Gallant Magazine SL - Fall 2018

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Cover Photo by Annan Adored


2 0 1 8


Divos Titanum Editor In Chief

Grant Valeska

Creative Director

Photographers & Stylists Annan Adored Blair Lockhearst Bo Zhu divos titanium grant valeska Exis Guilherme Andretti Hikaru kanzaki John Cordeux

LessthenZero Marcopol Oh Renan McKeenan shawn kameron Taylor Wassep Terra Spookshow Toxx Genest WayneNZ

writers divos titanium Taylor Wassep Models bock mcmillan Daniel black holter jj goodman scar requiem

Static frenzy taeo satorrE Tomais ashdene yani tryce




Notes from the EDITOR-IN-CHIEF 26

Photo by LessthenZero



feel like I echo the sentiments of many others when I say that October is my favorite time of year. If we are friends on Facebook, you know I have a penchant for all things pumpkin spice from my posts. But probably much to your dismay, this is not the reason October hails as my favorite. I love the colors, the crisp air, and best of all, the baking. Many of the seasonal flavors come to full fruition after months of tending crops and anticipating the arrival of harvest season. It’s a time for family, friends and gratitude. This year I have much for which to be thankful, not the least of which are some really incredible people. A quick shout out to Grant Valeska, one of the ultimate. Grant not only takes over the helm of Gallant Magazine with layouts this issue, he also doubles as one of the most loyal, encaptivating and special people I know. He deserves so much kudos not only for what he did with this issue but for putting up with me on a daily basis. I cannot thank him enough for the laughter, listening and friendship. He is truly one of a kind and I hope everyone has a friend that is such a treasure. A special thanks also goes out to the dangerously sexy Scar Requiem. While he only entered stage right a few months ago, he has become someone I lean on often, whether it is to help fix a generator (those who play Dead by DaylightTM will understand!), help pick out a scary movie when we need a much-needed respite, or pose for countless photo ideas that creep into my mind. Many of you know him because of his awesome artistic talent, but what you should also know is that he is pa-

tient (especially when I make him pose for a photo for hours on end!), an amazing listener and wickedly humorous. The Gallant issue you are reading now would not have been possible without his motivation and encouragement. And now, on to the Fall issue of Gallant Magazine! We have two amazing featured designers for you this go round. From the Home & Garden front, we are excited to showcase Hive and the exquisite items designer Lundy Leistone brings to us for the season. Men’s Fashion enthusiasts will be excited to learn about Modulus and designer Chucky Hollak as we explore his history in SL and how he became our coifed aficionado. We also are excited to share several Second Life’sTM most talented artists, bringing you autumn décor and fashion as well as a nod to the holidays this season with our Halloween and Thanksgiving spotlights. Gallant Magazine also had a chance to visit SansarTM in our Destination segment and captured a few moments from our time there. We hope you enjoy the issue and have a delightful Fall season!

Happy reading and many thanks,





f you know me, there’s one thing I hate and it’s the fall season. My friends spend a continuous four to six weeks listening to me complain about how cold it is and how I wish I didn’t have to wear pants. “Wow, what a way to start off his notes,” you may be thinking to yourself right now. Trust me, there’s some logic behind this… stay with me. When fall comes around it often implies the death of summer, ending the warm weather and carefree travelling, to a chilly winter season that lies briefly ahead. However, what comes from my moments of hatred for the drastic change in weather is a reflection on what fall truly brings forth. In reality, the fall season is a metamorphosis (shout out to Hilary Duff’s debut album) for not only the weather but also for our lives. It’s the perfect time to take a journey into something new - whether it’s new pieces for your fall wardrobe, diving into a new relationship, looking for a new career path, or even creating a fresh start in a new city! There’s an opportunity to shed the weight of the year’s problems to start again. The New Year is right around the corner, what better time to start a transition than with the evolution of summer into fall? Second LifeTM designers have now begun to evolve their creations into the fall season. Fall brings us lux jackets, colorful furs, and suede boots that can bring the perfect fall wardrobe to life. Not only do we have a plethora of fashion-related options but home and décor designers give us amazing options to “fall up” our homes. The creations from one of our featured designers, Hive, are a great example of the perfect fall décor to pumpkin spice up your Second LifeTM home! We also have another featured designer, Modulus, whose creations transcend every season and have remained a timeless staple in, not only


my own but, countless men’s wardrobes throughout Second LifeTM. I’m so excited for you to get to know each of these talents and indulge yourself in their backstories, inspirations, and more! On a personal note, this year has been a rollercoaster for not only my real life but my Second LifeTM as well. I’ve created new relationships, ended old relationships, and ventured on a new path as the Creative Director of this amazing publication. I want to take a moment to thank Divos Titanium, Editor-In-Chief, for bringing me on to Gallant’s team. He put his trust in my creative vision for the magazine and has been an amazing support system along the way. This is his pride and joy, giving up control of such an important project takes a great amount of faith. I have been honored to be a part of revamping Gallant and working hand in hand with such a talented, smart, and great man. With that said, when preparing for the creative concept of this issue we wanted it to feel warm and cozy, like a cashmere sweater on a brisk October evening, but with a modern feel. We chose to use a warm palette, perfect for fall, and implement the signature Gallant gold as much as possible. I hope all of you enjoy this issue as much as we enjoyed piecing it together over the past few weeks. Thank you to our amazing photographers, stylists, writers, and models who have taken time out of their busy lives to create amazing imagery for the Fall 2018 Issue. Your work and talent doesn’t go unnoticed, I’m stunned by the caliber of quality work that lies in these pages! Now without further ado - grab a hot cocoa, put on your favorite sweater, and enjoy the Fall 2018 issue!


photo by Julio Coosta










sharp dressed man


An Autumn most adored


golden equinox


seasonal fLAIR




night moves
















Writer: Taylor Wassep Title Page Photography: Grant Valeska Editorial Photography: Toxx Genest


hen creating our virtual representation in Second Life™, we all go through the same trials and tribulations in finding perfect pieces to fit our avatars - the right body shape and skin tones, the correct eyes and accessories to emphasize what we want to epitomize, and the list goes on. For the most part, those pieces are stationary; those aspects stay the same from our day to day lives online. But, the one thing that often changes would be our hair. Just like in real life, hairstyles vary day to day, week to week and year to year. One moment there could be a sudden urge to chop it all off and have a fresh new look. Other times the color would be the change you’re seeking. That is no different in Second Life™, as each person has those moments of urgency when they want to change something about their avatar. With these urges, people tend to gravitate towards a handful of their favorite brands, going to places they know they already love when it comes to what is sitting atop their avatar’s head. One amazing place is (and if you haven’t been to yet – we need to talk!) Modulus. Modulus, created from the brilliant mind of Chucky Hollak, captures the everyday hairstyling of men from around the world. With varying styles, shapes and accessories; he has created a following that is hard to match. And like in most situations, we like getting to know people we first meet. If you have been a long-time

customer of Modulus, or just finding this store now, we invite you to take a closer look at the mind of Chucky. About 10 years ago, Chucky was like most of us. He had an office job in the heart of London. At his job, he really was not able to express his creativity, rather he was stressed and over-worked. That is until he found some trashy evening talk show that featured some players of a virtual game called Second Life™. “They had a singer on interviewing and someone who owned sims. They discussed the openness of the world and its creative environment,” Chucky said To Chucky, Second Life™ seemed more like a fusion of The Sims™ and Grand Theft Auto™, two games comprised of open worlds and customization that allowed the player to add some sort of excitement and participation into each game. And like most of us, once he heard of Second Life™, he gave it a shot. Logging into the virtual grid, Chucky found his way through the herd of troublesome content we all see. It wasn’t until one day when he and one of his best friends decided to make videos of their avatars dancing around in-game and blogging afterward that his creativity was sparked. “The videos made everyone laugh and we would die making them, and that led us to meet a few creators,” said Chucky. After talking to some of these content creators and getting to know them

