00 tecnology managment

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1 year-Volume IV June 2017

ISSN 801X-2525

Administration and Science magazineOrganizational Model


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Administration and Science magazineTechnology Management Curitiba,the Edition 1

Technology management-administration and Science Magazine

https://administracaoeciencias.wordpress.com/ ISSN: 2525-801X ORCIDE 0000-0001-8789-7698

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Administration and Science magazine St. Nicholas Vorobi 244

CIC-Curitiba-Paranรก ZIP CODE.: 81250-210 Email: doutorempresa@gmail.com


-Address: St. Nicholas Vorobi 244 Neighborhood: Industrial City of Curitiba-CIC -CITY/STATE: Curitiba-PR -ZIP CODE: 81,250-210 E-MAIL: gasparcp@hotmail.com


01-management of technology applied to production of PET recyclable Paver with Phosphorescent surface................................... 5 02-management of technology applied to a Fast Food shop... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 11 03-applied technology consulting company opening and development of mechanical designs. .... 16 04 technology management implementation of a noise reducer. 23 05 technology management in the implementation of a production line. ............................................................................ 28

01-Management of technology applied to production of PET recyclable Paver with Phosphorescent surface Alexander Cerri Machado Diego Oliveira da Silva Jaslene R D de Oliveira Marco AurĂŠlio da Cruz Gaspar Collet Pereira SUMMARY As the technology the idea of using recycled and abundant material causes the product to become commercially competitive, because it offers low cost and your manufacturing process not dissimilar from procedures applied in the making of plastics injected. As stated the material resources are abundant are not required large financial investments and labor can be outsourced. The final product is innovative offers economy and comfort with good earnings prospects.

This work has as its theme the phosphorescent material deployment in a pavement (paver) made of recycled pet material. Application of ecological floors with use of phosphorescent material for night lighting with purpose of outdoor decor. The development of this project aims to provide a new alternative for Pet recyclable materials with application of phosphorescent material to assist in nighttime signaling without the use of fonts that use electricity. Union between science and technique through tests and trials will be able to determine the best formula for making the product in molds and pre-set project settings. This is why emerging Tech is an innovative product on the market there are similar products, but that do not offer the same benefits as the phosphorescent paver what characterizes also as differentiating technology.

plastic molds with the market standard and improvement with implementation of phosphorescent material. 1. CALCULATIONS DESCRIPTION QUANTITY SALE PRICE RECIPE 20% TAX RAW MATERIAL

PROJECT 1000 3.50 3500 700 1.40

OPTIMIZATION 1000 4.00 4000 800 1.20


1400 40% 250 700 100 600 17.14%

2000 50% 220 680 100 1000 25%

BALANCE 500 4.00 2000




BASE 1000 6.12 6120 1224

ZERO 0 0 0 0

BALANCE 301 6.12 1842.12 368.42

BOX 1000 6.12 6120 1224






3496 57% 250 700 100 2446 40%

0 0 250 700 100 -1050

1052.30 57% 250 700 100 0

3496 57% 250 700 100 2446 40%


These days, there is a constant need for new, by room, by different, this causes the companies seek to innovate. In the current context, the innovation was a consequence of globalization. Second FAYET (p. 45, 2010), the renewal of a company depends on the management of innovation and knowledge, which integrates and lists the various functions of the company, seeking to create differentiated products and services to its customers. Still, companies develop aligning technology to the customer's needs: Are modifying and adapting its products in order to meet the demand for new products; is the requirement of customers demanding differentiated products. As a result of the described, it is necessary to examine all relevant aspects of the Organization to develop any innovation project (FAYET, p. 45, 2010). Knowledge management is, in short, tools that seek to analyze and control the use of the Organization's intellectual assets and its people, where are the patents, the processes, the experience and the know-how. Through the management of knowledge and innovation, are created innovative designs of product, process and even business model (POSSOLLI, p. 17, 2012). The idea of creating a paver made of recycled material and phosphorescent, offering illumination night, without dependence on light fixtures and lampposts, fits in product innovation, which, according to the Instituto de Inovação (2011), is the change in certain properties of an existing product, in this case, the exchange of raw materials.

