Gallant Magazine SL - Late Spring / Early Summer 2018

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cover photo by gac akina

gallant staff

Divos titanium - Editor vonda volkov - Assistant editor gac akina - Creative Director Ritch Nicholls - Marketing Manager

photographers & Writers gac Akina julio costa john cordeaux parker droverson exis static frenzy hara elvi hartley justine lemton blair lockhearst

Marcopol oh tyler oysternatz leonardo PatanĂŠ scar requiem skip staheli divos titanium grant valeska Taylor wassep wayne bo zhu

models and stylists tom ashdene john cordeaux parker droverson exis static frenzy jj goodman hara holter justine lemton blair lockhearst

arcangel moonwall marcopol oh tyler osyternatz leonardo patanĂŠ scar requiem divos titanium grant valeska wayne bo zhu





photo by skip staheli

It’s official! Gallant Magazine has eclipsed one-year within the world of Second Life™ and we could not be more excited! It has been so touching to hear from the many amazing people that have reached out and expressed their positivity surrounding our magazine. True to form, Gallant Magazine is committed to continuing its efforts to deliver a stunning visual masterpiece for its readers and to serve as Second Life’s™ definitive journal dedicated to Men’s Fashion and Home & Garden! This year has really made an interesting mark with regards to perspective. 2018 kicked off with relocating to a new condo on my own after a few years of living with my parents to pay off school loans (trust me, there is nothing sexier than telling someone you still live at home with Mama). As soon as I was gone I was needed back home as my mom faced a number of illnesses that had all of us worried. For those who have faced any similar type of trauma, you know it makes us realize that we always seem to take for granted what we think we will have tomorrow, and suddenly what were the most important things in your life seem so trivial. While my mom’s health has returned and she is as resilient as ever, it has really allowed me to focus on what is truly important. So, moral of this long story? Never lose sight of those things you cherish and appreciate them while you have them because they are fleeting. This is not earth-shattering news or

even new information, but sometimes life gives us little reminders. Armed with a new perspective and some very patient readers, the new season heralds the arrival of a brand-new issue of Gallant Magazine! This issue celebrates late Spring and a nod to early Summer. David Heather, the Gallant 2018 Calendar Man of May, graces the cover of this issue as we deep dive into his dedicated drive to create the ultimate in men’s fashion and now interior design. This dual focus echoes ours here at Gallant Magazine and is the reason he is our featured Men’s Fashion designer. Our Home & Garden featured designers, The Loft & Aria, need no introduction. Their love for contemporary furniture and amazing partnership has resulted in a merger of their incredible stores, and we were excited to sit down with Colleen Desmoulins and Yelo Uriza to hear about this exciting new venture! Our incredibly talented Gallant staff also shares with us some exquisite imagery with their art and creations, giving us vibes as we close out Spring and welcome the arrival of Summer. We take you on a trip to the Borneo sim, spotlight several amazing bloggers on the grid, and share some of the hottest designs in men’s swimwear. Ready to dive in? We hope you enjoy!







photo by Julio Coosta

There comes a time when we all have had bad days, have we not? There are moments when you stop in your tracks and barely know how to keep going. Regardless, time keeps ticking and never stops for you. It keeps going while you are there, completely immobilized. Suddenly you find yourself surrounded by changes, promises late, and it seems like the end of the world. It happens. Life cannot stop and you cannot There comes a time all have afford to stop it. when You we need to had bad have wefallnot? There move on, days, get up, and yet again! when you stop in over. your Itare all moments rises, falls and rises over and tracks barely how to keep You areand a part of know nature, constantly going. Regardless, time keeps changing, like the flowers that ticking fall in and never stops foragain you. inItthe keeps going winter and are born spring as while you completely imwinter fadesare andthere, summer approaches. mobilized. Suddenlyon you find yourself Time goes marching and you need surrounded by changes, late, to be the creator of yourpromises own destiny! and it seems like the end of the world. It happens. Life cannot stop and you cannot afford to stop it. You need to move on, get up, and fall yet again! It all rises, falls and rises over and over. You are a part of nature, constantly changing, like the flowers that fall in winter and are born again in the spring as winter fades and summer approaches. Time goes marching on and you need to be the creator of your own destiny!

I would say this last year was incredible. I fell, got up, fell again – but I kept standing I I would say up, thisregardless last year of waswhat increfaced. we again can all– find dible. I hope I fell, together got up, fell but I the strength to keep standing up. kept standing up, regardless of what One of the Ibrightest spots inwe thecan pastall I faced. hope together year Second Lifestanding was the findregarding the strength to keep up. creation development One of and the brightest spotsof in Gallant the past Magazine and theSecond supportLife of you, year regarding was its the readers. marks oneofyear of creationThis andissue development Gallant Gallant and and brings you the experience Magazine the support of you, its ofreaders. travelingThis from onemarks station to year ano-of issue one ther, exploring an incredible calGallant and brings you theplace experienled as wellfrom as interviews withto ceBorneo, of traveling one station influential like David another, brands exploring an Heather incredible and the Loft & Aria – as well manyas place called Borneo, as aswell other spectacular surprises. brands like interviews with influential Happy readers! David travels, Heather and the Loft & Aria A –big ashug, well as many other spectacular surprises.

Happy travels, readers! A big hug,




table of contents



David Heather

The loft & aria

la primavera fLorece




once upon a dream


soak up the sun




outside in



featured blogger

artistry in motion




english gardens

featured blogger

deliciously cool




featured blogger

lifestyles with wayne



destination: borneo





Happy Memorial Day!

Gallant magazine photo by wayne 39


Fashion has been a pentacle within the framework of this digital world we call Second Life™. From its inception, fashion has been ever-evolving and outshining its predecessor. Starting with the system layers we were born into, to the prim attachments which gave birth to standard meshing, fashion is now designed with clothing and accessories created to fit perfectly on specific bodies and mesh pieces. These new stages in which fashion can be created in Second Life ™ far outshine our expectations from just a few years ago. One of those pioneers that took to this ever-changing game early on would be Gianni Broda, though many of you will know him as the creator of the iconic luxe brand, David Heather. Founded in 2014, David Heather is a mecca for fashion lovers who seek to find looks not commonly found within the casual sense of Second Life ™. This brand started out with a bang. If you can recall one of the first pieces David created for us was the “Ulti Stole”. Remember the stole with ‘FEAR’ written vertical on the fur? Or how about those “Cross Shades”; stylized sunglasses with two thick crosses as the frames that nearly covered the entire face? Those are the kind of out-of-the-box ideas David Heather creates for his customers. David delivers a moment for his customers to stand out amongst the masses with

his luxe individualism at the forefront of his creative processes. The continuum of David Heather is far-reaching when it comes to the amount of time and energy he puts into his brand. Everything he releases and presents to the public needs to be nearly perfect in his own eyes. A true testament to his creativity, he seeks quality of the product over quantity. Take for example the atmosphere around the mainstore of David Heather. This posh, black-framed building seems to have been dropped smack in the middle of a desert, creating this psudo-oasis of sorts for fashion-lovers to flock to when their sense of whimsey and curiosity is peaked by his latest release. This savvy designer even beings that mentality of cohesion to his advertisements featured on the store’s social media. If you check him out on Flickr ™, you will see this monochromatic color scheme happening in many of his ads. The connection between the fashions and the advertisements is apparent in all facets of his art. But that kind of drive in how David Heather is presented makes sense given that David has been running his parent’s business in real life. This obviously has an impact on his understanding of how to successfully showcase a product to the public. David took that frame of mind and brought his business smarts to the virtual world.