better; something clicked in Chucky’s head. He found the inspiration to create in Second Life™ as well. What might come as a surprise is that Chucky Hollak was the creator of FRUK many years ago as his first brand in Second Life™. FRUK was mainly just male skins and facial hair, with a few exceptions. The skins were some of the more interesting at that time, with their texturing being more on the realistic side of things. But like most things, that chapter of his life soon closed around the end of 2013 when Chucky needed to take a leave of absence from Second Life™ to tend to his real life. Although a year was all it took for Chucky to miss this creative medium he so enjoyed for many years before. He made his return in 2015; though he didn’t re-open FRUK he went in a different direction, a more “module” direction. “I’d laid Fruk to rest before I left. I’d closed that chapter. It had been a damn good chapter, but it was time for something new,” said Chucky, who you could tell really appreciated and put so much love and passion into FRUK before. With that chapter of his second life over, there was something new on the horizon. Thus, Modulus was born through the sheer will of Chucky wanting to try something new with all the knowledge he’s acquired over the last couple of years. Modulus: a store comprised of modern hairstyles. Now, curious as to where this word came from, Chucky shared that it’s a combination of modular and the latin term, “modus”, which is a mathematical word meaning constant. Chucky shipped those names together to come up with his iconic Modulus name.



With a name picked, all he needed to figure out is what he wanted to create, and hair was the place he landed on. This meant he would need to learn some new skills like creating prims and mesh pieces. Of course, all this learning and practicing took several months of trial and error. But he eventually got it in time to participate in an event with a Japanese-inspired hairstyle he named, “Masaru”. Masaru is simply a man bun that that was slightly messy and had a small loop around the crown area of the head. Chucky went on to talk about how when he first started Modulus, he wanted to have a good aesthetic with his designs so that people would want to purchase his hair. When creating each hair, he will look at it and say to himself, “Is this good enough? Can I do better,” things along those lines. This mentality honed in on releasing better and better hairs for his customers; and he has continued that mantra for the last four years. Over those years, his process in creating his hairs has really stayed the same, mainly thanks to his wonderful girlfriend, Starr Sideways, who keeps him on schedule and on track for most of his life in Second Life™. This schedule consists of a turnaround of just two days of work, with one and a half days dedicated to meshing the hair after finding his inspiration. The rest of the two days is spent fitting the hair properly, so it will sit nicely on almost all heads, as well as loading in the scripts and HUDs; then finally the packaging. His quality in meshing hairs has made leaps and bounds from where it started back in 2015, with the hardest aspect being this new trend of creating “alpha

hair”, which at first sounds like wisps of hair pieces. Thankfully Chuck was able to better explain this new technique in a way that is easily understood. Basically hair in Second Life™ is made using large sections of mesh pieces, combined with semi-transparent pieces of mesh over the top to give the appearance of hair. Alpha just uses semi-transparent flat textures that you lay closely over each other and build up into a hairstyle. This new technique allows for a more seamless and realistic hairline for the Second Life™ avatar to obtain. This practice has been instrumental in Chucky’s ability to give his customers what they want and what they might be looking for in terms of betting quality hair, since that is a quite large aspect that Chucky holds dear to his heart when it comes to Modulus. Beyond just hair, Chucky talked to me about him implementing more hats and hair combos that would allow the user to wear said item, but also have it in their hair. For example, wearing sunglasses in Second Life™ is fine, but when you try and slide them up on your hair, the hair tendrils break through the item losing that realism. Chucky is working to create hairs that will allow this to actually happen. He also touched on the imbalance of male-oriented hairs and female-oriented hairs. In the near future, he wants to correct that imbalance and push out more longer hairs for his female customers, along with creating dreads and loc hairstyles too. Outside of hair, Chucky is looking to roll out a male fashion line of essential basics, stuff like t-shirts, jeans, and collarless leather jackets along with more basics too.

Chucky has been wanting to expand for some time now, and he thinks now would be the best time to start branching out and trying out new ways to bring that uniqueness and quality he is always striving for to Second Life™. This same mentality has now spread to other aspect of and pathways that Chucky is taking Modulus in. Like when I teleported to the tropical paradise that is the atmosphere of the Modulus mainstore, I noticed a sign that would teleport avatars to a section of his store dedicated to decor. So, like any nosey person, I simply had to ask him about it. He told me that breaking up day in and day out hair creating was seriously needed after so long of crafting hair. “I think when I first made a decor piece id hit a wall with the hair and was creatively burnt out. It gets hard to make 8+ hairs every month. [A]nd there [are] techniques involved with making decor that [you] can’t really utilize when making hair. So, it’s a nice way of challenging myself in other areas,” said Chucky. When teleported to this decor area, I found myself surrounded by a distressed building, almost like some type of apocalyptic town was ravaged and now just existing. The set pieces look to be very detailed and well-meshed with accoutrements adding dimension and depth to the overall quality of each set. The quality of set pieces match the quality in each of his hairs, showing Chucky’s ability to present beautifully made pieces across the board. I’m not trying to blow smoke either, when I sat down with Chucky to talk

to him about his store. I could feel the energy across the internet connection. I mean, that could have also been a faulty wiring situation; but I digress. This man talked first and foremost about the yearning for quality and uniqueness when it comes to Modulus. Putting thousands of hours into his brand shows the dedication to his brand. Chucky also spoke of integrity with his hair, he doesn’t want people to see the same old thing that 50 other stores can put out. For him, Modulus is a labor of love and he puts his all into it. I mean, this is his main source of income for his real life - spending a full day’s worth of work at his computer each day creating content for his loyal customers. Apart from Modulus, or who you know Chucky to be, his is a simple man living his life like the rest of us. He even is bringing a part of his real life to Second Life™ with his girlfriend being so instrumental in the success of Modulus. With Starr’s profession in real life revolving around advertisement, her savvy knowledge on this area has been invaluable to Chucky and the brand. Being his blogger manager, creating social media campaigns, doing the ad layouts and keeping him on track with all this releases, Starr really embodies what her name entails; she’s a superstar in Chucky’s eyes. She’s also the reason he is sane most days at least. With the workload he imposes on himself, she is there to tether himself back to the reality and make sure he isn’t sucked into the computer on a daily basis. For those who know the feeling from working from home, it’s really easy to get distracted with your real life or working overtime into the

wee morning to get something down. Thankfully, Chucky knows is own limits and Starr is there to be his rock for him when he needs her - A perfect pairing if I have ever seen one! Beyond that, when Chucky isn’t working his fingers to the bone in meshing or packaging, he and his girlfriend are quite normal when it comes to activities outside of Second Life™. They might go to the beach or just explore their new town the just moved too. Exploring seems to be a repeating theme I’ve found while researching and interviewing Chucky Hollak. The life this man has had so far could be written into its own book. Starting life in the United Kingdom until a random occurrence happens, catapulting him into a virtual space that allows his creativity to bloom, meeting the girl of his dreams and transporting himself halfway across the globe to be with her, to being on the forefront of hair designers in Second Life ™, to now expanding his brand. Exploring can be such a chameleon when it comes to its meaning, changing ever so slightly to encompass what the user’s meaning is. But at its core, it means to travel through in order to learn about oneself. And with Second Life™ Chucky is about to explore himself, find a meaning in this space and explore his own creativity. So no matter what he finds, we are thankful he’s able to share these discoveries through Modulus for all us to enjoy.