HISTORY OF PAVEMENT The use of segmental pavement, also known as sidewalk, has a long history and can be dated more than 5,000 years in the island of Crete, where it was also used by the Roman Empire used this resource to the construction of roads. (INTERBLOCK, 2011). Second cross (2003), indicating the first concrete paver was made at the end of the 19th century and some patents were registered before the start of the first world war. The first advances in the development of the use of paver's

pavement Interlocked, occurred in Holland and Germany in the period of reconstruction of countries after World War II.

PRE-MOLDED BLOCKS AND ARTICULATED According to SENÇO (p. 29, 2008), is a floor made of concrete blocks, made in factories own pre-set. Shapes, thicknesses, dimensions are patented. The most common forms are rectangular and square or hex. Is used with frequencies on public roads, parking, road highways, bus stops.

PAVER OF POLYMERS The substitution of concrete for PET recyclable material can be justified by the cost and abundance of material, in addition to the benefits to the environment. Second SALGADO (p. 209, 2010) for flexible pavements "admits elastic deformation to a certain limit, as long as it doesn't lead to break". On flexible pavements: In sizing the pavements, for technical and economic reasons, lay down the minimum requirements to be met by the different layers (specifications), among which you choose for each situation the best technical and economic solution. (SALGADO, p. 209, 2010) Compared to concrete it presents similar structural characteristics, as rigidity and resistance. According to Ashby (p. 259, 2007) "the rigidity describes the elastic deformation resistance, and resistance describes the resistance to plastic flow collapse or fracture". Unlike concrete, paver made of recycled polymer optical property can be added. Second CALLISTER (PG. 583, 2008) the ability to redraw is called visible light luminescence, in the case of the paver reissue occurs in longer periods, so we can say that the phosphorescent material. For materials that have luminescent properties it is possible to induce this property.

"Normally, the pure materials do not exhibit these phenomena, and for these to be induced, should be added impurities in controlled concentrations" (CALLISTER, p. 584, 2008).


ASHBY, MICHAEL F.; JONES, DAVID r. h. materials engineering, v. 2: an introduction to properties, applications and design. Oxford: Elsevier, 2007. CALLISTER, Jr., WILLIAM d. Science and materials engineering: an introduction. Rio de Janeiro: LTC, 2008. CRUZ, l. m. (2003). Interlocked floor of concrete: Study of the elements and methods of scaling. 281p. Dissertation (master of Science degree in Civil Engineering) – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, COPPE/UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, 2003. INTERBLOCK. the origin of the paver. Available at: <http://www.interblock.ind.br/artigo/a-origem-do-paver/>. Access in: 02 Apr 2017. SENÇO, WLASTERMILER. Paving Techniques manual vol. 1. São Paulo: PINI, 2008. FAYET, EDUARDO ALVES. Manage innovation: a challenge for companies. Curitiba: IEL/PR, 2010. POSSOLLI, GABRIELA EYNG. Innovation and knowledge management. Curitiba: Intersaberes, 2012.

02-management of technology applied to a Fast Food shop

Helen Gotfrid Alex Roberto Monteiro Alexandre Martins Luiz Antonio Valle Gaspar Collet Pereira

SUMMARY To remain competitive in a scenario of permanent technological advancement, it is necessary that the company adopt a posture that encourages innovation. Innovation is the implementation, in new condition, of the sciences, techniques, etc. To Alfredo Iarozinski Neto, "innovation is the transformation of an invention in a process, product or new service which will help in meeting the economic needs of businesses and consumers" (Iarozinski, 1998), in addition, one should not confuse innovation with technology generation. Innovation implies the market launch of products, processes and services that incorporate the advantages and technological breakthroughs. Innovation can give the job to a totally new technology for the company and for the market, as well as the introduction of technology used in another field of activity, however, new in the field of activity of the company.