Beyond having a finger on the pulse in both the outside world and Second Life ™, David is also a talented artist, which he likes to incorporate into different mediums with fashionable elements. Having this mindset shows what kind of creative-minded person David truly is, which is why fashion is not the only avenue he has traveled, as spotlighted in the former men’s event he previously created “Monsieur Chic.” Having so many creative outlets has given David the opportunity to go beyond what we already know of him. Coming this month David will be venturing down another innovative pathway with the release of David Heather Culture, a contemporary style to add to his already impressive luxe aesthetic vibes with David Heather. David Heather Culture will include hints of traditional elements embedded in pieces he creates. We can look forward to more home decor from David, who has made gachas in the past featuring decor elements. David Heather Culture will be focusing solely on this genre, with his first release being a 27-piece living room set. The Spring / Summer season is just on the horizon, and we are already being treated to so much from our fashion community, particularly from David Heather. David will continue as always to keep us guessing with his future releases and innovative creations. With the emergence of his blooming home decor focus and the continuation of


David Heather as a brand, it is safe to say that 2018 just got a whole lot more luxe for us in Second Life ™. First off, David, thank you so much for taking time from David Heather to come and talk with us! TAYLOR: If you could indulge us, can you give me a 140-character Twitter format of who David Heather, the designer, is? DAVID: David Heather, the designer, is always cutting edge. I thrive on creating things in Second Life™ that stand out. If it is not stylish first and foremost then it is not an option. I also enjoy fashion that contains a certain amount of shock value and class. TAYLOR: How did you discover the virtual world of Second Life™? DAVID: I was playing a game called “There” at the time and people were talking about a game called Second Life™. I decided to give it a try. TAYLOR: Did your experiences within Second Life™ have any sway in the reason(s) behind opening your own store here? DAVID: I came to Second Life™ to start a business but my experiences did help me decide on a creative direction.


style credits


TAYLOR: And how did you come up with naming your store, David Heather? For both your store and yourself? DAVID: I really wanted 2 first names that were feminine and masculine. TAYLOR: I remember attending your first fashion show in the desert years ago with some of the models serving the sever bowl cuts realness and celebrating both male and fashion fashions. You are clearly a fashion-forward minded person. What is your inspiration for David Heather? DAVID: My inspiration comes from so many different places that it is very difficult to pin point any one thing specific. TAYLOR: What kind of process do you with something you create for David Heather? Like, what all goes on from start to finish? DAVID: It depends entirely on my mood. I always tend to choose a theme no matter what though. I always start with a theme and then I decide what is the look I would like to convey.

full of music that inspires me that I always listen to when designing. TAYLOR: If you assign a singular kind of fashion label to David Heather, what would it be called? DAVID: High fashion. TAYLOR: With the Summer season just on the horizon, what trends might we see from David Heather to heat up the Fashion scene in Second Life™? DAVID: Shorts and a lot of skin will be prominent. TAYLOR: Not only does David Heather release fashion, but home decor and accessories as well. What was the driving force behind this idea? DAVID: I love to decorate and I always noticed there was a lack of men’s decor in Second Life™. TAYLOR: Do you have a favorite piece that you have created? DAVID: I honestly do not.

TAYLOR: Do you have anything you do to get yourself in that mindset when creating? I know for me, I listen to certain kinds of music when I am editing a picture. DAVID: Yes, I have a designing playlist


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TAYLOR: Recently, I’ve noticed you have taken this unique way of showcasing your release via social media. How did you come up with the torn paper element or having the images be this monochromatic image? DAVID: Being cohesive is very important to me and I wanted my advertisements to show off that idea as well.

TAYLOR: This year is already passing by quickly, and David Heather has been as busy as ever. What is on the agenda for your store? DAVID: To take over Second Life™ of course.

TAYLOR: Now, let us take you outside of Second Life™. What does the person behind David Heather enjoying doing?

TAYLOR: Are there any surprises that we might be able to see soon from you?

DAVID: I am an artist in RL so I enjoy creating art.

DAVID: I have quite a few surprises planned for this year.

TAYLOR: Has anything you have done within Second Life™ translated to your real life?

TAYLOR: Since this is nearing the end of our interview, is there anything you would like to say to anyone out there who might be reading this?

DAVID: I think the overall style I have created for myself in Second Life™ has translated into my real life. TAYLOR: On a Saturday night, what might the person behind David Heather be doing outside of Second Life™? DAVID: Sleeping, eating, watching anime, or working on some new art project for school. TAYLOR: Have you been able to incorporate anything from your real life into David Heather, the store?


DAVID: Not yet but I plan to eventually.

DAVID: I would like to say thank you to all my supporters. I really do appreciate the love. TAYLOR: Thank you so much David, and Gallant Magazine wishes you and your store the very best. DAVID: Thank you!






We all need that best friend we can rely on, and the merger of Loft and Aria, is something to be in awe of. In Second Life, we get to create our own world. We can be creative, explore, attempt things that we would not ordinarily do in the real world, and most of all, we have an opportunity to form friendships which spans all over the globe. It should come as no surprise that two like-minded individuals work so well together, or better yet compliment each other with their creativity. One of the most rewarding things we receive as consumers from our favorite brands are the surprised collaborations. We soak it up and feed upon it because it is not often we get to have such wonderful treats in must have purchases! So, when Colleen Desmoulins and Yelo Uriza begun collaborating together, we were anxious for their creations. The Loft and ARIA are two stores that compliment each other very well and it only made sense that the owners of these stores would work so well together in their passion for creating beautiful furnishings. Colleen and Yelo first met when Colleen teleported to Yelo’s store, ARIA. She laughs fondly “I went to her store via search, and she didn’t eject me on sight (yes, that has happened!). Anyway, she (Yelo) approached me and we started talking about, you guessed it, furniture.”

Colleen and Yelo share a love for contemporary furnishing, and they are both passionate in what they create within Second Life. The collaboration between the two started in 2015 amid their lasting friendship of 10 years ago. Each begun to assist one another in learning new techniques in Maya and give each other feedback on the items they’d planned to release. Colleen was kind enough to share this with us, “We will let you in on a secret, there have been times when we have both been unable to manage a release for our stores because of some emergency and we have filled in for each other”. So it was only natural that these two amazing woman merged as, Loft & Aria, in 2018. Their mutual adoration for each other compliments their relationship. Colleen enjoys how Yelo can watch a video and fully grasp the concept on how to create a design, whereas, Yelo loves how Colleen can texture and her business ethics. After working closely over the years, they’ve realized how much they have learned from one another. How they respect each other’s process, talents in executing their methods in creating as well as how well they communicate in regards to new designs.


