejandra Villalobos Peter Werner ** Lauren Weston Sarah Wigglesworth ** Meredith Willa Greg Wolff Vivian Wu Justin Zalkin

Ben Spero Ryan Takemoto Adam Traeger-Hirschfelder Beth Trask Stewart Ugelow Clayton Yee

Member of the Year Vivan Wu New Member of the Year Rob Joyce Emerging Leader of the Year Ashley Rodwick Lasting Impact Honorees Jeff Camp & Kim Jacobson

Full Circle Fund is an active network of professionals who leverage their time, talent and connections to help nonprofit organizations launch new initiatives, make a greater impact and accelerate positive change in our community. www.fullcirclefund.org facebook.com/fullcirclefund twitter.com/fullcirclefund ves, make a greater impact and accelerate positive change in our community.

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