Technology management, importance and challenges All business management aims to direct, organize and coordinate all actions within a company, from human resources to the area of operational maintenance. In this way, by your scope, this function is no longer restricted to Admins to be expanded to all with ability to manage any function within the company. Technological changes represent large portion in the fight for competitiveness. However, one should bear in mind that the success in your use

is not always automatic. Succeed or fail depends in much the way that the company carries out the management of the process of technological change. The technology management includes all activities required to enable the company and ensure that she can make the best possible use of technological resources generated both internally and externally. Thus, the technology management comprises: "the use of management techniques in order to ensure that the technological variable is used at most of your capability to support the objectives of the Organization". (VASCONCELLOS et al., 1994). To implement the management of technology is necessary for administrators are willing to commit to this process, which may require changes in your procedure and also in company culture. In addition, we must make a detailed relationship of all existing technologies in the enterprise, PORTER reminds us that: "in General, companies focus on product technology or the technology of basic manufacturing operation. They ignore technologies in other worthwhile activities, and pay little attention to technology to develop technology "(PORTER, 1992) Thus, to succeed in a technology management policy, the company must provide ability to react quickly and flexibly to changes in your environment, when not, anticipate these changes.

Framework for technology management For the management of technology is an ongoing process in the enterprise, it is necessary that the human and material resources are organized in ways that facilitate the achievement of the goals, maximizing the use of available resources. Typically, large companies have higher availability and//or ease in accessing potential sources of resources, as a result, can organize more sophisticated structures for management of technology. It is common, these companies, structuring units geared especially to the technological function. To the equenas and medium-sized enterprises, given to its limitations and circumstances, this is not always possible.

Calculation of Costs

Results 7000 PARTS

Zero (0)


R $7,000.00

R $0.00


R $11.65

R $11.65


R $81,522.00

R $0.00

Commissions (5%)

R $4,076.10

R $0.00

Taxes (20%)

R $16,304.40

R $0.00

Raw material ($5)

R $35,000.00

R $0.00


R $8,068.00

R $8,068.00


R $10,000.00

R $10,000.00


R $8,073.50

-R $18,073.50



FORMULA for CALCULATION of the VALUE of the PIECE for 10% of GROSS PROFIT CF + D + CV +1.15 +10 1.43 11.65 1-(1 + C + M) 1-(0.20 +0.05 +0.5)

Final considerations In this work we discuss techniques of GTI, I'm sure there are others who may propose other techniques for managing technologies and innovations in an organization, with is. However, the practices can and should be adapted by each specific organization, adapting to every need and situation, and can be used independently or in different combinations. Are not an end in themselves, but a means of support to management activities.

Bibliography IAROZINSKI GRANDSON, Alfredo. Material support of technology management. Curitiba, 1998. Vasconcellos, Eduardo. BERMAN, Evan. Werther, William. Technological strategy in Brazil, Japan and USA: a comparative study. In: Proceedings of the 18th Symposium of management of technological innovation. SĂŁo Paulo, 1994. PORTER, Michael e. competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance. New York: Campus, 1992. STAUB, e. strategic challenges in science, technology and innovation. IEDI. BrasĂ­lia, 2001 (18 Sep). Available in < http://www.iedi.org.br > accessed on: 09 jun 2006.

TIDD, Joe; 107 CHINESE FAMILY BUSINESSES, John; PAVITT, Keith. Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organizational Change. 3. ed., 2005. MANE, j. r. l. de; GUIMARÃES, L. S. technology and innovation management: a practical approach. São Paulo. Saraiva. 2005. YIN, r. k. case study: planning and method. Bookman. Porto Alegre. 2005.

03-Applied technology consulting company opening and development of mechanical designs.

Jean Lucas de Oliveira Tess Kessler Valessa L Dani Dady Decol Edson Mendes de Moraes Maria Edcuarda Polato Huter Marcos Vinicius Fernandes Suzana Pavarin de Moraes Gaspar Collet Pereira

SUMMARY Is a relatively new field of study, and, as such, your concept is still quite fluid and subject to change. Gradually, comes a consensual vision emerging on the composition of your body of knowledge. Technology management covers all aspects of planning, organization, execution and control of business activities developed in technology-intensive environments. Other disciplines, such as management techniques in production and operations management, also cover the management of activities related to the use of technology. Consequently, a more restricted definition of technology management has been adopted, tending to be focused on the management of activities related to the creation of technology. Management of technology is also sometimes called the management of technological innovation. (MANE 2005, page 16).