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When asked about the merger and has it been easy to do so, Colleen replied “One of the greatest things about merging is sharing the workload. We have a system that works with our strengths. For example, Yelo does not enjoy small details and I would rather not work on large items. I like adding the details and tying a room together. I like picking the fabric and designs and colours and making all the vases etc. Yelo prefers to work on the framing of the room and the large pieces.” This open honesty encourages their business relationship which also ensures its success and healthy work environment. Seldom will they take turns in who’s idea will be the new designs, for their continuous brainstorming and discussion helps in navigating their new creation. When asked the dreaded question of what inspires them in creating their sets or decor pieces, they simply replied “I see people answer this question so easily and I am unable to. I would say anything and everything. It could be just a colour, or maybe a table, or a feeling or a smell or just a vibe I want to create. But overall we really just enjoy the whole process of decorating a room from top to bottom, where none of the furniture exists as yet.” Colleen continued to explain how they manage deadlines, creative differences and communication on a given project. “We have reached the point where we can work on a set together without even seeing each other for days. Becau-


se of our time zones that often happens. It’s like we have creators’ ESP. We might ask for each others’ files to tweak things and change textures etc etc. We trust each other and our work but that doesn’t mean we just rollover if the other person wants to change something we do not want changed. We are always prepared to defend our design if we have to, but because we trust each other we also listen to each other and try to see things outside or our own point of view.” Though they have their love for contemporary furniture in common, they do not have the same taste of music in common much to Colleen’s amusement. When we quizzed them on what they like to do when creating, Yelo likes to listen to music, sometimes watch things on YouTube while she works but she adds an afterthought of “Unless I have to deal with scripting in that case I need absolute silence (short attention span and all). I find TV shows too distracting”. Whereas, Colleen doesn’t agree with Yelo’s music taste and claims “Yelo has horrible taste in music anyway , not really sure how she can listen to that and work.”. Colleen tends to watch TV, or listening to the TV while she works but there are times she needs silence like Yelo to concentrate on what she is doing.

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It just goes to show that no matter where you are in Second Life, you are bound to meet the best friend that you could only wish for in this virtual world. Second Life means many things to us, and for Colleen and Yelo, it means friendship, a business venture and having that person that you know you can trust implicitly. It can give you that warm feeling, that there is so much for Second Life that we rarely get to see and this is one of those rare gems. We had decided to ask them a joke question at the end, and the question was “What did they have for breakfast?”, and how did they reply? Colleen eats nothing in the morning as she does intermittent fasting, and her day begins with a lunch. The most intriguing answer was what Yelo has for breakfast which is “Coffee, Tea, Cereal, a small child.”, we are sure Yelo was laughing as she replied to this question, but we could not resist adding it in! We have had the pleasure in the past and current to know Colleen and Yelo, having worked with them in events, blogging etc. They have always been two people we have enjoyed talking to, it amazes us to see them working together because of how well they do work together. Their ideas, how they represent themselves and this merger. They are beautiful inside and out, and how lucky are we to have them in our Second Lives.

When we asked what is the future plans for Loft & Aria, they replied “Just continue to ride this train until the wheels fall off, keep competing with our previous releases so we get better,. It would be nice to start delving into skyboxes and houses sometime in the future.”. We don’t know about you, but we are very excited to see the future releases and developments for Loft & Aria.





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la primavera


Photographer and model: marcopol oh



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Photographer and stylist: exis


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featured blogger

Scar Requiem


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photographer and Model: Tyler Oysternatz



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once upon a


photographer and Stylist: Justine Lemton



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photographer and Model: John Cordeaux


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Stylist: Parker Droverson photographer: divos titanium


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featured blogger

Blair Lockhearst


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Lifestyles with

Wayne photographer: WAYNE

Models: wayne, divos titanium, holter, JJ Goodman, tom ashdene 147

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Rebirth photographer and stylist: hara


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models: Grant Valeska, arcangel moonwall, Scar Requiem, Divos Titanium Photographer: Grant Valeska & Divos Titanium 172

Soak Up the Sun

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featured blogger

Static Frenzy


artistry in



Stylists and photographer: Leonardo Giovanni PatanĂŠ 185







Borneo Island

photographer: divos titanium























photographer: zeke Jestyr model: david heather





advertise with gallant magazine!

Want to place in ad in SL’s premiere resource for interior design and men’s fashion? Contact Divos Titanium for pricing information!


Style Credits 218

Featured Designer - David Heather

Hair: Troy By Doux; Suit: Seventeen Blazer By David Heather - Glasses: Kaion Glasses By Zoom; Beard: Stanley Hipster Stache By GA.GE; Jumpsuit: The People Pantsuit By David Heather; Earrings: Richie Hoop By David Heather; Hair: Vogue Hair By Boys To The Bone; Hair: Baron By Stealthic; Shirt: Seventeen Shirt By David Heather; Pants: Seventeen Pants By David Heather; Glasses: Spectrum Glasses By Minimal - Beard: Stanley Hipster Stache By GA.GE; Suit: Richie Tuxedo By David Heather; Sunglasses: #18 By LEN$; Hair: Troy Hairstyle By Doux; Corset: Madonna Corset By David Heather; Pants: Miley Chaps By David Heather; Choker: Diana Choker By David Heather; Shoes: Block Heels By David Heather; Hair: Lovestruck By Little Bones

