Mars Team 4

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Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun

The planet was named after the Roman god of war- Mars. The colour of Mars is rust red when viewed from Earth due to the presence of iron oxides.

Mars has the highest mountain in solar system- Olympus Mons and the largest canyon- Valles Marineris

There are craters on the planet. The largest visible impact crater known in the Solar System is Hellas Planitia called the impact basin Hellas.

Mars has two moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregular in shape. It is possible they are astreoids captured by the gravitational forces of Mars.

Mars can be easily observed from the Earth.

Mars has radius equal to about half of the radius of the Earth, its density is slightly smaller than the Earth. Its area is only slightly less than the total land area of the Earth. Data sent by the lander Phoenix indicate the Mars regolit is slightly alkaline and contins elemeths such as magnesium,sodium,potassium and chloride. These ingredients are also found in soils on Earth and an essential nutriet for plants.

Possibility of life It is possible that life on Mars could exist. Even today, some people claim that life may still exist there. A number of researchers have even speculated that life on Earth might have seeded Mars, or that life on Mars seeded Earth.

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