VJN Project is a consulting and development company of mechanical designs, with the aim of acting to develop new products market, in partnership with companies or entrepreneurs interested in investing in releases to the market. In many situations it is more advantageous for a company, hire outsourced projects, because services can be punctual services, not worth it to hire permanent professionals, so this needs VJN Project will act. JUSTIFICATION FOR THE OPENING OF THE COMPANY We can identify numerous justifications for the opening of the company, because it can have various applications such as the enterprise, which will bring a greater availability of choice of the strategy of vertical integration or product designs horizontalization of the company application, which will contribute to the increase of knowledge in product engineering and professional application that will enhance the knowledge by deploying what is already known with innovations and product optimization. TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT MODEL VJN Project will have a technological function in development of new products, seeking commercially profitability through the sale of projects and consulting. The company will need to invest in human resources as experts in the field of design and product Engineering. Also requires material resources such as computer equipment (computers, advanced for the development of projects). The main financial Resource to be invested in advanced technologies such as software and also in professional training. The main goal of the company is to provide consulting services and mechanical designs, providing customer satisfaction through the development of products, and conquering the market. APPLICATION OF TECHNOLOGY VJN Project can be regarded as a set of practical and technical skills, which can be mechanical or industrial type, which give the human being the opportunity to make modifications in the conditions of the natural order. The company is characterized by technological evolution phase where the technique becomes "a source of human activities in principle limitless."

The technology employed is emerging, where there is the use of software with high variety of resources for improvement in development. There are also 3D printing technology for Conference of products and prototypes for test generation. SUBCONTRACTING VJN Project offers Subcontracting module where we go in with the practical knowledge and technicians working in-place with the client. VJN can act with full support on projects proposed by the client, where a team for development of the projects. In some cases the client provides the equipment such as, for example, products to be improved. 1.5 REVERSE ENGINEERING As mentioned above, the VJN account with Subcontracting within this module a module of the options that can be offered to the customer, according to your need, is the reverse engineering. With this option it is possible to propose improvements to equipment already developed. An example that can be given is the reverse engineering of machines used in the production of continuous line, where what is sought is the greatest efficiency possible. For this case the VJN has a team to disassemble the machine and/or the line as a whole and will seek to understand how the machine works, what are its components and structure on the basis of these data and propose improvements to the machine and process line. CALCULATIONS 1 – gather information: costs, expenses, results, amount 2-Apply the formula of price (C + D + O)/(1-(1 + M + O))  $ unit/% 3-price check  base 4-zero Production 5-Calculating break-even point-Fixed/MC% 6 – checking the balance 7-Box 8-base Chart

9-box analysis 10-base Analysis


Optimization Point


Balance Quantity





Sale Price










2% Commission





20% tax





(C) Fixed




















Data based on the productivity of each projestista. Amount = amount of hours per month Sale price = price per hour Commission = Commission given to the designer for your income Labor = Remuneration from the developer

MANAGEMENT OF TECHNOLOGY Is a relatively new field of study, and, as such, your concept is still quite fluid and subject to change. Gradually, comes a consensual vision emerging on the composition of your body of knowledge. Technology management covers all aspects of planning, organization, execution and control of business activities developed in technology-intensive environments. Other disciplines, such as management techniques in production and operations management, also cover the management of activities related to the use of technology. Consequently, a more restricted definition of technology management has been adopted, tending to be focused on the management of activities related to the creation of technology. Management of technology is also sometimes called the management of technological innovation. (MANE 2005, page 16).

Significance and role of technology Technology is a product of science and engineering that involves a set of instruments, methods and techniques for the resolution of problems. Is a practical application of scientific knowledge in various areas of research. Technology is the ordered set of scientific knowledge, empirical, intuitive and technical employees in the development, production, marketing and use of goods or services (MATTOS 2005, page 15).

