Lana Journal 20011/12 (en)

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Journal 2011/2012 Vรถllan Vigiljoch Tscherms Burgstall Gargazon in the environs of Merano

Journal 2011/2012 N 46˚36’54.50’’ E 11˚09’04.38’’ 320–1.800 m

Photo: C. Gretter

Völlan • Vigiljoch Tscherms • Burgstall • Gargazon in the environs of Merano

Photos: MGM/Frieder Blickle




mountain pastures and palm trees Where North meets South – not only in a geographical context! Two cultures, two languages, two ways of life and last but not least two cooking traditions make for an exiting and multifaceted mix.

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// Tips Enjoy the contrasts of the landscape with your palate:

A special treat at high elevation

Photo: MGM/Laurin Moser

The Restaurant “1,500” in the Vigilius Mountain Resort on the Vigiljoch Mountain boasts a geographically high location but also ranks high in many gourmet guides. You can expect a high-quality creative kitchen based on natural ingredients. Information: vigilius mountain resort, Monte S. Vigilio/Lana Tel. +39.0473.55 66 00

With mediterranean ease The light, Mediterranean ambiance complements the light and sophisticated kitchen of the restaurant in the Hotel Muchele in Postal/Burgstall. Gourmet guides also recommend the kitchen of Restaurant Miil that is located in the building of the former watermill in Cermes/Tscherms. Information: Restaurant Hotel Muchele Vicolo Maier 1, Postal Tel. +39.0473.29 11 35 Restaurant Miil Via Palade 1, Cermes Tel. +39.0473.56 37 33

Wild herbs weeks This two-week event in May is themed “local and healthy”. A number of participating restaurants in Lana and Surroundings create inventive dishes with wild herbs. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Alpine air and mediterranean sun Lana’s unique location brings undeniable advantages: through its protected location at the south side of the mighty Alps, Lana boasts an extraordinarily mild climate. The more than 3,000 m high mountain peaks serve as a protective shield against weather phenomenons coming from the north and the Adige Valley which opens up towards the South lets mediterranean air masses in. A lot of sun and mild temperatures have rightly earned Lana and its surroundings a reputation as a weather paradise. Its unique location between north and south, between Alps and Mediterranean creates a special climate and a unique landscape rich in contrasts. Guests from the northern hemisphere enjoy the mediterranean climate, where even palm trees grow, while guests from the south rave about the fresh mountain air and the alpine flora. Four seasons offer a lot of variety Due to their distinct seasons Lana, Foiana/Völlan, Cermes/Tscherms, Postal/Burgstall, Gargazzone/Gargazon and the Monte S.Vigilio/Vigiljoch offer a very varied programme over the course of the year. Spring starts early in this area and already in March the first blossoms in the gardens start to bloom. Snowdrops, magnolia and witch hazel are among these early bloomers. When the apple trees blossom in April, the area around Lana is transformed into one great sea of white and pink blossoms. In the summer temperatures sometimes can rise above 30°C. Depending on your preferences you can enjoy the sun in the valley or seek and find refreshment in the mountains surrounding Lana. Late summer and its pleasant temperatures last until the end of September and when the temperatures slowly fall from October the “golden autumn” creates a fairytale landscape. During winter the people in the valley don’t have to shovel a lot of snow, but the surrounding mountains provide a dream landscape for those enjoying winter sports. Lana really offers the full package all year round!

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

From apple trees to cypresses

Bread and bacon dumpling meets Saltimbocca

The area boasts soft pink cherry blossoms next to yellow gorse, on the balconies geranium and oleander compete with their bright colours and in the gardens palm trees grow next to fir trees.

Are you a fan of local cuisine when on holiday? Then Lana and its surroundings offer a double bonus for you, since this area offers traditional South Tyrolean fare as well as mediterranean Italian kitchen.

It’s an unusual picture that meets the eye in this area. Hornbeams enclose roomy gardens, European black pines provide generous shade while colourful hibiscuses are gleaming in the sun. Under fig trees lush oleander are blooming pink and purple and the branches of the pear tree almost reach the kiwi trees forming a pretty alcove. Many a visitor has been wondering whether the many different plants growing in Lana and its surroundings are real. But we can assure you: Yes, this is all mother nature’s work! The reason almost everything seems to grow and prosper in this area is mainly due to one factor, namely the protected location on the south side of the high alpine peaks. Don’t miss a walk to admire the beautiful gardens and balconies of the area – many floral surprises await you.

Bacon or Carpaccio? Home-made spinach pasta or radicchio ravioli? Apple strudel or Tiramisú? On many South Tyrolean menus there is no “either-or”but they boast an appealing fusion of alpine and mediterranean specialities. You can start your meal with home-made, stuffed pasta, enjoy a mains of tuna with basil pesto and indulge yourself with sweet curd dumplings and a Caffé Macchiato for dessert. The choice is yours in the Lana area. This culinary fusion has a long tradition in South Tyrol and often the various influences even merge into one dish – that’s when such creations as bacon rolls on rocket salad with pine kernels or spinach dumplings with Gorgonzola sauce are born. If you are a gourmet, you will not miss out on your holiday in Lana!

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Photos: ganeshGraphics



Ice covered apple blossoms This sparkling natural phenomenon was discovered by chance at the beginning of the 1950s. When spray irrigation is used in frosty nights in spring, the apple blossoms are protected from frost under a cover of ice.

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This feast at the beginning of spring is dedicated to the millions of apple blossoms that create a breath taking landscape. For two weeks every year the apple blossoms provide the motivation for a number of events such as: tastings of rare wines, bike tours, guided tours of the orchards, the so called “mile of indulgence” in the centre of town (Gries), hikes to traditional wineries and much more. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Guided tour of the orchards Learn interesting details and background information about apple growing in Lana on a guided orchard tour. Information: Dates: Every 2 weeks from May to September Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Ice covered apple blossoms If you are visiting Lana in spring you should not miss this! Get up early one frosty night – it will be worth it. Because in the early morning hours the apple trees are full of ice covered blossoms which will glisten and glitter in the rising sun. An unforgettable impression!

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

// Tips Lana Blossom Festival

Lana: South Tyrol’s apple town no. 1 Every 10th apple in Europe comes from South Tyrol and one in every hundred South Tyrolean apples originates from Lana. No wonder then, that extensive apple orchards dominate the appearance of the town. For about 1,000 farmers from Lana the round fruit represents their livelihood. The apple orchards in and around Lana annually produce the incredible amount of 80,000–100,000 tons of apples. Among the varieties there are Golden Delicious, Granny Smith, Pink Lady and many more. But before the harvest lies a long year of hard work. In winter the apple trees have to be pruned to remove superfluous saplings and last season’s fruiting wood. In spring the farmers have many a sleepless night, since any time the temperatures fall below freezing the apple blossoms need to be spray irrigated to cover them with a protective ice layer in order to avoid frost damage. The water freezes and the heat released during the freezing process protects the sensitive blossoms from damage. In spring it is also important that enough bees are released to the apple orchards in order to guarantee the pollination of the trees. The summer brings many hours of manually removing superfluous fruit so that the remaining ones can develop optimally. In order to protect the orchards from pests and disease, lady bugs are released and pesticides are deployed. In August, finally the harvest of the first varieties can begin. Around the end of October or the beginning of November the late varieties are finally all harvested and the yearlong process on the orchard starts over once again. In order to keep the apples fresh until the next harvest they are stored in a modern cool storage facility at a temperature of 1–3 °C. This can be compared to putting them into a deep sleep and keeps them fresh and crunchy until consumption.

