May, 2012 ARTICLES
The Eugenics Agenda: NWO’s Population Reduction Methods The Federal Reserve Cartel: part 5 (final part) Sources of Aluminium in Everyday Products Warning! If you are of a delicate mindset,
have unmovable beliefs and ideas, trust everything you see and hear on TV and are not open to a world of possibility then do not proceed reading any further. However, if you feel that something is not quite right with things in the world around you, you may find this publication interesting and informative.
Editors Forward: Today we are entering a new period in time when the veil that has hidden the global elites, the real power brokers on this planet, is slowly being lifted. At no other point in human history have people awakened to the extent being experienced today, realizing that all is not as we are led to believe. This publication not only provides news and information, that the general public will rarely if ever see or hear in the main stream corporate controlled media, It is also exposing some of the oligarchs, their infrastructure, their means of control and their not so secret agendas (they themselves have written about) being carried out causing so much pain and suffering for humanity. The Machiavellian tactics, being used by the global cabal to divide and conquer mankind, setting man against man using lies and deceit, is still in use today. When you are conscious of it so much of what is played out before our eyes becomes clearer. The use of national, cultural, ethnic, and religious differences, which have been deliberately instilled into the minds of men is arguably
one of their main tools of control by pitting man against man, rather than the true instigators of the problem to begin with. This control is derived through a wide spanning global web that includes their international banking monopoly, influence over world governments, the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation, Round Table groups like the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Tri-lateral Commission, control over big pharma’, big agra’, the oil industry, and main stream media to list some of the major ones. Blaming your neighbour (fellow man) for the woes we face in these difficult and unusual times must come to an end if there is to be a future for mankind. The people who share this beautiful planet need to focus on the real culprits who are the architects of our plight. They are the ones who hide behind the scenes pulling the strings manipulating the course of humanity to their own end. To most of the readers of this publication, who are regulars, the information presented will be nothing new. On the other hand, for the rest of you who are new readers this information may seem a little un-nerving to say the least. Appropriate links and further reading articles are included to either get the new reader started on their own path of discovery, or for the more enlightened to further research, helping link more dots together. The Drewid, May, 2012 (All articles are published under the fair use provision)
The Eugenics Agenda: NWO’s Population Reduction Methods The global scientific dictatorship (globalism) being put into place under the guise of the new world order to fix all the problems of man is nothing more than an implementation of a fascist single world government of total rule over every aspect of human life on this planet. However, before continuing on this merry path of totalitarian enslavement there is a fundamental problem that needs to be overcome, and that is… there are just too many of us (people). For this wonderful plan that the loving elites have in mind for us to be successful it needs to drastically limit population size, thus making it far more practical for monitoring and controlling the movements and actions of individuals within society. Therefore, their intention is to severely reduce the bulk of the global population via genocide. Through various means experimented with during the last century they, those wonderful, caring would be rulers of humanity, are starting to get pretty good at human extermination. Some numbers written about in the earlier years of their planning just wanted 80% of us gone while other numbers, more recent ones, would like as much as 95% of us eliminated.
“Europe’s nations should be guided towards the superstate without their people knowing what is happening. This can be accomplished by successive steps each disguised as having an economic purpose, but which will eventually and irreversibly lead to federation.” Jean Monnet, founding father of the EU