GLOBAL EVENTS NEWS LETTER January, 2012 CONTENTS Editors Forward ARTICLES Heads up eyes open. Mind Over Matter and Meat. Media Manipulation on the Path to War The Federal Reserve Cartel: Part 1: The Eight Families “Reality is but an illusion all be it a persistent one” Albert Einstein.
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Editors Forward: This publication sets out to provide information that is not in the public domain of corporate controlled, main stream media. The aim being is to help educate anyone who is interested in events taking place around the world which have an effect on all our lives and those of future generations. Some follow up links and sources are provided where applicable for the reader to further investigate. Before going any further, if you are of a delicate mindset, have a rigid belief system and are not open to a universe of possibilities then read no more. If, however, you are open minded then fasten your seatbelt because Kansas is going by–by Dorothy. The truth can be stranger than fiction. No one can ever tell you the truth, it is something that has to be realised by the individual. My understanding is based upon my own personal research and studies, which
have helped me to join many different dots together. So, are you ready to burst out of your bubble of sleepwalking reality, and wake up? (All articles are published under the fair use provision)
By The Drewid, January, 2012.
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Heads ups eyes open: One of the more recent phenomena I have studied and learned about is something known as ‘chemtrails’. “What on earth are those?” I hear you say. Well, let me explain.
A chemtrail (chemical trail) is left in the sky in the wake of an aeroplane and unlike a contrail (condensation trail) will not dissipate within a few minutes, after the passage of the aircraft, but will stay and linger in the atmosphere for many hours, days and even weeks or months, depending on the variables of altitude, weather conditions and so on.
and are potentially harmful to not only human health, but all life forms. They neutralise the Ph levels of soils not allowing plant life to grow and prosper, kill of insects (huge decline in bee populations over the decades) and in humans prolonged exposure results in a wide variety of illnesses and medical problems. Around the globe more and more strange new ailments are being seen by doctors and perhaps the most worrying is something called morgellons. Areas that have been experiencing heavy chemtrailing are showing infant mortality rates skyrocketing, in some cases a ten-fold increase. Other respiratory problems (bronchitis, pneumonia, and asthma) have also shown a dramatic increase of up to four times since the late 1970s.
After more than a decade of ridiculing such things as chemtrails as mere conspiracy theory, and out and out official denial through the controlled whore-porate media that they even existed, governments are now confirming that in fact chemtrails do exist (under the guise of geoengineering programmes). Though the sheer scale and range of these operations have not been admitted to and is not for open debate.
Research has shown that chemtrails are made up of many substances such as Aluminum Oxide, Barium, Lithium, Bacilli Molds, Pseudomonas Aeruginosa and Fluorescens, Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens, Streptomyces, Enterobacteriaceae, and Zinc Cadmium Sulfide. Basically, it’s not nice stuff and it is suspected some chemtrails may even contain nanotech particles.
Such elements like these in our atmosphere are falling slowly to earth
It should be disturbing to people that high above our heads a previously secret programme of spraying toxic