Photo: DV/Lorry Eason

Photo: ganeshGraphics

The South Tyrolean Museum of fruit-growing

Beauty from nature. Vita Form – apple cosmetics

Lana is not only the largest fruit producing municipality in South Tyrol but also one of the oldest and therefore the ideal location for the collection and display of information regarding the history of fruit-growing. The South Tyrolean fruit-growing museum gives an interesting overview on the fruit-growing aspects of agricultural life.

Knowing about the highly effective ingredients of apples, Martina Garber from Tscherms decided to pursue a new path and created her own skincare line Vita Form made from apples.

The “South Tyrolean Fruit-growing Museum” is located in the Larchgut Mansion, not far from the parish church of Niederlana with its famous Schnatterpeck altar. On an exhibition area of approx. 1,000 m2 the history of fruit-growing is told starting with medieval times. Many tools saved at the last moment by the museum’s founders, valuable text and picture documents, display boards and modern media make sure that the visitor’s encounter with this important part of South Tyrolean cultural and economic history is not only informative but also entertaining. For example in one room the visitor is put in the middle of the swamp that was the Etsch Valley only 120 years ago. In another room you can see why and how the delicate apple blossoms are protected from freezing. On the first floor of the mansion numerous old and new apple varieties can not only be seen but also smelled and in the barn you can learn that the “Porsche” played an important role in the lives of South Tyrolean farmers… however, not as a luxury car, but as a tractor variety. Along with the historical facts, the museum also puts the focus on modern times. Integrated and organic fruit-growing, harvesting and storage, working with the seasons and last but not least the marketing of South Tyrolean apples are depicted in all their facets. // Information: Südtiroler Obstbaumuseum, Via Brandiswaal 4, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 43 87

Ms Garber, how did you come up with the idea to base your skincare line on apples? Since I grew up on my parents’ farm, the life cycle of the apple has dominated my life’s rhythm from a very young age. I was fascinated by the numerous health benefits of this fruit and sure of the fact that the vital elements of the apple would also be effective in skincare products. I always dreamed of a natural skincare line for my clients and what would be more obvious then developing it out of our local apples. Vita Form has been on the market for 15 years now. How long is the way from the fruit to the skincare line? Vita Form products are made from hand-picked organically grown apples that are gently processed and combined with other natural plant extracts and essential oils. In collaboration with experienced chemists I test the ideal combination of the individual active ingredients in the lab until we find the optimal symbiosis. What makes the difference between a Vita Form skincare product and a conventional product of this kind? The tightly controlled production procedure, the small quantities and natural ingredients of Vita Form guarantee consistent quality and a small number of ingredients, which means the products are very mild on sensitive skin. The high quality of our apples and the gentle production make for a new, more natural skincare that is suitable for every skin type. // Information:

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Photos: MGM/Helmuth Rier



A paradise for active visitors Biking on the new cycling path from Postal/Burgstall via Gargazzone/Gargazon to Bolzano/Bozen, Nordic walking along irrigation channels and through apple orchards or taking the cable car up to the San Vigilio/Vigiljoch Mountain pass where many hiking trails await. Lana and its surroundings offer an abundance of possibilities for the sporty and active tourist.

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Photo: vigilius mountain resort

San Vigilio: Hiking and discovering the wonders of the larch forests The people of Lana love the car-free mountain paradise at their doorstep. Some spend the entire summer up on the pass in wild romantic wooden cabins under the dark larch trees. Others enjoy the hiking and mountain biking trails that are so conveniently close to home and for the children a trip with the cable car up to the top of the San Vigilio is a great adventure. It is no wonder that the San Vigilio Mountain pass is also the favourite spot for many of Lana’s visitors.

// Tips Sculpture walk The Sculpture Walk Trail Lana is a Land Art project that leads via 21 art stations from the FalschauerGrĂźn (banks of the River Valsura/ Falschauer) over the Gaul promenade (promenade along the River Valsura) to the golf course in Niederlana. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

After all the most beautiful landscapes usually begin where the roads end. The San Vigilio above Lana is absolute proof of this. Here pedestrians do not only enjoy the right of way, but the exclusive use of all roads since cars are strictly forbidden. Already getting there is an adventure! The cable car starts from Lana and brings you up to 1,486 m above sea level and directly into a pristine, unspoiled hiking and nature paradise. The cable car is over 90 years old and actually the second oldest cable car in the world. It was installed thanks to the cable car pioneer Luis Zuegg who was a native of Lana. The 7 minute cable car ride nowadays seems like a trip between two worlds. Up here the hectic pace of the valley below seems miles away. Right in front of the peak station an idyllic hiking paradise with larch forests and green meadows opens up to the visitor. The easy trails are enjoyed by families with kids as well as by sporty, ambitious Nordic walkers and mountain bikers. The picturesque little Vigilius Chapel or the biotope at the Seespitz and the panoramic view of the Dolomites offer many picture-perfect holiday memories. The natural charm of the San Vigilio is also reflected in its gastronomic offerings. Both the traditional Inn and the Design Resort live and serve authenticity and nature. In Lana, heaven on earth is only 7 minutes away. // Information: Cable car San Vigilio, Via Villa 3, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 13 33

Photo: MGM/Helmuth Rier

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

A charming stroll along the irrigation channels

Golf Par Excellence

Take an enjoyable walk along the irrigation channels (Waalwege). From early spring into late autumn a stroll along the irrigation channels surrounding Lana offers wonderful panoramic views and interesting insight into the diverse cultivated landscapes.

South Tyrol’s newest 9 hole golf course enjoys a picturesque location below the ruin of Castle Brandis amid apple orchards.

They offer a unique charm and should not be missed. These ancient paths following the irrigation channels meander gently through vineyards, apple orchards and chestnut groves. They were originally built for practical reasons. The so called “Waale” are irrigation channels that were built hundreds of years ago to water fields and meadows. The water was sent through small channels for many kilometres and the pathways running parallel served mainly for maintenance purposes. Many of these irrigation channels are still in use today. From Lana you can easily reach two of these paths: the Brandis Waalweg and the Marlinger Waalweg.

