System integration

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Gaspar Collet Pereira

Systems integration



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Pereira Gaspar CollĂŠt, 1961

Systems integration Curitba,the Edition 1


THANKS The author thanks the people who directly or indirectly contributed to the accomplishment of this book.



00 Introduction................7 01 Systems.......................8 02 Organizational model 10 03 Small tasks................12 04 Training.....................15 05 Individual company...19 06 Strategic planning.....24 07 Conglomerate............29 08 Business....................39 09 Financial System........50 10 Environment.............53


00 Introduction The aim of this book is to show that the systems tend to have the same base and your study makes the best use of the resources involved, generating productivity.


01 Systems Have already been made many attempts to define what a system is, but most of the concepts converge for the following elements: -various components; -with common function; -converging goals; -relationship between the parties; -use utility; -realization of a function with usefulness and possibility of evaluation; -sum of systems or subsystems may give rise to a larger system. This can be applied to a domestic task until the


operation of a large organization. Understanding these systems and your integration allows the planning and use of systems optimally.


02 Organizational model In the quest to identify a common link between systems was separated into functions and resources. As functions were identified the Administration, marketing and production. As human resources, financial resources and materials. This proposal gave rise to the diagram shown below.


To give the base model was added the sciences and technology. The results of the system are the goods and services that generate the well-being that defines if the result is positive or negative, as shown in the second diagram. On the basis of these figures it is possible to make a correlation and integration between systems. This material is proposed: -simulate the model application; -compare the functioning of the organizational model; -show relationships; -studying the various ways that can be applied.


03 Small tasks To compare the functioning of the systems, let's start a simplified form, showing the application in small tasks and we're evolving in degree of difficulty. Imagine a person, with the Marcos name, to solve wash your car, and make an assessment based on the organizational model.

The production or activity order is the very activity of washing the car.


The marketing, or evaluation of the service performed is how he visualizes the work, as the relatives who had argued that delay in 1 hour output to any activity that the car clean is more interesting than the State it was before the task. Human resources is himself. Description Man Hours Financials Materials

Unity HS $ $

$ 1.0 $50.00 $20,000.00

The financial investment that he had to purchase the cleaning supplies and the time he applied. Material resources to cleaning supplies and own car, say it has paid for the car around $20.000. Administration and control is the planning you did to accomplish the task and then the comparison between planned and carried out.


Despite a fairly simple example you can see how to apply the organizational model.


04 Training Marcos has chosen to make a college to develop your career and intend to apply the organizational model, with the change of marketing for study.

Production and study in this case get confused and end process activities. The production is the go to class on a daily basis, perform the tasks that are required, make the evidence.


Human resources are the teachers, the administrative and technical personnel himself. Consult the grid and found that the courses is 3000 hours, how do you intend to apply more somewhat equivalent in extra class activities calculated on a 6000 hours of activities even if form. As financial resources Marcos will invest four years of tuition at a value of about 35000, more materials and transport a total of approximately 70000. The materials you will use are computer equipment, books and notebooks. As goods and services the Mark hopes to have a training that ensures a professional placement. As a result the Marcos saw a survey, that the difference between the salary of a person with high school and another with higher education, multiplied by an


average of 28 years of professional activity, is about 12 times higher than the value applied in a particular School. Description Man Hours Financials Materials Result $ Result%

Unity HS $ $ $ $

$ 6,000, 35,000 35,000 840,000 1200.0%

This caught the attention of mark, multiply twelve times the investment made was a good prospect, but was seeing an average, the result of a study, it was not a situation guaranteed, first he had to finish high school, then apply for the results to appear. This required the application of last element of the diagram that was the Administration and control. He saw that evasion statistics in upper courses is almost 40% then the first condition is not


giving up. Second training is something that requires an initial application of time and money to gather the results in the medium and long term, so it is necessary to have a vision of the future. Third, it is necessary to be pro active, go beyond what is required in the living room, looking to apply what you're studying. With these guidelines in mind, Marcos was satisfied with the implementation of the organizational model diagram and started the course.


