Eyes Wide Shut

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April, 2012 ARTICLES Preparing the Foundation for Martial Law? Mac Slavo Why You Should Avoid Fast Food At All Costs The Eight Families (Feature, continued) For The Record: Rockefeller Soft Kill Depopulation Plans Exposed Jurriaan Maessen

Made from Genetically Modified Bacteria Waste, Aspartame Risks Public Health Andre Evans Editors Forward: The minions of the global cabal -so called elected leadersare running around the planet unchecked leaving a trail of death and destruction in their wake. It is starting to become more apparent to many that the reshaping of the geo-political landscape is nothing more than an attempt to further the NWO’s agenda, leading ultimately to a one world government and the mass depopulation of mankind. Humanity on the whole is starting to get tired of the incessant wars under fashionable terms like “peace actions” and “humanitarian aid”. What a load of BS, Come on fluoride heads, you really believe that? To those who are paying attention the lame excuses given are nothing more than a thinly veiled out and out lie. Countries are losing their national sovereignty to unelected officials, commonly known as technocrats, freedoms and civil liberties are being eroded away under the fake “war on terrorism” threat and the subsequent anti terror legislation. All of which is designed not to protect you, rather to enslave you more.

Police around the globe are looking more like paramilitary forces whose purpose is not to serve and protect the people of a nation, but rather to follow orders to suppress any freedom of demonstration, including the freedom of speech and expression, directed at the illegitimate ruling powers. Standing by idly watching events unfold isn’t going to save you. On the contrary, history has shown those who are silent and do nothing in times of peril are still in as much danger as everyone else. There is no surviving by “going along to get along”, and that includes the bureaucrats and insiders who think that they are part of the team. Do you have passes to the DUMBS when the S.H.T.F??? This publication sets out to provide information that is not in the public domain of corporate controlled, main stream media. The aim being is to help educate anyone who is interested in events taking place around the world which have an effect on all our lives and those of future generations. Follow up links and sources are provided for the reader to further investigate. (All articles are published under the fair use provision)

By The Drewid, April, 2012.

All issues are archived at: Issuu.com=futuretimes_awarness

"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in blood as well as in words and money." Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in Foreign Affairs (July/August 1995)

Preparing the Foundation for Martial Law?

By Mac Slavo SHTFplan.com March 18th, 2012

While millions of people have been

preparing for the possibility of a catastrophic event by relocating to rural homesteads or farms, as well as stockpiling food, water, personal defense armaments and other essential supplies with the intention of utilizing these preparations if the worst happens, the latest executive order signed by President Obama on March 16, 2012 makes clear that in the event of a nationally deemed emergency all of these resources will fall under the authority of the United States government.

The signing of the National Defense

Resources Preparedness executive order grants the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Labor, the Department of Defense and other agencies complete control of all US resources, including the ability to seize, confiscate or re-delegate

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