Great vistas for golfers: Those who are not focussing on the next hole in the course can let their eyes wander over the green Adige Valley. However, the idyllic and peaceful setting is only one of the reasons why this 9 hole course owned by the Golfclub Lana is so popular. The beautiful course was designed by the renowned English golf course designer Michael Pinter and boasts a length of almost 2,800 m with three Par 3, four Par 4 and two Par 5. The course can be played almost all year round and is enjoyed by beginners and experts alike. // Information: Golf Gutshof Brandis, Via Brandis 13, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 46 96

The Brandis Waalweg The Brandis Waalweg takes a left from the Via Palade in Oberlana and leads via the monastery Lanegg and St. Margaret’s Church to the waterfall in the Brandis Canyon in Niederlana. The path runs through orchards, vineyards and chestnut groves and offers lovely views of Lana and the Merano Valley Basin. Walking time: ¾ hours, level of difficulty: easy The Marlinger Waalweg The 13 km long Marlinger Waalweg starts at a narrow section of the valley near Chiusa di Tel/Töll and runs along the slope of the Marlinger Mountain above the villages of Foresta/Forst, Marlengo/Marling and Cermes/ Tscherms and finally ends in Lana. The path meanders through meadows, orchards and vineyards. There is also time for a quick stop-over at the Castle Lebenberg in Cermes. Walking time: 3 hours, level of difficulty: easy

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Photos: vigilius mountain resort



Design meets nature The Vigilius Mountain Resort is located on the San Vigilio/Vigiljoch Mountain pass above Lana. Matteo Thun, the star architect with South Tyrolean family roots has created this extraordinary concept and brought to life a special way of experiencing nature.

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Photo: vigilius mountain resort

Design at the highest standard: Hotel Vigilius The Vigilius Mountain Resort is certainly among the most spectacular designer hotels in the Alps: It can only be reached via cable car and is set amid the unspoilt landscapes of the San Vigilio/ Vigiljoch Mountain pass above Lana.

// Tip St. Margaret’s Church Small church with three apses in Romanesque style with a great cycle of frescoes dating from 1215. It is part of the project “Stairways to Heaven – Middle Age in the Heart of the Alps”. Information: Guided tours: Every Wednesday from April until the end of October Further information can be supplied by the Lana Tourist Office Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

“In the Vigilius Mountain Resort the boundaries between the tangible and the incomprehensible, between architecture and nature are blurred. Nature is at the centre of everything and finds itself in a back to the roots approach.” This is how star designer and architect Matteo Thun himself describes his creation and the philosophy of the 5 star Vigilius Mountain Resort. The Milan based architect with South Tyrolean roots has mostly used renewable materials like wood and glass and made optimal use of the warmth of the sunlight – all in line with the ecological approach of the hotel. The “organic architecture”of the Vigilius Mountain Resort is resounding in every room and suite: natural materials, warm colours, clear lines and as a special highlight simple partition walls made from clay create a special atmosphere. Part of the unique concept of the hotel is also that it can only be reached by cable car from Lana. The 7 minute ride brings visitors up to the car-free San Vigilio Mountain pass, right at the heart of nature. At an elevation of 1,500 m and surrounded by larch forests you can enjoy the magnificent view of Lana and the Adige Valley. Since it was opened in 2003 the Vigilius Mountain Resort was celebrated in numerous international architecture, design and travel magazines, as one of the most extraordinary designer hotels in the Alps. // Information: vigilius mountain resort, Monte S.Vigilio/Lana Tel. +39.0473.55 66 70

Photo: Werner Schmidt

Photo: SMG/Clemens Zahn

The home of counts and knights. A visit to Castle Lebenberg

Living between clay and straw

Empress Sissi came here repeatedly and the poet Rainer Maria Rilke dedicated one of his poems to this castle: Throughout its 800 year long history Castle Lebenberg has always attracted people.

On the Esserhof farm in Lana guests are literally surrounded by nature. They reside in Italy’s first straw bale climate house. The materials used for this extraordinary architectural project without corners or angles were exclusively natural, like straw, clay, wood or glass.

It is one of the most beautiful and best preserved castles of the region. And that’s something in such a castle rich area like South Tyrol. The parts of the original building from around 1260 that are still preserved today are the 24 m high keep with its 2 m thick walls, the adjacent palace and the castle chapel dedicated to St.Stephen. The latter was altered in the Gothic period and furnished with high quality frescoes. During the Renaissance and Baroque the medieval castle was generously expanded. The grand hall of mirrors and the preciously furnished hall of knights are only two, if especially beautiful examples, of numerous testimonies of noble living culture preserved on Castle Lebenberg to this day. A curiosity is the giant family tree dating from 1655, showing 264 comital foxes and vixens in miniature pictures. The Knights and later turned Counts of Fuchs (fox) were living for over 400 years in Castle Lebenberg until their bloodline became extinct in 1828. They had originally gotten the beautiful castle in the vineyards above the village of Cermes/Tscherms through marriage from the Masters of Lebenberg in the year 1426. Also the later history of this expansive castle is not dominated by war but rather by happy clinking of glasses and befitting delights of the table. In the 19th century the rich citizen of Meran, Karl Kirchlechner, turned Castle Lebenberg into a Museum, which is a favourite destination for numerous famous guests. This is depicted in the richly illustrated “Chronicle of Lebenberg” put together by the first spa administrator of Meran, Friedrich Lentner. That the old castle has also seen rougher times is captured in an eerie story, according to which the bones of a neighbouring farmer’s son, who was scandalously in love with a noble lady of the castle, are sealed under the crucifixes in the picturesque courtyard of Castle Lebenberg.

How did you come up with the idea to build a house from straw bales? Barbara Esser: It was an icy cold winter day on the San Vigilio Mountain: We found a hollowed bale of straw and inside of it we felt surprisingly warm and protected. That’s how the idea of living between straw bales came to life. Together with a Swiss architect we were able to realise our nature house project. Why did you choose materials like straw and clay? Barbara Esser: Because these simple and natural materials are full of an incredible energy. We wanted to create a special place, that uses the strength of nature and at the same time provides simplicity and calm. Many of our guests are under a lot of pressure in their jobs and they find it especially relaxing to retreat into the “natural living cave”. Your house without corners was awarded the South Tyrolean Architecture Award in 2007. What lies behind this extravagant form? Barbara Esser: Each of the three guest apartments is semicircular and opens to the south. We consciously took the decision to avoid corners and angles, so that the flow of energy is not disturbed. The big glass front overlooking the garden is meant to enhance the feeling of “living within nature” even more. // Information: Agritourism Esserhof, Via Arciduca Eugenio 2, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 40 90

// Information: Castle Lebenberg, Via Monteleone 15, Cermes Tel. +39.0473.56 14 25

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Photos: ganeshGraphics



In God’s name Tradition is alive: Every year in August the parishioners form a procession to celebrate the Feast of the Assumption. The solemn procession of the faithful is accompanied by the local marching band, the marksmen association, the church choir and the municipal council.

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Photo: ganeshGraphics

Photo: ganeshGraphics

The magic of words Renowned writers are meeting in Lana. There will hardly be any contemporary writer, who hasn’t heard about Lana yet. Over the past 35 years this place has become a point of reference for authors from all over Europe.

// Tip Waving flags Ornate flags and processional banners, magnificently decorated statues and festive traditional costumes: On high Catholic holidays the congregation of the parish of Lana holds solemn processions through the village. Assumption Day Procession on August 15th. Procession for the birth of Virgin Mary on the 1st Sunday in September, in exceptional cases on the 2nd Sunday.

