Water glosaary

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Acid deposition: the falling of acids and acid-forming compounds from the atmosphere to the earth’s surface. It is commonly known as acid rain.

Depozycja kwasów

Deposición ácida

Acid solution: any water solution that has more hydrogen ions (H ) than hydroxide ions (OH ); any water solution with a pH less than 7. +

Roztwór kwasu

Solución es ácida


Accumulation: the process in which water pools in large bodies (such as oceans, seas and lakes).



Acid Rain: rain with pH below 5.5

Kwaśny deszcz

Lluvia ácida

Acre-Foot: the quantity of water required to cover one acre to a depth of one foot; equal to 43,560 cubic feet, or approximately 325,851 gallons.

Stopa akrowa

Pie Acre

Aeration: the process of mixing air with water; this increases the oxygen level.



Alluvial: Sediment deposited by flowing water, such as in a riverbed.



Alum: a very sticky substance added to water during treatment that causes particles in the water to stick together.



Aquifer: an underground layer of rock, sediment or soil that is filled or saturated with water.

Warstwa wodonośna


Aquitard: A layer of rock over an aquifer through which water cannot soak.

Półprzepuszczalna warstwa wzdłuż warstwy wodonośnej.


Artificial Recharge: The addition of water to a ground water reservoir by human activity, such as irrigation or induced in form streams, wells, or recharge basins.

Sztuczne nawadnianie

Recarga artificial

Brackish Water: water containing dissolved minerals in amounts that exceed normally acceptable standards for municipal, domestic, and irrigation uses. Considerably less saline than sea water.

Woda brachiczna

Agua salobre

Catch basin: an opening on the side of street which is the entrance to the stormdrain

Ściek uliczny


Coagulation: caused by adding alum to water, coagulation occurs when small particles cling together, creating particles large enough to be filtered out.



Condensation: the process of water changing from a vapor (gas state) to a liquid state.



Contamination: the addition of an undesirable and potentially harmful material; pollution.

Zanieczyszczenie, skażenie


Creek: a stream that is smaller than a river and larger than a brook.



Critical Dry Period: a series of water-deficient years in which a full reservoir storage system at the beginning is drawn down (without any spill) to minimum storage at the end.

Krytyczny okres suchy

Periodo seco critico

Desalination: a process that converts sea water or brackish water to fresh water or an otherwise more usable condition through removal of dissolved solids. Also called "desalting."



Drip Irrigation: a method of watering plants using hoses and emitters with small holes through which water drips

Nawadnianie kroplowe

Riego por goteo

Drought: An extended period of limited or no precipitation (rain or snow)



Estuary: the wide lower course of a river where its current is met by the tides of the ocean.



Evaporation: the change of liquid to a vapor or gas, usually by contact with heat.



Evapotranspiration: the total amount of water loss in plants due to evaporation and water loss through plant tissue.



Filtration: The process of running water through a filter to remove undissolved impurities. Filtration occurs naturally through soil.



Furrow Irrigation: A type of irrigation which allows water to flood furrows between crop rows.

Nawadnianie bruzdowe

Riego por surcos

Groundwater: Water that is stored underground in the pore space of aquifers.

Wody gruntowe

Agua subterránea

Groundwater Basin: A groundwater reservoir, together with all the overlying land surface and underlying aquifers that contribute water to the reservoir.

Zbiornik wód podziemnych

Tanque de agua subterráneas

Groundwater Mining: The withdrawal of water from an aquifer greatly in excess of replenishment; if continued, the underground supply will eventually be exhausted or the water table will drop below economically feasible pumping lifts.

Wydobycie wód podziemnych

Mineria de aguas subterráneas

Groundwater Recharge: Increases in groundwater by natural conditions or by human activity.

Uzupełnianie wód gruntowych

Recarga de aguas subterráneas

Hydrology: The scientific study of the properties, distribution and effects of water in the atmosphere, on the earth's surface and in soil and rocks.



Infiltration: The process by which water seeps into the soil.



Overdraft: Withdrawal of groundwater in excess of a basin's perennial yield

Nadmierna ekploatacja wód gruntowych


Percolate / Infiltrate: To ooze or trickle through a permeable substance.



Percolation: Water soaking into the ground through particles of soil.



Pollutant: Any substance, biological or chemical, in which an identified excess is known to be harmful to desirable organisms (both plants and animals)



Pollution: Items and chemicals that endanger the quality of life and life itself.



Potable: Water that is safe to drink.

Zdatny do picia


Precipitation: The fall of condensed moisture as rain, snow or sleet



Primary Treatment: The first stage of wastewater treatment; involves passing through a comminutor, grit chamber, and sedimentation

Wstępne uzdatnianie wody

Basica comportamiento

Recharge: The process of water seeping through soil into an aquifer or groundwater basin.



Recharge Basin: A surface facility, often a large pond, used to increase the infiltration of water into a groundwater basin.

Zbiornik zasilający

Recarga artificial

Reclaimed Water: Water that is treated at a treatment plant after is was used once, and is now safe to use again for certain purposes.

Odzyskana woda

Agua regenerada

Return Flow: The portion of withdrawn water that is not consumed by evapotranspiration and returns instead to its source or to another body of water.

Przepływ zwrotny

Caudal de retorno

Riparian: Habitat found near the source of fresh water.


El puerto

Riverbed: the bed or channel in which a river flows.

Koryto rzeczne

El lecho

Runof: Rain that is not absorbed by the soil, and flows into the surface of the soil.



Safe Yield: The amount of water that can be taken from a water storage that will be replaced naturally.

Bezpieczne wydobycie

Rendimiento seguro

Salinity: The concentration of mineral salts dissolved in water.



Secondary Treatment: The second stage of wastewater treatment during which the water goes through aeration, followed by the addition of aerobic bacteria.

Oczyszczanie ścieków drugiego stopnia

Un tratamiento secundario

Sedimentation: A step in water treatment where particles in water fall to the bottom of a tank and are removed.



Silt: Sediments which are removed from water at a treatment plant.

Osad wodny


Sludge: Sediments which are removed from water at a treatment plant.

Szlam, osad.

El lodo

Storm Drain: Low area or device designed to carry away extra rainwater. A pipe that travels from the catch basin to the creeks and ocean.


Desagüe pluvial

Stream: A current of water; a small river.



Surface Water: Water which is found on the earth's surface: lakes, streams, rivers, reservoirs, etc.

Wody powierzchniowe

Aguas superficiales

Tertiary Treatment: The third stage of wastewater treatment where water goes through coagulation, sedimentation, filtration, and the addition of chlorine.

Trzeci stopień oczyszczania ścieków

El tratamiento terciario

Transpiration: The exchange of water from plants and trees to the atmosphere.



Wastewater: Water that has been used by either humans or industry; any water that enters the sewage system.


Aguas residuales

Wastewater (Sewage) Treatment Plant: A treatment facility where the wastewater (sewer) is cleaned.

Oczyszczalnia ścieków

Planta de tratamiento

Water Cycle: The continuous cycle of evaporation, condensation, and precipitation in which water is continually being recycled.

Cykl hydrologiczny

El ciclo del agua

Water Table: The surface of underground, gravity-controlled water.

Zwierciadło wód gruntowych

Capa freática

Water Treatment Plant: A plant where water is treated to make it fit for potable use.

Stacja uzdatniania wody

La planta de tratamiento de aguas

Water Vapor: Water in an invisible gaseous state or in a visible liquid state consisting of extremely small particles suspended in the air.

Para wodna

El vapor de agua

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