September 2018 Gallup Journey Magazine

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t-shirts, stickers, and much more. This is your first year; how hard was it to figure out this embroidery stuff? I know this industry relies on lots of Congratulations! Have you always wanted to own your own business? So far, software, and you need to be technical. Did you realize what you were getting is it what you had hoped it would be? into, or has it been an easy transition? I had Christy’s Optical for 17 years. I As far as figuring out the embroidery was in the optical business for over 30 stuff, I will say it was not the easiest thing years. I wanted to do something different I have had to learn. I tell people all the and new. time that the optical business was a piece It all started when I was designing my of cake compared to this. The 15-hour own gym attire. I would take my jackets days, 7-days-a-week also were tough. But to places in town to get embroidery work over the months, things fell into place, and done on them, and it would take over it all became easier. We had to learn fast a month, sometimes longer, to get the - we had orders that had to be filled from completed work. Crazy right!!! the first day we opened. Although we knew At the silk screen convention in 2017 nothing about the embroidery business, that Todd and I went to, I looked at we both knew about customer service and embroidery equipment. I wanted to have my own equipment to do on my own attire. quality work and that has been key to our success so far and will be our number one Then Todd and I started to think about priority always. closing my optical store and opening an The transition has been easy and embroidery shop. Would Gallup support it? exciting. People ask me all the time if I Yes! The support has been better then we imagined. Since the first month we opened, miss the optical business. The truth is I don’t, but I do miss my customers very the store has been nothing but a success. much. This new venture has been a blast. I still get to help people look good - just in a You use the title Sports World in different way now. the business name. How do the two Customers have been very pleased with businesses complement each other, and the work we have done for them, and they what makes you different? like the new store. This year we already When looking for a name for the shop, had the opportunity to make the uniforms Todd and I knew right away that Sports for the GABSA league. Although it was a World should be part of the name for lot of work and long hours, it was a blast, the embroidery shop. Sports World has and we pulled it off without any problems; been around for over 30 years and is a being very organized helped. very respected name in Gallup and the surrounding area for the quality and Are you going to carry a large service they provide. inventory; or is Sports World Embroidery What can customers expect from Sports set up to walk you through the design and fashion choices and then order the World Embroidery? Is your focus aimed inventory? at doing everything? Are you going We have a large inventory of hats, to specialize, focus on price, focus on jackets, polos, work attire, and much, customer service? much more. Sports World and Sports World Embroidery are a one-stop-shop for all Come see us at 1500 S. Second Street your T-shirts and embroidery needs. Gallup, New Mexico Customers can expect fast turn-around 505-863-8819 time, as well as top quality designs. We Monday-Friday 10:00am to 5:00pm do embroidery on anything we can hoop, Saturday 10:00am to 2:00pm but we also do vinyl, windows, uniforms, An Interview with Christy Costley Sports World Embroidery


September 2018

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