Rosa Valtingojer - Icelandic Bird Collection

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Gallerí Snærós Stöðvarfjörður

Rósa Valtingojer

Handunnir íslenskir fuglar úr leir 849 8630 /

Rósa Valtingojer

Icelandic birds collection handmade from ceramic

The Snow Bunting

Plectrophenax nivalis The Snow Bunting is mostly non migratory bird but part of the population flies to Scotland for the winter. During the winter the birds travel around in big groups and they like to stay in an inhabited region when the winter is hard. Many people feed them during winter. Snow Buntings change their colour in the spring and their singing also changes. Then they are called “Sólskríkjur” which could be translated as “Sun gigglers”.

The Common Loon

The Raven

Colymbus arcticus

Corvus corax

Common Loon is an North-American bird and Iceland is the only place in Europe where it lays eggs. It is rare, only about 300 nesting couples are found in Iceland. They are non-migratory birds and they stay mostly on big lakes inland. It is mostly famous for the sounds it makes, it sounds like a strange laughter or a howl, and it can be heard from a long distance.

Ravens are living in Iceland all the year around. The Raven is said to be a clever bird. Ravens have “ravens conference” two times per year, in the spring and in the autumn. At the spring conference they decide if they should be naughty or nice that year. There are many poems and song lyrics about the raven and also many folk tales.

The Puffin

Fratercula arctica

The Eurasian Golden Plover

The latin name Fratercula means “tiny brother”, it refers to the colour of the birds feathers that looks like a monks outfit. The bird is also called “prófastur” which means priest in Icelandic. The birds beak has more colours in the breading season. They lay their eggs in deep holes that they dig in the ground, and they only lay one egg. Puffins are sea birds and dive for their food, they spend most of their time out on the sea.

The Eurasian Golden Plover is a migratory bird. Early in April it comes to Iceland from Great Britain or western Europe. This bird is for sure the most beloved bird in Iceland because it is said to bring the spring. When the first bird is seen in the spring, it is announced in the media. There are many existing poems and song lyrics about the Eurasian Golden Plover.

Pluvialis apricaria

Þessi fuglalína samanstendur af nokkrum vinsælum íslenskum fuglum, s.s. Lunda, Himbrima, Súlu, Krumma, Snjótittling og Lóu sem án efa er ástsælasti fugl Íslands, enda vorboði landans. Leirfuglarnir koma úr smiðju Rósu Valtingojer, einum af fjórum starfandi listamönnum hjá Gallerí Snærós. Rósa hefur í mörg ár unnið listhandverk úr leir. Hún bjó til fyrsta leirfuglinn aðeins 13 ára gömul, það var lóa og var sá fugl valinn inn á sýningu hjá Handverki og hönnun sem bar yfirskriftina “Íslenskir mynjagripir”. Íslensku leirfuglarnir eru mjög vinsælir bæði á meðal erlendra ferðamanna jafnt og íslendinga. Vinsældirnar koma fyrst og fremst til vegna þess hve vandaðir fuglarnir eru og einlægri tjáningu listakonunnar sem skín úr hverjum fugli.

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