05 Individual company After finishing college, Marcos had a proposal to outsource the accounting of a transport company. It was a challenge because it was newly formed and was already married. To evaluate the feasibility decided to use the organizational model.

The production for the transport company, as previous conversations, would be the Mark to make the company's tax


accounting, and it would need to occupy every morning of the week, from Monday to Friday, sometimes in company headquarters, other home. Human resources would be the Marcos and a helper, paid by the company that would do the meeting information. Financial resources have been divided into three parts. The initial investment would be the purchase of computer equipment, in the range of about $ 3,000. Expenditure would be the monthly expenses of Marcos and the signing of a monthly journal. The revenue would come from the company and the proposal was of a remuneration for 100 hours per month to $60 per hour that would make 6000. Materials resources would be simplified since Marcos would use an Office in your own home.


Marketing with the company was simple, it was to keep the routine, but Marcos would have the afternoon free and the idea was to provide other services, meet other companies. For this made a plan of visits to nearby companies to distribute cards, make contacts and propose the provision of services. To understand the expected results decided to design a demonstration of results. The company's proposal was to close a contract for a year. Did a survey of personal expenses and defined a compensation of $ 4,000 per month, it would accomplish most of the tasks. By using his own residence as Office, would have great facilities expenses. He decided to do the monthly and annual projection.


Description Recipe Compensation Desp. Admin. Journal Other expenses

Month 6,000 4,000 1,200 600 700

Year 72,000 48,000 14,400 7,200 8,400

-500 -8.3%

-6,000 -8.3%

Result $ Result%

At first it would have a negative result. As options to reverse this situation, could reduce the pro labored, reduce spending or increase revenue, after all, had the afternoon free. Description Man Hours Financials Result $ Result%

Unity HS $ $ $

$ 1,200, 72,000 -6,000 -8.3%


As administration and control would have to gather all these variables and optimization of resources. This occurs through the decision-making and the first decision to be taken was whether closed or not the contract with the company. With the use of the organizational model was easier. Made a review of the information and decided to close the contract.


06 Strategic planning It's been six months since Marcos was working with the company and the activities were flowing well. In addition to the tax accounting, had created a management accounting, transformed each truck into a center of results, management meetings attended and helped with the information for decisionmaking at the company. Were made some meetings to discuss a proposal for strategic planning for the company. Three consulting firms made presentations to show a budget to make the planning of the company. At the end of these meetings the General Manager called the Marcos to talk. He said he was not satisfied with the presentations. They were traditional models but did not represent the company's


culture and made a challenge to Marcos, make a proposal based on the organizational model and if approved would receive the equivalent of one of budgets companies representing about six months of billing. The deadline was tight and on Monday HE needed an answer. At least he had the weekend to organize the proposal. Took all the other activities of the agenda in order to devote himself to work. Had attended the presentations and the initial part was common, the preparation of vision mission goals and objectives of the Organization should be developed together, using panels, in a hotel. One of the differences could be the use of the organizational model. Each area should make your version. Another differential could be the results which were made by


trucks and could be extended to the areas. As an example, decided to make a first proposal, the organizational model with the knowledge he had of the organization.

The first step was to try to adapt the organizational model for a larger company, but to your surprise discovered that could use the same. Then proceeded to make an analysis by area. The commercialization of transport services were made in


three different ways. The bids for the State, the private company’s contracts and orders. Each one of them could be discussed and created goals. The production was the transport itself, had a Department itself, was where applied most of the company's resources. There was a proposal for implementation of a quality program, including with IS0 certification, and in strategic planning was a good time to discuss the deployment guidelines. The HR function of the Organization was already consolidated, but asked for a certain update. The part of materials involving facilities and equipment, mainly with regard to trucks required a greater control, had evolved with the implementation of the results, but now it was time


to create parameters and monitoring. In respect of services rendered to the Organization was known for being one of the leaders in the market in terms of time and quality and this should be reinforced. The results should be known by employees, a fifth of the value should be reversed in payment of a fourteenth salary and staff should strive to increase profits, mainly for generating well-being to customers. The second presentation was relatively quiet, what Marcos did not have specific knowledge about strategic planning he made up for with the knowledge of the Organization, and the proposal was coming and HE find the idea of making something custom, the culture of company and that could integrate the areas. Had the


unanimous approval and now had a month to deploy.


