August 2020 Gallup Journey Magazine

Page 50

OFPL Managing Transitions in Gallup was driven entirely from community interest and community support; by the people, of the people, and for the people. Growing from a seed collection of 50 books donated by members of the P.E.O. Sorority in 1920, to a line item in arch 11th 2020 ushered in the SARSthe City Council budget in 1926. Three years later CoV-2 pandemic and marked the the Council appropriated $1,500.00 towards a beginning of drastic change for public library building and $1000 was donated by local libraries across the country. residents. The formal opening of the new building was held on April 27, 1927. On May 29, 1936, the Historically, libraries have symbolized the City Council voted to assume responsibility for the connection of knowledge with power. Libraries have library. also taken on different social structures that reflect community needs, and the space within the library The transformation and continual growth walls has transformed as formats for transmission spanning the last 100-Years of our library’s history, have changed. are grounded in the development of knowledge, interconnecting networks, and community needs. Colonial libraries first emerged on Turtle The Octavia Fellin Public Library (OFPL) team Island in 1731 when the Library Company of will maintain our commitment to these values as Philadelphia was founded by the entrepreneur we navigate this pandemic together. “No other Benjamin Franklin. The Library Company of institution, public or private, does a better job Philadelphia was the first model of a subscription of reaching people who have been left behind based, lending library, supported entirely by in today’s economy, have failed to reach their membership fees. The first public library funded potential in the city’s public school system or by a municipality was established in 1833 in New who simply need help navigating an increasingly Hampshire; a free library open to all community complex world.”1OFPL is fueled by a vision to members regardless of social status. The spread of foster the pursuit of knowledge for all ages and public libraries accompanied the philosophy of free cultures through innovative services, outstanding public education with waves of immigrants during collections, and strategic partnerships. westward expansion. Public libraries are the manifestation of Public libraries are the intersection of American democratic ideals. The pursuit of information and social structures and reflect life, liberty, happiness, the common good, the many faces and varied interests of their equality, diversity, and truth. Ideals that have the communities. The Octavia Fellin Public Library power to unite people. We have seen incredible is no different. The creation of a public library transformation of our culture and shifts in our

Tammi Moe, Director Octavia Fellin Public Library & Historic Rex Museum


50 August 2020

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