Featured Designer - The Loft and Aria

Modern Living Sofa: The Babette Set - Three Seater Sofa By The Loft and Aria - Art: The Babette Set - One Sided By The Loft and Aria - Lamp: The Babette Set - Standing Lamp By The Loft and Aria - Rug: The Babette Set - Rug By The Loft and Aria Lounger & Ottoman: The Orville Set - Orville Lounger & Ottoman By The Loft - Throw: The Orville Set - Throw By The Loft - Wall Sconce: The Orville Set - Wall Sconce By The Loft - Vases: The Orville Set - Vases By The Loft - Tray: The Lainey Set - Tray By The Loft and Aria - Coffee Table: Marion Suite - Coffee Table By The Loft and Aria - Orchids: Mara Set - Mara Orchids By The Loft - Candles: Aurora Candlesticks By Aria - Mirror: The Jabode Set - Jabode Mirror By The Loft and Aria - Curtains: Milton Curtains By Apple Fall - Plant: Kurunchi Flower - Yellow Mani Plant By Mesh India Entryway Bench: The Jabode Set - Jabode Bench By The Loft and Aria - Bench: Nolan Entryway - Bench By The Loft - Pillows: Nolan Entryway - Pillows By The Loft - Key Shadow Box: Nolan Entryway - Antique Key Shadow Box By The Loft Lamp: The Babette Set - Standing Lamp By The Loft and Aria - Window Decor: Portico Set - Window Decor By The Loft and Aria - Lantern: Metal Lantern By The Loft - Anklet: Chidi Set - Chidi Anklet By The Loft - Framed Motif: Chidi Set - Chidi Framed Motif By The Loft - Plant 1: Branwyn Bedroom - Potted Sansevieria By The Loft and Aria - Plant 2: Branwyn Bedroom - Potted Agaveium By The Loft and Aria Bathroom Sink: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Bathroom Sink By The Loft and Aria - Bathtub: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Bathtub By The Loft and Aria - Mirror: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Baxter Mirror By The Loft and Aria - Light: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Pendant Light By The Loft and Aria - Cabinet: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Cabinet By The Loft and Aria - Bathtub Tray: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Bathtub Tray By The Loft and Aria - Cake Stand: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Cake Stand By The Loft and Aria - Stool: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Wire Stool By The Loft and Aria - Towel Basket (small): My Love, My Beard - Towel Basket By The Loft - Towel Basket (big): My Love, My Beard - Towel Basket By The Loft Box Set: Napa Entryway - Box Set By The Loft - Rack with Basket: Kate’s Hardy Bedroom Set - Hardy Rack with Basket By Nutmeg. - Basket: Kate’s Hardy Bedroom Set - Basket By Nutmeg. - Brushes: Bathroom Clutter - Bath Brushes in Milk Glass Jar By Apple Fall - Lotions: Bathroom Clutter - Bathroom Lotions By Apple Fall - Sconces: Baxter Bathroom Suite - Angled Sconces By The Loft and Aria - Shelf: My Love, My Beard - Shelf By The Loft Decor Sideboard: Tennyson Set - Tennyson Sideboard By The Loft - Vases & Mirror: Tennyson Set - Tennyson Decor By The Loft - Love Seat: Morgan Bedroom Suite - Morgan Love Seat By The Loft - Deco Box: Morgan Bedroom Suite - Morgan Deco Box By The Loft - Candle: Morgan Bedroom Suite - Morgan Stone Candle By The Loft - Mirror: Ezra Mirror By The Loft - Plant: Tennyson Eucalyptus By The Loft - Platter: Tennyson Platter By The Loft and Aria - Vase: Snapdragon Vase By *LODE* Decor - Trunk: Wooden Trunk By Apple Fall - Art: Wendla Collection - French Landscape Etching By Fancy Decor Vibrant Living Sofa: Marion Suite - Marion Sofa By The Loft and Aria - Accent Chairs: Marion Suit - Marion Accent Chair By The Loft and Aria - Coffee Table: Marion Suite - Marion Coffee Table By The Loft and Aria - Vase: Marion Suite - Marion Vase By The Loft and Aria - Books: Marion Suite - Coffee Table Books (1 & 2) By The Loft and Aria - Wall & Art: Marion Suite - Upholstered Wall By The Loft and Aria - Sconce: Marion Suite - Marion Sconce By The Loft and Aria Rug: Marion Suite - Marion Rug By The Loft and Aria - Shelves: Nelson Etagere By The Loft - Metal Bowl: Nelson Etagere - Nelson Metal Bowl By The Loft - Ampersand: Nelson Etagere - Ampersand By The Loft - Bookstack: Nelson Etagere - Nelson Bookstack By The Loft - Cactus: Nelson Etagere - Rue Cactus By The Loft - Bottle: Nelson Etagere - Duarte Bottle By The Loft - Book End: Nelson Etagere - Book End By The Loft - Vase: Nelson Etagere - Nelson Vase By The Loft - Chandelier Stand: Foliage Chandelier Stand By unKindness -

La Primavera Florece - Marco mesh head: Chloe By LeLutka - hair: H0223 By tram - mesh body: Lara By Maitreya - shoes: sneakers White By semller - top: urban fitness top pink By vale koer - cardigan: J.l By tram - pants: skinny printed pants By tram mesh head: Andrea By LeLutka - hair: Mateo By Modulus - beard: Ralph By Yuth - mesh ears: Dilator By L’etre - mesh body: Jake By Belleza - sand tattoo: body &face beach sand By Izzie’s - shorts: terry sweatshorts By Represent - bracelet: Mateo bracelet By Kunst - shoes: Chase sneakers By Deadwool mesh head: Andrea By LeLutka - hair: Jake By Modulus - beard: Shaheen Bento Hipster stache& beard By MF - mesh body: Jake By Belleza - sand tattoo: body &face beach sand By Izzie’s - pants: Jogger Pants By Clef de Peau - tank: strong tank top By Mossu - shoes: Jumpov By Versov mesh head: Andrea By LeLutka - hair: Cameron By Nutmeg & Entwined - mesh body: Jake By Belleza - shorts: Leif shorts By Riot - hair: Britney By Doux - mesh body: Lara

By Maitreya - shoes: sneakers Mint By semller - bodysuit: Lara Beachsuit By Clef de Peau - mesh body: Jake By Belleza - sand tattoo: body &face beach sand By Izzie’s - hair: Nyx By Entwined - tee shirt: Dean Shirt By Dufaux - shorts: Beach shorts By Dufaux - shoes : PornStar Lo-Tops By UBU mesh body: Jake By Belleza - hair: F1124 By tram - shorts: Hyperbeast By vale koer - mesh head: Andrea By LeLutka - hair: Chris By modulus - tank: Baller tank By vale koer - skin: Jasper T5 By Clef de Peau - watch : the workout watch By vale koer - mesh ears: Crystal ears By L’etre mesh head: Andrea By LeLutka - hair: F1124 By tram - sweater: Tom sweater By Clef de Peau - shorts: Terry sweatshorts By Represent - shoes: Valkyrie sneakers By Cold Ash - tattoo: Jinsang By Bolson -