07 Conglomerate The transport company had been purchased by a larger group and Marcos was concerned because the company represented almost fifty percent of your revenue and had been advised that the contract would not be renewed. In the meantime received a phone call from the Secretary of the Director of the conglomerate requesting a meeting the other day. Marcos wasn't understanding but confirmed the meeting anyway. On Tuesday morning, with almost 1 hour in advance, arrived at the company's


headquarters, a sumptuous building, with many rooms, introduced himself said he had a meeting with the Director General and took the time to give a routed by outside of the company. When he was called, went to the meeting room which was huge and the Director and two aides were waiting. The Director said that should rather aim, confirmed that the accounts would be made in headquarters and this is a point that the controller did not give up, said the visits did the company were very intrigued on how the strategic planning is implanted and rooted in the culture of the people, in the amount of times that stated the


organizational diagram, how that employees seek to improve results. Confessed that this was always your aspiration for the holding company, who spend a reasonable amount with consultancy of international companies but do not have the results that he saw in the company. The question was whether Marcos believed that could be deployed in a conglomerate. It was a question for an answer right away, without time for a lot of preparation and argumentation and Marcos had not been ready, after all, didn't know the theme of the meeting. It was all or nothing and Marcos decided to bet. Told


that it was the result of a line of studies that had begun in College, who had developed the organizational model and it had a clear vision of the methodology that could be applied to a small business and answering the question could be applied to a conglomerate and made a brief summary as was the deployment on the company explaining the level of integration that the Director had seen in company. Marcos was excited but was stopped by the Director who remembered that had passed almost 1 hour, he had another appointment, but if Marcos accepted they could continue the conversation at lunch. It would be in the same room,


would be served a Buffet and it would bring a few more managers and Marcos could use a Data Show, if he wanted to. If he were to stay in the company for the next 2 hours would have a room available. It was necessary to decide fast and Marcos accepted. The 2 hours went by fast, the Milestones met some material that was used in the deployment of the company, prepared about of 30 slides Lunch/Meeting Noon sharp the secretariat asked Marcos to go to the meeting room. There was the managers of accounting, finance, and human resources planning in addition to two


assessors and a work desk. Was served a buffet and the Director warned that Marcos could make the presentation while the staff lunch, he could have lunch after. It was a very different environment than he could imagine, but if he wanted to maintain a relationship with the company would be the way they allowed. To attract the attention of the room, pulled a Pocket $100 note, and said he would give one of the gifts if they answer a question and everyone was curious with the approach. Did the projection of the organizational model and said the question was simple, give the $100 for those who


identify one of the elements in the diagram that he didn't have in the company.

The Middle Manager as a joke said the company has not had the expected results. Marcos agreed that the results may not be expected, but there are results. The accounting manager asked where the sciences. Marcos said that the Manager was formed in accounting, and more that the company didn't


have a laboratory, used many scientific principles in day-today activities. The financial manager stated that holding, the control part, for not being a factory, had no production. Marcos remember production is synonymous with activity order, and the whole area in an organization tends to have an activity order. When you have exhausted the alternatives, said he was going to give one more chance to make the $100, to show an activity enter the company that couldn't be included in the diagram. There have been some attempts, but none was convincing.


Marcos apologized for the joke, put back the note in his pocket and began the explanation because it had captured the attention of listeners. He explained that if all areas of the company were in the diagram the secret was set each, quantify and integrate systems. The result that they saw the company was on top of three major activities. The first was the definition of the mission, vision, goals and objectives of the organization which was done in the traditional way. The second was the extension of budget planning, in the form of results centers.