In 1975 the book club “Verein der Bücherwürmer-Literatur Lana” was founded. And since then writers, translators and poets are coming to Lana in order to celebrate language with readings, book presentations and conventions. This continuity paired with a constantly high standard of the events attract such high calibre writers as the Nobel prize winner Herta Müller, Tomas Venclova, Juri Andruchowytsch, Serhji Zhadan, Péter Esterházy, Les Murray, John Asbery to Lana. Since some of these authors have recently been honoured with renowned literary awards the great reputation of Literatur Lana has gained even more acclaim, if that’s possible. Therefore take the opportunity during our regular readings and the Culture Days in autumns to enjoy the magic of words and get to know famous contemporary writers in person. The meeting point for these events is “kultur.lana” where the public library also boasts a vast choice of books and other media for your entertainment. // Information:

Photo: A. Marini

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

Ecclesiastical art: The Schnatterpeck altar

Open air theatre

The parish church of Niederlana is among the most beautiful examples of South Tyrolean Late Gothic art. Its magnificent winged altar by Hans Schnatterpeck is known far beyond the borders of the country.

Every year at the height of summer you can enjoy a special theatre experience surrounded by an impressive natural setting: the Lana Open-air theatre.

The Schnatterpeck altar is 14 m high and 7 m wide and is thus considered to be the largest winged altar in the Alps. Carved from chestnut wood and with its intricate golden plating it is doubtless one of the most splendorous works of Gothic art in South Tyrol. The altarpiece was created at the beginning of the 16th century over a period of 8 years by the Swabian sculptor Hans Schnatterpeck and his journeyman. The altar was paid for by the citizens of Lana (approx. 800 people) themselves. Schnatterpeck received 1,600 Rhenish Gulden (i.e. the value of 3 farms) and 8 cartloads of wine. Since most of the population at the time was illiterate, the altar was meant to be a visual depiction of the bible. In the centre of the altar is a rare depiction of the Throne of Grace (God the Father holding the body of Christ on his lap), flanked by the life-sized statues of the apostles Peter and Paul. The 35 figures of the altar are loosely set in place and some are up to 1.80 m tall. After carving, the altar was painted by Schnatterpeck and his journeyman and finally decorated with ducat gold. The altar was raised and consecrated around 1511 in the parish church of Niederlana and was never removed since, not even during the World Wars. When the winged altar is closed each year in the period between Ash Wednesday and Easter, the painted scenes from the Passion of Christ on the outer wings can be admired. In 1991 extensive restoration work was carried out on the altar and it was brought back to its original splendour. // Information: Opening times: The parish church of Niederlana is a listed building and can only be visited during guided tours and services.

Christoph Gufler, as long-time mayor and culture enthusiast, you have been involved with the Lana Open-air theatre for more than 20 years. What is so special about it? The three South Tyrolean Open-air theatre venues: Ritten, Neumarkt and Lana distinguish themselves by their high quality performance and the special flair of the venues. The plays are not folkloric events, but a bold attempt to combine professional and community theatre in a characteristic venue. In Lana this venue for many years has been the Gaul Canyon with its impressive backdrop of rocks. A rather unusual place for a theatre performance? Open-air theatre feeds off the surroundings, integrating them into the plot. Thus an unusual atmosphere is created, that contributes to this special theatre experience. In the meantime some other venues have also been used. Yes, the Gaul Canyon is not suitable for every performance. Therefore other venues have been explored, such as the courtyard of Galanthus Gardening, a hill at the edge of the woods in VĂśllan or even the local fruit coop with all its apple boxes. However, time and again the open-air theatre comes back to its original venue in the Gaul Canyon. Which plays are chosen for the Lana Open-air theatre? Over time the Lana Open-air theatre has developed a special profile: South and North Tyrolean authors are writing special plays for Lana and these are then put on stage by well-known directors. I think this approach makes a lot of sense, since it distinguishes the Lana Open-air theatre from other productions and involves contemporary authors. // Information: Verein fĂźr Freilichtspiele Lana (Lana Open Air Theatre Association)

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Photo: LBWP

Photo: MGM/Helmuth Rier

Foto: SMG/Alessandro Trovati



Big fun for our little guests Lana and its surroundings are like a giant natural playground. Pine cones serve as building bricks, green meadows are nature’s outdoor gym and there’s no better place to play hide and seek than our lush green forests.

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// Tips Moonlight and lanterns A moonlit hike under a canopy of stars. The lantern walk for the whole family starts at the Vereinshaus (club house) in Foiana/Völlan. Information: Dates: Full moon nights in summer Further information can be supplied by the Lana Tourist Office Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

(Part of the “children’s summer programme”). A BBQ dinner is fun for everyone: The BBQ evenings in Foiana are a sociable and tasty experience for the whole family. Information: Dates: 3 to 4 evenings from July to August Further information can be supplied by the Lana Tourist Office Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Children’s playground in Gargazzone The award winning 5,000 m² children’s playground in the especially family friendly village of Gargazzone/Gargazon is a paradise for our little guests. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Photo: Georg Mayr

BBQ in Foiana

An enchanted lake full of adventures. Nature baths Gargazon The Nature baths Gargazzone/Gargazon were opened in 2010 and instantly became a success with the whole family, a peaceful place nestled in the green sea of apple orchards in the Etsch Valley. Little master builders with digger shovels, buckets and spades are gathered in the non-swimmer area that is modelled after a natural stream. Bathing beauties are dreamily gazing at the water lily leaves at the edge of the big swimming pond and contemplating whether or not to brave the big slide. The only public nature baths in the West of South Tyrol offer bathing fun in its most pure form on an area of 2,200 m2. While children are eagerly collecting pebbles and discussing the best spot for a new dam, parents and all the other guests are sunbathing on the ample lawn and enjoying the straightforwardness of this unique bathing oasis that was planned as an independently functioning eco system. The plant regeneration zone is separated from the bathing area and indigenous marsh and water plants help with the natural purification of the water. The flow of fresh water from the deep water spout is procuring oxygen, keeping the temperature constant and intensifying the feeling of cooling your legs in a secluded stream on a warm summer’s day, and complementing the natural foot massage from the warm pebbles on the bank. Happy children’s laughs and their fights about the most beautiful and biggest boulders will bring you quickly back to reality. And silently you’ll thank this rural community for its daring foresight to build this ecologically sustainable project despite sceptical voices from many sides, in order to create this adventurous bathing experience in pure, chlorine-free water not only for its own children. // Information:

Photo: Südtirolfoto, Othmar Seehauser

Photo: SMG/Frieder Blickle

Summer fun for kids

Hiking among the blonde horses

When holidaying with the whole family it is sometimes not that easy to balance everyone’s needs and wishes. In Lana and its surroundings this is no problem: The extensive summer programme for kids provides entertainment for the little ones, so Mom and Dad can also enjoy an afternoon to themselves.

3 adventures in 1: First we take the cable car from Postal/Burgstall to Verano/Vöran, then we take a hike over Europe’s largest larch meadow and finally we visit the blonde Haflinger horses.