English Gardens - Exis

Picture 1: Big house : Once Broken and Forgotten - Behind My Walls By 8f8 - House ruins: No Place of Ours By 8f8 - Water tap: Water tap By [we’re CLOSED] - Ladder: Old ladder By [we’re CLOSED] - Pots: Stack of Pots By ..::THOR::.. - Roses bucket: Bucket of Roses By 8f8 - Seed Bags: Seed Bags By ..::THOR::.. - Flowers bucket: Bucket Flowers By CHEZ MOI - Cart: Farm Cart By 8f8 - Soil sacks: Soil Burlap Sacks By ..::THOR::.. - Peaches: Peach pile By dust bunny - Peaches bucket: Peaches By dust bunny - Crocus bucket: Crocus Bucket By NOMAD - Can: Watering can By hive - House ruins 1: What’s Left Behind Corner By 8f8 - House ruins 2: Long Time Closed By 8f8 - Small house : Vacant By 8f8 - Ivy on wall: Ivy By Eli Baily - Big tree: Garden Tree 07 By HPMD - Grass: WildGrasses By HPMD - Shrubs: Dwarf Forest By *alirium* Picture 2: House: hedera cabin By dust bunny - Caravan: hedera caravan By dust bunny - Shed: gardenia shed By dust bunny - Fence: garden fence By [ keke ] - Swing: rope swing By dust bunny - Typewriter: upcycled typewriter By dust bunny - Teacup: daisy teacup By dust bunny - Cabinet: ivy apothecary cabinet By dust bunny - Table: carved table By dust bunny - Planter: head planter By dust bunny - Hat Box: Designer Hat Box By Apple Fall - Books: Books - Arrangement 3 By Apple Fall - Books: Books - Arrangement 2 By Apple Fall - Urn: Milk Urn w/ Wild Geraniums By Apple Fall - French horn: french horn planter By dust bunny - Books: Books - Arrangement 1 By Apple Fall - Suitcase: rosey suitcase By dust bunny - Bag: Worn Luggage Bag By Apple Fall - Vine: Garden Vine 01 By HPMD - Vine: Garden Vine 02 By HPMD - Big tree: Garden Tree 07 By HPMD Wild flowers: Quenn Ann’s Lace By Heart - Grass: WildGrasses By HPMD Picture 3: Manor: Hardwick Manor By Apple Fall - Wall: Kent Wall By Apple Fall - Fence: Cranfield Fence By Apple Fall - Gate: Cranfield Fence Gate w/ Wreath By Apple Fall - Hose cart: vintage garden hose cart unraveled By hive - Roses: Wild roses By [ keke ] - Parasol: Summer Parasol By Apple Fall - Table: Chester Outdoor Dining Table By Apple Fall - Chair: Chester Outdoor Dining Chair By Apple Fall - Books and map: Books & Map By Apple Fall - Bowls: Ceramic Bowls By Apple Fall - Preserves: Autumn Preserves By Apple Fall - Bread: Au Pain - Sourbread Baguette By Apple Fall - Flowers vase: Cosmos Flowers By Apple Fall - Books: Book Pile 2 By Apple Fall - Bottles: Ceramic Bottles By Apple Fall - Grass 1: Wild garden lawn By anc - Big tree: Garden Tree 07 By HPMD - Grass: WildGrasses By HPMD - Shrubs: Dwarf Forest By *alirium* Picture 4: Cottage: daisy’s cottage By hive - Fence: garden fence By hive - Gate: garden gate By hive - Flowers gate: fresh flower fence By hive - Plant stand: plant stand By hive - Tulips in can: fresh tulips By hive - Watering Can: Love Grows Here By {what next} - Pots: extra pots By hive - Small pot: new sprout By hive - Boots: Tulip Rainboots Planter By {what next} - Bicycle: Vietnum Fruits Bicycle By PLAAKA - Crocus bucket: Crocus Bucket By NOMAD - Wheelbarrow: weathered wheelbarrow By hive - Birdhouses: primitive birdhouse set By hive - Gazebo: daisy’s dainty gazebo By hive - Swing: annamae’s porch swing By hive - Big tree: Garden Tree 07 By HPMD - Grass: WildGrasses By HPMD Shrubs: Dwarf Forest By *alirium* - Bush: Queen’s Maiden Flowering Bush 5 By Heart - Vines: Fairylight Rose Vines By Half Deer - Ivy: English Ivy By Half Deer - Tulips: Harmony Tulips By Heart Picture 5: House: Country Hall By Apple Fall - Bicycle: Bicycle Beyge + Pic-Nic Set By ..::THOR::.. - Curtains: Lace straight curtains By Knick Knacks - Lantern: Orsett Wall Lantern By Apple Fall - Moss: Star Creeper Moss By Half Deer - Table: Old Stained Table By Apple Fall - Bench: Old Stained Bench By Apple Fall - Teacloth: Red Teacloth By Apple Fall - Handbag: Handbag & Scarf By Apple Fall - Newspaper 1: Crumpled Newspaper By Apple Fall - Moccasins: Leather Moccasins By Apple Fall - Newspaper 2: Times Newspaper By Apple Fall - Book: Potting Shed Book By Apple Fall - Plate: Elvira’ Plate w/ Egg, Avocado & Toast By Apple Fall - Sproutlings: Basil Sproutlings By Apple Fall Rose tea: Elvira Rose Tea By Apple Fall - Teapot: Elvira Teapot By Apple Fall - Cups: Elvira Stacked Cups By Apple Fall - Nest: Nest w/ Speckled Eggs By Apple Fall - Berries: Pyracantha Berries in Glazed Pot By Apple Fall - Toast: Swan Toast Caddy & Toast By Apple Fall - Plate: Elvira Plate w/ Sliced Grapefruit By Apple Fall - Tins and books: Tea Tins & Tea Books By Apple Fall - Book: Open Book By Fancy Decor - Planter: Square Lead Planter w/ Lion Head By Apple Fall - Books: Books Occasional Table w/ Blanket By Apple Fall - Drink on tray: Elderflower Cordial By Apple Fall - Chair: Bea Reading Chair By Apple Fall - Fence: Cranfield Fence By Apple Fall - Gate: Old Church Gate By Apple Fall - Well: Very Well By 8f8 - Grass: Grass By Fanatik - Tulips: Tulips By Heart - Trees: Cedar v2 By Little Branch -

Deliciously Cool - Tyler Oysternatz

Spring Showers: Blazer : Blazer By Kalback - Skin: Noah By Stray Dog - Hair: Aiden By Volthair - Head: Andrea By Lelutka May Warrier: Skin : Chris By Stray Dog - Head : Andrea By Lelutka - Arm: Prosthetic arm By Contraption - Belt: Arrow Belt By Noble Creations - Tommy Gun: Tommy Gun By The Forge - Hair: Rebellion By Stealthic Formality: Skin: Chris By Stray Dog - Tuxedo: By Deadwool - Decoration: GQ Style Gacha By Deavid Heather - Hair: Haunting By Stealthic -