Hiv e


he prismatic colors of multi-tonal trees and sims adorned with a kaleidoscope of pumpkins are telltale signs that Autumn has arrived in Second LifeTM. However, the season is not complete without the stores that deliver us items that truly herald the arrival of Fall, and few stores allow us to create our own little slice of the season like Hive. This issue of Gallant Magazine celebrates Fall, and it is clear to see why Hive is our featured Home & Garden store for this edition. Just take a look at Hive’s recent releases: Autumnal Plant Set, Homemade Apple Cider Set, Harvest Collection, and the Gather ‘Round Set. These delightful creations are a perfect nod to the season that brings us crisp, delicious air and the symphony of falling leaves! Hive is close to celebrating five years of delivering amazing home & garden inspiration to Second LifeTM. Creator Lundy Leistone’s southern Texas roots were an obvious infusion from the beginning, as evidenced by some of her earlier creations, such as the “Old Water Tower” and “Happy Fall, Y’all” decor. You can still see this southern flair in her recent releases, many of which are plant and kitchen centric two items close to any southerner’s heart! A self-proclaimed workaholic, Lundy’s creativity is matched only by her desire to learn and create, and it is her innate sense of tackling a challenge that positioned her to move from photographer to content creator. This ability to express her creativity through a virtual platform is

Writer: Divos Titanium Title Page Photography: Grant Valeska Editorial Photography: Bo Zhu

what has kept her here in Second LifeTM almost ten years! Her passion and talent has allowed Hive to serve as her main job and support her in real life as well. Hive creations deliver a rustic feel, and items range from decorative knick-knacks to intricate builds. Looking for somewhere spooky to celebrate Halloween? The Hive build “Clarice’s Cottage” or “Fright Night Manor” can deliver a chilling factor perfect for the year’s scariest time of year. If spooky is not your gig, how about a peaceful getaway to sandy shores? The Hive “Oceana Decor Set” sets the perfect beach scene. Lundy’s creations are timeless and appeal to a variety of home & garden enthusiasts, as evidenced by the fact that her Fall set for the Arcade September 2017 round, Annamae’s Abode, is still a seasonal favorite prominent in numerous pictures over a year later. Lundy is deeply connected to her creations, and this idea of a connection centering around Home & Garden decor is what inspired her to choose the name Hive for her brand. The thought of everyone working together to create an inviting scene is her vision for Hive and was the inspiration for the name. Hive customers are also an important aspect of her creative process as well, and customers have on many occasions suggested ideas that have ultimately turned in to a new product release. Have an idea you want brought to life in Second LifeTM? Make sure to share it with Lundy and it might become a virtual reality!


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While often working on her next big release, Lundy ensures to take some time for herself for some rest and relaxation. She often can be found listening to DJ’s across the grid or taking photos for fun. We are glad she has the opportunity to get some down time so she can be rested for the next all-new Hive release! Let’s take a moment to get to know Lundy Leiston and her store Hive. DIVOS: Thank you for taking the time to speak with me and give Gallant Magazine readers the chance to get to know you! How would you describe yourself in one sentence to introduce yourself? LUNDY: Thank you for having me! Me in a sentence: A self-critical workaholic with a big heart and more browser tabs open than I care to admit. DIVOS: You have been in Second LifeTM for 9 years and 6 months, which means you have been a long-time resident of the community! What made you join Second LifeTM and start creating? LUNDY: Truthfully, I joined Second LifeTM because I was told by a real life friend that it was like a more personalized SimsTM. That was about the only game I enjoyed at the time, so I was intrigued. Once I found my footing here, I began channeling my creativing through writing and photography. Taking pictures made me want to learn how to create poses, so I learned! Creating mesh followed shortly after that, though it was a much harder process to learn than poses were, but I


loved the challenge. DIVOS: What has kept you here for almost a decade? LUNDY: When I joined, I didn’t realize how creative you could really be here, or the sense of community to be gained. Those two things are what kept me around all of this time. DIVOS: When did you first open your store Hive? LUNDY: I opened Hive at the beginning of March 2014, though it doesn’t feel like it. I can’t believe I’m nearing my five year anniversary! DIVOS: Why did you decide to go with Home & Garden decor? LUNDY: I love the idea of ‘setting a scene’. I’ve always gravitated to it in Second LifeTM . I also love to decorate in real life, and consider myself a DIYer (or at least attempt to be) so I suppose in a way, creating mesh is like a virtual DIY project. DIVOS: Why did you choose the name Hive for your store? LUNDY: I love the way bees work together to create their own home; a hive. That’s how I envisioned my store when I chose the name. DIVOS: In looking at your impressive portfolio of creations, is there a favorite item that stands out to you?

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LUNDY: When I first started out, my main goal was to be comfortable making a large build. After a couple of years, I finally pushed myself to do it. So I’d say my biggest personal accomplishment is “The Old Barn.” DIVOS: What is your inspiration for creating new items? LUNDY: I think a majority of my inspiration comes from my real life decor taste and my personal surroundings. Being a native Texan has led me to appreciate rustic items and some country flair. I also listen to customer requests as much as possible. Many releases have been created due to that, which makes me just as happy to make.

LifeTM started off as a hobby. I was in the process of going back to college for another degree and also had a job when I first created Hive. A couple years later, I was unexpectedly laid off, so I made the decision to put my full effort into Hive, and I am happy to say for the last few years it has been my full time job. DIVOS: What is the one item from Second LifeTM that you wish you could bring to real life? LUNDY: Off the top of my head, I’d say the “Worn Windsor Rocking Chair” that I made a couple of months ago. It gives me fall afternoon on a wrap around porch kind of vibes, which is heavenly in my book.

DIVOS: What is the hardest part of creating?

DIVOS: Is there a certain time of year you enjoying creating more?

LUNDY: Doubt and indecisiveness both know how to put a damper on my creations! I always have a million ideas and never enough time.

LUNDY: Yes, and it’s now! Holidays are my absolute favorite, and I tend try and release as many seasonal items as I can. From August to December, 95% of my items are tied to an upcoming holiday.

DIVOS: How has owning a store in changed your Second LifeTM ? LUNDY: As a store owner, Second LifeTM shifted from a social place to a workplace. That means I’m usually in an ‘all work, no play’ mentality when I’m online. I may only chat with my friends once a month, and I’m thankful they understand. DIVOS: Has it made any impact to your real life? LUNDY: Absolutely. Creating in Second

DIVOS: What’s been the biggest surprise for you with owning a store in Second LifeTM ? LUNDY: There’s so much that goes into a single item, and I had no real grasp of understanding that until I owned a store. It gave me a great appreciation for my fellow creators. When you look around Second LifeTM , everything is user created. We have all put in so much of our blood, sweat, and tears to make this world what it is today.


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DIVOS: Any exciting news or updates that are coming soon for Hive that you would like to share? LUNDY: Yes, and it’s all about the mainstore. After a year of working on a new mainstore build in between my other projects, I’m finally nearing the finish line. I will be moving the store to a new full region sim, as well as revealing the new home for Hive within the next month. As we move into 2019, there will be more mainstore based releases and perks. I’m ready for the new chapter! DIVOS: When you are not creating your amazing designs, what do you like to do in Second LifeTM ? LUNDY: I’m really quite boring nowadays, if I’m honest. I tend to not be in Second LifeTM much when I’m not working. If I am, I may be listening to a DJ at a venue, or snapping some photos just for fun. DIVOS: What’s one thing about you that you can share with us that most people don’t know? LUNDY: Hm, something people don’t know...I’m a woman, surprise! I use an avatar with my store name, so many customers end up just defaulting to calling me male pronouns when talking to me or about me in the Hive group chat. I never correct anyone, I just roll with it. DIVOS: What is your favorite song? Does music play any role in your creative process? LUNDY: I cannot work without SpotifyTM playing, so I’d say it’s important. Billie Ei-


lish, Lana Del Rey, and Crywolf would be my top 3 picks. Any song from them puts me in the zone. DIVOS: Anyone that you admire or that has helped you along the way? LUNDY: Too many to list! I have been grateful each and every person who has been a part of my journey. Some helped me flourish, others were lessons learned, but all have helped me push myself forward. My biggest fear is to get comfortable in my creating space. I am always ready for the next challenge, and while I’m a bit stubborn on accepting help from others, I’m thankful for the supportive friends I’ve come to know. DIVOS: Do you have a favorite quote or personal motto? LUNDY: Be kind. Work hard. Stay humble.