The children can play “Cowboys & Indians”, climb in the high ropes course or partake in making a bonfire and a torchlight procession. Over the months of July and August there is a varied kid’s programme on offer in and around Lana. Experienced holiday reps and entertainers cater for the children from Monday to Saturday. Little adventurers will love the children’s rafting trips and expeditions in the woods. Those who love handicrafts will enjoy building figures from hay and making origami animals. Sporty children will have fun at the mini golf tournament. Animal lovers can take part in a carriage ride for the whole family or visit an organic farm as well as the Bird Care Centre of Castle Tyrol, where birds of prey can be admired. The kids especially love the “magic”afternoon in the woods on the Vigiljoch Mountain pass. They can make incredible discoveries in glades and among the trees. In a playful manner they learn to understand and respect the ecosystem of the forest. Another highlight: A special treat are the theme afternoons where the children can play various roles. Pirate, damsel of the castle or Indian? Everything is possible! Before the hunt for the pirate’s treasure or the knights’ tournament can begin or before little Indians send smoke signals, the children have fun making the props and requisites themselves. For an overview on the colourful events of the kids’ summer in and around Lana consult the small brochure on the topic.

The Tschögglberg Mountain above Postal is a paradise for big and small hikers. The cable car takes you up to Verano, where a whole hiking world opens up for you. Easy trails lead over wide, green mountain pastures or to the so called “rock cinema”. The idyllic landscape on the Tschögglberg with Europe’s largest larch meadow also offers wonderful panoramic views over the Adige Valley. The area around the village of Avelengo/Hafling (after which the famous blonde horses are named) is loved especially by horse enthusiasts. Here you can see the animals live and close up in their paddocks. In the Riding Park Lana you can get to know the Haflinger horses better and enjoy some adventures on horseback that you will never forget. // Information: Lana equestrian centre Zona Industriale 1 Mobile (Katja) +39.339.76 01 396

// Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

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Photos: ganeshGraphics



The Gaul Canyon – a natural wonder The wild romantic Gaul Canyon is a unique spectacle of nature and a picturesque place for recreation, and it is only a few minutes away from the town centre of Lana.

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Photo: ganeshGraphics

Eerie, craggy and beautiful: The Gaul Canyon Bizarre rock formations, unique vegetation and the picturesque location at the foot of Castle Braunsberg make the Gaul Canyon in Lana charming and unique.

// Tip Meditation in the garden Letting go, getting in contact with yourself and finding access to your own core. Meditation at full moon or individual meditation in the early morning hours… The maze encourages one to try out various forms of meditation. Information: The Kränzel Maze Via Palade 1, Cermes Tel. +39.0473.56 45 49

It only takes a few minutes walk from the centre of Lana, but the Gaul Canyon makes you feel like you are in a different world. Steep rocky slopes rise above the pebbly riverbed of the Valsura/Falschauer. Between the cool rock walls the temperature stays fresh even at the height of summer. During the formation of the Alps the Valsura River formed this deep Canyon between the locations of today’s villages of San Pancrazio/St.Pankraz and Lana. A number of different rock types come together here. Between the quartz porphyry and the primary gneiss rocks there is also a thin layer of granite. Between the massive rocks the mountain stream runs untamed and next to it there is only a slim strip of land along the river. Nowadays the Gaul Canyon can be accessed on both sides from the Teiss Bridge. Along the car-free paths colourful vegetation offers new surprises all the way. Mediterranean plants form an interesting contrast to the high rising rock walls. After a few minutes walk the valley opens to the Gaul Meadow directly at the foot of the hill on which Castle Braunsberg is set. The shady place is often used for summer feasts or as an impressive setting for the open-air theatre taking place in Lana every year. From the Gaul Meadow the well secured path continues into the rocky canyon passing by a roaring waterfall. Sun beams and the playful interchange between light and shadow create a special wild romantic atmosphere. This visit is well worth the time.

Photo: MGM/Laurin Moser

At the well: Water from the San Vigilio Mountain pass

theiner’s garten – Organic benefits for the soul and senses

The San Vigilio/Vigiljoch is not only a wonderful hiking area, but at the Bärenbad there is also a well with pure high quality drinking water – the Meraner Mineralwasser (mineral water).

With the creation of the organic Bio Vitalhotel ****S theiner’s garten in the heart of the apple growing community Gargazon, the owner family has made their vision for the future and their authentic belief in sustainable, organic living quality come true.

The well on the San Vigilio is protected from negative environmental influences and the water from the well is especially pure and valuable. It is bottled under the brand name “Meraner Mineralwasser”. Already around 1930 the wells were discovered and after extensive studies it was shown that the water from them is especially beneficial to the human organism. In order to pipe the water down to Merano/Meran a tunnel had to be drilled through the mountain. This opened up the possibility to use the water for drinking regimens and baths. After the Second World War the first “Meraner Mineralwasser” was bottled and is still bottled under this name today. In 1982 the wells for the Meraner Mineralwasser were the only wells in Italy to be certified as curative waters in the Republic of Germany. The approx. 12 hectare well area has been designated as a water protection area and is strictly guarded in order to maintain the high quality of the water. Due to the gneiss and granite the water goes through it offers a high content of silicon, sodium and potassium and a low content of calcium and magnesium. The high fluorine content points to a relatively long retention time of the water underground. The mineral water from the San Vigilio Mountain pass is the most popular table water in and around Lana. Sparkling and still varieties are available.

In spring 2009 the Theiner Family opened theiner’s garten on the grounds of the former organic peach orchard that is part of their family farm Bergerhof. theiner’s garten is the first fully organic (starting with the foundations) hotel in South Tyrol. Due to its energy efficiency and consistent use of organic building materials as well as its environmentally and socially compatible business operation it was the first hotel in Europe to receive the seal “KlimaHotel” (a direct continuation of the ClimateHouse concept). Walter Theiner’s ecological pioneering spirit and untiring energy were the motors for turning his groundbreaking ideas about a healthy, conscious lifestyle into this new hotel concept. As farmers and South Tyrol’s top address for organic specialist stores as well as import and export of organic food the family showed the courage to build on their personal experience and is running the hotel successfully. The building is closed in the direction of the road and opens up towards the orchards on the south side with friendly terraces and generous loggias that are protecting a relaxing garden and swimming area. The view expands from the inviting panoramic terrace over the calming green of the orchards and finally lets your eyes rest on the mixed forests of the mild elevated plain of Tisens. The insides of the organic hotel offer the pleasant climate of indigenous lumbers and natural textiles in warm colours. You can feel that the Theiner Family has put a lot of heart into furnishing this “second home” for their guests. The kitchen and spa area are also following the Theiner’s philosophy and are winning over guests with sensual pleasures and wellness for the soul through organic food and an ecologically sustainable lifestyle. // Information:

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Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

Photo: ganeshGraphics

Photo: MGM/Laurin Moser



The joys of autumn High season for gourmets: Apples and grapes are freshly harvested, chestnuts are roasted during the traditional “Törggelen” and the young wine is ready for tasting. Autumn in the region is filled with numerous delicious and sociable customs.

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“Törggelen” a special autumn tradition Chestnuts and wine. “A Köscht, a Glasl” (A chestnut and a glass of wine) is an old autumn motto still present in South Tyrol today.