Once Upon A Dream - Justine Lemton

Animal: JIAN Stoats :: Static - Peer By Jian - Animal: JIAN Stoats :: Static - Peer R By Jian - Animal: JIAN Stoats :: Static - Stand R By Jian - Animal: JIAN Snow Birds :: Percher By Jian - Animal: JIAN Teeny Tortoises 5. Red Strawberry By Jian - Animal: JIAN Teeny Tortoises 6. Green Blueberries By Jian - Animal: JIAN Teeny Tortoises 9. Red Orange By Jian - Animal: JIAN Butterfly Collection (Percher) By Jian - Animal: JIAN Marble Fox (Static - Sitting R) By Jian Animal: JIAN Marble Fox (Static - Sleeping R) By Jian - Animal: JIAN Marble Fox (Static - Sleeping L) By Jian - Animal: JIAN Marble Fox (Static - Sitting L) By Jian - Animal: JIAN :: Red Fox Burrow By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Fawn Static Bound By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Fawn Static Leap By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Fawn Static Graze By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Fawn Static Laying By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Doe Static - Look By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Doe Static - Graze By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Buck Static - Look By Jian - Animal: JIAN Fallow Buck Static - Scratch By Jian - Animal: JIAN Straight Ear Bunny :: Static - Look R By Jian - Animal: JIAN Floppy Ear Bunny :: Static - Look R By Jian - Animal: JIAN Floppy Ear Bunny :: Static - Look Up R By Jian - Animal: JIAN Straight Ear Bunny :: Static - Sleep By Jian - Animal: JIAN Straight Ear Bunny :: Static - Look Up L By Jian - Animal: JIAN Straight Ear Bunny :: Static - Look Up R By Jian - Foliage: Jian - Ash Tree (Triple) By Jian - Foliage: Jian - Ash Tree (Large) By Jian - Animal: JIAN :: Squirrel Feeder By Jian - Animal: JIAN :: Raccoon Static (Sleep R) By Jian - Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Roll Over x By Half-Deer Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Catching Leaves x By Half-Deer - Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Listening to Mice x By Half-Deer - Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Watchful x By Half-Deer - Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Spying x By Half-Deer - Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Curious x By Half-Deer - Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Running x By Half-Deer - Animal: Half-Deer - Red Fox - Double Trouble x By Half-Deer - Foliage: Half-Deer - Fairylight Rose Vines - Pinks By Half-Deer - Foliage: Half-Deer - English Ivy v2 By Half-Deer - Animal: KITE - Silly Bears Gacha - Playing By Kite - Animal: KITE - Foxy Pups - Resting By Kite - Animal: Pewpew! Eating Brown Squirrel By Pewpew! - Animal: Pewpew! Climber Gray Squirrel By Pewpew! - Animal: JA - Ginger Tabby Cat Paw Lick By Just Animals - Animal: JA - Ginger Tabby Cat Standing By Just Animals - Animal: JA - Ginger Tabby Cat Lying By Just Animals - Table Decor: Apple Fall Potting Shed Book By Apple Fall - Table Decor: Apple Fall Nest w/ Speckled Eggs By Apple Fall - Fountain: ionic : Fuente de Primavera By ionic - Boat: ionc : Old boat By ionic - Plant: ionic : Tinaja By ionic - Cabinet: Ariskea{Australia} Apothecary cabinet By Ariskea - Crate: Ariskea[Dairy] Dairy Plank box By Ariskea - Iron Container: Ariskea[Dairy] Dairy Sage Container By Ariskea - Iron Container: Ariskea[Dairy] Dairy Sage Container Empty By Ariskea - Window Frame: Ariskea[Shy] Ivy Old window [ Spring] By Ariskea - Foliage: Ariskea{Winter in Canada} Tree Stump By Ariskea - Foliage/Statue: Ariskea [ Natura] Mossy Rabbit [RARE] By Ariskea - Plant: hive // macrame hanging plant . sunshine By hive - Plant: hive // macrame hanging plant . white By hive - Plant: hive // macrame hanging plant . pink stripe By hive - Plant: hive // potted plants . swiss cheese plant By hive - Bike: Nutmeg. Bike Broken White By Nutmeg - Plant: {vespertine} - greenhouse storage shelf / white paint By vesptertine - Plant: {vespertine} - string of hearts plant By vesptertine - Plant Pot: {vespertine} - empty pots. By vesptertine - Gate: Granola. Magnolia’s Garden Gate. White Lg. By Granola - Chair: Kalopsia - Summer Rattan Chair By Kalopsia - Bird Bath: Kalopsia - Beatrix Bird Bath By Kalopsia - Cottage: dust bunny . woodland dreams . penrose cottage . RARE By dust bunny - Table: dust bunny . autumns calling . wood table with tablecloth By dust bunny - Bench: dust bunny . autumns calling . bench By dust bunny - Lights: [we’re CLOSED] party lights LR By we;re CLOSED - Decor: [we’re CLOSED] old fence 1 By we;re CLOSED - Foliage: Enchanted Woods v2 - 7b (single 1 li) By Skye Studios - Foliage: Skye Windswept Tree Type 2 No Base By Skye Studios - Foliage: Skye Four Season Oak Tree By Skye Studios - Foliage: Rustic Fence Set from Studio Skye By Skye Studios - Foliage: Skye Twisted Tree ( no base ) By Cube Republic - Foliage: CR Jetty 8 By Cube Republic - Foliage: CR Jetty 4 By Cube Republic - Foliage: CR Jetty 8 Tall By Cube Republic - Foliage: :Fanatik Architecture: CLIFF COVER Mountain B By Fanatik - Foliage: *alirium* DwarfForest [OldGold] By Heart - Foliage: Heart - Forest Undergrowth - Elephant Ears 2 By Heart - Foliage: Heart - Forest Undergrowth - Clover and Daisies - Large By Heart - Foliage: Heart - Wild Flowers - Quenn Ann’s Lace - P1 By Heart - Foliage: HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass08 - a By HPMD - Foliage: HPMD* Dirt Road By HPMD Foliage: HPMD* WildGrasses - a By HPMD - Foliage: HPMD* Cliff Hill - A By HPMD - Foliage: HPMD* Cliff Hill - B By HPMD - Foliage: HPMD* Rock 2014 - L2 By HPMD - Foliage: HPMD* Rock 2014 - S By HPMD - Foliage: HPMD* Fallen Tree - flowers By HpMD - Foliage: marsh plant 02 C/M By 3D Trees -

Ethereal - John Cordeaux

John Cordeaux: Short: Spring Short By Dufaux - Necklace: Arhat By Gabriel - Watch: Boss Watch By Minimal - Sunglasses: Oddy Wood Glasses By Zoom - Flamingos: Flamingos By Jian John Cordeaux: Sunglasses: Brescia Glasses By Mulloy - Short: Leif Shorts By Riot - Necklace: Mudra Necklace By LUC John Cordeaux: Short: Spring Short By Dufaux - Sunglasses: Brescia Glasses By Mulloy - Skin: Tone 5 By Stray Dog - Pose: Magazine 02 By Cordeaux John Cordeaux: Short: Ben Casual Shorts By Ascend - Shirt: Jorge Shirt By Ascend - Shoes: Valkyrie Sneakers By Cold Ash - Pose : Magazine 05 By Cordeaux John Cordeaux: Short : Beach Shorts By Dufaux - Skin: Tone 5 By Stray Dog - Pose: Magazine 06 By Cordeaux -

