Beans on toast Ingredients: A tin of beans in tomato sauce Bread Butter
Utensils: Saucepan Knife Wooden spoon Toaster A tin opener
Steps: 1.- Open the tin. 2.- Put the beans in the saucepan. 3.- Turn on the gas and stir. 4.- Put the bread in the toaster. 5.- Put some butter on the toast. 6.- Put the beans on the toast. 7.- Eat it. Delicious!!!!
Cup of tea Ingredients: A tea bag Some water Some milk Sugar
Utensils: A mug A kettle A teapot A teaspoon
Steps: 1.- Put the water in the kettle. 2.- Put two teabags in the teapot. 3.- Put the water in the teapot. 4.- Put some milk in the mug. 5.- Put some sugar. 6.- Put the tea and stir. 7.- Very important, have a biscuit and drink the tea.