Water life
The molecular structure of water. • Water - hydrogen oxide, a chemical compound composed of one oxygen atom and two hydrogen atoms or H2O.
• We all agree that if there was not water on Earth there was little change of life coming into existence. Some say that life was created in the atmosphere, but these theories are rejected because of the numerous experiments that showed that the weather conditions during the birth of life were extremely unfavorable.
Nowadays, organisms also need water. It is a habitat for many organisms, e.g.: bacteria, protozoa, algae, mammals and fish. They create the aquatic ecosystems. Water creates the appropriate conditions for nutrition and development of these organisms, and is a source of nutrition for land creatures.
Animals whose lives are connected with water, can be divided into three groups: • - Living near bodies of water: they acquire food in water, they have their nests on land where their eggs hatch. An example of such animal is a heron;
• - semiaquatic - they freely move in water, here are their hiding places, here they reproduce; they also live on land. An example - a frog;
• - aquatic: these animals live only in water, they cannot live on land, e.g. fish.
Animals that live in the water:
Bleak, float Żółtobrzuszek, creek, Shell Błotniarki Pond, Daphnia, Cancer.
Semi-aquatic animals:
Otter, mallard duck, muskrat, Eurasian Water Shrew, Beaver,swan
Animals that live near bodies of water:
Heron, stork.
Life in the water depends on:
• - The amount of oxygen in water: there is a lot of oxygen in the surface water and where plants grow; at deeper layers there is far less oxygen; an oxygen dissolves better in cold water; • - insolation: it depends on the depth and clarity of water, it has an impact on the development of plants. • - the amounts of nutrients: the development of the organisms depends on high or low nutrients ratio.
Gaza waters.
• - coastal zone: good living conditions for plants and animals. Water in this zone is shallow, and thus warmer than water in other zones. Sunlight can reach the bottom of the body of water; •
- Deep-water zone (limnetic): fish live in this zone;
• - Benthic zone: inhabited mainly by bacteria and protozoa, annelids, molluscs, fish bottom. If the lake is very deep there are no plants at the bottom because of lack of oxygen and sun light.
Aquatic plants and offshore. • Aquatic and littoral zone plants.
• Aquatic plants - plants that grow completely or partially in water. There are also land plants that have adapted to aquatic life. The aquatic plants are found in freshwater, brackish and sea water. They are rich in protein, minerals and sodium.
• A calamus is a perennial plant measuring up to 2 m. It has got long sword-shaped leaves. It blooms from May to August, its flower are small and green and form long flasks. The calamus has got branched rootstock. The root has a pleasant smell, but it is bitter in taste. The calamus is a cure for the lack of appetite and indigestion.
• Water lilies form long or tuberous rhizomes which are anchored in the mud of rivers, ponds, lakes and other waters. Their flowers are pale white, yellow, red, blue, orange, green, violet or purple. They are pollinated by insects. Their fruits are fleshy and spongy and ripen under water.
• A hippuris vulgaris has dark green leaves shaped like needles. Its underwater leaves hang limply and are thin and soft. The leaves present above the water surface are rigid. This plant blooms from May to August.
• A menyanthes is a perennial plant reaching height of 30 cm. It grows half-submerged on the banks of shallow bodies of water. The plant is used to cure flatulence, anemia, infection, headache and many other diseases .
To sum up, each organism needs water to live, no matter if it's animal or plant!
Thanks for watching our presentation By Group 2 !