Pollica 2050 - Annual Report

Page 18

3.1 Vision and strategy The communities analyzed and studied have a clear vision that brings them to the fulfillment of the sustainability goals proposed by the United Nations. These communities have a strategic plan that defines the plans and means to advance the implementation of specific sustainability goals and objectives, especially in the three areas of environment, economy, and sociocultural characteristics. Communities establish and maintain systems that allow assessment of progress in achieving the sustainability goals and are accessible to community members and other stakeholders. An example of excellence Video Sustainable City - YoutTube in this case is the "Sustainable City" of Dubai which keeps track of its own environmentally friendly progress with constant monitoring of consumption and emissions of the city itself.

3.2 COMMUNITY AND SOCIO-CULTURAL DIMENSION By now, it is clear that restarting with a sense of community is critical for any area that wants to begin a regeneration process. Residents and stakeholders of the cities studied are enabled to create a healthy and livable community through their direct involvement. They actively participate in community life, thus creating a common identity. In this new identity, the various social and cultural contexts are clearly recognized and included. The community of the town of Sciacca in the province of Agrigento has understood this very well and has created the Widespread Museum of the 5 Senses. This project stems from a pact that the community of Sciacca made to get out of a period of crisis and Sito del Comune di begin to promote the identities of the area that become resources of an Sciacca entire community. From the Community Pact was born the Community Cooperative "Identity and Beauty" with the aim of ensuring METHOD, GOVERNANCE, and SKILLS to support the citizens of Sciacca in the processes of enhancement and promotion of historical, artistic, cultural, and gastronomic heritage. The community cooperative accompanies citizens in offering quality tourism and hospitality through professional coordination, specific skills, and training.


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