// Tip Farmers market Every Tuesday local farmers are selling fresh fruit and vegetables, honey, bacon, apple juice, eggs and more on the town hall square (Rathausplatz) in Lana. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

As everywhere these days, South Tyrol has restrictions in place with regards to alcohol consumption and traffic. Nonetheless locals still know that chestnuts and wine are ideal companions for each other. This is especially true during the “Törggelen” season in autumn, where the roasted delicacies and a good glass of home-made wine form an integral part of this seasonal custom. “Törggelen” is an ancient tradition born in the South Tyrolean wine producing areas. It goes back to the times, when city dwellers travelled to the traditional wineries in order to “check” the quality of the new vintage. This process started in the cellar room, known as “Torggl”, where the wine press stood (the word stems from the Latin torquere – to press). The word “Törggelen” therefore does not – despite persistent rumours – derive from the German word torkeln – to stagger. Even so, Törggelen becomes an even more special experience when paired with a shorter or longer hike: The art historian Josef Weingartner once said: “Even the way there in the mild afternoon sun has a special appeal. The underpinned vineyard terraces, the sweet chestnuts, the view down to the friendly valley on to the old town or picturesque monastery – all that forms an integral part of the Törggele experience. Even better then is the way home, maybe in the moonlight, when the often whimsical spirits of the wine are playing their games.” // Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Photos: MGM/Frieder Blickle

The rebirth of the sweet chestnut: “Keschtnriggl” What the olive tree is for Tuscany, the sweet chestnut represent for the Etsch Valley. It is the characteristic tree of the rural cultivated landscape. Since 1998 the Chestnut Days are taking place in Foiana/ Völlan, Tesimo/Tisens and Lana. This event series is named “Keschtnriggl” after a traditional utensil. What would South Tyrol be without the majestic chestnut trees, characterising the landscape at the banks of the rivers Etsch and Eisack, giving the area a hint of southern exclusivity? Every single one of these often centuries-old trees is a monument in itself. Vast chestnut groves are surrounding villages and fields like a golden hemline. The fruit emerging from the prickly peel in autumn has always been precious. For centuries the chestnuts from Lana, Völlan and Tisens enjoy the best reputation around all of South Tyrol. However, twenty years ago these wonderful trees and fruits were almost lost to a malicious illness, but nowadays they are living an unexpected renaissance. The Chestnut Days are part of this and for many years now numerous culturally and environmentally aware people from around the world gather here in October. This event series does not live off a lot of funding and a dressing of tradition. On the contrary, farmers, foresters, clubs and the local people all strive to give a realistic view of what the chestnut meant for centuries and to this day means for this area and its people. Along with lots of interesting information about the trees and their fruit, the active tasting is of course on top of the agenda. // Information:

At the heart of the chestnut region: The new Chestnut Adventure Trail in Foiana/Völlan “A hike through the lower mountain range of Foiana/Völlan and Tesimo/Tisens makes for one of the best days in life”, said the scholar Ignaz Vinzenz von Zingerle some 120 years ago. The newly created Chestnut Adventure Trail leads right into this blessed lower mountain range, where the heart of the South Tyrolean chestnut region is beating. Starting from the clubhouse (Vereinshaus) in Foiana/Völlan the road leads up to the parish church, which is the only one in the region dedicated to Saint Severin and houses beautiful late Gothic frescoes. At a wayside cross the path turns to the right and leads to a giant chestnut shell (called “Keschtnigel” in the local dialect). This is where the “Chestnut Adventure Trail” recently created by the forestry authority, takes its start. Ten, partly interactive stations, offer information about the sweet chestnut and its well-loved fruit, that in the olden times was also known as the “poor man’s bread”. You can learn everything there is to know about this special tree, from its fruit to the wood and the threat that this great plant lives under. You won’t be bored for a moment, the illustrations are detailed and interesting and the path under the roof of the serrated leaves of the old trees is just marvellous. Back in the centre of Völlan we recommend to round off the hike with a visit to the small but well worth seeing Farmer’s Museum. // Information: Farmer’s Museum Foiana/Völlan: Open Tuesdays and Fridays from 2 to 5 pm and Sundays from 3 to 5 pm

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Photos: MGM/Frieder Blickle

Foto: M. Crivelari

Foto: MGM/Frieder Blickle



Destination labyrinth The Kr채nzel maze in Cermes/Tscherms: This idyllic maze with many objects of art lies amid the vineyards of the Kr채nzel Winery.

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// Tip Lana Quality Wherever in Lana and its surroundings you see the quality seal “Lana Quality”, you can be sure that the quality of the product has been tested and approved. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

In July and August the “long” Thursdays guarantee enjoyable entertainment in the evening in Lana. Live music, culinary delights, extra long opening hours and a colourful supporting programme transform shopping and strolling around Lana into a real experience. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Photo: Andreas Marini

Night-time shopping: “Long” Thursdays in the centre of Lana

Live Art – Art lives In the Kränzel Winery in the village of Tscherms a special experience has been created. It is a maze full of nature and symbolism. The garden may be smaller than the now famous Gardens of Trauttsmannsdorff Castle, however, each of the approx. 20,000 square meters of this synthesis of arts has a special meaning, which you can contemplate on after experiencing the maze. Such contemplation is best accompanied by a glass of the house red “Sagittarius”. Within a short period of time the Kränzel Maze has become a crowd puller. What makes this place so attractive? Owner Franz Pfeil says: The most important factor is the special charisma of this location: Nature and culture, art and history, enjoyment and meditation emanate a great fascination that you can hardly withdraw from. The Kränzel Maze is not a static structure… Franz Pfeil continues: No, not at all! The maze with its mysterious paths and symbols was not so much “planned” as it was created by “feel”. Every element in the landscape, every sculpture, even every tree has its own history and its designated space. It is an integrated piece of art that remains in continuous development. Does not our life itself often resemble a maze, where wine and art can be useful companions on our journey? Franz Pfeil adds: Making good wine means making the best of the material we are given. And even the open-air events in the amphitheatre and the international arts festival planned for 2011… they all help us to live our life more intensively; they are stepping stones on our way to ourselves. // Information: The Kränzel Maze, Via Palade 1, Cermes Tel. +39.0473.56 45 49

Photo: ganeshGraphics

Photo: Kofler

“LanaLive” – Music is in the air Swing, Blues, Dixie, Latin, brass and rock music as well as painting and literature – in the weeks of the LanaLive Festival multiple locations in and around Lana are alive with abundant offers of international and South Tyrolean culture at the highest level. In order to enhance the cultural experience for the guests the renowned “LanaJazz” Festival has now become the “LanaLive” Festival which now also offers a broad spectrum of music for brass instruments, literature and visual arts. Farms, open air locations, castles – any place in Lana could be the next stage during the LanaLive Festival. This traditional event has been organised for many years now and since 2007 it presents itself in this enhanced form. Jazz in all its forms is now joined by South Tyrolean brass music, Latin and rock music. In addition there are sophisticated literature events complementing the musical programme. Along with well known South Tyrolean artists, top international Jazz stars are entertaining the audience. Festival highlights in recent years were e.g. performances of Hugo Strasser, Max Greger, Klaus Doldinger and Barbara Dennerlein. Shaded beer gardens, blooming trees, the town square or a mansion, any of these locations are a possibility for the artists of LanaLive. In 2007 the Lana marching band celebrated its 175th anniversary. This was taken as a motivation to enhance the programme to add brass music and to offer an even broader spectrum of musical experiences. By now LanaLive has become a meeting point of multiple genres. The event takes place in the merry month of May and offers cultural events for every taste. // Information:

