Quiz 5I
Who was Christopher Columbus? A writer
an investigator
an inventor
What did Cervantes write? He didn’t write anything
The Three Little Pigs
Don Quixote de la Mancha
Who is Michelle Obama? The first black president of the USA
Barak Obama’s wife
She doesn’t exist
Who was Arconada? Arconada was a goalkeeper in the Real Sociedad team as goalkeeper Arconada played in the Real Madrid
Arconada was not in a Spanish
Van Gogh He only made four painting an Art Gallery
He was a Dutch painter
His first job was not in
Neil Armstrong He was Chinese who walked on the moon
He did not star Apollo II
He was the first man
Albert Einstein He was the cleverest child in the world He was born in New Jersey
He didn’t pick up his Nobel Price
Who was Charlie Chaplin? A dentist
An actress
An actor
What does Mohamed Ali make with his hands? He makes bread
He boxes
He paints
Who is Maradona? A singer
A hockey player
A football player
When did Franco die? 1975
Who was the first president of the USA? Thomas Jefferson
George Washington
Lois Armstrong
Who was one of the best football players in history? Diego Armando Maradona
Selena Gómez Koby Brian
Who was the first person who went to the moon? Pele
Davor Suker
Neil Armstrong
Who was the second president of the USA? Platini
John Adams
Michael Jordan
Who was Freddy Mercury? A footballer
A president
A singer
Was Neil Armstrong a singer? Yes, he was
No, he wasn’t
Who was Barak Obama? The last president of the USA second president of the USA
The first president of the USA
Was Albert Einstein a scientist? Yes, he was
No, he wasn’t
Who was Cervantes? A writer
A painter
A singer
Was Leonardo da Vinci a philosopher, a thinker and an artist? Yes, he was
No, he wasn’t
Who was Nobel? An inventor
An artist
A singer
What was Picasso’s name? Pablo
Who was Einstein? A physician
A pelota player
A musician
The first person who went to the moon
A politician
Who was Isaac Newton?
What did Maradona play? Football
In what team did Maradona play? Real Sociedad Barcelona
Real Madrid
A scientist
What instrument did Mozart play? The violin
The piano
The trumpet
Who was Valentina Tereshkova? An astronaut
A sportswoman
A football player
When did Franco die? 20th September, 1975
16th July, 1972
15th January, 1973
Who is the best football player in the world? Messi
Cristiano Ronaldo
Which was the first car in history? Steam car
Who was Marilyn Monroe? An actress
A singer
A dancer
Who was Albert Einstein? A football player
A singer
A scientist
Which is the profession of Pablo Picasso? Actor
A singer
A dancer
Who Mikel Laboa? An actor How was Maradona? A singer
A basketball player
A football player
How was Mahoma? A singer
A writer
The founder of Islam
How was Confucio? A Chinese philosopher
A Spanish philosopher
An English philosopher
How was Aristóleles? A painter
A judge
A polymath
Who was Sir Edmund Hillary? A famous painter A poem writer
The first person who climbed Mount Everest, 8,850 metres