Three primary areas of technology

Within an organization, the technologies reflected what people are working and what they are using to do this job. The most visible of the technology is the technology of product, the research groups and development of the company employ to create new products and services. Other aspects of technology is the technology of processes that are employed by a company to perform its activities. A third area, whose importance is growing, is the information and communication technology employees of a company offer to acquire, process, process, and communicate information (MATTOS 2005, page 15).

Product technology Product technology translates the idea into new products and services developed within the organization. Normally developed by engineers and researchers who develop new ways to produce them. The ability of these knowledge are merged and expanded, bringing in new products and services, features that add value to the client. According to MATTOS, the development of new product technologies requires close cooperation with the marketing of the company, seeking to find out what the market really needs, and with your production, to determine how the new products and services created to meet these needs can effectively be produced and delivered to customers. The technology of the product still requires the design and implementation of systems to support the installation and maintenance of the

product with the sales users. The creation and implementation by the Organization of technology r & D in companies are directly related to the technology of the product. The choice of a technology strategy and selection of technologies to be obtained by the company are also strongly linked to product technology.

Process technology

The methods by which an organization performs its activities depend on the application of process technology. A large part of process technologies used by a company is specifies the area your, while others are of universal use, such as those employed in supply chain. Information and communications technology

Managers use computer resources to acquire internal and external operational data to the company. These data are used in the production of information and generation of knowledge, so that managers can make effective decisions, efficient and effective. These data, information and knowledge should be transmitted to other people and processes, within and outside the company. Information and communications technology permeates, so all the functional areas of the company. Its most visible is the revolution that led to the automation of jobs in offices and offices to internal and external clients. Automation technologies and service jobs include various types of telecommunications systems, word processing, spreadsheets and computer graphics, databases, online and offline, electronic mail (e-mail), social networks (intranet) and the internet. (MANE 2005, page 15). The management of technology coordinates the P & D, engineering and management to plan, develop and implement new technological capabilities that can boost corporate strategies and operations of the company. Means identifying technological opportunities that should be fetched through P & D, selecting the technologies to be obtained as much internal as external sources, proceeding

then to the success in an implementation like new products, processes and services. (MANE 2005, page 16).

Bibliographical References MATTOS, João Loureiro; Leonam dos Santos Guimaraes, Guimarães. Management of technology and innovation a practical approach. 1. Ed. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2005.

04 technology management implementation of a noise reducer

Alcione Moreira Ana Flavia Model de Souza Beatrice of Magellan. Greicimeri de Oliveira Laryssa Schlottag Alves Gaspar Collet Pereira

SUMMARY Academic in the question if this is a product aimed at the area of beauty, being directed to women and beauty salons. Where the goal would be to reduce the excessive noise of hairdryers, providing greater comfort and well-being of clients, and can be used also in the residences promoting more convenience when it comes to noise. DESCRIPTIVE

The product consists of a tube with two baffles in reversed positions, which when connected to the back of the dryer, reduces your noise. Initially the process is to be done manually by an operator mounts the baffles in an existing pipe segment. After you purchased a 3D printer, which increase significantly the production capacity.


We did a brainstorming and see the need, where all ideas were listed and subsequently linked to arrive at the final model and see that for women it would be very interesting to be able to dry the hair and listen to music at the same time.


Our strategy of introduction of the product on the market will be offering free samples of the product in places of concentration of customers focus, especially salons. Being always attentive to the niche to which this inserted and seeking reliability and customer loyalty.


For being an unreleased product there may be low. The product may offer reduced and not total elimination of noises, it can be seen as a good customer focus superfluous.


The product is considered innovative because it offers an improvement still nonexistent, allowing the user to use your hair dryer with greater privacy.


Through the satisfaction surveys with customers who use our complimentary samples for a certain time after the end of the survey will be given in which to scale will be manufactured the pro duct.


The product will have your invariable quality during your life cycle, so the price will be set along the range of the production, by demand and the costs of raw materials and labor.


With the product on the market stabilized, we will analyze the possibility to produce it on a large scale for sale. Seeking raw material economy, logistical resources that will permit the cheapening of the same.


We inform our need to several suppliers of raw materials and manufacturers, we analyze his proposals based on the quality and speed of delivery. And we have selected the best cost benefit.