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featured blogger

Hikaru Kanzaki


INFUSION Photographer & Stylist: marcopol oh


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An A


Photographer & Sty



ylist: Annan Adored

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ESSED MAN Photographer & Stylist: Guilherme Andretti



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Golden E Photographer

Equinox & Stylist: Exis

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Seasonal F L A I R P h otog r a p h e r & S t y l i s t: J o h n Co rd e aux

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Photographer & Styli


ist: terra spookshow

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featured blogger

Shawn Kameron


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Lifestyles with

e n y a


Photographer & Stylist: WAYNENZ models: Bock McMillan, divos titanium, holter, jj goodman, scar requiem, & Tomais Ashdene



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Photographer & Stylist: divos titanium models: Daniel black, Taeo satorre, scar requiem & Yani tryce


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Photographer & Stylist: blair lockhearst

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Renan McKeenan featured blogger




Photographer & Stylist: GRANT VALESKA Model: Static frenzy


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Photographer: Divos titanium
















photographer: zeke Jestyr model: divos titanium





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Style Credits Featured Designer - Hive House: Annamae’s Abode By Hive Porch Swing: Annamae’s Abode - Broken Porch Swing By Hive - Basketball Hoop: American Countryside - Forgotten Basketball Hoop By Hive - Fan: American Countryside - Country Drum Fan (onyx) By Hive Sign: American Countryside - Broken Farmer’s Market Sign By Hive Clothesline: American Countryside - Forgotten Clothesline By Hive Tractor: Old Tractor (sky mix) By Hive Scarecrow: Fall Scarecrow (jean) By Hive Scarecrow: Fall Scarecrow (plaid) By Hive Power Poles: Power Poles (v1) By [we’re CLOSED] Tree: Wild Oak By Little Branch Grass: Wild Mountain Pine Trees - Broken By Heart House: Annamae’s Abode By Hive Bell: American Countryside - Dinner Bell By Hive Bins: American Countryside - Spare Bins By Hive Cart: Pumpkin Cart By Hive Rake: Leaning Rake By Hive Sign: Pumpkins For Sale Sign By Hive Pumpkin: Harvest Collection - Cinderella Pumpkin By Hive Basket With Pumpkins: Basket of Mini Pumpkins By Hive Basket With Pumpkins: Basket of Mini Pumpkins (with sign) By Hive Basket With Pumpkins: Basket of Mini Pumpkins (spilled set) By Hive Mini Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin By Hive Empty Basket: Fall Bin By Hive Blinders: Mystery Mansion - Blinders Pile By DRD Gate: Old Church Gate By Apple Fall Fence: Cranfield Fence By Apple Fall Hedge: Juniper Hedge By Apple Fall Tree: Wild Oak By Little Branch Grass: Snakeweed By Little Branch Table: Homemade Apple Cider - Multi-level Wooden Table By Hive Drink Dispenser: Homemade Apple Cider - Apple Cider Drink Dispenser By Hive Jar: Homemade Apple Cider - Jar of Cinnamon By Hive Mug: Homemade Apple Cider - Apple Cider Mug By Hive Stacked Mugs: Homemade Apple Cider - Stacked Copper Mugs By Hive Basket: Homemade Apple Cider - Apple Cider Basket By Hive Empty Basket: Homemade Apple Cider - Empty Apple Basket By Hive Apples: Homemade Apple Cider - Pair of Apples By Hive Garland: Vintage Garland Heart Cut-outs (short stand) By Hive String Garland: Vintage Garland Heart Cut-outs By Hive Bottled Daisies: Oopsie Daisy - Bottled Emotions By Hive & Cosmic Dust Tulips: Parrot Tulips (yellow) By *LODE Decor Matthiola: Matthiola (yellow) By *LODE Decor Skybox: Built-in Kitchen Skybox By Hive Bed: Cozy Christmas - Cozy Bed By Hive Fireplace: Cozy Christmas - Wooden Fireplace By Hive Screen: Cozy Christmas - Wooden Room Divider By Hive Basket: Cozy Christmas - Woven Basket By Hive Pinecone Display: Cozy Christmas - Pinecone Display By Hive Twigs & Berries: Cozy Christmas - Decorative Twigs & Berries By Hive Trees: Cozy Christmas - Assorted Trees By Hive Sign: Cozy Christmas - And To All A Goodnight Sign By Hive Jug: Corkscrew Willow Jug By Hive Lantern: Autumn Lanterns - Pumpkin Lantern By Hive Lantern: Autumn Lanterns - Candle Lantern By Hive Candle Wreath: Hanging Candle Wreath By Hive Plant: Autumnal Plant (oak) By Hive Slippers: Leather Moccasins By Apple Fall Wreath: Twig Wreath By Apple Fall Chair: Dakota - Wood Chair By Ariskea Frame: Dakota - Hello Autumn Frame By Ariskea Flowers: Dakota - Paper Flowers By Ariskea Tabletop Wreath: Vintage Tabletop Wreath (off-white with lights) By Nutmeg. Screen: Woodland Dreams - Carved Wooden Screen By Dust Bunny Blinds: Light Wooden Blinds By {what next} Ragdoll: Sleeping Ragdoll By O.M.E.N Bench: Gather Round - Adirondack Bench By Hive Rocking Chair: Gather Round - Worn Windsor Rocking Chair By Hive Table: Gather Round - Shabby Coffee Table By Hive Candle Wreath: Hanging Candle Wreath By Hive Crate: Homemade Apple Cider - Turned Over Wooden Crate By Hive Book Clutter: Oopsy Daisy - Book Clutter By Hive & Cosmic Dust Jug: Oopsy Daisy - Milk Jug Daisies By Hive & Cosmic Dust Suitcase: Oopsy Daisy - Homesick Suitcase By Hive & Cosmic Dust Tote: Botanical Tote By Dust Bunny Books: Cozy Reading By Dust Bunny Fireplace: Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace By Apple Fall

Infusion by Marcopol Oh Picture One: Mesh head: Victor By Catwa - Mesh body: Jake By Belleza - Skin: Sen TW By Clef de Peau - Tattoo: Shindeiru By Dappa - Hair: Felix By Burley - Boots: Caleb By Shi - Shirt: PVC By Shi - Pants: Syrio By Riot Picture Two: Mesh head: Victor By Catwa - Mesh body: Jake By Belleza - Skin: Sen By Clef de Peau - Shirt: ScoopT By Shi - Pants: Harem By Shi - Collar: Plastik Bubble By Shi - Flops: Sasha’s flops By RKKN - Sleeves: Baller By Vale Koer Picture Three: Mesh head: Victor By Catwa - Mesh body: Jake By Belleza - Hair: Nial By Modulus - Tattoo: Tengu By Dappa - Scarf: Scarf By Shi - Geta: Airo By Shi - Shorts: Streetwear shorts By RKKN - Arm cuffs: Fighter’s Mark By CX Picture Four: Mesh head : Victor By Catwa - Mesh body: Jake By Belleza - Hair: Ya-resh By Shi - Ears: Dragon By Swallow - Pants: Pyer By Clef de Peau - Flops: Sasha’s flops By RKKN - Arm cuffs: Fighter’s Mark By CX - Lumbar accessories: Lumbar Puncture By CX :


