December 2018 Gallup Journey Magazine

Page 40

The Christmas Wraith Dustin exited from the rear door of the trading company. Yet another holiday season event, which usually meant eggnog and whiskey. While he was never one to drink too much, he enjoyed the mellow feeling of a hot toddy and the warmth of good company. Parking had been heavy for the party, so he had to park two blocks away. It was a chilly, windy night with light snow blowing through the empty streets. As he walked in his designer leathers, he thought about how lucky he was to own his own business and be so wealthy. He owned a Porsche, two Harleys, a mansion, and a business. He was also considering opening a new outlet in Scottsdale, Arizona. As he walked down the street, he saw a man sitting on the sidewalk wearing military fatigues, missing one arm, and holding a sign “Please help! Veteran…will wurk!” Before Dustin knew it, he found himself raising his voice, “What kind of work will you do? You can’t even spell the word work.” He tossed a penny in the man’s cup and walked on. “Beggars,” he thought, “they could at least sell pencils.” He continued on, ignoring the Christmas decorations in the store windows. The sound of church bells in the distance fell on deaf ears. Now he could see his car just across the street. As soon as the signal light would change to green, he could leave the garish scene of public beggars. He looked to the right. Then, as he looked to the left, he saw a pale, thin, man with dark eyes that seemed to burn as they glared into a place at the back of Dustin’s soul … a place he had forgotten was there. The man had sinewy flesh, knarled, boney hands and was dressed all in black. A shiver ran down Dustin’s spine. His knees weakened such that he could barely stand. “Why doesn’t this signal change?” he thought impatiently. In a hoary voice, the stranger asked, “What shall you do with your last hour?” Frozen in disbelief, Dustin just stared. “It shall not do you well to remain silent,” said the stranger. “Within the hour you shall belong to my realm.” “Who are you?” Dustin finally managed to whisper. “I am Wraith, the angel of darkness,” replied the stranger. “I am present when those whose souls are void of kindness pass from this world. I see that your soul had but a glimmer of caring, and you just passed it by.”


December 2018

Fear pierced Dustin, who was now but a frail spirit. “When,” he asked, “did I ever do that? I don’t remember being unkind.” “Did you not think but a moment ago… beggars…they could at least sell pencils, as you put a penny in that freezing, starving, lonely veteran’s cup? You are not just selfish but also mean-spirited and vain. You shall thrive in my world. But I must warn you," said Wraith, "my world is dark, lonely, mean and void of love or warmth. You shall never again know peace, kindness, light, or caring. Your soul will cry out constantly. It shall scream the pain of a thousand pains.” Suddenly the light turned green. Dustin looked around, and Wraith was gone. His car and the end of his life waited across the street. Tears flowed down his face, now knowing what he had become. Suddenly, a glimmer of light shimmered within his soul. He turned and hurried, nay, ran back to the veteran. The veteran was freezing to death, staring blankly into the endless sleep. He wouldn’t die that night. Dustin helped him to his feet. He took him to dinner and then to a hotel. Dustin’s next hour passed fitfully, worried that it would be his last. But it wasn’t. Dustin stayed awake that night praying, “Dear God, Holy Spirit, let me be peace. Let me be love. Let me be your servant.” The next day Dustin took the veteran shopping. Yes, the next day! And in the long years that followed, Dustin became a loving, caring servant, helping as many people as he could…however possible. But, he never forgot on cold, dark nights the premonition of “Wraith” from that Christmas long ago, And he never again let the light of kindness go dim or dark in his soul.


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