Eyes Wide Shut

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September -

October, 2012. Issue # 6


If you are of a delicate mindset, have unmovable beliefs and ideas, trust everything you see in the newspapers and hear on TV and are not open to a world of possibility then do not proceed reading any further. However, if you are open minded, you may find this publication interesting, stimulating, a breath of fresh air and informative.

(All articles are published under the fair use provision)

Editors Forward:

The truth can be stranger than fiction and this is something that I have discovered to be very true. Though some of the articles published may seem to contain some pretty far out information I simply ask that you try to discover things by researching yourself, rather than letting someone else do the thinking for you. I merely want to share and pass on knowledge, the aim being to provide information to others that they will rarely if ever come across through the controlled media machine. Don’t believe anything you read here as being true, no one can ever tell you the truth, it is something that has to be realised by the individual. My understanding is based upon my own personal research and studies, which has helped me to join many different dots together to form my own picture.

availability to information previously beyond their grasp but also a way to communicate that information with others. This has awoken many to the tyranny and corruption being experienced today and the fight for the truth in the information war is in full swing. The Machiavellian tactics, being used by the globalist elites to divide and conquer mankind, setting man against man using lies and deceit, is still in use today and has origins thousands of years old. When you are conscious of this fact then so much of what is played out before our eyes becomes much clearer. The use of national, cultural, ethnic, and religious differences, which have been deliberately instilled into the minds of men is arguably one of their main tools of control by pitting man against man, rather than the true instigators of the problem to begin with. Tyranny and corruption is a virus on society that will only grow and infect every aspect of our lives, it never stands still.

Today we are entering a new period

In modern times this control system is derived through a wide spanning global network of organisations that includes the international central banking cartels, the setting up and funding of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund(IMF), the World Bank, the World Trade Organisation(WTO), Round Table groups like the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission. They include the European Union, ASEAN, the African Union, control over big pharma’, big agra’, the oil industry, and the main stream corporate media to list but some of the major players. All of which have immense influence dictating policy over national governments for the aim of bringing in a New World Order, a single system of total control over the peoples of this planet, ultimately a one world government.

in time when the veil that has hidden the global cabals of the elites, the real power brokers on this planet, is slowly being lifted. At no other point in human history have people had

It is time to stop being naïve, uninformed and blind to the world around you. Time to stop blaming your neighbour (fellow man) for the

The ConTrol sysTem

woes we face in these difficult and unusual times, to stop being so easily manipulated by the powers that be so that they can further their agendas. Time to WAKE UP! By The Drewid, September, 2012


heADs UP: Pollution in the Air One of the issues covered in the very first edition of this publication was the phenomena of chemtrails (chemical aerosols sprayed in the atmosphere), which this year alone have dramatically increased in number and frequency. More and more, almost on a daily basis now, I can see the remnants of them in the skies above beautiful Chiangmai. Before continuing I would just like to mention for those new to this subject what the fundamental difference is between a normally occurring contrail of an aeroplane and a chemtrail.

A contrail, which is an abbreviation of the words condensation trail, is made up of water vapour condensing into minute droplets or ice crystals from the engines of an aircraft at high altitudes, exceeding 26,000 feet, with temperatures below -40 degrees C. Humidity, air temperature and altitude all need to be just right for this to happen. The affect is that a regular contrail will gradually disappear behind the aircraft within a short space of time, a few minutes or so.

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