Marketing: Product Disclosure;

Commercial: increased profit margin;

Purchases/sales: supply chain;

RH: Specialists responsible for the process;

Distribution: Logistics of the product;


We started with the value that makes the margin, slightly above the equilibrium point, then the price will be varied according to the sensitivity of the market.

(C)CALCULATE PV = CF + D + CV = _ _ _+5.5 +20 4.2 ____ 1 (r + C + M) 1 (0.22 +0.05 +0.10)

TABLE Description










Price Recipe

41.45 41.45

41.45 0

41.45 3,920.78

41.45 4145

5% Commission





22% tax





M. p. $20.00 $ Margin

2000 1025.85

0 0

1,891.80 970.37

2000 1025.85






Fixed Cost





Expenses Result $

550 $55.85

550 $970.00

550 0.37

550 55.85


1, 3%



1, 3%


FIGURE 1: basic Graph. Source: the authors.

DATA ANALYSIS Our pricing strategy is aimed at production batches with large print runs. Therefore, the results for the production of 100 pieces is not very expressive, with everything if we consider the same percentage of profit to a large volume of production, our box will have great return.


The main benefit that information technology brings to organizations is your ability to improve the quality and availability of information and knowledge important to the company, its customers and suppliers. (TURBAN; McLean; WETHERBE, 2004).

The exact, complete and relevant information to assume a significant role in all stages of development and implementation of a competitive strategy. It is fundamental both for the definition of strategy as to what the Organization has capacity to well execute those strategies, taking into account the competitive environment. (GEORGE; JONES, 2001).

Earlier technological innovation was based in learning using resources available, while in this new time users learn the technology doing, "resulting in the reconfiguration of net works and the discovery of new applications". (CASPELLS, 2000).

Resistance to change, rather than being seen as obstacles, should be understood as "manifestations of emotions, such as anxiety, fear, anguish, anger, nostalgia". (VERGARA; SILVA; 2002).

BIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES ORLIKOWSKI, Wanda; HOFMAN, Debra. An Improvisational Model for change management: the case of Groupware Technology, v. 38, no. 2, 1997

CASTELLS, Manuel. The network society. SĂŁo Paulo: Peace and the land, 1999.

GEORGE, Jennifer; JONES, Gareth. Towards a model of process of individual change in organizations. Human relations, v. 54, 2001.

SROUR, Robert h. Power, culture and ethics in organizations. 5 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Campus 1998 URGS.

05 technology management in the implementation of a production line.

Diego Felipe Ferreira Bita Tracz Cardoso Marcos Antonio Decozimo Robson Israel Malik SUMMARY In the question about another academic field of technology and information being implemented, bringing greater knowledge of the process. The company will generate cost and process optimization, in addition to possible reduction of bottlenecks that may arise in the procedure. Professionally, there is the improvement of knowledge, deploying and testing what is already known and checking the results.


The concept of technology in the implementation of the project was conceptualized very in skill-set, especially scientific principles, which apply to a particular activity. With the introduction of a new line, many new concepts should be sought for the improvement of the productive process, generating a greater range of possible ideas for the best end result.

CHARACTERIZATION AS TECHNICAL WORK The technical work on the project about a Union between science and technique apply both concepts of productive processes as implemented and controlled techniques in an automated line.

CLASSIFICATION OF THE TECHNOLOGY AT WORK This is an emerging technology, because they are carried out research for the innovation of an area, trying to automate with high technologies, in search of purpose process optimization to competitive advantage. SUBCONTRACTING Outsourcing can be used in technical manpower required for the maintenance and implementation of the automation of the process.


Can be used benchmarking with the auto industry, which has a high expertise in automated processes, seeking the best market practices. CONCEPTS To the concepts we will be exploring the issues addressed by the teacher.


The transformation of tacit into explicit concept is the junction of knowledge both in practical and theoretical part, being fundamental to the realization and control of a project.

