Automatic Self-Cleaning Scraper Strainers Filter Smallest Particles to Largest Debris Unlike backwash systems, scraper strainers reliably resist clogging and fouling when faced with micron-sized particles, oversized solids, and high solids concentration Robert Presser
One key to providing reliable energy to the Kansas City area was using cooling water strainers that would not foul during the Missouri River’s high tide. When a power plant was supplying energy as a backup for a power provider in the city, the plant used river water for cooling, utilizing large basket strainers. The plant is now part of an energy solution partner with multiple district energy networks across the United States, and sought more-efficient operation and maintenance from a downtown steam loop that produced chilled water. District energy uses a centrally located facility, or facilities, to generate thermal energy—heat, hot water, or chilled water—for a number of nearby buildings. These resources are transported through underground pipes to meet the needs of communities, cities,
and campuses, such as colleges, hospitals, airports, and office parks.
Firms can custom-manufacture pressure vessels to fit within the existing piping arrangement, which minimizes scraper strainer installation costs.
64 July 2021 • Florida Water Resources Journal
“To provide condensing water for steam production, as well as cooling water to the chillers and condensers, water is taken from the river and put into a once-through cooling system,” says Keith Williams, P.E., who was involved with the project and is a manufacturer’s representative for a company that represents North American manufacturers of heating, cooling, and hydronic equipment. According to Williams, the river’s fast flow, along with the high tide, complicated the straining of river water for the plant. Williams notes that the power plant’s
Automatic, self-cleaning scraper strainers can filter smallest particles to largest debris and resist clogging and fouling from micron-sized particles, oversized solids, and high solids concentrations.
Plugging and fouling from large solids and small particulates can cause unscheduled downtime, excessive maintenance, and costly premature replacement, but automatic scraper strainers can remove waste from raw water before the debris enters heat exchangers and cooling systems.