My favourite endangered animal 5 II
AFRICAN WILD DOG My favourite endangered animal is the African Wild Dog. They live in the forest habitat, grass land, desert in the costal East Africa. They are 30 inches high and they weigh 40-50 pounds. They are predators that hunt medium-sized ruminants, such as gazelles.
Wild Dogs are social and they live in groups of ten individuals. They are endangered because of hunting and loss of habitat. Today there are 6,600 African Wild Dogs.
ASIAN ELEPHANT My favourite endangered animal is the Asian Elephant. They live in Asia. They eat nuts and meat. They are very strong and smaller than African Elephant. They are endangered because of loss of habitat and global warming.
There are 45,354 in the world.
Bee My favourite endangered animal is the Bee. They live in the entire wold. They eat nectar, pollen and water. They are endangered because of loss of habitat and Asian Bees.
They are yellow and black. The Bees are 2-40mm. There are 20 thousands in the wold today. The Asian Bees are bigger and stronger than the other bees. The Asian Bees eat the bees. Here we are comparing the Asian bees with the bees.
BLACK RHINO My favourite endangered animal is the Black Rhino. They live in deserts, grasslands in Namibia, Coastal East Africa. They are herbivores. They eat plants, shoots,
branches, bushes and fruits. They are engendered because of loss of habitat and poaching. Today there are about 5,000 – 5,400.
CHELONIA MYDASGREEN TORTOISE My favourite endangered animal is the Tortoise. Most of the Chelonia Mydas-Green Tortoises live in the sea. They eat all kind of food. They are very shy when they see a predator. They are endangered because of hunting and
poaching and pollution. The population is decreasing.
EUROPEAN BISON My favourite endangered animal is the European Bison. They live in forests. They are brown and black. European Bison live in groups. They eat grass, and leaves; in summer, an adult male can consume 32 kg of food in a day. They are endangered because of loss of habitat and hunching and poaching. The European Bison have got other family
of Bison, it is the American Bison. The American Bison is heavier than the European Bison. There are only 800 in the world today.
THE FISHING CAT My favourite endangered animal is the Fishing Cat or Prionailurus Viverrinus.. Fishing Cats live near rivers and lakes in South-East Asia. They are olive, grey or black with fur. Fishing Cats are carnivorous animals. They eat fish, shellfish, snakes... They are mammals. Fishing Cats are endangered because of loss of habitat and
hunting and poaching. Today there are only 10.000 Fishing Cats in the world.
FOSSA My favourite endangered animal is the Fossa. They live in Madagascar. They are red, brown and black They are dangerous because they attack farm animals and they are dangerous to people, too. They eat lizards, frogs, rodents, birds and reptiles.
They are fierce and dominant. Fossa is the largest mammalian predator animal of Madagascar. They are endangered because loss of habitat, hunting and pouching. In the word there are 2,500 Fossas.
Galapagos Penguin My favourite endangered animal is the Galapagos Penguin. They live in The Galapagos Islands. They are 19 inches long. They eat mostly small fish such as mullet and sardines.
They are endangered because of pollution, bycatch and climate change. There are fewer than 2000.
Killer whale My favourite endangered animal is the Killer Whale. They live in the north Atlantic, Ocean and coastal waters worldwide. They are black and white. They are very big. They eat meat, their favourite food is seal.
They are endangered because of loss of habitat and hunting from humans. There are 128,000 in the world.
Mountain Gorilla My favourite endangered animal is the Mountain Gorilla. They live in forest habitats, mountains in Congo Basin. They have got thick fur. They eat leaves, roots, herbs, trees, and grasses They are endangered because of loss of habitat, disease and poaching. There are 880 gorillas today.
OSTRICH My favourite endangered animal is the Ostrich. They live in Africa. The adult Ostriches weight180kg and they are 3 meters tall. They have got long legs, long neck, big eyes and a big body. They eat fruits, small reptiles and small birds.
They are fast. They live in herds. They are endangered because of hunting and pouching.