An Autumn Most Adored by Annan Adored Sofa: Fulwood Sofa By Apple Fall - Cushion: Mud-cloth By Apple Fall - Cushion: Cream, Trellis Thin By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Gilded Pumpkin By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Casper White II By Apple Fall - Paiting: [Louise] Acrylic By Ariskea - Potted Plant: gold dust dracaenas By Hive - Plant: hoya plant By Dust Bunny - Coffee Table: Rustic Cart By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin White By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Sweet Dumpling I By Apple Fall - Trays: Romanov’s Serving Trays By Nutmeg - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Deer: Woodland Deer By Apple Fall - Candle : Rustic Tealights- Pumpkin By Cheeky Pea - Flowers: Parrot Tulips By LODE - Flowers: Gladiolus Vase By LODE - Pinecones: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Fireplace: Clifton Cast Iron Fireplace By Apple Fall - Artwork: Crocosmia Study By Apple Fall - Artwork: Cone Flower Study By Apple Fall - Artwork: Pine Cone Study By Apple Fall - Cup: Gold Leaf Cherries By Apple Fall - Flowers: Lily of the Valley By LODE - Hanging Plant: cheese plant By Dust Bunny - Lamp: Baybrooke Bird Lamp Rusty By Trompe Loeil - Dresser: Romanov’s Ebony Dresser By Nutmeg - Mirror: French Silver Framed Mirror By Nutmeg - Chair: Lily Wicker Chair By Apple Fall - books: cozy reading By Dust Bunny - Cushion: Satin Trellis, Bronze By Apple Fall - Totte: Rattan Tote Carry By Nutmeg - Floor Lamp: Roanna Lamp Tall By Trompe Loeil - shelf: Frame Shelf By Apple Fall - Rug: braided rug By Dust Bunny Coffee Table: Rustic Cart By Apple Fall - Flowers: Iris Vase [light] By LODE - Flowers: Gladiolus Vase By LODE - Pumpkin: Gilded Pumpkin By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Casper White II By Apple Fall Pumpkin: Sweet Dumpling I By Apple Fall - Trays: Romanov’s Serving Trays By Nutmeg - Flowers: Gladiolus Vase By LODE - Books: cozy reading By Dust Bunny Sofa: Fulwood Sofa By Apple Fall - Paiting: [Louise] Acrylic By Ariskea - Round Chair: Old Round Chair By Nutmeg - Cushion: Mud-cloth By Apple Fall - Cushion: Cream, Trellis Thin By Apple Fall - Plant: hoya plant By Dust Bunny Deer: Woodland Deer By Apple Fall - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Candle : Rustic Tealights- Pumpkin By Cheeky Pea - Pinecones: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall Dresser: Romanov’s Ebony Dresser By Nutmeg - Hangging Plant: cheese plant By Dust Bunny - Trays: Romanov’s Serving Trays By Nutmeg - Flower: Lily of the Valley By LODE - Table Top: Vintage Tabletop Wreath By Nutmeg Lamp: Joanne Crystal Lamp By Apple Fall - Chair: Romanov’s Wooden Chair By Nutmeg - Mirror: French Silver Framed Mirror By Nutmeg

Sharp Dressed Man by Guilherme Andretti Picture One: Hair: Stealthic - Baron B/W By Stealthic - Clothes: [Deadwool] Hart jacket By Deadwool - Clothes: [Deadwool] Hart trousers By Deadwool - Clothes: [Deadwool] Pinned add-on By Deadwool - Acessories: Sleepy Eddy #Thurmont glasses By Sleepy Eddy - Facial Hair: Volkstone Jeremy Bento Beard By Volkstone at MAN CAVE - Acessories: [Z O O M] Classic Johnson Watch By Z O O M - Car: [Con.] The Sports Car By Consigment Picture Two: Hair: Vango. Jared By Vango - Clothes: //Ascend// Nicolas Blazer By //Ascend// - Clothes: //Ascend// Tyler Pants By //Ascend// - Clothes: Mesh_Mens Open Neck Shirt Tie M By Meli Imako - Facial Hair: Volkstone Jeremy Bento Beard By Volkstone at MAN CAVE - Acessories: .09 [ kunst ] - Cigarette #1 [hand) By Kunst - Skin: Stray Dog Custom Skin Guilherme By Stray Dog Picture Three: Hair: Nathan (hair + sunglasses) By Barber Shop - Clothes: Mossu - Daddy.Shirt By Mossu - Clothes: [Deadwool] Hart trousers By Deadwool - Clothes: TABOU. Romeo Loose Tie By Tabou - Facial Hair: KR Mesh / Mustache By Volkstone - Facial Hair: KR Mesh / Beard By Volkstone - Acessories: MIDNA - Victor Necklace By Midna at MAN CAVE - Acessories: * SORGO - Misbaha / WOOD By Sorgo - Acessories: Barber Shop / Grabbed Belt By Barber Shop - Clothes: /Ascend/ Smith Shoulder Blazer By //Ascend//

Golden Equinox by Exis Picture One: Chair: Egg chair By Architect - Table: Raw wood table By Architect - Ottoman: Ottoman By Architect - Rug: Cowhide rug By Architect - Screen: Nouveau Screen By Apple Fall - Side table: Books Occasional Table w/ Blanket By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin - Green By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin - White By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin - Orange By Apple Fall - Lamp: Wicker Ball Lamp By Apple Fall - Vase : Prescott Vase with Branches By Fancy Decor - Ivy: Ivy By EliBaily - Books: Recipe Books By Apple Fall - Leaves: Scattered Leaves By NOMAD - Books: Stack of books By Architect - Pinecones & Hazelnuts: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Bowl: Bowl of walnuts By Architect - Bowl: Bowl of more nuts By Architect - Vase : Bronze Leaf Apple Branches By Apple Fall - Candlestick: Antler Candlestick I By Apple Fall - Deers: Woodland Deer By Apple Fall - Basket: Classic Wicker Basket with Towel Brown By Trompe Loeil - Trunk: Wooden Trunk By Apple Fall - Backpack: Old backpack By Dust Bunny - Bag: Luggage Bag By Apple Fall - Basket: Wicker Basket By Glam Affair Home - Coat rack: Coat rack By Dust Bunny - Moccasins: Leather Moccasins By Apple Fall - Tree: Maple Tree By Botanical Picture Two: House: Annamae’s abode By Hive - Ivy: Ivy By EliBaily - Ladder: Pumpkin Ladder By Panavia - Wreath: Magnolia Leaf Wreath By Apple Fall - Stool: Old Painters’ Stool By Apple Fall - Chair: Worn dining chair By Hive - Bench: Adirondack bench By Hive - Chair: Worn windsor rocking chair By Hive - Lantern: Camp lantern By Hive - Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin - Green By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin - White By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Mini Pumpkin Orange By Apple Fall - Table: Shabby coffee table By Hive - Candlestick: Antler Candlestick I By Apple Fall - Ornamental Stand: Apples w/ Ornamental Stand By Apple Fall - Pinecones & Hazelnuts: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Vase : Bronze Leaf Apple Branches By Apple Fall - Branch: Apple Sprig w/ Branch By Apple Fall - Deers: Woodland Deer By Apple Fall - Tree: Maple Tree By Botanical Picture Three: Cottage: Fisher Point Cottage By Trompe Loeil - Tree: Big Red Maple By The Little Branch - Telescope: Telescope By Random Matter - Chair: Oregon Chair By Architect - Table: Oregon Table By Architect - Lantern: Wood lantern large books By we’re CLOSED - Cheeseboard: Cheeseboard By Apple Fall - Brass Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Apple Fall - Vase: Hurricane Vase w/ Limes By Apple Fall - Bag: Worn Luggage Bag By Apple Fall - Sidetable: Books Occasional Table w/ Blanket By Apple Fall - Books: Stacked Books By Apple Fall - Vase: Hydrangea Bunch By Apple Fall - Frame 1: Original Artwork: Crocosmia Study By Apple Fall - Frame 2: Cone Flower Study By Apple Fall - Frame 3: Pine Cone Study By Apple Fall - Books: Pile of Books By Kalopsia - Stool: Oregon Stool By Architect - Handbag: Handbag & Scarf By Apple Fall - Planter: Olive & Daisy Planter By Apple Fall - Umbrella holder: Umbrella holder By Dust Bunny - Doormat : Doormat By Vespertine - Coat rack: Branch coat rack By Dust Bunny Picture Four: House: Camp cabin By Hive - Chair: Chair type B By Dust Bunny - Bench: Bench By Dust Bunny - Chair: Chair type D By Dust Bunny - Chair: Chair type A By Dust Bunny - Blanket: Blanket to go By Revival - Doormat: Hello Fall Welcome Mat By What Next - Dreamcatcher: White Dreamcatcher By Fancy Decor - Lantern: Camp lantern By Hive - Cups: Dirty coffee cups By Hive - Wreath: Pumpkin Harvest Wreath By Apple Fall - Box: Box of Biscuits By Ariskea - Can: Autumn Vibes Can By LODE - Basket: Apple basket By Hive - Mugs: Stacked copper mugs By Hive - Mug: Apple cider mug By Hive - Flower: Dahlia By LODE - Kettle: Copper Kettle By Ariskea - Moccasins: Leather Moccasins By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Cinderella pumpkin By Hive - Pumpkin: Baby bear pumpkin By Hive - Blankets: The Stacked Blankets By Thor - Table: Orchard country table By Vespertine - Dispenser: Cider dispenser decor By Vespertine - Cinnabuns: Baked cinnabuns By Vespertine - Apple Pie: Apple pie & plums By Vespertine - Chocolate: Choco & tea By Ariskea - Apples: Pair of apples By Hive - Pot 1: String of hearts plant sample By Hive - Pot 2: String of pearls plant sample By Hive - Fence: Upcycled fence town By Vespertine - Blanket: Blanket Clutter By Half Deer -