Outside In - Parker Droverson

Garden Studio Couch : Solace Sofa By Aria - Chairs: Fulwood Chair By Apple Fall - Trunk: Leather Strap Trunk By Apple Fall - Hat Box: Designer Hat Box By Apple Fall - Fountain Bowl: Goldfish Bamboo Fountain Pot By Jian - Journal: Researcher’s Journal By Dust Bunny - Pink Peonies: Golden Cage Peonies By Tres Blah - Book Stack: Flora Book Stack By Fancy Decor - Pouf: Powpon Pouf By Soy - Shelves: Reclaimed Corbel Shelf By Apple Fall - Floral Print: Weldon Print By Aria & The Loft - Bowl: Flora Bowl By Fancy Decor - Daisys: Diasy Jar By Tarte - Photo Frame: Dixie Photo Frame By Aria & The Loft - Books: Books Arrangement 4 By Apple Fall - Gold Potted Plant: Weldon Heartleaf Philodendron By Aria & The Loft - Books: Book Arrangement 3 By Apple Fall - Tulip Vase: Flora Tulip Vase By Fancy Decor - Cosmos Flowers: Cosmos Flowers Candystripe By Apple Fall - Peacock Print: Peacock Frame By Junk - Hanging Lamp: Wire Lamp By Kalopsia - Aspidistra Plant: Aspidistra in Wicker Planter By Apple Fall - Old Windows: Ivy Old window By Ariskea - Banana Plant: Weldon Banana Plant By Aria & The Loft - Philodendron : Solace Potted Philodendron By Aria - Print Grouping: Solace Prints By Aria - Garden Hose: Water Hose By Pilot - Sideboards: Solace Sidebard By Aria - Tools: Garden Tools By Pilot - Baskets: Tobacco Basket By Pilot & Can’t Even - Welcome Sign: Shadowbox Sign Welcome By Pilot & Can’t Even - SIdeboard Plant: Leafy Centerpiece By Tarte - Wreath: Tulip Wreath By Chez Moi - Potted Tulips: Tulips By Ariskea Flower Pitcher: Dixie Flower Pitcher By Aria & The Loft - Coat Hanger: Coat Hanger By Thor - Cordyline Tree: Cordyline Tree By Hive - Potted Twigs: Olive Twigs By Ariskea - Side Table: Iron Table By Ariskea & Unkindness - Hyacinth: Hyacinth By Lode - Candles: Flora Candles By Fancy Decor - Crocus: Crocus Bucket By Nomad - Swiss Cheese Plant: Swiss Cheese Plant By Hive - Botanical Window Prints: Flora Window Prints By Fancy Decor - Drafting Table: Get Inspired Drafting Table By Thor - Dresser: Get Inspired Drafting Dresser By Thor - Stool: Painter’s Stool By Junk - Easel: Painter’s Easel By Ionic - Lemons: Lemon Plant By Dust Bunny - Paints: Solace Painting Palatte By Aria - Brushes: Get Insprired Brush Holder By Thor - Frames: Solace Frames By Aria - Peony Frame: Peony Frame By Ariskea - Large Peacock Print: Peacock Print By Fancy Decor - Area Rug: Althea Rug By Apple Fall - Ivy Wall: English Ivy By Half Deer - Building: Shabby Greenhouse By Chez Moi -


Lifestyles With Wayne

Rebirth Hat: Straw Hat By Altagroup - Tank: Denis Tank Top By Cubura - Jumpsuit: Jumpsuit By ExalteD - Overall: Overalls with skittle_blue By [Gild] - Barn: dust bunny & tenshi . chestnut barn - Bee hives: Apiary Bee Hive Mixed By Apple Fall - Bee Hives: Vintage Bee Skep By Apple Fall - Trees: Birch Grove Trees By Skye - Flowers: Sweet Garden Grass By HPMD - Cliff: Cliff Hill - green B By HPMD - Wheelbarrow: Rustic Garden - Decor By DRD Cycling Scene Hat: x Flite ~ Tommy By Besom - Sneakers: Leather Sneakers By ILLI - Shorts: JogJeans shorts By DUFAUX - Shirt: backpack shirt By DUFAUX - Pullover: Bruce Pullover / Navy By Ascend - Shorts: Colter rolled shorts V2 used By Legal Insanity - Hat: Straw Fedora/Crosby - Strawberry Blonde By ARGRACE - Sneakers: Chase sneakers By Deadwool - Bikes Poses: Love On Two Wheels By what next Fishing Scene Watch: ReVoX MCX Watch - Male By RE - Hat: Baseball cap2/Kyler B By ARGRACE - Earphone: My Phone By MUSCHI - Bracelet: Aviator Bracelet By NOMAD - Sun glasses: Sunglasses Maddison By REDGRAVE - Shorts: Cut Shorts By Kalback - Hat: BOONIE HATS UNISEX CAMO By HW - Glasses: Luccs Kioto Glasses By Z O O M Necklace: Strong.Token - Gold By Mossu - Shorts: JogJeans shorts - camo By DUFAUX - Boots: Worker Boots Black By SEMLLER - Fishing rod: Fishing Rod By momoe Hat: Flite ~ Jordan - hat By Besom - Sneakers: Leather Sneakers By :ILLI - shorts: JogJeans shorts By DUFAUX - Tank: sporty tank By DUFAUX - Hat: Straw Fedora/Crosby Strawberry Blonde By ARGRACE - Tank: Denis Tank Top By Cubura - Pants: Sam rolled dirty jeans By Legal Insanity - Glasses: Sunglasses Maddison V.2 By Redgrave Spring Grass Butterflies: Head Accessory - Wild Sakura Butterflies [blue] 3 By LODE - Clover and Daisies: Forest Undergrowth - Clover and Daisies - Large By Heart - Mushrooms: Fly Agaric, Red A By Nomad - Butterfly: Pure Papillon ( Blue) By AZOURY - Flower head piece: Wild Sakura Wreath By LODE - Hand butterfly: Buttefly By ArtPlanet -

