Galopin Project - Ventimiglia

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Placed on Ventimiglia’s bay itself, in the north of Italy, this project follows a clear maritime approach. It consists of 5 main areas, that welcome over one hundred children of all ages.

From elements endowed with more challenging playing functions for older children, to settings focused on toddlers and universal structures also included, all users have the chance to meet in the center of the playground, in which a wooden storyteller will allow children, parents and grandparents to enjoy enriching moments together, sharing stories and experiences.


Additionally, the huge merchant ship is the area’s central flagship piece; able to embrace up to 45 users at the same time, from the oldest to the youngest of the family, it is a integrational item of all them, which will be able to let their imagination run free and exercise both physical and mentally, developing different types of roll play.

The space is completed with a small area of wooden outdoor fitness equipment.

p la y ing d re a m s Pol. O Acevedo, Parcela A – 15185 Cerceda, Spain | +0034 981688070 |

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