Seasonal Flair by John Cordeaux Picture One: Trees: Enchanted Woods V2 from Studio Skye [2.20] By Studio Skye Picture Two: Boat: Old Wooden Boat Set By Nutmeg - Hat: Gomez Wide Brim Hat By David Heather - Fur: SEC02 shoulder fur By FAKEICON - Tshirt: Seventeen T shirt By David Heather - Pants: Seventeen Pants By David Heather - Gloves: Buck Leather Gloves By NOCHE - Shoes: Havana Loafers By David Heather - Pose: MGG Autumn By Cordeaux Store Picture Three: Scarf: Optional Scarf By SHI. Picture Four: Idem: idem By idem - / Picture Five: Fur : Fur Coat By Egoisme - Shirt: Hori Shirt By David Heather


Spook’d by Terra Spookshow Picture One: The Magician Cart: Elegant Display Cart By deviousMind - Cobwebs: Spiritualists Shoppe - Web Set By DRD - Table: Bondage Sidetable By DRD - Trunk: Circus Rot - Magicians Trunk By Remarkable Oblivion - Stool: Lamae Vanity Stool By Refuge - Dummy: Ventriloquist Dummy By Hotdog - Pumpkin: Carved Pumpkin By Hive - Hat: Tattered Tophat By Hotdog - Jacket: Tailcoat By Hotdog - Cummerbund: Benefit Cummerbund By [ContraptioN] - Pants/Boots: Rick Pants With Boots By GIZ SEORN - Nails/Rings: Damned Claws & Rings By L’Emporio - Hair: Devin By lock&tuft - Eyes: Downer Eyes - Honey By [ Conviction ] - Eyeshadow: Supay Shadow By Spookshow - Lipstick: Abaddon Lips - Set 01 By Spookshow - Scleras: Tinted Scleras By CURELESS[+] - Head: Skell By CATWA - Body: Jake By -Belleza- - Ears: Stretched Ears - Pixie By [MANDALA] - Skin: Anesthesia SkinAnesthesia Skin By CURELESS[+] Box: Wooden Loot Crate By Immersive 3D Lab - Saw: Tool Set By Sooden Ren - Bindi: Arcano Bindi By :Moon Amore: - Septum Piercing: Skull Septum By BONDI Picture Two: The Fortune Teller Hands: Evil Hand By C L A Vv. - Ouija Board: Darkmore Spirit Board By Raindale - Crystals: Conjure - Energy Point Crystals By Dahlia - Belladonna: Conjure - Dried Herbs - Belladonna By Dahlia - Crystal Ball: Conjure - Black Magic - Crystal Ball By Dahlia - Large Candle: Darkmore candle (tall) By Raindale - Small Candle: Darkmore candle (small) By Raindale - Plaster Hand: Tattooed Plaster Hands - Night Sky By *paper moon* - Books: Darkmore books By Raindale - Skull: Odd Skull 1 By [ContraptioN] - Backdrop: Something For The Weekend By Weekend Ruiner - Table: Horrorfest backdrops (Murder Telling) By Astralia - Curtains: Brooding Curtains By cinphul - Chair: Anabelle’s Chair By [Merak] - Triangle Shelf: Conjure - Triangle Shelf By Dahlia - Hair: Shortfall By Tableau Vivant - Ribbon: Voodoo Tribe - Ngami Halo By CUREMORE - Shirt: Lestat Blouse By [spectacledchic] - Choker: LittleMoon Necklace Gold By Occult - Crystal Necklace: Moon Crystal Necklace - Silver By REIGN - Necklace: Lilliam Batwing Necklace - Wrought By Remarkable Oblivion - Earrings: Voodoo Tribe - Ritual Jewelry By CUREMORE - Lip Piercings: Eros Piercing By BLAXIUM - Nose Piercings: Piercing Set 06 By Suicidal Unborn - Eyeshadow: Inflict Gacha 11 By VileCult - Lips: Hospital for Souls - Dry Lips By ANTINATURAL[+] - Eyes: Madness Exorcism By .{PSYCHO:Byts}. - Skin: Anesthesia Skin By CURELESS[+] - Head: Skell By CATWA - Body: Jake By -Belleza- Picture Three: The Fish Boy Cart: Ornamented Display Cart By deviousMind - Pumpkin: Carved Pumpkin By hive - Tank: Mer Tank By The Cove - String Lights: October String Lights By Elm - Garland: Halloween Garland -Beads - Colorful By Caco’s Greenhouse - Drapes: Brooding Drapes By cinphul - Leg Fins: Post-Human - Mer Within By ANTINATURAL[+] - Gills: Realistic Gills By TSL - Ears: Serendipity Fins By darkendStare - Nails: Damned Claws & Rings By L’Emporio Eye Makeup: Hospital for Souls - Inmate Eyebags By ANTINATURAL[+] - Hand Webs: Webbed Hands By {aii} - Body Markings: Aeternum Vale By Lovely Disarray - Teeth: The Sharps By [ContraptioN] - Eyes: Necron Eyes By [Cubic Cherry] - Skin: Anesthesia Skin By CURELESS[+] - Head: Skell By CATWA - Body: Jake By -BellezaPicture Four: The Clown Build: Sorrowland By anxiety % - Pumpkin: Carved Pumpkin By hive - Skeleton: Skeletal System By CURELESS[+] - Cobwebs: Spiritualists Shoppe - Web Set By DRD - Cigarettes: Filthy smoker By Hotdog - Hair: Rae By lock&tuft Headband: Spoopy Boppers - Ghost By [Atomic] - Collar: Ruffle Collar - Purple By :Moon Amore: - Dress: Madl Dress By ARTIFICIAL HALLUCINATION - Boots: Deuz Boots By A&Y - Ears: Stretched Ears - Pixie By [MANDALA] - Nose Piercings: Piercing Set 06 By Suicidal Unborn - Lip Piercings: Eros Piercing By BLAXIUM - Face Piercings: Bento Face Piercing By CATWA - Makeup: Clown #03 By Spookshow - Body Markings: My Bad - 10 By The White Crow - Teeth: The Sharps By [ContraptioN] - Eyes: Tiered Eyes - Neon Green By ANATOMY - Skin: Anesthesia Skin By CURELESS[+] - Head: Skell By CATWA - Body: Jake By -BellezaPicture Five: The Contortionist Cart: Elegant High Cart By deviousMind - Mannequins: Abandonment - Pile - Torso By DISORDERLY. - Balloons: Psyko Circus - Balloon Seller By Poseidon - Pumpkin: Carved Pumpkin By hive - Covered Furniture: By DRD Skulls: Skulls Souvenirs By .aisling. - Podium: Psyko Circus Lootbox By Poseidon - Hair: Neo By Action Inkubator - Nose Chain: Chained Deceit By [CerberusXing] - Ears: Stretched Ears - Pixie By [MANDALA] - Earrings: Pentagon Earring By {Momoko} - Gloves: Transylvania Sleeves - Gold By RIOT - Corset: Summer Sun Corset By ARTIFICIAL HALLUCINATION - Underwear: Transylvania Panty - Gold By RIOT - Stockings: Transylvania Stockings - Black By RIOT - Nails: Swag So Suave - Claws By Gorgeous Dolls - Eyeshadow: Ker Eyeshadow By La Malvada Mujer - Eyeshadow: Gauss Eyemakeup By Zibska - Contour Blush: Nihasa Contour Blush By Spookshow - Tattoos: Voodoo Tribe Ritual Paint - Black By CUREMORE - Eyes: Madness Exorcism By .{PSYCHO:Byts}. - Skin: Anesthesia Skin By CURELESS[+] - Tongue: Kali Split Tongue - Amy By SINFUL NEEDS - Head: Skell By CATWA - Body: Jake By -Belleza-

