Contenido english id level 3

Page 1

Language Map – SB Question Syllabus




Do you know all your classmates?


How did your parents meet?



1.2 1.3 1.4



2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4

How many Facebook friends do you have?


Questions with prepositions

Speaking & Skills ➤➤

Relationships Phrasal verbs

➤➤ ➤➤

Types of friend


Review of Present tenses

➤➤ ➤➤


When is the right moment to settle down?


Personality adjectives


Emphatic forms

➤➤ ➤➤


How much time do you spend online?


Which do you do more: listen or speak?



How green are you?



How long have you been studying here?



Which is worse: flooding or drought?



What’s the best ad you’ve seen recently?


Do you support any charities?


Have you been feeling stressed lately?



Grammar ➤➤



Active listening phrases


Going green


Time / Frequency / Degree phrases The environment





Adjective formation – suffixes Present Perfect Continuous



Present Perfect vs. Present Perfect Continuous Past Simple vs. Present Perfect / Continuous

Endangered species


Ask questions to get to know someone Talk about relationships Talk about how your parents / grandparents met Describe your relationships Talk about your friends Describe your personality Talk about online dating Read for main ideas & specific information Talk about funny / embarrassing / scary situations Create an ad Ask & answer about personal habits Talk about the environment problems in your city


Interview your partner


Express numerical information


Encourage or discourage a friend


Describe a city

Review 1  p. 24


3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4


Which city would you most like to visit?




Was your weekend as fun as you’d hoped?


Social conventions


Does the traffic drive you crazy?



Have you ever missed any important dates?



How many pets have you owned?



When did you last break a rule?


Does your school system work well?


What’s the ideal age to get into college?

Urban problems Active listening phrases


Conjunctions of contrast



Past Perfect Continuous


Common sign phrases


School life Do / Get / Make / Take collocations


College life


4.1 4.2

Past Perfect

➤➤ ➤➤






Noun formation – suffixes Too / Enough

Talk about the rules where you live Talk about a place you’ve been to Talk about the problems in your city Share stories about missing an important event


Talk about rules & regulations


Share stories about breaking a rule


Describe an ideal school

➤➤ ➤➤

Debate educational issues Talk about choosing a career



What do you regret not having done?


U.S. / UK differences


Should have + participle


Talk about regrets



What would you have said if you’d been late today?




Third Conditional


Imagine what would have happened


Would you like to be a genius?


Make predictions


How do you deal with criticism?


Sympathize & criticize


Are you a shopaholic?


Money & shopping


Talk about shopping habits


Have you ever borrowed money from a relative?


U.S. money


Are you a good guesser?


Have you ever bought a useless product?


Review 2  p. 46


5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4





To + verb / For + noun

Word formation


Modals of possibility / probability Order of adjectives


➤➤ ➤➤


Do you often buy things on impulse?





When did you last complain in a store?


Shopping problems



Discuss your views about spending money Speculate about your partner’s life Share shopping experiences Create an infomercial Talk about your experience with supermarkets Make complaints & ask for a refund

Review 3  p. 58 Grammar  p. 116

002a003-scope-TNC3.indd 2

Irregular verbs  p. 136

ID Café  p. 138

Writing  p. 148

Pronunciation p. 154

Audio Script  p. 156

8/27/13 3:55 PM

Language Map – SB Question Syllabus




Are you addicted to TV?


6.1 ➤➤

6.2 6.3


What’s your favorite TV show?


What are the last three movies you saw?


Where do you usually watch movies?




TV genres & expressions Compound nouns Turn phrases

Movies & videos

Speaking & Skills ➤➤


Relative Clauses 1



Relative Clauses 2



As / Like


6.4 ➤➤


When was the last time you did something crazy?


When were you last embarrassed?



On / In

Talk about TV habits

Talk about famous people & entertainment options Describe movies & music Make a list of movies & Internet clips Create a story for a movie


Understand details


Express surprise


Talk about your habits

Review 4  p. 70




Does technology drive you crazy?

➤➤ ➤➤

7.2 7.3

Car parts Phrasal verbs


What was the last little lie you told?


Say vs. Tell


Reported Speech 1



Are you confident with technology?


Operating machines


Indirect questions



Are machines with personality a good idea?


Reported Speech 2


7.4 ➤➤



Talk about machines with personality Send text messages

Do you spend too much time on social networks?


Discuss a book


Do you enjoy a good argument?


Debate a topic


How important are looks?


Talk about appearance


Do you like to hear gossip?


Role-play for a photo


Have you ever cut your own hair?


Have vs. Get


Causative form



Do you have a lot of furniture in your room?




Tag questions


Check information


Is your listening improving?


Make predictions


What’s the hardest part of language learning?


Express preferences

8.2 8.3

Ask & answer questions about electronic devices


7.5 8.1

Share stories about being deceived







Reflexive pronouns Modal perfects – must have, can’t have, may / might have

Both, either

Talk about the things you do & the things you get done

Review 5  p. 92




Does crime often worry you?



How could your city be improved quickly?


Where will you be living in five years’ time?




Have you ever been to court?


Crime & punishment


What was your best birthday present ever?


Are you good at making excuses?

9.3 9.4 9.5





Crime & violence

What makes you angry?



Do you have any pet peeves?




How assertive are you?


Would you say you were bossy?


What’s your most common mistake in English?


Are you going to take an English exam?

Review of verb families


Talk about crime


Passive voice


Talk about a city’s transformation


Future Perfect / Continuous





10.2 10.3


Moods Common expressions with for & of

Phrasal verbs


Talk about stupid crimes


Give excuses









Decide on the right punishment for crimes




Discuss ways to protect yourself from cyber crime

Verb + gerund or infinitive Separable & inseparable phrasal verbs Nouns + infinitive, gerund or base form

Talk about temperament


Talk about pet peeves Role-play an anger management session


Test your assertiveness


Talk about toxic people



Talk about your mistakes in English Make recommendations

Review 6  p. 114 Grammar  p. 126

002a003-scope-TNC3.indd 3

Irregular verbs  p. 136

ID Café  p. 143

Writing  p. 151

Pronunciation p. 154

Audio Script  p. 162

8/27/13 3:55 PM

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