Art is… A fresh breath of air between old walls The Thalerhof Mansion is located in the historical centre of Lana. Wild Turkish warriors gaze down from the baroque facade into the picturesque courtyard and to the “Werkbank” (workbench), where for a number of years now artists are prompting discussions with their work. The curator of this somewhat different art project is Hannes Egger. What are your criteria for inviting an artist to the Werkbank? Hannes Egger: In the years 2008 and 2009 we tried to show twelve very different positions of contemporary art. 2010 we explored the cooperation of couples and 2011 we focus on our neighbouring region Trentino. So the Werkbank puts the focus on the works of art? Hannes Egger: Correct, “Werk”(work) refers to the work of art. “Bank”(bench) refers to a seating bench, where communication and debate are possible. These two concepts are mutually dependent. We want to show communicative exhibitions. The Werkbank also frequently travels around the world… Hannes Egger: We aim to build a network between artists. We collaborate with various art platforms all around Europe, who often invite us to participate in their exhibitions. Does global art also come to visit the Werkbank in Lana? Hannes Egger: Along with our regional art we frequently show international talent. At the moment we are working on a collaboration between artists from South Tyrol and the Trentino and in 2011/2012 we’ll be showing visual poetry from Marseille. // Information:

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Photo: MGM/Helmuth Rier


Pure relaxation: Thermal Baths of Merano The Thermal Baths in Merano/Meran opened in 2005 and have since become the main centre of relaxation in the city on the River Passer. Its spectacular architecture, spacious park area and the 25 indoor and outdoor pools combine to form a perfect oasis of relaxation and recreation.

// Tips Wine Festival At this annual meeting point for gourmets and wine lovers in the Kurhaus in Merano/Meran first class wines from all over the world are presented. Information: Merano International WineFestival & Culinaria

Farmer’s mile of indulgence in Lana. Taste, buy, enjoy… Small producers and local direct sellers present culinary specialities and agricultural products in the pedestrian area “Am Gries” in the centre of town. Every year in April in the framework of the Blossom Festival. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

The unusual cube made from glass, steel and sandstone represents the heart of the Thermal Baths. It was constructed in a way that visitors can enjoy a spectacular view of the mountains while bathing and relaxing in the magnificent park. Along with the light-flooded baths area the cube also houses spacious sauna facilities as well as the Spa & Vital Center that offers 26 treatment rooms. Here you can experience South Tyrol’s nature on your own skin, since precious South Tyrolean raw materials like whey, honey, apples, grapes, herbs and wool are the basis for the special offer of baths, massages, peelings and many other treatments, such as grape seed peelings, back massages with honey or milk and honey baths and apple honey clay wet packs. The Thermal Baths’ vast park with palm trees, magnolias, old coniferous trees and an idyllic lily pond is a popular oasis of peace in the heart of the city. From here you can enjoy one of the most beautiful views of the peaks of the Monte Tessa/Texelgruppe Mountain range. // Information: Thermal Baths of Merano, Piazza Terme 9, Merano Tel. +39.0473.25 20 70

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

Photo: Christian Gufler/Trauttmansdorff


Mystic Middle Ages: Soirees at Castle Tirol

The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle

The former residence of the local ruling Counts of Tyrol is among the most impressive castle complexes in Europe. In summer, high quality evening concerts reawaken the spirit and the culture of times long past.

In 2005 the Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle were nominated the most beautiful gardens in Italy. They are the most colourful destination for an excursion in the vicinity of Lana. In summer the Gardens also serve as a picturesque stage for special concerts.

Lore has it, that the farmers in the area used to raise their round hats whenever the name of the ancestral home of the Counts of Tyrol was uttered. Many a century has passed since Meinhard II “founded” Tyrol and his son “King” Heinrich sumptuously held court high above the cit y of Meran and his granddaughter Margarethe signed the region over to the Habsburg dynasty in 1363. What is left is one of the most impressive medieval castle complexes, which is now used as a museum of the area’s history. In the palace, where double lancet windows are granting the arguably most beautiful view down into the Etsch Valley, the popular summer soirees take place. On these occasions internationally renowned ensembles perform musical masterpieces from the Middle Ages, Renaissance and early Baroque in the knights hall with its mysterious stone portals. During the break all sorts of courtly culinary delights and drinks are offered and at the end of the night the way back to Tyrol village is illuminated by atmospheric torches. // Information: Provincial museum Castle Tyrol

Once upon a time Trauttmansdorff Castle used to be the winter residence of the Austrian empress Sissi (Elizabeth) who was seeking recreation in the mild climate of Merano/ Meran. Nowadays here, on the sunny slopes below the picturesque castle near Merano, expands one of the most beautiful gardens in all of Italy. Plants from all over the world are presented in 80 different garden landscapes. Mexican cacti meet Indian lotus flowers and French lavender. Natural landscapes like Japanese alluvial forests are contrasted by cultivated landscapes like rice terraces and tea plantations. In summer the motto “The whole world in one garden”is musically interpreted in the “The Garden Nights”. On five evenings, between July and August, music from all over the world is presented in the natural amphitheatre of the Gardens in front of the water lily pond. This World Music Festival has become one of the most important ones in Northern Italy and showcases a wide variety of music from Creole songs, to Reggae rhythms and Neo Balkan Folk. // Information: The Gardens of Trauttmansdorff Castle Via S.Valentino 51a, Merano Tel. +39.0473.27 72 70

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Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle


Mother nature’s perpetual film: the so called “rock cinema” The “Knottnkino-rock cinema”is a location on the Tschögglberg Mountain that offers mother nature’s best movies. The ever changing spectacular views never cease.

// Tips Hiking trail with felt sculptures in Tesimo Art and nature combined: Along this hiking trail in Tesimo/Tisens the works of international felt artists are presented. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Waterfall in Parcines The waterfall of Parcines/Partschins is an impressive 100 m high and among the most beautiful in the Alps. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

This open-air “cinema”offers 30 seats made from steel and chestnut wood on a 1,465 m high mountain slope above Merano. However the movie showing is not a motion picture but one of nature’s great spectacles. The view expands over the Nature Park of the Monte Tessa/Texelgruppe Mountain to the Dolomites and the Penegal and includes all the villages in the whole Adige Valley. The programme of the “rock cinema”on the Rotsteinkogel Montain changes with the seasons and the weather and is always new and surprising. From Lana, Cermes/Tscherms and Gargazzone/Gargazon you can easily reach the “rock cinema”via the following route: Take the cable car from Postal/Burgstall to Verano/Vöran and continue to the parking lot in Verano. From there follow the marked trail no.12 directly to the “rock cinema”. // Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Photo: ganeshGraphics

Photo: MGM/Laurin Moser


Rustic and true to its traditions: the Ultimo Valley

Close to Heaven: St. Jakob in Grissiano

The Val d’Ultimo/Ultental is one of the most traditional valleys of South Tyrol. Picturesque farms with traditional shingle roofs, fertile pastures and fields and colourful farmer’s gardens are characteristic for the valley. This unspoilt mountain valley is less than half an hour drive away from Lana.