Lifestyles With Wayne by WayneNZ Picture One: Tank Top: Dylan white clean tank top By Legal Insanity - Jeans: Ripped Jeans Holloway Ripped Jeans By Cold Ash - Waist shirt: Remi’s Waist Shirt Plaid By RKKN. - Tank Top: Denis TankTop By Cubura - Jeans: Broberry jeans By Deadwool - Waist Shirt: waistcloth only By Breath - Flower card: Flower Cart RARE By Apple Fall - Ladder: Orchard Ladder By {what next} - Trees: Orchard By Little Branch Picture Two: Bracelet: Cuban Bracelet 18k By Vexin - Crown: Lord’s Crown - Prince By Dreaming Thicket - Necklace: Madusa Necklace 24inch By Vexin - Lotions: Bathroom Lotions By Apple Fall - Bathtub: Bathtub and shower By Soy - Flowers: Cosmos Flowers - White By Apple Fall - Bottles: Violet Glass Bottles By Apple Fall - Candles: Scented Candle By Apple Fall - Wine: Argentinian Malbec By Apple Fall - Book: pen Book By Apple Fall - Sink: Barbers’ Sink By Apple Fall Picture Three: Pants: Cody pants Bell. Jake By Legal Insanity - Sneakers: Chase sneakers By Deadwool - Bunny ears: Bunny Ears By SWaGGa - Back Pack: Tweenster Ghosthunter Proto-Pack By Tweenster - Outfit: Ghosthunter Uniform By Tweenster - Boots: Ghosthunter Uniform Boots By Tweenster - Costume: Bear costume (Hat and outfit) By Punkster Destiny - Pumpkins group gift: Pumkins [cobweb] - gift By Soy - Balloons: Fairylight Balloons - Halloween By Half-Deer - Group of balloons: Dark cuteness By Astralia - Group of balloons: Pumkins [skull] gift By Soy Picture Four: Leggings: Alexander Leggings By Noche - Jeans: Broberry jeans - washed pitch By Deadwool - Shirt: ELLIOT Short Sleeve Shirt By Cold Ash - / Hoodie: takeshi hoodie By DUFAUX - Jeans: Broberry jeans - rolled black By Deadwool - Hoodie: Robin hoodie black By Legal Insanity - Trouser: Hart trousers By Deadwool - Pants: Silvester Joggers / Seashell By Ascend - Hoodie: takeshi hoodie By DUFAUX - Glasses: Sup.Bro Glasses By ZOOM - / Pose: Mixing bowl prop By Whippersnappers - Balloon: Dark cuteness cat balloon By Astralia - Balloon: Dark cuteness ghost balloon By Astralia - Wine: Paris - Wine set By Bazar - Apples: Apples w/ Ornamental Stand - Silver By Apple Fall - Teapot: Enamel Teapot By Apple Fall - Pumpkins: Pumpkins By Apple Fall - Bourbon: Bourbon bottle By [ kunst ] - Tequila: Tequila bottles By [ kunst ] - Rolls: Cinnamon Rolls - Fat Icy By Pewpew! - Jar: Rhubarb - Jam Jar By Pewpew! Jar: Orange - Jam Jar By Pewpew! - Plates: Stack Of Plates By Nutmeg

Night Moves by Divos Titanium Picture One: Set Adrift Hair: Nial Hair By Modulus - Ear: Pure Mesh Ears By L’Etre - Skin: Belleza Body Skin By Stray Dog - Shirt: Nolan Shirt By Legal Insanity - Pants: Broberry Jeans By Deadwool - Shoes: Oscar Soles By Anxiety - Hair: Billy Hair By Vango - Beard: Stanley Bento Beard By GA.EG Magnificent - Skin: Belleza Body Skin By Stray Dog - Shirt: Remi’s Shirt Beige By RKKN - Waist Shirt: Remi’s Waist Shirt By RKKN - Pants: Remi’s Pants Khaki By RKKN - Boat: Cuddle Rowboat By Epia - Fishing Pole: Fishing Poles By Pilot - Pose: Static Male Pose - 24 By Wrong - Hair: Tommy Hair By Modulus Picture Two: By the Light of the Night PJ’s: ReUnion PJ’s By Thirst - Hair: Matt By Vango - Skin: Belleza Body Skin By Stray Dog - PJ’s: ReUnion PJ’s By Thirst - Build: Old Manufactory By Apple Fall - Art: Pine Cone Study By Apple Fall - Bed: Ashcroft Bed By The Loft Wall Panel: Artemis Panel Wall By Lisp - Hair: Vincent Hair By Modulus Picture Three: Someone to Lean On Jacket: Leo’s Biker Jacket By RKKN - Jeans: Yuri Jeans By Riot - Hair: Morgan Hair & Hat By Modulus - Jacket: Liam Jacket By Mossu - Jeans: Holloway Jeans By Cold Ash - Beer: Old Rat Bastard Beer By 220ml - Pose: Dreams Are Real By Ana Poses - Hair: Swim Hair Taper By Unorthodox - Jacket: Frank Hood By Chuck Size Picture Four: Deserted Ring: Nolex Ring Gold By Fli. - Shoes: Burleigh Boots By Lenox - Hair: Cintia By Doux - Top: Cropped Cable Knit Sweater Beige By Ison - Skirt: Lullus By Toksik - Boots: Sock Knit Over Knee Boots By Villena - Coffee: CEO CoffeeTo-Go Delicate By 8f8 - Rings: Bento Rings Gold By Meva - Hair: Baron By Stealthic - Jacket: Jeans Jacket One Shoulder By Gabriel - Shirt: Kenny T-Shirt By Noche - Jeans: Holloway Ripped Jeans By Cold Ash - Boots: Patmos Boots By Deadwool - Car: Kings Rolls Prop Silver By David Heather - Motel: Milk Motel By Milk Motion - Land: Desert Land By Milk Motion Picture Five: Bridged Hair: Sam Hat & Hair By Modulus - Jacket: Hyperbeast Bomber Jacket By Vale Koer - Pants: Hyperbeast Joggers By Vale Koer - Shoes: Tactical Flip Boots By Vale Koer - Hair: Morgan Hair & Hat By Modulus - Jacket: Pu Biker Jacket Green By Hevo - Pants: Sweat Line Pants By Gabriel - Shoes: Flap Sneakers By Gabriel