THE PARROT My favourite endangered animal is The Parrot. They live in South America and Australia. They eat floral nectar and salty fruit. They are endangered because of pollution, loss of habitat and degradation, hunting, and
for certain species, the wildbird trade. In the world there are 59 million parrots. 130 species of parrots are listed as near threatened.
POLAR BEAR My favourite endangered animal is the Polar Bear. They live in the Artic Circle. The adult males weight 350-700kg and the females half than the adult male. They are 2.4-3 meters long. Bears are insulated by up to 10cm fat tissue and white fur. They have large furry feet, sharp claws and powerful legs, so they can run on the ice land and swim. They eat seals and other water animals. They are born on land, they spend most of the time on the ice sea. They are endangered as they are losing the habitat because the global warming
and the sea pollution (plastic, oil‌). The Polar Bears are bigger, taller, heavier and stronger than the Grizzly Bear. By the way they are the biggest one of all the bears. There are 20,000-25,000 polar bears today.
RED PANDA My favourite endangered animal is the Red Panda. They live in temperate forests, almost in the Eastern Himalayas. The Red Pandas are slightly larger than domestic cats. They have got small eyes and long, bushy tails. They eat plants.
They are endangered because of hunting and poaching. Today there are less than 10,000 individuals.
Red Panda My favourite endangered animal is the Red Panda. They live in China (Asia). They are between the red bear-cat and the red cat-bear. They eat bamboo and eggs.
There are endangered because of loss of habitat. The Red Panda is smaller than the Panda. Now there are 10,000 in the world.
RING TAILED LEMUR My favourite endangered animal is the Ring Tailed Lemur. They live in the African island of Madagascar and some of tiny neighbouring islands. Their height is between 39 and 46 centimetres and their tail is from 56 to 63cm. They eat fruits and nuts. They are endangered because of
loss of habitat, hunting and poaching and for exotic pet trade. A curiosity of the Ring Tailed Lemur is: their scientist name is Lemur Catta. There are 2,500 units of Ring Tailed Lemurs in the world.
ROYAL PENGUIN My favourite endangered animal is the Royal Penguin. They live in the sub- Antarctic Macquarie Island and adjacent islands. The Royal Penguins are birds. They have got yellow or orange hair and white face. They are 74cms tall, they weigh 4-5kg. They eat krill, fish and other animals from the sea.
They are endangered because of global warming and lack of food. In the world there are 1,700,000 today.
Snow Leopard My favourite endangered animal is the Snow Leopard. They live in the mountains of central and south Asia. They live in alpine and subalpine zones (3,000 - 4,500 m) from eastern Afghanistan to Mongolia and western china. The Snow Leopards are big cats. They eat sheep, ibex, marmots, and hares. They are endangered because of loss of habitat and climate change.
There are less than10,000 Snow Leopards.
SUMATRAN TIGER My favourite endangered animal is the Sumatran Tiger. They live in forests in Sumatran Island, in Indonesia. They’ve got heavy black stripes on their orange coats. The Sumatran Tigers eat meat. They eat all kind of animals with meat. Being the smallest of the tiger subspecies, the Sumatran Tiger male is only about 120kg and 243centimetres long. The female
is quite a bit smaller, 91kg and 213centimetres long. Sumatran Tiger is critically endangered because of loss of habitat and hunting and poaching. Comparing with other animals is the smallest of the tiger subspecies in the earth. In the earth today there are less than 400 Sumatran Tigers.
YANGTZE FINLESS PORPOISE My favourite endangered animal is the Yangtze Finless Porpoise. The scientific name is Neophocaena asiaeorientalis ssp. Asiaeorientalis. They live in fresh waters in lakes and rivers in Yangtze, China. They are blue and grey. They are 6.2 feet long. They eat fish, squids, prawns, octopus and shrimps. The Yangtze Finless Porpoise is critically endangered because the fishers are fishing too much,
pollution and ship movements. Today the population is 1.000-1.800.