Rebirth - Hara

Entry Frame: Moss Frame By Ariskea - Console: Hue Swedish Console - Yellow By Ariskea - Frame: Hue - Frames Woodplank By Ariskea - Books: Casual Luxe - Books By ARIA - Chandelier: Solace Chandelier By ARIA - Rug: Haven Faux Sheepskin Rug By ARIA - Frame: Weldon Print By The Loft & Aria - Light cloche: lighted jar By dust bunny Flower Vase: camellia potted plant By dust bunny - Food Tray: happy hour tray By dust bunny - Plant: potted dragon tree By dust bunny - Lighted Branches: where is my light tree? By IONIC - Butterfly cloche: Butterflies towards the sun By SPELL - Divider: Boudoir - Divider Screen By Birdy Living Room Wood Panel: Davis Long Panel By Fancy Decor - Sofa: Fulton Sofa - White Cotton By Fancy Decor - Chair: Velvet Swivel Chair By Fancy Decor - Throw Pillows: Sunday Morning Decorative Throw Pillows By ARIA - Throw Pillows: Solace Decorative Pillows By ARIA - Plant: Anemone Pottted Fern By ARIA - Flower Vase: Solace Flowers By ARIA - Plant: Weldon Rubber Plant By The Loft & Aria - Blanket: Soft & Subtle Blanket By The Loft & Aria - Plant: Aspidistra in Wicker Planter By Apple Fall - Tea cup: ‘Elvira’ Rose Tea By Apple Fall - Wreath: Blossom Wreath By Apple Fall - Plant Vines: Garden Vine By HPMD* - Hanging Roses: Hanging Dried Flowers - Bright - Random By Half-Deer Wall Clock: Spring Lily - Waine Wallclock By [Plastik] - Books: book pile By dust bunny - Wreath: Cherry Blossom Wreath By Ariskea - Table: Shadow Box Series 01 - Coffee Table - Light By DRD - Curtain: Lace curtain By Knick Knacks - Rug: Rug - deer - sky By [ keke ] - Pillows: Delilah Big Pillow - Squares By MudHoney - Pillows: Delilah Small Pillow - Rose By MudHoney Kitchen Skybox: built-in kitchen skybox By hive - Baking decor: baking bundle B By hive - Cannister: kitchen canisters By hive - Dishwashing Soap: suds station By hive - Crates: extra crates [light] By hive - Stool: Minimal Needs - Stool - Wood By IONIC - Coffee Machine: Coffee Machine By IONIC - Hanging Jars: Los botecitos colgantes By IONIC - Dishes: where are my dishes? By IONIC - Scale: Scales with Lemon By IONIC - Dish Drainer: Dish drainer By IONIC Fruit Bowl - Oranges: Mandarinas By IONIC - Fruit Bowl - Pears: Las Frutas By IONIC - Jars on Shelf: Cereals & cooking stuff By IONIC - Laptop + Clutter: Laptop , coffee and notes - RARE By IONIC - Mug tree: Mug tree - type a By dust bunny - Fruits: Fresh fruit stand - Bananas By dust bunny - Fruits: Fresh fruit stand - Lemons By dust bunny - Fruits: Fresh fruit stand - Peach pile By dust bunny - Dish Towel: Brunch - Dish towels By dust bunny - Apron: Brunch - hanging apron By dust bunny - Smoothi Bowl: Brunch - smoothie bowl By dust bunny - Pear Plate: Brunch - hibiscus poached pear By dust bunny - Cheese Plate: Brunch - fig cheese board By dust bunny - Lemon Cake: At home baking - Lemon cake By dust bunny - Lemons on Cutting board: At home baking - Cutting lemons By dust bunny - Lemon Plant: At home baking - Lemon plant By dust bunny - Potted Plant: Guiana chestnut tree By dust bunny Sunflowers on Jug: Harvest - jug of sunflowers By dust bunny - Cake: rose cake By dust bunny & windsong - Berries on Pot: Pyracantha Berries in Glazed Pot By Apple Fall Teapot: Enamel Teapot - Mint Green By Apple Fall - Mixer: Mixer - White & Gold By Apple Fall - Egg nest: Nest w/ Speckled Eggs By Apple Fall - Fruit Bowl: Gourds in Vintage Bowl By Apple Fall - Macarons: Macarons in Box By Apple Fall - Fruit Bowl: Charlotte’s Pears By Apple Fall - Coffee Mug: Hazelnut Creme Coffee By Apple Fall - Plant in Jar: Basil Sproutlings By Apple Fall - Scale: GBBC - kitchen scale By brocante - Piping bag: GBBC - piping bag By brocante - Mixing bowls: GBBC - mixing bowls By brocante Cupcake: GBBC - cupcake cloche By brocante - Cake: GBBC - lemon drizzle cake By brocante - Fruits on can: Dahlia Can - cranberries full By *LODE* - Flowers: Dahlia autumn vibes By *LODE* - Herb plant: Paperbag herb - Salvia By [ keke ] - Herb plant: Paperbag herb - parsley By [ keke ] - Frames: Patisserie - Yummy Frames By Ariskea - Planter: Emi - Hedgehog Planter - Rose] By Ariskea - Hanging pots: Hanging lemon pot By Miwa’s Airship - Hanging pans: Pan hanger By Miwa’s Airship - Curtain: Roman Shade Up By MudHoney - Potted Plant: Weldon Heartleaf Philodendron By The Loft & Aria - Teapot & cup: Green Tea Set By SPELL - Cart: Not Too Shabby Kitchen - wheeled cart By Second Spaces - Potted Lavender: Lavender By Artisan Fantasy -


Soak Up The Sun

Beached: Hair: Hysteria By Stealthic - Shirt: Miki Shirt By Cubura - Shorts: Thor Briefs By Legal Insanity - Skin: Drew By Stray Dog - Hair: Atlas Hairstyle By Doux - Skin: Ragnar By Stray Dog - Beard: Stanley Hipster Stache By GA.GE - Glasses: Blair Sunglasses By Dahlia - Shirt: Tank Top By The Oak - Shorts: Beach Shorts By Dufaux Chic Shack: Tank: Tank Top By The Oak - Swimsuit: Moby Swim Shorts By Riot - Sunglasses: Lazio Glasses By Mulloy - Hair: Atlas Hairstyle By Doux Beach Stroll: Hair: William By Modulus - Skin: Drew By Stray Dog - Sunglasses: Capone Shades By Rebellion - Swimsuit: Liam Briefs By Matova - Hair: Nicholas Hair By Volthair - Skin: Ragnar By Stray Dog - Beard: Stanley Hipster Stache By GA.GE - Necklace: Herringbone Necklace By Benjaminz - Swimsuit: Liam Briefs By Matova Solitude: Hair: Atlas Hairstyle By Doux - Shorts: Beach Shorts By Dufaux At Day’s End: Hair: Carl By Modulus - Skin: Drew By Stray Dog - Swimsuit: Christian Trunks By Noche - Hair: Rebellion By Stealthic - Beard: Stanley Hipster Stache By GA.GE - Skin: Ragnar By Stray Dog - Swimsuit: Maui Swim Shorts By Riot

Blogger Spotlight - Various

Static Frenzy: T Shirt: Dean Shirt By Dufaux - Jeans: Leo By Ascend - Hair: Ulysses By Lock&Tuft Scar Requiem: Jacket: Loose Velour Jacket By Gabriel - Jeans: Sam Rolled Jeans By Legal Insanity - Hair: Mateo By Modulus Blair Lockhearst: Sofa: Fulwood Sofa By Apple Fall - Armchair: Neve Chair By Mudhoney - Papasan Chair: Papasan Chair By Dust Bunny - Pouf: Sawyer Pouf By ARIA - Stool: Knitted stool By Dust Bunny - Rug: Darling Rug By Dust Bunny - Coffee table: Sheesham inlay coffee table By Zaara - Sidetable: Remi’s Vintage Small Table By Nutmeg - Flower vase: Eucalyptus & Roses Vase By Lode - Plant: Fiddle leaf tree By Dust Bunny - Cabinet: His Cabinet By Apple Fall - Divider: Wooden room divider By Hive - Plant: Aspidistra in Wicker Planter By Apple Fall - Plant: Llias Kentia palm planter By The Loft & ARIA - Tapestry: darling string light tapestry By Dust Bunny - Plant: Boho Plant Hanger [Suculent] By Ariskea - Plant: darling hanging plant By Dust Bunny - Plant: hanging plants . cheese plant By Dust Bunny - Wood plank: Boho wood [Arrow] By Ariskea - Plant: Hoya plant By Dust Bunny - Plant: Weldon Heartleaf Philodendron By The Loft & ARIA - Lantern: Morocco-Candle lamp By Bazar - Lantern: Storm Lamp (Cyan Wood) By Apple Fall Tray: Azalea’s Tray Assortments. Rainbow Pack. By Granola - Candle: Morgan Stone Candle By The Loft - Vase: Forsythia Vase By Lode - Elephant decor: Sandstone elephant By Zaara - Jug: Surahi wine jug By Zaara - Lamp: Jali lamps *kamal* By Zaara - Flower vase: Gladiolus Vase [violet] By Lode - Canopy: Silver Veil Canopy By Tia -



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