Finally the involvement of employees in the pursuit of result. The answer the question, was yes it was possible to deploy this system in a conglomerate, with a much smaller cost than was done today with foreign consultants, because much of the work and even system debugging is done by the departments responsible for the areas, which was already happening on the company and the present had the opportunity to verify for themselves. And opened for questions. Just got some 2 hours later for lunch because made too many questions, but previous experience helped


explain with examples how it would be done. On Monday the Director called and asked he to talk about the signing of a contract.


08 Business Despite the Mark to be on the run with the new contract, he used to support the local business association. With the news that he had won a contract in a large company was asked to give a lecture on the subject. Began the lecture with the same way they started meeting at the conglomerate, took a bill $ 100 from his pocket and said he would give to one of the present, identify one of the areas of the diagram that hadn't at your company.


An owner of a pet shop argued that there was no production. Remembered that the activity end of the store is for sale and this is the production. The supermarket owner said he didn't have a science area. It was remembered that every product that is sold, especially the feeding part, went through analyses of laboratories, scientific processes, and which in this


case is the use of science indirectly, but is used. The owner of a diner has stated that he does not have an administration area. It was remembered that as much as there is a Department, management, control of the docks, the accounts payable and other administrative functions are carried out by the owner. A man asked where human resources are since he works virtually alone. It was answered that if he works on his own human resources in this case boil down to himself. After suggestions the Mark kept the $100 in his pocket and said that if the diagram summarizes the


business of those who are present the secret would understand it, apply every day and get better results. Did a reading of the faces of those present and noted a certain skepticism in the air. Decided improvise and make a challenge. Would give advice for free for two months and at the end of this time would further meeting. If the company does not have a result 20% higher than in the equivalent previous year month he would deliver the note of $100, in public for this businessman, if the result was of 20% over businessman would give one-third of the additional marks. This messed with guys, because all seek


results and 20% was something significant, in addition to the fact that in two months be assessed what would happen. One of the gifts raised his hand, said he owned a company of winds and he'd go for the challenge. During the month The first thing the Marcos did was arrange a schedule of weekly meetings, the first of which would be the next day. At the meeting, the first step was to evaluate how the company works, based on the organizational model. Marcos suggested to make the evaluation of each


variable. Started by production services provided and the owner told us they were basically three service lines. The first were served in a dining hall of your property with a capacity for 250 people, the second was the preparation of meals and cocktails at events and the third was organizing events. The production was made according to the need, was made a planning, carried out the event and made a followup customer satisfaction. Human resources, was composed by his wife and daughter as well as an administrative employee and another in the commercial. As the events take place on


weekends and after business hours, even involving approximately of 25 people, the case is usually a dinner team, according to the need is paid through what is popularly called the rate, somewhere around $200 per event, for about 6 hours. The commercial, in addition to the official who was in contact with potential customers, the owner uses your contacts people to prospect potential business. Material resources were represented by 3 vans for transportation, the lounge and the equipment for events. The financial resources came from a leftover box spared through the activities


and the possibility of credit Bank. Administration and control beyond the employee and a counter the owner keeps the numbers in his head and in computer spreadsheets. In about 1 hour had a diagram of the operation of the company, now it was time to chart strategies for growth. Marcos gave your version. Looking at the diagram looks like you have flexibility in production, has plenty of material resources and capabilities and the possibility to expand financial resources. So your neck is in marketing what the owner agreed. So how about hiring a public relations firm,


commissioned, with a good percentage and get through this growth. At another meeting the public relations had already been hired and exposed some ideas. One of them was every month choose a professional category and make a festive meeting, by accession to these professionals and guests. Had gotten the email with dates of birth and marriage of the residents of the municipality would receive congratulations a month before and an invitation to talk about a party's budget. A local service club had to have weekly meeting agreed to make these meetings on site.


