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Food & Mood:
It’s a common misconception that the food we eat only impacts our body physically based on its fat content and sugar levels, which cause weight gain if over-consumed. However, our mood is controlled much more by our food than you would think. Simple things such as meal timings, portion sizes, frequency of eating, and food contents can make such a drastic difference to our mental state. Remember, each person will have unique dietary needs. It may take some time to understand what your body needs – and that’s okay. It’s a process of trial and error to find a happy medium that works for you. For the majority, there are some statistics that are paramount to listen to.
Within our bodies, we have four types of “happy hormones”, or mood boosters, that get released. Serotonin and Dopamine are both gained through similar activities such as exercise, socialising, and listening to music. Endorphins help us cope with pain and stress; and finally, Oxytocin can be understood as the “love hormone”, which helps us develop relationships with others. Apart from these means, certain foods are actually said to help release these chemicals. Spicy foods are said to cause an endorphin release, and common foods such as eggs, beans, almonds, and yogurts trigger a dopamine release. Chocolate is among those foods that lead to endorphins increase. Honestly, you should never feel bad about eating chocolate. Science is telling you that it literally makes you happy, so you can never have too much, right?!
Although there are foods that can boost our mood, there are others that we should really think about avoiding at certain times of the day to discourage any sudden crashes in our well-being. I’m sure one culprit that comes to mind is caffeine. Caffeine is in many popular beverages such as tea, coffee, and energy drinks, but it is also surprisingly hidden in some chocolates and chocolate-flavoured foods. Too much caffeine, especially during the evening can cause surges of energy, making it difficult to sleep, but also sudden plummets in energy during the day, which can cause drowsiness. This affects your sleep routine and productivity during the day, leading to the avoidance of tasks and unhelpful schedule switches. However, this doesn’t mean you should completely avoid these drinks and foods – it’s all about timing and moderation!
Scheduling your meals, eating a wide range of different foods, and knowing when to have breakfast, lunch, and dinner could make all the difference. Never skipping breakfast should be a golden rule in everyone’s life. They aren’t lying when they say it’s the most important meal of the day. Breakfast really does fuel you for the day and keeps your mood steady until lunchtime. Skipping this meal can cause your focus to stray and energy to drain before you even have the chance to head out and seize the day. It’s always important to pick times to eat your meals and stick to them to keep your body in a routine that ultimately makes your energy and mood more predictable and under control. What to include in these meals however is a whole other question. Make sure to have a variety but