Shades of Harvest by Blair Lockhearst Picture One: Front Steps Build: Marzelle Cottage By Trompe Loeil - Pumpkins: [Batch] Old Pumpkins By Ariskea - Pumpkins: Pumpkin Assortment Set By Apple Fall - Gourds: Gourds in Vintage Bowl By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: [Louise] The First pumpkin Orange By Ariskea - Pumpkins: harvest pumpkins By Hive - Haystack: harvest haypile By Hive - Plant: pilea peper plant By Dust Bunny - Plant pot: potted plants pot By Hive - Plant pot: Shield Terracotta Pot By Apple Fall - Lantern: Storm Lamp (Iron metal) By Apple Fall - Lantern: [Corine] Lantern By Ariskea - Lantern: wannabe boho. lantern By Junk - Candle: [Corine] Candle By Ariskea - Flowers: Oxeye Daisy Patch By Apple Fall Wellies: Cutesy Wellies Decor By What Next - Ground leaves: ‘Hello Fall’ Leaves Pile By What Next - Twigs: autumnal plant . oak By Hive Picture Two: Front Door Pumpkins: Pumpkin Assortment Set By Apple Fall - Wreath: Pumpkin Harvest Wreath By Apple Fall - Wooden sign: Harvest Sign By What Next - Flowers: [Corine] Chrysanthemum [Orange] By Ariskea - Bucket: Withering bucket By Junk - Flowers: Pumpkin planter By Dust Bunny - Pumpkins: Pumpkin pile By Dust Bunny - Hay bale: harvest hay bale By Hive - Milkcan: Martha Milk Can By Cheeky Pea - Plant: autumnal plant . oak By Hive - Plant: autumnal plant . chestnut By Hive - Pumpkin stack: pumpkin stack By Dust Bunny - Pumpkin crate: Autumn Flower - Orange with box By Sese - Pumpkin: velvet dwarf pumpkins By Vespertine - Ladder: wanderlust - blanket ladder By Dust Bunny - Bench: Knoxlane Barrel Bench By Trompe Loeil - Wooden hanger: hanging leaves By Dust Bunny - Lantern: Jolene Lantern By Mudhoney - Lantern: Feuilles Lantern By Apple Fall - Doormat: Doormat By Vespertine Picture Three: Living Room Sofa: Cozi Sofa By The Loft & ARIA - Pillow: Cushion - Satin Trellis By Apple Fall - Coffee table: Zinc Top Coffee Table By The Loft - Books: Book Arrangements By Apple Fall - Drink: Fall Woodland Drinks By What Next Wreath: Pumpkin Harvest Wreath By Apple Fall - Mug: [CozyNight] Choco & tea By Ariskea - Lantern: Brother County Lantern By Cheeky Pea - Cookies: Fall Woodland Cookies By What Next - Pumpkin: Pumpkin - Fairytale II By Apple Fall - Twigs: [Louise] Wood Sticks & berries By Ariskea - Banner: Happy Fall Banner By What Next - Garland: Harvest Pumpkin String By What Next - Blocks: I Love Fall Blocks By What Next - Vase: Harvest Wheat Vase By What Next - Bucket: Withering Bucket By Junk - Frame: Hello Fall Window Sign By SAYO - Candlesticks: Pumpkin Candlesticks By SAYO - Wooden sign: Fresh Pumpkins Sign By SAYO - Pumpkin: Pumpkin - Buckskin III By Apple Fall - Pumpkin: Pumpkin - Casper White II By Apple Fall - Vase: Dahlia Jug By Dust Bunny - Garland: Fall Leaves Garland By Mudhoney - Pinecones: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Shelf: Antique Store Shelving By Apple Fall - Coat rack: Coat Rack By Dust Bunny - Dried flowers: wiccan artistry . dried flowers . RARE By Dust Bunny - Poppies: Preserved Poppies By Apple Fall - Lantern: Storm Lamp By Apple Fall - Frame: Gilt Frame (Sea Campion Study) By Apple Fall - Frame: Original Artwork: Hillside Manor Sketch By Apple Fall - Books: Design Books By Apple Fall - Horse figurine: Plaster Horse By Apple Fall - Cloche: Snowdrops in Cloche By Apple Fall - Jug: Roses Jug By Apple Fall - Hand decor: Hand of Hercules By Apple Fall - Arm deco: Strength’ Fragment By Apple Fall - Cloche: Pumpkin Clonch (Colours) By Apple Fall - Hat box: Hat Box By Apple Fall - Teapot: Tea Time Teaset By Apple Fall - Deco box: Ophelia Box By Mudhoney - Basket: dreamy outing . blanket basket By Dust Bunny Picture Four: Outdoor Dining Build: Saylor Square By Trompe Loeil - Table: Anashara Dining Table By Apple Fall - Table runner: Storybook Woven Table Runner By Apple Fall - Cheese board: Cheeseboard By Apple Fall - Apples: Apple Sprig w/ Branch By Apple Fall - Plate setting: Autumn Place Setting By Apple Fall - Nest: Nest w/ Speckled Eggs By Apple Fall - Bread: Au Pain (Sourbread Baguette) By Apple Fall - Pinecones: Pinecones & Hazelnuts By Apple Fall - Cake: Kiwi & Blueberry Cheesecake By Apple Fall - Cake: Fall Harvest Cake By Apple Fall - Wine: Argentinian Malbec By Apple Fall - Vase: Hurricane Vase By Apple Fall - Candles: Plaster Candles By Apple Fall - Pumpkins: Pumpkin Assortment Set By Apple Fall - Crab claws platter: Stone Crab Claws By Apple Fall - Turkey: harvest feast . turkey By Dust Bunny - Table centerpiece: autumns calling . pumpkin centerpiece By Dust Bunny - Bench: autumns calling . bench By Dust Bunny - Chairs: autumns calling . chairs By Dust Bunny - Candlesticks: Brass Candlesticks By Nutmeg - Fireplace: Vivienne Outdoor Fireplace By Trompe Loeil - Banner: Happy Fall Banner By What Next - Wooden blocks: I Love Fall Blocks By What Next - Vase: Harvest Wheat Vase By What Next - Frame: [Dakota] Hello Autumn frame By Ariskea

Seasons by Grant Valeska Picture One: Jacket: Biker Stud Jacket By Outlier - Pants: Yuri Denim By Riot - Hair: Troy Hairstyle By Doux - Jacket: David Leather Jacket By Legal Insanity - Pants: Leo Jeans By Ascend - Hat/Hair: Sam Hat & Hair By Modulus Picture Two Jumpsuit: Michael Overalls By Chuck Size Shoes: Strider Boots By Deadwool Glasses: Bay Shades By Sorgo Hair: Tom By Volthair Picture Three Top: Hoodie & Cardigan By Sleepy Eddy - Pants: Pablo Chinos By Galvanized - Shoes: Noah Ankle Boots By Equal - Sunglasses: Apulia Glasses By Mulloy - Hair: Vincent Hair By Modulus

Blogger Spotlight by Various Hikaru Kanzaki Hair: B&G 83 By Dura - Eyes: Cabin Eyes Ice By Clemmm - Eye Base: Static Bloodshot Eye Base By Clemmm - Goggles: Urban Goggles By RKKN - Mask: The Modified Mask By Contraption - Cigarette: Classic Cigarette - Nextgen By Nikotin - Jacket: Xing Coat By Hotdog & Contraption - Sweater: Xing Coat Turtleneck By Hotdog & Contraption - Hand: Sk3leto Series Prosthetic Arm By Contraption - Pants: Jack Cargo Pants By Ascend - Boots: Sinder Boots Signature By FashionNatic - Backdrop: Spring Rainy Days Skybox By Vespertine - Lanterns: Summer Night Light By DDD - Hanging Plants: Hanging Plants By Dust Bunny - Leaf Umbrella: Umbrella Leaf Green By ATTIC - Kappa: Party Boat Gacha By Kappa Renan McKeenan Hair: Alfie Hair By Modulus - Beard: Kim Facial Hair & Mesh Beard By Volkstone - Glasses: Beast Shadez By Nexor - Jacket: Leo’s Biker Jacket Black By RKKN - Shirt: Leo’s Tshirt Stripes By RKKN - Pants: Original Jeans By Kalback Boots: Noah Ankle Boots By Equal Shawn Kameron Hat: Black Cap By Represent - Jacket: Leather Jacket By Genesis - Jeans: Original Jeans By Kalback - Necklace: Onur By Amias - Build: Heathen By Anxiety



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