YOUR ORGANIZATION'S STRATEGY? MARKET, CUSTOMERS, REQUIREMENTS. The company will always be attentive to the niche to which it is inserted, seeking always to be updated as to the needs of customers. Always looking for the best market opportunities, whether in the context of acquisition of raw material, labor, etc., is within the scope of sales, bringing customers closer to the

optimization of the process, giving total visibility and seeking reliability and customer loyalty towards their processes.

MAIN RISKS OF YOUR VENTURE? Justifies it. The economic situation of the market is a potential risk to the project, with the round-up of the market, the difficulty of financing from BNDES, for example, making it difficult, and in the acquisition of facilities products have a high value.

FEATURES AS AN INNOVATION. Technological innovation that the work comes to offer, through automation of a production line with the use of welding robots, this is something new for many companies and in many respects in productive and cost issues.

HOW WILL DETERMINE THE DEMAND? The demand will be determined by increasing productivity. So, before the market, the company becomes even more competitive and, with the reduction of rework, the profit margin for sure will increase.

PRICE AND QUALITY STRATEGY Automation will provide an improvement in the final product. Will be offered a product with a high accuracy of Standardization/quality, not result in an increase in the cost to the end customer. All the values for the investment of this project will be absorbed over the years with the increase in production. SENSITIVITY OF THE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT The project was conceived with great purpose to increase the profit margin without the final price passed on to the final customer increase. The sensitivity of the price, however, is tied to economic/political scenario that is directly linked to release of credit to the rural producer.


The costs were set based on the total amount necessary for the implementation of the automation of the production line and, in parallel, we recalculated the costs of depreciation, according to the new scenario. PRICING STRATEGIES The implementation of the project allows the company, despite all the economic and political instability of recent years, to keep sales prices and, on the other hand, the profit margin has increased due to optimizations performed in the process, for example MO (direct hours), rework, etc. CALCULATIONS SALE PRICE

Expected margin: 30%

PV = (CF + D + HP)/1-(r + C + M)

PV = (2272.73 + 1515.15 + 23500)/1-(0.2 + 0.05 + 0.3) = R $60,639.73


PE = (fixed/margin%)/sale price

PE = (5 million/0.36)/60,639.73 = 229.04

PROJECTION OF RESULTS Description Quantity Price Recipe 5% Commission 20% tax

Base 1320 R $60,639.73 R $80,044,443.60 R $4,002,222.18 R $16,008,888.72

Zero 0 R $60,640.73 0 0 0

Courtesy 1 0 0 0 0

Balance 229.04 R $60,639.73 R $13,888,923.76 R $694,446.19 R $2,777,784.75

M. Cousin (R $23,500.00) $ Margin Margin% Fixed Cost Expenses Result $ Result%

R $31,020,000.00


R $23,500.00

R $5,382,440.00

R $29,013,332.70 36% R $3,000,000.00 R $2,000,000.00 R $24,013,333 30%

0 0 R $3,000,000.00 R $2,000,000.00 -R $5,000,000

-R $23,500.00

R $5,034,252.82 36% R $3,000,000.00 R $2,000,000.00 R$0%

R $3,000,000.00 R $2,000,000.00 -R $5,023,500


It can be observed that the initial forecast of design features a large claim of profit for the company. Once the break-even point is well below what is being planned for the initial production of the project. It is also that the project has low costs of implementation and maintenance in relation to expected earnings, facilitating thus obtaining a greater profit margin as the quantity produced increases. With this large margin that the project has, it is easy to observe that this is a highly viable project for the company if well planned, because any production up 229 units will generate profit for the company, and yet it is a very small amount to the current monthly production of the company. Therefore, in addition to many productive gains, as described in the previous chapters, the company will also have many financial gains.