Closing dinner It was scheduled for the last day of the month, with the right to disclosure by the newspaper, radio interview, disclosure for the commercial association and the result is that the 200 and fifty places in the Hall were crowded. The owner asked to speak, showed the organizational diagram and the design that was made for your company. Said that he had not reached the 20% improvement over the same month of the previous year but in fact was almost 30% and place of receiving the $100 of Marcos was delivering a check with a


third of the additional earnings as agreed. Following it was the turn of Marcos talk told a little how it was done, said that could be repeated in most companies that the owners were present and said that through a partnership with a local College junior could do this job , it would just fill out a form in the output.



09 Financial System The Director called for meeting and expos a plan for expansion of shops. It was originally a capital for creating a network of stores but the plan was eventually changed to franchises. There was an agreement with a company in the area of Informatics, Fintec, which would make the information part. Came in contact with a major consulting firm to write a manual for this process and was asked about 600 hours of consulting, and the first draft was too out of the reality of the organization. Marcos did not have much time to think, but said that could make a stub, you'd need half the hours.


Stub To be able to give an answer in the short term, a language known by the Organization and enable an overview, the best way would be to use the organizational model.

Has changed the marketing to the end-user license agreement, in organizational diagram. The contract covers the contract made by beyond all legal regulations


including the manual that was being done. The production would be the volume of loans made and the execution of the documents. Human resources would be an employee of the company would dedicate fully, fintec personnel that would part of computerization and the staff of companies that would receive the loan to assemble the franchised stores. The funds would be limited to the amount that the array was reserved for the capital expansion of the franchisees. The materials would be used resources that already existed, including the new employee who will devote to these transactions will use a table that this vacancy in financial. As a result it is expected that the expansion with the creation of


9 franchised store in place of the 3 that would be created and originally invested capital return in three years, allowing the creation of new stores.


10 Environment The expansion process was going very well and the Marcos was called again by the Board. The Director said that this time had not consulted other consulting because the experience was showing that the projects that gave right were the ones who used the organizational diagram, but this time had a different challenge, back to the environment. Generally explained that it was a project in partnership with the city, to collect recycled paper that was used in one of the 5 companies of the group, manufacturer of corrugated cardboard for production of boxes. They are paying about $0.90 per kilo of recycled paper of a middleman that bought the paper collectors and then resold them. The plan was that the company


would equip the scavengers with a stand and a small compressor for various kinds of garbage, including paper. In Exchange the city pay the role the cost price, about half of what was being paid today. This was the general explanation and the question was whether the Mark on board the challenge. The number of hours available would be something around the previous project and he would have a week to deliver a project detailing how would be the relationship with the city, the pickers and the society. Was reminded that this was a project of the Foundation and had the objective of strengthening the image of the Organization together to society but had to maintain a sustainable nature.


Project As vineyard working the idea was to use the organizational diagram. Marcos made several visits, interviews, went to the City Hall, talked with the staff of the Foundation, did a few meetings and started the project.

Because it is a project developed by the Foundation, was changed with marketing communication area, getting as follows.


Communication is key because one of the goals is to develop a positive image with the population. For this was involved the public-relations company PR that will work along with the people of the city to divulge the project which has a vocation to have plenty of space, because the recycling of waste is a concern of the population in General and of environmentalists. The production is the work of scavengers who will do the selective collection, sorting papers, plastics, metals, organic and not sortable. The affection of collecting has three pair of cubic space material (2 x 1.5 x 1.20 m) so the size of a small car, with a compressor and will make the collection of the 8 P.M. at 6 A.M., starting with the central region has


a greater potential for recycled material. The human resources are scavengers that should open an individual company and issue an invoice per week and the team that will train and control the work. The funding will be used for the production of 25 initial stands at a cost of $1600, a value similar to the development of the project and payment of capital recycled material, noting that today is paid almost double for the middlemen. Has a prediction that in three and a half months the project has funded himself.


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