Like a king’s throne the church hill of St. Jakob in Grissian rises above the Etsch Valley. The small church with its spectacular Romanesque frescoes is located beside an ancient alpine trail that once upon a time was connecting North and South.

A trip to the Ultimo Valley is like a trip into the past. In some places in the valley time seems to have stopped. The idyllic landscapes of the Ultimo Valley are especially characterized by the traditional Alpine farms (Paarhof) consisting of two parallel buildings made (at least partly) from wood.Scattered on lone mountain farms and in the small villages of San Pancrazio, Santa Valburga, Pracupola, San Nicolò and Santa Gertrude the Ultimo Valley has about 4,000 inhabitants. They often still work the steep slopes in the traditional manual ways and are preserving the traditional cultivated and natural landscapes of the area. More than 600 km of hiking trails meander through the valley up to the mountain peaks above 3,000 m. They offer possibilities for comfortable walks around the great reservoir lake, hikes along the “Ultner Höfeweg”passing the traditional farms or a more challenging climb to the peak of the “Hasenohr”Mountain. Well worth seeing are the impressive ancient larch trees near Santa Gertrude that are over 2,000 years old.

There are places in the world one likes to keep a secret. Insider tips as it were, whose rare and peculiar beauty should be saved from the masses. One of these places is the hamlet Grissiano/Grissian that is positioned over the terrace of the lower mountain range of Tesimo/Tisens like a sunny alcove. Old farms, magnificent sweet chestnut trees and an art historical gem form this old cultivated landscape. Behind it towers the silhouette of the Gantkofel Mountain and it seems as if the mountain is putting a protecting arm around this gorgeous, unspoilt piece of land. At the highest point of the hamlet stands the little church dedicated to St. Jakob. From prehistoric times to this day, this magical place has always had a certain power over people. Ancient paths passed this way and connected the basin of Merano/ Meran with the Nonstal Valley and the area around Lake Garda. Around 1142 St. Jakob’s church was probably built as a station of one of the popular pilgrimages to Santiago de Compostela. It was consecrated by the beatified Bishop Hartmann of Bressanone/Brixen. This is proven by the well preserved consecration inscription. The three apses of the Romanesque church and its triumphal arch are decorated with frescoes dating from around 1200. They give testimony to the high quality standard of medieval mural painting in Tyrol. Also well worth seeing are the Gothic frescoes on the outer facade and in the wayside shrine at the foot of the church. // Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

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Photo: MGM/Laurin Moser

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle


Ski fun around Lana From Lana it is only a short distance to the slopes. Whether you are a novice skier or an expert, the right slope for you is close by. San Vigilio/Vigiljoch Mountain This small ski area with its gentle slopes is ideal for families with children and beginners. The 5 km slope is easily manageable even if you are less experienced.

// Tip Curling This traditional sport is still practised on the ice rink in the Gaul Canyon or on the “Schwarze Lacke” Lake on the San Vigilio/Vigiljoch Mountain. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Thalerhof Marktl A different kind of Christmas Market in Lana. Every weekend in advent, in the pedestrian area Am Gries, the historical courtyard of the Thalerhof Mansion provides the ideal setting for the Christmas market Thalerhof Marktl. It is an idyllic and nostalgic Christmas market holding up traditional values. The products sold are handiworks and crafts, pieces of art and traditional farmer’s products. Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

Schwemmalm The ski area Schwemmalm in the Val d’Ultimo/Ultental Valley is an insider tip for nature fans. Set between rustic mountain villages with picturesque farms the Schwemmalm offers 18 km of guaranteed white slopes between 1,500 and 2,600 m above sea level. Merano 2000 The sunny skiing region Merano 2000 guarantees snow from December to the end of March. The slopes are always in top condition. The 40 km of slopes offers ideal condition for everyone from the novice to the experienced skier. Val Senales/Schnalstal Valley The glacier skiing region Senales Valley guarantees ski fun all year round. The 35 km slopes offer ideal conditions especially for ambitious experienced skiers. The view over the alpine peaks is spectacular. All skiing areas offer extensive cross-country trails leading through the wonderful winter landscape. // Information: Ortler Skiarena

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle

Photo: MGM/Frieder Blickle


Discovering the San Vigilio Mountain Sledding: snow for everyone pass with snow shoes In the car-free hiking area of the San Vigilio Mountain pass, winter is wonderfully peaceful. Discover nature in a different way – with snow shoes.

For most inhabitants of Lana the sled was their first means of travel on the snow. That’s probably why sledding is still so popular with children and adults alike.

Snow shoes make it easy to walk through snowy winter wonderlands. In recent years snow shoes have earned the status of sports equipment. They distribute the weight over a larger area and hence prevent feet from sinking into the snow too deep. If you are based in Lana a snow shoes walk on the Vigiljoch is an excellent choice. The cable car takes you up to the 1,500 m high peak station. From there you can either get immediately on the way with snow shoes (trail no. 34) or take the chair lift for the next part of the journey. From the Restaurant Sessellift you can then walk comfortably to the St.Vigil Chapel and on to the Restaurant Gasthof Seespitz and finally to the biotope at the “Schwarze Lacke” (lake) where curling and ice skating are popular past times. Trail no.7 will then lead you back to the chair lift or you take the more challenging variant for experienced snow shoe walkers (trail no.9) to the Hochwart Mountain peak at 2,608 m.

There is one thing most inhabitants of Lana have in common: they sat on a sled even before they could walk. Having the San Vigilio/Vigiljoch Mountain right at their doorstep this is no wonder. The cable car takes you up into a perfect winter wonderland within the space of a few minutes. The well groomed sledding slope is ideal form family sledding trips (while the kids are small) as well as exiting sled rides with friends for older kids and adults alike. However, there are also great conditions for big and small sledding fans in other areas like Merano 2000. // Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

// Information: Tourist Office Lana and Surroundings Via Andreas Hofer 9/1, Lana Tel. +39.0473.56 17 70

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Munich Innsbruck


Lana Bolzano

Verona Milan

Völlan • Vigiljoch Tscherms • Burgstall • Gargazon in the environs of Merano

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Tourist Office Lana Via Andreas Hofer 9/1 T (+39) 0473.56 17 70 F (+39) 0473.56 19 79 E opening hours from end of March to end of October: Monday › Friday 9.00—18.30, Saturday 9.00 —12.30 from end of July to end of October also open on Saturday afternoons from end of October to end of March: Monday › Friday 9.00 —12.30 Tourist Office Foiana/Völlan T (+39) 0473.56 80 68 Tourist Office Cermes/Tscherms T (+39) 0473.56 10 15 Tourist Office Postal/Burgstall T (+39) 0473.29 13 43 Tourist Office Gargazzone/Gargazon T (+39) 0473.29 22 44

Š 2011 Tourist Information Centre Lana and surroundings Text by Bettina Alber, Christoph Gufler, Jutta Telser Translation by Anni Walcher Designed by ganeshGraphics Printed by LanaRepro

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