BIBLIOGRAPHY The first difficulty faced by anyone who sets out to write about science and technology, is the exact understanding of the terms used more often in dealing with those topics. The word technology is used with more than one meaning by different authors, causing serious mistakes even in people directly linked to your use, generation or political tract. Maybe that is why the perfect knowledge of the scientific and technological problem is not part of the culture of the majority of our population. (CASTELLS, 2000). The primary benefit that information technology brings to organizations is your ability to improve the quality and availability of information and knowledge

important to the company, its customers and suppliers. The most modern information systems offer companies unprecedented opportunities for the improvement of internal processes and services to the consumer. (TURBAN; McLean; WETHERBE, 2004). The exact, complete and relevant information plays a significant role in all stages of development and implementation of a competitive strategy. It is fundamental both for the definition of strategies and that the Organization has the ability to well execute those strategies, taking into account the competitive environment. (GEORGE; JONES, 2001). The expectation of results by means of it leads companies to invest increasingly and, as we all know, the investments they made are significant. The investments in Brazil, for example, showed a growth percentage, calculated on net revenues of 1.3% in 1988 to 5.1% in 2005 (SROUR, 1998). Earlier technological innovation was based in learning using the resources available, while in this new time users learn the technology doing, "resulting in the reconfiguration of networks and in the discovery of new applications" (CASTELLS, 2000). Srour (1998) says that the Digital revolution brought changes both in aspects of manual labor and repetitive, as in professional and qualified, manual work in the intellectual work of execution of standardized routines and even in the intellectual work of creative design. In this way, "the qualification of the work becomes widespread, reaching all workers involved in computerized processes" (SROUR, 1998). Detailing some more changes in the organizational model, we see that they comprise changes in both styles and management practices, as in the configuration of activities and performance expectations of people at work. Organizations in recent decades show a significant transformation in relation to previous work environments (SROUR, 1998; CALDWELL, 2000; BUONO, 2004). Although there is the conviction that technology has the potential to improve our lives, creating the most interesting and challenging tasks, facilitating the completion of work and improving the efficiency and effectiveness of a general mode of work processes, there is also the realization that can affect people bringing some kind of negative effect. These would be, for example, dehumanization, psychological impacts (depression, loneliness), reduction of the

level of employment, information anxiety, stress, repetitive strain injuries, digital divide (TURBAN; McLean; WETHERBE, 2004). To promote a transformative change, the survival anxiety is greater than the anxiety of learning and the last is reduced, which is obtained by creating psychological safety. The key element in the conduct of the process is the agent of change, with the role of consultant in the process, diagnosing and intervening as they experienced the stages of change (Schein, 1999). Orlikowski and Hofman (1997) counteract previous vision the idea that involves showing the changes as a progressive process, in which the actions are responses to the conditions and emerging opportunities. Treat technological change as an event to be managed during a specific period can be suitable for stable organizations in a stable environment, but is inappropriate in front of turbulence, the flexibility and the uncertainties of organizational and environmental conditions. For an understanding of the change and formation of sense, the authors use the construct schemas, taken as "abstract cognitive structures" (GEORGE; JONES, 2001). Important pay attention to an organizational change, even when intentional, cannot be understood just how strategies, processes or modification technology, meaning also "a change in relationships: the individual with the Organization, the individual with their peers, organisation with the society, the individual with the society, of the individual to himself" (VERGARA; SILVA; 2002). Resistance to change, rather than being seen as obstacles, should be understood as "manifestations of emotions, such as anxiety, fear, anguish, anger, nostalgia" (VERGARA; SILVA; 2002).


CASTELLS, Manuel. The network society. SĂŁo Paulo: Peace and the land, 1999.

GEORGE, Jennifer; JONES, Gareth. Towards a model of individual change process in organizations. Human relations, v. 54, no. 4, 2001.

ORLIKOWSKI, Wanda; HOFMAN, Debra. An Improvisational Model for change management: the case of Groupware Technology, v. 38, no. 2, 1997.

SCHEIN, Edgar. Corporate culture survival guide. Rio de Janeiro: José Olympio, 1999.

SROUR, Robert h. Power, culture and ethics in organizations. 5 ed. Rio de Janeiro: Campus, UFRGS, 1998.

TURBAN, Efraim; Mclean, Ephraim; WETHERBE, James. Information technology for management: Transforming business in the Digital economy. New York: Bookman, 2004. VERGARA, Sylvia; GOMES DA SILVA, José Roberto. The organizational change By Optics of individuals: Resistance or a matter of feelings, Meaning and Constitution of the subject? In: meeting of ORGANIZATIONAL STUDIES, London, 2002.

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