OUIL602 | Creative Presence

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This is the real start-up of my social media presence as a creative, I wasn’t satisfied with the way my online presence was since last year so I took some time to really evaluate how I could change that. At this point I feel more confident and prepared to speak to fellow creatives this way and show my work in a positive light. From this point onwards I will be very, very active on a majority of my social media accounts, in particular, Twitter and Instagram for their associability.

My LinkedIn summary and profile is something that I feel really strongly represents me as a creative. I didn’t want to just talk about myself in a sense that is rather basic or informal, but in a professional way that communicates the idea that I am a part of this industry now.

CREATIVE PRESENCE | social media

CREATIVE PRESENCE | social media

My business card designs have had a re-design from last year, I wanted something that suited me and fitted me as a practitioner now so I worked on a very small illustration that I felt, helped sum me up not only as a person but as a creative. The business card designs were also heavily inspired from the format that I used last year, although I took some liberty with the layout and font. My promotional pack overall should communicate and promote the core parts of my practice, both on a practical level and on a personal level. Hence why the designs for my business cards took longer than I intended. But now that I firmly have my ideas down and my confidence up I feel as though I am appropriately prepared to take on the industry head-on.


CREATIVE PRESENCE | Promotional Pack


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